f ! i v.. '.I i-i. -"4 i 1 i J f J a I 4 ' i, Mm wl.tt'r u Mm mn, me IUIXAlJ. A Uw-drop bung bn th cluck of mm, Fst by Uowtr, . Wfctre at iub Mil hour, ' Tk younf lh, Beauty, sought rpoe. i. :. Au Um pttrc peart wjv Had just been intilll from Heaven. , An angtVof figit, on some trrand shove, By accident strayed Where lh innocent maid Lay dreaming her dream were of lore. Soft, oA to ber wiM-flower pillow be Hole Her bosom of mow, ... Now lifted, now low , Spoke the vision that wanned ber tout Tbca l plucked the rose, and diffused it fino ay ,..iW.r - ... . , O'er ber check ao bright, And badetbi rmJ.1 EgUt" Be henceforth the berald of tender jo. And thou. Utile gen, be still trembling near, For if bint of our heaven To mortali be given, Tu baauty'a tlusk act willi love' tea;." HOME. Tit worth an age of wandering to return The eoul that still can feel, and the heart that burn i We have not bent the chaatcn'd brow In vin, To l.tar the wbuper, "Thou art mine again !" To in evea we lovt the tear-drop awe II, Willi ntore of fcelingjhajt Uie lip could tell. The weary pilgrim aiah the exile' pra)rr, Breathe of their borne thai they may wander there, And like the aim when aummcr day are part. Sink into rett, their calmest hour their hut, Heave the death igh where those around will weep, And aleep forever where their father sleep CHARACTEtt OP CHRIST. " He sets an example," ayi bishop Newcombe, of the moit perfect piety to Cod, and of the most extensive be nevolence and the most tender compas sion to men. He doci not merely ex hibit a life of strict justice but of ever- nowing Dcmguiiy. ma icrapcraucc has not the dark shade of austerity ; hia meekness does not degenerate into ap athy ( hia humility is signal, amidst a splendour of qualities more than hu man ; hia fortitude is eminent and ex emplary in endurinhrmostTormtda ble external evils, and the sharpest ac tual sufferings.' His patience it invin cible; his resignation entire, autT; ab solute. Truth and sincerity shifie thrcughouthts whole conduct. Though of heavenly descent, he shews obedi ence and affection Jo his .earthly, par ents; he approves, loves, and attache! himself to amiable qualitiea in" the hu man race ; he respects authority, reli gious and civil ; and he evinces regard for his country, by promoting its most essential good in a painful ministry dedicated to its service, by deploring its calamities, and by laying, down his life for Its benefit. Every one of his eminent virtues is regulated by con summate prudence ; and 1 both wina the love of his friends, and extorts the approbation and wonder of his ene mies. Never was a character,, at the same time so commanding and natural, -50'Tespkiraent-and'pleasmgV'8ojmiia-le aioVxelneraB contrast in it between an awful great ness, dignity and majesty, and the most conciliating loveliness, tenderness and softness. He now converses wkh pro phets, law-givers and angels and the next instant he meekly - endures the dullness of his disciples, and the blas phemies and rage of the multitude. He now calls himself greater than Sol omon ; one who can command legipns ot angels ; the giver al life to whom soever he nleaseth ; the Son of God, wfio shall sit his 'IbTio'hfdne'lrd J udgethe worlds A roth er ti mes we find him embracing voung children : not lifting up his voice in the streets, not breaking toe bruised reed r nor 3' ut n iiingthc smoking flax ; calling his istiples not servants, b'ut. friends and brethren, and comforting them with a exuberant and parental affection. Let us pause an instant, and fill our miiula with the idea of one who knew all things, heavenly anil rnrthlv ; searched and laid ojur- ti c inmost ref esses. iu i in . vi 'I v ry irmud.e of a tiioril ari'l nlij'.K'ut kin1 1 by a word exert i ed a sovereignty over all nature, pen etrated the hidden events of futurity, gave promise of admiasion into a hap py immorta)ityf lul the keys of life and death, claimed an union with the Father and yet was pious, mildi gen tle, humble, affable, social, benevolent, friendly and affectionate. Such a cha racter is fairer than the morning star. Each separate virtue Is made stronger by opposition "tod contrast 4ind the union of ao many virtues forma a brightness which fitly represents the glory of that Cod ,? whci inhabiteth lifr?h neraithlr' H. - ' lJ HereVnleganiirUeru: seTvesrevtrirgraee' that-an tecom- mend' retfnonV anT'iverylrtuetlal can adorn