la- lal ie it on jr. a 'li ed hu ts ' ;c- Kr tr, ut S.1US1WRY: TUESDAY MOIINING, 'SKI'T. 10, l.'CJ.' Mr. Floyd, a representative from Vir Uiia, at whose instance fie call was made tpon the President for Mr. Russell's let- jfer, has replied to the chaise muda by Mr. kdarns, that he '(Mr. Floyd) thade it at he special request of Mr. Russell ; and has denied the fact. He also scouts at he insinuation that the call was made for electioneering purposes. Mr. Adams jnajr have been misinformed ; but appear, juices are certainly very much against Mr. 'loyd. But whatever may have been Mr. I'loyd'i motives, there can be no miaukc s to Mr. Russell's. The public, howe cr, are as much bound to believe in the statements of Messrs. Brent and Bailey as those of Mr. Floyd, until the former tiiall be convicted of falsehood or tergiv. crsation, unless the mere fact of being ilcrkt Jn some one of the Departments, inder the present administration, shall be onsidered as firima Jucie, evidence of ant of integrity. It is therefore unfor tunate for Mr. Floyd, that he should find It necessary, for his own vidicaiion, to in sinuate a suspicion of the credibility of tpthers, who, for ouht tiie public knows, fir Mr. Floyd has shown, ate equally enti led to belief with himself. If an ihdivid- lil wishes to clear himself from any im putation, by the crimination of others, he tuust produce something more than in- Bmuaiions, or his simple rjne dixit : the jblic will demand proofs. It is not nough for him to say, that because a man Ba clerk, hi shall not place confidence ii him : for with just as much propriety hight the constituents cf Mr. Floyd s:y, l at i hry would not believe in any state ments he should make, respecting their jblic concerns, because he is their ser "sint, and dependent on their good-will, capricious smiles," for the cominu- Bwee of his office.- There, is therefore, ,rncthing peculiarly reprehensible id the nnner,- sornethiiiK, but we will not ,ve it the epithet which it deserves, in .hich he speaks of Messrs. Brent and UUiley : " It is .oii.V they rtny be rc spectable, know nothing of them 1" Is ftonsible they ma v be resectable ? And Uj it is fi'juil'le Mr. Floyd may be respect- -le; ne know nothing of The n .uibthtiri arc no more against the one B an the other. We should not have noticed Mr. Floyd's liter, had it nut become the fashion now- days, among a certain class, to cry down imott every individual connected with j e administration, from the President, t.e Set rctaries ol Slate, War, and Navy, l-i the cleiks in these departments and !o rrrrcsent them as unwoithy the confi dence and favor cf the people We have Ja'.hir.g to d.) with the cisricpaiicc be crn the stttttments of Mr. Adams end !r. Floyd ; it is a matter cf little interest 1 1 us u hich u cci rcc t : but w e do not be- Jte that tl.e a.lmiiiistiaiion has hist, or j undeserving of, the confidence of the Ccop!c and wc cannot, ihcnfure, but con- Jcmn the attempts of a .rr- .arty to rrn- rlhat a.'.ihliiiirdtiun, unj neatly all who e connect "I with it, o,!nus and unpvp- jr. m) Tin mimi roxmi n. It it a Let, that the time (': which Mmrronr as tleeti (I to the Senate ol the . from tliis State, xpirvs with the nest hes ti of Conrrcw. It ii a no lew subb"rn fact. it Ik will tu.f rvt. fllwi. ,irm ' If ic lint. H "aikc the inquiry tin n, vm ..:.',' icctidtum! II Tc cm be 111, l(Mi!t but Uu.srM, F. J a he clrctnl Huh tc i it iuvtnanlikt ron- fcj 'tin public ii-mrc. anJtakr.!" csnibiucJ with I purity of jiopiitur pvinriplci, lave any Wright 1 1 the iicvt h-piuttiiv. IT tur "Carolinian," il M Hrcnrtler." h-.ivt aiwohtcrtmna. we shouM K'iwl to hear tlicm. I hry certainly have none Knout nuiure. Nor tan tlirrc lc nomiiu- ! more Capable, ami Jiienlng man. A' it I ill npftcar otherwise, our mijtako will be ! Jingly re t.fird. It will bn ;een from the above article, I at the Halifax Compiler announces two facts." In the first one be u certainly 'irrct : the' term or Gen. Stokes dors l iie i:h ihe next SeSkiun of Conr-res. ul us for the " stubborn f.icf," c trust iliilml.l rrri!i l.rr until we li un. I trity. ' Wc cannot assert