1 '!4 ( i . a . . f ( 5 .:' i ? : -I l I v In. u., v;. " t ....... I . i ii r V a w u!lt 'II l.i. . i : l.i.......,,. , i i 1 1 1 ' i ' i i , i i in. i. .i " n , pil.;i. i.fi. , lu in .. .V v ikes a want dl bal Il .t auna.,.e ana o, a : i i ;m.,.,: U iliil'I.I' d v.'r.li l igh'.s ol i- It I it i i mi; i a ni! terns- ' I" i ht ir is .in ivil under ihe sun. 'l lutc arc in my evil under ihe sun , hut the one xih'nli wr arc about to . .i . ! i' i. .... . luinpiam, is iif cvii in n.iMHfc ni u. U or too little money. It we hav too much, it becomes .in evil to know how to dispose of it corret ily ; il vv e h iv too little, it h an evil, ili.it in n riuu'i and t flee Is, beggars all dtscrip ioii. .Money brings the most pratr Jilv inclined minds into a siatc-of (oi lman and warfare ; it render all lm-di- s corporate auc! separ-U'", liable to tru iblcsome eiuuiry, and perplexing explanation, nnd in many cases to un just censure j and affords to every cou rt', serbial spirit, whether of a lederal i' or republican, monarchist, jacohii,, , o n tier, ir colder, a hih sounding pi text, mult r the sanction of the f ro i"jij iu!'lh'j argument, to institute a foun I li.raf catechism against all ap parent as will as teal defaulters. Mu in is apt to make foes ol Irii nils, and It ' -oris of for-; it lias the power of i'iiin.itiiiL' a Miiile into a frown, ami a inti:i.!.h;i-:vt.. r illlhi , thi n lalll of It HIH .', XO l id, N, us from nations htmlring :il Ins hat k IKIUIJI) Mt KIH.U. Ill I C. IIIH K, ! A H K ANsAS ' ! t I' T . 10. limit slim kin,; lutii i!er w.i'. pet ( 1 1 . led A short time since, near the dividing line between tliis Territory and the state ol Louisiana, on the person ol a Mr Staui, of Nj'i lu'.oilics, by a monger in liuin.ni slupe by tlie name of Aerrt,;.-'. J fir i ir riimstaiii e of this ii'urdrr, as biietly it l.neil to ns, are as folio: Mot row : ml Sumps weie travelling togri her, '.be lor mrronfoot and the latter on horseb.o k. Having stopped lor the purpose of taking refreshment, Moiro w.iti hed an oppor- I I ... . I ...I ...,t tl, Kt'iii.t. i,t 1,14 UNI l Illli h IH M'l I'm """" ' ' - 1 . L I , t , . ...,..i i ; . . ,, ' it may be in the power o j 1 inerii'iers to iiiiiiiiaiiiori. and then severed Ins head, ' tiom hi-, body. Al'er wlu h he rilled the pockelsof tlie deeeascil of what moiiev inouin I. is (in el an, I iiii'i.urlv end. A'.tfU rra.'-.l, -l.'A in t Atnonijthe recent deaths by yellow fe ver at Nrw-( )i leans, our readers may have no'iied that of Mrs. I roim-ntin. We have s'uu.e learnt her liiisband, Hon. Ki.F.uics I'komkmin, formerly a Sena toi of the United Stairs, and more rc eently District Judgein l lorid a, died with in twenty-lour bout s ultcr the ileatli of his lady. Xut. Intel. A writer in the Hii hmond I'.r.quircr has entered into a c.iltnlation to prove that, if the choice of the next President devolve on the House of Keprescntatives, they ronLiined. to(d a pair of pi .tols and some wi-.iiin apparel alio bcloninR to the deceased, and sat (df to nial.e his cs cap. In Ins hurry to nuke hi-, escape, the linn del ei Id: a valuable bore belong