"""Wit I V 4.1 i1- 1 it VP 2 w , t 1 'IP ! I i. .I'll (.11 f t V.. t l!t h n.iilv at r l.Ml.) 1 at. IX, I.' ,..d M, cd the.) . Y.5. e:s own . -iji r i (i - ( b try. , r't i 'll'll 'C;l'l- III,', ll I I bet It .Mo leni- . ' ' I ' I , ll ll .' ! in1, i I ll't !, l.v i di-.tm-i';.iMiiiii, ! Il'l'j IiOIV tl'l v. I o has a- s Muiuis id L- ' '' peaied to U ' '. t'i- '! "mi. ol l.utopc wtlltitl tin control, has i'diowed their un happy example. .Welt may the Psalmist have exclaimed .W 'if i'. wan." Sir Samuel Attehmuty, a distinguished soldier, whose death is just announced, is said in the Lnglish papers to he & native of that country. Whenever any Ameri - tun does any thtt that is particularly clever, hr is sure to he claimed by some of the English papers, a a countryman, liven Washington has been frenaienlly chanted ; ami it was t e y lately t It I we saw ati l.ii.rH-u uccount th.it made him Use c i if Mm-:t ifi in. We under stand t'i'l 'it S lum ! Aiir.htnu was a su'ite (il'th'u riv, hi faiher baling been rector of 'unity church. Admiral sir Benjamin llalloivcll, sir Isaac Collin, sir Samuel II L'mxee. Winihrop, with some twentw eapiains of reputation, are our coti'ttrvriien. Amongst thtir milii..ry men. we lu.ve heard the names "F Sir John Mn. rt, Sir I re 1 i k Iijhinvn, WelUmUmi'i late ijuarttr nuver gener ul. sir Wi'rumdeLnncy.sir HoerSiieallV, ami I') ir lit tlvit do nut ornir to ns just n-.w, me.it'mned l.einj; Imlishinen. It is of but little moment where a man born, hut il any tiling he s iid about it at 11, it should be the truth. .V. V. Cum. Adv. W'.i.-A',. fj .s w i : . 1 1 ui .1. .1 nun, miar ,M irh ilt')!', n.ihd, or .k cording to Virzioia ; ul i. e, ,u ,-. liorse, on tl'i., i onjn'u n, ih.it 't it. .it it )' a week, the (ine wlio thuviyht hr li.ul the hest il" t'i'i h.utMin l.ut.1.1 p. iv the other tw u hush, h (d w l.eut. The day tame. ; i'i.Vi.i:vi. of nit; j'lUk The forth I'otuirt novel of the uuthor of Wuveily, umlcr thi$ title, h;is excited some curioMiy an to the prohahle scene of it. I'cuk CatlO) according to the London Literary Gazette, U situ-ited in the coun ty of Derbv, which according the Ar 1 thiloguie, is " perched proudly on the summit ol iin mnost injccessiotc rocn, .i.ut ,u Imk would luvc it, they met I imnendintr overone of the most hor- dj'iut h.ilf way hitwecn their rvspec , rid and .lujrt.st tiverns that nature ever live honv s. Where art thou going ?" j formed." I he castle tfstdfwnd the mlh said one. "To thy house with the borinj; ountry is of the most Muur.tic wheat," answered the other: "and . Icicriptiot and from the dcsci ipuon riv iTF;Lfj(Ji;Ncr,. Co'ijirniitli'jn of the btilmdid victory uj' tl:t mjiik, or r, 10. Altlioiili we never douU.'il f'ira inomiiit that lifts accounts, whii.li somrtiiiii; ajjo ri"u:hi-il '.his country, of the. glorious li'mmiilt of the tircclc patriots over their barbarian opjiressors, wouKI he i ihhtuntiully eonfii'inctl, we havt: f'ounil it no tessary, frutn time to time, to cipi;,.u the ule nt tempts of that corrupt pi t-s i.i fcurope, which never faiU to IUfiiisvs t!u" truth when the cause en I. ,, .... .k,.., , i t'i. v" en ot it, is Hticn as t ie tncv oi toe rco n oi iioertv 11 conn-nuM!, aim id una um m ""'""I i i mwu n"'"h "V , .. .... ... .... . . . 