under it, should riij.iy e-jiiil privileges oik: whU another, anJ'e'iu.'.IIy brar the expense and burdens of j;overnriifci(l Thu is very far bom being the case in Noi th-Cat .Tina. I'udVr the pi esent con stitution our suit government ha ceased to be republican, scvd ha bromine a cum plcit: aristocracy. S f.tr from the ma jority governing, as it might to do, it is an incoiiiestiblr. Tictt ih.a a minority cf less than one-third of the free people of the state) control ami m.d-.e laws for all the rest. This follows In m the mode of choosing members to this legislature. Each county elects the same number of representatives, without any regard either to the amount of population, or extent of territory contained in the county. Thus eur county of Rowan, with a free popu lation of more than 20,628 souls, sends to the legislature only three members, while the small county of Green, with t free population of only 2,3)9 souls, is entitled to the same number. So that, in fact, three citizens in many of the small coun ties in the eastern part of the stare, have more weight in making the laws than 27 of the free Inhabitants of Rowan. So, likewise, as to bearing the burdens of go vernment. It is a fact established by the books of the comptroller, that there is a number of the small counties in the slate which do not furnish a sufficient amount of taxes to pay the wages of their own members ; whilst Rowan sends to the public treasury every year, over and above the pay of her own members, upwards of 2,000 dollars. And yet, year alter year, when Rowan applies, in a respectful man ner, to the legislature to have her un wieldy territory divided, and her local grievances redressed, she is treated wiih sneers, and rejected with scorn. Fellow citizens, is it not time for the people to aw krn to a sense of their degraded situ atij i j Shall we continue to ruv the laws Tiuile for us by the minority, and pv them for domineering over us '.So. Thrir is a point of forbearance beyond whit li it is criminal to go. Nor is i the rep esenutive feature of the constitution alon , that requires amendment; there are many other ports which experience proves ran be Altered for the bct'.er. One of which, in our opinion, is, that the le gislature meets too often. We think, that !o convene every two years, wouli be fivquent enough. It is now a fart, not i 00 denied, that the laws of one ses- sioh !ue scarcely time to become known f more tranquil than I expected ; the terri to the people, until they are either re-jble affair af Scio as glutted for a time 'pealed or altered by the succeeding le- these monsters. I shall, by tne Sultana gislature. ' What are laws this year, cease write you a fuller description of this dread to be laws the next ; and so constantly fu kCeiie. Smyrna is crowded with wo are our acts of the Assembly changing, men and children, brought away as slaves that few others than the lawyers know i which are in force and which are i.ot. This is a great defect in our constitution, and a serious grievance to the people. But there is another objection to the le gislature meeting as often as it does : namely, the great expense incurred by it. The legislature, one year with another, costs the people little short of 40,0 h) dob lars. Now if it were convened only once in every two years, then this large sum of 40,000 dollars, or nearly that, would e vei y other year b saved to the public ; and might either not be collected at all, or, if collected, applies! to pu. poses of general usefulness. But, fellow citizens, our object is not row so murh to expose the defects of the present v tem, as to call your attention to a remedy, Every reflecting citizen must bein to see, and sensibly to feci, that the operations of the present consti tution are unequal, unjust, and anti-re-publico in the extreme ; that they are every day ijrnv ing wore, and unless the remedv is speedily applied, will soon be come too grievous to be tolerated. What is litis remedy, we would ask ? Evetv tongue will at once answera Conven-kan tion of the free people of North-Carolina 1 But, how is this most desirable end to be brought w')ut ? Not by apphing to the legislature., 'or the MINO'HFY there hold the p vcr ; and sad experience Uiows is, thtt U ding power, they forget right. Nu 1 there is no hopes from the legisla ture ; and after the treatment we have received from that quarter, it would be hu iniliaing to apply to them again. Thank Crd. in this laiH, where our fathers fought I for freedom, there is another modeof oo-saiiicd oun and Lui Utile rtsUurice was timing redrcsstif our sufferings; this is, to made by the Crerks. A general massa p)lv to the source of all political power, ! ere commenced. No a male was spared; to the people themselves. ne pow er lies In the hands of the people, and a tnajori ty have an incontestable right to exercise that power in altering or new-modifying the constitution whenever they please. The main consideration is, how to pro duce such a concert, as to bring by their delegates a majority of