ins' to the deieased, together with a pir of s.n!d!e-la:.;s containin:: a ( orsider.dde amount in moiiev, wliicliis supposed to lue been the object of the inunlcr. lie left the headless body of his companion luii: ne.ir the io.nl. wluie it wu- short ly af'er disfovned, to." thcr with ilie hcrst St. bv a patty of Indians, vvlio iiu tnedi i'elv ave the alarm- l'iir-uit was promptly made afttr t he nmn'erer, and we air happv to state, that he w.i uKi'trfkrn and appiehended in (ltterminc who the man shall be. 1 he following is his estimate, which will be better understood by recollecting that the votes are iven 0) states, New. York lav ing no more weight than llhode Island, and that a majority of the Representatives of each state decide its vote. A. V. Americun. !i mii into a smile ; it renders the roiif li f la c-, smooth, and the ru,',:nl places .!.,,. . ,....ck .-.rt'i-jwt i :rtK ilnw 1 1 or 'isl c ad lolllitv. It IS said that his and .v Ih cllurniw:. to ra'tle (Ion;; I .a-.t It ..- in..... nlt.-r n-ivi-ll litrrl-f-. , mill u i"ii i v. .......... , ... 1 . i i i i ii . whin t iken u e understand th.it the esi'-'c i i v on vrpiiue oa s, like l, u i if t , . . . , .. 1 . ' , tmi'drr m.,s (dmn.nted within the liiiuti si'krn tnjjrini-r in a tin cnnniut . ; ami it niMii ialU impots to mercartile t;rn lli 'Vii-ii. a 1,'rp r.d bound that i, al.s - I S M(-- tailHH with blond, Hlld that 'iis'iAeied evident marks of guilt Tlu re are -1 taei Mikiouri ha Illinois Miuisiipjii J)i Ijmui e Alah.snia Kliuili- l.land Ind una I num.oia rniiont Nc -Ii rsiv ( UIIIICCl II lit II iinpslnre Mine -lo ii lliajoi'ilv. 1 I!. ..i, -'.i 1 1 1 i 3 S t, h 7 . ,1. i lo'i U nrrsi-.il i;e- parfculariv l iw arils .1! . i t nvit t; . f,:ir '.J l v. O j"t. I c K. as tbi-v hasten l i the N itioii : ( ' ii' It. the South- ".irol.n.i. the be I'r.i- n.anJth'- I'l. inters and I ol I.oni-i .in ; i' so. the iiiu.iicrrr nill io').i!'!v be ill liven d to the .nnhnthirs of tli. I state, to r. i eive the punishment d'.;e f,,r so -lioi i-ii.!; .hi ollein e against the laws r I 1 od and man. Di;!(. IliillltKia. A tao-' ditiinc iobt.ru w ,,s rommi'.tcd M i ' li.in'u s' Hanks, in all th vii;or i.f 1 in I';.il.v', ! pbi.i en l l ui sd.iv e en'm ; last trai'e, and b'lstle of business. Moh-v about s o't lock. ..t the hocse of M i . l.i also civts to tiie counfninre of e irv in!on. in Mi'ket near Ti nth stuet, perl., nner in the grand masquerade, ei in,: a de ;-.ier of h..r"il,o.-i.! ;.,i'e epul ,1... .. -.s.l.l ,.n I, inlin -r 1,1.- Itlf r, 't '''"t Mhi(h lS S O 1 1 - ' ' I IT) f V t.t'lilTi ill l.ll "J MU,. III"!,. Ill IMIMIII .(Vtl . ... I , . . ii i ' I n 'H-.li p -prrs I or r itr eiedii cf I'lula- 1 11 i r l.i inn I . nni-c- I f s u u i 1 on i . ' ' I ' ; (!fl:.h;.i i: i-, hiiied llu' so dm- - a ro!) iJ.l.thatuur Money, I ke I he ' Lcrv, , f!1li-.ri! i:, , .. ;illls ,.t ol the th.