(0 A ty (IMf 11 kTiI A- 1ST B? iW 111 an VlUi. V. .vo. iir. rlUHTLB iD rDHMSMKII, V T M.MIA , lir iilNCIIAM U WIIII K. TUins : The subscription tu tlic Wkstuisj (!tmn,iui ' ,i Time llulltin per annum, payable, h.di -yearly I in wlvanci ffi No pujit r will be discontinued until all arrearaip'S alc l:i"' unless at tin; discii tintl the Editors j and an) subscriber f;tilin;j to pc notice of his wih to discontinue ut tin- i ml nf a j car, w ill Ik- l oiisid'-ri-il us wishing to continue (lie paper, which will be- sent accord'ni).;! y . Whoever will bernmi: responsible for tlie payment of nine papers, shall receive, u Icntb gratia. AiYmrisKn:Ts will e inserted on the cus tomary terms. .Persons si uditijr in Adver tisements, must specify the- number of tunes they viih them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and rh:iri;cd in roriiiiti; ly. No adel.iscilieit inserted until it lt:. been paid for, or it payment assumed by wniic ,i rson n this town, or its vicinity. jll letters to tin? editors must be "iPmo, or theV will not be attended to. inb? Now' & uua Hi It .v. U.K. TtVII.I, sell, ilurin.- tlie week of the M k In. tin :r Superior Court, it not preiitnuly deposed of, tin- ro.-m v I .ot, aid lloii .i ; tin n on, now occupied by .Iiiii..s Cohen, includm; the fc'orr house now decuple. I by Cowan .nl. Tli'm fit isoneofi.br most eligible stain's for l.iikincv in the town of Charlotte. 'I Iv re- are three triun.en'.s ill the I J'iu: of liu.ld.uei, all ol , winch are Ilea!, oil' ..I li.s'oie houvs, with , li'AUU U W SMl OV ll '!-. coiintiiijr-roii.i.s to .o il ; and an attorney '-, oflh e, , wil.l si II. at tin- ( oii'" ll .iise n l.iun.hiton, stabb s can Inn, '-, ' I on Mund.iv tin- lu'h d. of Now-mluT next, I will ale. s.ll, a' suite tim and d.re, j t;,,. -u tl , t, ,,f , , (,,r so nueli there ! K'liall U-trt ol'Uii I -('iHiii.iti:; the town land,, l ,,j tt , ,, tin- l-is,-s and eontinj'ri.t i liar f eutaii it.ir-114 ' !, , : il oi uhii h is cod an'.h- ; ,,r, it,,.,-,.,,,, ) ,1,",.. (f,,r t. ,,-,r, 1 S J ) an I l".'l. . i . . ... i i i . ,. i . J. 1 '" ..r'-:ii- i in i.ii- 'ri'iinii'iui i jo jrn s ,ov. i.er not Men n I n mi; mi I 1ST nf Lrttt-VH rrmuiliitit( lit On! l'lmt U$ci A Ut ivl'jt!; X. V. tlw xt 'f (hUtr, Wl, I'ans Aleand.-r, ll' zekiah Alexamii r, Susan nah AlcMuidi r Doi t. Arel.d. i. Anderson 2, Xsenilh AleMoiib-r, I'.d'.vanl I.. Alexander, A line Alexander, Hubert. Alien. Hubert llartl bill, Allen linld.wiii, Ander'on Meaty, .ImIiii I Harnitt, l);.c!iu;j )!. II;, M n phy lir:tiii, Kli'aheth Iloittv, l.t un. lir.i aii. t 'apt. Iaac Caiiipbell '2, William Conk J, I'.zar'uli Coburu, Margaret OlITcy, Julli'-i Cow ait) Uev. Sand. (,'. Cal.U ell, David Chambers, Ccor'i' Car' s. ri;;ht, llavid Cross, William Carnes. Win. 1.. Davidmin, Id), i.ert li..ii, Andrew Ilium, Mary Dinkin-;, Halter l.iu.i, Djm.I Doiie;hei l, K. Dn eUon, :.ra'i Din. kins, h.irah I'.. Krwin, l ifderii k Kell. John D. (.r.hain, t.eid. (.eol'l.'e (.rahaiii, Hubert (.lass, Kilii.utn A. t.reen, 'i homas Cray, ceii..in (.lillis, H illiiiin Cerliv, .lohn C. C. (iuiiii, Alex under Catdeii, John (iavrisou. Sal'ah )l.i)li.s, John llainniondi, Id' nder Hudson, Naiiev llo ueleii, (i. Hoi stun, Kli II iinil'on, Juliu Har ris, Andrew Hipp, John W. Ilerrou, i :mder llojfuil, John H'ie, ..'iliad-,;.ll Harris ,Jaii,es I. lleiid'tMin, M-v llalbarv Johiision. James Kirk Sainii' I 1'. I.mc, Sanni' I W. l iinl-n . Iluih M'Ki .