F If Jib- 3 YOU III. XO. HO. misTti) ami k Hi.niitr, nut tusiut, Hi llLNCHAM U WHITE. Tins : llie subscription to the Wkstkrs Cahouku is Three Duilnvi per annum, payable half-yearly in advance. $y No paper will be discontinued until all arrearage arc paid, unless at the discretion of the Editors f and any subscriber failing to give notice of his wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be tent accordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine paper, ahull receive a tenth pratii. , Advertisement will je inserted on the cus tomary terms. Persons lending in Adver tisemcnts, must specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will b continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. ' No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity. flAll letters to the editors must be poit paitl, or they will not be attended to. TAXES. I shall attend at the Cc irt-llouse in Salisbury, on Friday, the 3'Jth instant, to collect the tax es due in Capt. Wood's company fur the year 1821. 8 A ML. JUNES, Sheriff. Mgutt 10, 18?2. 3wt'l6 NOSmCAROLINA, MF.CKLKNBVRO COUNTY. . rlUl'HT of I'leas and Quarter Sessions, May t ioi ) r..K... tL:i..n - . a... l v ' t- , ' , , , ; JUndsay. Attacliment.... Levied in the lands of Alex. Porter, Richard Kobinson, and others, anl they summoned as Garnishees. In this case it ap pearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this state, or oi inn siaic, or a. i !' li l . 1 has absconded, or so conceal. himu-H that the ordmary process o It is therefore Ordered, by the court, that pubh- J Cation be made forthrce months in the V citcrn fi.m,n,.n a imLai ft., dui.l II. ! lt Utit''tf at the next court of Pleas and Quarter .Sessions, -V" ""v 7 j to be held for the county of Mecklenburg, at the Court-Mouse in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday of August neat, and replevy, judgment final by default will be taken against him, and the case heard en parte. - Ttit. . ISAAC ALEX AM) Lit, CM. C. , 3mt'16 ' Price adv. R4 NORTH-OAUOLINA, MECKLENBURG COUNTY. fOI'RT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions May J Term, 1822 Thomas Greer, v. Samuel W. Lindsay. Attachment. .I.cvicd on a tract of lanuVsundry articles of merchandize, household furniture and other property, and Mr. J. Robin on and others summoned as Garnishees. I In this case it appearing to the satisfaction of A tie court, that (he defendant is not an inhabitant of this state, or has absconded, or so conceals hin self that the ordinary process of la cannot be served on him i It is, therefore, ordered, that publication be made for three months in the Western Carolinian, that unless the uid defend tnt appear ai the next court of Tlea and Quar ter Sessions, to be held for the county of Meck lenburg, st the Court-Mouse in Charlotte, on the ,ourth Monday of August next, and replevy, judgment final by dt fault will bc taken against l.iiu, and the case heard ex parte. 7W. ISAAC ALCXANDF.R, CM. C. 3mt'16 Price adv. ft ! Slalii of YuyUi-CayuVuui. Bt'RKK COI NTT. 4'lfhKltiK Court vl I-aw, Martii lerm, is... 1 O Lrcrov Uurnett, ft. Elij.di Pouch. Jud. att. ; levied on land. It appearing to the court that the defendant lives out of this state It was 1 therefore Dnltrtd, that nublieation be made fori three niortln in the Western Carolinian, that the nod Elijah Fouch appear before the Judge of the Sunrrior Court of Ijiw for the comity i aforesaid, at the next court to bc held at the j ourt-lliMise in Morganton, on the 4ih Momlay j in September next, and replevy and plead to i issue, or nrltrment w iU be entered arainst turn ! lor blaintifl 'a demand. v Test. W. W. EH WIN. C B. S. C ti ii rnu'iv n n v f I 3mt'21 Price fclv. t .V077C:. 11 Y a decree of the Court of Eipiity, made at April term, 1822, I will expose lo Public Sale, at the Court-House in Salisbury, on Monday, .1.. I I ....... I... . ...... I.,(. V.. IT .,.l IU nine gr,ai norm p,are o. ineioanu. w , Imrv i.n n , r i lknri tl-r imnmvrinrhU' ami i bits No. '26, 57, and 34, in said town, unimpro ved. Also, two tracts or parcels of land, lying and being in the county of Kuwait, to wit : one ueccascd. A credil ot twelve anil cigntcen months will be given. Ilonds with approved securities will bc required. c;r.o. i.ocke, CM. C. .hgu't 5, 1S22. owt'18. SUUc of XofVU-uYoVvna, KtiHKRFOHn COUNTY. (lOLttT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July J Sessions, 1822 : Noah Hampton r. Thomas Td'C.uirc original atUebmcut, levied on land nd negro man. ll appearing lo the satisfaction of the Court, tliat the defendant in this case is Tot on inhabitant of this state, it is therefore Onirnv, that publication be made for six weeks the Westiiii Carolinian, for the defendant to appear at our next County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be holden for the county ol "llulherford, at the Court house in Uuthcrford'.on, on the third Mon.kv after the fourth MolidaV in September next, then and there to plead or Uiimir. or ludirmcnt final will be entereU tin gainst hi him. flr Witncs ISAAC CltATO.v.C.C. r., !.