S.ILISIWUY: I TI'.SIIAV MtUIMNT.. NOV. I". IS.'.'. hi:ll.1' unitum.i iiki.lh f The last mail brought us a viib from j(,r quonJam fi tend of l!:? ('.;,' r I'nir lie ctrJer, and a full di-sc-har;,.' f: n t niir rcw uSci'saiy of the .1nV'i .Y..v. e hcuily expect the arrival ui the ; r f 7f7cr, crying frf-fec'ic, in ihc yl Cst." To answer all these eiitlemen cih " full co'iirnns," would leave no room (br advertisements ! shall, therefore, n, briefly as the nature of the subject will limit of, dispose of each in his turn. ml first,' TIM C?r. FEAIt RECORDER. ; The sagacious editor of that paper tells (, as a matter of jocularity, tluit " I, ircrhi take up a fiufirr from their nectinn j the ntutr, but what ive observe nomething 1 .n the subject. Every meeting far any tl"dy no mutter liotu extraneous, brgnin tp entlt iiith the convention." Vcst tind fris spirit is daily spreading, and becorn- Y nioie general; the people inquire lore and more into the cause of com- !jint, and the mare they examine into e nature of their grievances, the greater I'- omcs their determination to redress tjifin. II the (jucstion were only aim d by a few editors, or " Western aspir ins," tlicn, indeed, the di-.ceniin.ir editor ' Wilmington ni'njht l.ui(;h in security i J must mine home to the bosoms und feci ).t when sve set: t!ic subject occupy inir. i ir,,; of every indi'.i ! n i in he state, who it attention of tlte whole mass of the j think and fee d as a rational and account intern population, whatever the editor j able bi inr ooh! to ; who has any re;; ml Che Recorder may think tithe contta-jfir the children ulmii lie has he .ten, r , all reflecting men i:i the Mas, ;is well j '.lie so ictv i:i 'ihi h be liws, the sb.te (.f l. m the West, must sec that there is no resisting the torrent. Justice calls aloud JLr it the fievplr it a convtiition !j ere fore will t ski: place- Without pre Jr riding to the gifts tf prophecy, w c will ; I vertliflcss ha.'ird cur humble leputa-1 n upon the lesult, tbat a sentimriit m . or of calling a convention will ere long it t;in to spread in the Kastern (our.ties. E cn no-s, it is said, that some of the ,t diniH'.'.ished citizens in that set t'n.n 1 4 the sta'c have avowed their s..n?iii,riits ir r . . if. j ,mi & favor of - consent, vi. Ac should !.r f m to place the (Cor ol t.re l.c.t. r i this tium'ier ; but he has f'.rlci-.cd his I,insto that boi.or.by icc.iMiiig the sen - inmts dc'.isc -ed in cue of the f.iM nuut- i r. "f l rj!,tr . 1 if c j-idge bon tor coiup'.er.i.r of I s remark', the editor f the 1!;-! ot ,!er 4'fs n-t s.i well nlish the idea I. is be-j It- " b'ci.lt 1 to'etnt-r ,: t.ie ..' i -. r . s c iJi.es it is rai .cr nail , Cc-:n; ,v:r t,i be loi.tn: m ; but as If.'it,- as ' ',, I.,,, -.w r,,.,, u 1 Dry arc fellow la! ores in the si'.-.e nn- j . . I st C.iU'C, they rati not verv v.t 1 o: srp-; ' ' ' I J,- I We wi',1 comply with the re-jues! of the 1 i r.'o-. and bend him tlir nui.'.-er r f otir i.-crhe itsksf.r: but in return wc as!; ' 1 . H e LuT of hiin to sf :id us !':;' rumbrr : ':! Per, in whit h. i.ndcr the .',.'; m! k ,' ,,. ... - -Mr.re.'