j HSsssl jg Sigl' tj j ,) wmmh inn fvin. m. NO. 110. f rmTin sn rcnngiim, evf.rt titadat, i El IIIMCUAM & WIUTK. J rw- The subscription to the Wrvn tin Cahousjusj 7'Aw9 lhilhm per annum, payable huli'-yc:irly j advance y;jNo pupcr will be discontinue! until all .arages ar paid, nlcs-sat tin" discretion y f.ditors; ami any ulscribcr falling to give fcj.irc of his wish to discontinue at the end of a ,r, will be considered an within;; to continue paper, which will be sent accordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the . . r . . . . . .1.11 - ' . . .1 BjtvmciH oi nun: ji ij);rs, siun receive a lenm AnvEnTisrvcfTJ w.!l jc inserted on t lie cus. ft tury terms. Tenons sending in Adver- mcnts, iintt spvrjfy the number of tutus they j ,i tlicm inserted, or they will bo continued till i .1. . i r...i.. '.H.tcm inu, auti tiiaicu ueLuniiiii) . ;Xo advertisement iasst-tcd until it l..v. been -i id fur, or its payment assumed by soma person U this town, or its vicinity. E 7j"All letters to the editors mur.t be fwt-pa!i!, they will not be attended to. I .Y077C7J. 11III3 M to notilV !1 persons a;riir.t tnd'.n, fur t nnlc of (land whii ii I p.ive .tubn Ore, ii i . . . i MocnieniMirr, n. s-. i;r vvtmv noimvs, uii" a e 1'JtU day of January, 1H JJ, as raid note r. ven in pay of a cotton rui v.hirh laid Orr w;.r ntc J to be a good g.n, which, on trial, was ind miite the reverse. J therefor" am deter ned not to pay nti note until the j!n ;.; mail? pcrJ'irrn as warranted. uo'.umt F.ip.iO'ATnirK. .hjtrnt LI, 1322. f.fl9 laic of 'tHl-CUH)im, nvi iiF.nronr covstt. JlOL'ItT of I'leas ami (luartcr Sf fiion, July I.' tssions, 182J: Noahllaii.pt'mi ?. 'I Imrrn's (iiure original utt-.chmrnt, levin! on lap ! ! ncfrro man. It appcaritipto the sa;i'!'.ictir,n the t'otirt, that the defendant in tliis ca'ic is t an inhabitunt of tliis state, it is then lbrc i.''ry, that publication be nude for six v.eekt the Western Carolinian, for the defendant to pear ct our next Counts- Court of I'leas and a .rter Sessions to be holdrn for the coun'v of .thcrtord, ut the Court-hou'e in Hutherfordton, tSe third Monday after the fourth Mondav in ptcmber next, then and there to pkad or nmr, or judjiscr.t f;n.-J will be entered up n.i.V. him. t'TJr Witnew. ISAAC CIUTO.C, C.C. Slate of NoriCtYoYii&, jiVTiirnrortT) covsty. tOL'RT of riem and Quarter Sessions, July J icMions 162 : Kob llaxptonif. Aupistus i key original attachment, levied on house. !J fumit'ire. l! :inpcarinjf to the satisfaction the Court, that lb defendant in this ease is iliout the I.mits of this statr, it is therefore i-r!, that publicition be made for six weeks the Western Carolinian, for the d !eml..nt to pear at our next County Court of I'leas and jirter f:rm to be holden fiT the e'.untv of .'herf irJ, r.t the Court -house in H'lthi liordton, the t!;ir I MunJay after the fourth Monday ii. ntrmbt-r nrvt, tVn and tlirre to '-had, or I mur, o'her" m- jm'n-.r nt f.rul u .11 be enti red .uiehiUI. Witney tT.V li AC CHATON", C.C r-t'AU' iA" ctv-VaY'uu, RVTMt Rrol.l CtANlV. '01 TT rf I'l -ns and tu irtrr Si slfiis, .! ib Se 1?JJ ; 1'lte.tiiss I .ties i.--1-. John t -iinl s'tieh"-!, i'Sii,! , m ro . It :;cjr fig to the '.iLt t.'.ii of tl.i f, !'' at tae di'lenJitt-t in tb'.cL' i without litii -s f this sta -, thtUrrd, then 'ore, that l.-a'i'.r. te nti'le f.csix necks in the Western H iri!ii.;ut., lor the ilefeii laiit to appear ! our s'L.M.i.t. c.n.rt oi rii -as atwij.ur:crsions ' h'l 1 f-.r lt :" ri e...My, -.t T'ic 'urt i:i K'ithrth" 1 e-i the t'.i r 1 Mond ,y i r tlie f iurh NI'iin!