-.... I..i...1(miI ..M. Ii itiil in ttm tvnfir 111 i 11 . c ,"v-! .-b next County Court of Pleas anrt Quarter cs4ons Ut Sa amp Creek, and one of . hundred ae., nc Kutherford county, at the Court- lung on the t,p c,( a mountain, called 1 ht.le (ltherfonlton, on the third Monday m-auit-uii, near t,. the Hat Swamp Springs, be- 'eMl e fm.rth Monday n September next, then longing to the hers at Uw of l.v.m Alexander, pl,, 0)pmtir r i.ul.ent fin.l Wwk &c. FAMi;S H. HAMPTON respectfully informs the public, that he occupies the old shop formerly owned by his father, on Main-street, a few doors south of the Court-I louse, Salisbury, where he is now prepared, with a"good set of tools, to repair all kinds of WATCHES fcf CLOCKS. Having employed a competent workman to help hint, he assures all who may favor him with their custom, that their work shall be executed in as good a style as at any other shop in this part of the country. All kinds of old Jewelry repaired, and some kinds made. Jobs of every description in his line of business, will be thankfully received, and executed on a short notice. People who reside at a distance, by bending, may depend on having their work as faithfully attended to and returned, us though they were present and nh the old established Salisbury prices charged. SuliMbury, .tug. 13, 1822. '14 Lent, or lioat, IN Charlotte, or its immediate vicinity, one of a pair of brass-mounted Cavalry PISTOLS. Any person having the above doscrilxd article in possession, by leaving it at Messrs. Smartt and Kendrick's store, will confer a favor on J A3. TOKUKNCE. N. II. The pistol was missing a short time subsequent to the parade of the Mecklenburg Cavalry Corps In Concord. .tug. U 1822. owt'lfi WViuA WftT&ea curt A. f1I!K subscriber wishes to inform the citizens JL of the United States, that he has obtained a patent from the President of the I'niled States for a new and useful discovery in the method of curing liu.untH in Horses. The manner of treatment is simple, and Very easily performed. Numbers of people have given certificates of the Mtdiiliii f discovery, and others arc h . , . . . ' , , ... . ready to testify in the same way, should they be called on. I he subscriber wishes it nut to be understood, that horses whose eyes have become dead, can be brought to their sight again i but. .. ..." ,,. ,.,. , ... ,, , - H mail y ,4tic 3. iis.i a.- mi t ism v ih.s.ii inim imiii to' wvn wn, by his method they have restored' to perfect sight, and ever after reinaint.j 1 b ; , f w , 0f ; , C01Iltir, , bc . . .7 . P ?. . obtained bv applving, either personally or by letter, to the subscriber, or his agent, in the (nut. .? limit-' It.. Ulim- .niititi- V ft...!..... A rieht fjr a simrlc county will U sold at from ; j)io lOodolUr, proportioned to the population! thereof. JO EPU SA1EK Surry comity, X. C. . lug. 12, 1822. 3inf26 V SHOUT time since, a man by the name of titorge Carta right, a journeyman shoema ker, commenced working w ith me, ami alter get ting into my debt,' absconded without pi ing. He w ent oil' with a journeyman tailor, by the name of Lemon. It is supposed he will nuke for Tennessee, by the way of IJncolnton and Morganton. The object of this notice is to put the public on their guard, and let the character of the man keep pace with himself. ASA TOMPSON. CWr,4 Jtu 29, 1822. tf '13 riIIF. subscriber has just received a choice 1. supply of t.KOCLKILS, which he offers for talc on the most reasonable terms, for eath. Among them are : Sugar, Coffee, Mohuws, Hum, Ificc, Fiirs, Haisiiis, Salt i ami also, the usual sup ply of i'unfntiananet. Likewise, pint and half pint Tumblers. THOMAS HOLMES. Junr H, 1822. 