, t 1 lo! 5. I' SO i ! Me-r ,.i .1 III. .! :'.! ! fn. ,(,! VI i'4Y, 'VT. .,' M'fl. Ill.l.ll. 1, ill ;i.l tiir. icriT.m: ( f the British, v.'uo wan all hand, Dr. Bayinrd laid hti as ml on I it iT. Mr. T. Moore ha lately published a third dumber of the National Melodies, eiti;d, if not superior, in nil respect , Oj either of the two firmer one, We subjoin from it the nonj: .tiUpttil to the V encciun uir. It i of that kind n w hich he pre-eminently exec's Jtovt gently hero, my gondohir, So softly vtuke the tide, That not an ear on earth nay la-ar Hut lier'n to bom vie gl'de, Had Heaven hut tongues o; ;ie:ik aj w tli A urry e-y c to re, Oil think ' ttliat tales 'twould hnve to t-.ll Of wan Jcriiij; yuulh like me. Now u-t thee here, my froiid.ol.tr! Huth 1 luibh ! fur up I jro, lo climb yon liht balcony '1 l.e'u ht, M hiNt thou keep'it nut, h h-love. Ob ' ihd we tale for hem en above, It i: '..ill' i tt Ii phsvr Tkt, ibiy uiul night, for uniruii'i love, What angels vc should be. !',.'. a- M IV i)u;.t!i-.i.i, ;nul v:p to n.i man ner ut' cajolery, by dint of peictual !i ti nty, gained my good will, slipped the king's bounty into my hand, which l p..K kfted, and entered a volunteer iti i the l'th regiment. Sioney l'oltu w is our station, and 1 thought myself .viiugly out of hurra's way, when one ugly l ight, when I did not even dream of isuct. an iiccidetit, the pou wj cur ried at the point of the bayonet, and an unluc ky thrust 'aid nte prctr.o.e on ihc earth. It w..s a treat consul ition. however, dthough this was rather rough treatment from the hand of a Incnd, that the Old Dclawaits were covered with glory, and that as their prisoner, I was sure to meet with the kindest at his heart, and Mr. Skrine b.'.d a clear looking &!.iss to his tnoudi. 1 found hji pulse biuk grAduully, till at lait I could n't feel the least molioti in li'u heart, nor could Mr. Skrine. perceive the least tort of breath on the bright ttiirror held to his mouth. Then eath of us by turnn examined his arm, hrart and breath; but could not,, by the nicest -.crutiny, discover in him the least symptom of life. We reasoned a long tune, aa well a- we could, ;;bout this odd .jppearaiiee ; and finding he continued in that slate, began to con clude that he carried the experiment too Jar. At last we were satisfied that he w is actually dead, and were ready to leave him. Thiv continued tetition. Mv wound once cured, andihdf m limir. Uy nine o'clock in te licro inv minycin; but diilikiufj tha monotony of a eouiKry own, be remo' ved with hit brother to 12 ah, where duty were both enactd for the l'umj Uoout bund, by the late Mr. l.mdky, who ihen ' . . i . ' i . . c.n tits Cue i- and expired, l he ten,, of the poor man was heightened to greater degree by the observation ., the bystanders, wnn remarking t:,. coincidence of her death, and her tj Troin the Trenton I'lnro-iarr;. mm S.1V H HY ' Oh why shoubl the heart of the cLmum be t:tJ, Or In evening be shrout'nl in Ix-io, 3y why .hoiilJ he 'gh hen b. fir rlt'l In iti(,''it rloutli! there' HHil n ! e "'!,b' Ami ben from its tlirnMoiii sj, '.t it .bul! b.irt I ike ibe un finrii the b:u'' s ibjt so: r,IH-li II ibiil vmr to yon lieavm 4 pi. re :il tut 'I be iLtn of the rnorniiijr t r im f. uo-i it. 3y bv hi'.llhe ueeptli.il tl r i'.. ol L! , II i P .,) ut I. rmi ii-.jj i p.ia-u ii. Or g n. c !.4t the hopes of hi I I ;i.