.isrn. nnd i i ...... p J.I I T S. I IlifTI S II .a,.J. u s....... m t nvnr.inrt. k..T.. ...mkI r--.o,nr 11 i trr We arc compelled to om.t their-1 f-arks we ha 1 prepared for this week's ' I pr:, 'ri 1 "p M cur res:. '-citb.- 'iT tin"-::?. n:i. ' ' r;:r. r.r.r.i:i. Assr.v.r.i.Y ', t)f this sta'c convene1 at llalcigh ye. I .;.iv. IJesiJcs the ordin uy legislative i tsinrssj, otir tcprcscnt-tivts will have hrr duties to prif rm. which will givp r'ei,"ur interest to the prcrnt session. I'Uii:,,; tiiis si jsioti, a V'.urls tobe chos l i, tusuppdv the place of ficn. Stoki--. I' tie SctMtc .f tiie U. State, whose ! t -in of scivi c vxj.ii c in the 1:h of land wc Imvc now cn file, sin.ilur prcrrrd Midi n--At. Cpc-n whom the 1 hoi.-c j ing fi e.m t w o oihn cottr.tic". We sh.d! t i.7 try dvc, it isimp sible fir us ';i:rll ; pub is'i ilicm in their onltr; as wc go i:p X .erc wc to sjv upon nliom t;- think n the t.ld rule, ,fn.t tuie.fr rrxt'!." - ..w.;. fall, rie should at onre ir.imc ir.e j We invite the attention of the h'ccmh t t resent venerable 'atld fai'hfid incunl-ent. ; tf these "signs," or " rf.f.uiravc-t" as 3 u: wc leave it, as wc must and as wc j thrv int'ien'e. p't tty utrly, the sjdiit rntl "sv isli to, in the. hands of those it. whom ) feelings t f the West. Wc trust the cd- H e law s have plat cd it. , ! The state will prt b b'v ! r- diMiicti sticw, this essi,)tt, f r i i' ti:' 1 1 s .f Con- 'vress ; or at least, many of the prescid !';-; ttirt will bp materially .dieted. I Lis . 'will doubtless be attended with some dif bruity : c; po' iir interrkts will t lash with . 1 I ! ' . ... . . I I .1 ' tain inner ; rm i i.i'.tais win naic '.k .''i.o'-, pi a , ; iitcj TTiaty o'hrr ci'Cfr w'.i! (C-ii-.jji p to trtibarraa iii.JiunJ a;jaiii sentenced l be iiatCii sonic perplex, li it tier l'-'.i hitJii;, disregard ing local fe-:liiis an I w ishes, should form tiie districts upon a systcru of equality and convenient f. h is impossible to make all the dish lets cjiial t to have the same amount of population in one as in another : but they can approximate nearer to equality than the districts now aie. We do not believe, with the editor of the Wiliningiun Jucnrtler, that the subject of a Couventi'. n will again come under dis cussion at the present session ; we hope it will tint j as in that case, we should readily agree with him, that it would be a " itm-knn was'c of time." KesohiUons may be introduced j and we suspect that will he all. Wc do not know, however, what may be the intentions of the western members. I'ut if we were to judge from the " a 'learaneen" which have led the ed itor of the. Recorder to l.i.i conclusion, v.e should " conclude," that when the sub ject is again discussed, it will be befoie a tribunal more disposed to do justice than tje legislature. There is uno'her subject, which was introduced to the noti. c of the legislature last year, tint does not yield in impar lance to any wc mean the subject of :-.DU(;.ri()N. And if we could urge no other ind'it emc:ii to the legislature to attend in earned to this subject than this, t.'ull it in a f.:.'r't:ve dul'j rtj ,'innl on thrm In tie C'li.tituti' 'i, that alone were suffi cient. Hut we h ave oilier and more pow erful imiirs; we have arguments which which he is a member, Mid t!ie country which ow ns an 1 p: otrcts him as a citizen. Hut ns we li ive hrre'oforr expressed our thoughts pictty freely on this ;-.H interest- ing and inqior'atd bjert. u e will not atld any thing more now: hat we have further fosav. we shall reserve until another tirtu. Wc will barely remark, in conclusion, that the legislature, if lliev w.niid consult ! the real dignity of the state; if they wish 10 increase its iniluein e in the Union, and ; ,uke it in some de.ee pn-pr-rliontte to I'hihVs company of cavalry Col. John ! -i . , , ' N- l'i.ifcr. Capt. Uarnhail s company ; u , tiii.ditv, bat hidden, rrsotirrfs thevl, ti f.. I .r.i'it... illiam ( Harr is. Lap' J.n on v . n.u tan ncomplish their oi.jed ;.' hv nil -j txn company Capt. Jacob , K S si. ivottiHui, o; nir. in,.' U'rriiiger's compiny Ibs.m Cannon and J 1 1 t.. " kieiwl-.-d ,.? is p .wer :" ! .it , ' Mj- 'm. S. Allison. those who air ;,c.'.uiu'cd with the history i 1 1,6 sn,SC of thf ,,da!f s VZ , . , the meeting was then taken on the sub- !' f ,ht sf't,J S, i'fs ,"r jcrt of a Convtn.ion, and an rm.minrous yeur, uiid vit!i the pn'f.i. al air.iiis id" the ; vo;c uivcii in favor of it. j Vriiu'i. it is t.'d iicrcs.:y to repeitt!iis .('.en. Paul ILrringcr then addressed tire maxim: t!tn kno.v from I iicrc a'e o't,e.v Mi!,j,-ts. ( t l .i ii::,0 iinpntt. - nci - . hlcli ' .s to attract the '' i' . ter.ti -:-n o! o'-r irprcscnt itives, ol whn !i v c ni.-.y s.tv s-.mr'.hin ; brrcfter. While . i so mtttiv intetcsicg u.,p-cts arc pressing . , , ' . th-r.s-lvcst.p-.n the not,.-ef the Itg.s- J.iturc, we trust its time will not be. ens- piov ed, as bis ion often been the r :sr . in pv-si,, - laws to be repealed at the :fxt , ' ' srss'uiri nr in rrppa'in' laws, fif vvl.irb the rttilitv or imt'i'ity has not yet been 1 t'pil lv rvnpriiMire. - ,l,;(! ivnft I Off rrsder Vvr . ten. tint it was Ultimate. 1 in ot.r R . .No. that or.p of the ruf's if ihis paper would attend the sittin cd t' C V.CVClit (ene- ral Asscmbh.fi.r the purpose of report- . . , , . . ttit-1' prcirerditifs : this intention, w c a. e K' . snirv to info-m tl erit, has been fittstra'cd -v the sn kerss n one r tire ct.r.ora. t the sii kerss r f one f the editor s. D i is the 01.lv rr ise wc cdTer ; .nd it is 0:1c, we arc renSdrM, h Licit v. iii ret be ilreturd ii.Mifikii nt ' SIGNS IMIiT. W !. t. ' the p'T' r of the I)r!r,.tion in Cabarrus county; tt.tr will form more just coiicluMons fiori tbcsr " aj'pr trailers," than he rpjiears to h.ne tlo:.e f i-m the prerct'ipg ones : for wc air trrtain they iiulicatc buy thing cbc rr.ote th..n r.n ippbcation to the Icpislaturc f ti' r.v, wi n w c mentioned l iit wecK as I. . . t I .... . ,.r. . I ... .1 it,, t .l.l.llll if. n.i in;: " ' n 1 ' .oot 1 oa i." f. the Sttpcii' r Court for Iredell coitt'y. time in Ja.iuarv ui-Sl, etrrifntl IVoin the jail at Statcsvillc on I hursdjy 'he 6th iiist. The guard having a litilt: relaxed their vigilance, anil retired a few minutes to take dinner, Currie and another prisoner managed to make their way through a wintlow of the jail ; they were heard to light on the ground, ami take to their heels; the standers-by immediately pur- sued them, some of whom soon came up with the hindmost prisoner, who had fal len f! tt