Mi- 11.. i. c M) aoul ('a, tun r thr Mni striwi Julmiri'i.,. i urr. J , mi ,nbiisr ,v4.- -a, fT - i tract bri.tg idready completely binding, j As bcr hus a..d H not here, and you mav have, some: curiosity to ktn who unil what this celebrated warrior is, I wi'l relate some particulars, touching his person, character anil I te- u Motillo is a stout built, aw kward, hard featured, vulgar looking man, somewhat above the middl? size, arid about fifty years of age. Hi face, a true index of his character, is eprcs- sive of the sav.i're nature of his dis- fsMF. if JUiai t I1.1.K.. Oil 1 ho shall l;!ill) any that I'MC II iKiiKinif but an einity name ! Vtli.lrt in that w-rd th'-re ii a charm, The nerve to brace, the hear'. l wain, At thinking of the mighty dead, Hie young from alotl.fnl couch will JtArt, Ami vow with little lunula out.preal, Like dir.ni, V.) ct a uuble part ! pb '. ho siii.ll lightly ny that Fame Ii no'tiing but an empty fume ! Wlitn but for ilio.o, uur mighty dead. All (t pa.t a blank usidd be, 3. irk hi otLtion' murky bed A 'fert hurt a iiipie ea! JTioy are the di riant object ai-en i iic h Py nurks if what have been. Oh 1 who !,11 lightly y that Fame U li..thirg but an empty lunt ' Vs'.tn rncrn'ry of tin." mibt l?.v, To i nth-worn pilgriiii's i- fil vr, The bf'gh'cat no f ch.-i-r mg l..d, That point to iuminruhty ! Frm i' Iai 1 !.' . J.i r 'i.r. THE ll.Y p I li K Sl.t FY. IW;r m-.l. fh.wrr tbat h..ii parade, Whoac u tr' a!l ot'uT v.vcct, irl. Oft hac I auuht thee in f he iu A.iJ waVhM Tht i!o!v tpcinii br'.l. lp l.fc'a fur iwirti, when life w. yimro;-, Am I i.JiM Ik-- other to he j,'-.y Plf H iwer1 I rj die nea1, ms hrt:i., A'i'l tl.re 'hi- blualiir.g rie aj). Tt! 'f lutrnl thai ch.l gui'h: M;. i.' i. it rhoire, and inur my corn ; It(i'..4,'.tt the rose u itaoln with pmle, Ami tliou wj'ectal and f.irl.irn. May p ty ever h' prril, Ami "f:ly all my tml in. Inr, To liati n to the pLUnt.e talc, And ii.ke the rau of aorri.w n ii c. And whrn I ee mufotl'inc ii-k. 'Nea'h cruel pride ' aanaitic ra 1, I'll r. it drwpiig head, and think (u ;'!, ttt Lly of the vle. nuy he P.00 riules distant from the li ver at the time, is delivered from all sin, and is entitled to Heaven. At the hour of death, if person think on (ianga, h will obtain a place in the Heaven of Siva. If a person, accord ing to the regulations of the Shustcr, be ynnjr tuhathe in Gangs, and die on the road, l;e shall olitain the jume ben efits its tLoijtjh he had actually bathed. Thrr'.' ar- three million five hundred thousand hUy places belonging to Ci;ui- . i ! . . .u- ,. t .-. r:.,,.,v. pO!,ltlf)l) Ot MI ormiliacy anil Ilrr- 4, IOC ji-jauii wmw iiih m mi,fi., bcuriag unconcili ating tcniprr. llisor bathes in tVm river, will obtain all manners are rude and ungract lul, h-iit- j th fruit whiehaiiscs from visiting all ting his birth and education, nhich 1 these three milhos five hundrf d thou were the lowest ind most ordinary sand holy places. Hy bathii.g in (ian he hard'y posiessing the common ru-; g:, accompanied v'th prayer, a person dimentsof reading and writing When I will remove, at onct, the sins of thou a young man, he served as a common 1 sands ol births. soldier of marines. on board ;l ship r,f "S m much is this river reverenced w ar, and I have been assured, hy those ! among the Hindoos, hat many Brah who weieofli.ejs on board the sameimins will not look upai noi throw sali- shin. that he wis in the habit of per- jv into it, oor h ash themsclvc, uorlncas, or pain, he fell into a kind of ; 1 the farmers, in this country, profiting ..'.... . . . 1 1 1 ... r' - ... 