- 1 ii'S In . c t-.-n:;it tre scattt r--i a-i ! ! la.'e.l IL" bii i.e m l!ie I ibl of yon tVliomli n ihii.c, Art.J rrm vtill but niki' it v. 'i.r, To tiy to t( rnity's bo-jun fn in I. :.(. On h lugs by misfortune ii juc Hunter. M " white-washed of my sins, my ancict t comrades received tnc with kindness; and lie,ht of heart, and hoping to i;ain atiy (juautity 'f laurels in the south, 1 marched forward with te regiment, as a pjrtd the command, destined to recover t! r Carolinni and (leoria. The bloodv battle of Camden, fourht nn th I Cth of Augu'it,b ul luck to the d .y, bro ttit me once acain iv.to trou ble. Our regiment wa rut up root .in l branch, and poor 1'ilj.irlic, tny on f trtuiiate stlf, wounded and made ptii- tie r. iM y prejuuices agan st a jail I have Irjukly told, and being pretty ecf-'iihrt th.it I iihould r.ot a whit bet ter rr!i-h a lodging in the inside of a conducted the first n.U'deJd tfitcilatmnents ki lhc noycau, asserted that he inu l that city. i utioam pu.M.eu s , , - her hm . u proless.on at Ilatb for some , cars, luli y ; . h R esteeinei by a numerous, circle ot friends, g"", , -J . and increasing in hone and fortune ; but taken ; and to convince them, a if it had not bofii for one of those little he conceived, ot iti harni.rsa fpiahiie, iif-cidents vtliichdc'teiniinc tlie " path that he seized die bottle, and pouring o. men are destined to walk in," srience a c.lass of it drank it in an agony t tnijjht have lost lhe advantages of his earnestness, when so rapid was the ac brilliant discoveries. He employed Ids tin ( this potent poison, that the per leisure hours in astronomical observation grtUJ K-t.c him had not time to rt expennierm; urn! 'mc o litem , , f thc. atu.mion which his cot, i pnsonsMp, I once arain suf! red mv- sc if to be persuaded, and Iht.d in the itil.ttilry of l arltun s I.rgton. O,both- '" 1 ar-; era'inn. w ii.it a mistake. I vrr be fore had kept siith bad omp;:r y ; as a man d hor.our, I was out f my iV-it-ent, and should certa'i.ly luvt given tlu in leg l.il, but that 1 had i,u lime to brood over inv misli-rtunes, I ,r the battle of tbr towpri.s rpdckly f 1! ow- iv;-, lb ward jnd Oil K.nkwool g-.tve us the b . r.rt -o hand . -.Titlv, th:.t w e v. tre t.ikt-n c ; t and .11, ;,r..J I sh lIJ t i .i i i u:..n:rt, h i i tt a di.i- W ashir.gton's dd-d a sir .tch vt'Cn ol or two to the account . Irrady .'iid As to all "a ntv if f rtunate c.ttt .ns. thc tvistri s ti'at I ha e i.;:c did wi'.:i a hc.wiity ut rveiy thing mornir.g, s we were going awav, we observed some motion about, the body, and, upon examination, fout'dhis pulse and thc motion ol his heart gtadualiy returning ; he began to breathe gently and xpeak softly. e were astonish ed at this unexperted change, and al ter some, further conversation with him and with each other, went away fullv satisfied as to all thc particulars of litis fact, but not i.lle tu account for it. II: aff-Tw ar.h called for an attorney, added a codicil to his v, i!!, i it i r i . i :.a cainov anu compust ui tucci, aouut 5 or G o'clock that cvenirig.'' S, i U .:'.'; -....) 