the people togeth er. To aecomplish this most desirable object, WE believe that the best plan is, for the freemen of each county to meet at the place of mustering in each Cap tain's district, and choose one or more delegates. The delegstesof each coun ty so chosen, to convene tit their respec tive Court-1 louses, on some cetuin div, to take lh subject of our grievance under 'the sea, at one time ; but the greatest pari baMston, spa. k. y. Arc 6. their most serious consideration; and, j of tbcm are brought here as slaves; the Mure hfftcts nf Intoxieation. On Sun ammg other measures, to appoint a com- Bazars arc full of then and the most day, the 2ath tilt, the body of a transient mit'ee for the purpose of opening and wretched sights are eery day presented per.son was found in the stable of Peter carry ing on a correspondence w ith like , to us I have been very near getting into IXirby, in Ballston. It is sinrt ascertain committee i:i other counties ; ami in this dilTictil y by purchasing a sm.. II boy from ciT that hi name was George Thomas, manner produre a concert of feeling and the Turks, and have been obliged to give and that he was a revolutionary pension treasures, which cannot fail, in n short 1 im up, as we have no Consul here to cr. An inquest was held, and their vcr- it 'lie, ot bringing about aeoiivct.tioti of the I'reo people of NH th-Catolina. Itciirvinj;, as wc do, that this is l be on ly method by which we can obtain redress, we, the grand-jury, joint -sufferers with yourselves, collected together from every part of the county, do most earnestly re commend to you to meet at your respec tive muster grounds on someday between this and Saturday, the l'Jth of October, and make choice of two delegates. That the delegates so chosen, do meet at the Court-House of the county, on Thursday, the 24th of October, to deliberate on the grievances we suffer, and to devise such measures of relief as may be denned most prudent and effectual. With the most ardent wishes for suc cess in this necessary undertaking, we promise you, fellow-citizens, our zealous co-operation. Signed, YY. Bodenhamer, M Fireman. John EaRthum, Samuel Ferrington, iirumrnell Sapp, Stephen Heutlietn, Henry Workmin, Adam Casper, Henry Htirewal', Josiah lumhlcson, Mil Lad linker, John Hoof, Levi Siiiith, John Wiilscr. John Goodman, Augutl 2Mi, 1822. INTKMJr.KNCK. He romcs, the herald of a noisy world, News from all nations lumh'ring at his bark. lion Tins niKTu.M accounts. TLItklSH HAKBARITIES. When our readers shall have rt-ad the following extr&ct f letters from a gentleman of the lirit respectability in Smyrna, to his friend in tills city, they v. ill probably be of the opinion that tin- tlrcailful famine in Ireland is but the romini-nrciiicnt of the judgments of heaven o:i the UritMi nation, for the aiiti-cliristian and inhuman put which they lave acted in the coi tibt U-Uecn the (.recks and the lurks. Oil t!ic (.uurnmciit of (.rent llritain, as well as on the Ottoman I'orte, wc believe that these horrible enormities w ill be charged by a right- eous Proviilenee , because they have exerted the whole influence of the nation, to support the. Turks in perpetrating them. Smyrna, 17th May, 1822. I have the pleasure of once more advi sing my arrival at this pott, on tint Sth inst. I wrote you last from Malta, on the 22d tilt, at which plate we stopt but a short time. 1 find the Mate of affairs much from unfortuna'e island, whole fami lies are put up for sale, and the most beau tiful females are torn from their friends, and Riven up to the embraces of these worse than villains. I have seen scenes that would draw a tear from the most un feeling wretch ; whole families separated ; a mother giving up her last infant, and herself afterwards purchased by some vil lain, nd in her agony imploring some Chi istian, for Christ's sake, to save her, or at least her children. The Pasha has giv en an order that no Frank shall purchase aalave ; and, but in few instances, has any thing been effected ; and that in an under hand way ; enough of this heart sickening subject. Such an outrage upon Christen dom has not for ages been known, and we can only sigh when we know who is the' ail- .. r . l " - - . . 1. - -.. - l -a whi scon ovenaKe mis empire, anu tica ven will no longer look on, and permit su' h wickedncsi. I he Greeks can do nothing ; the Capt. P-,ha has left Srio fo? some of the other I stands to act the same between the fleets. The Greek fleet r-n ! scenes over, l here nas been no action do nothing against the Capt- Pushu. I hey meet thtni with no chance of success. Smyrna, 28A May, $22. I intended to have given you a sketch of the scene of Scio. I am promised it ly a Greek Sriot rrin, who was brought into Smyrna as a slave, and purchased by a person here ; and intends writing the particulars of that dreadful affair. The Capt. Pasha hoisted English colors, when he came in sight of the island, but after wards hoiMed the red flag, and landed his troops; and the Turks from the castle troops every one was cut 10 pieces, anu some 01 the most shocking tortures made use of. A person there who witnessed the whole scene, tells me that the Greeks bore these cruelties with extraordinary fortitude i he saw many impaled alive and roasted. The whole town is destroyed, and the dead bo dies, arms and legs scattered over the whole city. The smell is said to be so offensive that it is impossible to remain. A few of the Mastic villages ills said have been partly spared. The number of GreckskilN, Mr. Hervey t 1J me, might be estimated at from 15 to 20,000. Ma ny of the women and children were de I stroveu. l iny munis were thrown inn any u. ...i, r' "."'; '"""Idrunk.V.r..