-, s.enm I Mi. ore J, 'I boir .' MA'ee le, J.iiiu-s M'l.i m-i, Dune.iti ii. M'Hae, Aialrew M'I.earv, .) mi, , M ii .,s-. J'eter N l,.inl. Jonathan Drr '', M.sS l.i inira flsbornr. i I -lialii Price, Win. 11 i'ert' r, Hubert I'otls, Col, 1 ho. (,. Poll,, Charh s S. Poll.. Wdliam Id--ford, Milan I. Hoh.n-.oii. lidaan! '-iiiilli, M..re ry Srott, Hobert Mlliu.-ni, l.alui. l .sibl.-y, Hoi-4'-u W. SI, i I!, Joliii Mills . I!, .loliii'siuitb, Cannon H. li; j ,t., Kbhu I.. Mn-rn II .limes Spratt. Miss Milly Todd, John M. rimiliis. Jaitirs i( kery 'J, John arner. Iluirti Walker, Codt.-ry t ilii.uiison, .'oserili iUoii, Id v. Joint M. ilyil:, Ja nes W aMaee, John ilsne, J. re. iiiiab Wents, Jjiiiis White, John N ill, Vinson, Hev. Wm. iUui, Hobn-t Waiknp ". . v m. smi i ii, i.m. il tnwnvift slow V w A uvs a. f IIIH'. mibscrilns, lia inj- onitnd ihcmstdvi i 1. ti,j,'ethfr us en-partners in trde, under the linn of llihon U dinner, as (;oin:ision M'-r-i bants in Cbiirleston, now reipjctfullv tender their 1,' i-vires to the public. 'I'kty will occupy a hon e, ut some convenient pliee, for the re. cepti'. i of iiittnn and Au r produce, and tor the trans... lion of Coiiiinissi'jii Husincss .n general. Prod.i. e ofttll kindii, co iHiffned to ttici: inanae. nient, ill rereivB the iKmokt ( are and . tleittion , and orders for the pi.rchune of (,'oodn. will be iioiuptly mid faithfully i eeuted. In ti iidernin' their Services to the punlir, the subscribers feel a Ciullidelie,. that, Ml fir IS per sonal iiidiis.ry , a strct attention to busiueis, and a regard fir the iiterest of those who entrust tin ir business to tlrir management, nt ne,;esa rv for ensuring piblic confiib nce, they fatter 1 Ih iiis. Ik s they will not be w ithout their c'ainis Upon the pat roller of the public, Kartlu-r than tiis they will not kay, but are willm.; to ti ly itpm their future conduct forftr ther ciicoui-acitit'iit and support. W' UimLA livimU's. IJnlt Sale, the stock of jooiU lonuei'ly be JnniplHf to tile firm of Cow, in t. Vail, ol Charlotle, N. C. consntinjr. of a p i.cr.l iinbort. Ilil-llt of frekh Itllil n asonable gondii, Any per son vt'i'.hinjf to pun biise., can call and examine tor theuisi lve, on or beforr llm week ut Merk Ittiliurfr Superior Court j it w hich lime I will attend in Charlotte for the purpime of ili-po . iiijpiflhekaiiif. JAMKS COWAN, 4,vt'J6 fiunr.in:; t'nunrr. Uvocevii'S, fur ftu. riVH' suliHcriher has just received a c lumr I supply of CHOCIiiilKS, wlnili be offer for s.le on the' most reanonabli; trrnis, (r uvih. Anions tin -m are : Sujcar, Colfee, Molasses, I .not, Hice, j ijs, Haisius, Salt ; and aim, the usual sup ply ol Cnufnttviiurui. Likewise, pint and hull pint fiiiiihlers. THOMAS IIOI.MCS. Jnw 16, lh22. 1' tlie I. 1 Ii SA.SAY rcnedtully uitorms the ii I dies and L'cnilcuicii of Salisbnrv, that he intends to open a inm n-f tihvul, on liie first of November next. )n h:s arrival, he will gut particular notice bv anulbcr U.!vertiemelit. i. i, iu:. I he so!, seribt's have ulso established a Dry mod and Croein concern in Chcraw, Sj, C, where tln v will, ill a lew dins, receive from i'hiladi lohi a 1 j H nacka..reii of fi'i-sli and icason- able tfomls, i oinpiisilii; a ernrra! assort uielit of! e i - . i .. i .. ... . .:. i. mi i aim iic aniens, ai i le same nine, - -ri 1 1 I- i I II ... u I .. I . I I . t. .... . -v. iy c ein iul As inhlv for a division of Kowatl count v : the new county to be laid oil on the uorth'side ol the HiM. r. ,V,,. 