1 ti, 4 . i, It. l. ... I.. .......... I . ...1, . ..' 1 I ! . t. . I ... - II. I .. replied the first "I was turn;' Ihe '"JV-"l iichkihs u iuiimii, u. i wu- j cimw (u-en oi nu; ueisv aoommaoiu oespuoMii wheat to ihv' house." Kach' pleased tioif uy that the castle was l.tiilt ly Wih j i ,,e ,rl.l. provided it alutsluthir it forblooj , , . ,' - ..i.u. t...i'...i "am revcrel, natural son cf V lUiam the j ,,,,,1,... i)aioii-r of "ir.-iuauui," Th,- in wun n Darcain, nan mouuni uc ..,....,..,- i-:o:,. i .i .i. ..... ., ... . justly due to his tictghhc , and was go- ; tllC ,()UIldcr, ; , l53 poisoned H-uulph. m ,iy tk. m ,1 ,,r,s, of Pur is il(,d t0 1' 1 hCrC7;re t UT' I KM "f ClieS,er' f,,r M ,iS tSme ml Vi,n.,u, is' onlv one un,.,,,;, a thou.uvl v.hVh I ill;e Kccml. . employments were forfeited to the crown. t(H,y ,,c ofil.r;(l iU,(, M lt (() li;tV, t!l, k From Helf's tiaeftef iiii; s.ia;:in(; iioxnkt. Mr.. Hklk: I ca.. give no better name than the above to &orne of the fashi'-.n.ible 1 gh rns which are now worn In the ladies. The front tlrini A part of them lioweter were reserved fot his daughter. The story of Uanuiph's twtudci is probably the main incident of the novel GVwvan. effect of putting us at nil times mi our uurd as to the ititi.llii;c::ce fonlevei! thrccij;h these ehanitela. It appears that the ship Howard, v. hieh reach. r'i this port the (!'iy the Austt'i.'h lV;i;i crter) titnl tooii p,j, the plains of St. George, between , and Corinth. Three thonsatul , perished. No account oi the wom,, and prisoners has yet been received, about 2000 horses, 120 camels, nn,i the Turkish b a , ,.!", ami iimima.; fell in the lu-nds of the Greeks; am! defeated enemy moved towards Coin whither they were followed with vi;oi. fclocotrotic. " uvdiu, Jtt.v "l.A Tuikish (Jj ion ol about I '.!,;( () men, h.d lately y et rated by l.ivad'u into Pelopoiiiic. where it is now liarrussid by the iuln ants. This ii the' s.ame division, v, almost total des,tr'iei'ton wc tiiiottia-ei oar tiuuil).':!' of the 7th Scp'ember," j. 'onittitulUuiu, The Cot In advices mention also defeat of the Turkish division, wh'k described under the .ante head. It is stated under the head of Con..' tinoplc, Hith Ati;,;u4; to he beyoi.i doubt, that the e,ou'i'umcnt of the L'ti. States of America, had formed entv i'liis, iutmiv$ wiiii lae :scna;e oi voft jf.t i-;,v, iWiin Ha.; j;i uiat the liiitish Ambassador, I. 13 v infos rii.it ton received from a nerson who lately visited the Samhich M.md.-i, i v,v ,,,""h'1' i'reiu h papers of a la. r du-.o than , Strai.Kford, j.-.dous of the.e liuu:n is o constructed and protr-idrd. that die wific Ocean, i appears that theie U" ' ' ""...-rru.H.i ' .rjscnt uReuts to I u-.x. ,iul ?yra, and X art two Amen- ai.s settled on ttie isiaiKi i .'.... .h vi :"J '.""- ''" i"jr of Wa.ioo, who hiive r.ianiei' natives of' satisfactory confirmation i.ot only of the event ; f.rutrrtivn 'J Lr.mul to tliut J Jmf At the late Flection, in the state of Pennsylvania, for a r presentative to Con res, to fi I the vacatu y occasioned br the 'resignation of Wni. Milnor, a iir cumsiaiice ocenrrrd wiiiih peih.ips has rot a parallel in t ' e bi-toiy of Llertion .. 