1 . .1 t I . , ., . lormmg J or them the mot menial str- tneir cioimcs in us waters, in one 01 vices. l!ut see.f.cre is the celebrated ihrir bo .ks, among many other lorms dragonirre, so famous for its loii),;rv i-! i f praise to br olTt-red ti Ganga, is the tv. '1 iiere is one of these tn ts ii the ; tuikw ing : " 0 Goddnt ! the owl, that rior skill and superior arms ot lu ad versary, fell a victim to them bath when sccpndd by artifice. f: lit- t .'ii' 7 Vr f. rlit following intiMTbtiug article ni tlif , turt uf Cuttnn in wuii h ill :harai t(.; n:irly the siiilir; elimate with mir own, aiul 4; on tlir fotod'wi uf cropi, a plan of culture vl, wc niiglit udiipt with girul surcess, is A from llt!(l'!i' 'I'mimluliotiuf Cln'tauxifiu I , eh. We wish some planu-r would try thci tiuii of i ropH, htreal ler fiielitioiietl. The plain of Sorento is almost the oi, part tf the kingdom of Naples, in whi, tan be seen the effects of an active a- Ejfrcta of Tcmierance in firolunging Life. I.ewis Conavo, a Venetian Noble, who died at lulauin lo'Jtf,had brought his body into such a state of dec ay, in his 3Giit year, by intemperance and excess, that his physicians assured him he mint verv soon die utddss be alter- ' ed his mode of living. Conavo had j well diretteil industry. It is also in t!; resolution enough to bet aljotit this im-1 beautiful rountrjr that the villagers h, pnrtant change he (unfilled himself! successfully introduced the culture of u to a certain quantity of lood exactly ; tun ; a culture which the usages of si,'.; weighed to him daily kept himself; ty have r.miercd so necessary, hi, from all excess of wine fr n .11 vio- ( leuu a, Napl . lent pu,sion-and, indeed, vvas temper-; (i, wIlh:n , fcw U wa, iUW1, ate in all things. With this regimen t , . . ,. . , , ,. , . 1 1 1 , i ,1 ' on sma Isnots. for a local and unutedo lie lived he?Uhv, alert, and without' 1 feeliuR any of 'the infirmities of old : 'pt"n- ' he continental system L age, till he arrived :it his ICOth vrar, j; uisedthe value of this plant, a L, , in which, without ar.y previous tiick- space was allotted to its cultivation ; garden of the Franciscan convent at Cadiz, which popular tradition says was plaoted by the Phoenicians when they possessed that city more than two thousand five hundred years ago, and which is known, from the historical records of the plate, to be many hun dred j eais old. It is continually send ing out ew shouts from the root, nd is every year tapped, in mder to b tain the sap, which from its red color is tailed dragon's blood, and is used in medicine. An Knlish traveller, Townsend, I think mentions this tree in his work on Stin. Hut to proceed in mv narrative. " The ( omnu n emcnt of the late in vasion of Spain bv the 1'rrni.h found Morrill j kfrgrant of marinrs, und by sine accident h'- alt-rards Lt laHie porter or ilucr keeper t-j the Central .Itnta. when tii-v rre station ed at Sev i'.ie. I n ; . on i.e w js .er-.t, tr -vfr r rutpn't or i Tir'.jblv witri ii-"T'.hrs, into ilodg's in the hollow of a tree on thy banks, ts exalted nevond measure ; while the Emperor, vhose palace is far from thee, though he may possess a million of stately elephants, ard may have the wives of millions of conquer ed enemies to serve him, is nothing." Some persons undertake a journey of five or six months to bathe ia the Ganges, to perform that rite for the deceased relations, and to carry back its waters for religious and medicinal uses. rru UKe c I (.all ;( irnir'Mn i t '.'c - biEi.Ltst;. There is scarcely any vabjett on which more discordant opinions are entertained than on that ol duelling; hdJ. whilst one partv condemns it as a flagrjnt violation oi all the Lv. s both ut G"d at J man, others are content eel to rerre!Mit it as a r.ecessarv evil. srfpirrueof this, j Without, however, discusiinp at pres- c r J rnt thr expediency of the piii-.tte, it the! jniu'irii t h At i' .in v a nrw jl m i .f in in v 1 " -11 ' - : iast , be inatie to arm-, tee rrat cb- swoon, and presently expired. In bis the natural advantages of their cliun. 