LmimrirTiTTTiiim am fvtHi. V. i ramTtii au pchmsiiui, unit ti xsha, lit imm.ijam r wr.m:. f 'I'l.HMi: j'f'io subscription to the U'rs-i i.ii Cuihmsmv I '"r,r W.V per annum, payable Ii.-.'.-'-yiarly I advaHCf ) r' X'1 'i'1'1 will Ik; discontinued until ;.ll j.-earajjes arc paid, unless at tin1 disci-cii .n of j f'.ilitnjs; and any suhscr.bor failing to five ice of lis u i ?li to discontinue at the cud of a Xt, W ill IjC Considered US I'.'mllinf," to Continue i paper, which will he sent accordingly. V liocvcf v. ill become responsible for the iymeiit of nine papers), s!iaU receive a leiiili . Ann -.irrisr.iii.vrs vv.ll ,;c inserted on the ens. f . a j..ry terms. ,, I'eivsom si tiding m Advi-r. 1 ;mcntS,ml!1 specify the number of twa s tlu-v !,h them inserted, or they w ill be continued til! 1- reil oi, t, and cliarjp-d accordingly. t S' advertisement .inserted until it has been p.i I for, nritt puyim-nt lut'imed by some pel son pi this town, or it vicinity. I C3Ail letter to the editors must he -...-f-iiwi, jr they will not be attended to. it i on s.n.r. Wild, bell, daring the week of the Merk Icnb'.r.j Sinicrior Court, 'if not previously I v.fiseil of, th rorner Lot, an I Hoi, ..- s thereon, iv occupied bv ' Joins Coin n, iut liulini? ttic ! I ' re house nn.v occupied by (Nusn ?s Vail. I .. lot is one of tie.1 most ilifible -jla.id, t" I I .miicsi iii tin- tit'.1, ti of Charlotte. I her: :n: teiie.'te n't in the raiie of building's, all of! i neb ar- well ealeiil.it d l .r store louses, vi itii to iiitiig-rxi'tis t- eicli ; an ! an attune) ' i i dei, riir..,.'" bo iv, lx. l I will also sell, ; t the s uio- turn' and pi tee, r,r stnall tre t ot t.ei 1 adiuiulii ' the town l.m ! ,, ' ; i talmn 41 ', :tct -s ; all of w Inch i.i ynl at ible i ll. The (;if . 't'l i' pan of this tre t In... bienj .'Mre i, :iiul is now nn u r cii!:iva!.i..'i. i Also, I will sell, at t ,e sa lie title' and pVe, i 1 1- tre-t of land in llowan eniint), on it, w :.. ! ( e. oi micro s crc-K, a.yoiion- iiic i .im, ,., I .'m Cowan, sen. :,inl o'lMTs, cou'itin:1,;,' tliKee I i id red acre,. I I, is tret it j)r'.ti'iialU wood-.. e l n i i ' i i, oi a i,oo.i ijuaie, ao-i en iiiieu ieii, i- -1 i i : ; t abict r-rtve'a. res oi ctelkiil nuad.ivr." I IVrtiit w i!' be ma le acco'nmod ttinif. i on. ii, i JAMT.S COU'AN. ..m Vuv nv. j I OriTlit,.,- sale the I;l...,.:.-o .there,,,, ! ,"'";v Ul' r'"',f"":' -"" "r I .i ! as am m t'.- ( "untv , stuitrl,,1. n , . it s ,. , , - J ,. , , , Mil ..ti, l, ' , ,1't 1 11 II' ,11 II 1 E "1,1 I. I ,1 . . ,, .... . , i , ii i ill . lure , i- onthe pI.iii!.t;.o-i a i;oo ! ,ii II. , , , 1 , i,i - lious.', hani, an t out liouv s; a im I il.s'i!-1 n , w ith tw Oitu.t U. a'limt .to illiOU niv i1. 'in, it -pi :. w ,1, Ii. ..,' 1 v ,h tile distill, r . ,,l-o mi tie , "to, a .i" l tie a l'H- , an 1 i;.i,i I a''-i an I tu-.e h rhard.. Pt-ra;t wis'iimf to pois are in- j 1 to nil an. I vi,-,-. !ic premii-s. 1 ..No ni-r I'.ir ' de a io;!,t r pLn I'eet, a 'the above, ei, I'ainii." .i-i'-!! ' 1 1, re. i','.. ",;u.' tt ree n,,l -ti irt t ! I. at Oil it a I -I tlwt II nir l.ouse a urn, Iete'i, -, and I i 'Ve hou-ie ; a )i io I uie.ido , an I .-.'eilc an I I ., h or, lur-!.. Anv n, rs...i v. ' ',i t to our. i I l-her ot '.'ie p! ,-,-.t-i'e , w.'l pi, as.