I 'ic M . ' v lii'.Yr " ii: M i-fc in-.(.r i, Mv skmI Oh 1 '. I '-r.uu inljuu 1-H....H4 in r, 'TV. :. t-J t. T-,.r ' muii nil miriaf Arymiiht. COLUMBIA'S PLAINT. Our heron if old arc fast foiling away, With the glory ami honor of patriots trie J ; And the Brave, who succeed thtm, Lut live for , . day, Then die in the bloom of their laurels and pride. The few of the worthies of Washington's days, Who remain in the land which their bravery bleat, Are indeed but fe w and each morrow convey s A Statesman or Warrior to glory and rent ? PRECEPT AND EXAMPLE. A man ulio saw hit son, quite hamlv, Toss of a gins of raw French Ilrandy ! 9hl, " Neddy, you should not do s, For hcjoor is your greatest foe." But we are taught to love our foes, Quoth Ned : so Father, here it gosi. DESCRIPTION OF A DANDY, at k 1.4i)t. A Bandy's a thing without meaning or worth, Unlike any creature that moves upon earth ( A Fungus, unknown to philosophy's eye, It seems t cxiit, but we cannot ti ll uhy. Of no species a part neither fu.li, fli -ili nor fowl. And shunn'd by mankind, as the bird Jmn the owli A thin?, which of value no mortal can render, Midc up by a tailor, without any gender, Of belts and of bandages, buckram and tape, And in all points, but itnte, like a monkey or ape ; And yet such poor nothings itli apes to compare, Is an act of injustice to bruxm, I declare ; For apes have reflection, and useful the ais, Dut a Dandy can only reflect in his glim. Then heed not these Dandies, dear ladies, 1 pray, For should you approach one, 'twould faint quite away. We have heard of a Duck, Macaroni, and Shark ; But a Dandy, poor thing, was unknow n in the ark, For Noah had never endeavored to sve A thirg of no use from the deluge's wave. Variety's Uie very spire of life, That gives it all its Hiivnr. Tan Tat mmui ti., Struck with the force of the fdlow injr chapter on the employment of time, and the imirpen. denre of happiness on riches, we give it, uncon nected with the name of the ehgaiit author, that it may be read without prejudice. HAPPISESS. It is vaiu to say that the table of wealth is more delicate than that of mediocrity When the labourer is well fed, he is content. The different cookery of different people proves that good cheer is that to which we have been accustomed. There are then ten or twelve houri in the day, in which all men, able to pro cure the necessaries of life, may be equally happy. With regard t" the ten or twelve remaining hours, that is to say, those that separate! a rising want from one that is gratified, who can doubt that men do not then enjoy the same felicity, if they commonly make the same use of them, and if all devote them to labour, that is, in the acquisition of money sufficient to sup ply their wants ? Now the postillion vho ridrs, the carter who drives, and the clerk who encrossrs, all in their several ranks, propose the same end the must, therefore, in this sense, rm plov their time in the ame manner. But :t will be said, is it the same wi'h the opulent idler? His riches furnish him, without labour, with all he wants. I allow it. But is he there fore more happy ? No. Nature does not multiply in his favour the wants of hunger, love. Sic- Dut does not the opulent mar. fill up in a manner more agreei.hle the interval that separates a gr tified want from one that is rising ? 1 t'ibt it. This sarinjr, brings to my mind that of a French rook. He was in Falkland w here he saw very thing dressed with butter sauce. What ! ssva hf, in this country here they count si hun dred ditlcrent relijfioos, have they only one aauce lor all their meats' France fur mr there we have only one rel rion, hut in return there it no Ttiea' that we do not eat w'rth a hundred difler- ent sorts of sauce. f Hear Tiethil's sermons, one not trcrs'J in schools. Hut sironjr in scn and wine without the ruh s Go work, hunt, exrrv iv, (he thus beraiO i urn scorn a iiunieiy uiniirr, u Mm can ; If their plain brr.td and milk w ill do the feat, The pleasure lies in von, and not the meat. Pof ri hututian bf Harare, i V is. 