7(Xh year, being on a journey, he was ! fuiriished, in the year 1812, near overturned in histariiage , and was so j th.Mwnd m,, cbmn t8lhe manufac draped by the lr.ghtened horses, mat ; efJ of y iiv uiaiULai.u u u ihi M ccived several wounds in the head He rtcovcrcd in a short time from all the effects of this accident without the assistance of a physickn. He retain ed all his senses in full pcrlection till his death hi spirits were brisk, and his voice continued 8') good that at times when in the select Miticty ol bi3 time t the at i! 1 " ' 1 1 ' ' ( icit noulil br to Mact tuc t liamr igfii RV ' r'"5 1 1 1 " i"-' "" -; M,v i".cc-.i were enc4oiinr it, v."'n, mrrurr w.n : c ni!u ra- no .11 fin. f.w.t or. ,, r ri-ii i t a "aineiii tunsiant neaun. aim ot ten toting, and j rev ent, as l ll'T.-.!fl' ithr.liwl.'i 'II .1 1 1 1 f ininni flu ,r lll'ic In 1 ':li:!rt :i t. .ri W1 i v iar as pcssiwe, uie n-uer cause uoni , srm' It I I .r the .;..T'.'e (ri'f'S'Uii .;PUin?- , ,U nw.r i!!..! i .'..' jnt. i or more the means ol t.res-u 'r:;: tr.etr pro ;res. .'ir..l wer- entirely ; or.t. j,irKle solitary instance has this ' 1 " ,r" n immMure-nd p-fttt-d destit its . a lea.br,- it anv per. n '. H, n obtained. On the buichrs (I death, and at last causing man t. I learned the method of cultivating'' cottcn, on a lar;;e scale, adopted by : metayers of I'iave de Sorento, and t way in which it lias been introduced i. their regular course of husbandry. The land is turned over by the ; in the month of March, and the :e. ari tfturn in linfe. ut thrn 1, ft fl:.l:.- incnt s, ne tisca to sing uie sprigs nc . , . . ,, ,. , 7 i .i i I the plants, in the lines, are f r hd learned in hii youth. In the last , 1 ., .... i l rr I,.. l ., . i : lucr. I he earth is so rich as to rei'., years ol his hie, he took no more uai- ' lv, than 12 oz. of chosen load, and U 1,0 manure, but only to U constantly It 02. ol drink. Uv the s .me system of! clean j women are, theiefre, empl.,y mnderatijn, his wife niso reached to j during the whole t.easnn, in weedi'. : extreme old age, and survived him fields uf cotton. As oon as the !io several years. In his jjt!i ear, he j iK is over, and the well-foriued cpv: published a small Treatise, whnein he ; rr(.u;re 0!);v l!lC iutl t0 rip..u ttirni ; points out the means by which In- bad t j ,;rf ,ifl tf , attained so great an age ; and the b,l- . . ' The harvest lasts a lonj; while, and -c -ists in c'dlfi 'ing the capiides an t' lipen. It is then only ieijiiiitc to O '.he cotton, by separa'iu it from the set This operation i , Ion.; a.r! tedious. Tr- to nuke machines simplify the j'roce-s ; but 1 have not k ed vthe'her tl ev f.v succeeded. The st;i re1 i'.n '" trops wLith li iroingt'i ticsrir.!.. is hcrcs'd;. Itn.r lwwm passjtre is a nrool ol me x?t uf his mind at that period. " fur pre serving this health in unintf rrup ted i gr r, nothing ni"re i-. neei-ssary thai teir.jjerance and rrgv.Iar living. This is the n.it iral mid ihl.illiblf means of keeping! even persons t tl 1 who in calmness and sereuitv when was acq.; 4 1,'e-i m:!i n.i i'li m-t-i Auttr'n ad Turkey, where a iir.vate a . . I P ters, lie was ir.s'.mt.s ..,'p.