1 i T i I. -A J,;... ... ' S. ILISIII in : I Tl r.sllAY M)l!M(i, M,V, 5. IMJ.. S We have fie(ii iuy used the term rail- icul, in our columns, w hen "speaking of a certain fiarty v liich liu: lately spring up, I without deeming it necessary to p.ivc un I explanation of it: it serins, l.mvcvcr, thiit some of our readers hue n,i itul,cii ' its application, und supposed tli..t we j meant to dcsitTiiatc by it one of tlx W i parties. Very fur from it. '1 lie term is applied to an entirely new fartu ; a Vi-ai'ty opposed to the present adiuiniMu. tion, wiilt the exception of one of its members ; a party which, with the popu lar word F.ronomy emblazoned on its iiit, is endeavoring to worm Pse If into favor with the people, and to m-ke 'if m believe that their only object isio tcbVni abuses, to prevent a waste of the public I roonev, to curtail the extravagant e xprn- I i of the government, and to In irn,' it ! back to what they cull the JtJJ'rrwn zcw'n. i No i' so happens, that most of tin- ahti- scs which they would reform, do not : i ist ; llut the public inoncv is not w-.ted; f and that I he extravagant expenses t ,,n he no whcic found hut in ihur assertions. This has bc-n completely de nionstr,.tcil facts and figures, as we niay .icicaficr hv :how. This radicul party is at war w it!i ..II the ; rcat national institutions of the c.ountiy. )It has already i educed the armn to -a nu-ic name, and compelled the n .tion to rely ? 'lpon a foicc for the defence of its widely- 1 extended homier, which woulil be batch j fuflicicnt, in cse of exigency, to p,.,i risoti j half a dozen forts on our e.i-ioast. The ' nevt attack w iil be upon the -V.-.'.y and fgrfjicii.'iir:.i, not the Hip Ihips ot.li , but the whole ; for like their Irrthtcn, the a Lli'ii-dl lld,':r:l., (to whom lliev ptobj J Idy arc indebted foriln.ii turner; they m J deterniiiicd on a radnul cb uur t but is ' acomn.c'e ti-o tiution cf -ll tl e I'-i". in i s V I tliern, as to ccsnoy, in (rreat measure. ; lllill Ull IUH.IQ. lll.l UILI I.I.. 1 j Ec n',n v .' 'he people wili b lirve it when they have lost every particle ol 4 ciuiimon sense not before. ' This is the p.irty which we tlesi -natc i v the term la.iuv.'; and aPhon - Ii vvr have not e Vpusc I all its pi ins, vet r have . j;onc fureoo'ih for our present j tn p.isc. I Vv h.ve hv no me ,ns duite with it. as will be seen at the proprr lime, (irrit attentp's. wc very well kiio, aie even i now tn.ikiiii; to u fir thispaity Ihr as 1 etnl.inrv in N'otth-Cjifdiiu ; lliese mav .),. tr . ..r.,' . .,.i ii,:. .... .. ,n t be son rssful for a w I ile ; hut w ben liidii i once t' .es forth, as it .i--u-rt'h will, tV ,renis cf d.ii kness w ill 11 C In tl'irtice.iise "he fo-sofu.e rttotnin ; hciuie the ta i.'tice .f "he ascetiilin m-ii. I I c , 1 ,,r N, ,h.('a-:; oi. we Ih Ik-v c arc I ' ' .. . , ... . i ii,M titrneil to t e l-d away .;y i. etc .SsCItiotis, t'liVjppnllril by flits. Our te-'drrs rn-iv p: i h ib'v rernliert. that n;;:r.r 'he pi erl.es delivered i!ui- ii 't the I i'e th bi'e "M t'o Convrnboti 'i tjurstiiiti i i our I .rvisl iimr. wen- livu !ii,i. aiiil dec!. itn lOii y cues hv M r II ivvks, 1 .T NVvil ern. In tl ee speeches, to add ailiiuon ! trr'or to the spectres whi. h he I con'piiril up, hp it ne an unfiir uu! i!i i nloied M.,iciic' t i f I he recent c li.it. ve ;:v Couiirt tii lit ; hi.