1NTFXMCENCH. i.nt i ntiM i:.uf..i tt. f.ni(f(i,h srrt. 21. The fa .t s illiog ship Philip t abi, Capt. Jl'trt I, .ii Mvcrt hereon Sunday morning, in 'J,') day liuiti Liverpool, dpt. V. has politely furnished London papas to the evening of Uie 7th, und Liverpool to the l.Hh ult. both iiichive, being 8 days later than our last ailvUes. Ihacon. Tin: f.;t r.vx. Our latest dates fuiniaii the most ani mating accounts of the successes of th Greek over their barbarous foe. An of f.wl report by the Admiralty of Hydra and Spczia, elated 5th July, states the loss in the Turkish fleet at Scio, to be, the. Admiral's, Ship of 130 guns, blown up three other Shins of the Line burot and sunk, seven Fngutes wrecked near Tscbesme, and the greater part of their crew drowned, in consequence of a vio lent panic which seized upon the Turks. The Creeks had also captured 10 vessels out of the third expedition which sailed from Constantinople on the 4th of June, and the remainder were blockaded near Tschesme. A letter from a respectable merchant at Vienna, dated 2-Hh July, states, th it the Creeks had carried Aru by storm, in addition to having taken the Castle of Athens, but that many of their best officers had fallen in the assault on the former. Only three important fortresses in the .Morca remained in the hand of the Tuiks. and the whole of them had been treating for a surrender upon the turns terms gtanted to the garrison of Napoli di Romania, but the Creeks over joyed ai the victory obtained over their fleet, refused compliance. No injury had been done to the crops bv the wet weather in Tlngland, and thev were so ubundant as to produce a decline in price. ruAscr.. 1 he French paper state, that the King of Prussia is expected in Path, and a ve ry general opinion is entertained there, that arrangements have already bern en tered into with tho French Covcrnmcnt for the free passage of ' Austrian ami Pruntian Am through France and Spain, and that extensive contracts have been made to supply them with hay and other requisites cm their march. If this be cor rect, und it certainly ugrces with the un contradicted assertions made by the Left Side in the Chamber of Deputies, jioth irifj could he more natural than that the Prussian Monarch should repair to Paris, in order to be within reach of his army, whilst the dangemos experiment of its pistinjr through the exasperated people of France shouU be carried into effect. In the debate in the Chamber of Depu tii on Tuesday se'noigbt, General Foy, in alluding to this report, said : Von have been told of the Holy Alli ance the Holy Alliance ! we only know it through the tributes which it has im posed upon us, through the injuries w l.irh it has inflicted upon our coun'rv ! Slut should its soldiers once again appear on the rational territory, should a third mili tary occupation threa'rn u. ill I'rt neb. Tnn. siiU'if r or not soldiers. ( 'he vj&.e c thr I ff' SiJt ruing a- once ; !. all I all!" J H France would lise and march united to exterminate them 1" ( I.ouJc.J Tti'rratrJ af.filtiLtr 01 the l-rjt.) ft remaikable that the speech, of whi' h the above formed the peroration, :h.uh pronounced by General Foy, was in srveml passages applauded by M. Crw trr, und heard throughout with reut at tet.'ioo by the tight, who did not oppose the otion thi.t it he prmted. A .cunt in the Palis, journals from M-.'t: l.dafcd the IH'li uli. state, that the Ci,;i' ' wn perfectly tranquil, unJ the na ti (' militia, who wer- enramped in the Sqiurr of the Cons'iuiiien, licke i:p And relit r J to their homes. TIIF. ITkKS. Accounts from Constantinople confirm the account of the death of the Captain Pacha, whose ship was blown up. The Russha troops have withdrawn from the Turkish frontier, so that all apprehen sions of a war have fur the present sub sided. The Turkish fleet was gallantly wit icked by 200 Creeks, and being de stroyed, the victors have thus pained the d( mi'.ion of that part of he . It wi' enable them to lurnis their foes most effectually, bv cutting off supplier and cooping them up in their blockaded ports. The Admiral of the fleet of the P. cha of 1rvpf, who had effected a landing in Ci.r.