X. EfT"r MISTEU AKII rUUI.tMf.U, KVi:i.i a. lilUT, Il IUNGIIAM k W1I1TK. . ti.iiv.k: The subscription tu the Wktkuv (,'mni.nui i Thru l.'tiUnvt jcr annum, pa) able li;i!t j curly in advance dj" Nd pi.per will he. discontinued until all arrearages are paid, .nlesx at the discivtioii of t tic Editors j and any subscriber failing to give notice f his wi.ih to discontinue at the end of a year, will be comsidcrcd as wishing to continue the paper, which will he neiit accordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the ' payment of nine paperi, shall receive a tenth Aiivr.nTiHi:n;Ti will )c inserted on the cus tomary terms. Persons' ncmling in Adver- t'neinentM, niu.it specify tin- munlicr of times they wiih them inserted, or they will he continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment nvamicd by some person in this town, or its vicinity. , Cj'All letters to the editors must he fmHjhrid, or they will not be attended to. VaUi Ui'vaiviw, kv. JAMES K. HAMPTON respectfully informs the public, that lie occupies the oil shop forurrh otu.el by his father, on Main-street, a few doors south of the Court-House, Salisbury, hcre he in now prcpr.ted, with a good set of ,oo I ., to repair all kinds ol WATCHES V CLOCKS. He assure all who may fior him with their custom, that their work nhall be executed in as Ijood a st)le as1 at any other shop in thin part of tne country. All kinds of old Jewelry repaired, :nid some kinds made. Jobs of every description in hi line of business, w ill be thanktully received, and executed on a short notice. People who reside at a distance, by sending, ir.ny depend on Laving their work as faithfully attended to and returned, as though they w ere present and fitho old established Salisbury prices charged. Snh.buru, .l.ir. V; I'JJ?. 'It V T HIE subscriber has just received a choice 1 iiipply of tiUOCKUH.S which In- oil. rs fjr sale on the most reasonable terni, Tor rush. Among them are : Sugar, Cofl'cc, Molasses, Hum, l;ice, Figs, Itiisins Salt ; and also, the usual sup ply ol l''m,rftimuvie4. Eikewi , pint and hall pint lunibi.-rs. THOMAS HOLMES. June 16, i:i IOC 1 he ( !! ra'cd I V.; In i4 .;o.V, r"-L stand the ensuing ? season at my plantation, seven ni.lc v. i it of Salisbury, ,at ten dollars the sr.Hun, live "in! u-s (i,t s.hlIc lean, and f.fteen dollar; for in virancr. The season will commence the lS'.li of September, and end the last of November. Product' of all kin.U will bo taken in payment at the market nit v. MICH A I I, RROYVN. I'li: I.E. the rih bra'. d.buk Don Pi.-.trTo. II. will Ik? seven Vi lirs nM next s'lrmir ; is incimitT.iiilv l.irire, and well tonned, of vtrat ktithgtli and vinr, ami an can't Iknt and sure I' .i!gi 'ter Price, S'1'- JutV: .U'NH'S SNEtD. .'...'V.'-urv. ,v. c.s : 1322. ViWnA WuvstA rwvcvA. ffl IE Mil.y-ri'icr wisln to i: f.trm the iitien I of T'r't. d M iti i, that he hat obtained a p i'iii' from the Pri .ident of the I'nitcd State fir a new and nsi fil iWovrry in the mcibfvl of cimi.g ltiimisi., in J-jrse-. Ti e manner of trta'Picnt is s:n.n!i', :.n I sen ea . lv .i rfrmcl. Nnil hrrs of people li;n , niven ci rlitiCate of the if a' iivfidm-H rf ibis d'scn erv, and othel s are rp a Iv to t s',it in the same way, should they be t dl t! OH. The sub , r.'cr svi hi s it not t,i be is rs'istM?, tlut l.crii ' w!io.. t-vex v. e become lesd, can br brought to thi ir sight ajrain ; bu', in manv rajt s v her- t'.iev h.. t been blind fmm ii; c to i.vni i.ir, bv !."s niethixl they l au bci n restored t peifect si'lit, and cvtr ultir r.'n.ainf I so. I!ii'iis for States, or ngk" rouiiliet, niav be ('.'aii.ed by npnhing, cither M rsoall or by 1 'tcr, to tin- i bsi tiber, or hi ageil', in the t '".ii of li'iuts'. lib. Sum ciiontv, N. Carolina. A r'j,bt for a single county will be sold at from ) to 1'1'J dollars pn'imrtionf il to the pomihrinn ,rr.of. JflsEPII SAIER. sr- f.,,.tr, x. c. m?. i .'