1 be whole number of votes given in vus tle.ii Iv twrlve thoustiwh ..nd :he majori'y ul" i I'O'rest over, Mr. Miller wjs l t a ii, 1 i i v of t evote. Not rtilhslaio I ttiiv vimiilar result, and the (jcioiv it.sioi nn. vrouul .dTord for a contest of the legality of the election, it is stated that Mr. Mil ler has no idea of dhputin the eie tinn. Xm. lad. Th the motion of thelidies' walk keeps it in a perpetual nodaihg- nctton j and I dely any person, with the same eye sight 1 possess, toasceitain across the strut, whether the ladies mean that vou should touch ijtUr lint in return. I have commi'trd evrr.d mistakes in tn'.s way ; and have afterwards found, to my no small thajjr'm, that it was n.t the lady, hut the ladv's b'jiinet, that was so familiarly nulling u me across the street. It was enh yesterday morninq a 1 was cominr down Ches nut fitrrrt that 1 was mJtUil to by three Indies on the other side. It was s very familiar, th.t I could not with anv pretensions to irallavtry, avoid tr'.ssinr;, -w ben lo! to my utter r. nlu- the, Island. One ol them, Aaron Holmes bv n.inie, i a native of the town of At tleboruui;h, M.iss. ,-t ii has beeti on the lilaiiil about twenty-six yeats; lb, hues nun led tlx former kin c's d.iui;htcr. by vi hum he h.id six d,iuv;btets ; I c . s a;;etit for the former and ako for the p-escht bins;; be furnidns vessels v ho vi-.i: the l-latiil, and ieci i.es clothes olid other at -thics in return ; -he dicssts all bis family in Ao.ei icn st Ic ; the natives call him uncle Homer. I be other is llei j onin l!ois, a native of Providence ; be hu bci n ; 'i.M tit from Amciica .it'ou' ten yc.rs, .uul has been on Hie M.md .ibout ti u e years. Xttvunnuh ( tew:;. ut. On Friday weel. a rcspct table couj-ie. sion, the hulies were p-ritct sir.r.trers inhaliitants of Slnfodd. presented t:.,ir to me Asking pardon, i math- a clumsy cuH ee, and prtu eeth d on my battle (im(;!it al the f.iinciis i f Tin -rn'iop la', in whieh the Turks were lia.teil v. i'.li ii.,iiieiiM: j sla!ij.diter, h.it ( the stiUeij-crit i!:'-as'i, s of the im.iiici-, lihtil their final i-.'.pii'dou fior.i tlie soil , of hhei ty. Fri'in thesi: il -Iai!s it v i nM s in, J tliat tin; i'fi,,;.' itueeiiieiit v. e pool, an o u -.'.'r-ih reliti 'l t' a i.u-un.t l-a'tle, i;i v.'hii ll 'Mi'i Turks . c kdh-l, and tl ;.t -,v; arc vit v.iihuiu the I'ou rilllielit hull' tin, i-'.ii!aii-iivf ih't detail-, of the p.-.nli.l I'aliiiy v. hah Me hope h,:U seal the ( inarn -ij.u'ion uf (.n i ce, a-a' p'aee the vii-tort fireo. r la vmal t!e- ei.i.'n.l ,f Otioiiian t runny. 'I lie I'llh.-aiis.;- t: ie, .!..:!ons from the 1 U'ii ('i.i'.:ilitiniai( ! ot lie 1 i'li S hi. h re U..1. ha d to la.- Id, I'll.l! (.attlC ll' K : .'l .'.. , f I'!.'