humanity, are ao blended, al to excite our. admiration,Jtnd engage our Jove. In abstaining from licen tious plcaiurci, 4e waa equally free from ostentatious singularity and chur Ush sullenneie. When he complied with the established ceremonies of hia countrymen, that compliance was not ' I I L- t I ! . accompaniea oy ny miiii ui uigwuv or aupcritiiion :' when he opposed their rooted nrtposseisions, hit' opposition was perfectly exempt front the captious prtulence of a controversialist, and the undistinguished zeal of an innovator. His courage waa active in encounter- r the dangcra to which he was ex- nosed, and passive under the aggrava- ted calamities which the malice of his foes heaped upon him : his fortitude was remote from every appearance of rashness, and his patience waa equally exempt from abject pusillanimity: he was firm without obstinacy, and hum ble without meanness. Though pos- sesVed of the mosV abounded power," we UholJ him living continually in a state of voluntary humiliation and pov- crty7 we see him daily exposed to al most every species of want and dis tress; afflicted without a comforter, persecuted without a protector; and wandering about, according to his own pathetic complaint, because he liad net where to lay hit head. Though regard- ess of the pleasures and aemetimesdes- titute ofthe comfort of life, he never the misanthrope, or our contempt by the inactivity of the recluse. His attention to the welfare of mankind was evidenced not only by hia salutary injunctious,but by hi readinea to embrace every op portunity of relieving their distress, and administerlne to their wants." In every period and circumstance of his life, we behold dignity and elevation blended with love and pity ; something, which though it awakens our admiration, yet attracts our confidence. We see pow er ; but it is a power which is rather our security than' our dread apower softened with tenderness, and soothing while it awes. With all the gentle- nessof a meek and lowly mind, we i behold an heroic firmness, which no ; terrors could shake, and no opposition estrain. In the private scenes rnnld rrfrain. in the nnv f lifi. and in tbe nnhlie cremation of h s ministry: whether the ob ect of - I- --'- admiration or ridicule, of love, or of . . . . . .i neisccutio.i ; whether welcomed with hosannas, or insulted with anathemas, we still see him pursuing with unwea ried constancy the same end, and pre serving the same integrity of life and manners. it munrr.J miNG-CONFESMON of Thamai Jktvit, who was executed at Tuv! caloosa, Alabama, on Friday, the 11th of Octo-! !t:,e lit art; uttifcd every rrfjuiiue, ker, 1822. for counterfeiting wriucn partly lv. shortly separated, and I descended the himself. Cone ludtd. lOhio river, as low as the Chickasaw The next business of the kind that I was ejigagea-inf Jwa on-tlic - LUijtea . .... . States' Bank and branches, and in at tempting to pass them, was arrested and sent to prison, where I remained about-60-dayr but-from-carelessness of the jailor and guards, I made my escape into Virginia, about the Flour Gap, where I remained three or four months. From thence I went to Pitts burgh, (Pa.) and from thence down the Ohio, below the falls. There I engra ved a SlO plate on the old mother Bank of the United States, and.made a1 quantity of those bills- v.n took on down, ibc.rivcv tradingvitl) tbemis far as "Natchez in the year 1799 and 1800. F'rom Natchez I returned to Bayou Pierre and there engaged in tn Ciav.ipr plate's on the United States' Bank, Notes of S50 and Slot)."1 After completing these plates, and striking a quantity, 1 went to New-Orleans, and there passed them.. From New-Or leans I returned to Bayou Pierre. Frotrt'th.ere.1 went to New Madrid, cton the Mississippi, and there traded a. ! coniiJcraUc amount of the tote. From there 1 went to Cape Girardeau, and there made a coniiJtuUc pur chae of rooJa, and from there went to the Falls of the Ohio, and about 2 J miles below there, I cut plates of ?J0 and $30 ort the United ti'atcs' Dank; thoujh thcra were no such notes ai S30 on that baak, but the people in that section ef the country did not know any better. After striking a consider able quantity, rriyself and another man took a considerable quantity to . the state ef Ohio, and went as far is Chil licothe. He there met with aman he had 'bought some goods of at New M jdrid. whs told him the money he rot of -him was crossed