18, lH.'J. 'Jt tln v will ivei 'ne from ' l.alb slol a (fciu-rul As sortment of .ruecrics, iijioi, ciockcry-ware, ic. ; of V. hit h 'JieV wil Coiistalitl keep a good aim k, and s. II ut the lowest pricci. In coiiiitrv men hunts, pLntcit, and iithers, J seiiijuijj )!n,l.i e lie llu- wuv M C In ra to Cli irf s'on, or receitiiijf Krni tliroiigh that halilii I, we wo. Id fuitiierst.itctli.it crr) at tention will be paid by our hoiis.i in Charli-stnn mid Chcraw tu tl , bi.iiiiiient aid tiuna-rrnient of ;, induce or j;o.h!, ,.,,v.it. fro, I the one plan: ' v '"UK por liahi- Col ton i.ui,n u plyiiiifto to the o'!,( r, and to -t.c ibsj,o,i'i.ii ol the safi,.- ' in Salisbury, a few doors north of t'.e Court after i.ci.w.l, ucioi.bli to tlie iris'ru lions of. I Ions. , cm b- supofe'l as cheap as at ai, !i..p theoMiur. MII.I.IM J. j in th;s p.tt t the si ate. Ml kinds ol r i.a.roiir IIIAKV M CONNKIf ilone to (.ottou t.ins, at theit no'icr, jiiil on Ii I he followitipr is a ' iiptf of a letter m drrssed hv ieu . I .a I . y 1 1 1 u , to I (A. M- liims Willett, at) oili. ir in tie Unolu lionury ut my, n.jw i c iilitit :n tl i . n y . ; ... ) :rk .V-r.i;,. I'A iti, j (. I. f I I My Dear Sir I av ,! nivsclf of a nA cipji'iriunity to it'ini'i'.t you of ycur oh! fiiciid iitid fcllfiw soldier, in who-.e. I, fail, no time or distance t an ihute the ,uc rrmenilitaiiite tnl Jittsoti..! alVettiunof our icvo'iitionni y tini'-i,. W'e iciuuiii but too jew survivors of that jloiioii epoch, in which the fate of two licruisjiH- es has been clccidid. It is a!) rid' i' iooii! inoiiitfjr to think more of the lien oi biolheily fiitllshit W Ilk h Ulii'rd til. Muv it be in my power tefore I j'ui out (Irp.iiied i.oiiii,iiin,tii, to visit mi Ii A thciii as ai t fliil iiiba'.itaiits of the L'ni cd States, uiiil to t H oti )rt iot)ully my dea: Wiliutt, how Hll'cctioiui'ely, I ikin your m'.k etc fiiend, I.A FAVKT'Ir. Irotn the Satunnah ..v.ijfian, Ahrnteis. It tse stitnlctj tKt tlirre arc not less iluti ot.c liurnlticl to one hundred and l.lty i!:ottsjnd people A prt.perty from (irtjt iiritain and Irc 1ji.i1 new rciidin i't I''rar.re, Italy, (jin:iaiiv,Uc. Wliylc towns arc pco- 1 .on fliare'i, to.! is u- . t . r.!, ifion. j Mioal Cr . f. to,. n,r tin Is of l.i ortn- II iirnii, ' Also, luills 1!, tb..- .a'lie tilin; an.l jd-iee, '. .0ill.' i., I'otvr, i,;,.-r, (not li!.! ) j one tract of land ', i Konatl ciiun.v, oil ll.e wa-i l.5 acres l. ..i.j'iuir to tin In -irs of ,l..;t es ters of Wit hero' . reek, ttdiiiinintf the lirnls ol ' Wilson, hiii.r on I'lds' Cr.-t k, joinini' lands of j Joliti Cuaan, eti a id n'lu-rs, C'llltainillK 'lire- I i.,i,.J C'o;i!a I, iv i.b S!e.onl and olliei-s, (do. i bn'i lrcd acres. I ti.s tr:ie IS principally hihuI ) no' fi'i I, .is. .1 cr.- U , .in Lnd, of a to. id . i.il.t,, and w- II tin. in red, e. rpt about tui in aeri s 'd ef. lleut nn-ado. 'J'ertliS w ill In- ina ' C"'ii!lio.Lt ,nr. 0,1. 14, 18JJ. JMF COWAN'. pl.'.r.lalion v. hereon I .'') VP'S, i f as v-' id ii v, si"i.'it"d .3 Holes v, a'id mil.- lode Irom A. lam,; . .iv on the ,t:'. ' no a j.; io ! it'.. !!- n:' hiis. s ; 0 si . id a'n.'it ! I etnp'v l.o,;-,-l!; ihtdl' rv ; -d o on tin i d .;".) 1 apple and pi a h to pun ti . . nr.- in TOfFKH for salr- t now I've, roi'.'.-i.inii;. iitdaud as any in if" 1 frntti Sal s' M.ii n-- in r ,li'. i n , w i''u ' f.rv'.swji I f.rni, a "..-! "! a.'fM , a fr, -firi.N, 1C i-s u s a i s aer s I', no' fi'i I, as. .1 cr.