- most d. gant of inspirations like t,),,,) sv tAi-iS n ,i:(. ev, , w,rn ,.e I.'ve, the -nust cnero'is of passion. ' iorcaliiis liifin woiirj, na in i ir.orr.rrit n.i n:n-,!i( i The front door n 'inket s':rr.t bem This view of the subject 'ferns to be ne to j-i.iur of our brethren. It is one, however, which has been stionvlv staled on the floor of Coiiimcss. and cannot have i failed of its effect, wherever rnnsidrted wi;h the attention wlurh its impoi -rar.i e ! deserves- It is -n LManswe'uble :n-,u ment in favor if v.ich tnrjsuies as it, ay be necessity, at the next or any fu'uir election ol I'ifsident and 'ice 1'icsidint. todeiide ttie contest without the aency f . it fit etailert in ot trie House ol lieprescniaines. pens;;, or reatci ability , than ttl this uiu$ under the irtscnt incumbent. Tlie Anvil Iht.urltnrnt of the jrovcu, ment lias also iiiidi i j'Kiic great iinpK,r inenls. The navy itself has lecc ived tl(: most perfect oraiiiation- Our f.bips u:.: in cveiy (lime, and on every sea pioto tint' the rkli commerce (d our merchant, tiom the depredations of pirates and law less marauders : they have also bru, extensively instrumental in suppressing that vile-' of all tralfn-s. the slave trade L'nder the u t of (.'onijress passed for tlut purpose, t be ,''iJ'0"v incrrw of the n.ny is jjoirit; on, and yet the expenses of tlu; establishment have hern diminished, an t it is susceptible of demonstration that th i navy of the country w.vi never before sun- Tl.T'.SH-W Ml MINING, NOV. .'d, is.'..'. Mir ton t. vzr. i "i i:. In a former number we coik hided our observations under the head of " I. oaves and f ishes," with the following rcin.uk " Hut we are candid to sav, that locality is tiot the criterion by which we. wish to sec cilices and honors distributed amon;; us ; mtrit is the true one. And in our hum ble opinion, if the l'.ditor of the Milion (i,l7f-M fil'-il.L'fl .tX fr'itJl.lj. nil -i'iVImUI. for preferment, the sii.cst way of m,u tss i f" L:11 ttith """ u relative expense a. is to mtrit it." In this remai k we had no at """' particular allusion ; nevei tin less it sei-ms; 'f'C Drtuirtmrut ' f il'.tr. 1 lei e, tc. to rankle deeply in (he scnsibiliucs of the ', order nnd economy have been int i odiu i a. l'.ditor ; but whether il ha, hit himself or where befoir.ciiiUisif.n and hnpi oi i.b-iK . kin jnrwh, we are still on able to say : in j prevailed. When the present incumber' either case, it was altogether a chance (-;,ne '"to "Hue, the t.ntt-ttlnl (mlancr !., shot : and vet, ; mat oe parinieni alotm, wcrcanout -aim lions of ('adlars, the-y have been reduce ! to about a millions, am! the work is atr! Koiiijj on. An f.'.iiite change has taket. " Mow inanv n w ord at random spoken, Ma) sooth, or wound a heart that's broken." Sine e. ho'vi-irr. the ro in in on nl k e rvorcs siau " mm," and".Wio;-s-," when j l''-;('e 111 lh(: """le "f subsisiiiijr the artnt considered in lonnee.liou with " loaves ! ,l,t: ' "'ls,'lUt'11 'r- ' hicli is, that-a j;"-. and fisbes," sec-in to awaken so nuoy un- rt-,;,,i:U";i 1,1 ' efi'cc'.ed it. the expr, pleasant sensati ns in ti e bosom id' the i ; (' ,!,:"'.V abuses lonccttil whi l.ditor, we be;;in to suspect that they an- un"x ',,,t,' nrrt cl under the oil system ply to fomc p.u tit ul.tr citcums'ames id 1 llC expenses ol the aimy proper haw w birh we have no ku.iwled:;!