Mi h v, ' nluWr t'r Mi- inspires, My H'i'il !,. ti,t -I'll) stixin i Iiiiiri'st.,.,ni ott. A nev, poem has Utely been ptthlislird in Eng. Und,cnU,led The Judgment, a Ym'm." Frorti the specimen which vv e have sec n, it is a work of no ordinary cart, The following apostro phe to the evening tr, with the quotation an nexe J to it, it taken from a review of the poem : "1 he author proceed in the same tendcraitd vsledktory attain, which had led liirn to notice the last recession of the weltering; sun, to postrophize the evening atar, nuw about to let for ever. There ia something peculiarly lulcmn and affecting in this address i it in volves many circumstance of the most touch ing interest, and forms, altogether, a picture over which the mind luns with fond attrac tion. Numerous u lave been tlie addresses to this lovely plsnet, there !i nut one whi:h can compete w ith this, if regard be bad to the awful magnitude of the occasion ; ai'd few ihitr, in point of execution, can be deemed more pensively swett ami impressive." Mild, tw inkling thruu(h a crimson-skirted cloud, The solitary atar of evening' shone. While gaing, w utf.il.on that peerless ligh. Their after to he seen no more, (as oft In dreams strange images will yiix,) sad thoughts Favt'd&'crniy soul, borrowing', I cried, farewell, Pale, beauteous planet, that displayed so soft. Amid yon glowing utrcuk. thy transient beam ' A bin?, a Hst farewell! Seasons have chsng'd, Agu and empires roll'd, like smoke, away, But thou, unaltered, beamest as silver fair As on thy birth-niglrt ! Bright and watchful eyes, Trom palaces and bowers, have hail'd thy gem V ith vecret transport! Natal atar of love. And aouN that love the shadowy hour of fancy, How much I owe thee, how I bless thy ray How tby risirg o'er the bamli t greets, Signal of rest, and serial convert sweet, Jlenca'.h some pa'.riarciial tree, has cheer'd Tlie peasant's heart, and drawn his benison ! Pl-ift,. ,r ,h liptt I k.nk tKv tUi.l r..ti The tender tale shall never more be tol.l, Man's sotil shall never wake to jny again : Tbou sett'st for ever, lovely orb, firew tll '.' THE FIRE-FLY. Little rambler of the night, W here and whence thy glowing light ? ti h form'd of evening dew, Where and whence thy brilliant hue Hark ! methinki a voice replies, He that form'd the azure skies, Great in least, and good to all, Lord of man and insect small ; ,He it w as, that made this vest ; Search, adore nor know the rst, Little rambltr of the night, Hless'd be this voice of thine ! Tie that clauYd thy form in light Is thy God as well as mine ! Co enjoy in verdant fields What hit royidbamity yields, Nip 'he loaf or taste the flower t Sip in nature's roseate bowvr j Filling full the span that's git en, W ith the boom of gracious llrav'n. Variety's the very spire of life, Th-t gives it all its tUvr. iiTascT rans rt saiuot si.l. Belize me nun, tlrrc i no greater bl'.wc Thii i titc quiet joy of lev ing w ife ; l hiv-'i hoso wants, half o( hunsclfc doth niisse, i't't 'J it.'uxit change, play-ft llnw willio it strife, V't ! w iliout fvillnesH, counsel without strife, h iert doubling of cur tingle life sia r. aiD.Txr. It is, a great pity that plays and no vtls should always end at the wedding, and should not give u another act, and another volume, to let us know how the hero and heroine conducted them selves w hen married. Their main ob ject seem to be to instruct young la dies how to get husbands ; but not how to keep them ; now, this last, it appears to me, is a desideratum in modern mar Tied life. It is appalling to those who have nut yet ventured into the slate to see how soon the flame of romantic love burns t ut, or is quenched in mat rimony ; and the passionate lover, de clines into the phlegmatic prosaic hus antl. I tm im lined to attribute this ry much to the defect I hive iust nntioned in the plays and novels hch form the principal study of our yotit ladies, und which teach them to be ht,,!nos luit leave them totally at a loss Wen ihry come to he wives. I have Lrlv however met wilh an ex ception x, tt,Js practice, in an old v ri ter.whei , bravely attempted to sup port drany-K. interest in favour of a woman -y Vter sllp wa, mjrrif j i j was lookitu.cr i)n albllm of ,he fa)r Julias, whea founj a scries of poet- ir:il extracts in tue Squire's hand wri which might have been intended as matiint' nial advice to his ward. I was so much struck w ith the