wi.M'r(vn.wj-ii J likr- to te llii; vais'. (if ft 1 a 1 y as the kind of her cif.iiui- tn!e it ; ami nor It icil an if to rorirrt tit formity. Artifice .11 tv please the vulvar, bt men of senm license it. I tik- to cr inunz lulles lead tlic fash ions of tlirir sex. M U'ried ladies have enough to do if they will uttcrul to their husband Mini ciiildrrn. Oil ladle look ridiculous in gay auiie. and should consult their aase more tlvri fashion. J like to see a lady's cheeks their na tural colour, l'.iiut i easily dctectad, uiid is sure to disgust those whom it was Intended to captivate. I dislike to see young ladles blush, at double tntendres they iihould never put in immodest construction on any thing thalissaid. If there is any thin to hlush at, leave the room, or for conscience sake affect ignorance. f ' 1 didikt to see married ladies, walking the streets with men other than their husbands. It looks ugly ; therefore, la dies, do not practise it. The world is cen sorious, and the least you give il to talk about the better. the iiitciior cf France. Eight individual ! were recently tried t Lyons, charged with being concerned in the. election ri ot ; semi of tHr ni aie .'ul to lave been acquitted, and one found tuilty and sen tented to one vein's inipriiotimeiit. A'l the persons tried at Nantz for a conspira cy to excite an insurrection, have been acquitted. Gen. Derthon has been Apprehended nearSaumer,andwillbe forthwith brought to trial. A letter from St. Petersburg, dated June I, states, that the Emperor having, previously to his departure, and conform ably with custom, repaired to the Metio politan Church, to receive the farewell benediction of the Patriarch, the Prelate addressed his Majesty in a very affecting speech on the events which afilict the Christians in the East. AFFAIU3 OP MEXICO. The following article are translated for the ClwrWon City Gazette, from Ilavuutta papers, and will serve to (jive some idea of the actual condition of that country. Great allowance 1 diltkt to scfi voumr foos staiinsr about m"t 01 courw be roiUlc ,or P'J' in ie me- in church, and smiling at every Udy who ! dium ,1,rm,Kh hich w c receive it. chances to look at them. Quit it, boys, j Letters from Vera Cruz, of the llth for be assured it is nothing to your credit. ar"l 15th June, say that the emperor has I dhbkt to see married men pro to tav erns and beef steak houses. It looks as if " happiness dwelt not at home." Of all things, I like to see the gentle ordered the archive of the corporation of trial city, as well as ol its other mstitu tions, to be removed, and has also renew ed the prohibitions of shipping off any sil er. men court the ladies but of all thinirs ! whatever. In consequence of the or Jditlike to tee the ladies court the gen- j ders, quantity of rain, fcc with tlemen. This is sure to beget disgust on i tw millions of dollars that were in the one side, and disappointment on the oth-' ,0 V ,li,ve been transported on board the 1 1 reucn ii igate Antigone, previous to the j promulgation of the imperial mandate, and was carried to the castle, to enable it i to hold out longer, and carry on a more active warfare. The L'aronutii.n.. Xht preparations for j this ceremony are extensive and inagnili- cent. It is to take place on the 24th of June J 546,000 dollars arc destined for the einhellUhiiirnt of the palace ; 86,000 lor the imperial erowu; 24.00 for state roaches; and B6,000 for repairs to the emperor's palace in the country. 1 lie Cortes have remonstrated against this prolusion, be in;;, with much reason, IXTELLIGDSCE. LATEST 1'HOM Ll'KOI'E. tw-YOHK, Al ci'ST 4. The elegant ship Cortes arrived at this port on Saturday afternoon from Liver- Jool, which place she left on-tfee 25th of une. We are indebted to Capt. De Cost, for papcrsof that date, und London dates to the evening of the 23d. The important commercial bills rail ed the colonial trade bill, the West India end American trade bill, and the impor- fearful of fatal consequences, as the par r i i , .