. a Jacob Weaver, Jonas flradshaT, Joseph Fislii r, Jno. 'I liornf isnii, Jonathan Miller, J Iln vm. Ale. M'Corkle, Philip Whitcncr, Jacub Kry, lieu.,;!' Laltimer, Jaaob l'lniimj,'er, .1 no. ih'on; jr. .loiiuH li iiiisdiir, J.icob Carpenter, Cliri,onhiT Socman, Dillid llailv, San.in.1 Wilson. At a tne etinr; of the c itizens of Lincoln county, at the Court-I louse in Lincolnton, on Tuesday, October 22. 1822. Gen. Pe ter l orney was railed to (lie chair, and Daniel M. Forney was appointed Secre tary. On motion of John V. Hrevard, the pro ccedinus of the officers of the lower rce'i nirnt of Lincoln Militia were read, rep resenting the preat iucr-imli'v in the. rep mentation in oui State Legislature as a grievance to the freemen of North-Carolina in all the larire counties. prnyinp hat measures might be taken to cause the same to be redressed : whi reution the following resolutions were unanimous ly adopted : Jlft'itintf, That it is the opinion of this meeting, that the representation of North Carolina is unequal, and that the consti tution ought to be so amended as to se cure to em h citizen his just and ccpu.d right of sttfTr.ice. Rt'nvJy That the freemen in each Cap'ain's company be requested to take into consideration the oucstinn of raliini: a Convention : and ant.oint two net-sons I from each romp me, to nice: al Liiv o!n-1 ton on Tuesday of our County Court, ,'in 1 Jantuiv.1 to ri.nstdt and devi-e Ml lawful ways and means of carrying t'1'" wishes into e fleet. .1 u 1 1 ji i ' i ttin' the proceedings of this mee.intr. whirh, - Ik. - , I ,ro IrM.i Ml, A p..oiii: m i.u u ;. itii i!. ii m.si:.cs be ailt'pt'1' lJ' mn rciicl,- we, llo: lil'.iii I Jury, lllCI'1 flllC. dd'lll it llll!H:t.C S'.arv tt enter minutely into ttu h prm ecdin,!p ; tut wish it to be expressly understood, that any leftal or proper measures which may be ;k-pteil, tlie uliim;itc tendency ol whii h will be t'i cfTc-ci a redress of those grievances will meet with the approba tion of all the members composing this Grain! Jury ; nnrl, we believe, with the approbation of the people generally. (Sifriird) iwii i MmiiiM is, Foreman. toother with the hiress to the citizens; 1 '!rnllf 5S ),as fdled ; and at the same time tint I of the county, be r.,nsn.i.ted to the r-oJ. jio enl.,, on tins sul-,ect, knowing t h d , rMccinC(, him f()r hi, i tl fl x if ,Ic jIIf1?1i:v. onel of each llrcimmt. with a request j vour good sense w ,1 in a moment et.aolc , ,,.vc Wm fm. iis fijn.y that the same mav be submitted lo the vou to comprehend the extent of the l(, dfncc. Where, Mrs. v.e imd iu d freemen of each comp.nv. gnevances rompl ,med of. On .his sub-, .nn Mii t0 jr. FeM, iT.a. until , meeting of ihc!l;c are con lent, there 1? .., our p .rt , c )in of fnr ,c,.fi).f, Crlctntes from ca h company shall lake l'f country but on- opinion. hat U.(!(.,.C(K it is du(u w,lirh 1C prM pi ire. Col. OUver Holl .rd, John V. vv-! remaim l,rus.tlun. is to cJI vour auen-, , M ,c, Wf ,() (,,p in,!ivi.jUi), .:l. Laws,,,, II. Alexander, and D .oirl' ' so,n manner olproceedmg. by . r'unccniC(l un !o th,msdvcs. ,0 hnlKlt M. I'umrv, be appointed a corresponding h we may be eua ded to do jus-.re to I ,f MMin, VCjkof (ii ,;fc. Slrt, Co "nii'tce ; and lint they ropy su n nto- cefd'uiis of this mming asth-v m..v six a a"1' ''" a C'tici.tion : and the only al:Cr proper, and cause the sime to be trnns-i'tivc now left us. after the repeated bt:t tnifed to the Ldimrs of ihe ll'mfrm Cur. j Useless app'ir .'ions to our legislati.: e, i-; c.V;.u'i, fur pti' lieat;on 1 jn appeal to tbr penp'e at large. Session DA.IIF.I. M. rtUiNT.Y, .V r'rj tafter srssian h.;s the ptoposition hrrn sub- initted to our l.egi-.ature. and as often V,r.'