1 .U.,-:. iJistn p Dupoy invited one day to dinner, two Clergy men and two ladies : he remarked that during the whole ol die rep.iit, the vour gtbtol the tw-j tl rrrymrn h.ul his eyes steadily f xd on one of the yctng ladies, w!to was vt ry handsome. The Hish'p, nfter dinner, when the l.tdU i bad retired, !icd him what l.e thr..'g'.;t ol thj beauty he had been linking at W.-: thrrman answered. "My f. id, in looking at toe lady , I was riiieciing that her beautiful forehead wid one dav berocered with wrinkles ; that the coral d her lips will pass to her eye.-, the vivacity of vbieh will be extin- duct extorted, before they were ashuii INDL'STUV. The eloquent Dr. Harrow, has 1 one of his sermons, given the follow itig admirable summary of what I. hiviirr foituoaudy attracted royal atten- .. '. . e ....... i toi, Uiil ere i' on K-.m m vicmik , , . , , it-.' ii r in ' , in ,iii i rtti tin iitt t;d with thc additional horror ol .. 111. was resolved that 4 J lerschrll bliouui . , r not srir.re hi valuahie time in crotchets ; ncssing the desiructu n ol a kcco,. and cniavers.' Sir William under his j v ict.m thr poor man iremblod, H gracious patronage, relirnjiii-htd bis pro- ; and expired fcssion. and m:oter. Iiim-ell entirely to astronomy and die manufacturing of tel escopes, from Hath he removed to Slough, where be erected one ol surpiis ing magnitude in his jrarden. He here ,10 . ..u.l 1 1 . r- diiilrii'.t !i!.ii'.,'l. U'hirli I ' i ' II. w mi-. t - . . , railed the " Cnrgiwn ,!,:," in i0i, )f i caiieu uie uisioiy c. inuuiiry; of l is illustrious patron. Sir Wiilbm To industrious study is to be astt pcsscsse.d thc milk of human kindness in . bed th.: invention and perfection of an eminent degree, and was most anxious ' those arts, whereby human life is ci to tMaufy his numerous WMtors by .:-i ilicd, and lhe wuild cultivated w'; plain'tturthe eoinp!im!ed inarhincry of mmi)crI,s3 accommodathms, err.; his mind," in the simplest manner. No , iwnU b,.Hlli;s Alj lhe con.; nc ever returned bom Ins bo-pital, e , , , , , a j (Ia i llin" wfl.out feehn,' gratiliea with , . . , '. . . .. . Lv the ii-Ms u( bis rei.ins ' i:h comfort, industry did cu 1 tiik r.()t r i. Vrotn th- !,,eot:.! f-nn; ll T! mystery w i tli a j line t.'.em. Induttry t eared tho::e magnifict: f.ibric.i, and those commodious house . i i i . ' . .. i.e.. .ii... . ie intiut nee ' i iu:at er.iy uo.oes ; ,t lormeu i.iwu goooiv pictures ai ir.t'S of this eaith, i vet a ! statues ; it raised those convenie Xev.lon 1 iijjvin ttic t i. reat e'ed d" "ut ,n, at Ici.:.r. ! rauseu avs, iho.st: bridges, those acp. nidi .'. ii'iw it j ducts ; it planted those f.ne garth. is t!i..l the aitrariiiin ol ihe nieon ; w I'll various liowers and l.uits ; f tlte !(!"theit those pleasant fields widicc it b'.illt t'luse shins whet: I . . , I d i.l .1, , ,1 , ti.Jcs. licit Ihctt is a vanetv ol pliv- 1 am; grass ; it o-ult liiuse .stops r.omef.a in which this iidhieiu e is y et 1 by we phn'gh the seas, reaping : i: Mematical ; such as whether there ' cminodities of foreign regions. :ue ju ticul.ir states id tiie itif on w h' lt ha.h fci.bjecied all cte.iti.res to u tn A tl twin-. cb. oi;;,ht to be sown. n. d, command and seivice, t:i.i!di:ig us Vuriety's the very p.e Tbut gre it all i'i f r- it e ...... . iii .i.e. i .i i c.i . ac. i i f i.r'it tji-o stion is, v, i.c lour j suociue tae utrcesi, to c aicu inc w :.. i these art1 really