at the Hank. 1 Jhca paid:hirijn.thcjondj;f;j50 notti ! had, roadT-tbarU"'n ed and promronced good,' -ai paid him at the 8ame' timeJOOlcrowhsl a I did not like to ?ar. ai y rnort of those notea at that time, v From Xhillicothe I returned below' the falls of Ohio, (1801,) and in 1802 weot with one of my conhdanta into norm-u iron m, nu was there arresd, (a reward of g500 being offered by the Marshal of Ceor gia,) aid was carried to Augusta and put in jail, and thence to Savannah, where 1 waa discharged no bill being fouud by the Grand Jury. I theri re turned'to N. Carolina, in Hatherford county, where I engaged in cutting plates on the Branch liank of the U. States, of 8100 and 850, and prepared the different materials to complete laid notes, to the amount of 50 or 60 thou sand dollar." From thence I went with an associate to the state of Vir ginia, with a considerable quantity of tnese ouia, ana u was uii umc uui some other person had counterfeited the same Bills in Virginia, and couhl Dot aucceed well ;:: From there I went to Kentucky, and descended the Ohio and Mississippi to Natchez; but coufd not prosper well inr getting off theic notes. From Natchez I went to N. Carolina again, in Rutherford county, andataidsix months. 'There washeh a considerable stir about the counter feit mouey, and 1 left there and went to Kentucky, Livingston county ; but when I left N. Carolina at the time the alarm was given, I had 81500 in my pocket," which ! hid in a "stable loft, and directed a friend in Kentucky where to find it, who went and brought the money to me. I then started from Livingston county, and went near the Falla of -Ohio, to get pay for some horses I had left there. From thence I wen', by water, with aomc men up to Wheeling in thelate of Virginia, and passed some of those Bills 1 mhde. in North-Carolina, on the U. S. Bank, and then returned back below the Falls of the Ohio : from there I returned to Livingston county. I then came on and tookwatcron jhe.Tennessee river, and descended the Mississippi and to the Bayou Teche, and across to the Attacapaa country, and put off omc nolf : Y werc car.r,cu l? IUC 'Bank at ew-OrIean8, and condem ed. The man I let have the note: waa arTested, and told who he got the e - i.i 1 - ..a noi irom anu 1 w incn and carried to New Orleans, and the man appearing state's evidence, I was tried, convicted, and sentenced to im prisonment during life. J there re mained twenty-fix months in jail, and was . then pardoned by the Governor. This was in 1805 and 1807. After my liberation, I proceeded to Natchez, and from there, (in 1809) to Kentucky, and -there made-a-quantity-f SlO notes on the U. btates Dank, and then started w ith two Other men, but we W ther.eTarbdri umcMd went to. Natch-, ez. I was there apprehended, with two others, for counterfeit money, and confined in jail about nine months, and discharged forwant-of-safiicient'evi-dence, and the charter of the Bank. I remained some time in -Natchez, and worked at. my trade (the watch ma king.) From there I went to Bayou Pierre, and there cut a 850 plate on the United States Branch Bank, and made about 840,000, when I and an other man started in the night, and my horse broke from where he was tied an d n. Jo st .in y saddlebags .with -all.; t he . money I had in my possession. I found my horse, and we proceeded on to the state of- Tennessee, to White county. Frrm White I went to Law rence county, and' there engraved a Sob plate on the U. States Bank ; a three dollar plate on the Cape Fear Bank, of North Carolina, and a S50 plate on Norfolk, Virginia fictitious ; I struck notes on all those plates to a cer.i(lcrab1e amount, and then started to the stale- of Crotfi i and in Friuw. ing.-y,c -i v, nmcil.m2 ta iear IWi ty, enrravnl a W ,.lte.on ly.-Cmnn Sent . vu!Car qu.l)t). l'll on liVnk, Mar) had; a W pUte -Cvuchnnn a ntleman or accr,r ofthe l ank of Hndv.n, New-York- flUhcd MmCharht , a Vtl(;, I a Lallnd.fii.Uuilhell.nk tic ff one. dull. U. ,,f I'en'nivlvanla. and made a Itrgc qui..ity of notes on all thoac Banks. 