- a - 1 lb tii- s-ihs- ;'.:.-. who V 'I sin w mi. alii 1 ' it anv i'i'i '.;. 1.', 1- hi re I I'. II. St IM'. Il' I i.uv t V,f w 'Vvwt'.i'1"'. '"'!i ' ',".'';" ',r!,'" l""':,'1 v":.r!"' .m w. ii ,-!,.. .. n.-t.. :....,.,,, ' "..!'- !'?V'c.l vHi.hVtokm. I be I V. '. 1 M ill ',., the 1 til il. iv i f N'iei iiilu t In- ' ! r 'I '',' fill mie ' i' Is of fill 1, I or so inn-Ji t'. t at Hul ,!. .U t ie t--s and i-if!.;-- nt c', tr t tie ree'i; il ie I ir t'.t 1 1 t'-s IsM a i ! r .'l. 1 hi ; -. s i... , i,.. - in.' I, .i.i l, , 1 I ,- oil 1. 11,.: ' . Cr. el , i..; '...,. . i f i., or, Har I. .in, la ' !!- 1 IV. r, ,,.i ! o'.a (in it !- -t, !.e hi :rs Ol' J.lUH I , i'l'u'n X i , 's o r.l .tie! oi,t i , ' do 1 lie , r, ! . I ti, l.i, ' i n l1' - I I ' ,,tad. .'. C . -i v: ; h ii'T on ' ' "1 t V ,'i ,, ii ..li. i .:'.! s, ., I.,--- I) it,, 1 1 N r- . .. ( .ir-. . ,ie' ii.- .o i', i I ,t i ,, to Prill; I. ' --tt a k , i ii-: I. en! . , s I lo hi (.'.!. tin. tl.'il pril (be te,) I ,'ed bv I'.i" t i .i ti. ..i : t-i '- ,i la i.i i'jr '.i t i ar 1 '. ji-it sh ii'ir on tiow ( "ret k, jnin'oij lands of ' no Null r. i I ii'li i 'Jio-.ik t-U I . " -1 by said -.'I' bt l"ii -in,; to bavin , , I-.. .' ) j ' ' a, r. s It uitr oil the w rs i f tlaiih-n Creek d I'ilieh Kii. j iill.li(t 1 oi,',, i,f III tin S,i!er, .Hi.! ' 0, i.: ,-, supp-iM ,', I.i In ' In die h I'.u:. t -- . i'.l.i. duj 1 'Onrn .hi ; on .1 n n'w Uiv . f. ioiniti laii'ls ' .lost ph .lohn-sii, andot'i'ts. s ij.i-ii .. d to be e pM. rtt of Millltm l.'t id. ftl.t. li.l.) -' I t. s Iv "hi;- on the Cat ri ti i 1,'iVer. joining 1 is "f Wiil, .on Hi n lers..:, .l.m.. s Ah, ; .'hv .' ode is, tie p. -pi .IV I f i!i:.t-n DaVidM't'l, .do. (',, 1 - ! aen s, king rn .'olitl W .llni.i;' Mill , '., ,-ii, .,". Is t t r, a-, I otb. r -, ! Im ; .; i s, not l.v.ed. v .tohil ,-'.n-;. .l.,i',:i ,.- to IllV.d l'e.H'l'T. r's ,H'lt I I.I I it, n ' i, i ' ie - Ji ,i i vt 4i H . . ,,,.. 1 vU- tiV A uvA ;vuiiu, I'tO'VAN cil-l v. j (lU'UT if I I- as and (..:i.-t i '.... Vn-i s Se- -ion, IV. J : .1, s -ph i:,v s i .obui ald V 1I.....OI pe,,i a" i htiit l.', lev in!, t.e. It an pi mini; t,l toe v I. si... t:n'i i.t the C.'-.r'., that l.ii ! fi li.laiit is not an inb.it. ' Hit i f tii s s'a'e, it is "a n f, r Ihu r ,1, ('... t ''-! e.'on !... Had. Ii i s X Uec-I s . r. ss.ve'v , .it 'it Misi.in C.ir.ih. ie I'', plili-id i,l !-.,!. .biii- . tb it thr .I, !'. r il l :ip p ar al our iiel ruin 1 ot I 'I. as alio 'ti ti tt i Si s s.i.nt to be held for the I ( Ulitl of Uovt ,n, at the ( mil' t'ooso in S:.k bun, on the I'm. I Moudnv t N'evi in1. i r net, tin n and tin re tu lephve, p'e I i r .'.eli.iii-, or ju.lii i nt vi ,11 be inm,,' ' ; iin-,1 I i in, aei Hiding to the ! uit.t 's dt Inmd. lest. .11 'I ! N 1.1 11 s, I .V I.', C I'.-.i.; .!v C, ' -f,a;V- FIMIK Hnbs;:ribcr, bavin;; united tin inst Ives I toetlii r as co-pai-Uur in trade, under the firm of II 'it mi It L'uniiKi; at Commission Mer ch.sn't in Chailcstoii, now respectfully tender tin ir i-en iri-s to t!ie public. They will occupy a hulls.!.