upon bis face ; they supposing it to be Cnnie, stopped and turned him lace up to ex ami tic, i hey soon discovered their mistake ; they then again pushed on in put suit of the "great rogue," but tvhile they had bet u fumbling about the man on the ground, Currie had gained the woods, and has since altogether eluded his pursuers. At night he stole an t ie gant horse, completely equipped with saddle, bridle, Ecc. from the stable of Win. Harbin, F.sq. in Iredell ; thus mounted, he went oil' with a apeed which left fur in his wake all who attempted to pursue He was last heard of in Grayson co. Va. It is the duly of every good citizen of the United Stuies to apprehend Currie und bring him to justice ; for he is such an in corrigible offender, that it is dangerous U lei him go at large. . vinfi.' ui-' riir' pi.'fii'i v M. ttirg if the Delegate from the tercrat ecu: anien in tlte couitii 'if Luburiu. On Saturday, the 9t!i instant, the Del egates from the several Captain's com pa nit s in the coun.v if Cabarrus, convened in Concord, for the puipose of I k iiu in to consideration the subject of a Con vkxtios of the freemen of North-Carolina, to amend the 'Hate constitution. The following delegates appeared from their respective dibtticts, t : C.-pt. I'itmktt's company of r illcmen Cap', llcnj iinin I'lunket and Joseph Hcid. Cppt. i'lunket absent. ('apt. I'icken's company John Johnson. Capt. I'.icle's company Maj. John Still and Mi hat I Witieccn". Capt. Hoss' compajiv J iir.es Allison, l.sij. and Jcdiah ullace. l-apt I'.Lck's rorrnaiiv Archibald While, sen. Capt. Veddingttn companv William '. Wrddinetoi. i-rul David Pnrsiance. Cso. I (v,.Jt 'Mir compatiV HoliClt i'harr. ! (:pt. M'Hre'n company John I.. Heard 1 nrnl Kobcrt l'i iguon. Capt. (icorgc A. the delegates u:ot the stiLjrtt. and r- ' idainrd the defects in our cotis'.ittition, in , ,.r .'iviiurt nnniipr. We rxtiatiated r-.'ioti he subject of rcprescniatioti, shew i,,,- erv plainly that the minority rules the r.i.i"iiiy. under the piescnt consti ii- tioti lie aKo confuted the idea, that ii 1 , ,, -, , is d. nu'crous to meddle with the eonstnu- ,j ,)( ,,v ,e examples td mo-t of our sis- ier ,;!,'., ;,nd by shewing and proving that tbeie is as much or more nior.'.' v i:' :'' V-Vc l'''"t day. ihan there .... i, ,1. Iit.s ..1-.t f.nr i'nli.1 It Ml ! ,M w.is at the ti'ne when our coiistitution w..s tnttcJ. A number ol the other ...a,. ....... s ,n,.u ... v o,-rtiner.t i r marks !mi tin. s'l'iint. Tlif ib-lecat ion t In II. Oil 111'', I'll, ui well- ll'.tlliiM 1 'i.w tiio'.iot, nt Lett, ll.tnitiet , a p intcu a rcn.u.rrccf nine ddcS.-es. as a com-i ., ''... 1. 1 i i ii i es p., .ii. let. i e. t-v c irtcs"ot.u T.kr conunitteesof the svcstein toi.i - ,'.,, consisting of John Jubnson. (.en. P Hal . ,:iL-Pft M. 1 Ii:tit, I -f 1- Jclm I .. lit-an., Joim l'.artinger, Coi. John N. I'm Crpt.Ccorge A . i'bil'er, Daxid Turv...! .. 1 .r . . . ,,. . I. vr. ,,ntl Capt. Robert I harr. ( tA. John iV I niter, in e. . ,,nti i.apt On motion c f the samp. , ,,.,.,. -r 1 , ra, h tlelt-nte (.:-. '1 m di,;:ict st.' sciiptions to t'efiav ti c expenses that may be incurr. d by knp 1 m:r tin a cttustant communication w itlt nil 1'i.c ri unties tavui.ioic to i;.c i;'c.u uejio jir, yicw, fcnd to tlifTuse among t.tc people of 'I e west all the information ntrcssaiv r-in"Vie, ,.,:.:;! U.cin to have a coircrt view of .1 - . r . l.l . the tau.c in which they have engaged : ..1- -.1.1-.. .'