1 i., 1 another man thcu started tn l'uw ell'a Valley, Tcnn. and traded offaome of the notes, From there I went near Pendleton, S. Carolini, in the Chcro kee Nation. Shortly after I arrived discharged by the court. J then re mained in Pendleton aome time, and continued to trade the Bills on Elkton, and 'the1 S20 ind 85-on trrer Baniref FeTlim cut a plate on w ?J""?:"m nia,of 8 JO fictitious J-a considerable amount, of note struck vctit 85 on the State Bank of S. Carolina, and struck 850,000 or upwards, and then started, with another man, to the state of Geor gia, and there a man wanted cm rno ney, ind 1 let him have -tome, with a five dollar note on the State Bank of South Carolina. Informationwa giv en that the money came from me. ' I waa arrested, and a considerable quan tity of bad money being foucd In rov possession, I waa- committed to jail, and confined about eleven month. I was then tried and convicted, but the judgment of the court waa not passed, and in about two months after, I broke jail and made my escape. I then went to Kutherford, in North Carolina,- where I was concealed in the woods about four mor.ths, and engaged in making notes on the vat ions Banks of the states. I thn left there and went into the state of Virginia. Patrick coun-iy-w!Ve Jjva apprehended and car ried before JuYtieclaf "the Fcace.'TI told the Justice they could not get proof against rnrrtd tlM if he would discharge mc, I would pay him. I gave him ten dollars and he discharged me, and geve me up all the money I had, supposed to be counterfeit, I then proceeded on to Ash county, N. Car olina, where I staid but a few davs. From there I returned to Tennessee, j Jackson county, where I made aome trades, " and then went to Lawrence county. There I cut jdatea on the Po tomac Bank of Alexandria,' 850 fic titious also, S2 on the State Bank of North-Carolina ; and 810 on the Bank of Nr York fictltidusitruclc atbn iderable quantity i rnadTthe. paper, &c. This wag in 181 8.-X wa then taken up on anspidonv and committed to jail, but discharged. . I then went into the Chickasaw Nation, where I cut plates of 82 on the Bank of Nash ville ; 82 on the Franklin Bank of Ten nessee, and struck notes 5000 or 0000 dollars. From there I went to Madi 6F(AI)lvT)ereritaid"6neTrar"and worked at the repairing of watches, &c. Several persons being apprehended in Madison, I got alarmed and left the country, and went again into the Ch ick asaw Nation, (1820) and remained but a short time, till I went on the waters of Canoe creek, and down the Coca river; thence, late in the summer of 1821, to the cave in Tuscaloosa coun ty, and commenced cutting the Post Notes of SI 00. The g2 plate on the Planters Bank was brought there I did not like the' engraving, and cut it anew. I did not cut the 810 plate on the Nashville Bank, found at the cave ; but there was about 10 or 12 thousand dollars pftheriQteifitruck-thereT-as were also a quantity of two and oae dollar notes on the same Bank. - I have been about thirty-eight years engaged in counterfeiting, during which time I suppose, 1 have made from 600,. omWikooCffl rested about the 27th of May last, at the Cave, on the information of Smith Randall, an old traitor.- My race is now run the world ican now-secwhan a wretched life I have spent. Oh ! ye youths of my country ! let tbia be a caution to you : always pursue the paths of virtue and honesty. Take warning from the public example of my wretched fate. I have lived a vi cious lifej and found but little pleasure therein. I have now no hope on this side the grave ; but pray to God in his infinite, wisdom, to have mercy on iny squl..... Adieu to the world. Tmcnhom Prison, October 8, 1822. MINN m NTAV YOC AH 1 1. A It V. -iffcan infirmity nobody owns. At Home, the domestic amusement of three hundred visitors in a small room to yawn at each other. Bore, every thing one dislikes. It also means any person talking ot religion. Buying, ordering goods without purpose of pay- there, I was taken up in Fcndieton anu committed to jail, (ia 1813 or 14) and not lufHcient evidence appearing, I f .... 1H .., mint jPj coachbox for the gentlemen. Charity a golden ticket to.Catalanl or any cth er favorite performer Debt, a necci. sary evil. DuN doing a other peo pie do. Drtit, half caked Decency keeping, up an tppehance. Economy, obsolete. Forlunf, the kumtnuhonuwu- fashisn, the Jt ne tea) quol of eicd. lence. Friend, meaning not known, a ... ' a Home every one'a house but your OwrilIotfUarittfO)ortJ'IIonourt atanding fire well Highly xumpfokr flowers for the border pi a screen and a talent lor. guessing cnaraaes mt, meaning not known, now that the otaj fication of the heart has become a fuh. ionable disease but the world is stiU to be found in novels and romances-. vairmouu, uariiauu tuorauiu, t troublesome interruption lo pleasure. Muic execution Modest, Ueepish. Ustrnlng't from nooo to sun-eu Xont'ente polite ' conversation. AVu , delightful. AW 'eL'JJimeJ sitting i, your drawing-room.'