. of this hif'hly '....itV.njr h !i tiihcr, fit- iladeljihi.1 N:i- ,b the partiiai- I o this information, (he editor of the. lis Journal 1'es Debits, of ;bc lCth S attaches thtt following sapient note of own. " Wc ratinot i;uarnty the exurt: (if this asseition. We believe that United St.i'es has treated vhh the IV ul least far cohimei i ial Iiiteicsts. Jii is fjuite ul conloi nuty wiUi toe poll.. Hie United States toob'ai.i !i) the d t errant an a s.de asv him for the ir mere vessels, atiil perhaps even a military 1 bey have i.i vain made the most ud ta!ef.us to iu:(4i;iie either Syracuse or I-.le of lilba. They bavi; eiideavoir form ;ii cst.ddi-dimciit i:i the (i.ii Iti.mb.s, vi bi!.h thev abandoned on w t , walk. some tin ad attire mij'ht lead us (1, ant i !kci or nuvatukr Volt's, A ml!, lie aged Hcuu. . i:tti.k vim a ut ri:. twcniy ci'btb child ,.t the bepu-im.d foot ol the parish clinch. I hey have been tiurticd about C3 vc.us, ami the luoiher haj been dclivi icd of a child cw-iv su -cetdinn ten ruoii.hs. 'I here have Lun no twins, and the eldest and the u t.m c i ! "l,Vjlv !(1 ,""ll'lllt' l- r . , t , . t aie the cidyiliioiui now lis "hot- 1 !. s.tuie sur;reon uttcm'fd at every bi:'li cx- of its unhealthy The L'ui'ed S1 A TARIX rr COM KM S j To one thapttr in the I. Ie uf Jumr femidi, alia? V ilhaui liiij'iis. j lie stole a ho'se on !'iiday, Feb 13. K12 j he was bouml over to the Hupnh.i Court, ihen in s-ssion at Ik rifuid. en Sat tirdav pleaded irmltv , and was sentenced bv his honour Judjre Peters to Newgate for three year ; on Mon uy. coinlm ted to Newgate, carried thence to New lLven to attend his trial before the county com I for a previous horse theft ; scute m cd three years mo e ; remanded to Newgate ; call ed fro n that plate to the bar in I ollatsd, hsr h.'oioj s otrn vet another hoiscr.cn tic tul bias srntrme'' forth; ce cars more iui ti !! t. in ri h him! 'a iii j ti risen in i'.c .'.'. 'c tcpt one , on i i b occasion be v. as horn liome- Afr'tft,'... r ." l.iiutenaiit Collet, t 1' '.be Iloni'ny ar my, having luard that a v t ry jrt;c ti- err had (h stroved seven inhabitants of an adjacent tillage, resolved, mill another otlutr, to attempt the destruction of the inoi.sfv. Hating ordtttd seven ele phants, they wrtit in p:est of the animal, which thev found sleeping bettc;.t!i a bush. Housed by the noise of the e'e phants, he made a feiioos chare .n them. i.nd l.ieut. t 's elephntil iuc:ctl him en her shoulder, the ether six hav ing turned about ?tid run ofl, t.otvotb j standing the exertions cl the li'its I The cleidutit sbdohoO the i i .; t r. i.nd iii ut. " ai i aius or t.iif.r.i r.. 'lie Attstii.n Ob.ciui t.' r e i:s ye tci.bv. on the alh.iisol (ore, e, del..ii as liistressiag us erroneous. It is only ites to tie coin- fitted. In eeiic i d, th: Aus'.i iuii Journ 1 I is to he rc,id with lotic h d: ti ust. Wcdu not say that il i not acquainted with fn i ., but it warps them to suit its views. In these recent transactions, the Observer. could ca-iJy save On t ie by a i,..Val u mi nt hoiitew h..t ctiisiJci-ble lun f.t:. 'I he hilUming i-. j ivcti hi the I: Sun i f the I'.th September an ia.'.i tit e statement cf the piojcct Wi'.h w! M. l)e Montiooi em y is charged hi ;ovcrnivcnl of I r-iuc, to propcic t-j t'oi:';res f.t Vienna : I . An unifoi in ine sure of comprf to be adopted against the presi nl j '.,' fech.iCS to idalluilU-tv OlC'i.dcllt ii I-.xtcnsivc i.uMd.,ctutin( -tst;.Uish.if',,di,,h' "fl,!,in- il 'c m the late j rope ; U which pt.rpe.se the .