on tV'ie tii"cui.iiaut;&, a person re lates luit hi; ilt,i in a very amusing htor , and us tmt.t need smile i:i pitc of niir ngr.ivated fadings, an J some tii'ui a h irse laugh is absolutely lie cei.ar , or we are considered insuscep tible i.f agreeable rmoiLin ; and be- fore our featurr resume ihcir wonted placidity, wc arc c idled upon to hear sorrif V) ramus ami Tliiaby tragedy, and if we d rot weep, we arc pro nounced cruel umi unfitting. The Siifin Erg 'end. Kxtract nf a letter from a (liktiniiisheU literary t.entli iii.m in I.oUiluM to lu correspondent in No-1 oik. "I do not know whether the Spy. ha as yet been noticed in any of the period ical works here ; and indeed if it has. the opinion of these work are so very falla cious t hut the author may be kept in ig norance of the real recrptioii of his work. It gives rue pleasure therefore to state, on better authority than periodica) criticism, that the book has been highly successful. It is daily getting more and more into no tice, and I dj'ilv hear it spoken of in the most flattering terms by persons of the fuse distinction, both in literature and fashion. " One of thr best criterion of it suc cess is, that Murray repines he declined the publication of it, as he hears it well spoken of from every quarter. He lays all the blame at Gilford s door, to whom he had referred it, when first sent to him. and who had reported unfavorably of it. Murray would be triad to receive another work from the author of the Spy, and will use every means in hi power to obtain it."V. Y. Statenman. Cambridge University has now an an nual income, including the umount paid fry the student for tuition, of 45.000 dol lars It his an account of property, in eluding building and library, if more than half.' nillion of dollars and derives from its f ! and personal estate an annual in come if more than 20,000 rlallars; yet fortt-bt or ten years past, lias received 10.CO did l.i rs a vear from the state of M- rhusetts. In the state of New York, fur..- to the amount of 7?J,000 dollars hav K-rn granted to their colleges, and 10 .i,0 to their academies. In Virginia. SOt' C0 lollars have been expended upon th. dhling alone of the University lately ev t lished. South Carolina has within a fev cars expended 200.000 dollars upon buil'ings and other accommodations for thiir University, and pav annually fronr the state treasury, 12,000 dollars for the! suction of the irirucor l'hce facts, V..1- f'.. are stated in a memorial from Yale Col lege to the legislature of Connecticut, a incises to induce a grant of additional legislative pafonage to that respectable institution. lllnch'ter JiefiuMcan. ir.lSHLWTOVS ANCESTORS. riv a itTa aaiTina rt iLirsTias. In the complicated and marvellous ma chinery of circumstances, it is absolutely impossible o decide what would have hap pened, as to soi;'- events, if the slightest disturbance h l ken place, in the march of those that nrcrdrd them. We may i observe a li'tle dirty wheel of braf. spin-1 ning round tij e n i' greasy axle, and the lesult is tW in "Mother apartment, manv yards disi'n' 'torn ita beautiful piece of s:lk isu-i Pom a loom, n ailing in us l.ues thr in'- if the rainbow ; there are myiiads of events in our live the distance between which was much grester than that between thU wheel and the ribbon, lu where the connexion had been much more close. If a private country gentle man in t'heshiie, about the vear seventeen hundred and thirty, had not been over turned in his carriage, it is extremely ptobi-blr that America, instead of being a free republic at this moment, would have continued a dependent colony of England. This country gentleman happened to be Augustus Washington, F.q. w ho was thus laccidenily ihrorM into the company of a bidv who afterwards became hi wife, who emigrated with bim to America, and in the vrsr seventeen hundred and thirty two, t Virginia, beenme the envied mo ther r tieorge Washington the Great. HKITISH FINANCES, if the London accounts m the quarter's revenue, ending Ort. 10. 1820. be taktn as an accurate criterion fjr the whole year the vearly revenue rf the govern ment of Ore it Br itnin, for one year, 1 80. is 43,33S.OOO. sterling, equal to ore hum. ttrrd and Hinrry.thrre mH'iom thret hat . t!rtd and Jiftren tkwMndJivf hundred and ffiv jive dollan ar.dffty '" cent. This immense sum together with the revenue from Ii eland, and other part of the Brit ish empire, is, however, not found suffi cient to p inibe expri.se of the govern ment which every year in a time of pro fovnd peace, j:e'j more and more in debt. The retrtive. thus found Inadequate to meet rue year' expenses of the lliitisli l'Ov n.nicnt, would be found more than ut!'i imt to meet all the experses of the United Stales gov: tnmen'. lor tm pear. Pa-Indium. If nil (he v i (mils wt-,n ,rrtc toittuU as thr'Tpnu-ipals Ttry title blooj would be shed ijl that wav. INTKLLKiHXCK. Hi 'onii'S henud t a inny world, NuAh liotn nil latum Imnli'ring ut his buck. WIT. FROM F.XGLAXl). The jliip l''cuh', armed ut New-York frmn .iverjiool has brought I.uii.liii dates to the 7tli Jiiih", ami Liverpool oi wie atu. . i .i ...1 bottom fiuvc experienced a further decline public null have been made of I'plainl at u re ductiou of 14 per lb. and of Sea Island at 1-- Tlio niarket is extremely heavy, and no hopes appear to be entertained of any revival. Ki'-e, on the other hand is looking up. . 