'n f.irt, on the more or less happy em plfi mo t of ill, r in, ,ir twihe hours" that ir II v dept nd the h.i pincsi Cr misery of h f reaten p:rrt of maiilir.J. The artisan is doubtless subject to hbour, and so h the idla opulent to discontent: and which of these two evils are the grtatest? If labour he generally regarded as an evil, it is because in most govern hu nts the necessaries of life are not to be had without excessive labour j from whence the very idea of labour con stantly excites vhat of pain. Labour, however, is not pain in it self. Habit renders it easy; and when it is pursued without rtmarkahle fa tigue, it is in itself an advantage. 1 low many artisans are there who when rich still continue their occupations, and i our humble opinion, is contrary to fact, quit them not without regret, when age . for he who possesses most money at obliges them to it. There is nothing tends least to admonition, that habit does not render agreeable. Some of Swift's etymologies were In the exercise of their employ-j very excellent, as far as the sound could ments, their professions, their talents, i convey the sense. 4 Bucephalus, says the magistrate who judges, the smith! he, the hor3e of Alexander, was so who forges, and the messenger who christened from the number of busy runs, the poet and musician who com-1 fellows employed about him as grooms.' pose, all taste nearly the same pleas-! But his derivation of the word Balaam, ure, and in their several occupations is still better. 'The man whom the equally find means to avoid that natu- ; ral evil, discontent. , The busy man is the happy man. ; To prove this, 1 distinguish two sorts of pleasures. The one are the picas- ures of the senses. These are found- ed on corporeal wants, are enjoy ed by ' all conditions of men, and at the time t enpymrnt all arc equally happy. Hut those pleasures are of short dura- , tton. The ethers are the pleasures of ex pectation. Among these I reckon all the means of pr curing corporal pleas ures ; these means are by expectation always converted into real pleasures. When a joiner takes up his plane, what docs he experience? All the pleasures of expectation annexed to the payment for his work. Now these pleasures are nut experienced by the 'opulent man, who finds in his money, without labour, an exchange fur all the objects of his desires. He has nothing to do In procure them, and is so much the more subject to discontent. lie is I therefore always uneasy, always in mo- tion, continually rolling about in his carnage, like the squirrel in his cage, to get rid of his disgust. To be happy, the idle opulent is lorced to wait, til. nature excites in i him some fresh desire. . It is therefore j the disgust of idleness, that in liim fins j up the interval between a gratified and j a rising want. But in the artisan it is labour, which affording him the means of providing for his wants and his amustments, becomes thereby acce- a lie The wealthy idler experiences a thousand instances f discontent, w hile the labouring man enjoys the continu al pleasure of frtsh expectations. Labour, svhen it is moderate, is in general the most happy method of em ploying our time, when we have no want to gratify, ami do not erjoj .irv of the pleasures of the senses, of all others doubtless the most poignant, and least durable. How many agreeable sensations are unknown to him whom no want obliges to think ! Do my immense riches se cure me sdl the pleasures tlvt the poor desire, but cannot obtain without much labour ? I give myself up to indolence. I wait, as I just now said, with impa tience, till nature shall awake in me some new desire ; and while I w ait, am discontented and unhappy. It is not so with the man of business. When the idea of labour, and of the money with w hich it is requited, arc associa ted in the memory with the idea of happiness, the labour itself becomes a pleasure. Each stroke of the axe biings to the workman's mind the plea sure that the mnev he is to receive for his day's labour will procure him. In genrral, every useful occupation fills up. in the most agreeable manner. the interval that separatts a gratified from a rising want ; that is, the ten or twelve hours of the day, when w e most envv the indclrncc cf the rir.h, and think thty enjoy superior happiness. The pleasure with which the carter puts his team to the cart, and the trades nun opens his chest, and his journal, is a proof of this truth. Employment gives pleasure to eve ry momcnt,but is unknown to the preat and idle opulent. 