-h. ha ' it been timh n the iiiforinaiion ol others, in'm' t he I c a used- as brimr the result of misinfor- it.aitPii ; on' neuiv; in n e is or o la'co , , r , ........... i ... , t'l in, ii'ini i, is u.ii pi .soii.., . i.i . - ... i.. i . .1 .1 . . I 'i-'is. larm.t, a we innrcive. ; dniit of .Hv titi m 1 fx'inr. S(itne p i-siii! re in oks wfir tnai'e bv nsonlli. se specih ts of Mr. II. at tl time we p Vished ilrtn ; :,tid it is peth.ips needless lot ns 1 1 say any ihitij nune new. c v iil on ly rematk, that we !n not lu'in imiice Mr. I I'm. speet hes. nor i ve the f lloiii;r anu'.e from a t onrie'tum piper n spirt- itit,' them. In e.iitse wr h ive evr - Pi;- n tnrnt vppoird thev coubi h.ne Hiv j' i- si'.ilr i: ruri.iT : we ! it br tl e rin; sr of rfhitinfr cuhimnv. ut d if h rlii- i I bnk on tlie head of the rnlumi'.tiior ; am! ve :'o it, loo, to show the weakness i1 th .t Cause, whose ativoc itrs hml il in i f an , "m order to drh in! it, In ttwn' to " a!.usc T ct! c '-- v,l,o l .td rev v 'mjbtcd Ir.. . i iraeteu lU'iu oi mini, in lli.it ol an in i of the totintry i or, wh.t i pi t toe s.uiii , ... , . , .. . 3 . ... I distinct 'I'd p.iitul i uh.Ui inj;. t.i do j such a reduction ami disorq-mi tti-m oljwr lhi,)k , wii,d,t will he e.ivin to lliCiii, !.ut who h .1, probably, lie.ittdj them with all the kftidncss of a jjencrous ho .it..lity. , "i'he folliAviiif' article in taken from the New-Haven Vilut ; and though, in some parts, it is pretty sevcte, yet it is not so much sous miht have been expected. Should it ever meet the eye of Mi. II. we believe, in bis heart, he will acknowl edge its justice, although lie may keenly feel the smart from the application : We are sometimes bound by duty to notice the mushroom politician which chaiice to tfitin admission into the legisla tures of our Union. It often happens that a youth of some promise, by the in lliicfice of fiiemls and of ambitious hopes, ii pushed forward into the councils of his country, and " with rap well lin'd with lo k'ic. not his own," thinks him-clf fully competent to instruct its wisest saes. W'v obscivc in the Western ('arolinian, the ski till of ;i debate in the Icsrir.Lit ti : e ol North Carolina, on the pn stioii of i ! ' i'vi ntion to retise their Coif ill the ii.ei'iis f the (jiic-M'.iou, e 1 ..i M- iii'i ; toic'iuiik ; ho! .ip.nl ol the ' . i i'e idiu liti;: to tbc? I 'oiioi ii ution f iir i.ite, vve 'ih dl t..ke the liberty to extiait. Mi. :nvL, iti winding rip a lI.i.pi t.., i. . r , .1, ... . ... .. """ n'" .ii in. mi .i .i.i. in.iii r . i ieui.it k i ol Con net ih tit, that it w is his lot to residt! in mat State at the time it 1 I i.iisti'tiii.ni opp'trtunilv ( .;. f'ji tin ".!. .iiiJ he had ' o'.seivin the result of uii ! espei inient r. . .. ;.. rl., t.itmru: he hiii seen disrovd . ;i.! ln-tero,eneuiis p.nti- ties thrown ti,ret!.( r, which hv no pto-1 cess eotildhe im i'K in combine until ah that uso.),- v.