(OA TRCB&IlhTf St II A W YOU ill. .vo. in. rtiRTtn jin ri'Bi.iiun, rvr.ni tiimiui, III I1INGIIAM fc. WHITE, Tr.ntis : The subscription to the Wi.stkhs Caikilihui jg Three Dullart per annum, pa) able half-yearly in advance Zy No jiu.cr will be discontinued until ull arrearages arc paid, ,nlcss at the discretion of the Editors ; and any subscriber failing to give notice of bin wish to discontinue at the end of a year, will be considered an wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent accordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine paper, ahull receive a tenth gratii. Anvi.BTisr.tr.XT will jc inserted on the cus tomary tenns. Persons sending in AKcr tiscmcnts, must specify the number of tunes they wish them inserted, or they will bo continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly, No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by ionic person in this town, or its vicinity. (J3AU letters to the editors must be pott-paid, or they will not be attended to. MMMMMHHHSaHHSMSSMSMSMMMMasMMSHMI Stale of sVorUvCttvoVnia, BVHKF. COVNTT. SUPERIOR Court of Law, March Term, 1622. The 1st Knwan n -imcnt. Col. W. II. Kerr, at Lecrov llurnctt.n. Elijah Fouch. Jud. ait. Salisbury, on Fridav.'the ITth of Septc-iber, :t levied on land. It appearing to the court that ' 12 o'clock, M. the defendant lives out of this state It wasi 1 ,t. commandants c,f the f. iregoing regiments therefore Ordered, that publication be made for j u ',J attend at the times ami places above sped three months in the Western Carolinian, that , fieif with their regiments equipped as the law Ue said t.lijail roucn appear ociore mc jikirc . of the Superior Court of Law for the county aforesaid, at the next court to be held at the Court-House in Morganton, on the 4th Monday in September next, and replevy and plead to issue, or judgment will be entered against him for plaintiff's demand. l est. W. W. F.RWIN, C. B. S. C. 3mt'21 Price adv. S4. aotici:. BY a decree of the Court of Equity, made at April term, 1 S22, I will expose to Public Sale, at the Court-House in Salisbury, on Monday, the 23d of September next, lots No. 17 and 1 i, in the great north square of the town of Salis bury, on which there arc improvements; and lots' No. 20, 37, and 38, in said town, unimpro Ted. Also, two tracts or parcels of land, lying ami beinif in the county of Kowan. to wit : one i 1 of three hundred acres, lying on the waters of , portunity that will oft'er to acquire these valoa Flat Swamp Creek, and one of a hundred aces, i bio si nations. The terns w id be 12 months' lying on the top of a mountain, called little mountain, near to tlie 1 l.ti Mwamp springs, ne longing to t!ie heirs at law of Evan Alexander, deceased. A credit of twelve and eighteen months will he given. Roods, with approved securities, w ill be required. l.F.O. LOCKE, CM. C. .?wtf..w 5. 1H22. 6wm Sl'Axfc lil" .ViiflU-UttYliVUift, HVTII KUFOH D COVNTV. c 01' UT of Pleas and Ouarter Sessions, Julv Serious, 1H22 : N ill Hampt.m v. Thomas ; M'tiu'.re oriirinal ali.u limeiit, levied on land and nego man. l appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant in this case is not an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore Ortitrtd, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, for the defendant to anin-ar at our next County Court of Picas and i . , I I , r ,1 r ' i i ..i f .t .i ., r. ,' itiktirf.tp.1 ill tlw. (Hurt .luiiir in lfiitlifM-tortltnu. on tin- Miiril Mondav after the fourth M'linlav in .. .. ... i a .i. r . . i-.. : ' September next, tlien and there to plea.l or demur, or judgment final will be entered up agiinst hin. t'l'.Ii" Witless, A AC CliATON. C. C. fel'Alc .Vuv-1!vyuVu, RUlllfitrORD COVNTV- COl'R F of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, J.ily Sessions 1SJ2 : Noah Hampton vs. Augustus Sacketl. ...original attachment, levied on house- i-i i t. : i. ,i. eni;,.r.. Iioill lunio hit;, ii .vi ihj; hi iih. jiu.iji.iwmii i . r .x . .i . . .i... i r.... i :.. fi.,. ...... VI lUC llilll, iimi ui leii.iaiii ill nt ni-H, i 1 .i . .i i . .i . .i , , .I,,....,-,.,, H lUtll IIIC HUH. a UI llll 3-.Mll, IV IV .... (-.".v .l.nt .ml,l,r,.tin h.. ,,.ln for six weeks n the Western Carolinian, for the detendant to appear at our next County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to bo hoiden for the county of Ituiherford, at the Court-house in Ruthcrfordton, on the third Monday after the fourth Monday in September next, then and there to plead, or demur, otherwise judgment final will be entered up against him. t'19r Witness ISAAC CKATOWC.C. Sftlc l" M,OYll-CvYvillVA, RUTIIFRFOHn COUNTY. JxOI'RT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July V Swioi.s, 1322 ; 1'lionus LvL's wlm John l.yles original attachment, levied on negro man. It appearing to the satisfaction of the i' mrt. that the defendant in this case is without ;ic limits of this state, (Hli -rd, therefore, that publication be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, tor the defendant to appear at our next Count y Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held fir Rutherford county, at the Court house in Rutherfordtoii, on the third Monday after the fourth Monday in Septein'oer lieXt, then and there to plead, or demur, or judgment final will be entered up against him. t'l'Jr Witness, ISWC fit T, C. 0. fetwle iif sN'oyUv-IVayxA'wva, MONTGOMFKY COUNTY. fmi'RT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, July J Term, 1822. AW" I Randall, vs. Jonathan M'Haniel and Nancy his wife, Joshua Fox and Tabitha his wife, and others Petition lor Par- tition, It appearing that Joshua Fox and Tabitha his wife, arc inhabitant s of another state, Orderrd, that publication be made lor six weeks in the Western Carolinian, that they appear at the next eonnty court, to be held for the county of Mont gomery, at tlie Court-IIouse in Lawrerceville, tin the first Monday in October next, and plead, nnswer or demur, or the petition will he heard ix parte. JOHN IS. M U UN, C v.. M. Pr! tt.lv. W rigcue OvAyh, ILud- (jituvtrm, StatiiniUr, AuguH '2d, 1822. Tlir.Ol'im.l'S FALLS, Esq. of the county of Iredell, having been apoiutuil Jid ilr Camp to the Itriadier (iciwral of the seventh Ilrigude of North-Carolina Militia, with the rank of Major, will be obeyed and respected accord ingly. Asusr.w Arusow, Esq. of Iredell count y, hav. ing been appointed Unmade I untied or, Willi the rank of Major, will be obeyed and respected accordingly. F.nsign I'm i to Whit:, of the town of Salisbury, having been appointed Jlrigade Quarter Matter, w ith the rank of 'Cupuiin, will be obeyed and respected a1.'. idiiigl '. OKOKtiK LEE DAVIDSON, Brigadier General. The several regiments composing the seventh Brigade, will be n view ed by the lirif. (.eueral at the tiirii s mid places follow injr, to w it ' I 'lie Iredell regiinr-nt, commanded by Colonel Voting, at StaU-sville, on Monday, the 23d of September next, at J J o'clock, M. The 3d Knwan regiment, Col. Jones, at Mocks Ville, on Tuesday, the 24th of September, at 12 o'clock, M. ' , The 4th Itowan regiment, Col. vVilborn, at Ceorge Filer's, on Wednesday, the 23:h Sept. at 12 o'clock, M. The 2d l!oi an rei-iiui'iit, Col. Jamtt, at John Miller's, on Thursday, the 2Gth of September, at 12 oVlocx. M. and directs, tor general review. The Ili-ii-ade Inspector will attend, on each day of the review, and examine minutely into the condition and number of amis of the troop. I!v order of the llrigadier (General. THEUrMIlLl'S FAI LS, fl .Hd de Cc.mf,. YulvialAc ftiUmtiona TO RE SOLD. ON the 10th ami 20tli September nex, v .'.I be stl! in Linciiliston, a nun.btr of I." i " , to the highest bidder. These lots are gctm-n.';-beautifully situated for building, ami may purchased for a small price. y (entlt'inc n wiping a pleasant and healthy s ' uation, where tlwy can have t!ie advantage of a male and female Academe, would do well to a' teml this sale. This is, oclliaTis, the onlv op credit, with approved security. DVMI.I. lltiKK, I!. II. P.CUTOX, JUdll ItAMSO'K, ) MICHAEL HEIMIAKD I', I Commit' lioncrt. D. lil'.INUARDT, J JJnetlnioH, ,hr;ust 19, 1322. 