. .1.. ...... .... . .... r rr, " Tr tnn i' i m-mt- and that the money rusid be paid over tt ihe (t'lniiiinec of corrcspondciHe. lor Ihe .boie purposes, tt the i.tM mcctir, ,'( .. hnl, That the dclrgntii n leccm mind to ihe. members elect from this tr.un'v to the nrxt General Assembly, lo cri't tvor, with trc other inetr.bers from the v-stcrn C'tiiitics, to concert 'tub in I - . rs as may speedily bring a'.nttti .1 ... . ... .1-.;.. I. (,,. ,,.. ' ' - . pie of ibis state a Conven' n n. iVt'.rri., That the prcrrctlirtrrs rf tl t merlin" be made known by Ii 'c1eiair to his constitutes, Mtd tb.-t tl.ry le j ub- lisl.f d in the Western Can I'mian. .t.'.'ro. 1 hat a mrtiint; I tbe title- o.'rs take place attain in C onn.rd, on the srtt.r.il atiini.iy m Mutuary next. All which ics. iu'iotis were unarimcus ( iy j,,.. r ( j , ,'i;i' I r,r..i;ti, .s,- i'.iri:rrr:yii.Lt; i'mli.s. CIoMoil, 7 i ) to 9 '.?'; tlimr, 7; w. !ti :it, 1 11 l- 12.5; whiskey, .1-? , uut !i biiiml;. , 4 ); aiih: liruiul), 4J; roiii, 45 to S ; lucnn, 1 1 mill inobusei., ,5.1 Ui A1') ; igar, lirmni, 8 to 1 1 (iiillar-, per rwt. l"at', 1'J to 2,i centt per J, , colli e, '2H to U; tea, liv son, 1 1.5 to 1 .'5; Iht-seed, 1 dot. (ii.ini.i:sroxM.MKi:v, xuv. i Cuttun l.'pUndiluvc nut varied in pi ice since our lust. Holders at'' soiin wliut anxiiini to re- 1 1 kli r,,,1 wl tU" 1:i!.,,,r I"''1"-' I'l'i-en Then: is, however, no activity in the market, und the iii-(.'hasrn are very hunted ; tie- desire to sell is greater 'hail the wish to buy. Oldrrojn I j. land hriig from 8 to 10 rents, Se:i Island arc very heavy at 17 to 22 rents. I'biui Stationary at 7J dollar ; n;iily abun dant for home use and no export has been in uV. (''mi has dei lined to HTlt a ')') ecu's, an J will he lower, Cojfiv There is no alteration the coining in of the new crop from the M', huli'-t), in lines linlilers to close sales ol present st'ic k"'., wlm generally speaking ar(; f inferior .juahty ; l.a- ginra and Kio .lantiro brinjf '-'b a 2'J ei-nt., Inn Havana 23 a St, Domingo '2!i a ?(". .Vo.'it' riti- tnialities are e.arre St. CrOi brings 11 Mnseovadoi s 9 a 10 V.rowiis 7 a 8 White 11 to 15 rriinc qualities hting leurcc, and inf.-rinr (ii;dities being otlc-reii very low, the principal business has been done in thrie two descriptions, while middling qualities1 have been overlooked. I he expected wpplics of the new Wist India crop would opera'" (- vereiy up.,,, prices uere ir not lorme ,,,, ot a very short nupply tn In: expected troin 'jr'-Inferior mostly gon- out of mar- kel-Sweet readdv eot.mulids- '.' a 15 tvnts. .VpmtWlrai.ih 'is of ,..w dean.lpri.es have ,,.,,, . i... , .. i ... , -c . , !.-i t..!.-,,, r"ii' ii'ihii, a iii.il ii. imii ,n in ui, ,i. in-.- dan, Ui,, "I- le!:.,r ,!,. 1 1 '-.lamaiet. Itm 111.' und rv;n eted to en to-.w r from ibe iiii'uii-ts r. tx-eted din-cT. n'.'-w Kti-ln.d Via 41. Whl-kev ,V rent in h'l.ls. and 157 in hbls. pir.' of a'i knww are :i!l. el.