it as a " fact," j'lt Gen. Stuke will again suiter his fuie to be held up as a candidate ; but, lr"in indirect information, wc believe such !1 bs the csc. If so, wc tt the'cr cf'thu Compile!' wbclhcr Hen. Stokes should not bo re-elected. Will Mr. Branch, or any of the other cainh. dales spoken of, fill the station with more usefulness to the state, than the present incumbent? Cen. Stokes has spent a good portion of his life, for the last 30 years "past, in the service of N. Carolina ; he has performed all his trusts faithfully and with ability. Why now, in his ad vanced years, and with the advantage of long experience, shall we throw the old faithful servant away,1 and pick up a new one, who, to say the most, will not pos sess superior ratifications. We see no good reason for it ; and we do not believe the Legislature of N. Carolina will act in that manner. The President of the United States has issued his Proclamation, declaring the ports of the United States opened to En glish vessels coming from the ports and colonics in the West-India Islands, under the dominion of Great Britain, the said ports having been previously, by act cf Parliament, opened to the vessels of the United States. Wc rejoice that this war of restrictions has now terminated, and trust that the re-establishnient of a direct trade with the British West-Indies will produce all the beneficial e fleets anticipa ted. That it will have a good effect on the commercial interests of North-Carolina, then; can be no doubt : and while we congratulate our brethren on the sea board, on the revival cf their trade, we are not without hopes of feeling its genial influence in this quarter of the slate. Interesting fact In tjjc steam boat Hornet from Natchitoches, arrived seven Mexican citizens, from the interior of that ' empire, with about fifty thousand doltars in coin and bullion, which they have brought to this market for the purpose of trade. The British ship CowVjCapt. Pt ruiE, arrived at Liverpool on the 8th July, from this port, in 21 days passage ; completing three voyage between the two ports, in exactly ten m-wAr having sailed from Liverpool on her first voyage, on the 8th of Sept. last. The time occupied in mak ing the six passages acrosi the Atlantic, was i72 days the distatce i computed to be 36CO miles; which gives a total of 21,600 miles. -rhis-pet forn.ance is, we belie ire, w ithout a parallel in the history of our commercial intccourse with Great Brit ain. CVi a rU4t on Cwrisr . Sail Cloih.m Wc arc pleased to be able to announce the successful establishment of a manufactory of Sail Cloth, on a new and improved principle at Stoneham. near thiscitvtby a .sir. Johnson. Bolts of dif ferent numbers of Mr. Johnson's manu facture have been sent for inspection to the Charleston Navy Yard, whose fabric has been declared, by competent Judges, to be decidedly superior, in beauty tmd strength, to ,ny article of the kind ever exhibited in the Lrntrd States. It is hop ed, that the enterprising proprietor will meet with such encouragement as will re ward l.ispraiic worthy exertions to ir.i prove our domestic manufactures. tan S:aUuiui. SEVV VOIIK, AVG. 10. A remaikabJc vegetable production may be sren at (. 1 hoi bum b"Sons' seed stoic, No. '0, Nassau street. It was rais rd in the garden of Mr. Isaacsof this city, from a vine, the seed of which Mas sup posed to be the Caiitclope Melon, and re scmbling, in shape, size, and appearance, a Haitlesnakc, lying t:i coil, ready to vprinir. It measures three feet nine in ches long, bend six inches in ciicumfcr ence, uiid tail three inches. runs ths (.loiuu iMii riHii. Mr. .ijr. rrcuming that everr thing calculated tr add to the pleasures and varieties of the table, will be acceptable, t take the liberty of mentioning, that the or 'I t.'rur;;j, makes a tnotit excel I lent lie, or tart. I was induced to try it from an article in a late paper in w hich it wsssta'cd that the Buenos Ayrcans used this vegetable in that way, and many cth er ways unknown here. Now for the re ccipt Fi rst get your Tomatoes slice and place them in pastry, after adding proper portions of