-ln. has pot lotitr had c nuc to rejoice in bts pood fortune, for his fleet consisting of S3 vessels having been dcfea'rd br Uie Crocks, he ha been forrrd to retire, with the toss of f( men, leaving I w hind him m;tn Torses and military stores of every de l iption. These are the effects whic h n:,tur.d.v result from the butrherv of Scio. Every Creek nn is now raised tiulnst the h..'-h;,iiatn. unil the ccitiinty that ei ther vifes or death awaits them, has in creased thtir determination, mul added to their courage in executing all their under takings. rniniT.AL On the 1 4th of Jnlp the Poritit;uese. fortes laid an nddi'ional impost dm? of 15 per cetit. tn lliitish unollcns. The Piitii'i minister protested, bv.t the Crrtcs declared ihey were not con'viucttd by. his! leaMHiint; although they wished to see j all t!ie diplomatic dincuhuons which had taken place. Ilefore this affair is adjusted, general Dearbon, the ambassador from the U. S. will atriveiit Lisbon, to form a commer cial treaty. The Cortes have directed a committee to dra up a project, on the basis that the executive power mav be delegated to one or more persons in Brazil, but not to the Hereditary Piince. The decree ajinst the cpve!'n''r of l'emambuco, and the 'banishing certain individuals from Lisbon, was revoked. Hy a recent estimate, Portugal is found to contain 0,') 19,400 souls. ItHA.M.. The editor of the National Gazette says, " we learn that the Prince Hoyal in Bi az.il has proclaimed himself F.mfieror of IraZit, and that the olhual document has been received in Philadelphia." LTRKACOA. A correspondent, under date of 17th August, writes as follows : " The Span iards appear to have declared open hostil ities aij.inst our country. The brijj Ab eona, of New Orleans, arrived three days ago from Puerto Cabello, in ballast, a p'i.c to the Hercules Spanish man cf war she is condemned -and reports that (lie Hercules has captured two other ves sels; one from Philadelphia, the other bom Baltimore So far do they carry their hostility against the United States, (;ut the Spanish bijrate Leber, of 41 nuns, recrntjy at this port, had the impu deuce to declare, that she was hound on a cruise for tho United States frigate Ma cedonian, which vessel is supposed to be in ti.is vicinity. Clod grant she may fall in with her, and the Don give himself an airs. He will have his day lights knock ed out before he is aware of it." A. Adv. rouio liico. It appears by recent accounts received at this pott, via St. Thomas, thit.the cap lure of the Spanish privateer Pancheta, by the Crampus, has excited the ire of his Donship, the Governor of Pito Hi co, who, it is state ', has imprisoned ..II our citizens at that place, and lai.l an em bargo on all our Merchant vessels. One would suppose from this occurrence, th-t the privaicciint; ststrm was the particular ohj.-ct of the care of this urathful and !-i!?it?rrsieJ governor.. If so, we can he at no loss to account for the number of the pirates, which continue to infest the est India seas. From the late pro ctedir.js in the llr'uish Parliamenti it seems, the Fn;lish government, instead of ukintr measures to sweep the ocean of these lrce b,-oter, has entered into ne gotiations with Spain on the subject; in the expectation no doubt, that Ferdinand will do all that is necessary to cure the evil- The specimen, which the j;over.nor of I'oito l'ico has pivrn, of the disposi tion of the constituted authorities of Sp.in, to interfere and put down these robbers, evidently shows, that little or nothing, tending to the safety of com merce, is1 to be looked f"r from these ne poMations. Something more substantial than paper must be made use of; and if those who have the control of these mat ters in the islands belonging to Spain, do not resort to etTu'mit measures, but, on the contrary, cpmlv protect the plunder ers, it is incumbent on our Koveriimcnt, without rrgai d to the diplomatic policy of other nations, to act with piompiiicss und vigor; and to emplot force to extermi nate this horde of robbers. The incalcu lable mischief done to our trade, imperi ously calls for this, and the law of nations justifies the measure. X. Y. Conu.Llv. LIMA. f Rn, THK SlTHSlL I SflLI.li.lM t . Lieut. M'riivrr, of the Navy, arrived in this ci'.y on Fiidav Lst, from the Pacific, though not immediately from our squad ron in that ,ta. He left Lima ubout the 25th of June, shortly before whirh a bat tle took place between he Royalists and a division cf San MartinS army, in which the. latter were decisively beaten, and nearly destroyed. No ether event of im portance had recently occuried. Lieut. Weaver came over lnd fiom (he Pacific to the Atlantic, across the Isthmus of Panama, which has become an interesting country frm the possibili tr cf zvi attrtTsptj ctTic titTc or 'hcr be ing made to connect the two great oceans at that point, if the nature of the inter vening lond he found to admit the prani cabihty of such a wdrk. Lieut. W. rep resents the country, on the route which he came, as generally low and fiat ; nnd such an one, we should presume, ?s vmld render an intcr-oreanic cemmun'i --".ion, by canal, between the rivrrs l,i. it f.li into each sea, a votk neither very diffi cult nor expensive. We did not sre Lieut. W. ourselves during his stay in town, or o'ir inquiiies would h?ve enab'cd us to Liive a mote farticnliir desctiplion of the Isthmus. Its general character, however, may be understood from the above, and rom his denominating it as throughout pn r.gur end fever cnunuy. cf whirh he had gocd evidence, being tie t..it,ed some time on the road by the sick-'nes-- 'f ! . 1ST) I AT Laic advices from India slate, that Sir I'd ward Hyde Fast, (formerly a reporter in the Court of King's liench,) Chief Jus tice of the Supreme Court of India, is about to depart for F.ngland ; and thai 12,000 rupee had been subscribed for the purpo,e of defraying the expense of erecting his statue in the town-lull of Calcutta.' ...... . A new weekly paper, edited by a learn ed Hindoo, has been recently published in In.lia,, p the ttcngalee language. It is the first attempt of the kind ; but the first and second numbers' were purchased with SO much avidity, that both were out of print- 'Tho subjects on which they treat ed were tho liberty of the native press, and the tight of trial by jury. The title of the pa ier is as singular as its publica tion is ncvel. It is entitled Sungt.aurf Conmuddi' or the Mm of Intelligence.' The Sun and the Star are by no means un common titles ; but this is the first in stance we have known in which an editor has even impliedly admitted the exist ence of linar influence as applied to him self, althuli the fraternity are often wil ling enot gh to acknowledge the very great extent to which it prevails over others. Charleston Courier. The London Courier, which has asked by what right anv interference in the do mestic concerns of the Turkish F.mpire could be attempted, and why the lurks should be more obnoxious to a crusade than any other European nation, Iu4 in a manner answered and refuted itself in the followin remarks made in the number of the 29th Julv t " Let us suppose France and F.ngland to unite with Hussia, Austria, and Prus sia, in demanding from the Porte the re cognition of independence claimed by its revolted subjects. What would infallibly ensue ' Long before a shot could be fn ed in support of this demand, there would be few surviving Creeks to accept their freedom, when obtained for them. The, it sul'cd pride and exasperated fanaticism of Mtissulmen would prepare such a page of blood for future hislor, as could scarcely be paralleled in the annals of past massacre and slaughter." This is saying in effert that it would be better for the Greeks M be. all butchered piecemeal, than to lisk the danger of giv ing them help. TRADK V illi THK CANAD S. Kxtrrt of a h-tter to a Merchant in this l illarr, lrin an intelligent Merchant in Montreal, da ted ::j August, is::. , at. Lawrence, X. F. (lazettr. " We yesterday received from Que bec, a copy of the bill before the British Parliament, for the union of these Prov inces, and in which is incorporated the terms on which trade mav he carried on I quent showers ; and the lassitude produ with the Ui.ited States. It is with mm h I ccd hy the heat of nooii, is repaired by the concern I. have to state that tinder this new law, .1she, Salted Provisions, I5u:tc i, Lard, &c