3wt'13 I AMES R. IIAMITON respcttfuli; tonus the public, that h" occupies tlie i,i.i shop formerly owned bv his father, on Main street. a f0 w ,;,urs wmt, 0f t;c Court-Mouse-, Sali Jmrv, w here he is now prepared, w it u a good set of tools, to repair all kinds or minims y clocks. Having employed a competent workman to help him, he attiires all w ho may fav or him with their i custom, that their work shall h" executed in as i u-t"ilt, ui.ll llieir wi'ifc aua.l i;tt v goo 1 a s'vle as at any other shop in this part of r, . 1 . the country. A I kinusot oil .K-vve In renaire d, atnl some kinds made, .lehsof every description in his line of business will he thaiikbiily received, and executed on a short notice. People who reside at a distance, by sending, may depend on having their work as faithlullv attendi'd to and returned, as though thev were present and rni'i the old established Salisbury prices charged. .Vuisiirr, .fi?. !-, lh-'. '14 (illllClUVs, Sec. f IHE subscriber has just received s choice I supply of CROCEKfES which he offers , r I .1 . ii. r for sale on the iimisI reasonable t'-rrns fir eA , , i ' Among Them are: Sugar, to lev, Molaes, Hum, Rice, F.gs Raisins alt ; and alio, the usual sun ply of L'tiifafonarirt. Likewise, pint and hall piut Fnmblers. THOMAS HOLMES .WIG, 1822 106 . Vu UoyssvS cured. rrHE subscriber wishes to inform the citizens JL of the I'uited States, that he has obtained a patent from the President of the I'nited States for a new and us -ful discovery in the method of curuiff IlLisnsrss in Horses. 1 lie manner 'H treatment is simple, and very easily performed Numbers of people have given certifi "tes of the great usc'u!r.t& of this UimovvFV, t!k i mi-u readv to tctiiy in tlie same wav, snoulil tliev lie called on. The subscriber wishes it not to be understood, that horses whose eyes have become dea.l, ran he brought to their s;e;ht again; but, in many cases where thev have been blind trom one: to seven years by iis method they have been restored to perfect sight, and ever after remained so. Rights for States, or single counties may be obtained by applying, rillicr personally or by letter, to the subscriber, or his agent, in the town of lluntsv ille, Surry county, N. Carolina. A right for a single county w ill be sold at from 50 to 1HV dollars, proportioned to the population thereof. JOSEPH SATER. AVrt, f own.'", .V. C, .ii:,r. 12, 1 822. 3mt'2u ftwlluWcY. 4 SHOUT time since, a man by the name of i V Ceorge Cart wnght, a journeyman shoema. ker, commenced w orking w ith nie, and alter get. tinff into mv di bt, nhscouded without paying IK: went oil' with a journeyman tailor, by the name of Lemons, It is supposed he will make for Tennessee, bv the wav of I.incolntnn and Monrxnton. The object of this notice is to put the public on their guard, and let the character of the man keep pace with himsclt. ASA T0MPS0N. CrvK J: '!- 2?. 13C2,-'f "J'T rao.-s thk ui.Tuosr r iBsmis' joTtatui., THE ILL EFFECTS OF IRON BOUND FEET. Utile Murthull, Lie, mur Lj vier, Devon. May 24, 1821. Sin A letter in your Journal of Mon. u.iy lust, renews in niy mind subject I have often been on the point cf address ing you upon ; and one, as relate to hor ses of (juick uclion,of as much importance as Wardrop's Lssay on the Diseases ol the Ky : I mean the consideration of the Horse's Feet, and the injury induced by the application of an inelastic ring as a protection to a part, formed, in all its out ward pans, by Nature, for full and free exercise of elasticity. Twenty years ago, or rather more, in the indulgence of a ie Kurd to my ridin; horse so naturally the feeling of youth, I was led to observe in my own, and, indeed, more or less in the horses of every one else, a degree of con traction taking place in the foot: in some, the aflection (for it was uot at that period supposed a disease) was of slow progress, while in others it was rapid and destruc tive. Various were the methods tried to avoid the growing evil, but ill proed abortive. At an early period, after my tniiid had become alive to the subject, I became acquainted with limey Clark, an cniimnt London Veteiinary Surgeon, who vas prosecuting a similar inquiry, and through his professional information 1 v;i i ultimately indebted to the knowledge of w l .t was requisite to the heathy pro- i tn '.'