-, .it uniiif COtiVeim lit pl.K c, for the re eeption of ciiit'.n and oth"i' produce, and for the t'-ansnction f Commi.ein Itusiness in general. I'riiduci' of all kind., eoiisinni:d to their in.mac incnt, v ill reeei(: the oliii'i-.t rare and attention ; and orilei.i for th' jni'd.se of e,ooi! .., will be promptly ami faithfully e waited. h telidi'iin lhi.il' si i vii es to the public, the subscriber!) feel a confidence that, so far ail per sonal industry, a strict attention to husiin :,s, and a regard for i.n: io'ei-est of those v. ho i ri!rut tle'ir bmincss to their maii'itfi ment, is ncces-a-ry for ensiuii'j; public ronliihuice, ihey l!alt t thi:insrKes they i!l not hi: without tiie.r tlaillio Upon the p OlMii;i;r,. of tin: public. Farther lii.ui t h . th' v will not sty, but arc uilliii to iv I v up. ui their future conduct forfur tiler encour..( uii iil and suoport. H) (lums ww (jvneevvvs. Thtf snlisi'rili. rs bavi- a!s es' iblisli' d a Dry C.oiid and t.ioi-.'i'v c.icii'ciii in ( hi.Tavc, S. ('. Hiirn- wt win, in a lew iius, icecne iroui ; I'hil id.dohi i'i ' ,, L ,-, r iv I, .i ,.,.., I I ' ' - i able K.uuU, ion-pr.,...,' a i;ener.d assortment of where th'V will, in a few das, receive from Lucy and pli: uiti. !r. At tin: same time, thrv v. ill r i le f iiili I 'll. il le .toll II L'.'lli l ,il IIS- sortinenV of I, ocim'Vi, f,i,iii ,, crmken -. are, .C.; of Vi li'li'll tl;ev V ill j, ylisl-llil 1 kcejl a j;(ll.d tint k, ami sell at the lowest prie s. 'I'll I'lliil'V Inl.ri liallt-i, pl llllel 1, and Otllers, sending preduia- bv the w.iv ol' Chi ran to tli"i ! on, or ri e, iviin' :;o-,N ll.roui'h that channel, ve wind I 1 1 1 1 l;i r si r t. - nt it ! v. ill lie p.i',,1 !. i.'ii-hoo that evvrv at. s hi Charh .i'oii i I Chel.i'i t'l sliipn.eiil a. id loan i;:eim tit i pa.iiij; fioiii t lit- one pl.n , ! pro.lnee i nic iille r, im I In ?nv iii .j, Mitiiio o! tl.e same , allt r 1 1 ei i'.li! ! the o ,. in i'. .iccotMi.'i? 'o tin- in .'iiniions ol ' lli.llM Jr. WII'OV, lll'Mt'i W. M. CuNM.lt. Oi l, 1'!, 1'' Vnvui;t' Stu-U nV (ImvAs. lilU S I - the i . ;, V ( , t , .j,,,'. ( , Ill' ;'ih ids f,)l uicU In- Ii. iii oi I ' i a an s -'in ' ol a e-eher d asiort , ; i ( i ; .,, 'ul tin-in- sa a' M s.-.-is iiu.'ii- ;'.i'in:s. .ny to t.iiit .iv, call ail aii'I eT.illi.l ', oil i.r !i fore t!: Wick of M.cl v :'or t'o.irt ; at which tine I w.ll injj of the same. l.fJ J A Mi'.-.V',-t i DW A V, t ;' I I'll-: .c livvu-s, tr. "v"m- SnW. ,,,..;, r j,,,, ,.;v,, : ,:,;.,. I s )., f ,.i.ik i.ijji s vliui, he -s . it . .. . , lor sal- on the Heist nas'tetdv- tt n.e., I:t i , ',. . ,1 Anion - th, in i"e : Mi; i .,. . ., liiC' , I i.'s, ll.i . n-, Sal! ( j; , ('., lei , Vi.i s,i s, Ij.lUI, .,- .1 siv, I tii" lis-.l..l slip. pin' and ball' I II i'l ll"I.MI'.S. 1,1 ! lllti iler,. '; .- if. i ::.' ' i :: rn - IIKr. wi'd it- e--. ,.,,! ( Penfc Sab- at 1 CI::.''.'', 1.' .m colli M , i.'uate ill t!" lol k ttte ll'lt'l 1,1 I H th a il in, mi the I'll d.tv ti tvh' r t lie, t! 'ir.t Momliv t i'- moot ,i, !! 1 ' ' s ! i. t'l iil". ll'.mil 1 lot , l' t!ie tow II ; f ie of v. hit h ( 'Hit li'is a l.ll-;'e - t..nt. 'C ai'io.i'iiM; I in .ir! . .io' -'ii I. !.'k" '.t'.s. . nits, npi 's i f t a o bundled a.Ti 1 -Ttul -Mil f w l, il l i.us sts u Valua; .1 - rt ,re" 'I Is i v nnll.i plan n tin low n, tie- -,::, . 1. 1 d,r, i f tl.e im.! '.. to tin si;, it 'sue Wi'l .oi.'