sug;if and spice then b .kc in an oven till done, Sc &c. I ry it if von rhoose, yourself, and I think you will find it preferable even to peach pic. MRS. CLASS. A company of German emigrar.ts,cigb tv-fMirin nnnitat'i passed through this vi tv n Sunday morning, on their way to Ohio. We fcre informed thi y profess the Jewish faiih; but, what is most remarka ble is, thrv ul! tonka up one family, con sisting of grandfathers, grandmothers, sons, daughters, sons-in-law, daugbtcrs-in-IuMf, cran-JcUldrcn, &c all ctcii. They appear to be rich for settlers, having brought with tliem from Germany wagons, harness., and various kinds of goods, wares unci merchandize, sullkient to fill ten bag gage wagons. . In two of , the wagons, it must however, be observed, they found room to deposit the children. The men and women trudged on fcjot. The long beards, broad rimmed halt, smallclothes, and short coats of the former, with the drugget bed gowns and red undcrdress of the latter, gave the whole group singu larity of aspect, such as was well calcula ted to arrest the attention of the passing traveller. Philadelphia Union.;-' ' ' SPANISH ARMY AND NAVY. The Spanish government appropriated, in 1820, upwards of nine million of dol lars lor the expenses of the navy depart ment for the two political' years ending this month : But the actual receipts for the purpose do not amount to half the ap propriation. I he arrears due to the La val officers, artizans, and day laborers, are upwards of 1,220,000 dollars. Many of them have received no pay for six, tight, ten, and fourteen months. The construc tion of two or thrjee frigates is suspended in the ports of Spain for want of materials and funds. While such is the condition of the Spanish navy, the army receives regular pay. The reason for this prefer ence of the army is the political situation of Spain. ' he army restored the pres ent comparatively (ree constitution of that country, and is justly considered to be its firmest support. These facts we derive roni a source of the highest respectabili ty at Madrid, and are implicitly to be re lied on Frank. Goz. .MJfcItlED, In this county, on Thursday, the 5th instant, by the Rev. J. I). Kilpatrick, Mr. Thumut Hull, to Mm. .Ifurjuret Graham. ' .. .I J x ... . DIED, Very suddenly, near thi town, on Tuesday hr 27th of August last, Mrs. Xar'artt Locke, (aged 62.) wife of JIaj. John I ante. Although, according to the dispensation if Pros idence, M..j. Locke could not but expect that he and his amiahlc corTipanion must soon be separated in thi world, (as they w ere both advanced in y ears,) yet so itidden and afflictive was the bereavement, that it gave a shock to bis sensibilities and aflc-c-tions which his natural stay in this vale of tesrs can never remove, but must tinge w ith gric the latest day of his terrestrial existence. Mrs. Locke wss, perhaps, as perfect an exam. pie of domestic felicity as the country afforded. She wss placid in her temper i kind and chari table in her disposition ; and chute and piou in her conduct. She lived, loved and respected by an affection ate husband, anil sn extensive circle of relatives and friends ; and died mourned and lamented by all. Died, In the vicinity of this place, on the C-lth day of August, Met. tUizubnk Inf, tile of Alex ander I-ong, Sen. Km. In this truly excellent woman, were happily united all the virtue es sential in 'Tunning that character hose price the wise king of hrael, has declared to be above rubies." Simple, gentle, and unaffected in her manners, she was hospitable without parad and benevolent without otctiu:i.n. The poor and dependent will long remrmbcr her as their benefactress anJ friend j whit.' numerous and sorrowing friends and aciaiaintauces wiU bear If stimony to the truth, siscerity, gentle nest and candour, by which she uas, in so emi nent a degree, distinguished, l'.ul what adds a lustre, and give an excellence to her character, superior to all other virtue and accomplish mcnts, b, that uiufTorted piety and faith in jV ius, which shed a mild radUncc over Iter dcrlin !; tun. Tried, severely tnci!, in the funiace of tiliction, she