2W tieru sold early in Junr, at Liverpool, from 1 j C to '"'. and a few hull' tiercel at 16. fid. The proclamation of the Kir.pcror Alexander, relative to Turkey in circulation at 1'arisv is pro nounccd to be a forgery. Commotion in I'arw, Lyons, and other parts of France are frequent, and disturbance contin ues to agitate Spain. Appearance of hostilities between Turkey and liWia diminish every duy upon the Conti nent, tiovernment funds are high in every country in Europe. Accounts from St. I'rtcrsbtirgh of April 30, mention the arrival of M. Tate sclied', and declare that no war would take place. '1 he Fmperor had not left that city, but was exacted shortly to set off to Warsaw, Vienna and Italy. A bill is before the llritish Parliament, propo sing to peunit a direct intercourse between the Kait-tndies and the British Colonics. Nothing fatal had been done on the 6th June with the Wet fmlia and American trade bill. The (ireeks ami Turks still maintain a bl'KKly Contest villi various sncceis. ( 'luirlettvn ,1cr. I SI'KF.f II OF IIIF. KIM. OF FltANCE. Sfreih pioivivncd by hit .Miei'y, vpm ntening the .Vi-mioi of the Cliumtvrt. " fiKKTLKMF.sJ 'I'ho necessity which has long been felt of liberating the finan cial administration from thuse provisional measure to which it has been necessary hitherto to recur, lias determined me, this year, to anticipate the period of calling you together, lit exacting from you this new sacrifice, I relv upon your zeal, and upon that devo'ion of which you nave giv en me so many proofs. " Providence has preserved the infant which it has given to us, and it is a pleas ing thought to imagine that he j destined to tepair the losse and misfortunes which have bef.dlen my family and my people. " I have the satisfaction to announce to you tlut my relations with Foreign Pow ers continue to te of the most amicable description. A perfect unanimity has in fluenced the efforts, concerted between mv Allic and rovsclf, tn put an end to the calamities which oppress the Last, - a - I nf. . 1 . . ... anu wnicnaiuict numanuy. i cnerisn tne hope nf seeing tranquility restored to those countries without the occurrence of a pew war to aggravate their miseries. " The naval force which I maintain in the Levant has accomplished its destina tion, by protecting my subjects, and by affording aid to the unfortunate, whose graiiiude has been the reward of our so licitude. " I have adopted precautions which have kept from our frontiers the contagion which has ravaged a part of Spain. The present season does not permit that we should relax these precaution, and 1 shall therefore continue them as long at the safety of the country may require it. Ma levolence alone can discover in these mea sure a motive foreign to my real inten tions. "Hash enterprises have disturbed in some parts nf the kingdom public tran quility ; but they have only served to dis play more signally, the zeal of the magis trates and the fidelity of the troop. If a small number of individuals w ho are the encmie of o-dcr, siew with despair our institutions consolidated and rendering a new support to the Throne, my people ab hor their criminal designs. I shall take care that violence doe not deprive them of the privilege they enjoy. " Positive calamities though exaggera ted by fear, have recently desolated the department contiguous to the capital The aid of public and private benevolence has, however, mitigated them. The ac tivity of the inhabitant shortened the du ration of these disaster j authority sec onded their real justice will punish the guilty. u The exact state of the debt arrtrree is at length ascertained, and will be sub mitted to you. This debt, whose origin is in times happily far removed from us, and whose liquidation has developed its full extent, will retard for the present yeir, in spite of my most deep regret, a part of those ameliorations of which the various branches of the revenue will be susceptible. ' The advantage we have already r,b. tained, should encourage us to perseveit: for their maintenance and increase. 