-i.t .1, l ;..-. nritaie murrrl ..I" n aii-.olr i powers are exhausted 1 I 1 , . THK. PAMSIi r.F..NKIUL MOIMLLO, By the late advices trom Spain, it was s-tn that this ofli. er still occupird a I 'p parc in the transactions ot that I ' , jif.Ur, ,r pruair ijuanrj i-i a single i 'CtlamaM. n. their ( I -u. I, and hat i;iK- IIK)X I wl -.1. might evasion the massa- 1 i t s f i agt ui ? fr. p.-- r: v b. cr . ; an i Pimi. ;n u li... . ' u ... . f . . "I ..I, I I ... ,' s . ere iii a lamuv or iii.ige, tne tiesoia- skirmis'ies and pred-t.-ty .t'.aU, hi, lllin , a pr,.vi.ite, and perhaps even rar.k as confirmed hy tn su; r- u r ,!lt fnorc extended horror ol a na- iii si t government, im; m r.f in. inr c .um. . tJ ki'iiri"m ; txtrtmrlv rr-! 1 -ud steering with d gnity -i,d j i,"'"i1i attire trari -m- lit. s. a middle course, between the jch nel cf ;!.r li ic ! He r s in m i cf dear-otic newer, an.! iht-'Utation rapidiv, fee; mi- e-tu- c - - " ..of simple drmocraiV. llr j nv.t celebratrd pui nlla t fief-, in Sp .in. t destined tosti!l greater teleb-! ""1 s cf ir.hr.ite sirvue t, J...,,-: fisbio.T.nhv therefore ni.iih .W'tUir.r.-n. with wl-eni 1 ' w.,, 4 I fh. I" nal vvr. whensoever anv erictis I'Npuit arisrs hrtvvetn twr; h ! pusi.! hi 0 :' rent cmpirt s, n course is had !j ti rti.n ate it to w hat is c.i!h d " the custom e l the Iror-tier." A ipaiions plain f- field is stlcctul, wluthrr, en . ii.te u Uav , J' . s ol tt e re ad on.; .m:ed ,n 1 1 " - "iii use nstiniiN r ;iai -tier; and a sketch of it wiiljCrf it Uvrite, in ci.tt.rg e IT ihe sop-j, tp0sr whom curi-sitv cr intT- '. the following artrlr, which j;'-1- a-d fcmtrn tiuatn-ns t-l l4ssr.'rs, l1i(4V suniblc. '1 he comb..t.mts i appcrcd in the Rhode M- 1 "a. d'trirg the m.-rrsorahle cn.;.-.- s -n art not rts'mird in the choke or num. j,j , avert' ion, nu . it is. pro!a.ir, tne .' j aliased am! ti'e r-'t .t pioJurt'ue tT . ! in the ww id. Cirailuticn cf the !'..'::. . lilumen- None of the crops, which, in the 1 bath savs that the pulse "I a new born ir.bir.t, while placidly slicii'.'g A'niiii, ; ,11 .1 n. ii' ... ,p,. ii. , ii I of !. ! t y Mi-, 1 "t r.U the 11 I i.f . , i 1-, To...: :,t!.nu!..f :!i .... 1 V.. v In 11 tl.t- i..-,t t -tti. .l.-.p i"i', At Mn'iiot !, At ..it, u'ui.t svt m o! ie .oun'rt , weic init.iv-du'i l: 1 l.'i 1! ' J ne-ces.,ry f.,r tlie fanner's snl 1.1 1 cm. Lie, icii'i i f tn.ie, fl he ;i -perscd win. 'I hey, t! ut d to be pin will', the c 'rom) for wh'n h ;ha la- 1 1 ( 1 . mrric-n. under "Si.f;ih s c I ' "rt'' d. .ttv, M..nncr, Sc in Sp.ii j w un ( His prom.'ti n I . r-p.d.f. , r .i ihc ci VS r 1 K. r rk ? I-. r r.r in iV.,r r.. I w t.ivn .11,1.-, '1 . ,,,.ii tnuu , .v...-, 1 i "111 1.1 I'l r.f h . tlie tu Kle b ur.d h m 4 Camp Mar 1 tt fKhtinj, hut each is -.t liberty to enic.fV whatsoever he cor.ciivis is K he niot .idvantaeous to himsclt, and avail himself of every artifice to en ! '.- writer is (.oscni in a Ms.t to C i'.ni. on ihe festival of St. J .hn.'ha!. On the return id thr KitiR, 1 jrJ d.c characters who were r rtsert : ' ' a appointed t-the eommand . I the ... . , 1 . . r " I h-t ! and delicate lv Jorm.-d peciti. n ctc'tn-e,! a-nnst Carraccas,' 41irf hi, own MfcU a, J !rstrov the Vu-.g ladv at the upper end of the; ever w',;,h provime he was named jlif, rf ipI antagonist. One of the hit tie, ii tne w iff cl h- celebrated ' v.s -air t .eni rai ('.. rai an-d'.p'-"i'von ..nl street dr-; natives, and verv ceneralh by the Ku- curious, and the recital of ihun may portmrnt. She is an oolv chdd, ard 1 ropeans. In ccr.stquence of the cap-' rve to illustrate what is nitntioneJ thr r.irssol immen.e prcpertv left -ture oi r Carthama. ard f die victory ; above. by her father, who died some jearsj' U I'uerta. in which he was n.ostj '-ne phlegmatic German, arn.ed . 