7S2 A. SnRw a?3tV Hawaii t.ii.J NO. 121. VM. V. ' 7i IIHI I ! IMMll II I'lTlilMtlirNl) Mil. II UK 111 Im".'i rmxTtn in itiu.imo.ii, t vkmit TtMiur, 11 MNdH.VM YWIITi:. Ti:ii:-. : - The snIiHcrlptidn to tin; Wisti hv C.inouwui is Three IMlurt per aniiiitn, pa)!ihk' liiilt'-ycarly in wlvanre ! : 0j' Nu pi.icr will be discontinued until .-ill arrearage ure p:uM, .nlcss at the discretion c the Kditnri ; and any suliM-riLer tailing to (."ivc notion of his wili to (li.icniitinuc ut thr cm! (if :i jrftr, will be considers! as wishing' to continue' i he paper, which will be sent accordingly. , Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive ti ttnth srnti; ' AuvF.HTisf.in sit will inserted on the cn toirury terms. I'cmms sending in Adver. liseinenls, must speciiy tin: nuniht-r oflimes tbey wibll them inserted, or they will be contiinK il till ordered out, h''1 th:irj':d accordingly. No advtrti.ietneiit inserted until it bus bccil paid for, or it payment assumed by son. t ptTinti ,n this town, or its vicinity. CjMH letters to the editors must be po-.t-fnnd, or they will not be attended to. J.VMKS II. IIAMI'TON rtispectiaUy informs the public, that be occupies the old shop formerly owned by bis father, on M.tiii.ilrcct, lfewdoon south of the Court-1 lou. S:.li-.b'jry, hrre he is now pvepan J, with jjouj ut: of tools, to repair all kinds uf WATCHES y CLOCKS. Having employed a competent workman to help lrin;, he assures all who may favor him with their custom, that their work shall be executed in as good ftyle as ajt any other ahop in thi part of the country. All kinds of old Jewelry repaired, and sonic kinds made. Jobs of every description in his line of busines-i, will be tliankhilly received, and executed on a abort notice. I'eoj.le who r-sido at a distance, by sending, may depend on raving their work tut faithfully attended to and returned, us though they were present and u'btlic old established Salisbury pricis hailed. rillll'. yihicrih'-r has just reroited a ej.oirr I npply of CKOCKKIKS which he olfcrs (,r s de on the iipt rcnrrtahic terms for owA. Anion); theiii are : ! ijr ir, Cufl'ee, Molasses, Hurt,, Hice, H.iisiiu, halt i and alo. the innal sup !vof iuf,tti-)tarie. Likewise, pint ati'! half yi'it luinhh t s. IIIUMAS HOLMKS. Janr K, l'Jfi 'I he Celebrated Ilni'su .v.o , -;o.v. 1VII.I, stand the ensuing I ? m ason at my plantation, tt ievi n mucs we-tiil Sali!ury, jjj.it tei dollars the season, liu' di. !.. :n '"-hie h ap, ami M'l-en doiia'N lur m-.-'ir.mce. I'be m as, hi will ccniuirmr tin: Ijth of September, and t nd the la-l of Xnvt tidier, rroduee (f all kiials will be taken in payment it the market pile. MICMAllI, UKO'.VN. S,:,-!l r 9. 1H1:. 'w t'.'l TJ'Utt S AM"., t'.r rtKbi-.'ed Jaik Uon I'iarro. H; will he seven years ,ld net lprinjr; t unroiiuno'.ly larp-, and v ill furmid , of re at atrenjj'h unl t&r, an I an t-illeiil ana s ire feal-d t'l-r I'l.ic. (i'jJ Jsf JCMl'.S SNLEl). Sa:.,h'n,, x. c. .v pt. '::, i.s.'.'. ! Wu WovaI's euvi A. 'PlIF. vibsrr'.hrr w'ubf s to ii.fcrtii ti e riti?flis I of the t'n. ted Slates, ti t he ob''iiitd a patent from the l'ridi Ut of the I'n.ttJ States f ir a new and unful discovery in the nictbo lot 1 enrie-r Hi ikii i in llors-s. The ti nnut r ol tn itii.t t.t is siii.pl' , and very c;.s:ly pertottr rd. Numbi riof people hawive-iircriif.catraol the e;i at uw fulness of this div.ov-ry, xnd others) are r - elv tu testily in the same v -iy, should tbey be ( ill. dit". TU subx iihir v. !