. i ';". .u';r. A SwiiuWvv. SHORT tin e siinc, a ;'ii by the name of Centre Cart' riu'l.'. joiirmyin an sl.ocma- ' ..-I-1 .. .. l nni 1 -t! ? . .'I . Vng ir.'oni deb', absenni'.i 'I without pain".l He wett ntl v ' a juriie man t tdor. In the! '"line rf I emote . I' is supposed he ill make 'or Tcnncsee, 'be w:i nf l.iiicolntnii and M'l-gin'on. The objd t of this notice is to put the jieb'ic on th-ir goard, and h t the tliararter of the man keep pace w itb Iiuiihi If. ' ASA ItlMPSON'.. Cnnr.;t, J;i: 2'), lh.V.-tf '1 i I aUV. Ntw VivWmi COMPANY. fV!K MocM.olde-s of the t 'atav ha N.i .,-itiim I Company, are ri quired 'oiia1 the third in Miihr.ciit on en It h'.a'v held 1-) them tv-oic lively, together with nil urn aragi s ' honcait Canipht II, Y.v. trcasuri rot tlie ccinpuny. 'I T.e stin t; of nil those who shall fall to cnndy with the '-om ni't ce, ill be positivciv sold, nt I.in iolntnn, on the .1d d.iv ' I" ttctober m t. II V order of ti e h if' 'ILUJjeeAJL ISAAC T. AM IJY, i". i, i8::.-5v.:j .1 1V.IV.UV, will he exposed to Public Rale af Clinton, Itmvan county, situate in the fork of the north and south Yadkin, on the 4th day of November next, being the first Monday of the moii'b, the. remaining unsold lots in the tow n plan of said place ; one of w hich contains a large, new frame building, nearly finished. Likewise, the adjoining land, upwards of two hundred acres, a great part of which consists: of valuable low grounds, reserving the plan of the tow n, the width and direction of the road, to the seite of the bridge commenced on tin: north Yadkin, and to the bridge of the south Yadkin. The sale will continue from day to dux, until the property is all disposed of i and a credit of one and two yean given for the purchase money, with interest, the purchaser giving bond ami security. Attention w ill he given, lv J. A. PKAIiSON, JOHN CALLOWAY, c. s. woous. JNftvs;'ft $np.. I) Y virtue of an execution to rue directed, is. I sued from the t'ircu'p Court of North-Car-olina, at the instance of the Coiled States' llaiiK, against Alexander 1'rohock and Alexander Long, sen. will be exposed to public auction, for cash, at the Court House in Salisbury, North-Carolina, on the ,'ilst day of October next, a certain tract of l.unil, lying on the Yadkin river, supposed to contain one thousand acre, more or less, in the county of Rowan, North-Carolina. This tract of land is the tnt that Alexander Frohock sold to Judge Murpb'-y. Hue attendance will be given bv mc, EI'.YI'.III.Y DANIEL, Mintm!. Hy Jisirs Ti rsim, . .VuW. y-:t. 19, i3:. wis i'.vu U iiv suli 'ov Tuxes. 1WII.L hell, at the t'ou-t-Ilnnse in Lincohitoii, on Monday the Ifcth day of Novcmbt r next, the folbiwing tracts of land, (or so much there of as will satisly the taxes and contingent chnr ges thereon) due for the years 182'J and IK?. 100 aer s (ow ner not known) Ijing on Long Shoal Cp ek, joining lands of tieorge Haruiau, Loville and Potter, ai.i! ethers, (not listed.) 125 ."(res hi loturiiu' t the heirs tf James Wilson, I.Mignn Potts' Cr. ek, joining lands of Daniel (.'onra l, Jacob Shuford an I others, (do. do.) 2n0 acres King o-i naked creek, joining lands of William Kooiat ar.d others, supposed to be-' ong to Dav.s I.vgatiis, (do. Jii.) 200 acres lving near the Catawba spring, (be longing to Pringle's estate,) ist'-d by Capt. John Reid fur tiit: lui- IS.'J, U ih year 142 not luted. Jvi acres 1'. ingon S now Creek, joining lands of John Null and others, (formerly E-.ti-d by said Noll ) belo'ij'ire; to Rkw, Mn, !o.) :j'Jacn i Jyir.g on the water. of MV:.b u Creek and Pini !i gut, joining l.md of HiiTV Sid1 i and (.eorge Lot, supposed to! i long to ti.e lt;patecJ of J.iH'ct', (do. do.) lU'J acres hiii g ett Jacob. I;'.1 '. r, joining hinds of Joseph J. ,'i;, .. .n and other,, ippov 1 to be the lirnpett" '' W iliiam Reid, ('n. do.) 2'J u res h'ngon tfi: C;.iub.t River, joining land, of Wii.i.,:n Henderson, James Abenuthy and other ., t'.e p.'oper.v oi William Davidson, (do. do.) Also, "j ac, s. lving on John W'dfoug's Mill Creek, oini,;g lands c.f J olm W'dtoef, Jacob Star, and other .belonging 'o lnvi 1 ! .llii.crer legattcs, nut li .te d. JOHN CnCI.TEi!, .V.. ";jf"f IJt:ntn P '...ntg. ?' fi'" f.'i;,-. nf l'.' .S"',i f- t'i-('i.)'iitQ. A PROCLAMATION. linn-iRI'AS. bv an act of the U ik ral A; IT seiubiy of the State of Nortii-f urolina, thr Covrno of the State is au'lmrised localise the unsold l .ii.'i 1. ti.lv a-'iuirtd by treaty the Chi mkee tiitr.1 oi" Indians, to Ijo ofli r( d for Salt": Now, li:.li te-I'f, I, (.abriil Holmes, (io- vernor of th-t ef No:.l; Car"!i.ia. d, i he re- hy dctl.tre sn 1 tn.,ke kienvit tle t a pui.lie tale fcr the t'istii d, agreeably to law, of t!ic aid lands !i ,11 In romiiieiiccd at Waynes die, in the count) of lb wood, on Monday the -'Sthof Or. toiler iieM, tttiik r the s ipi riiiti'iid.on of a Conitiiissiotu r, ppoirited fir that purpo-'-, vh, is authorized by my letter ol ii.-trin i.on-., to ad journ the vaid sale to, or near tin- v.hi' b diall priviimvv lie laid ofl' fo-n t.nm, "H the said land vi. such adj.v.n i.:n nt be dn mcd a.Uis.ible. . t!.T! eighth part of the pui h.ne money u. ill be rvt,iiredof 'the purJ..iM t, at the time, of the sale, an. I bond and senility for the payment of the leiUnce, in the fulhiwinp instal ments vi : t)ne eighth at the expiration of one year, one loorth at the expiration of t vi veats one fourth at the t-n lof three earn, and thr re-ni-umler at the i t d of foi r ear. The sale to continue twn wcek, a'ul no lontrcr. (,'vrn tm dur mv hand and the seal of the State, at t.de'irb, en the 12th d.iv tif September, 1S2 tlAlll.U.I. IIOI.Mi.ts. Jt:5 Stalo, ttV VtivU-!vtAn,A, BOWS COl'NTY. ("10t'HTori". as ami Quarter Set sioti., Ang-t.-.t ' s-liui, 1I:: : .loseph Davis 1 1. John Cald well original att.u btoeut, K vied, Uc. It ttp- peantiif to the satisfaction of the Court, th it the defeitilant is not an inhabitant of this state, it is then lore OiAtm, that miblication be made for s! weeks successively, in the Western Caroli. n'.ui, prin'cd in Salisbury, that the defendant ap pear at our next court of I'leas and Quarter Ses sions tn he held for the county of Kowan, at the Court-House in Salisbury, on the 'bird Monday of November next, thin and there tn rcph-vy, pli-ad or denui', or judpn. lit will be rntired itgaiiiit him, m cord'oiT in the pi in'.itl 's demand, Test. JOHN I.H.I, I. i. f . ( . Price adv. $: 6 t'.Vi Yvis Vwyrr, "l.'Sdlt ,de id the otTirc of the " C .irolmian," at II three dollars tw nty-live cents per ream. Alio, two reams broken foolscap, f)2 50; An-l pno bundl: Sup?rl!ovM, for v ranpinj; SMiVisflmf WilAe Society . fl!n", members of this society and all other .1 persons friendly to the benevolent object of the institution, are requested to attend a meet ing to be held in the Court House on Saturday, the 1 Jlh of ' Jctobrr. After the business of the Society is disposed o'", a sermon will be deliver ed on the occasion, by the Hev. Jonathan U. l'iVeman. SfU;nhvr 15th, 1822. '20 , ittvisitm tV Uowan. "VTOTICE. A bill will be laid before the next 1 1 (ieneral Assembly for a division of Rowan county : the new county to be laid oil" on the north side of the River. I S'ftrm'iKI- 1HM, 1822. '20 "K. SANSAY respectfully informs the La i 1 dies and gentkinen of Salislairv, tliat he intends to open a tlnnnnif trh'nif, oi the first of Novi mber next. On his arrival, he will give particular notice bv another adverticment. (hi. 1, 1822. L'21 TIilE .dicers and cragoon.s composing the I company of cavalry under my command, are ordered to parade in the town of Salisbury on the 17th iust. completely equipped, to be re viewed by the Major fieneraL It is requested that every man in my company bouid appear as clean and neat as possible. (,EOH(,E L. SMI 1 11, CrM. Oct. 1, 1822. .)wt'2J rnilE Races over the Salisbury Turf, will com I iiietice on Wednesday, the 2-mI of October next. First day, three mile heats; second day, two mile heats ; third day, one mile heats, free fur nil horses, geldings, or marcs. Fourth day, the proprietors' purse, free for all nagsj owned and laisi d in the county. JAMES IHTE, Tirimrrtr. .WV,n, .V.-;. 21, 1822. 4wt'2. 'I HE subscribers take this method to inform the citizens of Rowan county, and counties adjacent, that they have commenced making Coti'iit .SV.s Ci'i'j on an improved plan. Those wishing to purchase Cotton dins, by applying to us in Salisbury, a few doors north of the Court House, can be supplied as cheap as at any shop in this part of the state. All kinds of repairing done to Cotton Giiu, at short notice, and on low lenr,. S A ML' EL FR AEY, A LEX 'It. FRALY. Kalhhwy, Oct. 1, 1822. unit o.l TiV:i v ftwA coinUeA t II'.) the jail of Rurkc county. N. C. a bright E mulatto man, who calls himself .Acion : lie s s he belongs to Reuben Picket, of Fairfield district, S. C. H't is a chunky, thick set fi How, and appi ai- to be about 18 or 20 years of age. 'I he owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him aav. JOHN M'CCIRE, J.lihr. .nr;iv,ton, A.. 22, 1822. f23l .miucuLTViuL xorici:. F"1llK annual meeting of the Mecklenburg I Agricultural Society will take place at the Court-lioust in Charlotte, on the .Id Saturday in October net ; where the members, and oth .: friendly tothecauseof agrictdtund piirvuis, are earnestly solicited to attend. Wc sincerely ho'.e ti.ut every intelligent farmer in this count y will turn out to a man, ami produce specimens of their agricultiir.d knowledge, toktther with their implements of husbandry, and live stock of ovry description; it being the science t: .ugnt our first parents before they fell from their I ; it t t ate, In lore they knew those multi plied ti'n which have since been brought upon their descendant; and n.ay, thertfore, be naid to have the blessing of the Deity himself. Let ci arouse from our liferent letharric state, and tear asunder the veil of pirjiifticc that has -Jirmulcd . wit minus ami paral,c! our mteller. dial cv rtmn.i. Me antu ipato a numerous ajei n-sr,,Tt:hl. Tiui thn': und hoi.r. . . Ion,' u w ill be ;ibl to siy with one voice, '." ?re,t il.c I '; A .' lu ord. r i.f the s.i. u u ori.roi tne S.H.I. n, x Vrmh.r 1 " ' '""".. ' ' T" ' . . XtiWcc l) .V.tnS. I! itv itvtv iv.,,,, ...v i.io, ..i.oik in i li r lii stru t. Moum-i annum, ou me am in w .. ..........' II..,.. I. . I, .......... ,.l' i ... II . j'l. . Ill IUMI lll'H I . IIV llIIIV !! .... i about :: or :.) yesirs of age, f fett 2 or " in cheithih, of a slender nia'c, thin is,'c, tiirou liw I... ... I 1 ,.tf on. I cMf-il c u illl rutlvt.l .pTl'ih fflll. scduence w hen conversii.j-, has a wre on the! bottom of his right foo', which i at present -I.. .11 1..., M..iii..r.i.ii. b-'.n .,rf,. ihjii 'A dnliar-the t-e are ueleM but he wears a shoe on that foot. I purchased I'etcr from Mr. John K. Vincent, who brought him from Orange countv, X. C. near the Casvw II line. In rdui ii- iti'' tu that place, he will probably he lodged in ... ' . . . ,i i Miiiic "ol - unit iii lliai ciiiulilioii. I ixpici, u.u leiiv iii name und owner. Anv i ylor who may hate him in custody, will pirate direct a line to the subscriber, at I.ihcrlv Hill, Lancaster l)i triot, S. ('. for which alif.iCtory acknowledge ment shall he rendered. JOHN t.iMM il. Orf. 1, IS.1.'. '.T . 1AAii siV eVciTU-V.ftTttini, VI 1 K FS' COUxTt. fKH'UT of I'leatand Quarter Session, July Term. 18::. Georire Tark v. the n-.il estate of John llemniit, decea'-ed Petition for partition. It appearing that Nancy Caudle, or her heirs arc not inhabitant ol unothi r ste thih inl, that publication he wade fur kit week in the Western Carolinian, that they appttur at the next count,' court, to be In Id for the county of Milki-s, at the Court-House in ilkenboro', on the first Monday in November next, nd nh d, answer or demur, or the petition will be lierd ex parte. . martin-, c rr. C. C. Pvt:.r AGRICULTURAL ' ..'-'v' y Hail1 first of Arts, source of domestic case ; Pride of the land, and piitron of the tea. RYE. A writer in the American Farmer sayn " The great and the only secret with te Vrafd to insuring a Rood crop of Rye is early Howing;. From the middle of Au p;iit.t to the middle of September, I have always found to be the best time for sow ing Rye. From three pecks to a bushel per acre, is amply sufficient for seed Karly itown rye U much more heavy than the later, ami further it affords excellent pisture both in the fall and spring, nor does pasturing injure the crop ; in manv cases it is a real benefit particularly when eaten down by slierp " IUmrilii a qui ntt Veiimn rthith In Jul .Vl 1X1'.. Mr. Joseph W. Uallaid, of Mount Pleasant, Isle of Wight County, Virgin ia, directs, incases where hogs are infes ted with vermin, lo take " a little tar, and Rrcase of any kind sufficient to make the tar quite thin, then pout it over the hogs, when fed, sufficiently so as to have them quite smeared with the tar; this may be repeated often in the summer ami fall, as I conceive it to be an excellent thing for the health of the hogs or in good wea ther von may give to each ho; a small ta ble spoonful ef Mi'pher'in their fond, or in damp weather have them well sprink led with strong wood ashes; either rf thcbe remedies will prevent or destroy the vermin." .1mer. Farmer. mitns. A Pennsylvania Agricultural Society have recommended to their fellow citi zens to prohibit the practice of shootinc birds, inasmuch as it is believed that the alanniiu increase of inserts in tint state is principally owing to the destruction of birds. TOM ATOF.S. The following reripe comes from the hands of a lady, eminent for the neat and ! judicious Tnnnacement of all her house- hohl concern j we can say from happv I . , , ' i expeuener, that tables spread under her ! suprrintcndanre, ate alwavs inviting, os well for 'hr variety of good things, as for the taste vvith which thev nre disnlaved. F.dit. Ami r. Parmer. j To firrfTfe T.m-tlir thr'-uth thr uintr. Perl the Tomatoes, cut them small. . sfp. j,,, xv.l(pr( leir ow !,,, e the rulor, bv ayinS toother forty . ..( '.an inicf hem ;? stitfic lent t c ison tiirin wjtn.etKni nours. ' nrpner. crated cinder, cat lie Doun- . , . brrzr.d I.ambrrt. lhcTt is a gentle- 'inr' ,n vo,ir taste when cool, put: . . w , .h , nun in the town cf cn:eiharbe. in N H. !"'rni n ,"?"rs nd r",k. ,hem s 10 Vr. l ilr!) lowic. a c I.l.y and respect. (eeludt ibe ai' look ' them frffiiientlv,.H!,ie farmer. host height is 5 lert 10 jifvi'i o'.'-vvf ap rffiirvrsrcnce of mould, ; inches, girth 7 feet, and weight 515 lbs i -i ; . . . ! . .o i cm, nit, t iK..r. , r , ..... I : . ., vl n M'j tne iiii: iiiuii uc nunc ri in earthen pn, or the fine red colour will no' be so well preserved thev retjuite to he kept on the fire some considerable time, until mnic are wasted, or they will ; not keep when the weather is cool there not keep when the weather is cool tl will lie no further trouble with them. ritODtCTS OF I t.OltlDA. A "Titer in the FlfTHi?"; piiI'di'.hKl in Pcnsacola, states a fact which may be in teresting to many-persons. "It may pcilmps lc gratifying to your readers to learn that among the abundant vegetable productions of West Florida, the Quer cus Cert or oriental oak, stands in the first clasi. It owes its importance to the production of nut galls they have hith erto been imported from the Mediterra nean nt a great expense, and their impor tance in manufactures is well known. Thev are the production of an insect of an liymm'ifitrrou species. The Ciwfi Qitrrc foluy deposit their egg on the leaves and tender branches of the tree ?n excrescence is soon furmed around the egg, which enlarges the ball to th size of a bullet, inclosing the eggw hich in process of time is batched, awl the embryo often undergoing bevcral rhaiie.es, finally eats its way out of its priion . This excrescence is tlx nut gall and those found in Florida are equal in ever' respect to those imported from the Le vant. This tree seldom attains the height of ten feet, and grows principally In low and wet bituaiions, and the galls cover the branches in great profusion. The writer of this gathered ii the r.pue of a few moment several pounds. When it is ta ken into consideration the importance cf this production in dyintf and medicine, their present high price (from 50 to 2,60 per cwt ) and their not being indigenous in any oilier part of (he United States, we now of nothing that would so well repay the tnterprizc of any of our citizens, a collecting them and sending them to the northward for sale." The Shukm. i has been decided in Kentucky, that the law which authorizes the imposing fines by a court martial, on the Shakers, for not attending ordinary musters, in unconstitutional and void, as the religious tentts of that society forbid them bearing arms ; and the property seized by the sheriff for such fines waj restored. The law of that state increasing the jurisdiction cf justices of the peace, from five pounds to fifty dollars, has also been declared unconstitutional, because it de prived the party of trial by jury ; and in consequence of this decision, the law was amended so as to provide for a jury trill before a justice of the peace. Singular drtection of Plagiurittn. A correspondent of the " Village Record" lately" sent the Kdi'or an es sav as original, which the latter svrotc and published in another paper, some years a;jo. Karly Murriazt. Tacitus says early marriage makes us immortal- It it tho soul and chief prop of empire. That man w ho resolves to live without woman, tid that woman who reolres toltve with out man, are enemies to the community in which thev dwell, injurious to them selves, destructive to the world, apostate from nature, and rebels against htaven and earth. l.ahvr cvd thr raw r.-arna. -It is t'l ted in an article in the Aurora, that ons pound of Sea Island Cotton worth 20 cents in Savantuh, when sent to England and converted into green game, tells for about V.80; and that one pound of fax, converted into fine Brussels lace, will o! tuin neatly gioo ! A new green color has been discover ed, and is formed from a decoction of cof fee and sulphate of copper. Coffee ker- neis ana tne unites oi egts win pro- lie ! otjii.jcci to use a secoua tnur tor the more bulky part of his frame. .1 valuable and v.'ondfrful Caff. A i s.1'', i nly seven months old on the IGth ' f hst m.inth.the property ol Natnan Cu A, of layette, Seneca rc. N. York, is atntcd to have given, for the last month, from 1J to 2 pints of mt every day ; and has a bag and teats of a handsome aiz.e. The isual qtnntitv of cream rises on the rr. k,as on milk Irom cows, i ne call i bur common sized for her age; and Mr. C. is obliged to have it milked rcg -la.ly, to prevent injury, rn.'.'.a'e (Jcric, James Risson, of Warren, (R- I.) has imported species of geese from Bremen, w hich sometimes grow so large as to weigh 20 pounds and more and has been successful in his attempts lo raise themj having now 22 of them young and old. A Steam-hoat of iron has been put afloat to run between lxndon and Paris. "She draws less water than has hern usual, is in even respect etual to the ordinary iteam boat, and is utterly n:r.b:uti!)lt.

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