-.;s; Miipltted to the hut-1 , ... e . i .i . torn, and tnerc h-.ateil on the sui t ,rr a ui t bless si t.oi." 1 his truly a sv. ((;-' in ; hit. -.e ! ! i.i wi'lmtit uotji in-.r the : ' rx: .ctitcr of this inn -like lii ine ol peccli, we u in.nk I" w i".bu ten .t- ,: Cnntief iieiit, th.it M . Hnvk-, when hen'li' anions t.s. :U1 not ..;i-ii t to open the ; eca ol our b.tn .c.i erirns Ut bi, w i , dom, at: i save o;r ill f..u-I icptiisic liom j stn h iivviul !i In -i )ti. i Ii ..i.U,vi. if. ,t. ti.e representation I r i . i of that ;et,t:.. Luminal we have em ed in nor tiiiistnuti.i!,, .,11 the had princi-! ides of uovfii.ment and cKclnded ccrv ', ihitr.f wise ami equitable th.it experience or .llialupy lnii;l.l have t uii);ht Us. To Use a mode of expression simil-ir to his own, ; r - i .i . . " f.nsinutir un !e islanding, and 1 1. t he views things imt so much in the c leu and nnre-! f i I- i . r . .1 . l . . urh an objection to ihe c: illiio; of a i on-! vct'ioti toievise ihr ( (iiistiiution .f North C ii flina. Wii h Ibis, how ev i , w t- luv e imt hiii',' to do ; but pifstiine the h-isla tuie , a-si 'ed Old din t n il liy (he wis-'otn ami infoi oi ition of Mi. IIuwl.s, will or- ,i. .. .11 iliin ... ti-.bl . . . . A. it respect ourselves, however, we: sh ill still ' h ..r lo our i onsiitution ; and ,illhoiii;h like t-'lier bum oi ,: mint tions, 1 it irav l.'ive some imp, 1 1' lions, we I bin k it needs no other pn ".!'- of its general f s lb im i , lh.it) si.i Ii ; a ini.'Hitc i x.nn- i ut'toti vi'.l! fluid. We '.;nc thut toi- s-itii'ioiis oi Ul not to he atteted lor li,;i.t and i iii.,1 c itsr-. ;. ilu- ii-k id' fostci no- a ervohiijutti. in.; ; -i - 'Iti'.nsid lie hi.- !.e-l cimsnjiit m e sbi.i ,.i t ist, hi Lie a 'n.r est.,b!i d.i d iii't ii ir' ini (.u;:bl to, I.,- siiool. nied : and sutely thev wrrc no I 1 1,',:'! i iirntnsialK es which l tst.i: d i'i Lji u,. tCr,i,-a tn ut a i onstitntion hi. h w s haih .1 iili s. tisl.n ti'.n by the people, " - - .' ' 1,1 I" ' !c'. ,l1 u' w i b ve Ii cs! oi;'' hspes ; in Ibis I u:h have "C livi d , i'.i wc die. ill tins faith . IsO will j l.i.i'l i i -. l:.i'. Mii.it: v. We arc kppy totpmtc fioin the A' i l-;:nd .';:i;.r r, si tr.itnc lit s brcathin such we if ir ne must ne possessed i.t uc''yiiune. trial arnvcu vrsieniav in iu cavs," " pi, t it v and soundness, as n i e contained in itviiiuii. nc i ." the f !hivi'i:r aitiile. We desire to sec j ln eonscipience of li c uinisu. I ptev.,- ' n.-h I 'tii:iM;i tratisferied into every pa ' If nee of sickness in our City this se sou,' p, r. st:;c,.,s'we ate. h..t it would he re!" '''" '""mphae a in.-nim; f". ; rt.n:i i i'ii-ii by a , on i i , am in. c - o i iii I . i, i: . : . . . . . i ...... i . ' it ;.';,;,.,,. .,.! .. t:;.-. n, W'c desire to sec dll such ip',n.: ions prevail, because they ate the optn - ions of truth it ml vir'tie ; anil w I i!c sue ... , ii , . a i are the h'etierally circul-ited, and rtcner - ally receive l opinions of ocictv, there not'nti!' to fear hum the unptinciplrd ct t(Mt uf wl;tic.il mIumucts und nrciiL tors, who would pull down the imiituti.ms of the count iv, h order, upon thvir ven erable ruins, tn t lev :ite thcuuthcs to in fluence and office C w! .Vnt't,"' .V Grvrrnni, i:t .'The last N. Y. Amei ican has a brief article on the " .!;li.f;u lrn ur(r,, ' whu h cshlbf.s ... .... a vei v interest! n;j fuet. In the annual te pot t of the Sr. u'Uty of the Trcastii y, oi ttie I'Uhof Deccmher, he rstimatrti the ii-tetptaof the present ) ear, at 1 6 ,(iin, rimof vl ich the dt tics were to vhll S, I 4 en-i.tai;). leavinj; the rcsiihic lCoi-.i. f.dtti ether sources, l'.vcn upon this b.i -i- he call til.ites the. receipts to excud tl-e fvi-etise by 5s 1,1 6,5.ot, Now, tl e nnii'' in informs us on an authoiiiv on v l i' i In implicitly relics, that the duties eti tj'.sjt'j in.t u.tt'i i;t'.o l he port of N- Y. ulone, for the lail ouai'trr of ISi; the two first of 1822. and tin third "I 1822 bv -estimate,' amount to ft 1 0. 