.iiiif I roll! iiaV 1otia, until III p; ')'t v' i.i all disoied 1 1 ; a : ci , liil 1 1 one l lu,ii us, ,-irii tor the lioii h.iM' lii'iiiev. .th in't r,st. Hi- p-in baser g' in. b,.i,d and ,1,-i.r.tN. M: i.'i.. i! v d! 'of pven, bv .!. A. IT. MI tiV, .I'iM.s CAI I.i. WAV. 1 c. s. v tiniis. TI i- ,! of th, ..'.eve ',:.'.., :'.y i. ;-e,-p'v-i d !o the Sl'l il.:v of Noli n.bi r, it b. tin; the last I iinrvl.t. in the o.oli'i: I'm- --.ile I i lolltillUe in. Ill '1 ,v to om l ii.-v i! .'. 1 I. Vvt'Y'.VlVtVti, -sV. !W1I I!. l!MITt respectfi.l ii.l'.rt.:. pi.ldi.-, tb.it he iH-.-.-ji.. t the ul I :.l.-;i .-tlli t IV to, III il l", I. ,s I. el," I . HO tl nil sil, , I, a I. v. dour, sn'ith I'ti.i Cou.t-!!- u-a , s.,', ,l,i.ri , ubel-- he is no e .-, j ,,s!, Willi a good t-'t 4 toi-b , io re ,if :d! k i i o ! s i f u .ircurs clocks. II.- ,e.i:r . ..'.I v Ii i l.-.'V ftvnr ii Ml With tb. '.r cu-.ti"!', ''-i1 '.' . ir vt'.' -hull be i ecoted ir. ie 5400.1 a styh a- at : ,,v nlhrr s' n)i in lie. p ill .1 the couit'r.. Ai! kin.lsi.f u'.d .1. vi, I v r . p lir.-t', an I s en I.e.'-. l u. I.-, .lobs of i-v. r;- th si lipti'.u i.i hi. In,,-ul im," in . , v d! he ;!i nikitiily received, need i'r it. ! in a s'mit m';it. l'e-,-!c who I t. s.d.e at a ti s :.ii,, c, 1 st i','.i n a) ' :i u l on bavio- their work atVaithh.llv :.tt. i,,dt. and Mum. .!, a-, tho-.tgh they tv. r.- p- s.-m and -l!,i iihl esl.i!)l.liiMi NatisMtry pnei t eom i ,,w cmI. a, ., luvenp-irt, t-. Adam far .V,.. .i':.;-. l. t,:2. H I vcr, and the heirs of Murlill l:t i npe"t, tle- I AN' A WAV f.ot i r,-v l da-.i'atir.i, in l-im-as. It t 1- ll s- Voiidi-l '.i.f.hna, on iiie illi o! -e-'t a 'T ' llovv hv tin- name ol ' n t. lie iN ;A;:tjl ,.; )t,ir,aV, i; .t r 3 ,. el. s I,', I,, of a sku.li r l.i.tkt . thin Usage, throws liovv hv tin- name of ' n t . II b',s luad h.u k and speaks vvit.i eotisi,!, raole eon-s.-i;io nee v.htii roiucis'm, bat a sort- on the b..l't.un of hit ril.t '.on', which is at pii su,t so ...II, but the Min-'.i,! .line; s. .'I-is l..f- r liiau a dollar- the to. s are mclev - but he unit s a n.e t n llmt loot. I nurcb isod IV.er bsim Mr .loliii k V;: t, vvhobrti'iiTb' b'ni tinnH rati ji i-.i iiitv C ii'-ar tin C isut b I'.a. . In reinrii-j i,"'. , ol.,,-,. l. il .,,(.!-,a!.lv he li.:ed ii, . 1 . . . ' . .. some 1 ul , mil iii unit comliiion, i epe i, in , t nv i,s li.ill.i all. I owner I owner. Anv it-ilor t ho may have I, ,111 in .-i.s1.m1v, will pit if - ibl-tt t .i line to the sub , riiit I, at l.lhitty 11,11, la,iiater lbs trio!, S. ( '. tor tvbit li sat;sl.iCliin a. kliovi led.p--iih nts shall be rendcrt.' ,'o'l!N tiU'l'.'ll 1 1, ;. j s- ' .; ,Jf.i.V,S70.V lWViU IN. BALISIH.'KY, KOU'l lI-CAltOldNA, I1V rjjl'tis fli'ff;nt establiHhnieut, hituatetl at the I north corner of the. Court. House, it now fitted up in a new and ooperior style, for the reception of Coni'ijp!f9ttif gwalvht paiiiH have been taken to prV e tor tliit establihhnii lit, funtitiirc of every de.it iption, necessary for 'lie comfort of Travellrrii, Tim nmat approved tier, v.ints have been selected, with jjrrat -are ; the bar Mocked with choice liquors, and the ttablc attended by obliging awl attentive bostlert. 