I ! fir Yvr. I HUH ilK i lltll.l.rul IIH'IIUU, Tu viorM n bright ln fjre thte, Jw '.minii! r flov.vn arc thine, ( f-ilui tiliie ky is o'tr thee, '1 liy bosom, U iciurt's shrine. Atiti thini the sun beam given, From iiuSirr' moi-iiinf hour; l'.ur, w&r.u, 14 hun lioru hcavciy It burst tin t',tk-ir bower. ihure in a vwg 'l M.rvovi, I'tie dfnttiHlirgo of the gwy, That tills, ere iLwn of moir;', Those eharmn may melt away. Tlut sun's bright beam be shaded) That iky be blue no more, Tu summer flower' faded, And youth' warm promise o'er Believe it not, though lonely, Thy evening home my be, Though beauty's bark can only Float on a summer's sea. Though Time thy bloom is stealing, Tliert's Hiill, beyond Ins art, Tbc uM-fl.mcr wreath of feeling, The mil-beam of the heart. cm hi. a. junket rr(i. (Zttrinihian Ittguluttm for llifh Liuri vithout meivu 3iipliilu of Sinope, in I'untus, says, that There i u a notable law at Corinth, Where, if a fellow outran reawn, Peaw'.ng and junteUing at firicms cost, The sumptuary justice call'd upon him, Anil thus begun to sift him : " Van live wr!l a But hiive nuii urll la fit.' You squander froily! " Have yon the wherewithal Where arc votir funds, " For theie outgoings ? If jsu kave g on f "If yon have not, we'll stop you in pood time, " Before you outrun honesty for he " Who lives, we know not how, must live by Lis vitt : " Either he touches some fool's purse, " Or is the accomplice of tme knavish gan ; This, a well ordered city will not s-.uTc-r i 44 Such vermin we expl." ; is a My thai iful tulutaru rtrulat.on uf Co- rtnt rf ru,t iwutated in thit ttu'itry ; vt thould nal Utrrx ttJ II noir tit cast, pa.nptrtd pride and if fteruncr, riultxf the liiiinwr uf hwtetl in- lAternry TiXtrvicU, &c. Variety's Uie very spice of life, That gives it all its tlavor. mo tat NaTH akciuca tmtw. Wc have long been of opinion that our n aive country opens to the adven turous novel-writer a wide, untrodden field, replete with new matter admira bly :idpted to the purposes of fiction. Our views on this subject have already br-n partially developed, (N. A. Rev. No. Jl ) and our conviction ha nut been s aggerui by any arguments we have heard opposed to them. That nothing of the kind has hitherto Lcrn accomplished, 'h but a poor argument at best especially when taken in con nexion with the fact, that nothing has as yci been attempted. We arc told, it is true, that there is among us a fold uniformity and sobrittv of character ; a sad reality and utility in our mam, en and institutions ; that our citizens arc a downright, plain-dealing, inflexible, niatter-ot-fact sort of people ; in short, that our country and its inhabitants are equally and utterly destitute of al! sorts of romantic association. We are not so foolhardy as to deny the truth of the theory on which these objec tions rest, it is not enough that soli tary exceptions may be found here and there, it there be in fact great general Vnilnrmit) pervading the mass of the people. The chractcrs ol fiction should be descriptive of lasses, ai d r.ot - if individuals or they will seem to want the touch f.f nature, and fail in th.it dramatic interest which results from a familiarity Wit.i tuc 1 and p lesions pourtraved, and a con fciousness of their truth. Admitting then, that the power of creating inter est in a work ol hction, so lar as it srists from development of character, lies in this generalizing principle w hich substitutes classes for individuals, we rc triumphantly asked whether that State t society is not best fitted to the end proposed, in which this system o classification is already carried to its greatest extent j where order rises above order in the most distinct and uni form gradation each pinnacle stand ing al oof from its neighbor, each sep arated by its own impenetrable barrier No certa.nlv not; if by these dis tinctions wre meant the mere formal divisions of society into lords, gentle nun, and villains. It is not such arti tuial and arbitrary distinctions which give th . M-atest possihle varietv and scope ! h.ca t r, or tlTcit that kind of classification which is best adapted fo t'.to tvar.s of the author. On the contury, they are so many impedi ments in hi way, forcing character out of its natural development into con strained and formal fashions, if such principles were left to their own ten dency, they would make ull men so many flat-headed Indians j and when the causes of these unnatural distinc tions in human character had reused to exist, we