-wu parties are to piovide u.i.iutv o, ted on j "t u s' rccurH. ,n ,hC P 'st ; "(l svvs us !' .,' i telligence from 'be 4'h in the 'J.'d of Jul v. g ments. it i s.id. ..if mioo :o br ni i the iher which .uns throne h lt.swieh. ! "W " he 4th toife -.t ol Juiv. gent, to lie employed at the I'-Mest ,.' . ' ,.l. ., I . ..... Itiria ll t, I ,.l I.'.,.. ,.l it... ., ....... i .1 ... I. ,i III,, , nt I lie .1 1 1 IV , nil. , i ' . ' -i ... , j 1 . 1 I l.v pal lis T, 1 1 IC 1 II , I I M.I I ll lie' llil ccivfd fresher tidings, thou th ir. h cd 'd' a j w hose State may he me an d ; 4iH nature which i: relishes less. Wc sh,.d 1 cmplovmcnt of this enmim't r.t not r iheitfiite, abstain lic.m icpvi'.ig minute j const etc I as-oiy av i.'itci I:? ir,,: wiiii details, become now iisthss, end in'tcdj gener.d iclatiuns of an.it est 'ir-.; of confused and a.:tie nair.tises, ue shall tween the ountiics. i'litle! lilillfr ti.pil fur, h .tU :.t hi,,,, l.i" in w i a pieutcament t,r r ...... , -. ,- ,n . , , . , . i ie ii . iioi .-in , ri in 1 1 in-' i nit 1 1 oe ii.ai-c ,. ;e .o,.'t ; o ssji v:i M t iri en- nil , . . V . I . . U.iCiv Q .t;ij.!ei amuil ill i i.e n ihfs, stsaU.iwed h-udaiiuio to kill bimsib laspiiinrji ln ut. t i H I. II,i iiiv Uiiss- 'fd bis ch'er!. hp seieil the r'rnh.ail bv ! he 1 l,. i,;.,.. , i I, :. . .. i :,i ,. , , . t ,i,ii niiiii ir", mie iiaiiau imi im ii ihii p it iteiin .'.ppbrd me- tis to ie ing it from i f , , ,. , ., , , , ' . . . . , i from her. and another bd hr hi foils liis smnuch, which MKieedcd mcisi to ; , , , , ,, ... , . , 1 hold and h d a s-etotu! tmu . Si.t posing work. w,.s pern .ttcd to go out ol the en-!,,.,, .... ,- , , , ', " Inat I.i- U:i ,i,-,w i h..,!,nfl . 1 i, of I urt Mass. Ij swich. I presume, is in be the site, it gives us pidMiic to find our m.,t u! 'Coiies iitco jsing in taiieus di iet tii us, because inu stmci ts tvouhl nm be ni..uc in this kind, of stork, unless i; were really and sr.bstatiti.dlv pnlitabie. When maniibi! tot ies fpii!g up in i. i, wnutl cv vsiil r.-kc r'erp rout, and it v. ill mpmc ;utiie'hi!i,; t;.-;,'e lb... ;.n or, it ary shock to tncrtl.iow tl i tn. (''.'. .1 'r. miLAni t rtu , oe i . 2. V title Of Ike t'.-im! -'(.'- I he sioi k holders cf tt i 'i ii f - . i. ie. , I v .a! jotn iin.eot, on 'in .i.i to mine he iqiort of ihi ( i n o.i"ee v ! i i, ihev had, it ., fin nut 1; ' ei r ap,;i,ud to examine nunutrlv toi- ifd.s r ci tu'.i tionot !ir u..nk. A ut'.'it s.i-, iio u;- siions wi'h a guard to work on a .vga-l rashJv fSisn;mn,!cil. , nh t,.e tesoh,ii,.n .1 "'K'v P "' d. . . . , to mat.e som, excuse to uo ,uu of sigh t o unin )hn whh )U u,oh ,,M ,c tier, ; aninuted ..nd eloquent -re..ku .., IL. me on ms.rons wi.cn na , ,in fcn nol,(.;.,;; tu $Ar aHj.hpr ; pM, -t!f,ptr(,. rr,,, ls H-iire ore mtci euv t nro m inc iis, . f . .. t ;. ... ... t .. .1 . i 1 teresom' to the atimi, ,.s c tot a horse, s-joiiic and bri :!c roo'e K . t ..;,i. 1 n;.. .,!. . .i;rr .,i .i,,ii.i "' v 's-."M'-'" to Mr. l'.ii tavern at ILskrll ' Point. roi l'ertv, :'-!c in.j'.oteo a trooper's horse, which was 1 rei (. p..ii r 1 wish sjddb-, hi Kile, m. ! ag.Je, j'is'ols, 1 ols'enj and crupper and In. not sin'e been beard of. A vtwanl cf '"40 is olTered fur his apprc -heo i'jti -tXn'teeiifut Mirror. M. .sis. Cumudnj; and M'Dufiic, seem di 1. 