-. .r . . v . lauon vi guouaauoiiaviKa'.ioii iawi amend- u&ans oi tne emperor were very iimucu metit bill, were severally read a third time in the House of Lords, on the 20th of June, and passed. I he com. importation bill, -from the Commons, was read a first time the same day. ' , A further sum of 100,000. was voted in tbe House of Commons for the employ- in number, bting confined to the lowest of the populace, and a few soldiers, who, for two real each, cried " Long live the Lm peror Jiurb're'on the ni;;ht of the 18th of Mjy, and will cry the same at the coronation. Several members of the Congress have already retired from the city, with all the composed only of the members of their party. 1'he Congress at List was assembled, and the result was such as was anticipa ted. The dissenting members of Con gress, assisted by about 80 or 1 30 soldiers and citizens, held a secret session, but the populace forced the doors, when they sent to the regency Tor military aid, w ho protested lie had no 'men at his disposal.1 During thia confusion, they called for Iturbide by acclamation he came, and in his presence they began to deliberate whether they would acknowledge him in stantly, or wait for the information of the will of the provinces, as several of the deputies bad aflir tied they had not the powertoconacnttohis pretensions. Mean while, the galleries which were tilled with the populacel cried, that before haif an hour they ivcutd cruwn Iturbide. The Mats of the Deputies being filled with fri ars, officers, and the mob, all armed with swords and poniards, and threatening the Deputies ; and if any of the latter even apparently opposed the Coronation, they vociferously exclaimed " Let him die, the traitor, or some other menacing lan guage. The congress at htt resolved to otc with closed doors, but the factious, fearing that the issue might not answer their pur pose, insisted they should not vote but by acclamation. T he I)r piilieshowever com mented votin and 65 were in favour that tiumbcr bring one third only of the toni;'es, r.urhioe was accordingly e r trd i:il (ror if Mrxico .' itoin ink r.atra'ive you may form some i lea of the liberty the Deputies en joyed, and of their past and actual situa tion. They stand exculpated most sure ly, if the Provinces disapprove thia mea sure. The present situation of the Empire is the most miserable. No money 1 the sol diers obliged to do duty, and march en veloped in a mantle, without shoes, and some actually dying with famine. 1 he provinces arc oppressed, ani the number of disaffected persons in all probability will biing forth a civil x , We see the government iliss;r.iccd ; klonks, an Inuuisiiion, and all toner mi tant evils, arc tcadv io fall on the Lmpire, which we fondly hoped would have been free, and which we still hope the Piovin ces will uard against and protect. lnent of the Irish poor. It was proposed deputies from Yucatan, declaring they to extend tbe amount for this object to 00,OOO, I he Chancellor obtained a grant of 2,' have no power to nominate an Lmperor. The veteran chiefs and soldiers have re tired in the provinces. Ncgrete has like 030,000. in xchequer bills, for the pur-1 wise withdrawn to his capital of Cuadalu pose ol carrying on the public works, (in- j ha. In fine, every tl ing indicate! a med- tluding the above sum for Ireland.) and to encourage the fisheries. On the 21 st, the Catholic Peers' bill was rejected in the House of Lords, by a trd Stutn f jr i,!fii if Kur. Without this extortion, they would be unable to get them, for wunt of fine's, and want of cre dit. In Mexico, two battalions united to plunder some rirh l.uropean bouses, when the emperor condescended to step for- the present system. The expenses of the army are consid erable, and forced loans have, for its sud- maji-tity of 42, a full house being present, j port, been levied in the provinces ; in Ve il e liankof England, on the 20th June, . ra CrUi ICOXOO dollars, ind a tax of two adapted, by a majority of one, the tesolu tion for lowering the rate of discount, and receiving bills in future tlcar irr cm:. This measure went into immediate effect. The motives for selecting this period, arc Mated to be, that, after June, the reduc tion of the intetTst on tbe navy 3 per cents, would be completed, and as there would then remain