-. As to m-j 1)Cr" . "v 'hubly ditn'mished. JJv !,. r we do not know ii,.t iti.v ol'thrm , j(Aa l' s'tii I c onomy, siure Mr.l .,! .tie h.okin- lo Wasl,in.;(on for prefer. ,,,,u" c;,n,c "t" '-e has cr.e.ted , ov.cver. there be :.i.v maI., we ! JM"--s' li'f" '' i ""f army i'i iUl 1 .. j :o!,,iis. I btsisl illv shnr.ii , a report made to the last 'fssioti i f Co .ie:,s. Mi.ny other pa, li ulai s oiih! 1 ment, il, however, l lie re !i' :H.y maIi, we wish tbciii no ',H'ater liaii-ss lh.ni wh.t their ti.tritu will entitle tl.ei.i to. '( ih'nik them for I'cri i s pa.roua .aMucc! '.o sh'".v the i conoinv and abilit with wli'uh dic'st: several depai tnieii ha' e bt en saltiiitiistcrc-d ; but it i no! i pto posc t il-is time to enter fully into c-. tail-.. b-1 1 nir.f ii sbnne biii;n: as (' y. will not j;o un- i A..:. ln:H. The H',itr M lUnUu i in Ae A I'rotle m m who lately published they have thusf.,1 c u to ns, and :i'ii.,u.;!i we cannot pu t 1st Iv ?.av. that we 1 elon,; :o t'ie people." v t t w e .oa- a ! i.f them, and -L:dl continue to la! .-1 i in ift-ir :. ciiii'.e. v hell.er weiecitvc Int.) t . i e i ( hi of the (.acite, or I f ratiot, ,,- i.ut. W i, , , . e are re any to :.t.'i mat me em tor (J the (if i!i--i !.o;ir. ;.!! lie. un. ('.wait's the A', c.-'i," al'd th .1 l.i-. sel.ti tin r.ts of the t ontlm t of that pai .v aie 'it'i ttv ii.ut h i;i act oi dance wi:!i nt.r miti, : is. i-,.V,.l. -j. ,.it . ..m.u.sr-,1. f .. s.-t ..f """.' neitlirr ci-.n we eu lo the It. w oi thif s. u host- jb'frtiilj ' i. '. r f .-.:.!:, i o-o;v-I 1 here is -r.Xun:'.rr lKf ;r:::-:t in tl love i tniient. i pun w i.ii h it is pioper .'. i,;, 1 ..ik- a few icm u ks. lr :t the ei.itor I If (..i.c"e !. i.l ! .tiu-e u-, (! not in r thrt.i:;.'li ttith the si.bjt et the 'J'rnt u r ,),,. rt.t And line w e must ,t it tie i atiiiot - othe full extent td somi n l(r f th; V.H si-ii- Vimentsof iiidiirn.-ii'i't miist . pp.lv i-iuallv j to the ; . . :rr, behind the cut t on as to i be IL '; puppets th..t tiaiire beh-te tin- public Let it not be for a momen' t njei tvii ed th it I ! t ' .t rs in ff . ,t ' tine litre that we rive into thr connn -c:.',! mu nl. ti:,-'. Mi . Cr.ivvhud l;..s f.-,: -.in .1 1 t 'l e t ; p-i t jtioiis eirett aiK 1 Isiin, t in c,.tii!( tir vu; inusi oiee. I' somi thin:' i ,,ti I e .nl .mi ed in e.-.i ulp-a'.. 'ti tl't- i b irpt.-s m- insl him in miti;. it; The Ihvrnt'nn cf I'i i'lting.--- Mr. , two men ami tw.s on. n w dketl Ja.Mti koning. in 181G, received tlie i ,f , ! : - i-,. se. urin.t the door bci.md ihem. ld medal Ct tllC Academy of Sci-: wen' di'rrth updil whfif (be laloilv d.C's, for an I'.ssav on the invention . ete si-'n,; in aback rofins presented of lVuitmg, in which he undertook in pis'oN, tied Mis I.ivim.'ston ami a sfr ar ve that this art was invented in the "it t;i:i Inrk to h nk with silk handker- r ci of Hiailem, and in lao letters p - .'dished si of e, he ha lu.ii (aim d that ih- date et t ti c inventi hi w.tsas lailv a he ear 14J2. I he Senate nl em thought it doe to tlu honor the Newbury port Herald, an at t taint of! this -!; p ii t v 'is .uiv cmt 1 1 ti'.n