'flic convenience of this situation forh'iaiue st it equal to any in the place, The bouse contain a num. ber of private rooms, well calculated for the ac commodation of Travellers and Hoarder; at tached to which there is a l)rv (,ood and Hook Stole. I'd those, who may please to Call on him, he assure them that no pains shall be spared to render their tay comfortable and pl-'i-s n;. javks urn;, lht:lirr 7, lfC, '12 nmi'i I'tiUnw Us. ril'Ji; subscribcrt take this iiiethod tojuforin 1 the eitiens of Hovvan count v. ami coontic adjacent, that tin v have commenced inakmr; . ..... .. . i.i . -i i ' ' """" s"''' ""v :m ","r"v,(l I'1'"- 1 1'" i,ti,IK. i p.,K-li:.eCttom;int,lrt ai.plvii.KMo (s ,. , ( t , ; (,, House, i an l:e supplied as cliraii at at an shop in ilus part of the state. All kmdt of re pairing dieie to CoKoti liltis, at slmrt not in-, and on low teniik. SAMI Id. CI,' I V, AI.IA'H. I KA1.V. .V.V' Afrw, Oft. I, 1HJ.'. .iintVj.l SutU'wrv, (hi. 1 J, IS.1 J. I l;'l"l l.l!S ad,lret,ed to the Slit riHOt Itowan . . i ' I i . i r i roiintv, on oli.eial biiMir s, Inust liel'eufur t' ,'' .'',;,(,, or Iliev vull not lie atletnl.ol to, as ttier - ; are frri at nuiniicrs m letters ainiressvti in n,e Iroui o'lnT counties, Uf. I have iDilin. it in ci ...uy to adopt tins i ours-- hi onler to s.tve my self the cxpciiM- ol j:ts io rather an iiiicomfort. aide s iiii in the course of a tear, to llit sole ben efit of other people's pockets. '-; SAMI I.I. .KiT'. S""--if. A yvwi viintU' F1 I the liet (ieiieril .seiiibly f'r a law to I lav off a new Cumin in that part ofleiwun M-ii..,tuni:l tleiiomiiia1-.il 77, 'd it,. l:ou, thi-. . b, r.-i. iv-tl, applii t'loii ill tin n he n. tor the I e-.t .lih-hiot. nt tif separate Courts of Pleat and H'larrr r n nsioiis iii l;,,u an one m the l urks ol' tlnadkin, and another oil 'In- I esintr"U side ,.f if, itivt-r. 'A . 1 1. 1SJJ. YAn tV Umw.wv. N O I K 1.. A lull will la- Liil before- the next iieii-t-al S'.imbK fur a divitioii ol Kowan .M.iiitV: the i coiiii-v to In laid iV on lb- i .lortii ;! nf the l; vi r. .V,.f. I", 1 1 'J') VV vv U'V S C WW v. 'I I'll'. S I 'iM-riln r viisbi s t'i inf.! m t!.-- it'.-ns of the I n o d States, tl,..t he ,.,s nbtami i'r new and us, bd , , ', , i th.- iu,-i!,d '..f! .. ,,l I,-,..,. 11... II,. ' I. , 1 , I'll,.. I .. ,. .t VI .,. Ci,riu;r l'.tisi,sis, in llnrset. I be ii,anner of ti eatiiieiit is simple, and Vrrv easily pi rforn cd. Nuinhi Tsol people have ifaeli r, r'lt.' a'es oi the jreat list fulness ot ibis di si oven, and others n.e It adv to testily in the same Wav, shoobl thev be r..1l, d on. I he suhseriber wishes it nut to be I'liih . sttiod, that lionet t hose cv i s hav e beCi'ine tb ad, cm be brnn.bt to their tijfhl aain; but, io mane eases, uli, re llu-v li-iii- het n tilotit li-rnii one to' seven j.nrs, bv hi, iitl..l 'hey have'lid liOI-rs, than another, though with be, nr. stored to perfect si-ht, and ever uf'er'j.. smc i,nj,lcmrtit, for when a plough Iii -,'hK fur Mat, ,, r s'n-le counties may be obtained by apply .n. titlu-r puNoiidly or by letter, to the. si!w rin, r ,j- his :i n', in tin timu of ll.m..v,ll,, M,r:; cuiiii.v. ..;a,or,ia ri;.,l,t fr a single cun.ty will be nld at fn n SuU' tiV .VtivWl-V.U'liWnu, II 11 Vt rinrt rut STY mi U I if I'lt as .Hid tliiartir s,;,,,,,, s, ,,. j ' s ssinnsls.'.'. I l-..m.as t.reen, nt.ii.Hi s,. . l,i- tl I'.I jdi (.run, di ceased, --,!.. M. (.. en....o..!',.il.,!t,.H,i.,.