-ii or thr foot of that truly noble an ' in ti c liorss:. This induced me, six r r , u ;;, to nuke use, with some trifling i .Im ';:on, of a shoe, known formerly in I tin niiig workl by the name of 'thc ! t:-v-r. n shoo it bting customary for t: i.i :.j be carried by huntsmen for the t ' ' .niTiodation of gentlemen whose hor j m loiht accidentally throw a shot ; und, i.ning a rivet in the toe, was, from its ca pability of ixpansion or contraction, easi- y accommodated to the foot of any hoi se. .Vtt-r 1 h.vd used this shoe twelve months, I wro'.c Bracy ( lark an account of the re sult, which had proved btncfuwl beyond my most sanguine expectations ; still they were not altogether fit for general use, and the rtfore r.o public exbibititn took place of ihrm. I however, continued their use, and with great success, getting such alter ations as circumstances seemed to dictate the necessity of; always communicating my experiments, as I proceeded, to my worthy and respected friend B. C, who, I am happy to find, has now brought a shoe to pet lection, which stands the test cf pub lie experience. It is now six years since I have used jointed shoes, and I therefore think I may be allowed, from the success I have experienced, to name it for the benefit of the public, and particularly for that part of the agricultural world who are engaged in breeding and breaking val uablc horses, many of whom are sent, at early ar-e, to London, with contracted f-et from shoeing, not as the general mode of expression is, " bad shoeing," butrom thuring which, at generally utcd, is al:o grther, in the best hands, bad ! I send you herewith (which I shall be glad, when your curiosity and that of your friends in your immediate vicinity are gn'ifted, to hnYc returned) two ccff:n botif s ; the one formerly belonging to on animal that had been shod in the common mode, and the other to one that had rev er worn oilier than the jointed shoes, and leave you to make your own comments The natural age of the horse is from 25 to SO years ! How many never reach seven or nine, from bad feet, arising from the mod of shoeing in general practice ! The horse arrives at his full growth at seven, and full beauty and roundness c parts at iiine after which they arc capa blc of their greatest exertion ; yet, from the uncorrected evil in the old mode shoeing, few persons like to buy a hoTX without mouth. a mark of childhood m his I remain, Sir, I Yo'irs, Very obetiienUn J01W HALT.. QIUGLWIL ro TUI W tSTlKS CAUULINUX. MenKTt. Editor : I have read, with no small degree of interest, a temperate and ingenious essay on local prejudices, which appeared in the Southern Intelligencer, an excellent religinus journal, published at Charleston. I he subject has frequent ly occurred to my mind, while the illib eral and unfounded prejudices existing between the inhabitants of the Northern and Southern sections ol our country have been noticed with deep and painful regret. A very moderate acquaintance with the world is sullidenl to teach the falsehood of those sweeping conclusions, so often made to the injury of particular commu nities. That men, with similar advanta ges of education and religious instruction, are influenced by similar motives, and that place and situation have little to do with their moral or religious character, are reflections confirmed by the expe rience of ages. Yet, while the inhabit ants of the North indiscriminately con demn their Southern brethren with re spect to slavery, luxury, intemperance, and a neglectof their rtligious duties and obligations, the inhabitants of the South, forming their opinions from the pcdlcrs and adventurers they meet with, pro nounce, in the same unqualified terms, respecting the moral character of their Northern brethren ; and set them down as cheats, swindlers and bvpor riles. That both pin ties are cgrc(;iouly wrong in their conclusions, a very slight degree cf