was enabled, through faith in Christ, submissively to kia the rod, and w ith transports cf holy joy, to bless and to adore the kind, yet Almighty hand, that inflicted the blow. Supported and comforted by that blessed Be ing who " can make dy ing beds feel soft as dow ny pillow s are," has faith in him and confidence m (.ixl, spread an inrHabla consolation over her dying hour; which wss etitcndcd to her affec tionate husband and afflicted children. In the full assurance that she is now in the complete enjoyment of that never-ending "rest, whuh a ir:iins for the people of Cod," they find a con fikliun that the wot JJ cannot give. To her sur viving friends, especially to her flinalo asso ciates, who are descending the i ale of j ears, " though dead, yet nhc "pcakrtli," and, in a nice i ileniii ks that grave to w hich her mortal re ni.'iins have been committed, bids them "pre J ure to die, to prepare to meet their God," to prepare to stand before the judgment seat of Christ t tells them, that sn aflcctiug moment must soua tome, w hen faith in Christ ar.d a hi like hcr, vill It t!t'irc;ilycciiiolatis;nauduiipa:ti will be to tlwlr jiouLi, an anchor, and stcalfut," May Cud, of hi infinite gwxliicis, giuot thai the influence of this cxumpp may not be lost on them. Should any doubts remain (i thciv minds, us to the efficacy of n;ltf ion, ami a well grounded hope in Jesus, to blunt the keen arrow of, to support them, mi.l the agonic uf severe dine.-iw., to wrlootli tiie bed of death, uud to simtain the in amid the o Icinnities of a dying houri let t'nem look to the. r xJimplo of their departed friend, let them, "mark the perfect, and behold the upright man ; seeing that the end of that man i.i peace j" and every doubt munt be removed, .The. fer vent aiid unceiuiiig prayer of their wmlj will then be" Let me, also, die the death of the righteous, and let my lait end be like his." " Heaven f ive us friend i to blcs the present scene Resume them to prepare u for the next." CUNMCKICITEII. At Letington, Ken. Thomus Dougherty, Esq. who w as, at the time of his death, Clerk of the House of Representative of the United States the duties of which station he had filled for 8 years, with uncommon correctness and fidelity. TuMic feae. THERE will be sold, at the plantation tthere on Martha Drown now live, on the head water of Coddle Creek, on Wi-drttdav. the 5th inatant, ope young murr , sundry heads of cattle and hogs, a quantity ot larmmg tools, with household an J kitchen furniture, about i'M bush el of corn, one half of which will be sold for ciit.'i a quantity of wheat, oats, sopie cotton, and vitnou other article. Also, there will be rented, at the ame time, the plantation for one yi nr. It coiiMtsof about i 50 acre of cleared land, nil of which is fresh! and under good fence, with convenient build ings. Term will be u.ailu know n on the day of sale, uikI due attendance (riven bv us, JLIJSON flROWM, WILLIAM UROWN. September 3, 1822. 2flrJ t person within the beat of the town JL Company of Militia, w ho aitt liable to do militia duty, und all other free white citizens in the borough of .Salisbury over 4J, are requested to meet at the Court-House, at J o'clock, P. M. on Saturday, the '21st iurrt. to elect two delegates to represent said company in a county meeting. winch is to be lu lJ at the Court-llouse in tin tow ii, on the 2 Uh Oct. iicvl, to devise means for bringing about a Convention. SuVibiiry, brp. 10, 1322. 2wt'13 To tU Lil.'.jri f the It'ti'eni Cw tlinittn. TO THE" PUBLIC. T I' KHC LI VH in your paper my character as- ji sailed ana my uoncsty arraifrncu oetore uic ; and being in the county of Kowan, to wit : one jniblie. 1 allude to the money advertised to of three hundred acres, lying on the water cf have been lost by John Travis, of Concord, at Flat Swamp Creek, and one of a hundred ac.