-il l.i- T,n- nn cnmoii i lanti' u-s 'liro". n iii'u the of apple brwi.lv that -wll he market from the great l;n:t crop groan in ev. rv part ct the coi-nt rv. .V--'.' There has lie.", ti. i liportation this M eek , Liverpool br.iigs 7 cents and h ac e ; Turks Island 70. h',n Stoel; on hand Verv j.';-eaf, '.1 i-l t'.i- asking prVe. ( nV.'.: i'"'r 'ee' Is I., 'd a " v.'.'s pn. - s 5.1 ecu's fir l'i inch, and ' '-2 I -r ) im ;. lm .i, are r tin '.ant to e:e thes- !:-'.'h ra'es. r.M.banj;-: -n Ihe imt'li, iuils 10 .'.e. s slfi!,l, 2 a 2k per retit I ilc tniuni. l.,'.'i.' IS a J pi-'-i.,-,t. p". nimin. .A. t'..r-';ir, .S'".'- ','..oiv ,'', '., 2 p. r rrnt. ills ; tieor.-i.i do. '2 : 1 I ''roving. A. it!)'; 1 ') .', ). hir.n, A' lr r resi le ne in M" klce'nnr;; eour.tv, N. (' nu Mnndav lii,,'lil, t!,e -l'i, hist. Mrs. .Vine' (h i- wif- "r ' 0rr-'" xu ' :,r "f '"'r aK" hitrhlv resnerle.l for her finnnes, and resijjna- '""i ' hearing the trouble and trials incident 1" this hiV , for her lo,n. k'ie virtues ami her sincere pit ty . Hear what the voice fiotn heaven proclaims, l or all the pious dead : Sweet is the savour of their name, Ami soft their sleeping let!. '1 hey die. in Jesus and are hless'd : I low k ind tin ir slumbers are ' from siii Yin :;s and from sins rrlea,'!, And freed Iro'f everv snare. J ar liS'in this .el 1 of roil and strife, 1 hi v i r' per. si with the lar., '1 1 f !:,! "ins of tin ir. nmrt.d l ie l ad in a larpc rew..',I. I.ev.l l 1 . cnwMtM. trip W'lI.MVM ( l K IH S respectiulb r-, s M .'. e inhabitant nl Salisbury anil n. im'v, that he I as p-an com me need ti'iSilicss al hi old I s'aii'l, w h-re be w ill t ruistati'ly keep for sle all kinds nf t'DM 1( I 1INA1;, CniilU Al.S I iv w . I " I . , ". . U V ii! 5 " n hi pre ; ..- t k iinin I 0f ,-i and w ill k- p ak s, i.e. for sale. I ii, !.,,,.,.. hv falthfi.llv s. rv is." hi rnsS.mers, 1 to r.-. ene t at v m ... t atn mc lm h rhe I c i''-' n 't S..l:shury i.h 1 to bun. v.t.' i v.'l"..v.i.s.i:. nUoX 4(. . . ! 'I'1 V. t!' ,.r n ,,, v ,. i s.,i, bn-y t'orj" r.t',m bills, RH. wb.el, n v.r.ej.id up m a piece ill wlnte pa. b th.- mi in thai krd on the eutji.le. ho- i . r ..di j;,e iiuornitition of the inom y, ut ri. r'. r s.l.siuiiv nr l.incuhiton. or at any ph.re o 1 the r -a !, khi.ll be rewarded for their trouble. JtillV l.UAs I V. .'- 1 is:?. '.vi .--,,, ..' , ', ..:ve, li. ' , VV.v -'.I..- ir h , '; -'!.'i;,v c, t.'.il II i.V,.ns Sr.t:'i. a 4 1 vn i-11 rv . i-1 talc notice, that I ' M , , , r , y) tak" 'di.- e.;':, prise r.tiul i.y law snr I the .,,..-f! .1 iii-i lu iii .h blots in the jail in 1 'be town of Mat. sitlle, in Iredell county, in the f NHl,-fam!.e:.. n the 20tH.lay of No- j J,tll wh. fv.n I nmm.w con ' e ... .... . , tinrii for vm.in debts. H.brn and uht re s mi rnsv attend to 1 r vanane il v "it th itik prop. r. JiillN VAMN. sunuu Jin!, vm'. f, ih:;. (lllf !'. is litre by pivrti to the tr,itor. a,',-i.,'isir,.ti 1, ui- l..wlid attorney id .'tin V at's. ie 1 1 asi .;, vi n.iaiii suns, .arKana.i si'-s, and all I'ttors tiiwlium lam in..!te.l. 1 siisK.oi. t. f.in.so.e,, .uui him. ... t II . Sll . I. I.... ii ''(lal. . in 1 iilooi, r.ike tiie eain iiittoc ami pn.n.ie.i i". 