-.- in S. picmher i.- xt, then ' there to plead, or 1 -u i", or j ..i't .t-nt fin d ii lie eiternl up a.-iiii- h t'l-'f V :ie , S .' t I! M ). C C. NOHTHCAItOLINA, r.'.r.ur r.nfNTV. If'Ot'RT of I-h-as and Quarter i-"sins ' :! ' s-snw, H-!-.' J''' n ll.Si-s.Jie i -. t.rktel i-t.iii't .1....U. Att. It .sppciril i' t.itlie Satistae. -n of tins coi.rt, tliut t'i" dileiiitiir, i "'-Led '-irfou, re-ivhs hesond t'u- lim.t. of ''u- si.d .'e : ' fh J -e.', tiiefifire, th-.t ri!.!.c..l ion be m'.p tt.rv e werk ; in the Wi sb-ni t.'uiul.n'uin, a' ti!i-!- the Slid dels In hint np ar at our lie xt wrt i f I'll as and Uu--rtvr Sisv.it.', to be held r s..id c.i '.rM, t'.; Court-tloiisv in Morj-nu. ". en t'ae ;,'.i Muti.l .v i i S teiiihi-r liei, i-n ! ; v or il ad to is'iii-, ju.l 'in- t fii-l w dl he I for the j IVmi'-f's dvt: ill 1 agaMi't him. Wittiest Janies l.rs. i", t'li rk of ..id court, at ' -, the ;;;!! d. V tt Ju's-, 1 i.'-. j. uas i, :..-.. B itm i ii-t.iuUiii.., IH'KK!'. r.oCNTY. T ff I'h as an-! u:ir i" Si'-.-'i-u, Ju'y v r", JS." I ii, i tailv.e!! Jrvsc A i i.". rf J, !iu Turtle and llarrisou ....'u '-t.re's i-...!.' men; .-rsnl on l.il. -"M-;,t ;i,ir mi t i Ci . pii-i, t.i.it '! h-.rs l..v. ,e o! i I'uPs- Sj a ll, w ItV i f I:'-. rO S'.sa.i;, ' itiieks, rs'.ih- bey d 'lie h.i .'.sui lis s'.-te -tarn lure it was unb red hy tin- our', t!.v. i.hctiiiii I,.' mule in l,e Wi -.lir'l Carol':. .i.iii "-three we. ks 'hat Utiles-! the Sub I Imlsioi. ar bct'ire i'h- . ,i I cii:i-.'s i ...,rt of I'b -n a: u ; iter se..-.- .n, to !. b tl t ,i... c-on !l. i Mi -rtrai-.'iiii, on ib.- I'u'irth Monday in Sept. m. rnet, tlo-n u'i there to ir.i.kc tloiusi be 'u'ieiiii ih'Sca.i , and s'uw e:iue whi-r-pf-'ee Mention should nut be b id ;ij.':';!M the rca! rs J'e, othi risie tiuiK;iti n X parte .il S( aw aid d riir aiii-.t t'i'i i. AMKS B. HAMPTON respectfully ii.fu the .public, that he occupies the oM .!io; formerly owned by liit father, on Main-street, i a few doors south of the Court-House e, Salisburv, where be is now nreparwl, w ith a (rood set of; tools, to repair all kinds of . .. .. . n i i p WATCHES V CLOCKS. Having employed a competent workman to help him, he assures ull who may favor him with their custom, that their work shall be evec.uted in as good a style u ut any other shop in this part of tin; country. All kinds ot old Jewelry repaired, and some kinds made. Jobs of every description in his line of business, will be thankfully received, and executed on a short notice. I'cople who reside at a dUtmicc, by tending, may depend on bavin); their wok as faithfully attended to and returned, as though they were present anil bfiv the old c-.1:ib!ilicd Salisbury prices charged. SalMury, Am,;, 1J, U CIIAi:U)TTK Vuivc AciwAemy. fri'ir se-on-.l si-ssion of this institution has just I commenced under the management of Miss L:aV;vwo;itii, v ho tup rin!elilnl the I.t.t t-v sion wilh the highest approha'ion. All the branchec ifodiv studied by younj; ladies (music excepted) arj taught in tliis institution. The Trustees (latter thcmsclvci, from the talents of Misi I.eavetiwoi lh as a tutoress, and their nttcn tion to the exercises of the school, that very general sate.f.ictbm will be given. Tiiitioiifr.ini six to eleven ibilla.'Sp'-rseiiii.aii. nuid Kesiou, villi tvo doll:,vs additional i'ur liiiC r.eedle wot!;. tJcnteclhcarJinjatfrom twenty, five to lory dollars per session. A few more scholar; v. ill L: reciud befurc tin: school is closed. 