- -Prudence, parti-mony.-'ffy, only applied to v'uiu.- Prodigality generosity -Spirit, con tempt of decorum and morality Style, splendid extravagance 7iJe, only rc garded in muic Truth, meaning un certain Vice, any fault in horses and servant UTcled, irresistibly agreea ble. World, the, circle of fashionab'.t people when in town. The eventy-third number of the Ldin burrfh lteview (say the National Cscetle vlgoronsly Httck 'the-' " Cotmhutioml Association," formed In London, for tbt pruscculiorLnCoffencea committed by lie Press. It i stated in the rteviewrthat .... - , f' " the friends bf the Aioclation have not only upon no occasion evinced the slick est disposition to put the law In fort: atpiinst the most scandalous violations cf it on. the side of the' Ministers, but that many of its supporters, and et peciilly a mong the clergy of ibe Established Chmrh are known to be, bjr their patronage at lei tt. the encouragera of the star. ,ttny por tion of the Pre." This general account is given of the Association i " He ajent of. mJn?ter, theirVanncst up porter both in Church and State, openly ctu! lialiet and palronlaed a ytem of personal tlirr ler, hy-mean of the periotlical press, wIik-S tly'rna3e the vehicle of pmate defamation in.T ohseene ribaldry in a degree wholly unmatrh ed by the utmost licentiouines of the most im pore' times while men of a more reputable d icription aaaociatel themselves for the aroweJ purpose of prosecuting whatever they might deem phcla against the government that is t aay, political writing in support of doctrine, ami measures displeasing to the existing niiiw try.w " - The Ueviewgr asserts that, during the discussions which took place after the Manchester outrage, from circumstance which subsequently came to light, that some of the spies were connected with the worst of the publications which openlv recommended rcbcHion, mutiny, and as sassination. "We Tear," ay the Hcvicwers, " the nature of our libel law is such os to render conviction, in any given eae, highly improbable. No mn ran tell w hat is, or what is not a libel. The defi nition given of the offence by Mr. Bcntham i hardly an exaggeration 1uy tl.;nj which any bod it ut any time may be pirated di4uLr,for an; rrunn. It sliould not be forgotten that, amonp . V. I r AX. . ..Alrnnt. ! mc iiiciiiucrt ui liic Associaiiuii, u. t.- rn" ' about forty Itishnns and I'cers of Tarliameii'. Hut, can any thing be more alarming than that men, who know they are the "iudges in the resort, of all causes, nhoiild become systematica : ly the prot:cutors of public offences :"' - . in the, .same.rjunvbe.r. of the. Review the following .laiiguageis held respectip personages whom the. rninistcml writen havealwayst eprcsenrcit asjiheereatberir'' ftttors Scbinarheiitsoft "The spirit of the lale Mr.'i'crcival !i' ter, as his mind was narrow ; he j'idged like i bigot, and he felt like one. ilis Attonif funeral, too was a mfmssVtmtait i hsp silion, as contracted in Ins views." " In Mr. O'Meara'.s work, in ansvtr to Mr. f Meara's remark, that Lord Wellington nrvrr in tended to rjnit the fichl of Waterloo alive, to he been defeated. Napoleon observes, ' lie coi.! not have done so.' - His good opinion, howevt r, cf our commander, is confined entirely l- s military talents; hr joiv in (fit imivtma! n'in that, in all other mjrcr,- th&e ttrt few m''f naru fiertumagn. . .. " Ljard Casttlereagh .us! to speak of'.N'npoIr with a stirt of mild Indili'erence and contemp as if he were naming some, invalid nfljejfr, wh sViperaiiniiation pension had accidenfalty "conr'"; into question, lint habit soon made the na '" familiar with our great statesman and he ap peared latterly to pronounce it v it 1 a conscinif iii-.rint.'il v fif e1itt.Mi tm.Ai .ml ii-riii-t.lll('C I'T t!ic world, which w as snfTicietrily amusing to the spectator who looks no further than the prcsfu times, but indescribably laughable to any ov who reflects that the day will, crelong, f0"" when Lord Castlereagh's name will only hen' cued from the oblivion to which nil the other .smooth-spoken inmatcs of Do nipg-street ai"; Whitehall are hastening, by his accidental an nexion wit!i 'tiie- latter events of llonupartc" lire. , .'