1 he measure f our wealth, whatever prejudice may think, is not therefore the measure of our happiness. Consequently, in every condition, where, as I have said, a man can, by moderate labour, provide for all his wants, is ubove indigence, and not exposed to the discontent of the idly rich, he is nearly as happy as he can be. Men, therefore, withot t being equal in riches and power, may be equal in happiness. W hence cou.es it, then, that kingdoms are peopled with none but the unfortunate 1 ETYMOLOGY, Is a very amusing science. To pur sue the sound requires no learning, and there have been so many derivations of names and things, which have no rela tion to sense, that any body may become an etymologist. Lord Coke says that tntney is de rived from moneo, (to udmonish) 'be cause it admonishcth its possessor to make a cood use of it.'Now this, in Jews called Balaam was a shepherd, who by often crying ha to his lambs was therefore called Balaam? Every body is acquainted with Ilornc Tooke's learned etymology of King Pepin. ITe derives it from the Greek word 0per ' as thus 4 Osper, Eprr, Oper, Diaper, Napkin, Nipkin, Pipkin, Pippni.kng, King repin. I he ri diculous is here well sustained. Hut this probably is not as clear to the gen eral reader as the name of Mr. Fox beine derived from a rain' dau! As thus 4 Rainy day, rain a littl-, ram much, rain hard, reynard, Fox.' These derivations, it must be confessed, run along the margin of the torgue per fectlv smooth and free, and are as trace able as Isaac, which signifies, he smiled; but cert tin learned men hav e derived it from eues-ache, because the Talma dists report that he had a pain in his eves The two following are rather more abstruse 'Bumper. The origin of the word bumper is from ait bo'i prre ; lor when the English were good Catholics, and notasihev now are, heretics, thev usu ally drank the Pope's health in ti full , glass, every day after dinner au ben pere to our cood father. I A Horse-laugh. A Aarte-laugh is J certainly a corruption from a hoarse j laugh, (perhaps such a oe as that o Erasmus, at a stupid book, which cur j ed him of his distemper,) and doubt J less had its origin from r ne who had j a very rough voice, or a violent cold. Still there is not in all casts, anv chance of coming to a precise decision, be. i for, immediately attended, and on be cause we have, in the vegetable world, 1 ing informed of the iiotion which had the icr.vr-chesnut, the horse walnut, seized the hypochondriac, immediat U and the (3rr-radish. In th- animal rxel imed, 44 C) yes, the gentleman is world, the i;rj-musrle,i5r.('- mmet, ' certainly dead, and it is more than (formica leo) A:rsr-crab, ;'nd (with: probable his liver was the death of him. treat submission) a horse-pulmother,' How ever, to ascertain the fact, I will signifying a tall, bony, coarse, vulgar woman, who would rossibly. make some particular gentlemen as sick as a horse to lo.k at, although thev never saw a horse sick nor did we.' Charleston City (iwette. 1 CORON A VION OATH. Many of our readers, no doubt, would be glad to see the form of the oath that was adi.iinwurcd to the pow erful George IV. cpon his being crow n ed Kintr of Great Hritain, (France) Ireland, Scotlard, defender of tht 'haustr d, he halted, and not f.n ling , he faith, &c. Sc. EiC. To gratify curios-j doctor at his hct h, snon bicawr com ity, we have copied it from a late Lon-;p"sed. From that period, this rjen don paper, and present it as follows -t'eman was never knon to complain 1'et. Republican. if'f liver; nor had he, for mure than bermon being ended, the king un- covers his head, and the Archbishop repairs to his Majesty, and asks him j ' Sir, are you willing to take the oaihj Gencul Cru- t ( .Ui.mu. '.- ."