- k , ion i I tees of Milium hoons a'ldodni, s ,: d to be- ion to I la is' l.i Is'a'et s, .'do. ilo i '.'.HI :.. r,. Il i ! . i. l,i r.r tle C a' , v. i sel ilM's. ( Oi;. lotiinf to I'linIc's i it.-, I s! John I:-;. ! tur tin.- year l-s,'.!, fot ti, t.ot listed. V ) sen s b il.; i-n Senv Cr i V, ton .lot, n Vu'.l and others, (!',nei;'.v li- N'uih hi i,.tii-iii,' to (!i nr. i d-t. iol hi ! .'. w..r i ;:i ' I,. ",. 1H, H ; lit .h VuvUvl 'tn,U s. !l.t" I' and morocco I'l l k I It.;, k, 'jetweeli' in) lion-.", ii tin iuk..l t - t.'ikm, and' al.-tnit" , or in Sahbiir, on I i- llt'i iit. It eon'aini I a lioti of limnl oil I esta'ns l!i i ell, jr. I'orS".'; one on Mm ar t It su i II, ..r ; a,. I on. on Win. Ta,fi.'art, t..r i:p ard of S'' i . and a moi''aji tr.nu Fd . ar I os . i II tu n, si II, dated ill Alan b l.i.t, and S ' '' nts ( u-.li, and ollie p.iiers Mot rcoilleite ;. I 'A ill t.,1'lsf l.llV pi rsoii u bo t.nds, a id v. , sheiiil .Ion' iii :il.-'i.irs , or lcl.ii r il to me l.t Ml A I S II F.I.I, Sen O,!. 1.', 1 nt'J terms. ,V.'..iM SAMI F.I. Mi MA, AI.KV!!. H(AI.. .'. 1, l '.'. ..tll'Vei .! 'I, MM o s.i , : ,..t I ll.'i I .vi i arr.-s Iv and I'mrti o M,rori;rl.- of Ian. j l-'ia. H ill :..f .lov ph .1. - i' i toe m I ' CM a, . t II mi - to'!, :,,,( ,. .. , . i k and 'i r-s T hv kv it.e e,i t t.r'icr.l Asviiibly lot- :i Ian to otl . m Cnim'v in that part ot it rjHC. ho'is. i I., is '..ke tli s method to infirm I tin- CP ii i. a ol llou an i oiiiiti , and (aioiitii ml i.iceiit, that ThcV l.ave eoinnieiici 'I liiutiio' i I ;ll'in Sn-ui ('iiii on an uuproveil plan. I l.o,. jd-(J Hy tllflli. In i JHS, tllC Ul.kC Ol 1 1 . ti 1 1 1 ion ui.ci the I'.arls cf Stair and l ife, iit an expense of 100,000. per iiiintiii, lead the fbl.i .n t about 0, Ct,o I.nplish peisdiis of a mixfdehar ,utt r. Ami in other cities dtnl towns ' ii t!..- K.iuitH nt a rroiK rtionate Hum- i to 1 t'i 1 .upland is tint ntdy a hner rlimatc, hitt thr rate cf living iss'ihuv hi com parison, thel pcrst.ni df ni' dtrate ip, c.mic :tc t t.uliit d to live in n tyle tn att:iii'.a''le in tif ir i.n ctnint'-x . I he tti'iiny Uiiistakin Irom Knf laud and Irel.iml. u tulst it nhlt to tin d',M" e", (( the pti pie of th'iff Ci utilfi's, mil tiihutu .n the s ine (h j-ree to d prosperity nf those places in. which it lirculates. li I. I TF.lt i nt-. , ri aie j;' f i in e-'i v i, u,t. ii, i a 1 vrd to li e s'.n-ri'l ol l.'i.w an i . 1 1 i, tie ,..l busii-t -i, must li. realtet or t!.i w ill in ' be at ' tr'. il to, a a' lam '.' is ot lelteii. a.!di. :-s. d to conn' . . K' , I bat c tone. I it nr. v I V'l'l I ... in I , 1 . ' I I ' 1 av tu- lonmi. i lie muucenifnts te ( n ti e i or t'.r.ent in preference ria. to j f pt tin . coi'tsi in ordi r to s.i r m tidier b an- i' w itii " N 1 vpi n ' I i ii' rather an i.iic.ti l:1 ut.).' s1 in iti'li" eoii' s. i. a m ar, to tl.i- h'.Ii in ii- I. of n'hi r pel .. i. a y i ar, tu the p'K ki ts. -AVI FI. .'IM, Sh-if 'I Vlted to I lit a'.d lie I d-.l - t I - .'l i" ; tin- , i " . ;., .i,r, ,. ' t of s.., (-no I ilu nc I'.' fe. h ke I .u.f ; a i.o , I. ore', : tl. I'll r I - i. U ,h . .t :' SI 1 ...I IK i t i, : 1 ' , - a' ul.i, h ll..4 I,,..,, k.t.'l ll d.O I on it a u an! ai I a'l-.l ! an t - i '.,-. ... r-i , om.i ei .. . ...i - ) i.i Ml S' If. I'.-l H i ,1 J 1. i." no- . ': 1 . s't. c,. tu, ati I '''''' 1 on .i n o'i.' i; i rr, . ei rmd I't'i OS so' W ll!':i' l !! . I d e do.) , -1. i tie C . .-.'i-i Iti.