ad'tcied by the moon ; ; est, to render the gentler sort t .' ! -.1 ,1 iI-ih ncvi i. itr.t fti, v ri- :il!.rri f' 1 Irirl ir f;l .1 'iml i-l,tl in iw. tr lur Cuishidjthi;vo;v .cf .hct.ivLhwijl l.,-ho uwrxwxx Uv ,-m (rom tK. WOol of the'sl.etp, b change t . i o'my ; t.o.t t , tiie rov and ! r ,i y rt.,;..,ble for the disii.r- I the h:.ir id" the goJt, from the U:. ii.:e 11 u.r iui.i, ka,1 ,i, ..,i..ia tbut a-nitite and musp.ito-s, 1 iav no- :,i'Pf :,ranit ot t:,rc v,i" t:,acJ , K,t . . . ' . I .- i' , HI . I ut ttieni. Mv 1 ,ve I.r mv nir Iinc . " ' ! the f its. than it is to observe then. ! It hebcth us. from the inmost bow ;.i:i i -1 i . r . i "ii. i i e it prouuees in ine element ol oi me sioi, to weave our Home-, ; ir. It is more difficult ti explain kern us warm, to make us f.ne and y country elves me court ce t soppo-rt po-rhrmnt; that her agteea V .. .'' I II it . jie sttules I I': am CirJei'i .1 .e; :f ,Kc .1 MICH ALL I)t)( III ft I V. l he existence of stotms at the cquino?: ( of the earth, to letch divers tieed h-t, and great del tv-rc when ii:u f r imaces ; ai d us jc () nu.ral! m;ticed-.houKh.;ot ' tools and utensils. 1 11 Hi i- Oocttt rty. f.xciw!'-; e s, v. t- ei e ci"- t th ' th of 1 It I I I ' ... i.m.iK . tm .i i I ..rninf t i.. 'itil,'7,l- .llH s. 1 1 IVr m ff,tl,r.! S. :,IW l-eH' in,kui nut. in in I .I..HUWI.V ve. I nfver shotdd have sup- . . i . . . .u n ,. i .. .1 . . I.. . : ..u. illtsi.rc- I 5 iiiii-.e .ij,'1 Tht iharucter of the s .lditr cf for-'Jv ' it will not I t surni-' il. after all tune, s mimiubly well drawn, andltii.it 1 Inv e s.d, t'nt I fri 1 fjr,!ms ' ) ""'-'"g "i;:n with such ptol'.vivl medi whichc nsiiiutcs the chicl mttitc-t the ! at the thoupht f l-attt!e, tike 7. h.;t, , tat.-in. pripid ir tale, v A Legend c f M ii.t--?r ?;! I will, I ?m a!'3 s sire i f.nd rose. r. as oeen c sm -ri au.-i;-ei:v r imagintry, ar.d the careless J, edify with w-iii.-h he changed s'uhs, arid em-! I'r,,, ,;':' -u " v- br.v ed opposite print if les. regarded as SIM. t I. Alt t,U l n :. the vj, ,,t.ive invention of thr"'author's Kn; f.ist esa (? n Ner..us braoi. ! -.vi'.l bricflv rrhue thr . .hen-1 AV rtions) considus to.-!ts-;en b w ru.iM i:v. ' rn Dr. '1 l.om.is. ..ftei t i: f f S. Iis'iUtV , W .is ( I Pl.i m r t!e tores i f a srr,tine in the rontitiet tal ; '-!r N'fVoi service. reLcived from h s r.-wi 1 r . I -v the will c; vrnvrs f r l'atietit; arc- be t 1 and leave it to mv .eaders to i(nrr- ; o 1 v " their Cf iiudalt.ts; and I5u- mine whether the ch raitrr of 1) UK.n r-r. ItiJes the irrtiturr.t I ! po- ,h it i " h ivr At ti maiui i of retifj?, on i! 12th o," iit. KSJ, when r..,ntl Lau ren c mm. Hiding the buhl truoj -i ! g'fltal t.reene'x artr.V, beat "p the tj'.rart' rs ' I the enrmv near Act-V,-, "S'ir'nael D.icheitv, ilisringctisbe i s'd d'e "f )- I)rl .w-irev, v ,i I t-. a f 'i,. l a ie I'" .i i.t ir " I J ... j , it : nn rW e-iod to fof k lint hfh h'r-f.d never did, m ght i c t ! c1 t.c'.ri.u ivtit lv ae.Mnr.r th- : iierrr J') e all things to keep p I. in if tie rstrr.tr et the rt".., ,1 i lOV r ii fish I arle.ry at 1 1 -inhere. pd.tlern.'ii ,,e lot.i'tntto a btet'ttv. di'!1. at a v i'.l.'j;? ahotit trn nnl'-s U ,t. :i:. Appii -I't 'i ws m.ule to the i lercrv rtn.n of toe ; aush tor leave ) he'V bi'o ri the e lt:ri.h-v,i: il. lie par1":! iri'i'iiin! of wl at reliein I e w.e,. and was t:,hl that be bad died 1 thiti'M " I ben." sai I he, !.e ratint-t be l.u in! b"te : t'ieie re if t ' but l.utneiat.s in ntj nn ibuob -sai.l. and '.bete shall Ir no did other" On iV.i brin-' ti 1,1 Dr. 1 hom- ill I 1 a l' t 111 I very jucctvsluily expiaini tl. .luiuis It coiieciecl inanKmu into cities, . C..r in the 5th book of his com- j compacted them into orderly soc'uti n.cr.Uries, epeaks of his anxiety to a.vl devised wholesome laws, t.n.l leave lliiuin for (iaul, " ue unni e;:- ' slteltei whereof, we en joy safetv . i i i tt '.re ih.Mdlrj.c cxi.vc.irriur, nui,: peace, wealth and plenty, mutual 1 j trq'..i'KCtihi : u'n i o" lest be should t cor :uul defence, sw eet oa Versa'.'. - I I ,se the season of nav igaiioii, because : and beneficial lommcrcc. j ti c eouiitn w;is ;,t b.!tid. egi tins, : j It, by meditation, did invei.t - J. din writer w ho :1 tirishin .1H" years ; those sciences w hercb , our minds ;. T C'.e. J r- t t be ore Christ, obse rvt s that as betw t e tt ; cir'u l:cd and intnlded, our man: thc G'h fhiv cf l!:e !v..!, nds t June t re lined and o'Mit tl, oor i urioiitv the 4 0 ' h d.y ol tlte hi r. ( con es;-otiwiit lie! r t I -tai.ies V f i!..- I tt niaoo.'y ! : r, I ti S i w t r I i i '.V till I has bren sp'tlt t; is div, mv h 4 - th d we air liktlv to see the t the fa!. w':r. e.X'.rat.rdn fry : " Dr (. !.. re. in -' i of I ' tre j-. i s r rr..ti s a cast , :ht of ss l ie h is eth!lrd hv an irtefra- Uralde fon.Stt.ith n of evijenrr, cf a Dr. :i.f,',e in m ,! i v t i :th o! itlv, : -.u :.:::ve : :s I it died c r.uy as, !.e lOin-.t ,'i.i'eiv to-i, went to j' tt-e m 'o-v hot ' rt (I I im it.; -., .Ie. ! ,r i-aii.rd. b i o 1. t folcd t it- le'ru; '. Ii 1 V s .ti. ' f t. ut. .' o to il e i; " : t ' I '.i h h..j 'ill ! 0 As it t a'e cf a chut ;!. in 1 is I urviniT a ctupe, I :s ho'vf, .im! ' ? 1 ; ' At !e i- h tne 1. . v.l .: he h..d e f . of I ea ' i..l ! t' c (1 -.or f .. .cm- in m 11 l eti 1 I I t i, ts- treet : v.-bet i a wi man k .! t; Is ot Oilo t em- jvn.r.t'.i f I ui .uu A thc :,.ii;.:itivi, it the Le -t. ho- r.uise the sharpness ol tl.e e.it.ds i, s Uend by the genial influence of son-imer, ?) alter that time lo the l of t..b ll, f.'T I le IS Ot in fitted. Vh..t i i there which we admire, v. he: t in we deli.d.t, that ph-aseth i mi. id, or graiilit th our sense, ,,r wb. we are not heir Idea to ii.dustry : Doth :.nv countrv flourish in weal. the ides of November, the ravigatn :i i:i -rar.dei,r, in pr .speiitv? It m is the me lt tl irgetcos ; bcetotse tdttr l.e imputed to industry ; I the in i : ':tr a cry fuire !t of iu governors, settling good r isjih r; tf tlie industry of its pejl' lo.iouin.r l rot, table occupations; J 1 c 1 sc of it! man that c uhl die, to all appeal atiCC, ca"nf I'Urd trc !'.v U' sllvr '" lhc without a fight." No notice w.,s ta-j.u anv time h those ; and alter h.irg n'",l"v ( ken ol ihe speech at lhe time, t tut : lam I fr a rr.iisi h r.ihle period exactly m"-e'iri him shordy af'rr in camp, I , as a corpse, wa? al'r, it seemed, hv a inq .wed, ' how Ar, who was s i moch j voluntary i r.i rt, to rt store to hmstil appboulrd for unc mnv-n g.dlaotry, the appearance sin el all the functions ol should luve expressed treat d.dight I tiimation nnd inullcrt. It is ti-be on fmdi. g the enemy indisposed for j inferred from the L'ter patt o the ac'.io.,." " And who, besides mvstlf, j story, that the unnatural and dnful had a better right to be ph ased, I won- J excrtiors by w hrb in jk r n pstim der," said Docherty. " Wounds and ! ed the apprsrnnce cf dise;r-v, 'f ilu- on.lireil .'tl It-n.Hll A LlA r suit ; I) alli w oulj no b'tige r he mm ke ! with im punity, l he t rmrtcrlVi! cot r. s l w hours alter its l.-.st revival, rd.osfd to f tl c s nh c. ' Sir ! s'n ! I want .pfvk to vou.' I'l'vihcr, ajs I, ' wait till 1 have dotie :' N. sir. I must pck to you inmiei'iiti h 1' 'Wi'v.theti .,d is t!;r ni.t'ir: ' v nv, sir. s's tin- i ! s ol 1 star Aiitun.s iisi s, nnd li.v st a -..'.jeit to violent tempests. 1 Lis is io ', L:wecr. the idea of tl;; sar, wl.'i 'did (Into iutii.it i.otablc oration tl i makes an era hum the etpaitrox, not ; in Salltist, tt 11 the I'nninn senate, ti I rou i the a; -penance d panic ul.ir stars. HI iTOUlCVS. ru ssio m id. The Prusslc ;u ill, wh' M trrme rdous activity as a poison iivill known lo scientific nnd nitelic.il men, exists in the kernel of cherries, pe.trb.es, and bitter a!m nds. In a copiously diluted state it is harmless ar.d even agre eable, it was by thc industry of their arte tors, th..t th a; iimniot; w ra1 h did at to .such a pitch of grcatiu-s. Wl. sloth creept-th in, then all things ct rt'pt and decay ; then the public st.. doth sit.k into disorder, penury and eli'r-i ac- lul ici dition. :e, you nre bun in;; a Hun who died , lhe cordials and o'.h'-r licpiois man tt i;v b no harm fur m Mtehaclh.is never yet fought, hut ns bail Im k would have it, bcth have been hi poition. When 1 give vou a liule piece of thf historv of niv post l:fe into a state width was capable , I n . . -ti i-. t i " 1 1 '. t you w oi rive no- crron i r tnv wisn l ) 1 1' r.;t r n suc nation. i:v.t tne c ;.? . be cn I ol of the r( that to cevc. I v. : - , . , 'kV fr,,m the jump. At the tat'b ' I5r n ' wine, acting ns a srr . a ' f a company in the Delaware i T'-rt. m captain killed, and l'uu t a i absenting himself from the f.tld 1 y th' ir-atir safety of ris nit titer's so interesting and nm.-i k..b!e as to de htlU (ia I tug it ill all lhe Ji'.td w id' which Dr. Cheytic present". )t to Ids readers. "lie ro'.d 1 elle or rnvire when lo please d ; and s et.by jn i ll'oM, i r some how, he could 1 1 nr to li'r ;tp iln. lb juJKhl I'.rruritnt. -A Law ve rm w deceased, a ceh brated wa.". w ... 3 pha li g before a ottli Judr.e, wv "l orn he was oti most intimate tern -Happening to have a clicrd, a fcni' dtler.dant in an action, of the name I II !i 1 . Il f f Ml niln-pil I .. c t ni.iT h in T ' of u.ing these li-ptois without loU;.winrt'l.umerr.. r.tr.dn': "Tick:- IliV 1 urn; In-- iii ii i ti it I mv inr i keeper in thc cfjnntrv had. ar.reeahly to 1 1 i- " t .t- , i .. The renuiinsel ihi-, mineiit astrono- j a custom amone tradesmen in Fngland, ' ,-it ' ... LI ,t. . i . . . . . . . . , M IdV .Atl.11, tt .lllllie IIMU II I ' remlcd hm customers w ith litpior, f0 ne.( ,ir, , f ,..rW.. r. by the .lo which in this ii.star.ee w..s ;.; ; eo'.v. I ,, ,!,',. i-,, 1 1 ' i, . ' ' i ? " , I l II 11 1, I H.ll till !'USl, Ii... with thc sn.ai! pi x tic! mv pi '-r bu-band ,laeturcel Iroin t'.esc fruits owlrg their who never had it.'" This stmy h:.d thc j Havor to its prestr.ee. The following i!isirc! rflert ; nnd lhc run :e p. t loioecl , iinerdotc, v hich is cxtr.ttled from an d e bi nes ol ti e poor iihintsi j Lc laid i' the I.u'.l ctati e buie b vatd. Lrglish puMic?.ion, shows the darger i , hi- prr tirat ion. sli"t- Hit A If 1 I M IMIIISCIII.I T.. I f, ufht w ith d.'spi ration till our ' insisted so tv.ueh n, mi . . i . . i i -or seen mer weir on rs.di. i -t ir ttlii iiiooii in'e'ie i at I ton ( bnreli, iitikshire. in width palish be had br inaliy jeais irsit'eib lie Wat a (icntun ! y 1 ii!h, ton! von of a nttisii un. in vi hit h profession Sir William ws t.ii.iiial!v rclutaUi!, nnd excelled on seirtal mode id instrunir nts. He was nias'er of the bar d of a rtitnriit, wbii h wts tc red ut 1 1 .i 1 1 fa x in the 5 tar 1 770. It w.i bete proposed by some of thc ti:"-i; al ir.htil it.n.i to rtrct Hi otan in l.e 1 'in It, ar.d -i.'sri lot inns wttx enter Tltey liked the liquor, expressul a w ish to have it stronger. 1 he trades man, willing to oblige them, transmit ted an order to a person who manufac tured his rtoycau, that he would pre- paie him a trrtain quantity of dcu!!c i',' wail sitrcngt.'u I his was compii- il ui'h. without rither inimiiies on ' 1 evic prt or explanation on the other. rv, vou'ie as able to do it as I." A wit having lost the i!c 'i,,n to n .' low ship at College, wbii h ns to,: rd t-v a iintlidate of very iiifniur deser' '.Veil," said be," I'oi'K itii ;h Wof makes thc nu'ii ; thc want ol it the i ..... 1 . . u .-.... t.' : . 1 1 j 1 ' .0 morn., n was expended, and mv t1i.1I i-.tdr.that we were at 'at fotred.1" ' r 110.1 inur.sc. v ouim w..s S . .r.,.,1,. novtau v,, :irt',.(tla e. u rades being Co mP'. lied t . retire, I to comph . We al ,h,ee f,h hts pche 1 !f r,f or!' VrPf tl-e Jj(j visittJ thc$h'op ttho bcinff a0 JM tUtUd was hit h. h.lesn and Wouu.lr.l ;... . ..... dir.; V..' .... ..tl ...! ' reoinmriHiaunn 01 me latr aonu nates i .',, .. , ' lUae kstone's t ' iihji, ..... .".ui-i.1, 11 ' r-ii an hi , 1. . t, ,1 .,. , r .1,. ,),,. 1. I e ai . una iimimna , 1111 it juc t ii i i , ,, r .. , o.it,1 sn.i f,!l .-, the h.r.U.T ,0, I.K.....I. I I.;, ... i, ,.i ... ....... i 1 '.l W,,H ,,,c n ,l'c""l,li:iml a..: r ' .: .letters from ai at , x ! - """-irltrkM Ilalilax. and whose m know!, t!eec "l,m'1" ' ' r,l,,u"; ""I"11 I tended for lhe a -.. inv. ( lou nu i'f t .tr-t-rr ..i.. I . .,. .. It.. .,n,,. I i.: ir , , ... h l.i r ...I .. :.u .1... f.... . . " . ' ," 111 i'"i --i o ii'uki vuli-mi tit ill tit eiflier Ol music tnstir- ioeiorr eiiscmTU ut r uu me ti.Ni I .,.. ' ' "" 1 t""1'- 'er re .:w . lus h., k. atid 1 in a Mil postme b 1 1 , e .,,r, es to the- r ,rnl'uiatr who.,r ivtis. i-ioo. re, r re ,..,. . , Ins b. atid I in a Mil! postme :. I !. . . .ii. ' o renn, .- ip'.tuo- ' s-.rv.C lime. VV MHP X Held I',!S i- I, I right e I'lotlT ,1 Vr.o- An aoridgmrnt c onimcntaries in a series her to his Dat:i;htcr. it dvanrement of I'eni o thr nrf. :,iwl tilmiit ! tdnss of los imp, oved cordial. If. 1 ,r ,ni'.is-a in London. We bone ' sir William cntinccd lady drank it, and at a few minutes kll ' nn nuke the Ladici Lawyer. ori ess to t!,e r iTididatr whi .,r (vtist

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