beauty of several of them, that I took the liber ty of making a copy. They are from the fid play f the "City Nightcap," (by Thomas Davenport, 1061,) in which is draw n out and exemplified, iu the p:rt of Abstrmia, a character of a pa tirnt and faithful wife;. which I think milit vie with that of the renowned (iriselda ; though I fear it would stand itlmost as little chance ol being adop-j ted as a model. The following is a commendation of her to her husband Lorenzo : She's modest, hut not sullen, and loves silence. Not that she wants apt word, (for when she speaks, She Inflames love with wonder,) but because she calls wise silence the soul s harmony. She's truly chaste j yet tucli a foe to coyness, The poorest cull her courteous; and which is excellent, ( Though fair and young,) she shuns to expose herself To the opinion of strange eyes. She cither sel dom Or never walks abroad hut in your company; And then with such sweet baahfulness, as if She were venturing on cracked ice, and takes delight To step into the print your foot has made, And will follow you whole fields: so she will drive TctliouMiess out of time with her sweet character. Notw ithstanding all this excellence, Abstemia has the misfortune to incur the unmerited jealousy of her husband. Instead, however, of resenting his harsh treatment with clamorous up braiding, and the lormy violence of high windy virtue, by which the sparks of anger are so often blown into a Dame ; she endures it with the meek ness ff conscious but patient virtue, and makes a beautiful appeal to a friend who has witnessed her long sufferings : Hast thou not seen me Hear all his injuries, aa the ocean suffers The angry hark to plough through her bosom, And vet is presently so smooth, liie eve Cannot perceive' where the wide wound was nuilc. Lorenzo beicg wrought on by false representations, t length repudiates her. To the last, however, she main tains her p-.tient sweetness, and her love for him in spite of his cruelty. She deplores his error even more than his unkindncss, and laments the delu s;on which has turned his very affec tion into a source of bittrrnct.s. There is a moving pathos in her parting ad dress to Lorenzo after their divorce: rarewcll, Lorenzo, Whom my soul doth love: if vou e'er many May you meet a good w ife, so good, that you JUv nut suspect her, nor mav she be worthy Of your suspicion : and if jou hear hereafter That I am dead, inquire but my last words, And on shall know that to the la,t I lov'd you. And when you walk forth with your second choice. Into the pleasantfeMs and hj chance talk of me, Imagine that you see me lean and pale, Strewing vour p:th with flowers. But may she never live to pay my debts : () It but in thought she wrong you, may she die In the conception of the injury. Pray make nu; wealthy with one kiss ; farewell, tir. l et - not grieve mi when ynn shall rcmemher lha 1 wa innocent: nor this lorgrt, Though innocence here sutler, sTgh! and groan, She walks hut through thorns ttind a throne, In a short time Lorenzo discovers. his error ; and the innocence of his in-' iurcd wife. In the transports of hisi1"'"? lhe h,FP' "ate of wedlock. repentance he calls to mind all her feminine e-cellence, her gentle, un complaining, w omanly fortitude under wrongs and sorrows : Oh Ahvtemia! How lovely thou lookest now ! novr thou ap peared Chaster than is the morning's modesty, That rises with a blush, over whose bosom The western w ind creeps sn(ly; now ! remember, How, when we sat at table, her obedient eve Would dwell on mine, as if it were not welL I'nless it looked when I looked i oh bow proud she was, when she could cross herself to please mc . Put here now is this fair soul ? Like a silver cloud She ha wept herself, I fear, into the dead sea, And will be found no more. It is but doing right by the reader, if interested in the fate of Abstemia, by the preceding extracts, to say that she was restored to the arms and nffec tions of her husband, rendered fonder than ever, by that disposition in every good heart to atone for past injustice, by an overflowing measure of return ing kindnrss : The wealth worth more than kingdoms; lam now Confirmed past all suspicion, thnu art far Sweeter in tby sincere truth, than a sacrifice Decked up for death w ith garlands. The liidum inds That blow from off the coast, and cheer the suilur W ith iiwect savour of their spires, want The delight