-r. y ., If i,.!. ,1 , A'.'r . ;t- .,f ill-am ll.n oii.rii.iiii ,ie rcpi . V ihltsh 1 1 ' IJ latter I ituls I loll,; aU'J ',r turk :. M,..l:. l appl.i ution w ill tin 11 be in.ide lur 1 lu ll i f separate Courts of 11, as and ssi.ms in Itiiw an one in tin 4'orks i t "by AI-, i Cr t k. rr. hit, , I.. I i i flVlF '.. at ? -i . Cuf .t I , I...M Hi''' 1 d . I' r...' '. .i i t ..f v.t, II i " . I o f' t ra'e !' I, i ori , in. ! 'i i h s'ioo, j 'inc. V ''i i.-. o IV It sWIV'K. ; .1 .l.i- ll.-.- ' .ik. .-. in oi ! r to "i .ki lo.-.'. in:. r t.-rsde. i piiisti i in ' ,'.!, t- , el I and I r" v, tt fi !. e.itp.i inn til's i f l.'.ei it'.. V C. o-i tt.e I" : ',, V .11 I, Ik I. lileC, 1 II. ll. S 'i ii i -s to '' .1 i f s, ,: .... o , ; , ii, it.-, and J s !;!. . t r n Is..-..' '. a? . ! p--- - , r '. i.Nol .1,1,,', Jrret tli. :,i..l .,.,h e sl ' , - ft s o. riilt.i.i- t.i --,..kr S-n .!- 1 i on C n U .!".. ms M !l .1" .! In Wdi'iir. .loo', 1 . llUl.l lloii.l .. )' .1' o I 'll I. I I l(. a ,f -:, C '. " t'.Ti- liiat'i r s,i..i,s in Itt.wan on.-m tin r-rk 1 1 j ,. v Utlw Imifluif;, iirarh liiushed. !.ikrwis.-, In dxlii, uudatiotlu r on tin- IxxitV'ti i side I ,. ij,,,,,;,,- 1,,,!,. upwards ot two liundr.i! ' ' '' " r " u '-' i aen t, a ;r at part ot which coiis.s-, of alualde I! .Vutvcv U .V.tn's. V l.i.ii) my j iun at'on, in Lauras- pt. a 'n e-n, I, Hmv .r tl is a ' . . nr J 5 j e.irs ol c!.' S ! .;. ,, :l si, n,, r IIIUKC, thill - v-Ir, throu s Ii ill a I ! aek Ulld speaks W itll rotlsi.li ruble con- SlnU" tiV .Vt.vWi-V'nvttWw.x. ii v. nop fncN r v ml t I' i f 'l. '1 ( utt. r Sei..us s ' s, .... ei,. J - ' ' I limna" Oreen, i iiii.i, I- of I'd',' .ii ' n. .ii - i-ed, s.!. s -. en ...I I, .i in.d at!:i' I. ir.cn!. k .. ! no Ian I ,- rni.' I'o .'iV-inn el' the C ir-f, 'i-1- l I' iiel tit ii (omersiii.', has a si.ru on the bopinn of his r,j;ht foot, vbuli is at prtsrlit a I ..! I, hut the surri'imdinf; si ar s larp r than a dollar the toe :ri iihIi m hii' he wears a ,t l!. 'end lilt i'l 'b. I a"' is tii't all llelaii tallt lit ? ; . s'.t' ', it i . !" rt r'' ' - - "i. t let I n. .1 ion !i ,r i b in 'I.. W . ' rn Cai- I.. mil f r six i k , tj,,- tin iM'. in! wit spp. ar at ourm' d i' ..... , -, . .. .... ... i. i ..i I .,, , , ( , x ,,(' I unit ol I I. ,i nil. I " r -i s.iinis u, e. inn- I t,.- I,...), I ,.,.1 , .1 .. .li il'-'t t irtiie i n"li'l i'l ii i- !, a' i n It in,, in V .a i ev. it.-, on t' 1 nut!, at (,,t. I pi rcliu d 1'iti r l;nn' lr. Is Hn ent, who hrunejlit Imn linin tnatie ", N I', in ir thr ( as w i II Inn-. In ri turn. " that place, hv Will prolia'dy be Indeed in ' :...!. an ! in t! .. efstiiii'mn, I rpc, vs. II l .s !...'.!. i and m n.-r. An jailor who may l.i i hi 1 1 ist 1 1 d . w ,11 pi. i. ilirri I a l.ne to snt'-i ri'icr, at leortv II, 'I, Lancaster )n- ,o, S. C tor which s.t'istii turv ai knoli t i,- s;, ,d S,- r- n !. n d. .! HIS I. mil II. l, is:.-. i Vtv -. lllHfl' will be cvnosid m Public Sale at ( pi ' P, 1,'owaii colon, s.tuate in tin I nk i I tl.e w.l'li and sou'li a.'.k'li. oil the -I'll da. ..I Vmi nib. i ni., In in;; tin Ftst M m ljv of OrnciuiHe at the I t'e ronimc ncemrtiH t'iv iniiiith, 'lie rvinaiiiinx unsold lots in the Inuinju i.e t'oilewe fif New Yor .. C'ontife'i plan nfs..,, place ; one of l,., b c.