are totally excluded. Flour is admitted on paying a duty of five shillings sterling per harrrl. Wheat, and all kinds of jrin. admissible free of duty. It is true that this act had not yet be come a Iiw, bv our last accounts ; but the bill had been once or twice read, without opposition, and little doubt remains but before this time it has received the roval sanction, and may be momently expected . Jje n)ay m in,,KJrt.,,lt out. Lnderthesecircumsunces.tbehoves ullls,:ationi OI) lis Mlhjl:t If wc have you to hutry down all the ashes and other orrcf ;nfoInP(,, lflC llU,;iM! on produce sou have on hand lor th.s place , c a without delay. I he price or usl.es ,,11 , UWe G- -, ,,;s ,f,H., of war no doubt advance in consequence ol this' , , , ., , . , , ... , . , , . ; I was absent from the Lniied ..utes r?s tinlor uiute and unexpected news. , ... , . , , ,, t, , ,.' . ,. ! than tl.iriv o'avs. Me hai. been lomplelc- " 1 he law is making a grt;.t scns.i'.ion , , ... , r- ... v.... , t , 1 . - . ' !v fitted for m a, at the navy yaid in Nor- here. Some of our mt intelligent mer-j f ,. . ,. . ,,' ' ., . , ; , . . . folk. She nroredod lor Havana and laid chants ore of opinion that there rs a mis- . , ' r .... . t . . r i i u ii i there only three or four oays. Having take in that part of the law which excludes ' ,. , ;,, , , ... , , ; sprung on cl her masts, ta met wan Ashes, ui'i that ti e same w 'I be di-cov- ' ,. . , , , , ,r . -. r i some dwasttr that required rc kiiis, it was ered and rectified belore Us liinl passage , .. ,. . ' . Vr.n r u r . i thought more prudent t ixtuin to .Nor- thro bo h houses ol Parliament. j,., '. . w , i. ..,; ! folk, than to remain m toe v r-t looies . To,-such a purpose. No unusual sick list The Catholic population of Lower Can-' wa, prcscntct! to the heauh oliicer on her ad.i in 1820, was 333,000 ; that of the rity ; nrrival, nnd she was allowed to rn to the of Quebec, U.fW; and that of Montreal,: Njavy Yar, fr rrpaiis. Cnptain War- I3,()C0 ; as the ratio cf increase for sv-' rin(rl0 determined to clear out the lower eral years past has been found to be one-' l0e ;is , mclc ,ni),,f r 0f prrrautu u We twentieth per annum, it may therefote at;h;ive herrtcffirc published, that rut of IT present be considered as amounting to "60,000. The Protestant population will not exceed 40,000, so that the whole pop ulation of Lower Canada may he stated at 100,000 Jouls. NEW-tOllK, SEVT. 16. The British frigate Iphigctiia. Com. Sir H. Menas, may he hourly expecled at this port fiom Jamaica and Havana. Hy thi vessel the editors of the New-York Ga zette have received, via Havana, Jamaica papers to the first till. 'The Iphigenia arrived at Kingston on the 23th July horn Sierra Lforc, hcirre she sailed on the 26th of June. She was one of the fleet which raptured a number of slave vessels on the Coast in the month of .ptl last, an arrount of which was published in last Monday's Gazette. From the statement of this Kfl'air in the Jamaica Courant of the 26th July, it appears that one of thr captured vessels (the Spanish schooner Veaman) was upset and lost on her pas sage from the Riser to Sierra Leone for adjudication, and all on board, consisting of two cfHccrs, tipht or ten seamen, and 380 slaves, perished. Another schooner, called the Vacua, when taken possession of, had a lighted match hanging over the spare niagaxine hatch, placed there by the crew before they jumped overboard to swim to the shore. It was providentially discovered by ne of the Iphigenia's men, who put his hand under the burning wick, und removed it. She had a large quanti ty of powder on board, und if the match had taken effect, 7S slaves, together whh the officers and men front the Iphigctiia, would have been blown up. A vessel arrived at Kingston on the 25th July, in eight days from Chagtes. An embargo had been laid in that pott upon all vessels, for the purpose of sending the troops, lately occupying the garrison of Quito, to the Havana (hurtle, From the Ncw-Vork Sentinel, Sept. IT. Ilculth of thr CV i. It will be seen by a reference to the report of the l'oard of Health, that the accounts of yesterday are somewhat more gloomy than any that has preceded it. It will also be seen, that cases are reported as happening out of what is called the infected district, nnd which cannot by any possibility he traced to it. It is also manifest that rases of fe ver have occurred viliich have never been reported to the Hoard of Ileahh. 