- Yo,k f'u,r. protect inc. !md endeavored to corn-idict proud, e the affair with money, but found it impossible. The Turk that sold him would have lost bis head, which he deserv ed ; and 1 should have been placed in a very dangerous, unpleasant situation, bad I not given him up the child when de manded. The Pasha had :ven orders that no slave should be sold to a Christian, though several have been purchased in an underhand way. It happened only yester day, and has troubled my mind so much that I have hardly time to write my let ters. In my next, I will write you more about it; I am now out of difficulty. THE Al.ltlON. Among the passengers in the Colum bia, at New-York, was Mr. Everheart, the only surviving cabin passenger in the Al bion packet ship. A friend who had half an hour s conversation with this gentle man previous to his departure for Phila delphia, received the following particu lars from him : When the ship was thrown on her beam ends, a prodigious destruction took place below ; the doors of the state rooms, the tables, bound with iron, the furniture, were all destroyed and thrown into heaps. Many of the passengers were severely in jured . (len. Lefcbvre Desnouetts had one of his arms broken ; Col. Prevost was wounded in the face. Shx soon righted, and the water which was shipped in the cabin was let below, so that the passen gers until near 3 in the morning were as comfortable as they could be under these distressing circumstances. From the time of her shipping the first sea at eight o'cloc k, until near three in the morning, Capt. Williams concealed their iminent dinger from the passengers, consoling them with the hope of relief at daylight, iind of (he wind s coming on the shore. They were thus saved much anxiety and distress for the five hours preceding the total destruction of the ship. At about 10 minutes before three, the captain peceiving the ship to be embayed and near the breakers, communicated the intelligence, and ordered every one on board forward, which Mr. Lverheart con sidcrs was the most prudent thing ijt could be done. Mr. Everheart, from ex trcme weakness, was the last up the com panion, crawling upon his bandsand knees. At the top he found Madame Carine and her child in great distress: he assisted her as well as he could across the lumber on deck forward. The ship struck on two or three rocks before she came to the reef where she lost her bottom, and her decks barely hanging together, were floated in side t!ie reef, immense swells covering all the passengers from time to time About an hour after she crossed the reef the swells increased in bulk, and frequen cy. Amongst the last persons he saw alive at this time was young Mr. Hyde Clarke holding bis wife; and at this period the swells entirely covered tho forecastle, and drowned all who were there. Col. Pic vost by great cxertbns reached the rock which Mr- Everheart had gained, but was washed oiT. Mr. Everheart had barely room to stand on one foot it was a rock that jutted out from the main land. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke's bodies were found and interred ; and many of the passengers some weeks after were washed ashore, so much mutilated that it was inipoosible to recognize them. The sailors at an early period were in a state nf insubordination ; many would not obey orders, un 0t SiKH KINt, MURDER. I SOUTH I W'1-illlMiTO (ti.) HAHISIH. On Wecesdav last. William Crawford, , a wealthy fatnnr of Fallow field township. ." ,".hinK,on 1c'oun,J' w" cnHtec. to jail m mis pia-e, lor tne murcier oi n.s son Henry, the rav before, at the age ol twenty-eight years. This horrid deed is said to have had its origin in a disagree- ment wnicn existed tor sometime between ... ..... v ....w..u,.u ... ...