flows in thee. I have been more nfTWtrd and inter ested by this little dramatic picture, than by many a popular love tale; though, as I said before, I do not think it likely either Abstemia or patient Grizzle stand much chance of being taken as a model. Still 1 like to see poetry now and then extending its view beyond the wedding day, and teaching! a lady low to make herself attractive even after marriage. There la no great need of enforcing on an unmarried lady the necessity of being agreeable j nor is there any great art requisite in a youthful beauty to enable her to please. Nature has mul tiplied attractions round her youth, in itself is attractive. The freshness of budding beauty needs no foreign aid to set it olF it pleases merely be cause it is ircsh, budding, and beau tiful. Hut it is for the married state that a woman needs the most in struction, and in whi:h she should be most on her guard to maintain her pow ers of pleasing. No woman can ex pect to be to her husband all that he fancied her, when he was a lover. Men are always doomed to be duped, not so much by the arts of the sex, as by their own imaginations. They are always wooing goddesses, and marry ing mere mortals. A woman should therefore ascertain what was the charm that rendered her so fascinating when a girl, and endeavour to keep it up when she has become a wile. One great thing undoubtedly was the chari ness of herself and conduct, which an unmarried female always observes. She should maintain the same niceness and reserve in her person and habits, and endeavour still to preserve a fresh ness and virgin delicacy in the eye of her huSband. She should remember that the province of woman is to be wooed, not to woo to be caressed, not to caress. Man is an ungrateful being in love ; bounty loses instead of win ning him. The secret of a woman's does not consist Sf much in giving, as in with holding. A woman may give up too much even to her husband. It is to a thousand little delicacies of conduct that she must trust to keep alive pas sion, and to protect herself frcm that dangerous familiarity, that thorough ac quaintance with every weakness and imperfection incident to matrimony. By these means she may still maintain her power, though she has surrender ed her person ; and may continue tlie romance of love, even beyond tt.e ho ney moon. "She that hath a wise husband," says Jeremy Taylor, 'must entice him to an eternal dcarnesse by the veil of modesty, and the grave robes of chas tity, the ornament of meekness, and the jewels of faith and tharity. She must have no paintings but blushings j hi r brightness must be puritv, and she i nu.st -shine round about with sweetness uv. friendship, ard she shall be pleas ant while she lives, and desired when she dies. I have wandered into a rambling se ries of. remarks on a trite subject, and a dangerous one for a bachelor to med dle with. That I miy not, however, appear to confine my observations en tirely to the wife, I will conclude with another quotation from Jeremv Tavlor, ,l l ,i . i ., ' ' 10 wl)lch t,he ,t,CtS f bt,th Partlcs art mentioned, while I would recommend h' rmon on the marriage ring to all tno9c wno w'5" myself, arc about " There is scarce any matter of duty but it concerns them both alike, and is only distinguished by names, and hath its variety by circumstances and little accidents; and what in one is called love, in the other is called reverence ; ard what in the wife is obedience, the same in the man is duty. He provides, and she dispenses ; he gives command menM. :irwl ruii-tt tHrm m mt.i her bv authority, and she rules him hv jlove ; she ought by all means to please 'him find h nillt liv r n m.nn, .1a please her.' raox Tut Mosrni.T ar.vitw. An Essay on the History of the English Gov emment and Constitution, from the Heign of Henry VII. to the present time. By Lord jOII!l Itt&SlLt. To comment on all matters which, in this little volume, Lord J. liussell has brought before us, would be to discuss almost every subject connected with politics and political economy. If our limits allowed, we should glad ly c nt.ibute to the dissemination of his opinions on the National l)eb Parliamentary He form. Public Schools, Liberty of the Press, Parties, &c. : for nothing can be more interesting to the public than an acquaintance with the political creed of us legislators, and a knowledge that the opinions which they entertain