acquaintance with them, as they really are, would be sufficient to proe- Let us, in the first place, examine the charges so often brought against the in habitants of the South ; in the front ol which stands the ItcUlin if ilavei. That the present generation hud no agency in bringing this evil, for such they all admit it , 6n themselves, is a stubborn fact, which heir accusers cannot controvert : nor can all the acknowledged ututrnet of yankees devise any means by which, consistently with the safety of both parties, they can free themselves from this calamity, were they inclined to do it and that many of them do ardently desire it, we know tb be truth- With respect to their treatment, although here, as in other places, there are, unquestionably, men so devoid of the eelmgs of benevolence and humanity, as to treat their domestics with unmerited cruelty, yet, on a residence in this coun try, the fust thing we notice is, the ma ny comforts enjoyed by the slaves, the moderate degree of labor usually imposed upon them, their comfortable and often handsome clothing, their frequent relaxa tion frcm labour, and, in many instances, the almost paternal tenderness with which they are treated- Indeed, however ex travagant t tie assertion niav appear, we may confidently affirm, that, in the towns and villages of this state, their services are lighter, their clothing and diet better, and their Ireedom from care greater, than is enjoyed by the laboring classes in oth er states. That the most severe task masters among us, are foreigners, that is r.uropeans, or the mhabiun's of other states, is a tact well known and attested by those who have made any observation on the subject. Since the prejudices of the North are so strong on the subject of slavery, and their consciences and feelings so tremblingly alive to its religious and morl turpitude, how can we account for the fact, that no instances are found of men from that part of our country, ob taining slaves by marriiage, execution, lecacy or purchase, all of which do hap pen, who are disposed to grant them man umission f Un the contrary, those resi ding in this country know it to be a fact, that such men are as tenacious of this kind of property, more rigorous in their exactions of labor, und as ready to make money by their sale, as the men of the Sou'h. During a residence of many years In one of the larger towns, in the eastern part of this stale, the writer of this article knew instances of men trom that state, which claims to itself the ex clusive title of " the land of steady hab its," who, merely to gratify "the fineT feelings of the soul," would solicit the of fice ol whipping offending slaves. Trom these instances of individual depravity, would it be just or liberal to infer, that the inhabitants of the Northern states de lighted in the infliction or human misery ? Yet such has been the "measure meted" to the inhabitants of the South. The ex pressions of acrimony, amounting almost to a wish, that thr scenes of St. Domingo might be acted over in the Southern states, which, during the Missouri question, fell from members of Congress, were a sub ject of humiliation t.nd regret to jjfntle men from the North, residing in this state. That such lUiguage and feelings could have their origin only in ignorance of the condition of the slaves and the conduct of ttit ir masters, was their unanimous and decided opinion. With respect to the broad assertion, that " no slave holder can be a christian," hundreds of us can unite our testimony, that man) men, of the most minuisli cd piety, are owners of slaveswho are as careful of their iciieimis education as any christian parent, even at the North, can be of the education wf bis children ; who, while they render 'heir situation comfortable and happy bete, cno'ravor tr teach tlif rn the way lo happiness hereaf ter. In the Old Testament we are in formed tkaj Abraham, the father of the faithful, lud upwards of 3'K) servant,, bom in his own house. J b, " a man who fear ed Cod and eschewed evil," had many sei viis. That professing christian vero in the habit of owning