with an ; st ent to the summi' of t rse inncn- tl:e o! ! ones No : it is not t o-i.po-t d of tains, siys that Mount W.ishitii'tnii, tlie the rht-ii e mritt i ils of eithei , but t,':' of Ii. Jf p. - b. ,, . T .e nt t i examine the jubjtct, :nt! inted a cnnimittte fr that pur- ihiels thev l)t(iu 'bt withtnem. and tied the .inns of Il s. 1 .w illusion's daiiLth'e.' hrliind her, and w 1 lie t ne villain stoi d i;ii,n d o er them ill; a hoi sei'i. n's pis'i.l. the ot! er mii n.l women bml.e t pt n funks, bureaux. J . and i.nsjtkrd th lioese Altri tai r mi; about halt an hour nini thirats to extort monev and who hav e published a lur j; re- v..hu' -les. the robbers secured the family 1 which they .t.'e U to be their in abaci- room joI tlejui ted, t ikme. i'h highest piak. is the hi ;hest 1 ind i'i the I tiite I St Hes cast of the M ! i '-,i ppi . and th .t i-s altitude h.ts been loi.nd bv the lu ion eter nl by peometrical admeasure men! to be about ('2 lit feet above ihe lev el of the oi ran. It is ove: e I w i h snow nine months in 'lie vear. I jo j hit id 'he hi, best region mav be l otiiib t e! ,d..se the Inoi' of vrirctation. Ii m.' !ih i e ; v lew me a ; e d .nt s to l.i: v i n toe si ene I bi irn OesoUti'in ()''cr peak, t! e highest M.irmit of tl'i de atiy, is ; j (ret hich . K'Uinifou pe .k. -tic ol the Highest oft! e iecn mou'itains. .!.; and the estiemr cieva'iou ol liic Kut skill ,f the h'tnidi'is i-ittl eiiots I c has cot ini'.ted ill thcCuiit s tA his obi C At ti is tin,'- in: shall ai'd not.'iin:' I u'uet !.- the o. uihii , a lo icl i. d iet tioti an I ate anxioiis once .is-.u:t to ee llie ( I n out lot mi r u rnrlss. we a- ked the r elemenu cf sneie'v lashed into strife. "or to n.tin m t oli'aiy it. te ul e Hut thou "li the editor of tie (laz-tte an applicant of Mipei ior mctits . om 'i s. ems to think .iboi:' i-s lavoi .d le oi tin- Careiin.i has been set aide in m-N '.-.'.. as wc do. vet tin ae is a a.- I m; ke im.ih for t : ol Itss m-ii In; the d:e-,'s and irfoseol f.'.ili. oieu that . titer upon tins I.; jr.i ii of ! e are sick of the piliucl ba:i:onv w hn h ' i ut lln-t r is ato.t'.n i p.utt, h.r. dis' in 'ui she I i he pi est ni 'mini 'la- t he M i ,n ; .per. 1 .imin. il on that th. invent' n i printii.q I. aw r net Luis on K s'er, m.t ei!.iin!v st.ited t , h ve ta'm n j l.ttr - t-n (he ye.u 20 and 1:. , minuter wert -dss ii stnntr, t . rt, in an- t'ie t p'mievi ol .Mr. 'si i as c- ii firmed, in what mi-mr ' t:i ai'tn v-r:i' v m.tv !. h s b m'ord. 1 ! r S ti m has t ..porov dl t'r lep inni'ttt r , and i , s.di ( d t tl,em ii i ,n it ' of Wis .1 ' h! Wat' h ill d.. -moods i pbin ter ; anione; which m ir, led bv two rows ' ,'st iiti.di'v feather bet! m.t :: ft f".ni 11 ' I II .''i splendid Hall was c.iv. with 1 ei k ou'er ioer i rii h .'amask en at the pine in th u d, oti the t'-.t skill motiiitains. on the Kstli ult I he !'a'l i pn-pe xehet ' room was at the height of is 1 ; feet from t-n-'.b- wi-!i -Milt i l.ip ; a wvr'.i ch.iin ; ihe In el of t'ie river. Ihe nom ws tic M i-.es. at.d a v.oirtv of ie u-Pi hr ,u':fi:llv t'ecoratetl and the cmipanv al b pi t.v otht r Mill, les, a',f i!,e- ktvs i rbed. is to their motive i'i res , '. wr ;.' rstiini , to ihe If bti ;s e I ,u,c ol' '.,'.'