1 - I t.S t- I i J tne w;f-ft :h- celebrated v.s p-am v .en. rai. ue mere signauzcej , time, that this method A dci dir.p a or'.'.!.. 5'u is a native of .himself U his cruelty or, d harsh poli-'q!:jrrcl em the frontiers was r-snted m ! l.v'.le n-sj.ecte.I tor herNy. 'l is univcrsilly detes-ed bv the '0 the circumstances were s. tf.,ici tU !!ia:u:rti. W he.-,t lniir.wsit: ce.r 'hen in;tr.!-i!iate!y sown ..i-rr ' 1 his (Up ! ( i:,!f; ;;cd vt frc ! Uliir; tliO wii.u r. ii t..kc i Up slllli. . enlv tu?dmit of lite land btin;; ie; to receive the r'.'.O'ii sre ls h t!.e 1: is,, ...punedn.tl npMi.ce, was com- .,rth. kVtr i ..mes-ed. v. in ,u.d to rriaon. In h'u tivkct Ivok . , ... IP 1 1 ii .111 sown the .'i-'.t- t:.':. !.. t- were lound several r.ri'. as n.tmoran-1 , , 1 1 I.,- ' sue. etc. t..t; i.i.r' e t uvci. McL inr fT t : ".Vw.- rk. V-.. In N-w-York r, 'r.r y.h inst. C harles U. C. odner, on ot tin ?un.;' f villains wh hcad-fp rirtrrs at Want's Is!r i " i i s The expi.inati n ol this ingenious a.'.-'i is as (u!!ov.s : .-..-vr, am ting the honniable lr.ttrr.itv thieves, tTitans, C'.or.terfe.t nv.ncv the same a ( J.?'.!.-.' ."''J q ;.c ri rr copr.i.ic is tler.lwte tiarsl'trel u'U il il.us to hi.'.X f t't re! 'fl ' a had bill without . i i . ar". M'snuo. wno was tr.en on tne '-"r'ncn sv-'urueu. o.isn nju aiwith the most desnerat? we uvm m tr.e ir.i.K.C.r.'.n.L..- point l emb.rking for Carracras, acnce lh.u-.t entirely throoshlus ody,jWOrld a rifi--d pistol mounted on a ',. r rul ol J - I the .(D c:.(a ridentvllv saw this young ladv at the j he wcre.ied by the king Marqu 5 d .carbine stock, placed himself in the iriCriv,d In m the Oil .U.rj, or dealer h-use of a friend ; learnt that she was j'' "uerti and Count of Cartla-nalrnidJle of the held; and, con -scious ! in the ar'icle. S,.i. Ct -ir-ha. verv rich: and immediately, without 'anl t10" " f 'k first irn. in the .that he would infallibly destr.v his en- - wai mf lor asetond interview, offer. mgnom. An mstarrr ol an tU-va-jfn,y jf i, cou, t.nce get him vitHnl A S,iir tl,Mtiitkn :f Ihntb-.t; I td himself to her. If s rank and tfceton more suddep, or a career m..rehot, l.tnooUv to smoke his pqe. Ging to see n.v h.th. r the other! farce he had acquired, backed bv the 1 brilliant, is rarely t. be met with, and, The Tlirk. tn the enrtrarv. wi.h a!.l ,v me in t ,U a mv:,m . ' carne-.t rrcommenaation et the mo- wv" 'e t-my rape. i-.. u, nines ci rev- thrr, n lured the young ladv to accep t the po.flVreJ hand, although tendered nl so -...vl a manner, and so well cal eulate.l ts excite susj.icion a.s to the olution and dangtr." piatol me side and a pistol u the oth er, at-d two more in his holsters, and two more in his breast, anil a caibine l.vnr.l lathis b;uk, and a sabre l.y hi side, Mr. Ward, in his Viewofthi- IIir and a d iieer in his bell, adv anrcd bke pnrirv f ihe mot've. 1 hey acc.-rd-! doos, has a chapter on the "Worship a moving magazine, and, gnikppirtg i-.fc'U became mutuallv engaged. Mo- (of Hivers," particularly of the Gani; s. 