t, . I'-x.irsts. IHll Til V l; HI -.'' II Li' I . 'ItU IV. i'tirtut .' i .'i"f f iV '.'.'." ." fV Miii'ii.'?- It ii a ii'jt'.nious Lit, s'uit every tc to'iU.I attempt In ov-tt iiti established :,j:nii.f g i erttoiciii, I raise the vo'.u i.es of lawless uuilit'.iiii upon their ruins, have or'uMii itc! in i pretended anxiety 'or the peopl.-'s v.rf.re. It ha been found easier t convince i h c public that the jjnvernmcn. was disposed to trampL .,11 their right, I lan that factious aspirant to the supreme authority Mere worthy of the trust. And when once the cons'-itu-ted rulers weie made to tremble beneath the vengeance of an infuriated populace, it followed, a a necessaiy consequence, 'hat the original movers of the change would he the prominent character to supply their place. The same coutse w it h the same noble object in view is now pursued by the rad ical leader. They begin the muck by d profession of violent attachment to the people' interests affect to regard the administration a unworthy of public con. fidence boldly chaise them with viola lion if duty, and wilful departure from the principle of the constitution and proclaim to the njiion, that nothing hut dn entire change of men and measures vn remove the corruption which tiints it councils and p-escrve uniwpaiicd it dear-bought libertie. ' On the fi.e of all ! this, nothing appears but genuine patriot ism Its intake and Supersciption arc stamped upon the whole. The people re einianiered the people are tranpled under foot and it is as friends ot the people, and determii.eJ foes of despotic vv, that these disinterested rha:npii.s j leap into the arena at their o;.i iuinici.iate i bazaiJ, but without the hope of personal advancement. Such is the lofty position whirh t!ice woMfn ndvociiirs tf die c luw ii i: '- ''.have chosen to assurne su 'i H,e J fj-i-.datior. on which t.iev s. fleet rais- j Utcic Je. ii'.t if e examine tin ir t n.oUu- wit i i intlc ni .-t accuracy, a- l()k ,,are in Salisbury, on I hursoay, wjth ice, and the remainder had t on.e ! asf, p,niou, to tnv leaving the c 'r v of Hit- i ' tv f inflietinc death as a capital pu Mi:n.ngtheie ,uio',s, antf lot tlieir wrt., lhf ; lth ,A ( )rluUr, incompliance with a 8way, the fishing being consideied over. ',.f Aires Mr. Kiwdavia. (Sc-rreurv oi" Uhu.r opif,i-:i,s mv differ; but fewt. s ,,,c tnrt,,U ! Leus"' "'V1 "ls' p cii'ins notice. Ihe eject of this The vessels reported have en an average ' S:.,te. u.d member d the Junta, then in . fieetini' minds will dissent to the imp: v v.t,, u.a. m, ,m anuuv. . imuhuoii, pe-aie superstrucaiieo, pnviC ambition i 4lMi personal uiai.ee. , Th-. tne cf their objection to the con-! ... tol the admin-stra'ioii is of itself on.i(;r.n: jric, 0f A r presented, tosr.OK. stPT . 17. Sir W Knighton 'c,,, ion that evening; ht fortunately lie ' v of the officer fixed on hv law , the put:- lusive evidence m favor of my assertion. , ,he ,rfv.nt Constitution of the Mate, m..is .ucreecied Sir IV liloomlicld as Pii-I had received timely information to pte-l(jU insisted on by tbeoiistt as cseiiti..'