2v.tl.-p JOHN' lltm, Tree. -nr.-r. cc(i.ii,'mu ist timt. T S2IAI.L attend at the Court-llou-je in Salis. bury, vn Saturday, the 14th day of Septem. h-r ne-,, to -ol!ect the balance of the TAXF.S d ic in C.ip'.. Vool'i Company for the j ear 1H?1 ; mid id! tho,a wUa full in p.ey on that day, will have to pay w i'.'i cost, iri'!iie-;a'.e!--. KAML.jy.vr.s-, sv-.r. Iinr.RAL wsj;cs will be given to three Over, i seer;, who can come we'd i-eioriiim iiil d,to take charge of plantation-! in the eonn' v of Meck lenburg. None need apply, i:n!;.-s they have been accustomed to tlie command of iwroee. UK is. 1'oLK. Wi":fnJ, .If.jy 10, 1:1 Iwl'.M feUUt V .ovl-Cvu'um, PVHRF. COVSTT. QlTKRlOll Court of Law, March Term. 1S:. O Lf erov llurtiett, v.: 1 lijah Toueh. Jud. att. levied on laud. It appearing to the court that the defendant livn o':t of this state It w is therefore O i.'i rn!, that publication he nude for three months in the Western Carolinian, that the said r.hjah Touch appear b' f'ore the judge of the Superior Court of Law fir the county nfortsai 1, at the nest eourt to he hel.I at the Court-House in Morgans n, on the -!'h Monday in Septeniber next, and teplcvy and plead to is'ue, or iudgr.er.t will be entered against him 1 jT plaint id defnud. v, . w. r.itwLY, i . n. s. c. "mtTl f SIlIK subset i!-rr hss ju-'. rcn-i-i-,1 a choice 1 sup;d;- of (.I'.'U K:U:S. v !skh he ( tlu-s U r v.!c on tin i.iost rea-mei '! terns for uj. riioiii ti.i m a -! : So ; ir, I '. ' . M'!a-,i s Hum, Hiee, V'ns, li'.ii S: it ; a-; I aN' the u.ua'. sup ;!vii f o-;i - . .;ki-ss; .-. ti'mt ami half t.'...t ;' '."hr . TIIOM s IUil.MI. Jit o, r. Uiu U in si e uveA . T I1L si.lis.-iibf r sv'.le s to ii,fr"i the utirfris of the I i i'ed S'. i'i . that he h is obtained a patvi.l Iro-. tli--' !':-i. i ft hi' 1 nited St.i'f-s tr a i.ev. a-.: '. irc'.,.l .!' a ry in the mthod cf eating tLis; i in llor.-es. 1 1, - r anner of UTatiuel.t is si'i.j !e, and sen f..ily peilurmed. Numbs ti..f le.p!- have t;isen ( rtiti.-.i'cs of tfu gr at it's ,i!iu i i.f (!- -i- ost-tj , an I ut l.e ra are remlv to te.iii's i i the s oiie svav, !iuii!d tlicv In Calh.lon. '111.- subscriber wisln s it hut to 1m- i-i ictVOi i . hr-ci i ! 1 cs hail- bee"ir.c !v.. !. can ! brought t tiivir sight .'v"iin . but, in many cn-.es v here t'.es I ..se been blind f-nin on- to veviiisea; i, bs I. is methixi '.iiey bxse I'.ecn r.'storcl to turfect ';;h', at.! eer :..er villain, d o. Uii;!.i-i lor S:..t -, orsirlc r. unties, p . is be clitained bv it !in;-, either o. r- -tuilv er bs letter, to the subset ibcr, or l. s agent, in the town of H inltville, Surry tcinti, .V. Carolina. A r'ght f ." a single county si" ! s-i. frmi ij t-j l'J rf..!! a! i, proportioned to the population thereof. JOM'.PIl SA I I t:. . -..-. r . n--,.V. C. ,f. .-. 1 1S.W ..inCY. XI Y a deer -e of the Court -;' !;u I) Aor.l u-rip, 1..'2, I iv;!l e'ic i.... m.u.e at e to rnbhf Sale, ai the Court-. loue in SuiiMiury.on Miuid..y , lir Jce'i i !' Si-n'.pu.brr nest, Uiti No. 1 7 niu! IK, ill the i"v:it iiortb quare f the town of Salis bury, on which t'lere arc improscim ni ; and lots No. -!i, Jr. and :'S, in said town, iitiir.ipni. sed. A Is. i, two ten ts nr parcels of land, Isinjr aiul bring in the enmity of I.' nvun, to wit : on-,- f tlit.