no J per cent, government stock, a higher rate rould not with pro priety be asked for commercial discount. The measure wi, however, i,uite unex pected at the Stock Exchange, am! it was thought would have a sensible iffvtl on the fuhds and foreign stock. A general issue of sovereigns was to tike place at the Hank on the 24th, to the i mount of '.OWL if required, to each ban- Lcr. I he price of Gold has fallen to 77. CJ. tbe ounce, being 4d. beltw the mint ri e, circumstance that has not occur if.l before since the year 1797, Price of New Dollars June 21st, 4i. 9d.; Stan dard silver in bars 4i. I Id. London, Sunday evening, June 23J. Madrid p t ers have fetched us to the l'th inst. On the 4th, in the Cortes, the Minister of the interior gave information rs to the state of affairs at Valencia and in Catalonia, and as to the remonstrances made to the French government on the fcubject of Spanish emigrants in Prance idutunz airainu the rta f thfir cetin try. A favorable answer appears to have lwen returned by the 1 rench government. On the 10th inst. four Deputies, I'lores Cable ron, Sorio, lit me io, anrl Prat, pre &ented a proposition to the Cortes, for an augmentation of 12,000 men to the militia in active service, in consideration of the dismtbed Mate ol some of the provinces, ttnl the small number of the regular for ici ; this Ixiilf only to continue under arms for ciht months in the year. I he proposition was Mipportrd by sev eral deputies, and finally i'pptoved of. In the ni'iht of the 1 1 th, four or five persons were iirr, sled in the suburbs hrjoiid the I'i'te De I uencaii-.l, who were plotting the tVnnj'ion of an emu d band of Seniles to t i:i the environs of the mctrcpolis. from the Tans papers it appears thitt ir AIUUYAL OF Tilt: CO.NSTIXLATIOX. NEW V.OUK JULY 51. The U. S. frigate Constellaiion, Cvpt. Ridgely, arrived ut this port yestcttlay from the Pacific ; the crew idl in good health. The ConstCibuicn sailed from Valparai so Miv 7th ; arrived at Hio Janeiro June I tth ; suilctl again on the 1 Cth ; arrived at St. Pieties 1 5th inst. and sailed the same right. Passed along the toast ol Domi nated pUn of great importance against nica, sou:h nle of St. Croix and Porto Kico, and tame through the Mona Pas sage. Saw tin vessel in that jack. I he Frnnklir. 74, Conimodutc Stewart, remained at Valparaiso. The Dolphin, schooner, sailed same day with the Coo per cent, on all silver articles that enter j stellation, for the coast of Pirn. there, has been extorted, & the VniA The latest news from Lima was to the The Constellation liiu been aUi'iit two years and five tbys. -Thirteen dentil on ly have occurred on board since hot' de parture in 1320. V fi ' ttmtt " ' ' Jnost Tub botos ,vi.shu OAZtTTJ,. ,A Mi'rmaitl. .An American shipmaster from this port, became the fortunate pur chaser, some month ago, in the Island of Java, of a preserved Mci viaiii, which had been brutight to Ilatavia by a Japanese, and was supposed to have been taken on the t oast ol one of the Japan Isles. The lish had become perfectly dry, and was originally, it is thought, about Ibur lectin length. From a gentleman who lately saw the specimen, we learn that the de scriptions given in old books of natural history, and the representation frequent ly seen in old drawings of the Mermaid, are fully confirmed by the appearance of this rare and perhaps unexampled prepa ration. The bead is covered with light colored hair, coarser than human hair. TIip upper part of the face resembles a man's, hut the lower part approaches a monkey The nose is flat like that ot an African negro. From the. upper jaw of a very wide mouth, descend two tusks passing 6ver the lower lip) but the rest on both jaws are very like human teeth. I he cheeks are wrinkled from the dcssi cated state of the akin, and the eye me deeply sunk in the sockets. Thn shape of the bust is precisely like the configu ration of a woiiiMi, below which the body gradually becomes sealv, and tapering by degr . es, terminates in a fish's tail. - There are four litis on thp lower part ol the ho dy, and the extremity of the tail is forked. This curiosity was exhibited at the Cape of (iood Hope, and submitted to the inspection of several naturalists from Km gland, who entirely concurred in the optri' ian that this is an example of the Mcr maid, whose cxktcnce has bttn general ly held to be fabulous. The owner is pro cccding to Europe, and we may soon ex pect to hear of itsiinival in England. ' YK.UV S1M.T I.AU. Tbe following; singular occurrenre was communicated to us by a gcntlein.ni from (rcenwich, Con. whkh he savs may be rriicil on us a fact r Eleanor Smith, of Iluulwick, 15 years of agr, on the 'Oth u It . puked up a th e green tiibUr, V or 10 inches in length, which she had probacy taken in three years since, while drinking at a brook. Our informant uiU ibil during that time she had bttn tontincd to her bed, i.tid hud become much emaciated. 1 o sit or stand put her in the greatest pain, as would the snitll or taste of meat. Tbe snake was pefectly lively, running nhout the house, up on to chairs, tables, iic. She is now free from pain, and ap parently on the recovery. u..Jim fatrht. 7th of Apiil. Upper Peru continued in the quiet possession of the Itcyultsts. La Serna ws in Cusco, with 4000 men ; Kainirez in Aquipa with about lull' that number. The people natives) were de sirous of a rluiir.e of government, but w ere kept quiet hv the roval troops. S.ui A f.'.:r.AT LTRIOMTV. Lexinctox. kY'Jvn 24. An Indian Mummy, in all probability luOO vearsold. in almost a perfect state of pi eci vation. I Ida i. oily was taken a lew weeks since from the f..tnous Salt PetreCavc, Warren county, in this state, so uiuUv talked of for jeais pTst. As il is inttnded to be sent to Europe, it cannot be detained ;t this place but a few days. ward on the balcony of his palace, and: Martin had created a foice of f(t'0 men. persuaded the men to desist, telling them and intended (as it was t.id) to take the they were his children,' after whick they i field in person ngainst them. Thccoa.t, retired. It appears that Iturbide wishes I from Pisco to Chili. ps in poscsiic'.i ti to follow the plan of Napt leon that is, to j the Royalists. The two Sprni'.h litgates acquioe popularity among his military ad- that had been cruuing in the P. i ii c were hcrrnts. Let him beware, says the wri given up to the agent of S;ui Maiiin in ter of this acrout, lest he have the Same Guayaquil, in February i-st, for a trilling end. Assassinations and outrages are condensation ; one of them, the Pi ucva, frequent in the inteiior ; the terror which j had arrived at Lims ; the other, the Vtn these occasion renders the desire of em-jganza, was taken possession of by Lord igraling verv general, particularly among ' Cochrane, at Guayaquil, wficr having been the Europeans, but no pisspoits are gran- near a month with the Peruvian flaj' fly ted, and many are consequently detained, ing. His lordship was then at sea with The administrator of Adrian and the his fleet, tnd had made a determination commandant of Puerto Iluiz have just 'to lake the Prticva wherever he might find been deposed. They did not suit the ex-! her. Chiloc Uhc most southern part of isling order of things. . . (.hill) was still in possession of the royal- I he loilowing; extract ol a letter from lists. An expedition of SCO men, in a .f. 1 l i'tn I, nir l in.ir.t hat ... i. or.ili !. . ..... .. p i ii.ii in- .' oidcrs for the Spanish refugees to the liouiicr towns, snd proceed ir.to Mexico, of. the -2d May, will more par-! licularly exhibit the situation of that country : ' The history -of IturbidcV coronation commenced by his partisans extitir.g the gsrrnon ;ccr.i:.i;i.i of Sw0G men to re volt, and distributing nionev to the under officers and populace, in order to give ibe transaction the appearance of public and general acclamation. About 9 o'clock at night, on the 1 8th inst. some of the troops, intoxicated with liquor, assembled in u tumultous manner at the theatre, load'uiL, their muskets whh balls, and compcl'.i; g the people to cry out, " Long lis e Aui.un- tin the rirsf. When issuing hoiii tin theatre, they ran through the streets tbu sing ihtir opponents, and vociferating, " Lonn live the I mticror the weak aud limoiou were oWiged jit in the cr), net u, t