. It bear the unvarying ch rartenstic of sallt;ionii.g the unccMi.. s'He f our Le-j v4te Secretai . and keeper of the Privy )Vtrit ,v ordering the arrest of Don : to the elliracy of capital, and indeed ail oit'er malignity and disappointed ambi- fei,j;ivc ltprcscp!.,.if.n. as ievancel Purse. Mr. Marrabies still .etms his ' (;rCcoiio laglc, formerly Sectary on-1 p,mis!.n.eiits.-viz. that the punishmcr. Uon; but the plcasmg fe-tures of Ksnti-, ,;1Jt ought no longer to be b-.ne. We place as Uerk or the Priw Purse, anddct Pneridon.) with several other. Me I should follow the oiTcnce as ch.sclv i ine p.trioium are no where to be fouiiu. ; luvr teceive I fiotn O. ;.:,: ; Mr. Watson assistant piivatc Setictsry : ! re;.iev'ed and obtained the :; '-ointment ! ,lllSSiM:. w0lt be emullv acted oii. ; i ii v.t u ui v iil i il t uiaion ui on i i;' n ' nets, and a Uniblt proposal lor their i. o . rjm r re. i!t, we are lurmsiicn wr.it a ms oi vivii,t itivective and obstinate falsehood : very supposed eiror in juegmer.; is swe.iea intw the nagni.uor ot a dating ..rime ; and facts which, if ptoperly -in,'"'u' -'"u RUdM.MMu ior j.,nc,tr r'.h?r than censure, are tortured iir.u - i :der,c c f corruption and misconduct, j ox ,. ....,re of t! cii deli'.rratiui. l'lut poition of decent respect which the;.. i7r i-h nufs. -m! p-p!t-e., K;, i'ation of the executive efneers is alvray !,j01i!).s tiljt t!uv h..j h(. ,.,vrl, (,', er. iiled to, wnhom reference to the char- ( Ul , ronviHiUoa l.s free from obje, uons ifrof te imumhent, has been e i.me-; ,ir ,rro-,. ,kh time has pointed ot. h '" 'sht ' Dne branch of the gj. . Ul (ll ,hc .,cW;,itb they did i hcv were vt.i.meM U been ariavcd in duect l.os-1 not a.Hct.bled for the f-niiution of a p.. ...,tv ie. another ; and the o'ignitv of the '. j.. c hal .(.r a,,f , Hlt tllrv .rr,ne( , people ttpreseniedin the person of tneir i ir 'ul ' ii.ei m.o'iiirate, i ; een i j.en ;v msuited. Did pattio:ism ever !i tate s i b rciuiuc: as tbii ? I .i tiie four.t.in p':ir w lis,e irr,i air so puihitrd Ci i'k tree be ; .i;m! whose ti uit is thus 'exi us and c!i;tipg ? S'in!v n--; : .:( marcn ot .die p-tnot i, calm ..ml ( ,'t ,.iv. neither approaching the extieme I ft servility on the one hand, nor vioLum: , he great land marks of public decency on the ether. W lule he anxiously watch-j i-s the conduct of hi ruler, he never dis-1 tegards their lawful authority. Hut it is : e unprincipled denugotie aliitif, whoj veninres to trample under foot what he is j vi.ood to rrpect, and to degrade the a vied cause of the people by iJemily iii it j ..ith Ms own pdtry jcuouiie ar.J head- ..-n0 passio..s. KtiW VN COIMY MmiNG. It iswi'.li r lr istire we insert in our r.aner i j-o'V, the ptotceuinir of the Ilowan ! Cui.ntv Aieetm. iin rtlition to the intct- i. i sul'ject tf a State Convention. ! whatever litht thi rteetin? may ; v'ewe.1 by those o:.:-...c J ' to calling a' i i mc'ioii. it ise.crtair.ly a mattrrof con- J . .tW.n nil Iia t,,. trXrn.Vu tn ,XI,S lr l0,'C i. it iwri-rtjir. tv n rn'itrrrif rn. 1 .,( . mi n ow wav. ti o uuif urn , ..-ise. It is ii !v hv sikIi 'nean tint a ! cneft state ot the pnpul.ii feeling a re i .-.r.ls anv c;t,rv;, of a Meeting the v!