1111 ,1( 1( ul ;n,.,.u t ,t, ,tor, . ;il u),i,-, t,.r and y u may, .f v.in think pmptr, ittrml and I sho-a tau-e lo ' 1 e i .lnti.u-., if v.i have any. ; p sAMt 1,1. KIUmiKS. 'L.l'L j "NYttU'U VoUuA. ( V:i,,,,, , hil ,1,, 0ttnorran lav, I'll proline; ptepcrlv nd pas mg- chat. It. I'F.AnsoN lv A v if uU irvnl X til v ? , fl','tl. Ito.vaa i-ienltne;d So '.etv will fleet it 1 t!,e Coiir'. t Ion-- ii, M'-ibury.'oii 'I msit;. , the .i iu.ili:i', at 1 i, f. J. ' JoilN JigWID, Jr. S-('u. X,v. IM, VU. ) t ( vU S i v . . . . l f w 1 1 v v A . HII.IUM j; H.ISO.YW UOU'v and MahoiK.ry Mure is ren.oN ed to t'.e new whiii-liiiii.se, nearly ooj'.os-.Im n lur mi r Mand, .'M Kai;-htiec-t, vvlicre te: onlm lies to keep, (as Inual) bunks ui: 1 Ve,aiuv of every l--riiriHi. I'.y late arml fr.uiiiif north ti has cott.idi t -'dv ai.(;nien'ed hilornn . ti)( k of It'wk) ui UiV .iii'.. , -j- f, ci lli-.torv, Sih gcry, Anatomy, Cn ,i - ,- , S.v.-.rw a"d M r..! I'hii'iMiph), Nstnrtil l!.t ,t , Arrnileetof, ,lf;f; enltiire, Mailn-i'iat -s, M.i-. , and l!ie Arau.i Si e-iiri s. )je!,iina- ( ,r,i,iei j 't , llistiir. , lli,rr:if.bi', anil Anti'p'i.V ; , S!,-tl.a;diy'., and KlliieS j Novels l''iMiMiiers', and I'netiy . 'lie llr.iina, ('r;'irinii, i,s,ige-i, Tnw!,, -n, ' 'ivaphy j I.tilin, t,eek, .nil lngh!i Selem! liimks : :i m ill stt wriiintr m d letter raner, M' " u' ys.' ,,," w. . "'.II ,1 I ' I l US, i' . , I I Jill, I !,v .1, J A U.J II'. .1 -( M.iw i, ,!(, Iii-s, Lv. lie has i,Ki, on eonsiL'nincnl, a mia.i'it v of tie- In st iii-i'int'ui ;iired 'StnifiS and llsvan.i Si-j'ars. M. ieh.iiiis, mi others, are retjorsted to ! , or foruard nnli r, as 'Jiey may di peml ujX'ii :. (llllslit sllpplv. Churl. ., hit. J, IT. 2. 4t'.'; .MtVcUAWts1 t)i', j ,y , (( ,,,,,. .V.,, tw f leUl y A-, j A: wn, t II. I H I.I.S S ' j 6 H I, is liappv to it,l,,rr,, hi . I ' ' ''''s "'1 Ibe p.-.l,-Kci,c ally, tic the, i heei. rnr.s,. erabl.- nuprn e,nc ots aud , ,, nn rices a.l.lfd to the ab.ne rs'-iblnhiiK n . , , , . ""'''' ''"J"!' fr- 1 lr Ue" ""w '" be l'Ct.t '(ri v;ll-:ett- f.C -i ,i'. ' I "" J"' 1 .!, Will br furiiis'ied uithlhi !n 1 ! the market nth it, 'I be lire .proof k'.ibh . h have been built e'bisH,. f,,;- the use of t:; lion.', ( and nil the or ;.nsiie sl.t.; of the s!.-e, , Will be ,'tlSul' .1 bv aMi ,.'..( Hs'h rs. Iii I k ', rii-r; ttiin . ill l i!on- lo lend' r '... -. ; . '. I. I'll) -il' l'l" i': a e'l'-r i .. i!i.i-t ib!e. T V Hi" ( elumVa am! Ai,;ji,,1a S'.:.g'',fi'.-' ' ' are Icent -ii tie hi "sc. '"..' On. I, l'i 22. t': Wt;li & I! Work Ut v.iU'iu; .' .S7.I7.7. ;.tv,. t;. T I". vib rc.i f t.i'.'i , l'i i na t'i.i I toil" " l ,s i us'ae.i rs nu 1 , !:- eiC...-i,it iii ('"lie.'.,'. , i s.:d'sbur, and its ii' in,'',, tii.i' he s'ld ciin'eiii.. Ins businesK two ilon i . of ! totioc r ' vl,er' he ;.ssnres tin- pi;!ili -tbal Ins nt ti is- . il' .-i'.i.'. kh.ill nut hi; anting ''i aeeo'i.nn. ! e tho-." wliu may pb ae tol'a.or him with tin c.s'oin. at. hen, Jewell v , and Siin r are.coi s':i..i' kept for sale. ' Ct 11 I IS ll.KI.Ns'N l?, is::. t;; S.M. 