-, 7b" usually taken by your predecessors :' Whereas there is no expr-s- pr idi Ami the Kinganswers, 4 I am w illinp.'; mer.t for railinc and v : ;r, it is Then the Archbishop adir.ini-.ters these questions ; to which the King, (having a book in his hand) answered as followeth : j!a 'ii. tor, u ill y c ii gr.rii sr; J keep, and by your oath confirm to the peo ple of England, the law and customs to them granted by the Kings of F.rg lar.d, your lawful nnd religious prede cessors and namely, the laws, and customs, and francnises granted to the clergy by the glorious King, St. F.d ward, your predecessor, according to the laws of God, the true profession of the f iosptl, established in this king dom, and agreeing to the prerogative of the Kings thereof, and the ancient custom of this realm ? King. I grant and promise to keep them. . Archb. Sir, will you keep peace and godly agreement entirely, according to vour power, to the holy church, the clergy and the people ? A";;,;'. I will keep it. Archb. Sir, will you to your power, cause law, justice, and discretion, in mercy and truth, to be executed in all your judgments i King. I will. Archb. Sir, will you grant to hold and keep1 the rightful customs which the commonality of this kingdom have ? And will you defend and uphold them to the honor of God, so much as in yon lieth ? King. I grant and promise so to do. Then the petition or request of the Bitmaps to the King is, by one of that sacred order, with a clear voice, in the name of the rest standing by : 41 Our Lord, we beseech you to par don us, and to irrant and to preserve unto us, and the churches committed to our charge, all canonical privileges, and due law and justice ; and that you will protect and defend us, as every good king in his kingdom ought, to be the protector and defender of the Bish ops and churches under their govern ment." The King answers, 44 With a willing and devout heart, I promise and gran', you my pardon ; and that I w ill pre serve and maintain to you, and the churches committed to your charge, all privileges, and due law and justice ; and that I will be your protector and defender to my utmost power, by the assistance of God, as every good king in his kingdom ought, in right o pro tect and defend the Bishops and church es under their government." Then the King rises Iroin his chair, and being attended by the Lord Great Chamberlain, and supported by the two bishops, and the sword of State carried behfre him, he goes to the altar, and laying his hand upon the Kv:m gflists, takes the oath following : 4 The things which I have here before prom ised, I will perform and keep. So hrlp mc-God, and the cements of this book,' and then kis'.es the book. IIVI'OtllO.MmiA. A gendeman who had fur a long time fancied himtelf dying of a liver complaint, Was advised by Dr. Craw ford of Baltimore, to make an excur sion into the state of Ohio. Alter travelling about three months, he re turned bogie apparently in good health ; b it upon receiving information of the death of a twin brother, who had ac tuallv died of a scinhus liver, he im mediately staggered, and falling down, ciied out that he was a dead man ; and had, as he expected, died of a liver cjmplaint. Dr. Crawford being sent hasten ta cut him open before pi.'rc-! faction takes place." He called for a i carving knife, and whetting it as ;i butcher would to open a dead call', he stepped to him, and began to open his j waistcoat. The hvpochondriac be came so horribly frightened, that he leaped up with the ability of a ral. bit, and crying out 4 Murder, murder, murder!" ran off with a speed that would have defied a score of doctors to catch him. After running a consid erable distance until he u as almost ex- twenty years yltrrwartls, any tnms of this disease. sytnj)- therefore ordered, that all nrrsonsion victed before any court, or magistrate who has proper cognizance of th." a-e, for railing or scolding, shall be R;pt (!, or ct iii a duckiiig tioc, r.nd dipt un der head and ears, three times, in some convenient place of fresh or salt v..ter, as the court or magistrate lory judge meet. An nnccrcmsiiiiH cfl'er. B.trton Harris, sen. of Hockviile, offers him self a candidate for the next General Assembly of Maryland. 44 If you choose (suvs he) you may vote for me if vou d' n't, you mav let it alone." 4 aV. B. If Tin elided, Vll send my Acn." The Debtor. is said that by the laws of China, no man cn he harrassed, even for the txes of the F.mperor, from the time he begins' to till the earth in sprint? until the end of harvest. An excellent incentive to industry. From the American (Del ) W'atchnua, SI'lT'l'INli. 