-i.tuin. a lare , Vernnht. Nc - H utit.sbire, Massd- 4 iftt-etts. Klm-'e Isl,' ,), ,infi Mjipc : Cl.lil'tibii Cdlrje, C ty of N. V. I nil n Colf ee, Si In c'adi, N. V. 77 llm, i'ni. I olli i;e, Paris, N. V. 1" ! C.tllep-, .V. w Haven, Conn. 77 einikiiit I nivi rsi'v, fturhtieron, .? Middl- hnry College, Yrr. 2 lUrtmoutti Colli e, N. II. il li trvard t'tiiv ersit , ( stnbrid, Mas. Vill,ans Collreje, W ill,air.sto n, Mas. 11 ll-own I tnvt rsiiy, 1'roCidence, K. I "l Itowdmn Collect , llnniswick, Mine, . t Watcrtillc Cull, go, Muinr, low (jroiiiiits, r fMiij i ie pun ol i lie tow n, tlie wnph and il.nitioti ol tl.e road, to tlie itr of the fridge c otlitin tu cd (HI tl.e Itnrt'i dkin, t. r lii-.ni t. South ( uioliiia. on tin- 5:!t of and t t!,e UriiK'c ol tl.e soulli uokm. I l.e ie li-'iie of '. t.r. lie I sail w.'l euntituic llolli ilu toil.i, l.nl.l tli . sit I. , t J nr in. I pieiicr.i is all disposed ol ; and a , ii ilit nf one and tuo wurs given for ti c- purcliks" mrniy, w ith n, teles',, the purchaser pur.),' bt nj and it cunt. Attention will be j;ie; bv J A. FFAII-ON, JOHN LAI FOW AY, ISwt'-'i f. S. MtniOS. The sab of thr ,-,boe pr'J crty is pos'poi.e.l to tie .'-i'li da of No ell. hi I, i' boin ihe l.nt I linr. !.n in the liionth the ale to n lH.l.uu l-oni e.a t.t dai , until closi d. "i . 14. Total nurtt' er of tirsjui'i-i in IV??, tl.e of 1 re. Hi, I I , 'elf .'..!v t!. IT, U 'I !,' pi lOtat nll is ,n 'i i new im t, n , , cn . t I . II lirr.h.lOs. . .,, I .-,., '. , f is it ), 'b -i : X ! 'S' - r.',.i'i :s iV-erri- i "i i '.. d am prr- n S the J.fi 'l.is. s I 11 t'o- s'l'.v t,,T, ' " !:! n d at S'tv time D.n-i! '.. n or, il ex t l ii , Wtti..' I'. 1 . V 1 ,1 , t.l. I'l I .1 I . ,,il l.e . nti r,, ,,. l .i, I i ..' 'lii.i . ;i,H. 1 t F, C , c. r. WW u ti v s v s r ur v A . I rlril; " : r rn ''' ""' I w nr o, ii',- s-..,. ,. 'o,r,. ar : . in n I I I ot thr I ,!, d Sta'es that be I.... nl.ta.i . d U.,. A, jt, ., .uUlt. ,4'H j 11.' ;,',e f,,t . W r'.c A-..fe .'i.-tl.f. A rnOCI.AMATION. Ul.liF.A. by an act of the (. - r... el..!.! Of thl S'uV Of N 'i-'b fen il l:,, t.i . erttor ('! tl.C "I I'e is .ei'lloii.' d toc.e.s.- ! it, i.n-ol.l lam's l.trlv hi iioiri d , ',r- 'v Itmu J t'.e ( l,i r k' e tti.ie ( I lnd. ins. to . oil , fir V,.,i. t!, nt, r--. I. t...'-riil II- l.-ti-i. Cotf.yvf-.ti'jt. It iisaidthit Dr. Fhvsic lias ! ttely c!iscoet ttl a cause ef prvalcuC " ji;i,i uaiicrous coi.st;r.irtiun in the irtita- i , Uvula.' a e tmi' idl a part o. i The r mcdy simply ii, by cut- r j i pa'i t;' from the 'n id. nt ot the I ll.'i :d St , . s . (' , ni.i i . s ,r V tv ?. rvi-. 1, , V I. ' 1... ,!,.,.,. I v r I '. -t j to ir t'o- p- rtv sti, w ! I oa!. a. I t. .1 i r. i, ti. 1-,.,-t w s1 : s ,: i , f r.. , a. 1 ii-h tl..- ni.'i fi r ,le mi M.e liur. 1 ( res V. ,ii be 1 H O ' ." '!!, P ' . ,'....' land '.s not s.,!d at -;-"s .- s .h ft- ! i ).,,-'.. II. ., I' V at i -1 1 . e . ,1. r! t' , or. il '.. s, mi t!,,i 1 i f., ml s'str I. it 1-1 . I.ll.i n'-'i. t .it- she amve to Iitfi Ii ise l.itnl i" ,11 do w i 11 to cine as f. ii- such 'ru ts an iM.U' uC .VnvWx-V'nvtiWuu. I l l KK I (ci in . r i " a, ... ' in i, i . in .Its fid disi oi crv I rur,i ,; Itiivi siss in II rs s. I trca'p 1. 1 is s inpte, :,i..! nr.' i tt is I of- . '. Ill I llKK ot STY- t A ;. ; " , '.' - t v, " I I a' . I I r t'A of I I,-'. .... llai Fan noott, l .. A lull t .ir. tli.- I,, ts of M i'i-i l le ipor', !.'- ae- i it ' I'hr- -. -, :.M t I sed. M 1 . ti- , i d C. l..iei..l s n a, '!, V tlC- b. . ..! 1 it . tie ,!c of s, d lie V ill hi Ll I II, I a'l l, I'l.'. tin l hi to '.-1 1 II bt ti" ant! tli.t ll. ! 'i ' 'ion ..r t ar' ' on. , mrij.til I h'-i..is C, !e ant I! , nt lli ,.it. I..'