'round his adversary, kept incessantly I-' !, immediately embarked lor Amrr-! Ol the exrravajant qualities u pc r-1 firing at him. 1 he German, 1 onuicus tea i w hence, idler the expiration td jn'n iomlv ascribed by' ihest- M..,!rd that l.ule or no d.ingi r w a . to I r np V"Te t.nir, he remitted a power of at- jn-.uititt.des to this river. Mr. W. i , ) e pr lu nded from Mich a marksman with tornev t.i 1 friend, ni'thoiizinr; Urn t..th..; rrr irst (juoted. siives the h-iwis -' suih wrridri. deliberate Iv continued ing !er.pds : !to sito ke his pipe. The Turk, at "'ihe Sacred !? k dee lire, that il.TRth jH-rceiving a sort of little ex the i Jit, rite name, or the touch of thr 'ploM' n, us if his aiitanist's pistcl en'K .ihscnt t.Jnrts, takes away -II sin. hourrr;haJ missed fire, advanced like litht- lr .1 his b-trr.thrd, and n..t hi ing sat-h inous ihst thinKtng of the Gti-, nin to cut him down, and almost im isf d wuh thr plighted tng.grmtnt, when at a distance is Miflicient t . 1 -1 nirdiatelv as fhot dead. The wily wis to mdtP "assurance cloei'.ly mve the taint ol in hut th..t bath- Gtrman had put sr me gunpowder in t.:: . the m irriae vnder audi e ir-; in k the Gargrs has blesnings in it. hi pipe-, the litht of which his ene my C "inces o-Iv reqiiirea tn be rat;f,rd 1 w hirh T) imagin.iti. n can cone is e. , mistook, as the other had forcseet. esp'-u-e the IjiIv in bis tiehv.1 ; and he w atr or lmlv married to her by ' 1 1' - a practice verv common ir. S' 1 1, w hen the lover I o to render it valid m a .v ra- In one o these books it is said He would bv the case, for a flash in the m. r.tal point of view, the legal con-1 who thinks upon GaDga, though he pan; and, no lender fearing the supc- prown ifter the closer, nd lctp.i planted as 0"ti as the melon crop is t-V o(T. c-rupy the ground nritil spri'i;., f.i.is!. the course. I; is us hdlows : le .ar M . . n.u 1 . 1 xv;.. ..; t..;...ti 1 b o.-. 'i .! (' 4 V 1 . ,-, f. .'.!.. rd bv '.! ' .l-.'i .io M. l.i-.is. f..l!fiti 1 hs ! -V. i 1 .,r. ti, ht f r..p. 1 1. is cuii! m' thus hii nishe s e'n.ht ' ' in list ycarji. tsto of which are com. ; are leguminous, one is tommerciah two i,:e tji tl.c st; port of aninnls. i impossible to arrange these I'ifTercr.rc in a belter way. 'Ihc nature c! ! p,iowih, and the difTercnt culture lh ) fpi'ne, alternately rest and p: cp.ic soil, whose futility is kept up hv th boi.t.ngwiih him. So when the swab- j p'o.iucm-tne it-most which c .-. be r had rigged the horses ihcv brought reiul- m d by inauic to hum .m hidusttr me one to stow myself on board nl ; I his system appeared to me s r e ne that they told me w as in hii h rii ht ; c inlui it .1, ihjt I think it probable ' trim, r.he would go ns f.st on any ti.rk j r;,i,in 0f ctton tiil not rease at as a tuikstone tumi. S I rot aloft j evfn af!cr ,he u i j. ....I ....... ...... 1 I ...l.i. .tr. .1... ....J 1 nit. 11,11 1 i, 1sa1.1t u.iin.ui ......ii .ii. u ; 11 . 1 i 1 1 I kis T ri 11 1 ishn . kril sn rrramiii . cor di.rtcd, that I Lelicsc a toaile as ln ich way as anv on cm nnd tu the windward ff a gravel pit was spied a lure at anchor; so weighed ar d bore away, and just as I had over taken her, my horse came plump ashore upon a rock the back-stay broke she pitched n.e over the fore-castle, came keel upwards, and unshipped my shoul der ; and harg me if ever I sad cn land ptivateering again. A Dublin paper gives an account of 1 gentleman who walked in his sleep, having fallen out cf his window, atid kilifd htviiclf before he anske ! it compc wi h that id Amc;;c3. Ihe Colonial tisation is, hitherto, so little underst and ao much in iu infancy, that li"!' the climate favors the furopean, ' have the advantage oer the coleii' whose system exhausts the soil by 1 petition of the same crops, '.:-i:h;i.t ' rrirmiiue proem. I ant convinced ; the kingdom of Naples could easily F duec, without lessening hs own consul tion, the greater part of the cotton var. in Lurope.