servants, all wc read on the subject in the New les'a ment, serves to shew j while, in no one in- stance, do we find the practice reprobated. The writer of this article never did, nor ever expects to own a slave i but he lias many among his dearest and mst valued friends who do, and wlisoe piety and liu mani'y, he is confident, would lose noth ing bv being compared with that of tins men who so loudly reprobate the practice. That slavery is an evil, attended by man unhappy and demoralizing effects, none are more leady to admit, than the inhab itants of the South. None more bitterly deplore the calamity none, it is believ ed, would make Rreater sacrifices to ef fect its total abolition. Did our northern brethren duly reflect on these circum stances, were they aware of the dillku! ties attending them, end especially did they know the full extent cf the comforts and piivilrges enjoyed by the slave, .aid the tenderness so often manifested bv their masters, although ihey miht lament the evils, which certainly do eist, yet they would cease to heap unmerited re proaches upon the innocent.. The con duct of one class of our citizens cannot be too severely censured, timnrlv, ihosa who. in defiance of the laws of their coun try, of humanity and of Cod, are m any way, either as ship owners or ship mas ters, concerned in bringing these misera ble creatures into our country. 1 hat these men, er demons in their shape, are often, if not wholly, from the North, wo blush to admit. As to the other charges of irteligion, intemperance, and prevailing licentious ness, it is to be lamented that too much of these evils prevails every where in our country ; yet we feel a degree of confi dence in sayincr, that the impressions, with respect to the Southern states, have been greatly and wickedly exaggerated. That our situation differs muteiisJly from our brethren at the North, they shoulJ bear in mind. Our scattered population, having few towns er villages, deprives us of the facilities for public worship which they enjoy, in so distinguished a degree But the proportion of professing chris tians, and of those who are the friends of religion, is much greater than is usually imagined, and we flatter ursclves is daily increasing. Luxury and Intemperanco are apt to bear some proportion to the facilities of living ; yet we believe it would be difficult to produce examplesofa great er degree of refinement in corrcet mor als, and of attention to the duties of re ligion, than exis', at this time, in a num ber of the larger towns in this state. That some improvement is visible throughout the Southern states, we trust is obvious. Much most certainly retrains to be Cone. Many and great evils do exist ; and so have reason to humble ourselves before God, for our manifold transgressions. Yet frtm othert, we feel a proud consi iousness in saying, we do nut deserve the severe censures and sarcasms rsst upon u by them. In a future ess, I thali tntieavor to show how unfounded are the prejudi ces cherished against Yunkrety as they are reproachfully termed. One observation shall include the present remarks. Were none, agreeably to our Saviour's benevo- jeni rinc, to ti sioiiua, oui tuose no- are free from faults, our windows and limbs would remain unbroken : Did we receive what we deserve, at the hanJs of divine justice, both would b " as Souom and like unto Gomorrah." CANDIDA'S- rna tor wsstchs caioi.tsna. - Tkt Grand Jury c Rwan to their ft .Ve :t -Citi,cni e the Ccunty. fellow-citizens : Impelled by every consideration of right and justice, we feel it cur duty to bring before you an oppres sive grievance under which the people of Rowan, in common with a large majority of their fcllow-cituens of the state, have for a number of years labored. This grievance arises from the gteat inequality in the operation of our present constitu tion, particularly that part of it which pre scribes the modo of electing members to the Ceneral Assembly. It is one of the fundamental rules of a republican gov ernment, th?t all the free peopla living

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