-es, my bouse. As soon as 1 learned there wa such. y m on the top of a mountain, called little an advertisrmcnt, I sent t- an attorney to insti-' msuiiUia, near to tjic l'lt Saamji Spr.ns, bt tute suit airainst the man who had thus falsx ly lonjpnf to the heirs at Uw of Kran Alexander, expoM-d my character. I w as then informed deceaK-d. A credit of twelv and ipiitcea Travu was and is yet der.m.;ed, audio conc- mouths will he given. Honds, with approved qiicnre thrreof a suit would not be sustained. . securities, will be required. The facts on which he founded his publication l.LU. I.OCKK, C. Jl. C. arc these. About the 2d of May lat, a tran " .tumt 5, 1822. Cat' 20.. L'er, in company w ith Maj. Green, came to m ! The alc of the above property is postportsd house, w ho called himself Johnston 1 lis asked ' to the .loth day of September. for lodpnjr, which was at first refused, in con-, TV ' T TT- , , sequence of the lac increase in our family : he ; 1IC UtUlT lligs C . importuned and insisted, allcd.iiir that he was ' " AMKS 11. HAMPTON respecifulry infTn aflbctsd with the rheumatic pains, and was then 1 the public, that he occupies the old simp goniff to the warm spring m Buncombe. My formerly owned by his father, on Main-sirret, wile, thouL'h confined to bed, consented the fcw doors south of the Ccurt-House, Salwburv, sn k traveller might stay all night, and receive w,ere ,e i Ww nrqiared, with a good set of ' as nmrh comfort as our small house and modcr- tool), to repair all kinds of ute circumstances could afford. He taid until ... rrsii r,c, rtf rlrtr'o next Mondav, and in the mean time complained li lTCIIrS CLOCItS much and talked strangely. The ncxl day be . fe d requested me to ro for a )oc or, stating he had , .h f u . , P been po,soned in Cjr and left home to save u , ; fc j his bfe. 1 went (or the Doctor, who declined, e M h . rf visi. in,: t be tran?er. and suited, aficr read- KQm A o( M me l.w letter, in winch he bad signed l.,s name j mjd Job rf iJrMm John Iran he was probably dennged. He illhi,,llie of business, wiU be UMutUJlly rJr.t, staid untd the 4th of May, and in U,e tuom,.. said lie would return home ; and at Lis request ,; , . . ., , , . 1 -.l c- . 1 1 . 1 rciiae at a distance, by scitaiinc, mar ur-ietJ oa I went with him to Lincclntnn : there he in- c..... tl . ' '. ,K, ' : ji . i t 1 1 .1 At having their work as taitntully ,.tenopJ to ami fonred mc he had Ir-a between three and fw, ts lllo .h U,r). nt.......Mi hundred dollars, and Ml it at my under , M ced slliury pnee charge J. Vic bed in a courd. I wanted lum to return ,iihi mi aiid lock for the money, it bi uiif alnrnt oj miles to my house from Lincolnlon : he nifused. 1 1 a -as rw'w ctrnc Lome and examined the plarc where lie'NurYnC !S Ut)0tl8 s.,.,1 the money had been deposited, but found m- ,,uUi,llC,l by JuU ph (iales. lUleirfi, i,,.tie. 1 he m xt I heard ot the money si n J Frke RJ. Uf jt.M tut & work w,:i advcrtcmc:it in your paper. .Hedging the mon- be l,,,) by . VM. 1L VOCNC. ey to l:se been btst at ny boose, and that I ' where it was. He rirsrnbcs exactly tiie ' . . amount of each H:ik bill, and other matters tlxWCYUSt WtlU appirtaining to Uic money minutely, tlut if fTlHKUE will he exposed to Public EtJc ir they be true, any perxn who mav pass the bills JL t'lu.ton, Kowaa county, situaU. in Uic fork might be detected. 1 bus have 1 been n munrr- of the north and south Yadkin, on visa 4th day atid for what 1 conceived to be an act of kind-; of November next, bcinsj the first Monday of tiess to a sick strange r. Whether I sustain an , the mouth, the remaining unsold lots in tle tosu honest character, 1 appeal to those w ho know j pbm of said place 1 one of winch contain large me ; at.d let strangers impure if I have not work-; new frame building, nearly finished. likewise, ed liurd, and honestly supported my family by (the adjoining lands, upwards cf two hundred the swiat of my Irow. And if the Uw would t acres, a crest nartof whkh couwuof ssduable ailord me ml rets against the individual whose corrupt appi tue rsuscu nun to icru upon nc reputation of otic in the htm. tic walks of hfc, I should l et hsie tioublcj )oa with this commu nication. uw-,,, r ii. U"o uv,. Jlu.'heifurJ, July 12, 1322. This conimuniratijn was once sent on for publication, but the gentleman to whose care it was entrusted did not understand the instnic- tiona t; lie 11 him, in consequence of which it ha been delaved until now . B. COST1C. Slpt. l.'lS:2 tT9r tVlLKr.S CCVKTY. (lOt'Ii r of I'leatand CJuurter Sessions J'-dy J Term, M12. Cirorge I'arks v. the teii rstste of John Demtnit, deceased Petition for partition. It appearing that Nancy Caudle, or lier heirs, are not iiibabitant of another slate Oi..'. ir.. that publication be made fur six w ks in the V extern Candiuian, that they appear tt the next rounty court, to be In VI for the emmtv of Wilkes, i t ihe Court -House in Wilkcsboiw , on the first Monday in November neU ll ok ad, answer or demur, or the petition w ill be heard t x t aita. 11. MAUT1N', r. tr. C. C. rt2.r feetcmii, anil VasI tVute. : r HIIAI.L attend at thu Cwirt-IIiine sn ituUi bury, on Saiiil'i, tite Hth day of Brptfiii hcr next, to collect the balance of the TAXK8 due luCapt, Wood' Company forUtc year lbJl i uud all ths who fail to pay i that day, wilt have to pay with cit, iimiicdiattlv. f . KAML. JONK8, irif, .htguiit M, 1822. CHANUVnK f 'jlllR second session ijf thi instiuition has just L coiimiLiu ed under titi nuiiaircmeiit cf J.uvkh woarii, win, wipeniitcinlul the taut ses sion (With the liighckt itppiuhaliiin, All lh hrailtlii. usually simliedi ) ladies (iiiiiiwo trxecpted) are taught hi L,; iu Aitutioii. 'J lit Trustees flutter tl.iiwiie, t'.-nin th t.jli nt nf Miss Leavenworth a utivs, aifl Ukmi aiun. tion to the evert i of tiie school, that vary general satisfaction will be given.' . Tuition from six to ch.-vcii d .iUtu per scniMin nual session, villi to ilolkm ud'ii'ional fee lim'. needle work, (icnteel hoarding at (Mm twenty five to forly dollar per session, A tew more scholar will be rccehed bul'oru tlic school is closed. "' 1 3tl9f JOHN' lUWIN, Treaiunr. Overseer. IIBKlt.U. wage wib1 be pven to tbce Ovei i seers, who can come w ell recommended, to take charge of plant aliens in the county of Mock lenbuig. None tired apply, Unless they have been accustomed to the command of negroes, 1HOH. C I'ULK. mtUwutd, May 10, 11522. 4l'2J Youttl)e sSWuiUions . 10 UK SOLD. ON the 19ihand2uth September nex, will be sold in Lincolnlon, a Dumber of LOTS, to tl! highest bidder. These, lot arc jrenerally beuutifullv situated for building, and may he purchased for a nu!l price, ticntleinen witliii'ff a pleasant and healthy it nation, where the; ;au havu tlic aiUautae of ft male and female Academy, w ould do w ell to at. tend this sale. Th.s it, perhaps the only op. portunity that will cflrr to acouire Iheac V4I r, tile siluations. The terms aid be 12 nion'l. credit, with approved security. , D.vMl.l. HOIvE, 1 It. II. ULKIU.N, JACOU KAM!OCT(,' Comnritt MICHAKL UlilMIAltUT, D. UKLMIAKOr. J Linrtlntun, .lugiitt 19, iS22. 3 t'18 Vulicc Y a decree of the Court of K'joit v, made at April term, 1 will expose to I'uhlie. Sale, at the Court-ltoase in alilur,on Storliv, the JOth of (September next, lis No. 1? and lV, in the jjreat north spiare of the town nt slis bury, on which there are improvements j anJ lot No. 37, and 3K, in said town, unimpro ved. Also, two tracts or parcels of Ln J, !wi;ir uw grounds, reserving the plait of the town, the width and direction of the roal to the sate ct' the bridge commenced on the fcurtb Vailkin, and to the Lridge f the soulli Va.lkifi. 1 he sale will continue from day to day. erst:l the property i all disposed of j aw! a crvd.1 ol one and two year gut 11 lor the purclww mnnc), with itite rest, the purehaM.r giving and secyritr. Artentnn will be girn, by i. A. 1'EAk.v.Vs iOUS CJILLUWAY, C. S. VOOUSi. C.i.tV4 NOTICE. rpill i t notify till person (gainst trading X for a no'? if hai.d whidi I gave John Crr, of Meckh lilitirg, N. C. for seventy dollars, duo the 1'hli d;y of January, 152, Si said wit " given in pay of a cottun gin which said lrr war. ranted to be a god gin, whioh, on trial, was IihiihI quite the reverse. I thrrfnrc aw drtew. turn-d not to pay said note until the gia l msab to pvrform s warrsutcj. ' KOncitT KISSrATKlCK. .limit 11, 1S2'2. 3tT9 lUtvuliSs OF the t ai-ioo kinds comncnly hiuse, for sal? at the Ollicc the WL!TUxCaousia. ss

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