'I li.se vi ho have ai-roenM of s':.' ! ing, are requested to ivtlle ttiClll V it bout deii C.W.' ll'RKC COUKTV. ( SOl'Ill' tif I'leas nn.i Quarter Sessions f the fuunh M iinliv in tsi-nteniber, lf :2. - W illiam A. Krwin, Sc Ca. xt. Harrison I ere and others, heirs al law of John Turner.. .Jiv. Ci s judgim-lit. 1 appearing to th sa'isiai li .tl ijfthc court, that thf heir a' law of I'ollvswa-r n s i.." Iieynid the limits of this state, w h. rei p on i rder. il liv the court, that pn d eatiou h ; load, tbrc." w.'ik in 'he W esr-rrt f 'arnl.iiu,, 'hat unless the si.. I heirs c tin snl I'oll; s..a:r appear In liitr the court nl' I'lea M"l Q i-'cr Sessi.'lis, fur the I o il 'V ali rcsaid, to be In I I ' the ( ourt lluuse ill Mi'tan're,, on -.lie tour ' Mon !. it it, January ruM, iii.ke ttn-ir. .. i.. s par ties, ii'i.l nlcad to issue or .hini.r. t . i l'i. ii' . be i uurt'l iifVuist them for ! pit it,t'' ! - I n.a'fl, accord,,, tu si ier, lai . Attest, .1 l '!W, ( U i: :i:,'J. price adv. ftl C5. ' S'tU0, t)V .Vhy-1' UVtAtUA, I ISC.'I N C TV . 1 I N r..u'.t) -October lr., , t I - ' ' .1 - e..h Kristler. v.. tl.e l.t r I U.-.s- I tier, tt crsreil ro,.il t:ll ot i...:rpUui' ' It arniesrui In rhe !n, action ill 'be r,. .-. t iat '"-.I ' ... I John Kci.tl. r, or. til the ht ii s nan,, .1 in ' II. .i'H-4 not rr-ulc v .'.Inn tin- Ini.tt of t.. s . e : It is 'hi refoir o'-.Jeri .1, that p. Miration be ti . for tl rre rnn'i'lis vn ei lv 111 tbe V r i ('andni an, that ui.Ussthe aai.l John K. r personally appear at ibe next court ot I.., in, to be h.l ! tor tbe county f l ;nr. .In, " t'ourt-lluiisp in Liiieolntdn, on the lour a 1 day- after tlit 4 b M "lu'ai of M..r. h n- :o :v and there tu plea-1, a'i.r vi' -ii U'U-, 'i'. pro eotitesu iil c t..len and plead 1 p..r'.j .a to b.m. A true . v j-t . ; a,-; 1 list. .i.w:r. 1 w.i, t x. r.. I'.i. e ah, 4. Sui tV Xtn-UiA'nniWiva, 11 A Y WOt 111 Ct I STY. (Slit III' if l'i. a and tinker Sesslnrts Se-i. J timber Session. A H - I" rip,ta! At la bmcnt levir-d on hnuseliol.i birinturr. VA rti. M'Dnwrll t-j. il ra'i. l.rai li ptaring lo t'.e satisfaction of tf.e rm t1, 111 thu cane, tl,.v' t o deh nih.it, II. rani i' iv, i nat an inbabi,.,',' ot this s'a'r, it i then I ire -U.t4 by entirt. !-r pub!i.a'io,i lie 11 ad.- in the Wcs'tii ( I 1 ..n i T six lril, 'b il the dcfer.i'.ar.t ;,pe.i- "'it rii st ri .iiiiv fourt if I'lcai and Unv".. r i.ms, Tu l.c hoi. ieii i.r in,; t.0.,11' v.! 1' . u I, at the Cui rt llo'i' r in Way iti av d'e, on tbe be Mnndav 11, 11' e mtier m t, tin u and tiu-re o jd. i..l, i.r di i.iiir. nrj ilg't'eet w ill he 11 ti 1 .. .0 l.im t,par.e. u .tniis, it. 1 HA r, c. if. ( f. rit,i;.r. a S- VOMf.OMUlV riUSTV ; ttU l:t of 'b as and U r -hiin 1 1 . , J he r S.-s,-lis. 1 s r -V I' lailiu' nr. s , Itiibert Ti!le lud '-ml att:.. b i :,', levied nil three hundred r;i of la-id. i.'in, thr Und of Hmnlly arn. .b it m-.l t): '.. rcl, that pubh cation be n.a 1 I li "' ' 1 ' k in the Mf.-i ( 'i,rV u.ii,, rl,a the i i l. udant ap.e.ir at m.r next liiiiii'y r."irt I" I'h a andH iarV r s' s sinn, t-ilfii'ld for 'he county of M niij; mi n, at the Ce'iit ll "is.- in t.awretirov lie, on 'lie hrsf M'.iubi in ,'a'i arv lie v, then and Ibe-' t pi. d, or dene r, or b, iment will be eii' -n l jainst him, ' i 'inline; tbe i.lmnt (I " '! 'I i'id. 'lev.. .iri!l p.. ti; l P., ( " . lt )l I'noe b S,'. '.. I i

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