-e liiindrt'il iitcs, lying on (lie ss ateis -i I 1 ,t Swa".iti Cru k, ami uie ot a hundred act s, isii.g on the t'.ti of n iiioiintain, caih il lit:!, niiiuiii.iiu, iK-a" lo toe I .at Swamp Spr.ne,s '' oi ; ng to the lu irs at law of T.van Alexander, .'.I c. r.'.. d. A credit of twelse and eightein i..uii'hs will be i-'nen. I'.ond -, with approved si ei.ritii , l ili ' e .-c-!':" !. " t.i.ii. lmclt., ".-- f. The to (In i'e of ibe above property is postpiuu d "h ibis of Septeliiber. "VT the vat-'oM kind- couimoidv in i's, fur sale s. " : ! f,;r.eu eft'.' H rs vs C.'tf fs-is, Ttf f FJitor$ nf the Western Cunliniun. Kit TO THE PUBLIC. T PI'llCLIVr. in your paper my character as- . saiicu aim my nonc-aty arraigned ociore the public. I allude to the money advertised, to ii,.,rt k...,. I.,. i..l... t..,..,: c ,.., ., ... lit.,. ' III M'"M linns, VI wunwviix, ill my house. An soon as I learned there was inch an advertisement, I sent to an attorney to insti tute suit against the man who had thus- falsely exposed my character. I was then informed Travis was and is ye t deranged, and in conse.. quencc thereof a suit would not be sustained. Hie facts on which he founded his publication are these. About the 2d of May last, a strati, gcr, in company with Mai. Orccn, came to ni) house, who called himself Johnston ; he asked for lodging, which was at first refused, in con sequence of the late increase in our family : he importuned and insisted, alh-dgimr hat be was afllictcd with the rheumatic pains and was then going to the warm springs in Buncombe. My wife, though confined to bed, consented the sick traveller might stay all night, and receive as much comfort as our small bouse and moder ate circumstances could afford. He staid until next Monday, and in the mean time complained much and talked strangely. The next day he rc(o sted me to go for a Dortor, stating he had been poisoned in Concord and left home to save his lift-. I went for the Doctor, w ho declined visiting the stranger, atjd suggested, after read ing hit letter, in which he had signed his name John Travi'i, he was probably deranged. He staid Ui.til the 4th of May, and in the morning said Ii': would return home ; and at his request I went with him to Lincolnton : there be in formed mo he had lost between three and four hundred dollars and left it at my lions': under the bed in a gourd. I wanted him to return md look for the money, it being about miles to my hotisc from. Lincolnton : be rnfu'i d. I came home and examined the dace where he said the money had been deposited, but found none. The next I heard of the money was an advertisement in your paper, alledging the mon ey to have been lost at my house, and tint I knew w h'-re it was. He describes exactly the amount of each bank bill, and other matters appertaining to the money so minutely, that if they bo tnie, any person v So may pass tics bills mieht be detected. Thus iavc I been remun'. r- ated fur what I conetived to be an act of kind ness to a sick stranger. Whether I sustain an honest character, I appeal to Uioe who know me j and let strangers inquire if 1 have not work ed bard, and honestly supported my family by the sv. cat ol my brow. Ami it tin- law would allbr l mi; redress against the indis idual whose corrupt appetite caused him to f-cd upon the reputation of otic in the humble w nlltsof lif'-, 1 'JiouM not have tririblcd sou svith tliis comm't location. r.OSWLl.L HO.STIC. J:.:Wjnl, Uij 12, ltJ. I bis communication svas once sent on for publication, but the gi nt!ema:i to whose ran: it was entrusted did not nndei-'and the instruc tions given him, in consequence of which ithss been delaved until now. It. 110S TIC. S.!,t. 1.' 