111 ienl to write it out, if not fiejn it out., I here ,'pia yis u be no end to their pi . id. M'Dufnc has published 3 or 4 sin. e 'ntir i ttuiti- ti.d Col.C.t least as Jo a Cm Sa , , K c t, W ! tl 1 ;. R w on Lieut, i". and caught hint i iu ti e niou'h. "I i e sir ength and piditt ol ti c Lieut, howt vt f. did not for ,. ke i.ini ; he iinme ; into the tii;er 1 bouv. s iui Ime'ini: this fuel jno effect. Ie e.iseng. gre! l is ,'m villi .11 i his, . nd diicctiiig ti e tv'hi r pistol to his I hfait, he t Lit desuoted lam. al er 1 c- cciviog tttfnty-bve severe wound-,. HF.AIt ( IIA-sl.. v. c- srrr I he vrcrk be- 1. One has ih.ii eed the other uiih opium and "vene water -and 'h r has retaliated by charging his . ty ttith usin.-; a sttong dcioction -i 'mU liaik. N il contented wish as g eai h oilier, they have turned up- C.. . ; . 1 , . . . 1 , .111 e wiui urmg no gen' ir man wnn tOKK fo.e list.tno box . the n t ten and the other e leven scars ol uue, sons of Mr. Win. Juhnson. of C; nipcnfiild Hat, Luke Simcoe, observed ait old bear and three voting or.es swimming acioss the bay; they put out after them with a lark ui.oe, and by the use of their tire nuns, soon despati bed the young ones, and ton's them on boaid their canoes. i bey m.-a'c sev eral shots at the head of the old cne, nith del ed . v :.s fi i.'h.H ie to t'-.f.vc intir- 'mtiici:!, 'c t lntetes'e'' !; Me tr 11.';, n ; ! H ICei Is .0 view a J I, ". i t H !,,i es as ill as 1 uts. v. I n I. iu.vi ti i'.n-o t! e I I nk, and tr.eii.'ii : 1. 1 ilt 1.0 i,i!, 0 e 1 1. .! e repu::ion uf the emu. tit. Vv .n ie toil cd li t the n ee'ing hd t!tr iot ; tin I he K11;.., i'y to dim t that t! c e pe.ii shciihl be pul.'li-hed. becatee itv !i , i,p(-. Hunt must not endv have a siuiarv i 1 fl - -enec upon the futuic e j.es .jUi-i s of n i . and otht r chaiteied Ionics, but must be of csseti'i.d beiu fu to the Atiiiikaii j--ub-lie. ..'croru. eei.cial law for the re; oiler a citcun.st. tui I s'.atcnu nt of the ! ..lVair or Thci iiu pvlx. 1 ii h it I, a, been Uie Press, wb'n h is to suspend '! litre mpted to den v. and adal a i.U,.:i ol the .,v.s now aut housing a gtc.itcr I t'i'.u 1 last events i.i Peloponnesus, looie itcel.t pu! lit jtiotl than may be iboujd.t cor c!-:cil by the Auitu-n (Ii- -ent with the new F 11 rope an rri.'" I meiits. At... II Wc l..oe iustie-' . I he election of a tii'ouiud uivai ih.ti those sviui. " conn reived mi n of ihe I i.rks. 1 OX. It Mas .ci n. I, Meat priiaijlc ol the Mayeiire hibundc t I ! fen. Jlsi,f(j .,, 'pi, p.uu ftir (i,c puni-htnt I. !.c wlin a c il urcsag.iinst the German Cos itrt 1- Visi I t! '. It took pi ti e r-te . M lu.t e i' itii 1 sine their i.i- t(- nial and ounishnii r.t of ofi : snuection. ( la him I id P.ila, with ;t. :,g. iiut the 1 u'er of things now csk aimv e,f ixn, ) men. 1 .lr-nl if the in liutope. I I.e authoi itv of this t i . eoiobiacd litres o! 1 1 c-.s..y .aid aim;. to txtcr.e! cserall rep'rsrnl .live . .loni.,, nd , H the re ii.fun . m-nts h 1,1 ti c ( umcuts to t r ex'ent of tai.i,.im, t,r' I), tii.be. iitiacbi d ti e i-'iaits ti the h iss ; ciion inii'oi.tuals who i.uy, from Joii. The 1 o'oii-i s ol ' th- Ti.ils wl.it h Tiihunc f tluir National -Usca.!.; roi entangled in the t'i file Miiundeicil J.,4,1 Fmguagf Mid inc ideate duett 1 ..lu 1 gic.it tainane, ;.