!, ..j.j li, ! to the Count Court of and Omul r Sessions for I'.nikc rnniily, ' and II, ike O all it Kill if Ibree tracts of la lid, -.i!.;f to 'he In .rs of litnii l neiij i.rt ; i" -ip;: ar c;; t i tlie I'utaction of ilu-court II. hi is llavi npnrt .suit all inli.i'ii'aiit of si ite, it is the-., fere i . b led b tlie Colli, he il'i'thi"! of . I lie nvi'i, - n-P, s,h p, rtorn.i 1. 1 Vi,,ii' i iii.) pi nple h ai e i;i en 1 1 rt t.i at' o ti., j , jp-rjl I's. fllb . ss o this ,!;n. o i - , n. ollu I s ai e , r ,v!i tu 'e,ti- in the same v i, sh.n Id tin y ' j . cuihdo't. 'I '.i s ;'isi nber w i.ins it not to b--1 niid. IVoihI. t!i.o hoi v t v bos ( Vi s !,al bir-iio'- ! . I. r ( d, a I"' Ci. thr "n u'l c-n.rtit (le-.h)' & 'is'itii-a tl,.- in. .Idle of the Tsr.'i.iN ft. . L;.,rt .:. , i.i r the tsiot of the loin-iR. i. e I. 1SI,, p. siC it 1' . r "ttim ,;;n ;:.e d p.i -aid tin I. ublv to law, : I ',' U I'. M.mdn'tf.- so)., r.u'.i i, I of the ill ,!;-, in t! i '":i nl 'I' '..inre ol a 1 ion, t!,f Al'i .ny Arfr1. t ri 'u Mi!ri ! o'te tecffi. A i antf lt-pr tnCi'Vi w" thi se4sc;; picked from ;bc .';.' n of Jt;i!t Miller, ; of I'tira, on ilie dh nc Jut.e. I he aceJa, (,l . i li s I s, s 1 1 "-a '.' .M'.v'. w'. 1H Y V'.l'tlo if a I V r.;-',e,i t'l V e d'r, C, ) so. d f" in '.!.. ( t o'- ( ii;rt i f Vertli l ' I I, at it.r- i: . .' I ! '! i t . I I'l s' I Tlp'll st VI. i.in .'. ' Fis.be. I ae,', . ,i ill ! n. w ill be , ;'' d to i.'nl c inn ,:ot', tor ri ,s !a id ,, , ,,,, I,, ,,111,1 t.i Vol ir sik!,t ut;a in ; Im', in it. -iiy c.is s, win re tl.e li.ie l.ei ll lilunl l.i.ii, one to ten Venrs, by Iiis ttiethii-1 'liry isr l.ei n ris'i.rvd to pctfict liht, atnl ever at'.: retnuilicd o. H '( bts fur St iles ('" single co'.nties, tnav bo li'n' a iit-d by apply in.', cithir pi Isoiull or b 1,-tter, to the sulm rdirr, or ln ktrrlit, in 'hi 'nun ,.f lluntsville, Surrv eoiintv, N. t -irohoa. inadi- in tin- Wi stern C ati. I lor a sm-H- rounty w ill be sold at from Vt to I'l'J ii.iH.in, projiortjonrd to tin" population thereof. JosF.l'll SAII'.W. .V, W ' t "M . I , . . i . t ,aM.s. - :ld ' ' tli it pnhl'C .t',.li b. Imiaf, ?:' I,'i il in Vibs'toM , lor six w i ks. It. it !'i, so l t l:.;r: ; lai npnrt appear at I'-e niM Cunt in :.s -ti.d 'narti r .-i s..ii i,i k. I..!.! ! ,r tin i note i f lluvkc. :,' t!i. Ci House in '; V' ' : in'. iii, on In.- fourth Molidu nf .latn.Iil V j i. -t. In ii ci 1 i'ii re In ,,i. s , r, ( it ..d or iletnitr i this ':-, cr j-: '.jT'tn nt pro f et.ti s'O vill !i ' ahe ti n.'i'iii -t Inm. s. r, :::. .i. f.hwin. f . -s. ! the Ci '-ri Ipinsi tit a sl.i. i. V Itll C of.ea. r,n t! c ..'.,,t ... of . 'o' cr t est, .. i 'tt.; ii t: , t d .i",,1, bi'ir in tl,e A i.i'kin i,. i, s'i'ipi s d til O i l . II III I- H oi; s 0 ' ll I" . 11 o e Or I. .s, tl t! r c-ii'e if Tfi. i:,-, V. 't'i- '..-' li I'r i e adv. ',J t; I. Csif. trie' , t I Sold 1.1.1 1 iii,- a' is !,,- 'i-.ct tl..vt Ah i.ii M lb- . I.iili , -a ill ''C rii i I; b me, IH. I li! A ll Wil l , .Inn Pv ,tMrs I t nsi m, s. .1. I :i aV 'Vot'l the sob.c.-i1 t 'he :'!'