-j v!j1 f.tevest, can 1 e u.r.st leadily ami tiu- . , . , Jut t'.e gre.t ohft i '.n'n.hd fr by tic i :hc expectation ot inming those calm h :n; 'c it the West, r.rist ccntu.d!v b"!sures, those soothing kiudnessc thai me ;'"'- N"t 'V s" san.Miiie ti,c emollients and wcetcnets of life. I ; 1 1 i . v i ,::;ir: ; 1 I a. ' ecu s i l 'iiO' w ,i e'ec ivlitr,; ,i Hi uieoiaU !v a t'irsiiuv. v. i, or I i' hi . b mil m obsMtia'cIy eon. ; .t. f 1; but we icr'iii.ly lwk upon the :.ias ire s tl e hist Mrp tva-d t' e a ; , i "l ' I a lil'iv a:d luo'C efi'o ietlt pol j. v . : ' '. 'f lirst m t ii s of cou J.iiiatioti, .bit on p'"prilv o' ; 1 .-r:i. at-.d fuliv ')". ' ' w;.l do tf r. t ) bti th-; c-V tixvr to ; "frev.fi.il issuCiti.att at C.i efl ivis of in ;i . iln.il pahi.i'i though joined to .'). . il, t-lent unci untiring purse icrniH e- When fhc presentment of the Rowan Grand Jury was first brought on llic oto:t of o.ir eastern brethren allcctrd to itmiiiJei- their iiittifcrei.ee as meddling and uriconsuLutional ; hut we say again, it was the he1.!, and perhaps the only menus, by which the public mind, at this lime, could he truly exhibited. We weie th n gratified r learn. t!i:it the Juroisof llnwan, in their public capacity, h id a. diipted this bold and novel mode of p-o. eeduie ; now we me doubly gratified, to find thrtn so ably supported- So far, they have been eminently successful. Had they failed in the outset, their plans, by the non-conventionists, would immediate ly have been derided as visionary, and themselves denounced as factionists ; but, at their suggestion, a numerous Delega tion lus already met. and the high respec tability of the individuals who attended, their unanimity, their temperate and dig nified proceedings, afford the surest evi deuce of their designs, and the best pledge of their sincerity. Already have the Grand Jurors of six counties adopted similar piesemments to tlio-e of Kowan, and we may safely an ticipate, that, encouraged bv the cheer ing example, every other county, friend ly to the cause, will speedily le.'.d thei. aid When fairly united in their aggre gate strength, opposition must si-ccumb before the imposing phalanx. It will then no longer be the feeble expression of inciviiiu! opinion, set forth in t he Ian !;ua;.;e of en'reat), but the strong voice of public Iceling, loudly derinntiin pub lie ih;ht the cry of tht n ;j.b- loud and tun easir..:. it must, and will oe heaid in the eai -ii in the we,:" from Dan to lift''1 cur. ." " from Jordan, to the gates of Jen- o." 'iyr.'.vn.e 04mrr. vnox rut Mitro nirrti. W't ci-' over fior.i the Western C'ato- i,,,:,,,, ,1..,, 4 lhfc.i,, f the Delegates w;, uj ,iroic.iisly !aen elected in the ,M,.rrr. i ' j-.tin roinoanies of Kowun. j)ltctUlg va4 0 the s'.:!,;cct oi a c nrr. J Li '-eins like rotning to a point, in the ,n nm:, i .h nipiit r,t an oliiect . " ocvout-l i.. ,0 ishc I" (bete hive now the . . . . . i , i f ,'r c I " I 0 1 1 Cf 1 tiUS V or.l. V , 0r , c (',,;, ,Ci,;i,,n. or cf the (' J s-trut "as ,,,. f,.r. I fhnw.. ' tisev ttrnte J tlicmse.tes, wtuc n s.i' at ) Ua.iiax, ai. 1 el which he was a nictubi ' 1 fM,, i.c I'oun'v 0 vt was then a ;rt ; and iror.i tne ; e-j tT.