-d the u st i.i the,, See med subversive cf the present s uco lii'id Hgitunacy. t t . j tt aunt tool. 10 i ; i t. 1 ui' l is H ill'.)!, ( I fUOil'i i P ( ha took tin lor'e cf Phars du ; but in this diicvti--ti be ; A measure which 1 1 ; ia;! omiici S;iin to eutit into !., ti s fond ihe delile e I Tiviho. 1 he nt but j, lie I hdv Al'iinte, by the establish!! hogiHS hnr, vl tie he b'st Uu- leinainsicf a Chandoer f Peers, if his aunt . 1 lom lie tilla; e of . Si , 10 lh..um. cos, the lead u tnaincd hloik-l . r.','c i.i 'r, n Lirulet.s.t.t Frr ed up vi;b dcd bodies " I be e stau- lit), who Was sect vii'h an e.v j'i 11,; p mints me acre ntp.-.tiicd by pat tie ulats ff by n,e lhi'is'i i;ovemrnt nt. with ci the battles. .thai to advance as near as ossi!ile t- " I he Soidiots. after tl i ir tvo tictotirs North "nle, or to explore the coast of against Omar P..cia, con'ir-iud their s Polar Sea, from the Pacific n und to lies liom the heights of Kt.,pha. nt on A'l -ntic Doeati, nt the A .n.'i of the Albi r.cse , eon in; mil ti I'V tb. t P. e lu. mc rica. has returned to HodMin's l!jv, I.M.t. or no .ll.r, . -., I ... 1 1, r- V.VI- , , MiMluV, V ,lll(. I "' " ....... fc . . - - - . . with Contact with her, one ol tncin ..-.. 1.. ltd and ol'.ing the- uuth, Uy. hit. Ml), m- 1 ,,,'ok,? npr bowlder, the satage b tm ius- both Col. C. , i3 l.is fuend as men wcte Capable cf unfulrnru." f bus t It.al. I, .1 .. . .'.. .!,,,,...!., ,,,..v 111, v- Illl.llllillUI I'," completely riiiiculous. .tmm ! ! M'out? or Nonu.nT. A cutious bti.foi atbous ind pour.ds, has lately teen made. T110 nohle-i-iMi, ttcll known on the turf, hate ; . red to run against each other the i t unit' ebt, on HitniMeud Heath. M .",e is to wear jack loots, m d to tu, i .il:wi,tt!s aaitist tl.e other, who 1 limy a l.uge umbixlia over his ! , 1, d to tun lorn aid. Thev art if I - "t . r. irst the wind. Ail the ; ti ,; voi: are o- be j reert, aril "t , . '.S i :.rc,!'U tti.'ele . l-7,'.;- lu-ss of the iiiiitri.d w.is now i; i 10 todes oeration, sisc endeavored to ft set the ca- On Monday last, the dae of Albemarle Ceuut, 'I'h'itnuH JijJ'rr. ' n. Mad '.n nhose nimv, tvbiih. at the leiiiming ed ter on iilisenre of three years, hating out Jumtn .tMi".-c, with several otier dis- JlUH., nti.tined to CJ,( o me m is i.mv ie- tmguishret riMZcns. attraetetl by t m mus due r el to c.t'OO. rnii.itineiiis, altetuied at Chailottsiiiio. It is an ugrcca'dc speciarle to sec such meeting together, and ininuiing tihhou! miv p.irm! Mill, ihe ,u-m f their ,.i.n- trynieti. None of that absmel pomp which iieco'ripanies a vvuul trip to liubliii ul to 1 -dilibui i;h l In political puipi -e t'rew these ren'leiuen te i ether but tin- A sister on !mif, secitig the bn- t holv cause of 1'cnraiion. I be two Fs- hoe . ardous si'uat'tcn of l.rr i'rtle brothers, toon Another boat at el ut enit tn tl rir hi sistanrc. The bear s;w l.rr 1 1 citig, Ic ft the bo, s.and made tow. n'sber.t ; "ti which the tounu Ninuoelsciicd cut 1 s. i.'t