12 5, 07 H in dependent too of the ionnui'e duties whh h will amount to 3 or 55400.000, I hus it appears that " the amount recused and receivable at the single port of N. Y. falls fdioitof the contemplated estimate for the customs in ult tlit purta the U. H. sni by 3. 864. 322 and of the whole estimated expense of the eivennnent on ly '4,021,983." And as in 1820, ihe re ceipts at N V. were about 5 I2ths of those of alt the parts ; uud last year, a lit-tl- more thmi half; then it follows that in this proportion, from this source of the publico- reic.nne alone, it will exceed the i s imated expense by more than six mil lions This is excellent news, at least for the 1 troverriment. Money is not only the sin- one fact contained in it. A candid con ew cf war, but ol the preparation for it. sideiation of this fact will at once extin Let the revenue o on at tbii rate, it will jruUh, in a mind of the least reflection, only contribute to lay up a fund to meet : the charge of speculation and plunder, so the instalments of the public debt, hut we 'confidently advanced against lhi oistin shall possess the means of perfeciini; guished officer. II.: stated upon his hon thosc iiistitulions which are so intimately ;0r and veracity as a gentleman that Ids connected with the he-t defence of the ; whole real ai d personal properly in lu country. We may lay in arms and aiu-!din his prize numey for capturini; t!n muiiition limber and mjteri.ds lor the (Jueniere. his pay and emolument lr 2', navy yo on and build shells of stops I Vears of servit e, and ail his other resoui- increase our forulu .uions preserve our armv. if not add to it, p.ntii tdarlv tue of Ii' i i- und cherish our militaiy ai ai'emv. ii' . I i, uiki l lie 1 IJIII Wlim.il y m 1 HI, i It will be in our nower to carry into effect ! the v-i c and enenreiic svsfem, rerom on tided lUumn the last sessfiti by Mr. M .-mor. in his rnss.l);e on f o uficasion, : a st stem which the evieiieim- of the l.et , war o poieifullv lerom ;neuds. Mean- j while, ibno ;lt our irvttiur ru v thus re-! liete our t nibanassmei.ts, it is our duty t I av..id -II waste tied rxf.. a .m e to ! . . .. a , ' i bnuic -II s dunes to then proper r te to ; watch ovi i all contracts lo inv estimate j ill clurties. or even the slitile-.' siispi-1 of Ii. t, is to seat) all the pol lie dis-; i -Moeots li.ic .Hv in hunt iiji ull iiil ' i'i Itii'pienis uud (otnpt l ull Ihe pub-1 lie h eches to di-oi j;!- itieir i.l oiteu , plum er. e iook to tne tu xt session ol Cnm-ress to institute the nio'.t sc.rchiii iuvesti.itions to eint n:w burners as: 'inst ..buse to cleanse the Au-.jeaii i i , , , . i stable, ami not lobe lulled into im;lc nous apathy by ativ chcenii;.; sunshine el fm-mial iirokperitv. MW-yohS ocr IS j He Dr. lihc S Yu hmond. 'a. former - (! ,! .r,,.-llv '.he scoonrr NV.,.!lv I'i csidcr.t of II mipden Sidney Colleie . . i . i -... i ..... fioin llivana, we have re; rived ucrot.hts to the lath instant, whit h stutp that the I in I - ol war liven, si unoner rnana, su1 ; . . , . . ,. ' Kim ho.ds, and sevcial ti an pm Is. with !a'.' tu a,p on board, were ..bout to sail to : , f . II ... . ..I. . . ,- '.. destroy the piratical estubiishmen's at Cu- ; vo llonuno and Cape San Antonio. A ; ilctai h me nt of cavalry was to in by hind fur the same purpose. '1 he Sp.u ati - then i ics and all the mcii lunts .d lluvao... j hud l euilily c 1 1 ; a t, c il i; '.he et.'