-,rUsl ,ve v. iil ventuic t nv, 'hat !.aev- rv.mic that as;c:nb!v ti-t-ht Ut, jceti. it as from - .i h(ivr at.C( as a General Couit for tb, pi:tiis'iii:et:t uf ofieooer., ji.d fi,;- i!ei,,:,j proper menus nw rt their saletv and fu tme p' o'ei lion. IL'Wwsi rotsilde then that ;nv thing lil;r a,'";"- ln ". coiil ! ' r e xftrcted at the hands of an scmblv c f nun hoe (biii-s nic so ar. ,1,,,,,., 4Tll! diversified ' We s.u. ,.,.t Iot,k fr impr,sM',i;itie.or expect pet lenibildv ,hc t ,K of mm. Let the p.e,tim then he pm to thr freemen of the Sttc to MVf wLcl;,c ,ilfv wijh a Convention or not. TO Mir. M.YU.Y M.VKKIl D. IV s.tired tbt no e'piiv.denr can be found for Good NAtinr. Let the bus- j hjm, lr M):)Cr ani idUsttiou; let the Uvife be chaste and frugal ; by these virtMes 1 von may be preserved fiitn ortie o the , nii-crics that wit on profligacy and ex- 'Mvagance ; but while ou escipc thrsi- what wiii our . :r,rc p N-ot a II0-.ir. J5y a understand a place where the nii-ol c.itt .... . , .. ,. , It is a uit of rel'u;. c, t ) which (when the mind is agit.ted ahrc ul by vexations nrising from the sti.pi li , negligence, itisnlcnce or knavery of tho'e .. . . ... n w.tli whnin our bus.ncss las) c n l.ii.iii Tvv! I n. i hi t nnr rill ( . , cr l''r 'fi"''-''' icty f two people a :'ee.i::'.e to each other All tle w;tn;- ni;l m .. thcrefoi c, I ran suggest in 'h; :t tie le cf temper, may be considered in this s'"'rt preicpt: f'.ul t ;;.,.ic ,'.ur , c i 11 -.( Ij rnt '.:hff. JuU.k'4.-!v I). .:;.. llo conn-, tlir lit r. ill nf u noisy world, Nrvvs t'roiii ull nations liimh'ring at his back. L.l ih I HUM VMiULVl) iiosto.n, oct. 8 -1'y the arrival at this port this forenoon, of the Knlisb ship Mury Culi.rine, Capt. 1'arr, in "ti days from Liverpool, we have received our re gular files of London papers to the IRih Sept. ; and have been favored with Liver pool papers to the Coih. These papers contain no later intelligence from (.recce ami Turkey than was brought by the IIuvv aid at New-York from Havre. The Courier informs that "the Hight Honorable George Canning kisird hands and received the Seals of Offic e from his Majesty, on beiny appointed Secretly of State fur foreign A flairs," at a meeting of the Privy Council on the lfith. The lintish Parliament hai been fur ther prorogued from the 8Ui Oct. to the 2fith Nov. In speakmgof the Spanish government, c Courier styles the Constitutional au - orities of Spain " the faction predomi- the thoritie s of nam at Madrid " This is a fair sped- men of the feeling enter'ained by the le j;itimats lowaids the pjesent govcrrinieti: of Spjin. At Verona great preparations are ma king for the approaching Congress. Mr angers desiring to remain at this place clui n g it sittings, are obliged to attach themselves to one of the Minister or to prove themselves under the special pro tection of one of the great Powers. The Pope has provided accommodations for tlic irtrriult as follow : The Venetian Pulare for the Lmperor of Austria, the Cavelli Palace for the iking of Prussia, and the Dorio Palace for the Lmpcior of Hussi.i. Iiy the upsetting tf a stage at Mack he ith Hill, 15 out of 16 