bell, ol all (be (hutches vtic run" durin,r the v -hi.tr niht. At tL - light on life 19th, the President and all the deputies weic summoned to assemble but lieing inhumed, and knowing that some of the clt putie were hostile to their measure, these latter were prevented from aisiiiing in the session, utd thus it was fiigate and sloop of war, sailed from Val paraiso against it, about the middle of tvprtl last. Jhcy were to be remfoiccd at Valdivh. It was generally believed it would not be successful. A few ttavs before the Constellation sailed from Valparaiso, infuiniation was received that the btn Macedonian, of Poston, w hile lying in Lima, had been seized and condemned, on the pica that she belonged to the firm of Abad'u and Arisnicndi. The latter had escaped in the English btij? Hebecca, Dipcyhjrr, for Munilla ; the foimer was in close con finement in the castle of Callao ; no per son whatever was admitted to see hini. When tbe Constellation sailed fiom Ilio, all was quiet there, as well as at Per tiamhuco ; Ilahia was the only pent in the hands of the loyalists. The Constellation has some money on hoard, piinc ipally fur merchants of Eostou and Ualtimoic ' Passengers in the Constellation, Lieu tenants Stoat and Hamsay, lute of the Franklin, teturned home in consequence of indisposition Mr. Kennedy and Mi Vac he. Wonder ful A'f u.c A horttirr.f since, a son of Mr. I hoiius Picketing, of N'ew ington.ofthe age of C yeais and 4 mouths, fell bead foremost into a well over 40 fret "m depth, with about three feci water in it ut the tin. Ik his l il he struck bis hip ..gainst a stout iron bound bucket, (that was also descending in the well from a wiudbtss, towhiel it was attached by a lope, which turned l.ini head uppermost. The force which be struck was so great as to ft ittcn the bucket considerably, lie liiii.iiitd in the well neatly twinty min ute, ti.-enched in water, with no one to help him; at last, by his own exertions, whh the assistance of the lope, be suc ceeded in getting out, with only two slight wounds on his head and hip ! What ren ders it still more astonishing, bow such a child, wounded and weakened bv hi fall, should be able to gain the muimit, and cx tricatc himself, i, that one f his hands wai maimed by fire, and almost useless, th: well so broad that he rould not stude acioss it, and tbe aperture at the platform is only 1 8 inches in diameter. A . . uaz M.MUUAGE I'KOMISE. Of late there hvf lyen yf nil bf?.VT verdicts obtained for a breach of the mar riage promise ; a crime which is truly deceiving of severe punishment,' when committed without cause or justification a for lei: of oa' lis a breach ol laith lu trcs-iof mind, mortification, and probably ptivate misery are results of this disre gatd to the most sacred of obligations ; and tbe heavy sums of money which of fenders have had to nay, have HO doubt been productive of cooi result. A very prclly, modest girl, brought a writ against a faithless swain for a breach of the marriage promise, damages were Lid ut 2000. She accompanied the of ficer to iiwlctilify the defendant," a young mechanic but the honest officer, instead of carrying Mm to the prison, carried him to a parson, where both parties being w illing, he stood for groomsman, and saw the parties law fully married, and the writ camelled. " Hlesscd are the peace ma kers." Jubilate- Xurf: fiaficr. Adjutant Cekejiats dvvtci, y J!.tilegh,June 16, 1822. (ILNKltAI, OUPKItS: . prom the returns of" the militia of tho list year, it is very evident, notwithstand ing all the regiments of the state were in cluded in the general aggregate, there re mained a fraction of not less than 20,000 men unaccounted for. Thi3. deficiency was discovered from a comparison of tho returns with a census of 1820, which ex hibits the number of men between 18 anil 45 at 6fi,0tj0, whereas the returns of tho militia amounted to only 41,000; and, oit reference to the files of this office, there appears to have been a gradual decline in the number ol the militia of the state lor many year pai,t. The number now en rolled, agreeably to the returns, is 12,000 less than there were 10 years ago, while the state, during