106 StvvAe of sNor-l!ttYoYum, RUTHEHFORD COVJITY. lOL RT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Julv 1 j Sess jns. 18.'J : Aoalillainnlint''.AiiKiistu Suckctt orieinal attachment, levied on house- ioj, furniture. It appearing to the satisfaction 0f (jic Court, that the defendant in this rase is uiihout the limits of this state, it is therefore rieref, that puhlication bc made for six weeks M the Western Caroliniun, for the ilrfrnjnt to ,nnrr it nr neU County Court of Pleas and (Quarter Sessions to be holden for the county of Uuthcrford, at the Court-house in Kuthcrforuton, on t)e third Monday after the fourth Monday in sPi,trriiU r next, then ami there to nleaL or lcnnir. otherwise Sudirmcnt final will bo entered . .irt- up against him. fl9r Witness, ISAAC CKATON.C.C. SUU of .XoYU-V!aYoVmv, RVTHEBFORD COl'STY. Ol'ltT of Pleas and Quarter Session's July ' ' J Sessions 1122 : Thnmaa Lvles Trrwt John levied on nerro - h satisfaction of the "" 11'" ...... . ... Court, that the defendant in this ease is without the limits of this Mate, (h ilrrtd, therefore, that nubiication be made for six weeks in the Western Carohnia 1, lor the defendant to appear at our w ill bc entered up against him. t'19r Witness ISAACCnATON.C.C. SlttAe of XoyWv-CuyoWiyu, MONTGOMERY C0VNTY. flOl'RT of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions July ) Tenn, 1822. Alfred Handall, it. Jonathan M'I):iniel and Nancv his wife, Jchns Fox and Tabithahis wife, and others Petition for Par- tition. It appearing that Joshua Fox andTuhitua Ids w ifr, are inhabitants of another state, Orihnl, that nubiication bc made for sit weeks in the Western Capilinian, that they appear at the next county court, to be held for the county or Mont etmu rv. at the Court House in I-awier-crvilh- on the' first Monday in October next, and plead, answer or demur, or the petition wdl be h-rrd ex parte. JOHN B. MARTIN, C C M. Pric e adv. 2 Owl' Id WyUs iuYiUom YsXovft'i For i:dc at this Office. VaOM THS CIIMIHTliS HFICT1T0S. HYMN. Earth hath a joy unknown in heaven, The new-born joy of sins forgiven ! Tears of such pure and deep delight, Ye Angels ! never dimm'd your sight. Yc saw of old on chaos rise The beauteous pillars of the skies ; Ye know where Mom, exulting, springs, , And Kvening folds her drooping wings. Uright heralds of the Eternal W id, Abroad his crrants ye fulfil ; Or thron'd in floods of beamy day, nyiiiphonious, in his presence play. Loud is the song the heavenly plain is shaken with ttie .bond strain And dying echoes, floating far, Draw music from each chiming star. Hut I amid your (pares shall shine, And all your knowledge shall be mine : Yc on your harps must lean to hear A secret chord that nunc will bear. tXTaier raojs taiLjusHS. They who, in prufesoiou, admit the truth of God, and yet take toinlurt from his mercy, without looking 10 him who bare in hit own person, the accom plishment of all the threaienings, do in fact turu that truth into a lie. I hey who, in protesbion, admit the justice of God, a ud yet trust in the remission of their sins, without any distinct ac knowledgment of him on whom God has laid the burden of their condemna tion, do in fact prove, that in their mouths justice is nothing but an un meaning articulation. Tory who, in pri'fcs.Mon, admit tnc authority of those great and umhanging priuciplcs, which preside over the whole of God's mor- administration, and yet assign io nim such a loose connivance at iniquity, as by a mere act of tenderness, to recal the every denunciation that he had ut tered agmst it, do in fact put lorth a sacrilegious hand to the pillars of that immutability, by which the government of creation is upheld and perpetuated. Let them rest assured, thai there is no way of reconciliation, but such a way us shields ail the holy, and purr, and inflexible attributes of the Divinity, roin degradation and contempt. Outof thai hiding place which is made known in the g'.spvl, all that tsjnst, and severe, and indexible in ihe periecnons of God, stands in threatening array against ev- ry son and d-mhirr of the species. And if thty will not look to God as he sets himself forth to us in the New Testament, it thry reluse to look un to him as God in Christ, reconciling the world unto hunrll, .nd not impu ting unto them their trxspsscs, il they set aside all that is 6aid about the blood of the everlasting covenant, and the new and living way of access, and the manner in which the mediatorship of Christ hath repaired all the indigni ties of sin, and shed a glory over the truth and justice of the lawgiver, if they will still persist in looking to him through another channel than that of his own revelation; he will persist in looking t them -with the aspect of a stern and unappeased enemy. He will not let down the honours of his inflex ible character, for the sake of those who refuse his way of salvation, lie will not fall in with the delusion ot those who profess to revere this char acter, and then shake the whole burden of conscious guilt and iufirmity away from them, by the presumption, that in some way or other, the mercy of God will interpose to defend them from the venance oi his more severe ana un " . . a relcntire perfections. The one ana the only way, in which he dispenses mercy, through trr s