132J. CT.ip .Y077C7-:- fill IK. subscriber, being shout to settle in Mis I sissipjii, his appointed William I.uu. IVsq. his true and lawful agent, to transact all his hu niiiesH in his name. W. JONLS. Au-msi 17, 18.'. 3wt'19 .AAvcrlUvu',. fllllF.nF. will be exposed to I'ublie S,:e Ht 1 Clinton, Kowan usmntv, situate in the fotk of t!ic north and south Yadkin, on the 4:h day of November next, being the first Monday of the month, the remaining unsold lots in the town ijI.iu of said place ; one of w hu h contains a lanrc I new frame building, nearly finished. . Likewise, the adjoining lands, upwards ol two hundred acres, a great part of w Inch cons' ts of saluable low grounds risers ing the plan ot the town, the .width and direction oi the rmj, to thJ scite of the bridge eommenecd on the luirth Yadkin, and to the bridge f the uith Nadkin. i he sale will cotitii.e; from day today, until the property ii all disposed of ; and a credit 1 1 one and two scars given for the pun-base money, with interest, tiie piirrhaw r (;is trsj bond and wrur.tv. Att.mt;i ii will be g-.sen, bv j. a. rr.Mtsov, .lulIN CALLOWAY, C. S. W OODS. r.i,f:t SlIDiJl tiire since, a man bs- '.he name o; Ccori'e C'artssrijht, a iouriusn.aii shoen.i. ke-, eomovtieed working ss h'i me, mid at'er get. itmg mt.i n.s ite!), aosemide'l witliout I.., '. !l- w k r.t otf with j-urnrsman ta.lor.' by the ' emi-:,. It is supjiosed be will make bir Tent.-.'siec, by t!iC was of Lineolnton ?. Morganton. The object "f t'nis notice is to put the public on their guard, n"d l;t the character of the tna'l keep pace with h.t.wcir. AS jOMI't'DX. cvi.w, j' is;:.-tf t, .MyyAu ii V sXtitlU-VuvtiWiw WII.KI S Cr-UNTY. tSOLKT of I'lriS and fluattcr Si-;:ioi Julv Tf'in, 182. (ienrge Larks vr. the l al i-l-ilf f John tli-nuni', Orf-oisril lVtiliuii fnl partition. It appearing that Nancy Cauil'e, or her heirs, arc uot iulinbitaiil ; of aoo'l-er st.te Oi.U-iyi'. tli.it tu.b!i ut ion be made f. r ;.'.; svi ( hi ie W i-triii I aru'i -a . tliat tliev ."" i t ar kt the net rci-'vt curt, tube liebl for fi-'-,""nn f At ilkrs, at the Coui l-Hou' i Wil'; t! h i - i a-' -.1 i .t n the f,i ,1 Mo' i iv i i ,e cu.be j ulcad, mii-hi r oi' d, i.mr, or t'.ic pLt liear-.l e-x I'al'.c. CwtVli. U. M.UUTN, ('. If. V. c AAY V'Va";, . ivV. :'' C". t. . gt st Yr.t pm. . lv i-ep.i (iii. ici-h,! rice S-f. Crce.i for t'nc u u-v- svork v. i.! he supplied by W f. I!. YOl. ''.'?.. OF every ib sc-'p'ion, neatly n" l eome'.'yi i'. tiied :t '.!' 0.,;c.', rr. cVrt rn'Jre. ' ' AGKICULTU11AL; ''sst ',,, .. , : " Hail! first of Arts, source of domestic cav Pride of the land, and patron of the ica-,. raort tiik village uccbHn, ORC1IMIDS. Ilaviiu; been employed for several clays in pruning my orchard, my mind has been led to the subject of fruit-trees, the time of setting out, the ilLlance of ht-uinjj them apart, ami the season for irutii tg, if at all, (the propriety of w hich is doulatcd by some.) About twenty-four or twenty-five years ago I set out an orchard, and chose a northern exposure, though contiary to the opinions of xviiters on the 'subject--tny reasons were these i had observed that orc.li.il ds l.iying to the south were mot e frequently injuied by the late frosts in the spring, than those in a different sit uation ; vegetation was much earlier, and often affected by those frosts. My orth ard consisted of about ISO trees of 2G tlificrent kinds, a Rreat satiety of sum mer and fall fiuit ; so that from early in the seventh month, wc generally have a Mtr.ccsion till wc gather our winter stoi c, often in abundance and I know not that sve have ever wanted for house use in any year, though some seasons there has been very little in tlio country ; this I conceive must be owing to the situation of the oichtiti!. In planting the trees I now see, that lil.e many others, 1 committed a great error by placing then so near to;ctler, (not more than 0 feet apart) I find that the limbs of many of it trees intcilock, and ate dead and decaying hence I con clude that for the preset vationcf the trees and the improvement of the fruit, it would he r.iuch better to set the trees from forty, five to fifty feet apart this would admit of mid and air which are so essential in idinr; the leaves to perform the iTice as (signed them, by straining and refining the sap, or that which constitutes the fruit, by gradually throwing off that hit er or corrosive property it possesses, and as the fruit ripens gises it a more agrc able flavor than it otherwise would have I think it must be within the observation of almost every person, that fruit which ripens in the shade ii not equally good end agreeable to the taste as that exposed to the sun and air. If these view be cotiect, they are certainly in favor of et ting the trees a considerable distance hpait another advantage ii favor of it, which is that the ground may bo farmed with almost any kind of grain, the trees be benefitted by it, and the rjrounj left much bctler for grass. On setting out an orchard, I should fi xer the holes being rpencd in the fill of the year, the size of three feet diameter at least, the top spit to be laidcn the side of the hulc, ;.i,J the second sp't to be thrown in again, vhen the earth is remo sed t the desired depth, ar.d left in it ; the wither frost will pulverize the earth, r.o that with a lit'.!; tich mould, such as chili dirt, at'ded to the top mould in set il.'g i:i the trees in the spring, will facili tate their p;ril!i. I have little doubt but that trees thus planted, will grow ss much in four years as they would in :evcn plant ed i:i l!.; common way, with the holes dug at lite time of planting, and of at It barely stinicicnt to admit the roots. 1 ... a tniMtnt. tf Imtt tin. In .iind Ti-ll,. I 1 j':cc, tliat they will live longer than if I .... . P1 imc ,N 'c r,aJ' 'orrcc " omitted nil ti-.c limbs cjrow to a particular size, b-.tt 1 favcr pn early attention to forming nt"i ki-cp'r.j: 'hem epen. and taking off j 0,,.. ri tll;s Jt;l-i: ii0lic hile the trtea arc , l'e sh!ch incline tocrosTearh voting Irs. ihcir full vigor and growth, the j hnrlt v.iil sun gro'v over the parts from i .. ,. , i..i svltct.ee si.:aii iitnu were taucn, anu mur ihioty ii '.iistuincd, but if left till they gi'O'.v I'-fe rr.-l loacl with fni'.f. 'htj will !rh-if,. rb nther. :.rwl if l),n t:iUin off si'l affect the stock. As to the time, of pruning, men differ in opinion ; some think i'. best before the sap rises, and otbets tin' it is best when the leaves begin to put out I have prac ticed the former mode, whether correct or not; 1 bno that on those tres iie qutfttly punted, young shoots arc more apt to put out. I have an intention to try what effect rubbing them off with tho hand will have. I am inclined to think that will be better than to let them have u umrncr's growth, and then cut off. MOW TO TLLL A HOItSL'8 ACT, CY ILH TEETH. The following article is copied from a valuable woi k, completed, and lately pub lished by Mr. J. Foster, of Winchester, Va. tinder tho title of "The Domestic Animal's Friend, or the complete V irin ia and Maryland l'tnier." " A hotse that has arrived at an ajje fit for service, oujjUt to have forty teeth, twenty-four grinders, twelve fore teeth, and lour lusU. Mares, however, have but tiiirly-s'u, except when they happen to have tuiks, which is by no means com mon. " It is by the fore teeth and tusks that the age of horses is to be judged of, and as they are not generally put to ser vice until they come three years old, (and indeed that ia one year too soon,) we hall commence our description of the teeth at that ajje- At three, therefore, he will have four horse ana tight coit teeth, which are call ed piiiceis, have a deep blatk hole in the middle ; while those of the coll are round, solid and white- " A short time befo.e the horse come-k four yean old, he loses four middle teeth two above and two below, which are fol lowed by four more horse teeth with black holes to the middle, the same in the pin cers. 44 A few months before he comes five," he sheds the four corner teeth, two above and two below, which is hi last colt's teeth ; and at five they are replaced with horse teeth hoilow as before described ; and grooved on the inside. At this ae he also gets four tusks, the two lower ones generally three or four months before tho upper. Some horses, however, never hive any upper tusks but this is not common. The appearance of the two lower tuski is the most certain proof that the horse is coining five year old; even if some of his colt's teeth remain. " When lie Ti nearly sis, all bis fore teeth are full grown, pointed and a little concave on the ioside. At six the grooves on the itiiide begin to 11 up, and soon af ter disappear; tnc other bUek holes in the middle of the teeth also begin to f.ll up, but are still very apparent. " At seven, all tne, fore teeth except tho comer oncs.are generally filled up smooth, though a black spot in the centre may yet appear. Between seven and eight, the ! corner teeth also fill and become smooth i after eight.it is difficult, indeed by some held to be impossible, to judge correctly of the age of a horse j all Ihe striking; marks of his mouth having disappeared- After which period recourses must be had to the general aspect of the mou'h--If the tuiks be flat and pointed, and have two small grooves on the inside which you can readily feel with your finger, be assured he is not old, probably not yet 'tli but if you fiiiJ only oi.c grooc iiri in t!:e tusk, you may conclude he is ap. proach'pg twelve. w AfiiTtwclre grooves generally diup pear, nnj tu:ks become as blunt and is round i:hin a without. The length of tiic teeth U by no means a certain crite rion to judje of the though Jonr? teesli projecting forward, certainly indi cates un advanced age, as the teeth of youngs horses are not so long, and gener ally ri-ect almost perpendicular. " The lips- of a young horse are very firm and elastic, tvhile those of an old o nre reft, dbtj, ml hars'mj, and the 1: f '

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