.r.-:2"n : It was understood, at I has it received a tnoi lifv in;; repulse. If the meeting cilh-d M Lincolnton on the I ttiis, cur of the peaceable modes of en :3l October, 1822. that ihe persons up- j d,,Voi in ; to remedy the evil, has failed, pointed a Corresponding Committee, ' h is incumbent om:s to avail ourselves of should al .i) take on themselves I he duly ' those lights aiidmwcts cstcd i:i lis hv cf diawinir u; the a 'dress ri ipiited to be rtd with ihe at- rrsolutions. In pursuanre nf this duty, we request vour earnest at tention to a short and iuriTlerl evposi-' t un of ihe rtiuses which must compel us ti rrnrl to other uteps than such as we have hctcoforc taken, to procure an al-' It-ration of our present f'oiisiituiion, in tlio c pit 'i. nlars i-i which it is evidently ir- ,!,r;,,f' lf , , . Refo-e vp o-o'-ea l further, pet naps it llli'h be excreted tlaat we should point nil tb isp titats of tb it instrument whirh 1.1. a., aia .!,i..rl l.f nrl Inll, lOTO'l.-ilil . . - ., i- ... i ,!bt..o ..-ntro'her impoit, o do- 'erts, v- w-! Svrlv mention one. the first in ma inula : I )ur rnnsttii-on pro, idrs .inula : Our ranstiu,:on provides nt r . r- o'-' all I In f nti'ta d to i led i on Sen inr -ol tw tlmresi-iit aiivi-s. y .i . i -. a . .- .a -a . r a. ' oie 'loo i'T lis i'iot ion. me i- os ai "ii n !''''" "' he n icii.-all. fcV.; Tlr V '- tba n ihe twos populous p.r f,( it,r ',r; I'.-t e mmiiier ol , ciinniics in t' d s'-c'io of rointrv was pra.r.oi. ti a'.Iv I .r-.c " iw the case is al- j fi(.,. T, w-t lf of no'nil I'i-m is o the , ... I x wl-il li e ! cf r.rr, n'r.'iri Sl ! hi s too I tt .ii1! '; Hut I'lrccv 'r, ; aside thi qnestioti of sr.-- j inn d tirw-; n;ul interests, it must he np. ! l arnt to everyone, who will examim au- presftat no de f.f rep'espr,' ,tii,n. that .t is nniost. ii"ec)i. ! tnd (ontrary to that l- . y . fcroia- al a rr When w e are told I" Dr.h'ican rnverntre that rvr r- t'reem n isen'iiied tmhe same) icl's and r.riiih a-, do we find it Ihe tor t in the t tier-e ' I'u:! ol '.re sta,e r ' ? A tnec'v vvi'li five thousand inh .! i r ants rr its her three meml ers ; ?nd they hive ; s prra weight, ard is strrn a voice in "tir Ir I'ixl.atixe rmnril a 'he '.htee sent fmtu i county of twentr iho,.ind. Is it tint, then, upparrnt that one ni,n in Hav weed f for instanced ha vote in feT-d enu I to those of four in Lincoln ? H u e .. . , . . L.- V I ve nil, tnen, etpiai rii'.nis ; ,sjurr aim j niir ancestors sar ves, wi. ue i ict nu e:;- pr'irner av no. he piri' f our rov-! eminent, and the inheii'anre of freedom. 1 .-, r . . Knanntee to us fi'-nl enA'x ; and vet -e tf "t, and ate toM we an.V v.:, enjoy thrm. Wc miiht here i-vpi-r-. w'ut arvru. tpenta the oppor.crs of our rights adva.ee i.i s.:(-.p-.rt c-f their conduct . ,hk!i ii the veriatilt'.y of t lie i r talents, and their un blushm; i iTiontery, that at different pe i iocta i eubnus us opposite aa liltt and dark ness arc arrayed at'aint.t a Convention. Al one time they exclaim, " Wait umil luucr spreads her white wintrs over the I iiul ; pressed by the toils and wants of war, the f.e.idi arc too imieli homed in temper to he trusted." At smother, they cry ut, " There is too much danger in these lays of quiet and happiness ; wal lowing in prosperity, the profile love inno vation too well to be trusted." How liht such arguments sound without the walls of the Legislative Mall ! Why could they not have tolil us, in as many words, " there