Christ, and if vour confidence bc laid in any other quarter, he will put that confidence to shame. lie will not ac cept the prayers of those, who can thus make free with the unchangeable attn butes- which belong to him. lie will not descend with such to any inter course of sflection whatever. He will not own the approaches, nor will he deal out any boon from the storehouse of his crace, to those who profess a general confidence inhis mercy, when. instead of acnercy which guards, and dignifies, and keeps entire the whel clory and tharacterof God, it is a mer cy which belies his word, which invad;s his other perfections, which spoils the divine image of its grandeur, which breaks up the whole fabric of his mor A government, and would make the throne of heaven the seat of an un meaning pageant, the throne of an iu sulted tttul degraded sovereign. iksuYtoYy. raosi thi i.vtr.Bit s rasata. Carbon- Useful in fattening Hogg, Cincinnati, Ohio, January lCtli, 1822. "One idea has entered iny mind which may be worth mentioning, but not for the press ; you can perhaps improve upon it. The fattening poultry upon carbqn, or carbon being one of the active means, to gether with aunt Dinah's theory, suggest ed to me the propriety of giving it to hogs, when penned end high fed for the purpose of beinjj fattened. While stand ing by a pen, I observed the hogs to root very deep, with much labor. I watched them, to know, if possible, the object of their great exertions, until I saw one come up with his mouth full of fresh earth, which he eat with an apparent avidity, while another would be engaged in the same hole the moment the f.tV would be out ; my presumption was that it was used as a corrector of some morbid fluid in the stomach, as they were plentifully supplied with corn and wator. I gave them immediately some coal, which they eat with surprising avidity in prefer ence to fresh food, then thrown in with the coals, and alio in preference to their drink, which was thrown in fresh, or new ; for, I should not say fresh, as I frequent ly put salt in the water for fattening hogs, and it might have been so at that time ; they neither stopped to drink nor lo eat grain, until the coal was all eaten. As the hogs are not yet killed, I cannot say what the internal appearance may be, but they discontinued their rooting, were more quiet, and appeared to fatten faster. I omitted it for a few days and they com menced rooting ; I gave it again, and they discontinued rooting s I now continue to give them a moderate quantity daily, say the size of a hen's egg, two pieces to each, but if more is given it will do no injury, an excess will operate only as a moderate purgative." raon ths rasRLXkTos rovaisa. FOREXSIC ELOQUE.YCE. T!C Boston Daily Advertiser furnishes a sketch of the speeches in the ease of The Commoirwralth tf MafchutrUt, against Upttn if Jfantrt, re cently tried before the Municipal Court at Boa- ton. Mr. Webster, w ho was engaged on the side of the defendants, in closing lif argument, pro ceeded to make tome general remarks upon the nature of the case, the situation of his client, and his claims to protection. " A person of extensive business, (said he, engaged in large mercantile transac tions, and who has filled some space in society, Ends himself suddenly bereft of his proprty, reduced lo the condition of a bankrupt beset by indictments and li bel suits, put under heavy recognirances, hoklen lo bail beyond his ability lo obtain, and kept in gaol day after day on a claim of SJ0,O0 in damages, presented a esse demanding the sympathy and aid of eve ry person who would set his face against oppression, lnis was a community in which no man can be oppressed, it is in vain that it is attempted such attempts recoil upon their authors. If by his ad vice any persecution of this nature was to be conducted against any individual, far away should be put all appearance of ter ror all private suits and excess ot bail The attacks which had been made upon his client could not succeed. They re minded lam of an incident related in the novel of the Pirate, to have tal.en place in one of the Orkney Islands. It was an nounced among the inhabitants of the isl and, that a great whale had been driven ashore in a storm, and as soon as they round Mm disabled and helpffss by being out of bis own element, they fell upon him with harpoon and spears, and spits and pitchforks, and beat him and stabbed him until they thought him almost ex hausted ; but he collecting all his strength, made one desperate effort, snapped the cables they had coiled about him, upft all their boats with a single stroke of his tail, and at one bound, leaped over the bar that confined