on great constitutional questions have not been lightly embra ced, btitare convictions cf the mind, honestly and laboriously attained by a course of historical research. The book, however, is presented to the public in so accessible a shape that there can be no doubt of its extensive circulation : but we repeat that it is too brief, for it presumes a greater stock of historical knowledge in the reader than can fairly be expected : though, as the author intimates, it rvill pro voke the wits and excite the thoughts of other men.' A few words on an other subject and we have done. In the course of his observations, Lord John frequently quotes that most sagacious, political writer Machiavel, and that much-debated work,' as he ' calls it, "The Prince." Haoon and ' Rousseau, saw the real drift of the ! I'lorentine secretary in this ' much-' debated work;' while Ilarmgton, i Clarendon, and many other writers of celebrity, suspected that its author wanted to throw an odium on monar chy. A letter in the Ilarleian Miscel lany, vol. i. p. 55, settles the point: it is entitled " Machiavel's Vindication of himself ngainst the Imputation of Impiety, Atheism, and other high Crimes, extracted from his Letter to his Friend Zenobio liuondelmoiite." At the close of it he says : I now come to the last branch of my charge, which is, that 1 teach prin ces villany, and how to enslave and oppress their nubjects. If any man will read over my book of The Prince' with impartiality and ordinary charity, he will easily perceive that it 19 not my intention therein to recommend that government, or those men there de scribed, to the world : much less to teach men to trample upon good men, and all that is sacred and venerable upon earth, laws, religion, honesty. 1 f I have been a little to punctual in de scribing these monsters, and drawn them to the life in all their lineaments and colour I hope mankind will know them the bettor, to avoid them ; my treatise being both a satire against them and a true character of them. Whoever in his empire is tied to no other rules than his Cvn will and lust must either be a saint cr v".v devil incarnate ; or if he be neitP" of these, his life and reign are like t be very vhot ttic. Sic. Those who are acquainted w'ith lie history of rlorence will not ak 'hv Machiavel should conceal his princi ples under a veil of irony almost im penetrable. He was deeply involved in the conspiracy of the Soderini, in the year 1494, by which the three sons of the great Lorenzo de' Medici (Pie ro, who succeeded his father in the go ven.ment of Florence, and his two brothers Giovanni und Guiliano) were proclaimed enemies to their country, and obliged to fire from its vengeance. In the vear 1512, the familv of the Medici were restored by the assistance of Pope Julius II. and. of Ferdinand of Spain : and Lorenzo de' Medici, the eldest sun of the deceased Piero, assumed the reins of government. As usual in such casts, all those were now removed who had been in office under the republic; and Machiavel, with an unshaken furtitude, underwent the ig nominy and the pains of torture, which were in vain inflicted on him for the purpose of procuring information re lative to the actors in the conspiracy. Under the reign of this Lorenzo, who died a victim to his debaucheries, Ma chiavel wrote "The Prince a cir cumstance sufficient to account at once for the satire which characterizes it and the secrecy which attended it. o ea NAT C HAL CURIOSITY. Tlie Grand Saline is between the two forks of the Arkansaw, about 280 miles south-west of Fort Osage. It is a hard level plain of a reddish colour ed sand, of an irregular figure, being in circumference full thirty miles. From the appearance of drift wood, scattered on the tract, it would seem, the whole plain was constantly over flowed by the surrounding stream. This plain is entirely covered in tlrv hot weather from two to eight inches uet-p, wun a crust oi ciean wnnc sail, of a quality rather superior to the im ported blown salt, which btars a stri king resemblance to a field of new fal len snow, succeeded by rain, with a light crust on the top. Nothing can be more picturesque on a bright, sunny morning, than this natural curiosity. Thompson. The author of the " Cas tle of Indolence" paid homage, in that admirable poem, to the master passion of his own nature. Thompson was so txcessivtly lazy, that he is recorded to