'These circumstances united, are evidence that the disease is rapidly extending through out the city. The number of deaths of the prevail ing fever, up to this day is 94. This is about half of all the rases leportc.l. 'The other half may he supposed to have recov ered j hut as many of them were tcn.oved from the city as soon as they sickened, wo have no authentic account of the ter mination of their lotnpl.tint, and only tea or twelvo recoveries are really known.. The sick generally die on the fouith day. It is the iireailriil mortality of the disor der, and not the nuinbi r of rases, whie h alarms our citizens. !t is u-iiMilab'e, however, Ilia, none of our watchmen have sickened, ai.d this has c.iven tise to a new theory respecting the infection. For merly physuians said, avoid the infected city dining the evening, night and loom ing, but y ou may ficely inter it Curing the heat cf noon; then it was supposed that the dense vapois which vtcie fatal lit night, were rarilicd and inno. cut llnougti the day. While our watchmen have es caped, persons ho have gone at mid-day to remove things have been iufecled, and it is now conjectured that the noxious at tnosphcre is of so heavy a nature, that it is harmless until acted on and expanded by the heat of fhe sun. T he New-Orleans Gazette of the 20th of August, says " 'The city of New-Orleans was never more healthy at any sea son of the year than it is at present. 'The air is mild and pleasant, refreshed by fie- 'coolness of th he night end morning. from the l'''on I'Arnin t.actte. Whilst the New-Vork Journals are tcemi-g with discussions upon the ques tion cf the contagious haractcr ; ml the foreign and domestic oti-iti of yellow fc - vt r, drawn from facts in that ritv, pci haps an examination of the Mckness in our ves sels of war. w hich bom time to time have a i.,i.-l ti. ii.fui. ,1 iti OVi r-tit Of 1 1 K. I ri n ncrsous M)io were cmrdov ed in this ser- vice, 14 were taKcn sick wiui inn vnmw fever; and 10 seaman and two oIVh er had died at the last accounts. I he hoid, we . understand, dij not appear to he foul ; but a fniu) tiii.isma had been vciieraleil there fffl nii.iiina inn iirfii ii nnj.tii huh , .....: t ,i ,. torn some unaccountable cause, pn.ivl.ly U t, c scrv ,nt cf every o luring her three days detention in st sscs or('inary st0, of llavma. We hone some of the l.itu.tvL, . . from di Havma. We hone some of the lac. will report distinctly upon t!isia-.c. DisTKr.ssixr; iiitnttiiiT. The following acrount of die distrr,'injr drought in the state of New ork, in a;iplie;ihle, in its most niT:milioh features, to the 'middle s'ates generally, w e believe, hut (list it is to this m iyliLourhuoil wc know too will. A "d. Intel. New-York, Sept. '.. A gentleman who has been through the southern part of Ulster and the whole of Orange counties, informs us that the drought in that direction is distressing be yond any former experience. Vegeta tion is almost extinguished, and the ma ny streams, rivulets and rivers, which , courr.td their way in a northerly direction, to the Hudson, are literally thy. Tl,b Wtilkill, which is the great reservoir the waters flowing from the Shawangiuik mountains on the west, and a high ran(;u of lands of some ten or twelve miles on the east, no longer presents a volume of water, which has heretofore filled ji4 channel ; the bottom is bared, und thg aquatic plants have died, and are in rap. id decomposition. Farmers have to miles for water for their families and for their slock, und the mills are so much oven mi, (those of them which can do any business,) that the consumption el (lour in the country is more than their supplies of water can accomplish.. On the whole, the farmers in this luxiniii.t country labour under severe calamities; and their depression of kpii its is in accor dance with their blighted prospects. CVor.