him on shore, and made out to sea, leaving all his pursuers be hind in ammment at their own discomfi ture." We perceive that Mr. Webster eoirpwed bis client to a whale, and triumphantly foretell hist escape which idea is happily turned againstj him in the reply of Mr, Austin, who acknowl edges the correctness of the similie, and anticN pates the escape, according to usage, of Mr. W'i powerful client from :h- nulwi tif the law, astho Wkulr, the isriathun, and the Sra-Srfrnl, to all of whom he assimilates Vir. " client,) breaks) thro' the net of die fishermen. In the couri of hi reply, Mr. Austin said " It is true that it is a grievous thing fa be indicted. It is a misfortune which tho Innocent mty suffer, and the guilty es cape. The gentleman has drawn, in bold and glaring colors, the situation of an in nocent man wno is laiseiy accused. rut there is a counterpart to the picture, which he forgot to exhibit. Il is the cause of the daring and bold faced villian, who sets law, justice and morality at defiance who trusts to the space he has filled in society to the magnitude of his transaction, to his acquaintance, and intimates, and friends to the all-powerful influence of his plunder, by meaniof which the Com monwealth is made subject to his will ; who can command witnesses to palliate, and counsel to defend him who arrays in his service the highest integrity und the most exalted talents of the State binding the morality of the ona to the pernicious effects of his example, and persuading the eloquence of the other to conceal his turpitude and varnish hi crimes ; until, by their conjoined farce, he breaks the meshes of the law, that are too weak to enclose him, as easily as'lhc whale did the harpoons of the Zealandei s, and laughs to derision the feebleness of those instruments by which the small and insignificant inhabitants of his element are detained. The common fry, like pet ty villsins, may be caught ill shoals, but great rogues are leviathans of the deep sea-serpents who aport in your waters, bask in your sunshine, and amuse them selves with tour feeble efforts to seize them ; which, tho' they would overwhelm a myriad of smaller beings, they always find skid to evade, or strength to over come." SOLITUDE. " Sohlude nmetime it belt nfy.H XIlTO.. The pleasures of retirement, and tho tranquil enjoyments of solitude, have been the unweared theme of the phi losopher and the poet. The lormer has told us, and told us truly, that there we can enjoy the serenity of mind, which is so necessary to the peieeptioa of truth, and to the adaption and fos tering of virtuous principles, and here form the moM accurate estimates of the relative value of temporal and eternal things. The latter has delighted to lead us forth from the tumult of the world, to the contemplation of tho beauties of nature, and catching a glow of enthusiasm and inspiration Irom the magnificent scene, has awakened strains of lofty melody, which arc treasured up in our hearts, among our fondest and most endearing recollec tions. Entire abstraction from the world, is generally incompatible with our du ties, and indeed, inconsistent with our nature. It is more frequently the re sult of di&apointmeot and misanthro- py, than ol a sincere love lor tne beau ties of nature, or for the pleasures ot tranquil and philosophical reflection. but an aversion to solitude and con templation, may usually be considered as an evidence of a frivolous mind, or of a bad heart, which seeks relief from its convictions, in buttle and gaiety. It is true, that education, habits and cer tain constitutional propensities, may have a material effect hut it is equal ly true, that reflecting men, even when engaged in the busy concerns of life, often turn aside into lett frequented paths, to commune with their own hearts, and to ponder on the deep my . l: .i t i. : .v.- icries wnr.in menu iwuui ilvtc nuts aiuuuu lint,., . , . , t , .-r. t-.a ir.---T-r of creation, and elevating their tl.o'ts through the various grades of being, to the "first Good, first Perfect, and first I'air," they feel the kindlings of devotion, and involuntarily exclaim, These are thy wondrous works, Parent oTGoocL Almiphtv ! thine this universal frame! Thyself how wondrous then '." "That man, says Young, "is the true hero, who dares to meet his naked heart alone." It is certainly of the greatest importance to every rational being, and especially to one who is ac countable for his actions, to accustom himself to self examination ; to ascer tain the predominating impulses of his mind and the engrossing objects of l.i caret and affections, and to inquire 4

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