'This habit is sometimes the result i. disease, but more frequently the cor sequence of neglect in early educator or coarseness ot mind. My lroiu. George, indulging himself in the fa-,1. ionable practice of cigar smoking, lt cran to spit about the house As sue as my mother observed it, she re marl, i ed to him : 44 My dear Ueorge, I liUv had much experience in the world, m. I have always perceived ' that tho-. persons who allowed themselves tog. into indelicate and dirty practice1!, , ry soon fell away from mental puiitj and it you cannot smoke without spi ting about the house, I entreat you t banish the cigar." George felt t! full force of the rebuke the ci vanished, and no more filthy spitu was seen. Some persons, who think themseh. gentlemen, need a rebuke more seve: than George received. I endeavor : keep my house neat and clean lj while two of my gentlemen vis'm continue their bad habits, I shall n succeed. One of them frequently sp: on my carpet ; and the other, in le than an hour, will make a shop floor disgusting scene. a iemai.i:, NEW-YOKK. From the Charleston Mercury. A season of calamity and alarm is o that is very propitious to schemers of a sorts and quacks of every kind. lrc',;v mid preventive pcscriplioiis for yrl'c fever are now olleieil in abundance to t people of New-York, all of an infjllk efiic-cy ; hut the following notice outdt all others in its swerpinjj good adure a: promised bem-fils. Jons F.dvvaiius. seems, is of the Society of Friends, a oi.e. may suspect him or some of his : tinia'.r s of being the ow ners of land o of town, whither he advises the people sjiicnd themselves- a " Divine l iovulence lias wisely forr Yolk Gl. tid a suitable harbor lor sh ; , having .i;(Ticient depth of water on e. ! side of it for the reception of ships of J bi,i s that may he wanted for any m ( mile business ; but it is much to be !, ineined liiut a covetous disposition in : people, and a want of faith in (iol, h caused them to huddle themselves . heaps on one end of the Island, whe they are continually robbing the sea of , bounds, and act as if there was no u. land in America, for they are cominu.. Ltiildiiii; their houses in the water in-v of spn adinj; themselves on the Id.ind din hold to say there arc people rnoiu h New-York to settle the Island up io II if lem, which is 7 miles. The doctors rn, ay what they please, but I am cor. fiih in my own mind the fever is bre among us owini; to the thick scttlrnu of the rilv'. Such people live out of ! oi tier of God, for God never intended v should Ik; so crowded, but has made s fitie nt loom for us all, if w e choose to . cept it. Then I say, let all wic rv w prcad themselves on the Inland ; 1' o ft If fjiiarc is quitr little enough for any f.r tiv to live? upon, and all merchants s some mtrhanics ought to have more, am a native cf '.Vale. nd have more than 21 years on New-York Ida", and I think there is not a more hel place in all the world ; but the sins of f people ik one great cause of the pre distress. john rmvAun Scale hesm miter, N. Y. o'.h B'h mo. 15.. Ars-.'y Ir.wttd Reeling Cradle. A Mr. Simmons, of Haltimore. 1 lately invented a Cradle, which is hi;' extolled in ,tbe p .pers of thattiiy. X S. has presented one of his rockinp w chines to ear h cf the editors and pu': cis; nd Mr. Sclwcffer, of the Fede Ilcpublican, on the receipt of his rrer snvs "There are five d-ulv papers Baltimore, and the number of propi ice nd editors amoun' to eiht of tlu. thtcc only are married ; two of these r bt-injj blessed with children, vr aie ' only one who lias orrasirdi for a cradle -Wc wish our married fellow editors tcr success but what in the world the five remaining baehrhn do with ti f rruJ!,i?" m:n the NVw-Ym k American. ' I he Governor of New Jersey ' ei lifted as true a list of fijA.-u-fur ; sons, nominated as candidates lor rr;1 srntatives from New Jerscv, in the tic' tctnth Congress of the United States." This result has probably arisen rat from the peculiar mode of nomination i New Jersey, than from any great diver ty of sentiment. We understand that c a specified day, nominations ure made ' the clerks of the respective counties. I tj any and by all persons entitled to vote fl those they nominate. No person who not thus nominated can be legally vott for j and as the election is by general tic! et. it niiRht rather excite surprise that candidates are so few than so many - I his method, although peculiar, is r perhaps inequitable or dangerous to th public tranquility,

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