should look round in vain for the model of the dull and uniform monsters they had created. Not so where men have sprung up in active and adventurous communities, un shackled by forms, unfashiontd by governments, and left freely to work out tbrirown way, pursuing their own objects, with nothing to interrupt or aflect them, but that mutual attrition which has not always the effect of pol ishing in the moral, as in the physical world. When therefore, we are told that the country whose society con tains the moit abundant distinction of classes is the chosen firy land of poe try and romance, and that America can never be such because it contains none, w e are instinctively brought to remem ber a certain forensic maxim, which may be of use before more than one species of tribunal, namely, where the law is against you, always deny the fact. Now wc do most seriously deny, that tliTe is any sulIi fatul uniformity of character among us, as is herein above supposed ; we deny (bating the for midable division into king, lords, and commons,) that there is not in this country a distinction of classes pre cisely similar in kind, and of extent nearly equ d to that which exists in Great Hnuin ; nay, we boldly insist, that in no one country on the face of the globe, can there be found a greater variety of specific character, than is at this moment developed in these United J States of America. I).j any of our ichitecturc, or It.dian scenery. While readers look out of New-Kngland and 1 for thee reasons, which do not ptcu doubt it? Did anv one of them ever li-rk afFrrt ourselves, we have; no iir- j I cross the Potomac, or even the Hud-! son, and not feel himself surrounded by a dilferent race f men ? Is there any assimilation of character between the high minded, vain-glorious Vir ginian, living on hi plantation in bar onial state, an autocrat among his slaves, a nobleman among his peers,; and the active, enterprizing, money-j was a nation whose history, studied getting merchant of the Kast, who i with that view, affords better or more spends his days in bustling activity abundant matter of romantic interest among men .nd ships, and his nights -than ours. When you ask us how we in sober calculations over his ledger1 are to get over the newness ai d quic and day-b( o' ? Is the Connecticut tude of every thing among us, )our pcdlcr, who travels over mountain and question points only at the present moor by the sid- c f his little red wag-, time a thing in itself utterly destruc on and half-starved poi.y, to the utmost tive of romance in a!l quarters of the bounds of civibzation, vending his globe. What should r think cf a 'MSijHi at the very ends of the earth, historical romance, for instance, in the same animal with th- long shaggy which the duke of Wellington should boatman, c.V ;r fr:m Krnt-u i? who win the hatde of Waterloo, and the wafts himself ovt the Mississippi, or marquis of Lcncioi deny be made the the Ohio.? Is there nothing of the secretary of state for foreign affairs? Dutch burgomaster yet sleeping in the And yet if their lordships should meet blood of his descendants ; ro trace of w ith anv different fortune or fate, how the prim settler of Pennsylvania in ewr excellent the plot, however spir hcr rectangular cities and trim farms ? i:ed and well sustained the characters. Are all the remnants of her ancient who wuid not throw down a book with puntanism swept out of the corners of a nuul u'uc cstemli tr.iLi sic, mcred-New-Kngland i Ii there no boll pe- uius td ? Since then the pr.eterper tuliaritv in the white savage who feet is our onlv romantic tense, wc re- roams over the remote hunting tracts .f the West : and none in the red ra - tiveofthe wilderness that crosses Iiim 'newer but nut so quiet as they are in his path ? It would be hard indeed' now. It is no new principle in the out f such materials, so infinitely di-1 laws cf imagination, that remoteness versified, (noi to descend to the mimi-nn ter distinctions which exist in each tion of the country,) which, similar in kind but far leas various, have in other countries been wrought successfully in-, to every form of the populir and do- ject, only because it carries you per mesiic t.d-, at once ami sing and in- force into remote antiquity, ard stig siruetivc, if nothing can be fabricated 'gests on its very fr tit the moated cas on this dertnerate soil. li t with all its battlements and towers Hut where are yo tr materials for he higher crdrr cf fictitious ccrr.pc - sition : hat have vou of the heroic nu the magnificent? Here are ro 'rgrniis palaces and cloud r.ippt d towers; no monuments ot tnnhic pride, mouldering in solitary grandeur j no mysterious hiding places to cover deeds of darkness from the light ol the broad sun; no cloistered walls, which the sound of woe can never pierce ; no ravages of desolating con qiests ; no traces of the slow ard wasteful hand of time. You lork r.vt-r the face of a fair country, and i: tell ycu of r.o tales that are gone by. Yen sec cultivated farms, and neat villages, and populous towns, full of health, ard labor, and happiness. You tread vmir streets without fear cf the midnight assassin, and you perceive nothing in their quiet ;nd orderly inhabitants to remind you of misery and crime. How are you to ret over this fm Tnritv i things, yrt i't-sh in their newest gloss : You gfa to your mighty lakes, ycur vast) cahracta, your stupendous mountaluS, and your measureless forests. Here indeed you find nature in her wildest and most nugnifirent attire. But these boundless solitudes are not the haunts of fierce banditti ; you have never peo pled these woods and waters with im aginary beings ; tliey are connected with no legendary tales of hoary anti quity ; but you cast your eye through the vista of two short centuries, and yoa see them as they now are, and you see nothing beyond. Where then are the romantic associations, which arc to plunge your reader, in spite of reason and common sense, into the depths of imaginary woe and wonder. If we arc asked with reference to the good old fashioned romance, and are to construct a second castle of Otranto, to amaze our reader with mysteries, like those of the far famed Udolpho, or harrow up his young blood with another Fatal Revenge, we an swer, that in ou? humble judgment, it matters little in regard to these mere creations of the brain, in what earthly region the visionary ager.ts are suppo sed to reside ; the moon, for aught we know, it has been elsewhere said, may be as eligible a theatre of action, as any on ;his earth. Not that we would speak disparagingly of the wildest creations of romar.ee, or have it thought that we are less affected than others, by those masterly efforts of a bold im agination, left to l.ixuriite in its own ideal world. But w e are not ambitious that scenes so purely imaginary, should be located on this side of the Atlantic, when they cannot from their very na ture, partake any thing of the charac ter of the soil and climate which give them birth ; although we are by no means sure that a first rate horror, of the most imaginative kind,might not be invented without the aid of Gothic ar - ? ------ j- titular longing after this species of American casik- building, we do hope to see the day, when that more com modious structure, the modern histori cal romance, shall be erected in al! its native elegance and strength on Amer ican sou, and of materials exclusively our own. Th! truth is, there never 'ply, a little paradoxically perhaps, go lback to the davs when things were point of time attaches romantic as- sec-,sociations to objects which l.avc them not in themselves and these, so noon as they are created, become heightened by contrast, A ruin is a romantic ob- jstanding in proud proportion, a stately ;pilr thit -emed to bid drfianc-e to thr ravares ol time r,d storm, i ou look at an elrgant modern edificr, with a iStack of ch.mnevs for its minarets, and a smiling cornfirid for its court yard, and U t;ggests iv thing of itself, but the tir.romtnuc notion cf peace and comfort, which are reigning: within. (Jo back then to the day when its walls were slumbering in their native quar ry, ai d its timbers flourishing in the living oak; when the cultivated farm was a howling wilderness, the abode of savrges and outlaws, and nothing as to be seen in its borders but rapine and bloodshed. Imagine some stern enthusiast, voluntarily flying the blan dishmtt !s of more luxurious abodes or s mc accomplished courtier, driven from the scene of his ambition and intrigues or some gallant soldier wearied cf the gay capital, and pant ing anew for adventure nnd renown, teiiTk-ssIy marching with his chosen band into these dreary and dangerous srolitudei ; follow him through the pir- j lis and diliiculties he surmounts, and witness the long struggle of civiliza tion, encroaching on the dominion of barbarism ; and you will then find that romantic associations may become at tachtd even to this familiar spot. Nei ther need we revert