1 rely upon your aid to secure, in our beau tiful ccuntry, that ptospe rity wh'n.h Prov idence designs for us; this is the wish of my heart; the incessant object of my thoughts; it is the consoling idea which allevi ates the recollection of tny piiinn, and whii h embellishes the anticipations ol the future." LONDON, JUNE 6. The rumoured Congress ut the rity of Florence is aanounccd in l'ajis with in creating confidence; but the soveicigus of which this assemblage will be compo sed, are not even a fleeted to be known. That Russia and Austtia would be princi pals is obvious: what other potentates might be invited to assist the council of Legitimacy, no conjecture is yet hazard ed. If such assemblage be really held, it may be hoped that the results of the de liberations will be more conducive to the permanent tranquility of Europe than those of the memorable Congress at Vi enna. Mr. De Tutischefl'i represented as remaining at I'etersburgh, without any appearance of tho negotiations laving terminated. From that circumstance peace is inferred, nnd the Austrian Metal li'iuei bear a better price. At Paris, and in London, the expectation is for peace. The obstacle to publicly promulgating an event which cannot but give satisfaction to the mcnied interests, is nevertheless yet involved in mystery. From Buchar est we learn, that the Asiatic troops spread havock and destruction at every point within the sphere of their retreat; but that the inhabitants could not divest themselves of apprehension that they might yet return. The mutual atrocities of Turks and Greeks give a character of sanguinary ferocity to the contest, alto gcthe.r disgusting. At Scio, the street are said to have been covered with many thousands of dead Greeks, in which were comprehended, as well females as males. If in the capture of the place 4000 of the assailant were destroyed, that obstinate resistance) may account in some degree for the extent of the massacre nor have we any reason to doubt that the ven geance of the Greeks, if successful, had been equally sanguinary. It must, how ever, be remembered that the Greeks have been groaning under the yoke of op pression during three centuries, and of (he many anomalies in national policy, which modern times present, that of the support of Turkey, by Austria and En gland, is not the least surprising. That the Government secretly abet the Turks, has been long conjectured if the follow ing extract of a letter received in town this morning from Salotiica lie deemed worthy of credit, conjecture will be con verted into certainty : f Ejrtract J a letter from Suluuica.J a The important Island of Negropont is delivered from the Turkish yoke, after a series of bloody battles, in which the Greeks of the island were supported by the troop of the Peloponnesus. The inhabitant of Sapor, ia have intercepted a large sum of money from Constantinople to Chourschid Pacha. The llydriots have seized three thgfuh sessels with ammunition for the Turks. The Greek j government paid the captains of these j vessel the price of ihcir cargoes, and sent them to Zante, with a letter to the j English commander, complaining of the i repeated violations of the neutrality to which the English had pled-red them selves. An .luttrian vessel, after con senting to be searched by a Greek brig, tired upon her, and killed several of her crew j but the Greeks returned the charge, captured the Austrian, and carried her to Patmos, where the Captain will be tried." lirithh Truvcllcr. IHn Till UVSaraxiL Il TtlT. State of Ireland. Extracts from infor mation received by the Liverpool Com miltee. A letter from the Archbishop of Tuam, to the secretaries at Liverpool, says, " I pray the relief of your benevolent com mittee to the perishing population of this town and immediate neighborhood. Our distressed state is truly deplorable, and 1 1 k'a w,!c, xve published in our last, is de have the same to report of almost the ' cidctMy favorable to the side of the Ui.i whole of the province t.f Connaught, ,fH s'atcs, in the controversy with the over which, as Metropolitan, I preside, I am appalled at th conviction that ma-1 ny must die from actual hunger, and ma- Bt ,h C,0HC of lhe la,e war- 11 " sucl1 ny more from the effrcts of bad. scanty, as rnight have been expected from a just unwholesome, iinniitritimi food." ' ! ly disposed and disinterested arbiter. The A letter from the Uector or Castleha-1 C,JSS or "ses embraced by the third par ven, say Already four individuals have , apraph cannot be large, though there may died from famine. I yesterday found by ! ne rasf hch arc embraced by it such, the road side a girl, 12 year old, attemp-i for sample, at that of slaves which dc ting to cat crass ; she had not tasted food I er,f d to the British force under Nicholls, tor three days, and could scarcely articu- ,n 1 'nua, ana caincu on. i ne late. The squalid countenance of the who'e amount which, under this decision peasantry are appalling. 1 saw a man ' ? ,h Emperor, will become payable to yesterday, faint, whilst digging u field, I r'"ins of the United States, cannot Tall from hunger. Weeds of the corn field ! far 6,' of t0 ndllions of dollars. Con are collected to furnish a wretched meal. ! derablo time wiil necessarily edapse, we Famine will soon be followed by pesti-j should suppose, before the claims can lie iencc." A letter from a gentleman of Slio, now at Dublin, says, " I am induced to address myself to you, on behalf o( the tioor in the town and neighborhood of Sligo, j where not only famine, but disease pre vails to tin alarming extent, and whero it is computed, that upwards of "00 persons will he for ome months depending on public bounty for the means of existence. I had a letter from Sligo this morning, which represents, on the report of visit ing committees, the misery greater than those who were best acquainted with the situation of the poor could have possibly conceived. My friend says at thiir sec ond public meeting, the county court house, where it was held, was nearly fill ed with poor, piteously inquiring what was to be done for them ; it was :n affec ting sight. He calculated on 600. being got, which, tinder present circumstances, is a laige sum for Sligo. The commit tee me going prudently to work ; they ut e giving out seed potatoes on a credit, and finding work for the poor at reduced rates. Any assistance your committee ran af ford, will be most acceptable, and will lie gratefully acknowledged." A letter received from I'allina, says, "within the limited sphere of my own observation, there is a degree of private, patient suffering, that almost exceeds be lief; but the faces of the sufferers show their privation. One instance occurred last week : the widow of a baker, who had been an industrious, honest man, was, with a family of eight children, without any kind of food for 43 hours : on hearing of it, I sent her a sack of potatoes, und some meal. Every street supplies instan ces of distress ; in one lane near us, 1 1 houses were deserted in one week by their inhabitants from absolute necessity. Dur ing last week, seven of these houses were filled with beggars, two and three fami lies in each house, and the rest will, no doubt soon be occupied in u similar way, as they are flocking in great numbers ; many of them have the Appearance of having seen better days. Want will be felt for full three months to conic, ere which, God know? what may be the con sequence." A letter from the Hv. Mr. Seymour, of Lonnemare, says, " there are not, I believe, ten families in the barony of Hal lynahlnch who have sufficient food to sup port them during the summer; manv families strive to exist on one poor meal in the day ; several live on shell fish and salt leaf, other have bcendiivcn to the necessity of disinterring the potatoes they have planted, and using them for food, while some individuals for the want of seed were obliged to lay their potatoo gardens waste. Typhus fever, the result of scarcity of provisions and unwhole some food, rages much in this r.o.iiiiy." A letter from the committee at Clons- kilty, county of Cork, savs, " Were we to attempt a description to you of the ap palling scents of famined-faced misery, with which we arc surrounded, it would only add an unnecessary panrr to acting philanthropists. We have entered into subscriptions which enable uu to employ one hundred and twenty labourers on works of utility, leaving thousands on thousand unemployed. Melancholy to state, of the small number we have em ployed, many ofjhcin lud not xateu anw food from thirty to forty hours previous." A letter from T. S. Lindsay, Esq. High Sheriff of Mayo, savs, the aJixtress arises from " a failure in the potatoe crop of last year, and the inability of the lower class es to purchase either this root or any oth er provisions at present. 1 he small plots usually attached to the cabins of the poor, in many cases, remain unsown from the impossibility of procuring seed. Noth- ing can be more wretched than the situa- tion of the peasantry generally in Mayo I have seen hundreds of wretched people greedily seeking for water cresses, wild mustard, nettletops, dw arf thistles, or dan delion, all the spring ; and this unnatural food has been the only tneal within their reach." w IJJWM a i)o.vrs'ric. iiostos, jvly 10 Yesterday General Hairy Dearhorn, Envoy cxtraordinm y and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Portugal, his lady, and fan i!v. sailed for Lisbon, in the brig Spartan, Captain Soule. WASHINGTON, J V t. V 17. The decision of the Emperor of Uus- kntish government on the sut.-cct of hc k!jVrs deported from the tinted States, liquidated, as they wiil have to be srpa ratcly and judicially examined. Xat. Intel. TfiefbUiztring i the dethhn : The Em peror is of opinion, "that the United " State of America are entitled to a just " indemnification from Great Britain for " all private property carried away by the u Uriiish forces ; anil os the question re " gards slave more especially, for all " such slaves as were carried away by the " British forces from the place and ter " ritorie of which the restitution was " stipulated by the Treaty, in quitting the " said place and territories." " 1 hat the United States ore entitled to "consider, as having so carried away, all " such slaves as may have been transpor ted, from the above mentioned tcrrito " i ies on board of the British vessels with " in the waters of the said territories, and " who for this reason have not been re " stored." 44 But if there should be any American j u slaves whs were carried uny from tc " ritot ies of which the first article of the Treaty of Ghent lias not stipulated the restitution to the U. States, the States "arc nut to claim uti indemnification ,jr " the said slaves." If we place any faith in newspaper re port, the next congress will comprize some of the most distinguished charac ters of our country. Langdon Cheves, Dc Witt Clinton, Gen. Jackson, Henry Clay, and Gen. W. Scott, are spoken of as candidates for seats on the floor of Con gress. The community will not be at a loss to discover the peculiar attractions that invite such a galaxy of talent to the American capital, at the next Congress, when they recollect that the near upproacU of the presidential election makes it prob able that the great question ot determin ing who will be the successorof president Monroe may be decided, so far us relates to the will of the Congress, at it fust, season. Wanlt. City Gaztjte. mvj Intelligrticr On Saturday, the 22d nit. two attornics (John 11. Hopkins and B. Craig, Esq's.) were arraigned f t the bar in Pittsburg, for conteuiit rj court, and fined glsO each. On the Saturday preceding, they were engaged on the op posite side of a cause wherein the matter at issue between their clients, amounted to one dollar and fifty cents, before an ad journed court of common picas Judge Wilkin presiding. Craig accused Hop kins of having made a false representa tion to the court which was denied, and re-csscrtcd : when the latter called tho former a liar whereupon Craig jumped on him and gave him a moderate pom melling, to the no small amusement of the court and bye-standers. This circum stance gives the lie to somebody, who ha tartly, as he supposed, likened iwo aitur hie to a ftuir jf tctttort, the blades ol which cut what passes between them, without cutting themselves. I'ittkburr; fiajicr. CAUTION'. kkw-voiik, jllv 12. There appcar.s to be a giiiguf young villains in this city, who enter people's bouses under vaiiou i pre texts, but lor the sole purpose of car rying o.T whatever they can lay their IuimU oi Yesterday a house in Beaver Stiect was entered by one of these I'rrtiy Ihyt, with ' May I liqht a Cigar ? The request was granted, but unfortunately the cigar was difficult to light, and whilsc the servant busied herself about some do mestic concern, the y oung gentleman se cured a wntch that was hanging over tha mantlcpiece, silver spoons that were on ' the dresser, and then retired, with ' I atTi very much obliged to you.' I'ltK POCKET. We have just been informed that a gen tie man from the South, while standing at the post office window, had hi poikct book stolen, containing 4000. The bills w'cie cf the following description: g93 United States' Bank ; S40CBauk of Amer ica. The balance in Daiicn and Savan nah money, mostly in 100 and 50 dollar bills. A laboicr standing immediately behind him is suspected of the theft. NAHROW ESCAPE. A carriage was seen going down Bcc-tor-strect towards the wharf, and just as the horses were about walking ctf the doek into the liver, a bystander seized the reins. A gentleman popped hi bead out of the window, exclaiming hallo, what do you stop ihe horses for when it was discovered that the driver had fallen from his scat at a considerable distance, being drunk. A moment more and the whols establishment w ould have been lost- 'tMni'iniM. A man named I'micn Ann. lately died at Norfolk, of abstinence. He had been hypochondriac, and his last fatal illusion consisted in a belief that if he fasted forty days, (the duration of our Saviour's fast he would lie endued with the divine nature, and nevtr die. In vain did his friends remonstrate in vain did nature, retiring gradually, warn him of approaching dissolution. lie persevered until the twenty-fifth day, when in an ex treme slate of exhaustion, reduced to a mere skeleton, having only on the twenty-first day taken a little mint toddy and a little milk, refreshing himself by the ex ternal application ot water to his lace and breast, he died Charlatan Courier. .hria! Aiitrciilicn from lilmbcy to .on u'(,n. It appears by a certificate published in the Bombay Gazette Extraordinary, by Mr. Warden, chief secretary, that Mr. T. lioycc had made application to the Gov ernor of Bombay to be allowed to carry the mails, ic from Bombay to London, by means of a balloon, he professing to have discovered a method of giving horizontal motion in xronautics. Ihe Governor referred Mr. Boyce to the Philosophical Society of Bombay. A Mr. Hodgson has also put in his claim to rcronaulic fame ; and another competitor has appeared in the Calcutta Journal of Sept. 20, where the mode of operation is explained at con s'tlcrablc length.