-,,llev.,doiil.l. Ii .,' '.eaiuiL' -o tin- s.ttisf.u liiui ul the t mil', that ., e in teliil i, it III 'lo ae is lint il l It ie is nut in it, i,t. i -'.nit ol t.!.;ai that tii.iil-. ,-ioi . . . e ' i 'hn i'e, it is 'li rforv be ti; i le ill the Wrs'ern faitiliniall ft.f si wi-i k. that , dtbmdui. appear :.. ur .,.-v C,.,,,,.y ( mitt nt rkuj am! tju.iri! r St js.oiit lo be hoi-; d, a for the i-nuii'y i f Uavviond, at tin- Court. I..,,,, in Ma.n.svi!!c, on th-- I .M Monday in Iii ei iloit-r i' v. tlteti ami mi re to iu au or i:c-i nun-, orjod ,, i,i ill be . n'ered i.., aiiisi l.bi. v. part , ami :..e .ami cm.!, am, -.1 aeeor. mcK. II liius ;ii, . ,i Iv I , f ' i .- . I . l. I'liee adv. S- ('aC.,. ItlHKP COfNTV. ( ltd K I' of I I, ns and Cinaltt r Session, Sept. ,' 'I'.rm. ls. Dvid fa'c, in rii'bt of 'Mm. used: pi titiun for partition. M l.ns as Hav id late, in r-hl ol I bom as (Ve i.i.,! ll.iv.d i)..- , , I",!. , t:...t ... r., ,,vri::i ,.! - - i i I'l; ;.s and ijr.ar'ir St ssions ! r lV.irke? ciun'v, o (1 vide and m ike partition of three ten ts of I .ml, In lui.iiijf tii the In it s of M it-t.n Davi-i piii1. ; ami it yppcarint; to lb,- katbfartion !' t'u' court '.': I boiiins Had npnrt is tint an iib;,bi'allt nf i r st -it.-.it is tht-ri ft iix- ordered l the rc.ttrt, tlu.t pobl i at'.nn be mr.de in the V -.'crn C ,r i rutiau, piiblishul in S:,'.isbury,f.ii-siv vv oek, that thr - aid 'I hnmat Patt nj-nrl apptaf at the tit-xt Court of Picas :eid ii:arter Settimis, to he held j for the eounty el I'. :rkr, at the Court llo'tM-in ''orau'ini, en the t'mrtli M i"! y of .tuiina'-y I r-.-tt, tiien and there to i,i- er, pled r .h nmr 1 . .1 ..." . - ... I j- ..... 'I j " m-s pen, ,0,1, m iuiiiiiuii ,iv.iiiih ..i taken :i(:.tmt mm. iS 7, l-J'. .1. I ll" IN. I let'. Cri'-e wlv. C,s '11. (nvt-.7 WvUs VvntWWvnn V.xvvinAS, )'"rt;d- fit ft i- r..T".'e. l tmtmrm 'jams -u;iii('ifinia.K. ilail! fust of Arts, source of domestic ca.se; I'rid of the land, and patron of the ti as, l'roiii the Loudon r'-irrw r's Journal. ON li.(H (,III.(i. OtfAnr J) 182!. Sik : Aboijt 30 years age, on the banks of tlic Callawatcr, lour oxen and two horses used lo draw, or rather dra;, a thiiitf we tailed a plou'i ; and a surly old fellow, who held it, was sometimes scold iiiediivcr, sometime the oxen, borne. , , limes the liorsts, am! sometimes beating . . . ,, , .. . or t In iishni;; ull tc seven oi US. Mich scenes, howcvet-i I believe, ttt fotevcf passed away Irom the suiiih-ejst of Mot Lttd, tiiid i' is now about 2.5 teats miicc that these oxen liaxe brcn futened on ;utr,i:)t ami t .lover, and o!d lo the Lutc'i tr ; tlic sulky old nu.!i become beder and ditcher; and the diiver (now the t.j aivatcr 1' oil. i 111 Jtl ) .Uiti t!)i tw. i-Hl! borsis, on the same farm, and it) the saint- iicl.l, uijli a better ploti turn over the soil in a much better tn.i.nicr. Tlic coin iiiMmi ubirh 1 have derived fio i ii i'.itts, is this. that twohotses, with j'toper jd.it;;;!!, iii..y ploir,;h piopeilv anysuil: 1A that tuo horse shall turn as bi ufiiiii.w at lour or six, but that vtl.t li dci ; !d:)tl,;him- i I Ctjilil't'd, two iwo-hoise j lou.dis will do mole, and bel ter wot k, than a four or six horse plough; I thittloii: cannot