!. !' v I 'ember. ' I'n.iii ; k T oust Vl V S1 V.N V ' Wn Fur .df xt t!:is offctf. the subset i!irr, nn iivlaV, Mc'if d! t.dii- II ore, o p , i ,1 . it' C III tie le O k s ! it .14 I '.I -il.l s.. III i :o on' 1 i i ais old, 11. rj !v i 11 j;i . u. ' t.i a'" e n oil, tmd l.o thanks, will b ' )' c n to i,, iv p. rv-n h" v dl ,b lset ,ml upprentm to ; e, 1 iii in w.ili-.l nr. N. C. All p'Taotiaiv f..i , silted lion, I a -liorieu; o - en.; .!,'; in .si.I ap- ri't t'et , a I w ill riifidl ei force the Iw sv' .t.' t ,ui h ol'i iid. i-s.. l'lULll1 .'ACt-tUS. ( SUU f 'nvUx-VnvviVinn, FO.VAN COVNTY. n' ll ! ot Fleas and Unar'er Sessiuus, August ' . s.,,,ii, IS.".'; Jo.cph llavhi ti. .Ii.bnt:u'.d- W. II .... ii-ii;ii.l !!a !llli( lit, levied, NC It ap truiii",' I" lb,- satisfaction of the Court, that the d, f, muni is not an inliabitunt of tins state, it is then f..i- l iW that publication be made for MX woks virci ssi iy, in tl.e n Mini i ais.ie u.atu pun ,d iii S.disbnrv, that the li fi ndaul r; In ar -it our ur court of Pleas and IJturter Sen- si i s '. be held for the coitntv of Him an, at the ( nail IIimisC! in Salisbttry, on thr tltird Monday ol Vi.,-!t.bi-r uc.l, then ami there ty replevy, pl' d or di-tiiur, or judgment will he enlrf.l SL'al.n! I.ini, uecnnlinir to tin- plaiitdf demand, lest Jt)ll t.l! tS i - H. C. t . rr.ro adv.S: t"'5 r tli .t purpiisi , i , or i i irtlf -ite wl,' h ; ''I tius tr.elort were jiUnted in tho same ill' f..r a ti.n, on tl.t-'putdrn o the i'.rst c f July, at.d h'c pro ..'.ni.iriiiii tit be,', ciind i di eJ rvctiil l imp nti Uiis. ot e of n-hicli . . . . i . m , ... . .. , , S( .lt j a (.etuietnan 01 :.us ciy, li e cird.th n1 of ttie purch..,.- u. tt, v v..i n t,iU.renoi tne ..os na-.-r, a-rn.' i , ... , ,,,i.. , , ,, 1 , . ,',!, IllllU I l l Olill.l mi - H. .1IU'J,. t,.,.e i t t!..- Si.h, and bottd am! tn'ii-Hy tur t ic - ' iMtiiliii.t of the balance, in llu' loliowili' iti.'.il- " ' . ... ... ... .... . nief.s,.: inr rii;:i'Ii at me ( vpirauoii in cue - rat. :n l. d4r.-,i,i wrf.; a y.-,r, on-Ii..u-h at the , p,r, ' ..I t wo v, ars i n,;rnr, , l,,,d r.f b ', from Senile.. W. nnefou:.!. .irt'icrt,!oft!.n-eeiits,andthrr.. , .... ,.- ;.,. . nm.ndcr at the ( ml of tour i ars. I ho sale 1 1 1 '. . , - -,i 1 ., , , ' coiitinnetwovie.ks.at.dn'.lotted. .!"" Uu.re ..ru un.ii ureu,rt:i C.iseti iiiidr ins hand and the ival nr al Itechrstrr. lio ate uuu'.U to the 'ur. J the state, at It ih iidi.eu the 1 .Y.i d., f steady lu' i's.' The et'i'cir of the. , 1 s. pp-mtirr. l0 '. I Mmitoi, I'lei'iibli an 'a N'rw r.nt lar.d marl ( s ittdr.i' iv' "i ""' susthat tl..s H hke 'carrvire; tojii to N'rw ( is:!r snf! te fgnnot .uriK thei' S'lvY. ,.! jci 1. iolci it l.e '.hat the yunkey l.iv.: vtii.il ,,rsi,,.c. .iiunlii the name of tT't :""'''! '" h'M's rr. havr travr. ,-, ( artwri.;! '. 4 M (.1 or,;.- I artrn;t-'. a yntniryman stiornm ki r, 1 iiiiiliu-lircd workir w i'b Di'-,nil alter f t tiin' int'i luv ih lit, a!iaond, d without paur,; tut wiiii of Oh'tos Mini tuMicJ tlicir ftiou: i.pj:i the banks of the (irand Canal, wre note Vulua'ole th.ta the simple, po-tu- 1!,- ,l;t ..,l w i.b a jourri man tailor, hv tf XrW.l-nRam1. who ha name . I intniis. It 1-supposed be will niuc , 1f - , , - fr Te, .-. bv tb, v avdf l.,, uluton ,nj;nevcr wandered half a rule fmrc l.i ovt. Mi.'eiintoii. 'Ihe n'eifit Ol thu noliee islo (! . Sly 'f.7- .tW')-tk) i tiKl. tin- jnddie on tin ir piard, am! 1 1 the clia-acti of the inuii keip pace with hinistlf. ASA ItiMI'sOS. C ncr.!, M, 2, lSU.-tf 'Id i;s, ifTtie ef . W.sua. C aAouMiJ. 1 T the vu;iou kinds comum in ill use, tor Sale U attl In an I'.nplish church yari!, the folluve inr iosciip-.ion is jilaccJ uixin Jo.tn JC,tf -rr,' tomli-stor.o : " Here lies .loan l.itchi n, when hrr glasa s I pent,

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