.rr;r.'.. . J ! nml urr iletrr!i.i:ird t.i !ue..k i n l!,o lu ,t I r . , , ,. , r , ,i , , . of a robbeis ha infest l.ie n,. seek shelter r.i the bays nj t. ecks ol thut island The I' nited Slates' ship IVuxi ' had ta - ken five pnatical vessel., th: ee of which site burnt; one had anived at Havana. and the other had net yrjt been he .t il of. I w my five of tlie tew vine m mV Jj i - - oners, the rest rscaped to tlie s.iiaic and a k to the vvoi II s. Mill Ut I I HI . Oi T. I ". 'et W(tk the ktcltd an 21 i:uti vh;p wi.i l.e 1 ..in at rt:r navy v rl. I l.i- ve-sil is t !mii: under the son i.d ,!it, ction yl t U..:nht id.tr, ami w ill no doubt h ttiitt tu , ,llC ai iiIk i ts employed upon ... c ! Mill 1 II r viTlosil ISTIMI. ir.rv r- r ' ,c M iiiim; Post ol ihe l ull i,p. I. i.i-v;!V . ih, ! . I. i I in .t " a 'pi I te i:c.iar i. .s i i i il s. i;i lor some weeks in that place lot ( .. ol tl.iir bank pper." ; i"-'i'" " -i i , . ,, , : un. I in : ..i.t sin b micistl rs as villi l.u st 'Lri.. ',i,P ..,,. P i,. 1..1.,!. hhh i- f ; Mrotitrlv susiiei ted; pievr nt u 1 1 e to t en e. h ! With u view ol atVi'l'dint; ine-ilisul f.n iiiia- .','. i ...... i' . ... i hinirun iuvesti"aiioti so imnoii i: I lo the 1 '" ' . . . S happiness und interest of the inh.ihit.it !s. i5;a Ke,,tcm:,n f the town lu, nia-'c out ; iCnoti, exhiitini? the number cf de.itlis I 1 ... .... andc-sesol sickness, which have occur- I'l'v nce tne .onimrnrrnie..t t-i mis se. son CI ii'.ion, to cai.ii wa.-ii ie-pri ii.e- ly. Re low is presented an ahsttjet from that report, shewiin; the total pn ..-,l ,ii., ,i'.i,. rT , ', ol the phuc. the number of every nest .ipuo., ,t.,m.i ; x. i attic to town sick, mid died, not tH-hing i .. . ..:. .. .i . .. i... I : . . . . i . i.i. i . r . : . i. , '" - " "C pi.n e : anu inc noni.iei n mi k I ..ii,, i li I v I I ii I v in tli K'l'i (l In! i r The number sick, 'AT 'I he l.miibi r of deaths, Infant i '., Adults .'.S I'lipi.l.i'ion en l'i'ii Oi '"i cr, Since the 1 Oili inst. th ie havo l.etn 1! deaths 4 adults, and 5 infants. To pre vent mis-statemc nts, wc think proper I.. , .. .1. ., ,. ,i- - .. I,;.. , k... , . in ii in n iiiuii'iiiiii me i-i-.i 'v ""i i , . . r ,. .... t c eatiscil this fatality. Is a bilious lever the remittent am! ivr-i ".".: ;:it cb it.u tec liosiON, oc I- 5. Court of hituiry..'lht (It lei.' i- of capt, Hull was read by his counsel Ik lore the Court of Inpiiiy, assembled t t.l Navy Vwrd in Cluilestown, on 1'hui sd.iy noon. It was a document of (Meat inter est, and was considered by those who at tended the whole investigation to have presented a faithful outline of the va' t ma is of testimony, occupying upwards of 4(.C) folio p-iijes, spread upon ihe record of the court. If this opinion be correct, there can be no difference of sentiment hereaf ter, as to the perfect iotetity of capt. Hull, and the unsubstantial and ground less charges that have been pieferred against hts oih il conduct, u lUiout at tempting to p.ivc an abstract of even the 1 noinu of defence, which was very nuici. condensed, we may be permined to stutc 'P',f; ces, amounts to hn 'un ii'.l:'tfi tli: 1 . . ii. t l " , . ... .,. d'Alar. A s, .eduh. of h.s estate we ,.. - (IflSllll.l Is ID DC .IMIirN'-O I'l llie iiu " -I- hii-s. Tin- oo!v tectet e etitt i t. in ut It-IStlll.l Is III DC .miif ei IO l UC piU' re-l- U i-irennisianee is, that so trull'iM an of - fir pr -.hotild h.ivr hit it nerevsM v to :e - so, , ', ,',s v'nn ic thm In an .m ;.im,rnt t,is dernptioii ; hut h iv,u,: ur.