-!usit net t j be mi h rsl.i...!, that horM s w hoe t i s !.ae Lcctme duel, can be hroiitjht to their sijit l,llti s in manv ra.es w h,-r- the v have been blind from one tj seven jeai-s, bv Ins nu then "hey l:.ive hern rrs'ored to pertett ipht, and ever r.ller n Mivjn (1 .. Mights fir States or single coiu.iies, r.AX be obtained by applying, ither pt r )ii ally or by litter, tn the 5-ihsf riher, er Ms a;.:et.t, in the tnwn o!" Il.in'.sville, Surry county, N. f'snilina. A r;(;in for a s'.nglo dainty will ir M at from Mo I'ii'iii )il:.r-, prop.)! ;ivrsl tn tbs popuf'tiou dirrref. JO-LI'll SATi'.lf. .v.(r-r'.M't.,.v. c..;r. 1-. i.. n.-ft:. STiH X tin)'" s a n;;T by thr naaie of tieori'e Cartwndil. a iouriievi.an shoeina- -. ' comnieoceo w oi i - ' in'o inv i'.e!i', absenn led v. i'linut p:i. . lie wen! o!t" wit ii a j i:irneyitian bnhir, by the i.aine of Lemons. It is supp'-si-'. be v ill m:-ke f.r Teiuu sicr. by the :iv (.f I incr-lnmn mid b.ran'ivi. Th" object of this iiutre is to put 'h- pub'.i.- on their guaid, w. let the chalactcr of t!i Bian keen pace with liiiiKelf. ASA TOMPSON. (ny-vd, J:'; 2?, l-W tf 'M COMPANY. K:;i. Stoekho! b.-.sof the Catawba Navigation I Company, arc reiu'.red to pav the third in Valment on r;.eb h.ue bi l l by them rt sper t'vtlv, lo;;ethi r with all arrrara. t' Ibn.c in tlan.pbi II. Lsip treasMcrof the cnuipany. The k'ock of all these who bba'd fail In comply with the above notice, wi!l be po.iliveiy sold at Lin volnton, on the day of ( Voher next. l!v order of the Hoard. ISAAC T. Avr.nv. r..V', !hrHr, .V. 1 l.':-5r.f:, . ft fa- rpilLRi: will be exposed t l'ublie Sale at 1. Clinton, l'owan county, situate in the l urk of the north and south Yadkin, on the 4th day of November next, beinjr the first Monday l the month, the reinainini; unsold lots in the to , n plait of said place: ; one of which contain a I : in vv fninie building, nearly finished. Likewise, the adjoiuiuir lands, upwardii of two huiidri il acres, a ureat part of wiiich c.onwsts of valuable low grounds reserving the plan of the town, the w idth and direction of the road, to the scite of ihe bridge commenced on the north Yadkin, and to the bridge of the south Yadkin. The sale will continue from day to day, until the property is all disposed of j and a credit of one and two years piveii for the purchase money, with interest, the purchaser giving bond and security. Attention will be given, bv J. A. I'KAKSON, JOHN CALLOWAY, SintV-t C. S. WOOD. Il.ni.L be sold for ready money, at the Court f House in l.inoobitoii, on Ihe third Monday in October next, ten likely l efcroes, and a val uable plantation lyin,';on the Catawba, joining' the lati'i.s of Hubert Johnson, Henry Conner, r.sq and others, euntaiiiiiiK 334 acres, the plantation on which : John AucriiiHiv lives, the pioer ty of Said Aberiiathy Taken by virtue of aum dry writs of distres.s in favor of the Hank of Newbern, V. in. Henderson a Lxrs. Henry (.on nor, J.jbn M. Alexander's Exrs. and Jacob Hen kel. JOHN COI-'LTKK, Sh'f. Stptrmlrr 7lh, 1H2J. t21f Land toW Vov Taxv.s. I W ILL s. II, at tin: Court-House in Lincolntc.i, on Monday the 13th day of November next, the following tracts of land, (or so much there of as will tatufy the taxes and contingent char ges thereon) due for Ihe years and 181. 0i) acres (owner not known) lyin on Lotiff Sheal Creek, joining Unds of (ieotxe Harman, Lovdle and I'otter, ii'id othe rs, (not listed.) 125 acres beloitjriri to the heirs of Ja.nes Wilson, lyitis on I'o'ts' Creek, joining land of I)niel Comad, Jacob Shiil'ord and others, (do. do.) iicres lying on naked creek, joining' lindk of William Kooiis mid others, supposed to be- lonp to Dav.s' l.epitees, (do. do.) '2o'J acre:, lyintf near t'u Catawba Sprirrjs, (be ln(fiiif. to Prinle's estate,) listed by Cn;it. John Ui'id fur the )ear iy.1', for the year not listed. 83 acres billion "now Cr.t k, joininp; I- :.dof John Null and others, '(f.'rmcr'.y listird )' said Null) beli'ti'iisj tj Ithyne, (do. do.) oJel acres h on tin- water of Mai.b'n Creek anil Pui'di j;ut, juinitiff Lndsof llrnrv sid'-aand (.eorire I.'iii, lepnfis'-1 to belong to tlic letters of Jan. U. ('it'". lu.) 10') aero:. hiiijT oil Jambs' ltiv. r, joining land of Joseph J.il.nson ami l!n rs. nippostdti) be the pmpi rty of W illi . n f!eid, (do. do.) C.0 a res lwi;,;on tin Catawba Hivcr, jnininp lands of Wilii .tn Hcliders'm, Ja'iu Ahermithy and other -, the propcrtv of William Davidson, (do. lo.) JOHN COl L I F.H, Shmjf uf ljr.cii'.n County, ?. t-7r .A, 1' 11 V virt.ie t.fan execution to me d'.rci li d, is 9 sued from the (.'irctiit Coutt of Novth l'ar olin.i, at the instance of the Lnited States' fluik, aj; oust Vh-vindcr frol, . k ;tnd Alexander Lone;, sen. w ill be extiosed tu public auction, for rash, at the Court d louse in Salisbury, Ninth-Carolina. oh the :;l-.t day of Oetobrr next, a rerta'n tract of aimf, lyinij on the Yadkin river, suppoM-d to contain one thousand acres, more or less in the county of linw.ui, North-Carolina. This tract of l.m'd it the tract that Alexander l'rohock Sold t .lu.l;e Mtirph. y. 11. ii: attendant c will be pvrn bv Uie, Itr.YK.IiLY DAMLI, .Un -Ml Ilv JMisTi Hia, lip. .l.ir..u. y,pt. I), ISC'. f.t'Jj Ct l'.KK. rOfNTV. Q Pl.lilOlt Court of law, March Tern, IS22. O Licroi Hutni M,v.. Llijah I rmrh. Jud. att. levied n Isiid. -It appearing to the court th.it the b fi ii l iit lives out of this state It was thcnluie O. J. 'fJ. ti ..t puM'iCi'ii.ii b. made for three liionths in the ViCtera Ca;-olini.tii, that the said Klijah Fouih sppcar hi fire the Jude of the Superior Court f Law fur the county aforesaid, at the next rourt tu 1 c held at the Court-House in Morpnton, 'n the -fth Monday in ?cpteniht r f.ext, and replevy and plead 1o imuc, r in. lament w ill bo tti'.ered against him fo? plaintiff's demand. Test. M . W. F.RWIN, C. P. V. C. .'nitTl Trice adv. oi Xovl-ttviVuu, Vslf.KIS COUNTY. (10I.UT of f'leas and quarter Sessions July I Ttrm. IS'". Ceorpo Parks tt, I he real estate f John Hemini', ih ce:ied I'clilion for partition. It nppCrfrinir that Nancy Caudle, or h,p li.-Ht. UIV Hot Iliiiahitan'.S Ol anOtlHT UlIC lhi!--rt,!, that publication he made for MX weeks in the Western Carolinian, that tbey uppiara! the ne xt cuimty court, to be held for the county of Wilkes, at tlie Ccurt House in Wilkrsbnm', on thr f.rst Monday in November next, and plead, nnswer or demur, or the petition will he beard ex parte. ft. MAHT1N, ('. It . t. C. 5itc:.:.- T inr.RAL wr.:res will be L-!en to threr Over I i seerj, who can rntne well rerommenibil. In take charge of plantations in the roun'y ofM.'ck Kub ;r,:. None need applv, unl. ss the y have i bceti aecu'.iiiiiLd to the coii.manil ol nenn s. 1 SUs. t.. 1'Hl.h. n.;:i.-J. .i'u v io, is::. 4wt':i TjCST p'i!ilii.hcd by Joseph (iab s Ralegh, l Price S3. ,r:!e-s f.ir the above wo:ks w:u S" so" I'J fcv WM. II Y')-NO. From Martin Luther's Life of Himself. "Anno 1521, as I departed from Worms (said Luther) and not far from Kisenacli, was taken prisoner. I was lodged in the castle of VVartburg, my l'.itmos, in a chamber far from people, where none could have access unto me, but oncly two boyes that twice the da) c brought me meat and drink ; now a mong other things, they brought me hasel-nuts, which I put into a box, and sometimes I used to crack and eat them. In the night times, my gentleman the Devil came and got the nuts out of the box and cracked them against one of the bed posts, making a very great noise and rambling about my bed, but I regarded him nothing at all, when af terwards I began to slumber, then be kept such a racket and rambling upon the chamber stairs, as if many i mply hogsheads and barrels had been tuu -bled down : and although 1 knew that the stairs were strongly guarded with iron bars, so that no passage was cither up or down, yet I rose and went to wards the stairs to sec what the matter was, but finding the door fast shut, I said, nrt thou there ? so be there still, I committed myself to Christ, my Lord and Saviour, of whom it is written, Omnia suhjreisti pedibus rjust and then hid me down to rest again. " At such times (said Luther) when 1 could not be rid ol the Devil, with Ut tcringsentences out of the Holie Scrip ture, then I made him often flic wtth jeering and ridiculous words ami terms; I have recorded my sins in thy regis ter ; I said likewise unto him, Devil ! if Christ s blood, which were shed for my sins, be not suiTu imt, then I desire thee, that thou wouldst praie to God for me. H hen he finde-ih me idle (said Luther) and that I have nothing in hand, then he is very busie.and before I am aware he Avringcth fr ,m me a bitter sweat ; but when I offered him the pointed spear, that is, God's word, then he fii eth, yet before he goeth, he maketh mcbloodie armed, or else giveth me a grievous hurry cane. When at first I beg,m to write against the Pope, and that the Gospel went on, then the De vil laid himself strongly therein, he ceased not to ramble and rage about. for he willingly would luve preserved pu'gatorie at Magdcburgh,andiNr sum animarum. Tor, there was a cit izen whose child died, for which he refused to have Vigilia and soul-mas-es to be sung, then the Devil plaid his freaks, came every night about twelve of the clock into the chamber where the child died and made a whining like si young rhilde. The good citiz.cn he injj therewith full of sorrow, knew not what course to take. The Popish priests cried out and said O now, you see" how it goeth when Vigils arc not held and solemnized. Sic. Whereup on, the citizen sent to me tsaid Luther) desiring my advice therein, (lor ny sermon which lately before I preached, touching this sentence, they have Mo ses and the Prophrts, was gone out in print, which the citizen had read,) then i I wrote unto him Irom u irtembrrg, and advised him nt to sulFcr any Vi gils at all to he held, for he might be fully assured, that those were mci tly pranks, of the devil, whereupon, the children and servants in the house jeer ed and contemned the Devil, and s.tid, what doesl thou, satan ? Avoid, thou cursed spirit, and get thee gone to the place where thou oughtest to be, into the pit of hell, fcc. Now, as the De vil marked their ontcmpt, he left off his game and came there r.o more. 14 A gentleman had'a fair young wife, which died and was buried. Not long after, the gentleman and his srrvart l)ing together in one chamber, his dead wife in the night time approach ed into the chamber, and leaned her self upon the gentleman's bed, like as if she. hd heen desirous to speak with him. The servant (seeing the same t'vti nr three nights one after another) askedh'u master, whether he knew, that every night a woman in white apparel, rami unto his bed? The gentleman said no: I sleep soundly (said he) and e nothing. When night approached, tJic gentleman, considering the same, bid waking in his bed. Then the wo ruin appeared unto him, and came hard to his bed side. The gentleman de manded who she was ? She answered, I am your wife. He eaid, my wife is dead and buried. She s.tid, true: by reason of your swearing and sins I died ; but if you would take me again, and would also abstain from swearing one particular oath, which commonly you use, then I would he your wife again. He said, I am content to per form what you desire. Whereupon his dead wife remained with him, ruled his house, hid w ith him, ate and drunk with him, and had children together. Now it fell out, that on a time the grn tlcman had guests, and his wife alter supper was to fetch out of his chest somcbanquetingstuff : shestayed some what long, her husband (forgetting him self) was moved thereby to swear his accustomed oath ; whereupon the no man vanished that instant. Now see ing she returned not again, they went up into the chamber to see vvhat was become of her. There they found the gown which she wore, half lying with in the chest, and half without ; but she was never seen afterwards. 'X his did the Devil (said Luther) he can trans form himself into the bhapc of a man or woman." LLT1T.K3 FROM AFKICA. Can o, Decembnr 1 , 1 820. Leaving Horeb and Sinai, from the summits of which I giZeil at lands which form lucid points in the blaze of human intellect, I descended into the country of Klim, where still are to be seen the palms and the wel's that epicnthid ihe thirst of the Jews. Having cooled myself in he Tor, where I tried its waters, i returned by the road c f Sue, to Cairo, and going down to Alexandria, I turned towards the Lake Mareotis, thence to that of Slaadie and Ktko, and making an ex cursion in merry company to the beau tiful Kosetta, I traversed the branch Oolbitinia, the Delta, and arrived at the ruins of Batis, and the mouth of the Sebsne, upon the Fammeticus branch, in modern Dnmietta. Lmbarking thence upon the Lake of Memale, and arrived at the island of Miliaria, I advanced into the canal of Morz, whence I might view the scat tered remains of Tanis, and returning to fhe lake, recognized the Tanities and I'elusiatk mouths, with the Boga cf liahi. Disembarked upon the shore, I ar rived through the desert at the sides of mount Casius, and the day follow ing ascended that celebrated eminence whence I came to Pelus'iuni, that fa mous key of Egypt, and trusting my self once more to the waves, I visited the islands of Tennis and Thuna, and passing over the Mendcsina mouth, I returned to Damietta. Ucposing a little, I took diversionup- on the Jake, and penetrated by the ca nal of Moe?. intot hat of S.uahie, and descending into the desert, I fuund endless fields of sctiu, both vegetable and mineral. Whence approaching the Nile, I ar rived bv the canal of Amun, at the ci-' ty of Hcnhi, the ancient blendes ; i thi n upon the branch Fammeticus to the bed fatal to Louis IX. ; and finally returned to Grand Cairo. Now that, thanks to the magnani mous Viceroy of Egypt, the brave Ma homet Ali, and his faithful minister llurgoss JussulT, I am furnished with ample and generous means of penetra ting into spaces shut up by the seal of ngts, I am preparing to approach the torrid zone, where I hone to shew to Italy that I am not entirely unworthy of belonging to her. Every Sunday, (snys Hell's Weekly Messenger, tf the 1st July,) there are dog Hghts in the neichborhood of London, which arc intended by hundreds of aban doned and profligate fellows. Bullork hununr;, uop; fighting and other cruelties are constantly prctised at Uhtthnal Green ; where rogues ind vagabonds as semble in vast numbers, and Lid defiance to the police. A perron enquired of Lycurgui. the Spartan lawgiver, why he had, by hvt, forbidden women on their marriajje to have any dowry 'that,' says he, 'none on account of poverty may be left unmar ried, nor any aought on account of wealth : hut that every nun regarding the good accomplishments uf a lady, make his se lection only from virtue-' Till: f'lHLNiY. Tmnhitnn nf thi -li'h ifti'in i,f thedth llo'ik uf the .1nnah uf 'J'uri'wi, if Human ll,tir,rian. "Under the consulship of Fubius and Vitcllius, the Phtr.iix re-appeared in Egypt. Its return gave orcaMon to many dissertations of the most learn -d men of this country and Greece. 