hrl; fteiine; very sor ry lo see 1 in. my scctes, atid so many bundled . of I'.nj;lish farmers, Mill per sist in usinp; a i;te;,t number of unimals in tJrairiiivj pioii;.;iisoi a liJ consmicuoii I do not know that I bave ever seen a plough better eulculatcd for turning lui row than Mr. Small's; I mean his modem chain ploughs. Uut though a M'A be a very pood ibinj; on a farm, a goo 1 ploiihtn m is 2 great deal Letter. I be setting of the irons, rrgr. latioii cf the traces, collars, and other harness, with skilful driving, are of the utmost cotiscipicnce ; one man may plough with much less fatigue to himself j is proprly si t, the draught shot.ld go in j molasses, and four quart of common ja rCti'm an-;lc from the plough foot to J salt, or more if thev like it, for one barrel . , , , , . , I r i i r v . . .... '" horse's shoulder; so that the hor.scs.of pok, or beef. Now, all thai is.te.es- do acluallv lift the plough ami furrow, 'josITU vVi' ur" j rather than drag forward a dead weight. the fust quality, it to -dd one .purl of ims-'..-. I 1.22. .ei t'.'" To convince a' ph'tiglim in of this, let ' py roiiiMu mit i id tothe a'love ii.gredirn'.s, jbim tako a full bag ofMn bv the motith. and he will drag it acioss tin- Horn ith toleiablc case ; hut tie a lorn; rope to the , f the hag, and be at the f.retid , d the tope , it lit brck I. is bca-1 t o ,1. -;: ",, tt .. I,.. . ,r : ll.U f..Sf is I nt I .- .... , . . in .ctlv sir.t il.r, hot it is near enough. Hence . . i . . -i.i. : :ie i.ttjt :-,:n-' oi wnecis io piougns i- - . j an,l Cab ulatcd ' to promote ignorance and ii'.liness in the ! , .(lU2 nu. I grant, that a pair of wheels . ; wntud a deal (d cood in belping toe , (1f tm acrusi ,j. fl0,- ; ,ut carry it-;; the plough across the field it not plouh'mp. the field; for it is very evi dent, that the more a wheel become useful to a plough, the worse the con strurdbti of the plough must be : the irons of such a plough must be forever t.jl(c jynt itltr to h'Cl IlltO the CCIltIC of the , , " , , , earth, ami the wheels as con.tatuly en- deaiorinr; to btint; thtni to the surface ; for mv part, I slmul.'. as tnj-in think of h.ivintj 8 pair of uhrcls to my scythe, as to my p!ou;rh. Whctc soils arc liht. the ('.iiTcrciux is not so much pcrcciietb 1 because the draught, though jjfi-aterthn j tt r.red to be, is s'i'l noderatc : but it i a ,,rfat yv that firmrrs on sliJ soils, ' ... ' , . t . . ; slmuhl inuthle t.Ktr cxampiC. A Kict : . , , ,i '.i. . I.. I... hroutl v.bftlcd Wi'on vwlh itRht litiRe hoists, tnav shew that the owner is a per son of riiTise'jtieiicc, but will never, in nv npininti, shew hit sense, as a earn of r-oois to :hc boL-t advantage. To con- elude) the two hoise ploui-hs cos less in horses, provender, bands, l a'r.ess, aim rep.uts c( all soits; but the time and trouble of the jdout;.itu..n to feed, h m, harness, and uniiai , die lor,; teanit ou';ht not to be Iii' i,t;t ; bcsiiles the double, tripld ihu! jti:i'tiup,I chance ru accidents ; for if even one, hot e wants to ir.akeMa!et the whol,.