passengers had some one of their limbs broken, four of them were mortally wounded, l'hecai- ruKc was oasnea 10 pieces. l i.e uavis mi aits fishery i.as Men ve - ry unsuccessful, as well as disustioiis i j many vessels. An arrival in t.nglam! re - fit (9 IliUI I ncic ii;(, ivi, il I tut 4 or 5 iisli each. It was eM.erted in M.idti 1 that an L-1 tract dinary t ortes would be tor.vo'ad, to likr into ri.nsil(r:i!ii.n t n- ion uerl of afiairs mich Snain nrescr.ts. Mr. Watson assistant piivatc Secutsry: i ihe l.t'.er cctitlemati was h.l'.iv eais . . . . with the Duke of Cumbciland, anj has liien a good deal !roail. 1 he Ked llou-.e. 1 telv occ'ipieJ bv Sir It Ploomfu h!. is ' !" ::A in u-iJincss, i: is st'e'l, i ir the . . ception f the familv of Sir W. Knigb- to,. ' . . r . It i, contidcntU reported th..t he lore j the rpmi ig of - est session '.lie Great i Seal wid be pu' iuto lomn.issior. and tliat j trie Lord Char' rllor has pointed out Mr. j I irh, Mi Jom'h c ll.iylcy, and Mr. I'.a-. . i i.u. ivich. son. as tit ..nil proper person , a person for the lo.m of '.-.r lu; !rrd , rN, ;,rti a p0l; al of interest M, U tor the trust The adtatitages of thi ar : y.u.li to a young c hvmist. w ho had made ' . Fcer had lien deputy c-5tr.tnr-.sa-.-langcni'..! vill!)ca relief to Lord Lldon , a t:i5r0Vrry be wastes poor to MiL-vm-1 (, p.nf Ins;-, under the United S-aie. fi jiii .all, or ronrly all. the judicial duties , tAe ,v expetiment The nu ney w as du-ing the late war, and h;xl staked 1. id his creat ff.ee, while it will enable : 0,t.,incd, and in a few- days repaid hv the J p;h..:c fortune to enable him to furni biiii ' exercise as usual the function of t.oirower. already r-icd to sm'dm aillu pul lic supplies, particulnrly rior to ihc a tbmci minister, and the pi t i 'ettcy ol r!icc ,v p,iVa'tc t:ip-s-. of his i-n en ' -.,..;r f Nr,v Orleans, when the I'ni-e ! the II . us. of Lords. When l is Lord .jn : t j, a ,lCW rnu'e of Urnlug skins ' States did no!, or could r-t, furni-h th-ship'- ,e..:-h shall be pcrfectlt i;soH'd. :ornbi'ii!r; such rapidity at. I t.M.nnv, s:M:prj.s thttnselve ; vrt. when Mr. I o- it i iil: iini.1,,.1 i ij tilt,. i. r i., i.... u- ") i s a I iictcfoie. .Mier .Mr. t annmg visit to t.-c Incia Hons- on S.vurdav, it w as ruinn'lv ru-' mo'iinl tha' Lord Hasting, w ouid coniin-. ue to be (Pernor General of Calcutta. LONDON, SFfT- esteidav mom inw', at 10 o clock, the Iiiike et rlhn?-' ,ii, ... . .. , j i .1 t. j u l n t 1 1 i I . i . ! j'.i.j.'.Tiuiiii ton. accomp.o.ed bv Fail Clanw ilium, ' )t.r iUlj Co,1..Icju, ; und. horn the terms ; 0WI1 lrs;-ot!sihiiitv ; r.rd itr!, rbeni fr left town for ien'ta. j cf ,;s stiptdatioti, we may form some j los-.es s'H'nined by the deprecia'ioti o' Mr. Canning transtctedhusinrss at the. juc,, cf , hc probdle magnitude -f treasury notes; the rejection of thes Foreign ofTtce, in Downing street, on; the result. He has p.,i l him 'en thou j ;Irms t.,,,.ed a bi.I.vnre to appenr due b Monday evening, for the fu st time since s3nJ po.mds down, he has riven ohligsto- him fr that balanre suit u s bnu,;;!.' his appointment. - r- ,!t.rj reined him 5,0 7. on th- 1st L,,, ol ,he tii., jury f his coutuiy ir- e .t-'iday a Iioard of the Lords of the f J4mury. 5,000. per annum for the four tll. ,,,.,1 ;i penersl sciclic t for the defend,!'.'. Tir.iscuy was held at the Treasury I'lum-! ycar$ M'xt succeeding, ard nftrrward ' a, f0mp:Miied hv n rcrtilica'c tlsnt the I' lers. at which the Fail of Livci pool pre-: eleven thoiisp.od a year for life 1 It is rx-Is. was justly incVbted to Mr. Foster i-si'rJ- , . 'pected ihe price cf a p. -.ir of boots will m 0f CVer.d hundred .in 1 fmtv-V.v The Kail of Chi.williatn ha resigned ' )t exceed eight shillings, and a enrres-j,', Thi commuiiir;-.;..i, ' iv's .? the Piivatc Secretaryship at the Foreign ; ponding fall will be. prclucrd in all arti M'rc.tiry) is made wi'hjhe hope. that, .n 'H'- e It ! .'! (He Noble I'-ol M.fi.i- rlc, .f ?xhrr m-imila. lu-e. ! r ,i.i!.,i.arv h s.on. it may r,i e'vent hitur: fied bis intention of so doing the moment it became probable tlut Mr. Canning was to he the new Principal Secrctaty. Ti e Pari J-urm.l li Dhi'.i t.i'.es at very tinfavor,.blc view of the si'ualion ofj the Gierk. The F.ditor seems to think the i nlv chance they have of escaping ex v... uio. .iiii.i ms iu suui.io iw ii. c . ii... i'ii en terms something like those proposed . . ...i. .:, , ,, -i .... t.v i. Sheriu-n. guaranteed ty the llo- Iv Allimte. sr.'.r vouk, Nov . :. The f;.t auing shi;i l;.h rt M.'."n of the fourth i'.i.e rf I pu kc'O arrived vestrrdav mortiiiur hom ' ' L:ve.p.M,, whence she sailed on the 2 Hit -his tight irg forward, with his knee bent, ' 1 " of Sep'endtcr. I he Kditors of the Mer-Uinking his body midway to the ground, J The former gentleman is of tonne tier -raii'ilc Advertiser aie indebted to Cap! j nearly in a horizontal position ; and pre- ted. Our next representation to Coo Holdri lre for jiapeisof that day, and Lon-i seining merely hi head and shoulders ' rrfvH will thcrrfo'e be composed of lb ,!.. o,cs to the evening of the 71,1 for Mr. Nl'DtifTie to lire at. Mr. MT)uf- r;,,!)Vi u,mrIli vi. :Mcssr,. Vvr. I osiion.sl xiiav ivi.Msr.. sriT. M he observ ing his posture, called out '-' ; , I'l.o Lmpcior Alexander arrived at Vien- and seeing that Col. dimming wa still vth. ' attnall. Ajbott, ( obb, 1 hompsc: on the 7ili inst. The Viscount Mont I cjcva'inj bis 'nA to fire, after he ha.! ! '.".try and Cu'.hbert .G't&rjjt ; Tiici et:cv An-.Lii'.sa !.;r f.ow'i th Couit oil l'rancc. lias been Hdmitted to an audience of the Lmpcror of Am-tria, and had con ferences with the Toreigu Minister The conferences ot v icntia arc merelv prelim inary, and all important deliberations will be postponed until the Sovereigns, or their I diplomatic attendants assemble at V teona. We have received Dayonne papers to the I Ith inst. They state, from Spain, that Quesad ', being out-flanked by the ("otistitutionalists, and forced hack to Ar- raRon, had mi flit red a complete defeat; and it was even reported that he had been delivered up by his own men and shot The Defenders of the 1'ailh were fjivin;; way at all points, before the determined valour and enthusiasm cf the Constitu - tionalists, and the Government svus act- inwithspiiit andcneriry,bypotuingrein- forcemcnts into all the disturbed provinces. loci.ON, Ji'LT 31. The souadron tin- der the command of Kcar-Admiral IL:m - elm. sailed at s oVInel: this niornin'.'. Iti I muIh. . r I - C.,,w. . i, U5f,l i.f u l.trl, j ,he tnVt Kts 10iMCd his 11 a ; ; Lh j Cucriieie, and La Thetis, fii;a!e; L' - i;t!l0 , corvette ; Lc Momus, schooner. , Vlll.Tl, IJI 1 l , 1 , 'fl W "I I' 1.11 Thi. ,jvjsjon will be rcinlorced bv Le Jan Halt and La Sybclle. brigs, f.om lircst. Its destination is not konwn, hut it is be licved that it is to cruise on the ro.st cf Spain. The Admiral takes the title of Commander-General of the Naval Forces of his Majesty in the Meditei unean. It is said that all the King's ships in the Le vant have orders to come and reinforce this sepjach on. ZA.srE, au). 7. The combined Trr kish fleet, consisting of line of b iUlc ship", fixates, sloops, and bii;;s. in all idx ut thirty sail, passed by this en the 2d in starit, and ai c at present at Pad as. M!(i( iti tnos ii:rs. The ship Uutb nd .Mai v.i.om P.ucii is Avres. has urrivd at Piiil.if'elphh. Tlx: Philadelphia G.i.t ttc s.iys. we ;:i e ince' ted to Mr. H'n hard I'aily. patier'v. in 1 '"r ; Hie follow in Hiterc-stm;- ; ru Mr. !' : is hearer of c csoatrhe-, or .'oveiiir.'iit. f i i.:n our Comtncrtiul A.cnt at Uucnos 1 ..v in. On the evening T the id of August sc-.siot. did not make his ..ppear..cc tm - iil .-. ! . l...,,r. hp.. : r iiil'iiiiiin.! thr In. !v ()f ;1 ( n-;iracy which had hern plan - '. ...r.r.t i i..to .,,! . i.. i,vr i,n rm-rii-d int.. rvr.i....,i ....v.. .; ; .i. ,.. i . . r.f :, ( nn.iniii.. .f Imc lion, and ' uroi.gly urged the i.ccessi'y of exenipla- i v and i;;utal Mini-.hmcnt. Our a'ent, . John .M. Foibes Kmi. Ii.ulaii in'rniew the ' i niornin after with Mr. Livid.ivii : and in . " . ... . . . . t-.ai tirtdars i his roveriimu.t." .MOST IMI'UUT.I.VI' MsntW.ltY. From t'.c I - ti '...ii I.,., . Six weeks sinre. at 'dicatioit w.is made j ioinUe to the public ;.n i.i.ruci'.ia'c and immense ..dvaiitage. l!aw hides, hither- to Iving twelve months m the tan pit, ami subverted to a pi ocess oilerw i-c he live ;iI(l pifcaii-os, ate now pctbYu u ..thcr i Itin six weeks, and at less than half the exnense. The eentleinau who bought i-,t.t,tbn. U tmtril .?ms- i'ion mm.. From the Columbia Tch sc pe crsiMt.vc a ui .M hrrnr.. " Hon tiiere Ihry fVmn.I, hicjiint like a load " Mitros. his drspatr hes, which arc brought by the ; Hmhand Mai, he has no doubt given the ( ol.Cnmminc and Mr. M'DulT.o h.iveu,! oi .it-itidr." ! : .... .. . . a, H ,lln niCctH,g, at vamoictoti, living ! Iiujc Hbovc Augusta, on the Savantnh ri, c,.( ; ,h, fctate) on Monday Morning the :M inst. The preliminary arrange ments were ail made, ami ine parties texos tiicir 5' itioos. he worl was won by Mr. M'D'ifTn-'s cccni. Captain Uuuer. , l.eforr the word 7e. Col Cun.nniig threw . thus called out. sunk lis body to i.cr,- the level of that of his antagonist. ,- the same instant ('ol. Cuinming's pis! ,i was discharged, and the ball il i presun . ed passed over Mr. M'Duflie's head. M: M'Dufhe then objected lo Col Cuiinniin;', position, which he refused to alter. '1 u parties of course parted, and Col. Cum. ming's position is to be considered by a board of honor. The -above is a collect statement of the facts as they occunei on the grr.und. We make no renuiU on the above; but, as "prudent editors j wait, c v ii.e ( umuuir h-ok. I .1 ucr. ami sAi r :;(; 'f'jh' a Duel. ! Push vour head and body tliiectly ';, j ward, lik an idligator, to an uuie of 4i degrees, or lower, just before the word fne is tjiven. sotfiat, 1st. Your anlagcuiist shoo'ing at lh; common height (the birast) will of conise , send his bull over your neao, liody and all. 'Jd. Yon will lire sent ro line tr, shoot , iii. ii liir!, W a iil.n s hrm tnatlcr ( 1 , - " " ' ; omsc to present, i ! fought, "d. Your shouldc in every duel hidiert-. er, arms and ribs (air! head too, if it h ;W cnotigh) will nrtti cfi'eetually juotect your vitals; and 4th. You will he enabled thereby, t-) shoot in half the time of your antagonis', he stMitling as usual, straight, for j our pis tol will Ijc so near the firing posture, tint it will not have half the same part nf , circle to describe. j'tiiN r.F. m.r.Ti. The miscreant who hung his own wife affr refusing I er to take leave of her children, and then murdered the wife or another man suffered the just punish ment of hi crimes at Lancaster, on the 2;tli inst. Ihc crowd rollecfed to wit ness the execution, is supposed to have mounted to horn fifteen f thirty tlici- , :ill ; and tin gollows was placed on ; c otispicumis place, that all m:rit ln:vr a . ' '.'Vlr''. tu i f nrrlV' 'I'i'iHt C T',vdtn ; iln pioofol the t'-ii nioial effects of i;ia'- ii'iioi- : idl rurWiiv. hvpivuu- mih'i ' (iy to so shocking a scene, a Lancasti r i j.apcr slates that another murder was ' ( c.iiiiuittrcl on ihe same day. Of the p; , ,:u v of a mhlic exhibition of it. Wen ii. ,;.,.,! ,.i, ,'..:,ti, m i, ki ! ,lllt fr.,:i, all communion wit!, the m,-', ' r . - ..f i.:. . .i ' ' ' i .r i..r;rn. mm rml. ami th on j jv nught vet be ..'.lowed the time to p., e- fair for deith that humanity wovild ahvjvs I allow, when unrestrained bv hiher cs;. I .;.!rr..t iofis of mibr. uolic v ' 1 - : .. 1 . ..7;-r;iu Th'fc The Pittsburg Meicurv of thr ."d t contains i,n ; cc " nt of the tri..l cf a ca. j )Cr1)Ie ,,,r ,:;s,,;, Co.)rt of the L'. St.-r I at l ittht,: r. in tht tueviocs wcek.whi . ':ir, ,.t the dose of tiie war. !;rcdi;ced I : accounts, for settlement, certuh ctait.t were rejettecl, and he was proclaimed a MiMir tlrfaulter: iheso itrios aerercifc- , u,!, jt seems.r..;, a ch-rge for service, Ls oeci-l issnin;. tc.umiissai : . lm f,.r i-,mr ...si.f f..eihe tn.-M,. wl! .. . i - i.-o .... -t r,. !., i; ; unfooniVd pnb'ii.:atirtis. :ui-i de'.cr t!ir i l.i'utrrr r from attempting to expose to jsioin the irputJ'.ion cf tnef. to whom t'" , imet oment is t onlyi:u!t !e,l in a j c cill iarv point of vie-v, hot ti whom tV lit! ion at large owe an inc alculable ck!.' !.';' C. We understand th.it iiitclli ;enr e rei rive i from the two counties of Appling ,.nd, ! F.nrlv, leaves Mr. Cuthhcit a iiniarity of ; , .... , , , . , . ,,,v, p . ( , ' iAi'- to in shl v r Um'o' ,la i.tt lb. h.i

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