-d it. the rhari-r of spend., tion is coniphnlv c'i - vfMed of even the shadow cf a IoudiIj - tjoit. he whole rtetVr.ff was eery nvsterl v. ... ... c spc ' i .Ilv th-i p ul ol it ompiisiiitj an ex aioiu dioli of iieiit. A1. 1 will's letters to iite Si rir' irv of the N tv, wih a iew n, i re lu -moii of the aHer'.-tions they ( f.ntin, by means i-f the tes'iniony be- f0,c (he rotnt- 'V e tim rr-t;,i 1 tb it ul the late nieet - i"t: of thr lin.,n! of Printers of prince. -'"' 1 ''" 1!rv- (;,cr" "n'r- ...I I I , ..', , ,ir ii i f tbf r.n'iic nf I'ri-si. ' ; " ' r' ".' r 1 riSl o. id ol tn-t iiis'iiu'i..n. wiik n was ac - ( epirtl, am t t the Hoard un.mimouslv l-f s,,lv,-d , (dler !. I'lesKtencv to tlie . r. , ' , .1 . 1 ' . i f t'i.n i rufi - t :iwrii: i . r.u i Tin ii.i.t: fun rs. I'.lll.ill, 0 to l'j Hour, 7. Vlbeut, 1 10; whi- 10; n .u ti liinnin, V); apple brandy, , .(r,tr( brown, K t,i 11 dolbrs . ' ).,r( pi to '. ,-ni ,r U , eottV. , ..'.J to t. , bison, 1 1 i to 1 :' , I! i v d, 1 dol. 1 m , . .. It,.. (II . I. ....... 11 ,0 .....l.d.r-. i ,' i: 1 s in vm. iiikki; H i. 21. i.r r. i pi. have , il n "V ut i ! vi ii o, 1 1 uiel a unit n nis, i m n mi h. Aut ,,,,.,. ,u . r ;, ( s ,,, , , ; v .,mll vrl !4, ,r,. ! , ,- a- h ,.!ers r (used pres. i t "A' r-. I i 1 v ti. whi. h those inrlnn-1 to pot ! will im'. ;'..' j 1 for hmne r.ie 1 1 . j , ( "r v,..,.. ! I b'-r.- irr l-'i ! ( (i-.i mi ki t ,", sit b' ,!ii ! Ii s l.i :i i tf .s or. . w. and i-r-e ' II i ini l.r.-en .'S :i : t. l. t S. ... ,.-t. Il, IX -. tit : V - . i a 'U '.oi 1 i Itrown 1 ; W to', s 1 ", a I t .1 , rv I. nl. i ' i'i n jrVi' ins'!! II.ii ir. i null' I Uroi ; ,V eeli's ! V. . - l.i ! r. .;n. If.i 'v 11 . 15! ;t.:','l'.; Jai-a;.-., Ke.iii It 1 i IIV; N. IV .;!.,. ' : a-' i !' i -11 cents; W ti -k-. v ri-',tm bbd , am! in bid , ii, rpo.,1. .', I a ,',. , Ti.rU Island, ( 3 3 I,, nts. Nun. atbiat. , ., ,!,-iits . und may be ha ! a' m. ) ' ,f i t J J rr en to .V. ' ..r, ;'',: .S',:- .'. ' or: nt di' t- , i. .v.utuirn, i-oiiiity, on I'll' - i b Oct. las., Mr. A. h- ; n to Mis. ',:. i:;:,:u. hit: .' ' WooU Svi....rnvvi'A. "UK sr. I St i o', i - st.-r is rs niou ,1 to tht I I in i u b te h' e h " isc, in .'if'v on; mi-. le b's ter mer s' lo l, -j i-S Km.t s'r.- t, w bi rr hi- eoini'i la j ti) kern, (a lisiiall boo'k und ktalionai-) f i ,rrv d.i si notion. Itv lite rrivN fnan the mn di ! e b .s r -isidi ul Ii aiijttneivii'd hinf'irnur ' j. ,.f ;, , ' jr-ry, Wa't.tiw, c! mt.-y, Smr. s.d Mural III II I Ii li, Hrri il liwun, .-.nr. I'tuinsoptiv, .Natnmt History, Amnni-um, rtjtn. - ,...!,. '..., VI...... .l it... Art ..t.l . - , ' r .tU Ailii , va;:, .j.hvY.cs. r if iit'i' . !' iniuru N ii i 'U'm.ii-v, imi; j pi,,.,, ,,,i,K I;o:i -.:'.' c-., a:.i: rcc'.ry , ibr lirams. fr'ncisn. N'oysj?-. Tmvebi, B,u t;,.opp!,v ; l atin, tireck, and laijfli.li Sclioa.t n-xiks: a', wall as vi ritin- and h,ttvr J'upi r, m l I.! .nk Ib-oks, mi.Ii ivi ta iiir.-rs, llav llooks, ,llrt lu-nrtU Ink puviders la-ad peneils, v, , . i t,r 'c .. . . '....... p .i . t. i,;., atso, on cnn.ijrn nem, a ipiatnnj oi iiic i,r-t m iiailaftore'l nmts ana Havana M-jrani. i s; ri.ti .ids, and ii.ln rs art reiii-sted to cull, or .ir .,ri or ,ers, a l CHI .tall' si!