- tc-a rn lutist wait on him : add to this, (hat a Ion troin of bo-srs walking up ;veiy furrow, batters lite subsoil like the bottom of an attifi id lish-pond, so that the comiriuniiuiioii be tween the bowels of the earth and the atmosphere is completely hint bailed, uiiu the soil on the suifire is, as it were, spread upon a floor of ire, fo cold and damp is the puddled masj. In short, I look upon good ploughing as the fust step towards oood larmiu, and the depth of a farmer' jiid-Miirnt mny he meas ured by the depth of bit plough ftnruw. I am, sir, Your very humble servant, . (lulhiwitrr I'l'juhtnu'. rvii'd m. snot s acid. for Cuiii, Hams. 'I he use ef this acid in making btro;i, and smoking other meat, is so well known i' it the desire of mm) who ure. and hate been for some time cccjuainied "ith i', te otn mend it to public notice.. The pi'cubir ;toj)( ttv of the acid, to j) lie-ttat'- flesh, and irive it the delitio'js iLvor so inn-.h ;-dtnirt-ii hv in..ti, was lliscou r ed hv Jo-i.di N'oyes, professor of ch( inis trv ati'l mineralogy II-. n.ilton Colli ge ; but fur some reason, he never pu'dil ed it. It -. not my object to give a cVst rip tioii of the p'oceii bv which k i r.ide, but merely lo recommend it to the public as an easy, chenp, and expeditious man ner of curing meat of any hind. It it a mutter of surprise to me, that nolwithst Hi ding there has never appeared any publi cation whatever, respecting the i.iTu! properties of this acid, that it is nut more generally known and used bv the people of his county. 1: is possible that its cheapness has kept it in o'r.t urity ; how ever that may be, it certainly deserves suf ficient attention to allow it a fair trU.- The method of applying ii to hairs, or thcr meat, It simple and within the pnw. c-r of every individual. One quart i3 deemed suCicient to smoke one barrel of hams, pork, or beef- It is the custom of most pcple to make a pickle, composed of one pound of salt-pettc, lulf a gallon of J I,ry to in ike it b.ron, cr tmckrd beef of lirn made it.!- a pukte. stir it up to gfthc -, . r.d apply il to vn-'.r hr or beef. s u:t wouk',. were tbre m. i in it. ftcr ihrs have rc r.i .iron i.i hr pi le ' , r i j I ., s oi fair ,.. ,.i a Ion,' at io-j I i r. ful Iiie! iv hLL U i' oll.i il tO sulci 1 OUT It . .iii .i . hams t.j rctmn m ;!:c pit Kit . take tii'm I i i ..... i . . . .1- I .. I..s ; mil aim lung iiicm iiiiu ui)i aiiu.M.c,, ! dry, tlK-y are the most delicious bacon, ir, , . . ; my es'.iina'ioti, fr supcrioi to that uncd Jin the ordinal i m-ntut. I Ke ino.n some to put a quart of t' '" id in a b tr ie! of pork for their tieiy day consump tion, who were much pleased kh the t pctimem. If one quart Un-s not five your lums a nufliiient tiiii;e of the smote, it is easy to add a little more I l:i me thod of mukin'; bacon is certaiidv me. neatest I cut neani ot, and I c.ouot ..ol presume i. ill soon be universally p',. : liscd If an fuMhc r ii.fm nulioti is t'r iietl rcspccliU'j this valuable article. i shall be j;rjtitril by makint; it kno vn t i he editor of this paper. L'lira (!r A CMIZI'.v. In a convcisation which a short time sinre took place upon the wonderful and various applications of stc-ain, an Irish flentbnian present, who had just arrived in r.njl.md, stiiliieidv exclaimed, " li' ipiite past ill bclafe; bv the powers. I'll 'c no wav surprise t '. fi,d mi si 'I ,;ning , ' luring some inornin; on my own Uy- hciuc :"

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