is wo time fitted to rail a Convention." , Arc vc,Kjt as well quaiifa-d to enter into a cool an mnartia exjinina urn of ibr- defects of our constitution at this J,,.. -,'Uwy ms.tat.ee. our fathers would have been who formed it f I. duration takes now a wider range, and knowledge of every description is more common than at the time when our ancestors met to give us a system of i-o-verntnent. What, then, have we to fear ? Is it a wan, of integrity ? To ask the ques tion is almost an insult- The f.irt is, in every instance when this subject has been discussed in our Legislature, the mem bers from the Last have only sought for an t rcunr lo hide their cupidity of power. Unfortunately for them, the veil they throw around their motives is too flimsy to conceal the workings of the inward spirit. They tell us further, "admitting that wc, who represent a minority of the citizens of North-Carolina, do govern vou, who are in fad a majoiity, what ri;;ht have you to complain, w hen you cannot shew i,i what manner wc injure you i" Such lias been the hackneyed language of their orators. What, is it no injury to be governed bv laws which affect our dearest interests in person and property, and not ti.i.v .in ti uaa t un t in iiijhiu- litem : . r Iiut it is unnecessary to cite instances of abuse of powtr on their part. It is suf- t , ic,'f f"'" "s, that they have the ability to "i"'' -s whether the y do or not. Self- preset v a'lori ur.'cs us to remove the means of diiin ; so beyond their reach. It j.is better to driw- the young lion's teeth, than to rekt satisfied with his inoilcnsivc disposition, for senility. .;;'('( :r;v : We deem i needless r (nspos..,on. Ir seruuiy. III. Ill 1 1 J I 1 " I M i 11(1 Hi.ll llll 1 IU1 L 1S1 I f lu,",ll'w' 1 " '"""'h11 ithc fi veil nature of otii-gov ci nmeid. Let .us but use these ns comioon setiic will ! direct, and -all the arts and wiles of the members fioni the Li-d cannot prevent our teilressmg Otll'.l Is C. lur Mill ol , lights dea l arcs " That ail political pov wcr ; is vrs'cd i i nn I dcried from the .'' only." Woo ai e the Ac'.c ? We have i :,v ns sheen laugh t that " we. the people." i.t i -, r.iiit " r ', ;i -1 an , i- oi in I'laooi n.i.c i" o ! tlu- emphatic language of truth only (,; . x f ,...u - , , , , ,,,,,,,,, br, , when used by a inajouty of the freemen ,j,c nijllu. r ,.,"ior th," va. a k, but it i, not . ijf a ii pnliln . If tins be true, seeing. !y , the i csiilts of the applications to our l.e ...t .lulu. t,.! t bl'.'l 111 iliill'l' r.f f!.l , a 'i a- i . .a .a f Sta'c is t.ecidco.v lavorao.C to the ca.l of a rnr.vrn'inn, to dii so must he the '.. ii! rf , - ,' f r.fjr. I It iirvt behoves t:s to v.cise lor our- l selves some o'.her means of re.lres than . , -.i i Ti . . a tnrtsr lotnc'io ucu i or jnan rrca-in-. ivicr.'ed to vai in the resolutions accota-: pan v ing this address, has been adopted in other counties, ami wc earnestly horwt it w inert with vmr entire approbation.; The object pi incii.'llv in view i, that the i Delegates rtasv I'eLSeratc i n and cltct some tertain nu lhod of otni.uiiieation v.i'h all the miotics favorable t'i our wishes, in orcei to active at a Rcner.! ttn-' dcrst indim; to the time and mar.ner cf , ca;;ii2 u '"nn fation. John T. ltrevard, " tlbvi r llollaiv ' . I-II. Al-vmaler. V' "' , !c Pan"!. M. Forney, J Ef.:a t of a Utter, datcal I rri:lr.ri: n,t.i. ,, ! Ci.'.'aoa .'. .".-i- It.i .ilvarccil to 55 e-rt:. Mr. Clay has been ronlui d by k'vere'f((, 4(, -nrh mA f.-, , 62 for 4- iwh; eventln.c inilisj.'isition lor me last ween. U H now convalescent, but has not vet been able to isscc out of hii house, lie hope :.. ', .,. .lv a.. ....on, t .1 ... -" r, .. or two." II I. I MIL I'' I I Ll UU.H IU LUULl I I H ll.l ' mm 1 1 no vi 1 1 , r.4. oct. I a. On S it- a I 1.1.-. w .t.....u.,i I.,.. oaai.ay i.av, jai't, c --i'"i-,; iuxmi ..., opinion nn the Mandamus issurd r;nin -t t Simon U'hitjker, Kst. who had been tip- pointed Set rctary of Slrte, by the Ciov- history of out rourdry. Horn it. Virgin emor. He oidered a nerrmntoty M m- at l?39, smd was in the armv in 177'"'. d.inni to issue, ard the r.flice was ileliv-jaml ered up ty Col. Hammond ycs'.erday I iiaorring. The lollowiiKj coK.iiiUim aVi'Ui was slip ped into our letter-box one day last week, but by whom wc ate entirely' ignorant. As the writer seems doubtful whether "the rrspcctublc gentleman who now oc cupies the scat in the U. S. Senate will positively be a candidate," we take the liberty to inform him, that Cen. Stokes' name is with his friends', who will Vvi lively support him for a re-election. We have taken some pains, since the receipt of this tojiiniunication, to make incmiiies on the subject ; but with all our industry wc have been triable to learn that Col. Polk has ever been mentioned as a candi f(jr ie s s . , . ' ' toll Tilt WUTIRff CAIIOI l.xli.V I Maura, Jlingiatn is" White : On the opposite page I send you a com munication, for publication, on the sub ject of our Senatorial appointment. I hope you will give it a place, in the West ern Carolinian, and thereby oblife a rea der of your independent and impartial paper. .1 fl'ettrm Republican. October, 1822. SENATORIAL FLECTION. I have perceived from some communi cations in the Western Carolinian that the subject of the Senatorial appointment will be likely to engage the attention of the ensuing Legislature As yet 1 have not understood that the respectable gen tleman who now occupie the seat will positive ly be a candida'e ; and availing myself of '.he privileges of a li te citizen, and the benefit of an hidifntulrn press. I have thought proper to direct the atten tion of the people of North -Carolina to a man who is a Western ri'it-n by birth. , e i- . and a vv csietn man in !cclings and inter- . , , ,, .. csi. i mean voi. iiiukiiii i ci.v, oi lia- leigh. This distinguished citizen is one of a.!.' few of the. remaining heroes who early I stepped forward in defence of the librr lies of his country. I have fought by his side, and know his valor. 1 have witness- i -., - -i i i. .- i i .' fl with pride and exultation his ct.iioi.ct I for thirty years, in the vari.Mis stations he . i . . . : is peculiarly the situation of flic subject of this communication ; and as such, . su,;gest his name to the rtprcctitatives of the State. j 1 am r.ot disposed to canvass the merits j C. f. l,,c ; , .,.u-,,n. r. -.., f,,.l... .. : III llliliu 11 III U ... .. ', I. ,111 I ll ,., r i i- .i to mention the name l father ol the i . . . . , . .1 .a . lire IIV iMiiiiiiiiu, . a i a .a, in t 1 1 inui lit ' ' " I " . , sjiokcn of. Neither of them, I believe, i will dishonor the state; and with the choice of either, I sh II rest contci.tcd- r.ni.FFFMI.I.F. 1'filCLS Cotton, 7 5 1 to ') 25 . flour, 7 ; heat, 1 1 ) to 1 J5; wliinka-v, peai h brandv , -I); apple bnmdv , -VO ; corn, 4 a tu a I ; hacon, li cents; tnul.u.es, ,a to jo , sugar, nrow n, n to ii aiiiii.ars per a i loaf, 1'.' to .'jea iits pa r If. ; eollee, to .''I ; Ii a, lo son, I l a lo 1 .) ; !.a sei',, 1 Uol. CJt.lltt.F.STnX.U.UtKI. F, n.-t. f .. ii. a. .r i ..i.. i. i c. ... , ( i. d ;b..t the Li:, r iiuutation dl Lc maintain- linn n i ,. rro iiii ' r i rouiits Iro-n all quarters tl i- in imr s. i uri'd, add, d lo the l-Ito niy I; stati aif the liraie-'i ll aiket, have a seri'Usi ,'b-ct n. ,( nii f. jm n wi. rri. jsi.1(1 ) ar, ,: , at 1H to 22 rents I';,,,,, - . i,tli s ot 'new Hour have come tor- ..r - d !.i Id at S"1. hut the s... -s are tin Cu'ti Sale, at close of I'm- week at '.J i . ,( fH " ' f'vl ,v st,M i ,.f ea.fiVi- U f.-b' .Uii.ia.i ' j,,.- b,,t priia sali nut improve ; Lagiura nd J nearo Imvc tmw.gtat s a rents, m. iHitmn i a J". 1 ba re w no prime I lav a in m irsa t. 'r,', ,.r fi-.- tic main undlered, per.iaps nib no;- lit it- r. iV be aaai.1 to hava- t'ta-'ini d. St. n is 1 I lor Jvlli 'iwni.uiiiivMjr'i Itiva -i , t -oiiie giiod U laid s i ava- be. u i I- fi red at v,tl ; tbcv may be rpaa.tcal at 11 t 1 i. Jtniaif sa arc? ; 1 rinn! anlad r a bly rnr'5 jrr'"s- , .. r . , i, wiTia--iii.ii"., . ... ...'.. Ana h ir do Ili JamiuVa l,:,m alUi N 1 4 ) a 11 j W lai-key ,a(a rents m t.iij-i. anil rntland i.7 in hbl-. ami rxjvecla-al to pin? it. Sulr rhtre has vwrt" i vrr in th reok, hut till Itie arrrde it srarrr, ami To ennui have been asked for Liverpool; lurk land f ! a TO. Ii-.i v on imml very Tent, t is the asking; pnee. r:a.ii ..- .".irltas .ilvarccil to 55 e.-rt:. -,-Si.H-k n i,n,J vers- jjn-ist, $ U the Ve. ijill priCcsare expected to be rse-ed i. Kv. hai je on the vnrh, lills 1 J a'.l ;-ht. 2 . 2) per rent premium. li '! Wsk2 r-er cent. pr:niir i. ,. (airVjinl Sle.te L.l'lt' .'..ft,.. "rCer!t. 01. , (.eairr,ia dai. 2). Ih .:'", L? SO. rifc.. r... ii 1 I. 1 An- if- i-. ,r,. , . . . .... . fixen is the true account of the dates at which President Monroe Bpr"!'i in the wn, woutidcd at the battle of Trenton. lia-e. 2C, a a 7o. l.cn. W asbinpton tlxn 'gave him a captaincy, and he ws aid to general Lord Sterling, f.nd scon after a colonel ol a regiment. In 1 78 J he w .s in the legislature of Virginia, and in 1783 a member of the. old congress. In 1787 he was again in the Legislature of if gin'u,aiid in 1788, in the convention which ratified the constitution. In I7'J0 he was a hciuitur of the United States. In 1 7 U 5 he was m'miiter of the Uniicd Slates in France, from which place, l.e was recall ed by Cen. Washington. He published a " vindication" of his conduct, and was not long tifterwards elected governor ol Virginia, and continued as long as the cons itution of the state allowed. In 1 302 he was sent by Mr. Je Ret son to I ranee, on the negotiation for Lou'iM ina. In 1 802 he was appointed minister at London, ami in 1805 he went on a special mission to Madrid. On his return he wi. s.gain in the legislature of Virginia, and in 1810 was governor. In 181 1 he was secretary of state, and in 1814 secretary of war. He h now in his second term of president of the United States. UIF.I), lo Hot kin ham county, on the Until nil. Mrs. Fruncet Hurdr n, consort of Mark Harden, Y.. late collector of the port of St. Murks. A be vere, ami in.lced, irreiiurahlu, loss is siist:utf i by her family and fiii uiU, in the death of this. truly amiable and estimable w mai. .inuincs, Ue iHci., f the dozen, or sinc'le one, for Mile at t oflice of the W utern Carolinian, Salisbury. $Ui w VV.un I Mil. I, eivt- one hu.t'lretl dollar, rewind fr the (let, i tion of a winiig 11..111 bv tin- iiarr.i- ot iiham Mciorc, and In di-liim 'o me at Jones bum', Trnnrs-.ee, or iiki-sbi.r V ('. 'th the liioney and pa-ii-rs he btolc ; ir ) for him alone. The said William Mo"-.. ,i,,J.. f i-. M . 1 me, on the 11th Oi toar" list, S ". t '1 ther withl ttiv poc k' t hook and papi rs. I I.; p- v ere s en j a'i dollar hill' o'l the I ni' I M itf . It.oik. ami! imi- S)-0lr'l in Teiei'-ssee I';;.'" V. Ik' is :.boiit : feet H or '.) ioebes liigli, d.itk eoinph '( 11, hlaek heard, oi,n- of'liis torf teeth 'ailier i!n :.y. eil, is remai ka'dv well made, beasts go-l d al oti iMiimin;', and is hard to I .-it ; is loud of s'n-. and al!"i-h r iniile a plaos'lile fellovy. M- li 1 1 1'.iinv mil.. j,..;.V:v. i., v,::. 'V',TI(T adimn V i'ts. d eei bv 'fn ' ii la tup ev enter. '".'o'', or L vl'd f.'i'.'IK V ol .lobli 1 'or"l "r. i li n to go tl,iiiuj;li a jrveat f lan--i d. William Mill-, Z.iekar -,!i Mo.sJ tilj ol dv.ul, w Inrl, 1;,'-. - sc. ralli-.m-i. Jet Mr. t tu i, hum I am imb hte-i!, that Ll-aideii answired wi;h gna' vpertneiis, c-J :.c! lOO i) II' ill o l; ', O'l V, ', t'd.e ll'Csda'., tin- '.."utb iust. at tin' j lie oaiii n u!e and prnvi.led fortbe ilvi-t.t o blors t at which time an I ,' , u' vou tbink proper, attend and o ili,- a outrun, if vou have any. SAMt I I. UltUtlKS. lit e . pb.iv ill iV. V on ;: :, . i .Hi Vttt'Jni' WwU'Yi i'tu'V; .i'airu mil SII.lF.lt. s.uitiiim;. V, siiliv rilo r take this method to inform rn'oina rs and the a iiien in tenrra', in S ar.Nhurv and i's vi initv, 'hat he soil eonloinrs his liusiiim t st d inn east of his former s'anil, ; t to re tie :iure i tbe iiublie Itiat bis utmost a-n. d. avors shall urn be wamiiurto aeroiinn.Hlate those wlmiiiay plea.e tolivor hiiuwith their vostom. he.K-wt In, ami silver-Ware.ionstailtly , i.t lor sale, I t ii 1 ,0 , tS Wll.klN'MlV. t'S , . . r a . , 11 in-..- u hi li o i nrriiii it ol lonii- stand. t r. ing, are ra (pu sted to ieltle tin in without alelav . :. w l.lU tt ))C StAA i'UV TiXVS.;tl,at ft.) ilo lien l.v evrtilv, that . r,.,, .'. - I WILL v II, at the Ci iir' Moute in .inei.b t in, on Mni'lav, the JXtti dav aif Vm ember lies', tbe fullnvi'iiig tracts nf land, for o ll.nrb , tb- reof as will Satisfy the t.aM and rnn'inga-nt a h.aiges tberton) due for the Vfars 1ST I and 1H?1. I l l arm (onir not kn-tvni lying on l ong sboal Creak, joiiiinj land-of C.a urge Ita-unn, I i die an 1 l'aittiT, anil olba rs, (not lis , ii "! ' l.'i a' res ha longing to tbe In ;rs t." .l .mes WiKon, lv in j nn I'otu' Crei k, jn nu'g lands ol , IVaniel Cnntnad. Jaa nb Shofivd anal nib. rs, ( do. j "nil -acri s h .eg on n ike ! rreek, luiumg l.m ' iif Va illiam Isone, ando'.bi I t, uppo.. d to In ba g In Davis ljrateev, (do do,) .'"i arrr h ing nrar 'he C.i'ava ha s-,r,ngs, '''..-. I l.nt;ieg tu !rii gle' a .!uO-,') li.teal hv C i:' John Keid far 'die ja..r IS.''1, for liie war 1S.M in t li-trd. H." arrei lv ing- on Snow Crea k, j'lininjr lanaU nf I S nil a'l I others, fl a: :v llv l.s'eal 1V ia ,1 Nil ill lat 1-in Ting- to l; ,v re, M a.l.) ; ".Oti ar-' lv Tg nn the vt st.-r-. ol" Maiden ("reck in i I'mcli p.', jaiieeg 1 in, Is of Henry Side anal t .. nrg- I.UV, so ; i hot d t J belong tu the katccv a-f .tarr ", (do. d a.) arra h in;,' on Jacobs' river, jo.ninf lamU ef Jo ph Johnson anal others, taappuseti to be ihe property of William lla-nl, (do. do.) TOO srreit v inp oh tbi (at.iba nea-r, joininp !ii is if William llenderin, J.ama-s A he math) nn I fi bers, U.C property aif Wiiiiai.l Dav id am, a,a!n. ilo.) Also, 7 a,.!, lvinj: ui John Wilfnng's Mill c;-rk, ioiuine; lamls of John Will"oi, Jacob i Sir, and otlit-rs, belnn'mr to Daxid r.olhinjer cilA listed. JOHN COLLI T.I5, SSeriff if Ijncoln Cnwity. AVaiim-V- 27. IS22. ni'VCOMBf CUKT. I OtTKlUOi: rourtot l-t. Sept.lrrm, IS?. ij U use t.rvidva in, and I'mlv his xx ile, t-. Pan- . i,- li.vs a. t.n.r ..is. i-seeiit.ars of Cn.d, iixi--. i i. ...l i ,ii, i'ii ior Qira:ii iT- snare. !sr. It ,1";ia si ine; to the atiNtaeliain asf iherain-t, fbat ('eo: ;e D.tv i ;, cue i f the dct'enahu ' in tl.i ea e, it.:.' - X. l bout tilC limits nf th. s'n'e, so :l t the a r ,.na- v process of the law eannut be set" ed nr. h.n , it is tin refore utile- !, that p1'1' i'. atio'i 1" n.a lc six weeks snceessivty in tin ; a f'.im.'.' io.ii, that unless liar nai l (ia orge t'i' ir a" tin- in ! S-ipcrior Camrt ol Law , 'o hr 1 , for tie- cauinty ol llama. imhe, at tb ort. bee in Ashaxill'e, am the first MemUy aftrr i if i .uv'.h Momlay in M.ns-li nrf, then and tha:re M fib nl, ansvyrr. of ilenmr, the pi-tit'um of the p. tmotirrs will he !iMt"i! parte as to him, the Haitf ami llainrs th-rein camtainnl tkefl ss ii.t". si'il. ard alea re 1 n a-nlinply. i;nP.T. Hl.'.. C k. 1 Vr. idv.S" evt'3 A HY.AL 1 ift U C ft S 1 V 1 W S i r t , IS now, for the first tin.u, intniil'ii r. t i i ' , . -t roonl), for both bexi-s attended by a' m'. finale iithern, under the iiieri,it(.ie'.o.' , ut . lie i miller (iiinlen. from the Sirntt'i i!!i i 'anleriaii School, where he Htndii d tion in an.j expeditious stern, w ith great n'ie.e ss, n. i i lr. I'eicr I trick, who has n nitty arrived Ir. ,ri.. I'hdadt Iphia, with the latent 'riiirovetot n', Ll and posst-kH-a certificate ol tlut f'a,-rt. The brunches Uoght in Ins w hool are iiieli at; art: comprised in an r'ail' h education, I'areut and (iikrdixiiu, who may I. r I dip'' d to place their children under hit ruie, uij de pend that nothinc on his ;eiit bl all he waiiiinp to expediti! their progreib ju leas aii.g, and to in. til moral principle in'o l-r i,it?l j kirn ii;, he trusts, he able lo xatii,!, cw:r) i ationabh ei, peelation. The object of these :, li'ir.Tt, i to lessen tb.. load of human misery ; and ' be'fer the f Ii. pioij!., moral, and m-ei'il (omi i.on of i.vVv, bv teaching those who attend leil oulj to ri nd and write, ii.c. Initwhat it infinitely of mo,-' r'cin n' , the tear of the Lord, vtr.eration lor les lioly word lor Ihe oislinaner of the I bird's hon( , and a due obnenanee of t ic Lord ' 1jv. The pennaneiit inbtit'stimib of I hoi h inpv (duii'h, render it a proper tlu aire fnr l lie '!i pl:i of all the immeroiib hlesiii(fi 1 1 i ll flow from ilsgefieral introduction, tu system I j . done limn- toivili.e the lurbanan, , nbbieu the ignorant, and inculcate the principles of ir. tue, 'ban any sdieun- of refiiriiiation of hinifj . oriif n i-er presented to the world. I lo- public are e arm stlv invited to visit die. n-'uiol, every Fmluii a'urw.i.n, vheti the) nia',' full sitinlv thein.ebes widi Ibc pro'irit fl if tlx' s s'ein ; w here si ats are pr pan d for them, anr! they cjn enter and r tire at plcasor1 , w idiot;" intei iii jiting the school. 4w,.1o I.LM)l.lt (i.MtDI.'s f ;;ttre, l,e,le!l fv. .Vff. H, VI U. Tin: L.WCAII HIAN SVS'ir.M. 'F'l ill- I'iiIiIU. Hieing, w ith inai.j otlii rs, attein!-il It r aiiiiua'ioii of Mr. Alexander t.aidi o flu a ...e easteriaii leaf her, by Mr. I'ett r I Irick, "rem. brace this eai l opportune to teslify tben'n, fa lion we di-i'iv il t: (in, tbe ''pert.ich; ; fc'iddo not hesitate to di i are, tb-i ye deem tbis ; V. n a-, iiiipor ant lo tie- morals and rcbem, a tie ht-r.i'ure of tbe ri :t.f Mice. We r hunoi l find tliat the Lain.astt rian svsti'in, m lo i U i daO-d, ierorporate tbe I'lidillil lit of li l.Oo w it ft t!.e rudiments of language ; and w e raniii too varmlv ri-cnti ineiid it to tin- patronife of cor b llnu -eitii rs. Wf tliil.k it no more tba an aet al jus'ire to declare, that though Mr. ' i rii k proposi d manv Imndred ".in siioo,, ai.d re- pacticetl villi an t rov with a number 't I..-, sc holars. a are dicida dh of a pinion, t. at it all "''c teiirhe''? a f Jubjerted to mieli si vera anl pubbi; Aamuia'ion, to mm 'i (piockarv m edua.a'ioii vould no' bepraaiH d as has bi. n In sboi-t, vve are ln.iilv of opinino, t:i' tb' l.accasterian ms'i iv, as wiw jiwavfl hv Mr I trick, iliihracii advantages unknown to any other. Jab. Upratt, 'mi, I, hi, .1. Ilinkiiis, Thos (.ri r, A II. Lrum, S W. Ko, J. 1). iSovd, Jim. ;-. nett, Tlios. Sprat!, Tbo. Bavd. fm.i J .Vfotr. nf.finenen, Siatetf 0Yurti- C iiniaaU, .U-cl.-.- bm if ('ounfy. Certificate ol" a real Lancmlerian Tcvh-r. ohiali usta m ran onlv be learnt hv personal jp- l.i.itioii and btiidy in a wa II crg.iiii.ed ki boo. I, I'lTI K I'miiK, (uholeanit the si stein Ci tlo- a-r'pnal si bool in I'hda.letpliia. i.iiiU r tin dm a iioii i f l.iln-wil lliil re, a pupil i f ,lu,.ru l.srsriK tin' inventor, and l ing pr.irlisi al a f.r a rousidenbh- tinu. with tiiimbrs nf eu! drcn vi i'b all tbe impiovenu iits bun it-.firv in .-i,(rrlinii ui.il Mi..,..! , n-iriil . r il'n .. . . f.i.--1. a I. as prai tis. il xml tituuiei in r.'' . die Mod, I srlinol, tinder mv 'ir-a t.oti ; .0 ,1 that hav in if under inra piinlic a-i tria',. , I do bi bevr bull qu.il ha d trita aaii aii bu r . a bddrell the eh mi nts of a rnmna-n m i bv t'.is svsoaii, mid 'o applv ilia biaina- piiii'e n in L ai bine; MVtul aail.i r branrbrs el k,, at adge. In tis'iuaoi v vvlia rei f, I fue ,iUt n v- iiime and alhid 'ha- a! aif St. ret', Vbi ltl si hiK-t, (laia I V:u dav a,f u,- ,bi r. -2J I'F.IKK I I l .t K. ' tl,e aibl e latn.at n ma.i! a.-, a'.ii m s.a-O-d, p- ,. , 'I ha spru, A. II. l'-rviiii. J. l 11. o.l, .'1 n riaiiikcii ,lho. I'f.v.l, J. t .i m. ?! II, .Inn llaniitt, llnb Miflaivt , !', A! ' r.-tta r. J. ll.nk.i , S. W . Km, Thus, t.rra , .. Saiutli. I, ai lra-s'r!ei,t, tt-s'-fx to the fa-' of sell ; meeting alia) tMin una' aau. JAS. 5PR til. ' tHKis COtSTT ( lOt'rtr of Ltiiu'x, Saptmli.r Ir-r,, k; .. Lphraim t.rern!ec v. John Mrin, ami ai-iber; "foprual Bill. It apppearieil to the ht. i-ilaa tion nf the Court, that .bilin Mrl n.mii a the ila-U.nUii's ia not an inhabitant of this S'a'e, it is Ihets for irtlervd, that publ iation be ti ,-, in the W r-cTn Carolinian for tbrre nwrnliv ic ccasm lv , That the ilrleiMU'i', Jnl.n Mar m a pear t nor iwrt ('uurt ol I'apnt to be l ,- i, the Cuxtrtty cf Horke, at the Coort-ncasv i ".larganlon, on the fourth Monday of M.m : i.. . th: n anal '.here to plead, answer, cr i!'-iii,.r, a -jmlmetit pro ee-itessu xxdl ba; eta' rt d a,;,..: . h.m, ainl be luarvl r parte Trs, a. Envtrs. t'.c.i. :. . ... --s. 1 jr. 4 I . - aMiiU' tiV VsY-rnrtn, ii .y tv poo cot si v. (int'laT of I'la-a-i and ieni r .-.iw, s. S.'sin, H22 : 1 luuicis Lra er, dn m . .a tor a.l I.! e.h tiisxr, ihreaM-.l, ts. S h, t.rei fi I li',.,ical at'acbmi nl, lesierf on I mi. It ' it aril-r o tbe aa'isf.ie'' m of tll- i 'be alela nakaiil an 'Ins ease is n'itan i-ih.ah Mnt f this St.itc, it itatll. rlorr Oirav., tblat pllblla l i- ,i he made in ttae VI e, rn Cariluuati for six- ri k, 'hat 'ho rla feiwlant appear at our fit xt Conni . Ciiiirt if fit as and Cjuart.r Srnmin to ba b ' tit is for the cnam'x ol" Hal i-n-l. a' 'he Ci" lloiiie iii W avnesv il'r, "n tbe last I"rtdn ,,. lla - eiiibir next, tba n and tbrre to plead nr .'a liarV, air judirtni ut H he entereal aprumi !. i-i eXrte, iind tin- land email, miaeal m-rnr.l.oi: I , Wiin.ss i:tHi. l.o K, f.rt ii :,'.' For rJc ut this ( )M--r.