-Dr. Heddclin, of Wcismar, has communicated to the Hoyal Society atCotiingcn the followingsuccessful treat, nient of Croup, after the usual remcditj had been tiied without effect: The Da- licnt was a fcinafe aged 19, who, on tin third day afier being seized with the Croup, was unable to swallow, had begun to tattle in the throat, and seemed ap proaching rapidly to dissolution. Dr. Ucddcliii insinuated, by means of a quill, a mixture of Spanish snui'Vand marroccc into her nostrils ; und after repeating thi, mixture a second time, it excited sneez ing und vomiting; this occasioned tl.t discharge of two long membranous cylin ders trorn the treachca (wind-pipe) upoa which the rattling immediately reascc. and, the patient was rescued from instan tuneoua suffocation. One of the tube-;, when hpli; open, mea.uicd nine French lines in breadth ; they were quite while, and bore a strong extension without inju ry to their fibrous texture. Tin ce or four hundred very large si Water ''eloiis, arrived here on S.inird.it List in the "brig Hamlet, from Phil.idcl phia. 'They were laid in at IOcentsear.ii, and sold readily at ;0 cents ; affording a tnurn oeticr prom man any o'.ner artiri? ol the ruigo. This ii hut fair in thj eaily pait of the season we supplv oi.r Ii imds in the northern and middle state with this commodity, and thev now rc it locate the favor, when the melon seaso.: is nearly over with us, by repay in,,' us in kind- Chartnrun i'our. A p.igantic and well disciplined sys'cr. of vil'ainy has been detected and hion,,n'. to light through the medium of the IV.: Office. A correspondence between the convu ts in the lialtimoro Penitentiary anil a ntimucr ol persons in and out oi t .r city, has for some time lecn canied o;i by which means an organized system of counterfeiting and altering bank notes, was established in the I't ni'cr.liuni. f hir Seen pbtes, or rather parts of plates, e? I,... I.,., luanm ...,! C f I . .1. ,i! if I, Ufa f.J III l, (VMt init mm i.'i, ii"iiui w.iii, i". ' teiing genuine notes of low denomination, was luiind. The genuine notes were fjt iiishei'by one of the deputv keepers, who is now in confinement, und whose deter lion was owing to the letters being inter cepted at the Post Office, and the dies nri i.lates being found in a bag, which i 1 stosvcl away in the loft of one cf the c!c , tMU nS, Four of the convicts were concerned I the tiar.s ittion. one of whom rut the die: and the other three were employed in !i scn.iiiaiing ihc spuiious no;c, by letter, and receiving genuine ones in return 'The notes that have been detected wcie principally on the Ficdcrick County Hank As measures are taking to develupe tin pl.,t tittle fully, ami to punish those wl - are ki.oan to be accomplices, we sha". wit the issue of the investigation. r.ult. M.m. Ckrtt. Ztt u!:. Mr. Mincrof the Village P.ecou', sa ' Pi inters are so frequently called upon t- publish advcriiscments uiuler the pis imce of serving the cause of humai;i:v and of giving public notice of matters c. public, utility, for which they receive no thing ; that il operates as a heavy puK back upon their equitable receipts:' ar.' uiily he is coriect. There ate manv whu seem to imagine that the business in which they are engaged, or that theit iii co ei ies arc of vast importance to the com munity, while the punter as thr y sup pose, is rcallv bound to aid them in the prosecution cf the ne. ai.d of circulatim; 4 knowledge of the other, without any In ctl.cr vcrds, he is one, who pos- r iry stocnot presumption. though l-cggarv to him should he the I conseq v.cnce of it .lex' IlcrdJ. A young gentleman havir; occasion to ask a htdy for the snuffer across the ta ble, addressed her in the following r f:het:c and enamoured strain : Most beautiful, accomplished and charming la dy, will your ladyship, by an unmeiited and undeserved condescension of your in finite goodness, please to extend to your most obsequious, devoted, and very hum ble servant, that pair of ignipotent digests, that I may exasperate the excrescences of this nocturnal cylindric luminary, in order that the refulgent brightness of its res plendani brilli.inci may da?.zle i he vision of our ocular optics more potently."

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