to any very re mote period of antiquity to rid us of this familiarity, which forever plays about present things with a mischiev ous tendency to convert the romantic into the ludicrous. It is astonishing what changes are effected in manners, customs, names, and outward appear- require us to conlmc our views to tne ances, in the course of a single humnn colony of Massachusetts Hay, for in -generation ; and when we look at the j stance, what character would be more days of the fathers of the oldest now i obsequious to the imagination than that living, how little do we see that we re-! of the moody and mysterious lllaxton cognize, how much that we wonder at !, who was found by the colonists, the Not the least pleasing, perhaps, of the ; solitary lord ol the little isthmus o( many admirable .productions of the Shiwmut, which he claimed and great master of romance in modem was allowed to hold against them, times, refer to a period hardly Sore jby the acknowledged right of estab mote as that of which we speak ; and ! lished possession ; of whom histty yet no one, not even they who live on j only tells us that he had been a clergy the very spot, which is represented as ' nlan of the church of Kngland, that the theatre of great and romantic ac- j he dissented equally from her canons, . . r t c . c ! I . l L' I. ' - IV ! I t. tion, complains of the familiarity of those scenes. There seem to be three great epochs in American history, w hich are pecu - liarly well fitted for histoi icd rom ince ; the times just succeeding the first settlement- the ;era of the Indian wars, w hich lie scattered alonrr a considera- ble period and the revolution. Each of these events, all pre gnant with in- tercst in themselves, v.il furiash the fictitious historian with every variety of zed 4 seekers ot the Lord, and ar character and incident, which the dull-1 raigned on a charge of suspicion o: est imagination could dc-sire or the most inventive deserve. What is there for instance in the rebellions and wars of the Scoith covenanters, to compare with the fortunes ot tlioe sterner pu - r'uans, who did not rise inarms against tl tir prince ; but who, with a boblness of adventure, under which th? spirit of chivalry itself would have quailed, leaving behind them all that is most dear to men on earth, the comp r.ions ol their youth, the graves of their fa- .i .. - i . r.u euers, e.iT uuuic ui men nraris, iioss- ed a trackless ocean not for the visit or a day, not cncrisning a latent nope of future return, when they should have amassed wealth, or acquired fame, to raise them in the estimation of their countrymen ; but with the humble hope and film resolve to expend their lives ' v poetical people. Gradually reef and their children's lives in the wilde r-1 ding before the tread f civ ilizatior, ness, for the sake of worshipping their i XM taking from it only the nrincii i: uou alter trie issnion oi tncir o-vn hearts. The situation and character of these men, who, 'had they been as free from all sins as gluttony ;uid drunkenness,' (so says one of t'irir quamt historians) 4 might have been canonied lor saints, are sn the mgr.- of ruin in the interior cf our continent, est degree picturesque ; and moreover 50 extensive that they have hardly yet afford a singular contrast to those cf,cc measured, so ancient that they Iilt If.!.. Gin rreiirt in llu knr. i)i li.'-i.l-M I . . .. . I ' . L .1 - I . .u.v j ji.va .w, ... llC i,ui CU ln i;i.i- ciu:e anu cover ed by that man r,f adventure, wha had tj w'uh the growth of a thousand vear., challenged a whole Ottoman army in I forcing upon the imagination the ap his youth, carrying off the heads ofj p-,',;, n thought of some great and flour three Turkish champions at his saddle- j uhin, perhaps civilized people, wh: oow, anu who was now soianng n!s,hae been m utterly swept from th riper ye;.ts, sunUst the cares ot a cu- lonial government, in the arms cf the renowned Pccahor.tas. The gloomy but sustaining spirit of fanaticism in these, who had fled to the wilderness for conscience' sake ; the disappointed avarice of those w ho had come to it for silver and gold ; tbc stern eclcsi is. tical oligarchy first established in the east ; the worldly time-serving despo tism e:f Smith and the succeeding go vernors in the south ; the one punish ing with banishment and death 4 that damnable hercsie of aflirmiug justifi cation by works ; the other promulga ting in the new world the laws of the ; old 4 to prevent sectarie infection' from