the same time, has in creased in population upwards of 80,000. Hence arises the most conclusive evidence of the existence, some where in ihe mili tia, of great negligence and inattention, Inch has become so p-.ripable, and serious in its consequences, as not to be suffered to pass longer unnoticed. The source from whence this deficien cy has originated) is, no doubt, principally with rapiuii.s of companies in not making returns to the colonels ; and unless there) is a more innd enforcement of the penalty annexed to such delinquency in future, the inconvenience already experienced will still cist, and, it is apprehended, will ; continue to increase. The commander ; in chiiT Is aware, however, that the many volunteer companies which have becomo disorganized, contribute not a little to the cause of this deficiency; and although they may not have been cither mustered or returned for years, the men cxcmpi themselves from service in any orhc" company, upon the grounds that ihey aro still lawfully turolled as volunteers; and owing to the difficulty conceived by the infantry captains, of procuring proof to the contrary, they are thus suffered to re main subject tu no militia duty whatever. It is in thia way a considerable proportion i'f the militia go clc;r of mus'.eiing, and arc never brought into the icturns made to this ofliee. Without making any particular rtfer elite to the laws on the subject, w hich, it, is ptesvimcd.arc in the hands of every offi cer, and st.ffu ieinly understood, it is re con. men-led that, in every instance where a "volunteer company is known to have teased to perforin the ordinary, duties re quired by the militia laws, that the cup tains of infantry, in whoso districts t he men of such company may rcsiJe, enter t hem on their .rolls; and, if iheylio, in fact, still exist us a company according to law, it wil' be for them to furnish the proof thereof. It Is confidently expected, after theso remarks, every exertion will be made by officers of the line, totble those who are bouiid to make returns to thin ofuc, to luinish, this year, a full and coircct re turn of the militia of the state. This oc casion is taken, also, to remind the cola t. hjf regiments, that they have hereto- foic been very remiss, in not returning atimiullv aiegisterof the names and dates ol commissions of the field officers of their itsetie regiments. Py ttdcr of the commander in thief. rtVEKLY t)AMi;t, -fir. C.0..U..V. C. The Huh .11 iai,ce, on the settler . -:nt of affairs in tlx EaM, will lute full opoi;u ni'.y for attempting the regulation ot those (' the Italian and Spanish peninsulas. I ho London Courier seems to have been cam rstly employed in prepaiing the way for interference in the concerns of Sp.dn. hj; number of that paper for the 10th June, it-presents the nccuunts fiom Madrid as ini'ic.uve of a great catastrophe : " l.vcry week, every day, gives birth to evnts, which dissolve some ol the remain ing tics of social life, and accelerate the reign of total anai chy . I he grim idol of KelK-llion is to be elevated upon the turn of the monarchy." Nothing, in short, can rive Spain, but a speedy md implicit acquiescence in such arrungcmriils as it shall please some con gress of F.nyferort and King to prescribe for her internal government. Aci(V;fl CuztttCj J'rcm the Savannali (icorguiu. Gn. ..;.''. 1 he cliiidrin of tins traitor receive a pension of 500 pounds from tho lliitisli government. One is a brigadier gtneral on the Bengal establishment. The Pittsburg Mercury states that art extensive range of buildings has been lately erected in that city for a large cot ton factory, the machinery of which was made in New-England, and is now on the road, transported by thirteen wagons. The factory is to be driven by steam, and very sanguine anticipations are made of the re sult. Three steam boats are alp building at Pittsburg, which are intended as regular traders between that place and the falls cf the Ohio. The w hole expenses of the State Government of Connecticut, last jesr, were a fraction ovef $5.f,noo. Thuja of New-Hampshire, lcs. Uucjv g30,900.

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