1 am going to report the facts moss generally acknowledged, and some oth ers less sure, but which may he useful to know. The I't '.a'nix is consecrated to the sun, and all Urse who have de scribed agree in giving to it figure and plumage different from other birds. They have varied upon the duratiou of its life ; the greater part making it five huiiJred years, and some fourteen hundred and sixty-one years. I hcy assure us that the first Pbcrnix appeared in the reign of Seostric, the second under Amasis, and another under I'toli my, the third of the Macedonian r.ue of the kings of Egypt; that all three took their flight towards the city of Heliopolis, in the midst of an im mense flock of other birds, attracted by the singularity of their form. It must, however, be aeknowledged that we are at default in this antiquity. Dttwren Ptolemy and Tiberius there ii not quite two hundred and fifty ye. rs, which has made some to believe that this last was net the true Phoc: x of Arabia, having nothing of the charac ters which ancient tradition gives te the others. In efTect it is said that the Phanix, when the number of it j years have revolved, and its end ap proaches, builds in its country a nest which it impregnates. In a little time a young Phanix comes out, whose firs: care, when it comes to maturity, is to perform the funeral rites of its parent, and it does not perform this project rashly. It is not until after having essayed its force in long flights, and when its vigor becomes equal to the burthen and the journey, and having charged itself with myrrh, that it takes the body of its parent and carries it to the altar of the sun, where it burns it. All this may be uncertain and fabu lous ; nevertheless, there is no d-.ubt but that this bird sometimes appears in Egypt. It would be highly gratifying if any of our learned cotemporaries, Doctor M fur example, would treat us with a supplementary dissertation up on this classical bird, and let us know when and how often it has appeared in Egypt since the days cf Tiberius Coes-ir, the time referred to b Tacitus. Certainly the historical antiquity of the race of this rare bird, is much be yond that of that rare fish the "Squ.dus Maximus," which the learned Doctor has been unable to carry beyond the time of the prophet Jonas. The Translator, raoN tbs mmai rsiB. Sja WJirn my aunt Simpy ra:I the letter which you printed for m the other day, said she, " Jeremiah my dear, I luv a few questions to ask you, whi' h I le you to ansser me w i'.'i your arcustomeal frankness and cunduiii . la the first place," (taking out her spectacles ant wiping them, then pulling them on, and running her eye down the aide of the paptr con lairir.g my letter,) l in tha first plan," said she, ' I wish you to inform me in what catalogue, or hook of gardening, or botany, you found the name f a plant called Dark Mud?" Park Mud 1 said I, why what do you mean ? " I mean." said she, " Numrx rfaianuty Dark Mtd." I was somewhat confounded with my aunt's question, coupled with her Rrave and formal manner, and was rather at a loss to know precisely what she was at ; but on casting my eye to the place where she directed her's, I discovered that the printer had mistaken Dock Weed for Dard Mud ! Well, Said I, this is really provoking, after I had hammered my brains to long to produce something fit to go before the public, and taking such un common pains to avoid erery thing like pot-hooks, nd trammels; besides, too, I made my letter as ihort at possible for fear f mistakes, and after all. the point of the very best part of my letter it dtrovei, by calling Dock Weed, Dark Mu-! I do believe in my very ioul these Printers

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