feai. Sally, thump her en li e nose and keep j her b.ck; we bate bn.ktn me f her j sbot'h't i s j keep her bat k mail vri' in load j again and we will Lu. k the other.' Tl e j l.o; a we re as good tS the ir v oid ; they did. j so, and having bo;!, legs elc,.' h. d, tl cy pushed her head under water vi !i their ' patulles and drottnul her. I ley with si me t iilii ultv. got In r into the boat, and j took the foui in till, n ib to land. Ihe to r. es of tl , sc lids ate, Jatiics and ii - n ti'iu Ccunril of Virginia. r.nl e-f tcnac .: itv. Juhnsoi!. I tcb.iiis l.is ptisctit station prr-idents nnl tle pie sent PtcMtlc-nt, toe visiteisof the liiivusi'v of Virginia for whose interest they were collected. J'irf.murif 'nnt'.ri r, Or.'. 1 I. i't ii i-.es it Marti rj, Ohio. 1 l.tce uun drrd ci-Hs of fetcr tvetr teptuted bv the visiiii g ceir.niittcc at Marietta. f.'')'b Sept. JV. V. hl iilnl. Front the NatinnJ bit, liigenrer. P P, mRtioi B, the Speaker of the House of Hepn 'cntativc i of the Unite el States, has declined accepting the judkial plan 'incut tendered t him Iv the i.x " zasik, AVio 10. As ion as tie Greek gc.tetntnci t was inh t n.cd l! at a Tuikish aunt had penetrated in o Pel"- , . .. I fS.. ,. 11 ... I- I it r ,,ui,lisi. .,,. ...i C....,o..i V . ...... . i !a number of his party by laminc and Uigi'C The party cic scd the ctstiiim by land, strii'k thcotr.11 in latitude i'tx! co.isteil the pol. r sr-,i h,r i-hnu! j miles, w l eu thev wt ic compellctl to , !., ,. ..... ni.l, .. . .. . ... ......w V... .....1 ' si'tuc destination, it isoicel a piorlauutii.n (.d's ed snow, almost ia solid elout calling all the inhebiu nts to ain.s. " In ccnseijuencc ol this Pie th,r.iati n. sctcn or eight thu,,...i'd ve li.n'r 1 1 n.ilit ;, joined the tiooj's cd'.Patras. l'nt:r thn stind h'ainotcs, in obeelie nee to tl.e oir'e rs of their chief M at 1 emit h; Ie, arme d at Cahimanta. The other Pt h otmesian every where flew to aims, so that gcnei ' I Colocottonc ur,d Matiomk hi Ie we ir enabled to march at the head of le ' 00 men towards Argos. It was in the plains that t! cy met the citcmv, whom thev tie feted. " 1 he tucck of the Turkish tinny ie ttca'ed on the side cf Count! , where a corps of almut 6,000 men, consisting cl 'links of Patras, and Fepftiio, had just ariived. The tictoiiutis Gieek imnt maichcrtiigaiiist these new ti en ies. 'I his second battle was elici t ti tin oth i Ml, Cape I'.or ih of Au'jttst, (15 dajs after the o.usof the lucmth cf August. At the faith-- pe hi noilh l ich thev re., bed, the was open as lar as the eve toidi icat w i: hunt the least apperixicc of hx. ii' '.' -,r: Mi ncnrr taftwe (f f.ivr ;..'u:i ..I ri,,'., ti e a.Ttval at this 01" 1 !' the s' hr. Kn iei, in 14 davs from Havana, wc hate . reived inicllige ncc that the V. S. sloop 1 w.,r Peacoek, hadeapturcii five piiati' vessels ill the West Indies, three of tt I.i' were bin ii' to ihe watet's edge. lit the I'liiival of the ship Nrptur: from Havana, wc leant that the bug 1 war lltcti.i, the schr. Diana, end sever other small vessels, with upwards of ." Hoops on hoard, were about to sail iu pr" i.it i l 'he piratical tessels which wot o ml St. Antonio. .V. Y. ir.:hr: