S.IIJSIWIIY TTKSDAY MOiiMN(i, Al.'G. 6. 1H2J. n-ii- - ' ' 1 ' " ' -; - The obstinacy with which our eastern friend adhere to the impci fectionn of our constitution, because they are sanctioned Ly timet and the clamor which they raise at the bare mention of innovation, or im provement, arc very happily exposed in the following extract of a letter from I)r Hush. It was published in the last 1U Jcigh Register for quite a different pur jose ; and trie editors, doubtless, were entirely unconscious of the unkind cut they were Riving the wise men of the Kast. The anecdote at the conclusion hits palpably ; and if we are not mistaken, it is the amount of the argument of more than one of tho advocates of "sticking to what is ancient," in the debate on the Convention Question in the luit General Assembly. EXT1UCT. " I know," says the Doctor, "how apt man kind are to brand every proposition for iniiova turn at visionary ami Utopian, itut good men should nut be discouraged by such epithets, from their attempts to combat vice and error. I lie re liever wan an imnrovemont in any art or science. nor a proposal for meliorating (lie condition of man, in any atfe or country, that Ins not been considered in the ht of what has been called an Utopian tclu-me. " The application of the magnet to navigation, and of steam to mechanical purposes, have both been branded as Utopian project. Tho (freat idea of Columbus, of exploring a new world, u as Unitf viewed in most of the cuurts of Kurnpe, as the dream of a visionary sailor. " Von and I recollert'lhe time , as also when the independence of the Cnited States, and the present wise and happy confederation of our republics, were all considered by many of our sober, prudent men, as subjects of an Utopian nature. "For the benefit of those persons who con nider opinion a improu-d, like certain liipiors, Ly time ; and who are opposed to innovations only because they did not occur to our anc.es tors i 1 shall conclude my letter with an anec dote of a Minister of London, w ho after em ploying a lonij senium, in controverting what be supposed to be an heretical opinion, concluded it with the following words: ! tell you I tell you, my brethren, 1 tell you again, that an WJ error it better than new truth." Mr. Adams has come out in the Nation al Intelligencer of the I7ih ultimo, with a reply to Mr. UusscH'slast letter. It oc cupies nearly tix closely printed col umns, and is to be continued in another paper. Mr. Russell, we doubt not, has cte this become convinced, by painful ex perience, that the " descent to Avernus is easy," but that to return is a work of no little difficulty; and he would willingly, we suspect, resign all the budding honors which his j;ift of prophecy, and his Jisin tetested patriotism had thickened around him, if his letter from Pal is, and the f. tal duplicate, and the recollection of them, could be buried in the must profound ob livion ; if eternally eoulJ die. The letters and the prophecy. We believe there can be but one opin ion, with all impartial men, as to Mr. Rus bell's object i and but one as to Mr. Adams' vindication. We wish we were able to publish the whole of this controversy ; but it it loo voluminous for a weekly piper; us to enalle us t publish it, wc should be compelled to exclude, for weeks, every1 thing else. We have only room now for the concluding paragraphs of Mr. Adams' letter ; we may make larger extracts here after. " Such is the tnie history of the tact in of Mr. Kussell, in brinifinir before the 1 1 -mac of Itepre- nlativcs and the nation, his impeachment of his collcapicR, the majority of the Ghent mil lion that it was such of mo, is fully admitted iiy himself in the Host on Statesman, by (tiling tnr the arfv.r.v party, and in that publication he ufficiently indicate hi disposition in the pro gress of his operation to concentrate hi char, pi splint n" al 'iic. Re it so. In my rcmai ks ipon the original and dupluate of hi accnto 'V letter i ttlcd it a Yiiormm iistuc'j mxrrprc "ntutini. Me complains of thi as of utu'emr snd arrimnny, which he boast of not having re turned. If virulence ami acrimony had no oth er vchiclo tlu.t haj sh laniue, if the) could be iisppiiseit under professions of unfeigned rr fprct, however cautiously Mr. Itu.cl had ab taiued from them in hi original letter from Pa ris, lip had been much leu oSm rvant of that de corum in the duplicate, prepared with new re lisiic of crimination to suit the appetite of po. Ii'.kral hatred ; and the publication in the Host on statesman is by no means sparing either of viru lence or acrimony against me. Tim whole ten or of his argument in the original letter, apuiiM l.i colleagues, w as sneering and sarcastic. In die ItivstiiH Statesman, besides direct charge against me, of ditiinfrnututimt, of having made an unprinaj ted and unfirvvuked attack upon him, of disrespect to the House of ltrpreriitativ-, of iiifirmrtie of temper and t.istcj and of bciti : dreaming via'nnary, he tries even the temper of hi wit to assa'd me, and by a hiavyjoke up on an expression used in my remark, indulges his o n inttinct of misquoting my words to make them appear ridiculous. If this he Mr. Russell's mildness and moderation, it looks very much like tke virulence and arrimonv of other. In Oic transaction of human sff i there r deeds of which no adequate idea cm he convey ed in the terms of courtesy and urbanity i yet I admit the obligation of a public man to meet with cnoliic-s and self-coiniiuind the vilest arti fices, even of fraud and malignity, to rob him of i he most precious oi human possessions, Ins good name "thrice happy they who master so their blood," If in mv former remark upon Mr. Russell's Jamis-faced letter, or in thin refutation of his new and direct personaLnttack upon my reputation, I have, even in word, transgressed the rule of decency, which, under every provo cation, it is Mill the duty of my station and of my character to observe, though, unconscious my self, of the oU'eiics, 1 submit to the impartial judgment of others, and throw myself upon the candour of.iuy country for its forgiveness. This paper has been confined to a demonstration of the Frailty or the pliability ol Mr. liussclls me mory, in relation to facts altogether recent. As, upon an issue of facts, I do not even now ask that my word alone should pas for conclusive, statement of Mr. Urent and Mr. Ilailey, relative to the production of Mr. Russell's letter before the House of Itepresentatives, and to the inci dents from which Mr. Itussell has attempted to extort a charge of disingenuoiisncss against me, are subjoined. My only wish is, that they should be attentively compared with Mr. Russell's nar rative. In another paper I whall prove that Mr. Rus sell's reminiscences of the proceedings at Ghent, bear the same character of uiitituution substitu ted fo memory,, and that what he calls "the real history of the transaction," the fishery and Mississippi navigation proposal, contradictory to the statement which Iliad made in my re marks, is utterly destitute of foundation." It is reported in the papers, that a se cond duel is about to take place between Col. Cumming and Mr. M'DulTic ; and from the publications which have been made in an Augusta paper, subsequent to' the late meeting, we thiuk such an event not improbable. It is pretty certain that one of the parties wishes to renew the quarrel ; for the real object of an unpro okcd and unwarrantable publication was covered with too flimsy a veil, not to be discovered by the least discerning eye. When a sense of honor impels a man to fight, there may be some interest in his fate, there may be some pity for his fall ; but when a spirit of deadly revenue urges him on to murder, let the guilt of the murderer, and the curse of the murderer rest upon htm. I he current of public opinion is setting strongly against the practice of duelling; the late duel' lias sufficiently established this fact. The custom had it origin in a semi-barbarous aj;e ; is abbot rent to humanity, and at war with every' precept of genuine Christian ity , and it seems to us impossible that it can be lonr tolerated among un intelligent and a virtuous people. There is not only a spirit or political, but also of moral re form, going on in the world ; and the tri umpli of the one is no less certain than of the other. And we firmly believe, that the lime will be, when duelling will be as contrary to the genius and spit it of the age, and as obsolete, as deciding the guilt or innocence of an individual, by judicial combat with his accuser, is to the present. OR THK WISTIB (itint.lSU.t. Mriirn. I'rintm ; A good deal of noise has been made in this state about a pro ject that was offered in the Oncral As sembly at its last session for incorpora ting a new Dank, the funds and profits of which were to belong entirely tothe state I have but little acquaintance with bank ing business ; but in collecting and colla ting the arguments for and against this measure, I am rather disposed to think the rejection of it by the legislature was a wise and wholesome measure. It is Said by its advocates, very truly too, that money is extremely scarce, and that there is and will he grrat distress in the count iy in consequence of that scarcity. It is fur ther urged, that banking is a very profita ble speculation, that individuals and com panies are fattening on the vitals of the community, wan but little general ad vantage ; whereas tho projected scheme, it is asserted, would have enriched the public chest, and so have rendered taxes unnecessary. On the other hand, it is argued, that the faith of the state is pledg ed, in the chat ter of the State Rank, to incorporate no other bank during the ex istence of that charter : three replies have been made to this argument. In the first place, it has been said, that no legislature can so pledge the faith of the Mate, that a subsequent legislature cannot revoke the grant. Secondly, that the extension of the charter of the bank of Cape Fear and New bet n (lid virtually violate the faith of the state, pledged tothe State Bank, and therefore justifies the total disregard of the pledge by any future session of the Assembly. Thirdly, that as the State Bank has itself violated its chat ter, it has thereby released the stale from iu obli gation to observe the provisions of the contract. I have chosen to put these answeis in the strongest light in which I have heard them leprescn'td, because, us the objection and the answers to it affect what may be teimed the morality tf the subject, as well ai the expedient)' it will ulways be important to show that the measure is consistent with the retjuir incuts of common honesty t least, befote we venture to recotrrund it; ss whatev- I ertrnds to pollute the public morals ought, on that account, if no otrTer, to be adopted wiiii itcsuaiion, ii uuopieu at all. Now as to I ho first of those answers, it is undeniable that the principal hojcof. succeeding in a new bank must rest on a pledge by the legislature of the faiUi ol the state for the redemption of the stock created in order to put the bank In opera tion ; however, therefore, other may be entitled to argue on the abstract question, h certainly uoes not nciong to tno advo cates of the new bank, to weaken, or ra ther to destroy all dependence on such pledge, by demonstrating that nobody is bound by it. And really, however confi dent those may be who produce this ar gument, I am disposed to doubt its cor rectness. I am disposed to believe that the faith of the state may be pledged by one session of the legislature, in such manner, as to become part of a contract, and therefore cannot afterwards be viola ted without impairing the obligations of The State Bank undertook, among other thingsdo redeem tlrold currency ; and, by the terms of tho contract, obliged itself to do this, almost at its own expense. And to remunerate it for this service, it was promised that no other bank should be chartered during the term for which its charter lasted, litre is a fair contract, in which one benefit is promked for anoth er. But the extension of the charters of the other banks, it is contended, was a violation of the contract perhaps it was : but does it therefore follow, that because the charter has already been violated by one of the parties, that therefore the same party has a right utterly to diregard the obligations of the contract. Lastly, it cannot be denied, at least I do not deny, that the Slate Bank may have acted in such manner as to release the state from its obligations. It has been asserted that the bank has broken its charter, and that the legislature is thereby released from the observance of the bargain. This may all be true, or it may be partly true and partly otherwise, or it may be entirely false. The question is, how is it to he determined ? A process before the Judi ciary, upon a quo warranto, would per haps he 'he least exceptionable method, as that would refer the mat'er to a body capable of examining the evidence. But we are told no such process is needed ; that the fact is notorious; that every body knows it This way of deciding ques tions of abstruse and intricate solution by public opinion, is liable to strong objec tions. Athens banished some of her best citizens, and put Socrates himself to death, by general suffrage ; and even in our own country we have an example of an indi vidual, whom every body . pronounced guilty of treason, whom .yet a fair ttial was not able to commit. But if the le gislatutc, and not the Judiciary, are to try this question of the violation of charter, ought not the bank to be heard at their bar? Ought it not to have an opportunity of cross-examining the witnesses and show ing its innocency"? Upon the whole, then, I think that the argument against the new bank, drawn from its immoral tendency, remains in full force. With respect to the expediency of the measure, and allowing that things may sometimes appear expedient, that have no favorable bearing upon morality, although I have strong doubts whether or not those J nppearances areever other than fallacious; but, for argument sake, supposing such a thim; mi flit sometimes happen we may observe that t'ne first artiuineni net iced as, supporting the propriety of chartering a new lu'tik, that is. the exigencies of tne country, do perhaps rather support than remove the objections to the new bank. If. as is generally supposed, a great part of the present distress is occasioned by bank ing institutions, (a position, bye the bye, by no means supported, in my opinion, to the extent sometimes asserted,) how, 1 would ask, can it be expected that thore evils should be remedied by increasing one of the causes that have produced them? Much confusion would certainly i of the nobleman who is at the head of result fioin bringing the new bank inlojthe Catholics of Ireland and the venera- operation ; either the present banks would take the money issuing from the contem plated bank in payment from their debtors, or they would refuse them. If the latter, of what use would the new bills be, seeing the great need we have for money is to pay the banks what is owing to them from the country. If.on the other hand, (which is the most ptobable,) the new notes were to be taken in by the other bunks, the consequence would be, that the vaults of the new bank would be constantly drained of its specie to meet its notes reluming to it faster than hnv amount contemplated to be there deposited would be able to meet. From such a state of things a depre ciation would result injurious alike to hold ers of the notes and the credit of the state, implicated in the credit of the new bank. I acknowledge myself entirety incom petent to the business of examining the probabilities of its being a gainful specu lation to the state. The institution would have to struggle at first with some power ful oppositions ; Mid it may well I e ques tioned, whether the withdrawing our sur plus revenue, already invested in the banks in the state, where the gain is as certained, and if not exorbitant, is sutr. for the visional y purpose of putting into opcrr-tion a new bank, where the gains must Le uncertain, snd liable le be imp: ir- cd by unforeseen occurrences, can be justified by the sober dictates of a soun'l diicrction. In aid of this course of rea soning, we ought not to overlook the cir cumstance that the amount drawn from the State llajik is in areat me-istire drawn from stock subscribed for, and of which the payment is deferred, at a rate of in terest at which we should in vain hope to obtain funds for the new Hank. Having thus examined '.his delicate subject with all the candour imaginable, but with abil ities and information very fir short of the occasion, permit me to suggest a hope that this essay may call forth the remarks of those who are experienced in such mat ters as certainly the public mind ought to be well informed on a subject in which there arc none too exalted, and hut few too much debased, to be more or less in terested. A l'AHMI.ll. Tin: mexicxy KMrr.uon. Never was there a more flimsy, muslin gauze veil drawn over the designsof an am bition that cares not to conceal itself, than is seen in ihe proclamation of Mr. Ituk- bide, iJlut-uttm I.) limperor of Mexico. He begins by expressing a deidre, that although he is an F.rnpcror, lie may t-ven yet rntertuin the tone and language of a simple citizen. The language of every man should be, honor and truth and why should Kings be released from it ? He modestly asks the Mexicans, what merit they discovered in him ? and lest they should not answer as soon as he wished, he replies for them in the next sentence, he had " saved them from the tyranny of three centuries !" He asks them whether the Crown is not the natu ral gratitude of the people he had saved ? and fearing they should say no, iu the next sentence he says, " Yes, ceriainly !" He says next, that he has been delighted with the Mexicans, ever since they ten dered him the Diadem ; and he would have submitted to the painful tacrifce of taking it then, but bis comparisons be- j tween the disquietudes of life, and the tivrriH of solitude, induced this young Bo n a f a u t k and Adosis, aed 37 years, to seek repose in retirement. But he was determined that Mexico should be free, and fell in love with the people, because he saw they were in love with him like sweet Narcissi's and his shadow. He was, he says, content with the laurels on his brow, (modest voung man !) but he shaded them with a Crown disinterested patriot ! He then tries to persuade the Mcxi cans that their making him a King, is a proof of their freedom ; because it shews that they can do as they please. And then he tells them that he made them free, and that he will be their King ! He says next, that having the Crown, he wont revenge himself on those vho opposed giving it to him. He had read, perhaps, of the remark of the King of France, that he remembered not the injuries of the Duke of Orleans. And thus has this boasted effort at the establishment of a Republic, terminated in a I yranny ; anil we in this country, with the best intentions, have been duped into courting the Acquaintance of a niili- Mary adventurer, w ho has not sheathed his sword, before he is putting on the purple robe of royalty Charleston Ciurit r. aK4. Mui RandUih oj!. It appears that our countryman Mr. Handolph, has made another oratorical display in London, at a meeting of the " liritisli and f oreign. School Society," held on the 1 6th of May. The following notice of his remarks is contained in the Times of the ITth : Mr. Randolph (of the American Con gress) proposed vole of thanks to bis grace the Uot.c uf Uedford, and the noble men and gentlemen vice-patruns of the society. He dwelt upon the honors and virtues of the house of Mussel, and of the other names, which were the objects of his resolution, amongst which were those bh Bishop of Norwich-1 It is quite remarkable, though nut very edifying, to find an American, a member of our Republican Congress, proposing at a public meeting in London, votes of thanks to a Duke of Hcdford and celebra ting the virtues of the house of Russel. !; v.u.!d h.ve Uc.i if Mr. "aiiuuljm had previously consulted, os to the hito ry of that house, Mr. Hurke's Letter to a Noble Lord, contained in the 4th vol. of that statesman's works, whose politics and writing Mr. R. has professed greatly to udmiie. DIET), Ot Mmidsv, the 13ih of July, at lL.tiiilmn ViUe, near Philadelphia, Mjwi hl Touum, Min ister of the Colombian Ui public near the l uited States, in the SKth year ol his ape. The cause of human nature haa lost one of it mot disinterested and ablest advocatta and, perhaps to Colombia and the whole Spanish America, the Ions is irreparable nor is the de parture of this rarely rafted man, a Hdit consid eration to those intrrrsts which na'.urallv unite the Northern villi Southrrn Amcrics, hi that prcat communion of security and unitv, to the acceleration of which he had devoted the last 35 j ears of his life, and, in effect, life itself. In Paris, May 17, the Duke de Rnnuit, Peer of France, Lieutenant (iencral, Ministe r of State, and late Prune Minister of lrancc, in the ."!d vrr of It s age He haJ been at hi country at st. Oo'irticl, Cur ten days, and c.i.i.pUiiK.l weak 1 1 cm iithe extremities, and shUeringi t and pontrrl back to I'uris, veil' re bis iIIiicm bee aim, hourly m ire alarming, and h :Ip'rtd the next (Ly at his hotel, Place emMiuc, nf a brain b ver. Tin; Kin ordered hi liri.t plii'.ian t. r. tend him. tie ws u man of et-al'ed inlrrrny iind lumor, mi. ws Ui- f.mnder of I - fl.nm.h. ing Hussiait city of Odnsa, f which, while i. emigrant tritni France, he was appointed O v t riior by lb.; r.mperor Alexander, Hi9 titln dv sceuiUtotht: fiMiut (le .luimlbac, hit nearest rvl ative. He iiegotinted the la-it Ueaty of I'aris. ' Ast. LL pi r!)'i in (lie Town Company '.io I ave not y( t givt-n in t'n ir lasable proper'), ar requested to .tci,. I. r :h' purpose at the Court House, on a i" !tn. t'ii. V'tli ugust. "iriir.!(KAS my w't'e Nancy Cok, I -ft mv bed f r and bo-ar.t, hi Campbell comity, sta'r; tif Tennessee, on the Llk fork of (Jumtierlatid ri ver, about the 'J'Jtli of June lust, without' any provocation, and has come into the state of Nor.h Carolina and county of Wilkes, as I am infonn 'il, with an iiltentinn to run me in debt ; I do therefore forewarn all person in this state, or the I'niied Istatf, from trading with ker, r in any way crediting' her on mv account, a I atn determined not to pay any of her contractu., HHAXTON CUV. jii.d.j, ni.-. ,iri)r VKIIOKT time since, a ninii by the name of George C.artwriiiht, a jourm yman shoeiwa ker, commenced working-a ith me, and after (ret ting into mv debt, absconded without paiO(f. He went oil' with a journey man tailor, by thu name oi I-cinonit. It is supposed he will make fur Tcfinctscc, by the wsy of la iculnton and Morantnn. T he object of t!iit notice is to put the public on their Kard, and 1. 1 the lIw.uU-i of the Dun keep psce with himself. SK TUMPSON. Concord, July 29, 182J.tf 'J.J A otic:. T V decree of the Court of r.qnit v, made at If April trnn, 1 82, I will evpose'to I'liMi,: Vale, at the Court House in S-disliiirv, "n Monday, the Cd of September next, lots No. 17 an ! 18, in the frrcat north npure of the town i.f halm bury, on w hich there are impruveim n', nod 1U No. X, 37, and 38, in said town, i.nun pro ved. AUm two tracts or parcel'! of land, lyiu and biinj; in the county of Itouuii, to wit r on-? of three hundred acres ly itijf on the t-:i of Flat Saainp Crrek, mid one of a hund' -d ., , lyinjf on Ihe top of a moi.iitain, called I't'lis mountain, near to the Mat Hivamp Springs, t,c. Inning to the heirs at law of J'.van Alcxumh r. deceased. A credit of twelve -and rifitd ri months will he given. It'jniis, with apn.oviJ secutatirfc w ill be required. Gt.O. f.OCKE, C.Jt. C. MtintS, 1B22. 6wt'18. LINCOLN COIXTT tlOl'HT of Fleas and Quarter fcess-ons, Jul Term, 1822. William Huntueker and ''' er, iu. John 4. runt and wife, William Dr. :: and wife, John Miner and wife, Jacob I .it-' goardmiiofhii infant children. Pet-ton f:ri -division of I And. Il apjicarinr to the . that John (irtint and wile, William Drum - -w ife, John Moaer and w ife, and Joseph F ! and wife, arc not inhabitants of tint state ; therefore Urttrred, by Court, that notice b- p .. lislied three weeks in die Western Carol k-i. rciiiriiifr them to appear at the count v co : Picas and Quarter Sessions, to be In-id lor - '. county, at the Court-House in Litic'tnton,nn ' fourth Monday after the fourth in September next, then and there to answer or demur to the said petition, otherwise it will bo taken pro con fesso, and ad indeed accordingly. Witne V. M'Hce, Clerk of said court, at l.uirolnton, the 3d Monday of Julv, 1822. VAKDKY M'BKF, C. C. Price dv. SI 2 J 3,vt'15 LINCOLN COCNTY. fmt RT of Plea and Quarter Sessinna, July J Venn, I8JJ. Susannah kistl-r,r the h-ir of tlrorpe Kiatlcr, deceased.... Petition for dow. t of land. It apx-aring to the court tht John Kistler, one of the heiin of aaid Oorjre Kistlcr, deceased, is not an inhabitant of this ; It i thrrefore Ortlrmt, by court, that notice b pub I.shed three weeks in the Western Carolinian reciuiring the said John KtU'ler to appear at tho county court of Pleas and Qusrtrr .Hrasimn, t be held for aaiJ county, at the (.'ourt House its Iancolntnn, on the 4th Monday after the 4th iu September next, uVn and tbrre to answrr f demur tu the said petition, otherw ise it will bu taken pro confeso, and adjudged accordingly. Witnc V. M'Bee, Clerk t-f said eoort, at Lincohiton, the 3d Monday of Julv, 1822. VAKUHY M'iibF C. C. Price adv. Rl 25 Swt'lJ MONTGOMERY COUNTY. COl'RT of Pleas td Quarter Sesr.oni? Jul Term, 1S22. Alfred Randall, r. Jonathan M'Daniel and Nancy his wife, J'hia Fn. and Tabithihit wife, and others Petition for Par tition. It appearing that Joshua Fo and Tibitlia lain wifr, ara inhabitant of iu.l.r , thnt publication be made fors.it weeks in the Western Carolinian, that they ppear t the nejt county court, to be kclj fur the county of Mont t-oniere. .at the CouM.IIona in Iji-ri-prrv LV on the first Monday in October ucU and plead. nswcr or demur, or the vUtion w ill be heard ex parte. JOHN FJ. MARTIN', C. C..W. Price adv. &2 tiw t'lS MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY. A. on the 15th inst. under the superintend. Ye of Mr. and Mr. Falmonds. Parents and V'r (lians, taking into consideration Uie heahi .t uatioa of our Tillage, the cheapness of Z1'. the tjualifications of the teachers. Would P " to lord their children and wards. iV'- 'urd f managers pledge themselves thiit ,T trillion shall he nvtn tothe morals r 'M'truc- taon of die pupds. WILLIAM DlSMl'KF.S,. Ml M FOItDDFJAKNKj THOMAS D. l'AKKfj ALF.XANDF.lt Li t V IIMon', Ay 22,'lb.,i"'t'H4; n r J

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