have been standing at a peach tree, with both his hands in his pockets, eat ing the fiuit as it grew. At another time, being discovered in bed at a very late hour in the day, when asked why he did notrise,he answered,' troth mon, I see nae motive for rising.' llttWgitiUs, O'l the gradual progress of S'tn. It is a common saying, that no man becomes wicked at once. Men are prepared by degrees for the last acts of iniquity. Ask the murderer how he came to imbrue his hands in blood ; he will tell you that he was first light and thoughtless, then loose and extrav agant ; that, having brought himself into difficulties, he was tempted to some little act of injustice which he meant to repair, and certainly to conv mit but once. The fraud was resort- to as tlie means ol deliverance lrom urgent distress; but, having been tempted to perpetrate this single act, he was induced to repeat the crime, even though less pressed by want. The same act4 under new circumstan ces, has more sin in it : at last mur der became necessary to conceal theft, and seemed only a part of the same crime. Take, in short, any character that is now infamous his history is the same. What abandoned sinner are some men what cheats what liars what blasphemers of God- what despisers of all that is good. " Is thy servant a dog," said Ilazaeh, ,u that he should do this thing ?" Ila- zael could not believe his nature capa ble of the crime which the Prophet told him he would commit. Do you abhor the character of the murderer beware of little sins. The sins of some men are so dreadful, that wc stand astonished at them : we look on them : and they appear to us as beings of another natur a3 hardly human. Alas ! the wickedest wan that lives is, only one who has fallen by little and little. I hat vile wretch whom you loath, had once a blushing cheek and a general regard lor God and relig ion : but he fell by disregarding little sins. Many a many now a practical Athe ist, w as, in his youth, a very different character. As he grew up, he became acquainted with irreligious persons ; his fear of God and regard for religion grew less, in the same proportion ar, .evil practices gained on him, until he is so mucn engaged in tne uusiness or pleasure of the world, that he has nu time left for the service of God. The .nost trifling excuse is sufficient to keep hi,n from church : the Sabbath is em ploy td in vain and sinful amusements, till gr"w more hardened in iniquity, the v are f pent at the gaming table, or in haunts ol vice still more depraved. ll.ibits o.c swearing often grow on a person in the same gradual manner. He siti: among swearers and in the seat of the scorrJul, and thus his sens of sin is weakened. Men fall in o this, very imperceptibly. A man who uses the name of his Maker on every tri flingoccasion. is likely to grow harden ed in unbelief. Some begin by exercising their wit on religious things und men, and then mock at religion itself. Thiy joke about passages of Scriptute ; and there is no road by which men advance more rapidly towards infidelity than this. What we often make the subject of out ridicule, we can at no time much rev erence. S i, also, in dishonesty, a man's f.ill is gradual : some begin by borrowing what they partly mean to repay, bu: what they know is very possible may be out of their power to do. Habits of borrowing when there is no inten tion of paying, beget habits of thefr. They at first take to gratify some press ing want : the moral feeling thus blun ted, stealing soon becomes in them n trademurder follows almost of course. -Having forfeited his life to the of fended laws of his country, the miser able victim of small sins ends his life on the scaiTold. Lying is a sin that also grows on i bv decrees. We first indulce in white j ;es anj q();7Zin g: by degrees we lose our tender regard lor truth, and be come habitual liars. Guard everv word you speak, be correct, nor think it a small matter to depart from strict truth, even in the smallest matters. ATLANTICUS. He that has never known adversity is but half acquainted with others, or with himself. Constant success shew us but one side of the world. For, as it surrounds us with friends, who will tell us only our merits, so it silences those enemies from whom alore we can learn our defence. Posthumous charities are the very es sence of selGshness, when bequeathed by those who, when alive, would part with nu.oing.