j creeping into the pale of mother church ; ! the former dtnouncini: temporal pun ishment and eternal wrath, against 4 all idlers, common coasters, unprofitable fowlers, and tobacco takers ;' the latter formally enacting and literally execu ting that salutary law, that 4 he who will not work shall net eat ; the Vir ginia colony importing irto the coun try a cargo of negroes, to entail the curse of slavery on their remotest pos terity, in the same year that our first fathers were founding the liberties of America on the Plymouth rock, and Winthrop, with his company of sturdy Independents, extending along the shores of Massachusetts the work w hich had been so happily begun, while 'refiners, goldsmiths, ar.d jewellers,' 4 poor gentlemen, tradesmen, serving men, libertines, and suchliie ten times more fit to spoil a commonwealth, than either to begin or maintain one,' as the old writers inform us, were still flock ing over to the shores of Virginia. Such contrasts judiciously exhibited, as, notwithstanding the distarfce of thi? two colonies, they well might be, with no v?ry unpardonable poetical license, especially by the link of the New Netherlands, while they supply at once an infinite variety of individual char acter to the author's hands, could noi fail to confer on a work of fiction the additional value of developing the po litical history of the times, and the first beginnings, perhaps, of those conflict ing sectional interests, which some times perplex us at the present day. Or if more rigid rules of composition and those of his non-conforming breth ren ; but how or when he emigrated to America, and built his humble hut on 1 a !Pt destined to become the seat of ! a populous and flourishing city, ittclh I s not. What fchall we say to Sir Christopher, the knight of Jerusalem, a lineal descendant of the famous bm p f Winchester, who with the Strang? lady was revelling through the land, ! until he was stopped by the scandah- , bigamy, ct :!i.i enormia, contra fxuvm, ; before such a judicial assembly as the politic U iuthrop,tlic scholastic Cotton, ' the fiery and intolerant Dudley, witH . Underbill perhaps for a witness, and j Miles Standish for captain of the ' gu ird ? What would the author o: Waverly make of such materials? W. i we loroear to enlarge lortlitr on th.s proht.c theme. j The Indian wars, of which the fir: . occurred soon alter the time of wl.i. i . ... i wc j1lvc just Spoken, and the last ft I any nou. New-England, in the year; 1 72:2-25, arc fruitful of incidents, w hie' mitrht. to treat advantage, be interwu- ' Vcn with the materials before noticul, and it scarcely needs to be asserted, ; that the Indians themselves are a hi?h 0 d-;truction, thev seem to be fa ; wasting to utter tlissolution ; and wc i.hall one day look upon thtir history, w ith such emotions of curiosity al. , wonder, as those with which we row survey the immen JJfe cf the earth, that thev have n-t lelt even a traditionary name bthir. . th.-m. At the present day, enough i. known of our J i hints to afford t'rr ground-work of invention, enough s concealed to k-ave fall play for the narmrM uTMijinaeion ; ana wc see n1 ; why those suprrstitions of their?, which have filled inanimate nature with a ne order of spiritual beings, may not ht successfully employed to supersede the worn out fables of Runic mytho! ogy, and light up a new train of glowing visions, at the touch of sime future wi,;ard of the West. At anv rate we are confident that the savage warrior, who was not less beautiful and bold ir. his figurative diet;:::'., than in his atti tude of death, the same who suffcrc-i not the grass to j;row upon the war path, and hastened 4 to extinguish th fire of his enemy with blood,' tracking l. foe through the pathless fore;-:, with instinctive sagacity, by the falk'i leaf, the crushed moss, fir the or, blade, patiently enduring cold, hunger, and watchfulness, while he crouclru in the night-grass like the tiger expect ing bis prey, and finally springing on the unsuspicious victim with that war whoop, which struck ter.orto the hear! of the boldest planter of New-Engl.ir.'l in her early day, is no mean instrument of the sublime and terrible of human agencv. And if we may credit the flattering pictures of their best histo rian, the indefatigable Heckewe'dcr, not a little of softer interest might he extracted from their domestic life. The Indian name of the peninsula on W hie Boston now Wni,

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