-... ...V.W..C. , of the deccast d, she living at the time the murder was committed in the same house with the bon, separate from the residence of the old man. On the morning pre vious to putting into design his hellish purpose, it appears that he had declared he would kill his son on that day. The instrument of death, a gun, was attemp ted to be wrested from him by some per son present, who desisted on the old man's threoting to kill him if he did not cease to inlet fere. He deliberately took aim, we are informed, placing the gun against the cheek of the door, before which his son was sitting, and shot him dead on the spot. In addition to the above particulars, a person who was present at the time says, the deceased had been repeatedly threat ened by the father, but from the age and infirmities of the old man, he apprehen- I ded no danger except from the gun, which he had put out of order for his security ; the father, however, had procured some person who repaired it was, f'that he catne to bis death by drinking too freely of ardent spirits." It is not one month since wc bad to record a similar case which occurred in this town. The heart sickens and the mind revolts at the too frequent occurrences of this kind, and more especially when they are wit nessed in our own vicinity. NEW-yOUK, ADC. 15. A Mr. Ackerlv, a clerk in one of the departments at Washington, arrived in this city, and landed in or near the infec ted district on Wednesday of last week. His lodgings were not far from Canal street. He sickened on Friday, appeared convalescent on Saturday, took his bed on Sunday, and died with tie fever on Tues day. PHILADELPHIA, A L'G. 15. The Philadelphia Hoard of Health has prohibited all intercourse between New York and this city, from and after tl o' clock this day. ohk, 'pess ) At'G. 13. This section of country has not expe rienced such a drought in the recoller. tion of persons who have lived near a ccn tury. There has been no rain of any con sequence since the 21st of February, the time of the flood, a period of nearly six months, and for the last two months Hea ven has withheld its showers altogether Wc hear daily of spiinus that were con side red never-failing, disappearing; and that people, like the thirsty throng of Is rael, have to go miles in quest of water to sustain themselves. Not a mill out of ten can grind a grain, and those that enn, cannot supply the e'e mand for flour. Farmers have gone twen ty miles to mill, and were then generally disappointed in getting as much ground as would answer their lmmeclia'c wants. A few weeks continuance of dry wea thcr will cause a great scarcity, and prob ably impose a necessity of getting flour from Baltimore or elsewhere. The summer crops have almost total ly failed, some fields will not y ield a grain of corn, and the best of them not more than a few bushels to the acre IlIIUDFLPHI A, At 0. 17. Love laugh at Luckimiili. On Wei nesdy morning last a developcmcnt took place belore u magistrate, of an occur rence winch, however laughable it may appear to some, could not in all its cir cumstances be vtrry agreeable to the par ties concerned. It seemed that Juliet, a colored girl, wished to conceal her lover in a cellar; and to prevent the noise made by his hea vy tread being beard, she, while he was descending the stairs, seized the cat uul squeezed it so hard as to make it squeal till the whole house re-echoed with the noise. Grimalkin's squalling served only to excite the suspicion of the mistress, and determined her to see what was the mutter. In this dilemma the fair Juliet dropped the Cat, and blew out the candle. The mistress descended the stairs, and in one moment afterwards fuuml herself in the unit if n aturdij nitro, who, thinking it wjs the fair Juliet, inpiinted we '. on her lips, but then discovetitig his mistake, : ingloiiously fled, and left the lovely Juliet 'to her fate. The son of the l.idv.ulat med by the uproar, came down and secured the i wench, but she would not reveal to the j magistrate the name of her companion. Whinnied occurrence. The banns cf marriage between (wo parties had been regularly published in this titv, and a par tirulur day last week was fixed for the in tended union at the residence of the bride. j , ffVV )nji from town. The rlcrgvman y . r minted : ,n ; ... fick le CUf b.,.n n,ar. two days before to anothrr man, and the happy pair had taken their flight to their ru(urc tyiu some liIc8 distant! The , wpiHi med swain, ignorant ol his mis fortune, had come to see his dulrinca the day after the ceremony had been perform ed, and when he found what had taken place, he assumed philosophic composure, shook hands with the faithless fmilonc, and wished her all the happiness Ac deserved, St. Juhn'a X. II. fiofier. Anotlter I.brd in Vermont. We undestand that Deacon Charles M'Kenzic, of Hartland, Vermont, a far mer of the first respectability, and a man highly esteemed wherever he is known, in consequence of the death of an uncle, is likely to be Lord Monro, of Allen Ross shire, in Scotland. It is but a few w eeks since an old gentleman of Roxbury, was informed of a similar kind of luck, he be ing the eldest lineal descendant nov living of m ancient family of parliamentary dig nity in England. The laws of piimoge niture occasionally, excite our astonish ment ; particularly when we see men brought from the most humble station of life, and from most sections of the globe, to i lie heirs of consequential men in an other kingdom, of whom perhHps they never before heard. Vermont finfter. KKW-TORK, AUG. 16. The People vs. Seth ur The court of sessions yesterday decided that they had no authority to issue the, commissions Under the seal of the court, which had bctn moved for by the defendant, to tako testimony on his behalf in England and France, m relation to the charges made by "Ariel' against the lion. Jonathan Russell. I consequence ol which, svir- Duer, the associate counsel for the prose cution, stated to the court, that the dis trict attorney and himself, on the part of the people, had entered into an arrange ment with the defendant s counsel, whica obviated the legal difficulty. We under stand that, according to this arrangement, (to which the court assented,) comrnis stuns will issue under the signatures of the respective consuls, for the examina tion, under oath, of the witticsses'natned therein, resident in England and France, upon interrogatories and cross interroga tories to be settled before the first Judge, or the Recorder, and to be annexed to the commission. Six month are allowed for the return of the commissions. In the mean time, the testimony of Mr. Fred. Mullett, who is now in tills date, and is the surviving partner of the house of Mul lett, Evans & Co. is to be taken, with that of other persons, on the part of the pros ecution, to be read on the trial, in case l the death, or the absence from the state of such witness. The counsel in the above cause arc, Hugh Maxwell, Esq. District Attorney, and John Duer, Henry Wheaton, and John I.. Lawrence, Esq, as associates, on the part of the people. Pierre C. Van Wyck, and Charles G. Haines, Esq, are engag ed on the part of Mr. Hunt. Gazette. A letter received at New-York, from Augusta, Georgia, of the 6th inst. says, that at day light that morning, Mr. Henry Shultz, the founder of the new town of I lamburg, shot himself with six buck shot When be presented the pistol to bis fore head, it seems he elevated his hand a lit tle, and the shot struck bis eyebrows and inclined down. He was alive, and even considered not dangerous by the surgeon The act was committed in his own house. .1f.etrif.id woman An account dated Eaton, Ohio, July 2d, states that " an el dcily gentleman who lately died in Fay cttc county, state of Kentucky, previou. to his death requested that hia daughter's remains should be disinterred and depos ited by the side of his own. His daugh ter had been buried about eleven years, in the county of Bourbon, Ky. After his decease, the old gctleman's request was compiled with, lo the great astonish ment and surprise of those engaged iti raising the daughter's remains, her bod was found to be entire, and of its full sue On a minute examination, it was discov ered to be perfectly petrified ; its sprcif.c gravity was about the same as that of com mon lime stone. The coffin was entire!, decayed. Her countenance had nuclei gone so small an alteration, that her hus band, it is said, on beholding her, fainted " Quic K"jrk. I wo transient persons, yesterday morning committed a petty theft about two miles from this city- were pursued, arrested, taken before a magistrate, tried, convictfd, and punished by whipping ; the whole work finished the same dav before lOo clock, A. M. oyrt- tleman t brealfttt ttme.XeKhaven fiaf.er m . m President Bovf.h, has wri'ten toafrirnd bv the name of Dodge, in North-Salcm. (Miss.) expressing a wish that the I tide- jTr.dcnce of the Republic of Hayti ma- he arkrowlcdgcd bv the government rt the United States. The object of I'mr in writing to Mr. Dodge seems to be t obtain his.tuviie on the subject, and to gf. rum to introduce the subject to different itiluicntial individuals, in orcer that tin: proposed measure m.y be carried into ef fect. Boycr sets forth like a man of much reflection and good understanding, the commercial advantages w hich each natio would derive from the adoption of such a measure- -vrtt'iut'cn taper. In Northfield, Marshal Ames, aged six years, son o Captain James White, came to his death by a mistake, in taking yel low arsenic for flour of sulphur. This melancholy occurrence should teach s.!l who deal out or administer medicine (a observe the greatest caution in giving it Every article of medicine kept in a fami ly ouirht to be labelled. It is bv neglect ing this salutary rule that many find a pre mature grave. Mr. John Ticket, of Cape Elizabeth Maine, was barn Dec. 8. 1728. hit wife July 10, 1 729 ; they were married Jan. -I. 1750. I hev now live at Cane Elizabeth. and, although at the advancr'd age of 94, are both in excellent health, both read their bibles without the aid of spectacles and their recollection of past events ise ! i n . .... ry utile impaucu. rarnana paper. THE SPRINGS. SARATOGA SPRINGS, AVO- 13. The arrival of strangeis since our lait has been very great. Not less than 1 1 or 1200 weie in this village on Saturday. The number at our sister village, Ballstoti Spa, we have not been able to ascertain, but understand it to be very handsome. All the houses in both villages will prob ably be filled during this week ; and pres ent appearances indicate that the stay ot company will be longer thii season than usual. Sentinel,