- ply. V may d peiid upon 4-'2j ril'II". , iscribrr hen. I a uin of munev, at a Vi iiciui j-a"s tin iiiintii'. Creek, Imks . . . . . .i . .. i .. it Oil' la. Kill. I I,,' inoncv is sup i"s .1 iu i.e- , , .. i . , ; . ,i.. km ' ti).l., 'in hi dv, v.hn ran n-i eivr tlie i:nc. ,tV . ..virg- lt, ami' o..v a;,-C"r tbi-aU rrt'-s. m'-nt V-.'.,!v -to ' ' WII 1.1 M NE VL. .'). ! tlie til" '( .S'.-ii, iiiun of ''. ) i A', w ' .S ;..(, if H.iU'.l.fil'ihV, X. V. (iUMUl.'S II. HJ t I, iai Ju.jjp to iiiC.in, J trie lulu, ai.d tin- n.'iiii f-i in-rally, timi tm ir havi- lic ii ruiisidrralilt- iio;irnv, nn-i! mid run '. eilit in c n ttddtd 01 llir iibute. s'.aMUhtiK-ni, tli.innli tin' ii-ar. 'I In- iiui- is now Ojn mil, ut v In- Ii viiil U- t,t it every nir.tty ol' js-t'n mi ii ; lutt i'ili- vs 1 1 1 lie luiiii.li. il viitli'.ln Inn' the iliarkct oili-ts. The lirc-pr'f irtabli tlml havr Im i II liMMl x.hlfi I) t' f Hit: n4 ut' lti: ttoj fund on f))ioiic- ni.ir ol llie 'r'--t) Villi h- ntkiidi'd by ato nine l'l(i-s. In lu t, even' thing' vv ill be dune to Ktn'cr tbu miluution of tht- 'I i-auUur c.)iiiioi.iidi.-, ((")" The Coltimhi-a and . tsug'e oftlc ar: ki'pt at tb'm lemn -. vhi.-intun, o,-t. 1, n;" r,.r.'t silhsrrihi r bii"M,'',t fii.iii.'.i'O (if h-a'h-f ul' Willia'ii Cluinb. rs, en tlie J1.1 iin'ant, iinl hit it on tin- find luar the rai e jniiiiin!, hahshiirVi while ftiiiii' ti) town, liin III, (idle ttur niiiied, and t ai'ib-snl ujijivr !e.i'!i-:rwvre t.ik n out. 'ihe prue tit one Wan S ' .''!, the othi i a a Ji'.' 4". Any permU lh will j(iv. n.v hi fiiniuUiiii of the leather, st thai I el it ,rai'i, or diMii i i!u' din,, ko that he n..i be In t.'.sli to jn.-.tice, hall reet-ivfit f-U' .'i'.iUctaMi. .i'O.'in I. tiour.i-.y.s. .Ur. -MSX' ).M'..7 UU" ttV .VttvWi-rvwuWn-A, riAV wo- n cot stv. !JM'I Iff of l'. .,. and i-::.r'i r St ,.',(, n. .;,. 1 , , M ril)i ,, ,,4.lt, kll,,, I ( ; (,,),,, I, ,.!, t,fJt,,,tt Miu'liiT.dl-e'd. (( IW.' ft .n-'s ! ...... ,,, slii.n.i.nAii.l lti.i.i..i,ii v-,..,,!,,,!,. 1 n n. : ln.!ii ml afa- Inn m, l i.-d tin- emi- j ta',.- i ;er,-.i '"'., '. s'-m.ii.' n t.s .11, 11 "' '"' ' ,! 1 ;i, ,.,,,.,;,, ti. i 0 ,-1 ,n, o,.. ! ,i,, , ,-i,"Hu,h oi f the U-f- dmits n t! ; au-r, not n .aot 4 t'. s'a' , it ! i!iee,-l. re .-tLt,-d by tin Court, t)ui m''- ' ". U , i,r ' ? c "f thv W."Ur"1 "' Iiiii.iii, t! it the !. t, in I.l. t .lan.m Siiiiii' rn, an ; Jltar ,,, ti, , l (;,llt ((t VU.JS r,,(, (i, sr,H:,iii'o be ln.ldeii tnrrhi enuinv ol If ,v a ., !, i mi ihe bst Mini '.' f IH-ic.i.bi r ; . , ob h ', iihk-.ur or ileinnr, or jmli fiient I :ul !i jt-anted aKainst him. IV. !. Rl .'s ' J WimcM, tt. .U I., Ik. II (.-. V.tV..u-v i ibnrsih. u '.tbt. nu- irtli int il,.- .ii!i 0 bnrslh. n'.jjbl, u eribit' bun v I ; ni,lt', ,a..v. . br ken i.pm, hv m.im. J ulUin, kml a'.n.ut . iio m nnu-s ol lwi..l, v ii.' ?1M',ri "i1',""1 "' tben linln. I he ni r limkc W -II Ihe i lei - (f . ,,., ,.,,, , r(lln,,..le Wl., . ,v jwi( tou, i( MX ll,1lk(., drawer, .ml to..k i ,lll)rotr ., ,lX bm.k, the ma, s if hand :,mj ubimt fs.,o bank lulls, were in tin: iim ket ! bind., about $ 00 in bunk hills, were v . rj, p.; m; m p e. ;f ;..mr ,,, thc oi,,,,,,,de ; aW SI1' in silver in a hair. All the notes of b.o are made pai jble In Mi, m il'. All pi I wins an. eanlnined ajtaoisl tiailiiif lor unv of tlu-in, :i tin ir jiavit't iil has been ttnpprd. All );oul re ie us un- culled upon In aid in ih-ti-t Imp tin Villain, Ihe iihw liber livts a!nit li units tioin ubsliMn, in-arMi'.lli ikiahCoviaii's.soiri An fierson coiiiiiiiiini alin infurnia'ioii, u !' b rewaitleil tor his tiinibU-, and rtceim b - t'ueks of the Hiil.kfrilM-r. ISAAC CCiHAN. th . t. lsj.!. :.,wt27 U'lSniAutlon. 'P'l'K i o partiu-rsliip of Sp-im-t IS It nlns, 1 i , , .a ( ba .1 .Me, N. (".. h.t iii tins ,l.i u-s-.i I' i d hv ' nit- ;d coi.M i.t, those md 0', i to lb" , , ( i ; i, a.'e n iji'ivid. lo n.akv . ni, ta .e v " :, :. it w ,t'i i it i.i r ol tin- ro ji iH m is, w l,i a' ' s. '. i iai!s :..' !iori,.i.d to tr.m .i'-l mi bo-ii.tv. ..I' the (inii rn. I I '. -ri(lMi-. IIOIII . J. DINKINS (h- '.- v ::. . .W. WwtV'iiH nv.A I'tu il i oi 'i'li e the liiis.i.i ss, in a w v e t s, i t lb, lions, ',ut. ly o, rnpi, d hi pnii's k llnilnis , a .d hv tin- ii ol IK Vt ili"l,'b, wi'l emli oeliCi i p. nil, j a ci'li ple'c itooiln.i nl ol WAY annus, Hani wan- and Cud, rv, j ant rr.id fi,nti Ni w. oi k, I'leiad. i, na, and I ni ics'on ; w U.r'u tbey V i'l S, II l ' I'l'l' t'T I ils'l. If. .1. lb rvprvsv i bis thinks tn the hnwi and i ti bi.ii i s of the vicinity of I liHrlotti. for tlicr I icr.i custom in Im, Ion i r hnmin s , and be ImpfS loan Ink lonotr l' i.Oiiii iKl !ni. '!.ii!l V.ll he pint to tlie (T, M lit Mlioe,, b;; i :" cnntini.c to nhare ilit-ir lavnr. lie r- j pn's, ! the 1st of tkccfii'i, r, to ha" c.n plr. M.i! tin- o;a.im. ol a Vt n ihn r.- . li i 'i o f I .' if f,n.'i ; I. l as tbt- Of, s. I ' I r-ll I. " I'I , !l (in'i t . i . oi t II i .' r pn lit-, tin a.ti l.-t p loiistaiitlv on ha- a si; ' xss.irtn, ti! o , ,, u b rli tbry ill II v rs hi th- al.. it i'i- work:,' pr.re. Also, an j-sortmrtn of n"'.-'!f.r:t n,adc tst.thT. IVrvoni i-li nj,- tn Ip inhisr, :irt- invited I'i call ttd cvimiiie fit tin n:i Ives. It. J. niNKINS h CO. O, f,l.r i c 6f .0 ON Sst'iolai, the i!i of .mcmh r tieit, nil! h- hired.'at Mm I sullc, f ir 12 months, no . cr d hki'v NKt.ltOliS b limirii fj tn thetsl it' of t.ib n '. M'llliford. del M. I hose that art r. .' hired, iilh" k il l t Sali-lmry, on Tup lay n Nui en, !n i- Court nest. Sin month, credit. N VIII W CM FMN, .Umtmn-utm . V .Vol '.;-7..C..-',0o:,..S ,s., ..Ari. r,i. a, ti.i iM."y t il". .! ib"s iii ibis Hank :i a train ri in. mb il. I tb t a ivn.ct of i.in-i ii,li of the pina pal . r. red upon .rti.cal t.aper; am'.t! ,: notes tin- tided to he en -red tor -b- ,,;nt m t (' d. Iiveied in the I'. ii.s l tue o i.lis k, I'. V on I neiMiav ,. (inn v,t'. In future, I'il- wrckh na itiivrs of I'i- Jt -sr.! i f llil'ectui!, will bo l.cl.S oil Tin Uv, at - 'ell eloi k, I. M., imiil til's f.Jst of M ir. li : ."id from 1st nl A pi li till tlie C jt'a Si ;i!t nibi i. at 6 o'( Ink, v. :i. . f-f.'-t Itv ms!er JIMC SNKI'll, t o T; itKi. v!T.Ti .'. Ti t i'i- v cwi'. i vr. t tO It K is b -rrb-j.'.'1'ii, that the tm k ! all i s tlui.g i i. t.i.o.iiirs vi'" tin) be in in in. (or u'l oi- a i p".1 ii tne fi-st, . i on I, ti. !, tutll-tb, l'.f.i, .'.'II, v. ve '',, r'l.d.lh, modi, ' r tenth ins'.fcbti' i ' ":l " i hiv ot II o :.cn r liCVt, that t!.' Mink i'l .''I'll d( liii'i'li ot c .Inn ,.,t das, If al " ,', .' i.i 'he t" ! -ali'. bn. I "I lU ild K t WtH.I , V"'- o,' : , is::. v '. t

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