.''?..' Asto t,t;rsi v r s. u i- iai, oidv iude of the ir.o'iu s of men b mi their aclioils ;,r.d eon. hut. aid it; n these grounds we form our opii.h n - I '.he '. ''. i ,,'. a party that watit ren jpi' il oi intt Ili- !i;cncc t-nou i:!i to t house I r tin ins.-;rs at, j.!"trrirj-i li.m.c. but It, list i a'i tbi ::i- i vives alter a t.-c'ion in i .u ,,;.!. :. el it, t;' a iem.ile wotk l a.' i oi.t.ui.ir - .lid othi t it 'ii lcs- tl's.-ir . at- I -ii ill lake ; o-t I r f" rtnr it. .ti e i;i ihe i r If M ., s W . ' tl . . . Ul- cl Cii-crr, ,.V .-covered bv Sfl'S.l'i iis n! ; oft at we learned :! r I-!!. I" ( 'i e the as-assoia' ion of M : t Il s V 1 I ( n, a i estirrtai de iri. t i n ur.'v, rt si !im; at Nortb-Vi s r.i i' r i , tl r A",,- Mai in a ralimpse.t M.ol H id;c. lie w.,s shot mb' j..i,,D I'bnrv ;it Milan, is now w 01. t I'okt , : v nji h i'l i' l's tl r XorioU .iii:! lbiti' i-s A":, .,' link ri the afterroor ! 1 r-s l is w a , home f, en M: . Jul .:, ijUairrr of .l I. "tit al'-i r I'i LMin ha 1 been hear !. l.i , I,. , were met. ron'm'-img on I in ti e p. ess at Home, and shortly x ser'e 1 t ' apj" ar. I he slieits, a fat a pri-.ted, are suit to Paris to M. Vil lein tin. I the Itistit'ite, who is en, a;; . d in tr.ir,l.iting it into the Trench l.i!"'ii.tg". The text and translation wi'i be ',hl i)V .'i,ir( nan .', bookseller, ; a rouple of l.-.ds in . can. w,, ,r uV din No. 1 J. and proh.ddv will ! the mrp-e of the deceased w tie ita,! for sale by the lime that an J If foot of die t'l;. and it ..p; ord.-r lr,.-.i hence would rvaih that ' hc. h"! h,Ml' en.rtli .m l ,.m- tt ; r,r. ,nw ,1 lb ,f t... J "lind. uflT lfteiitl' tilt W.. ers ol aiuit t.t literal urc. will lo-e no lime in j. r o t. ; r i n g that v.iluahle woik. 1 1 1 f i:,.r.:i'.w ., I'M ,. ..t i i.nlii s '-I I lht r o'- 1 V I st. A v ' rt o lid .fd- s' i t Id oi ,! -et.- e '. i i the eig . Iv lis t i'l .il-lt ' i .V ol t out r hiiThlv elevutcn. the l.ctortc -.as the ancient solitude ol tin- nioi ti ta'ns sremed to have been i'tie.'i b oo tl i-. her faioiite abode, and t i hne ie treated to the l ief er and iie!iei fic.s Nol l- t'-ni! -bt of s.i. !ni s, " i r n .i ! tin t. ;.,!.! (,N i.n.i m.l. Out a Ir ,t..l t,.t, , M -:: ;!i .,i ,o ." Not bin , Kill I e niot r et-Sist in:i (hat the .ippe.iraiK e cl 'his ample ;;iten albor. i i ,':.i. t with I's'e and heatilv. re- iii'";;i wi'h 'ousic, iir.d rt i5e tint; with its tioit e i oris !i ts the lively and aniniaiing ecs (trcs i i its I ti iTj.it s. Pf s s vt Anm:.' ilieeceeniu- i.i-.-- of Mt rerni.il,', the to'.: i-,(. w.:s ati ii i.-ti i , i i 'lp-t v to a w'i ;'. wl.ii I: he o- Id x.b I'.'b'-tiltv o ;i;t(-s j.i an v lime ; b'.t i,ui re son vxine. hc ws ".re tv oxv i' Hot. savs (he l'ditor of t!.e (..i.tttte i:i his sii.'j i, " And wc at e h t e loi i.ofes-, t !i.,t iheti- has been in the i'i - '.oi -t i rot t ! : be public 'nor.t v iti'-ie to ",ip. ir ti..,i to in- spi:e t t.ti'it i ii, r " 'I hi- is 'lie t I.h .;t . V-'' aio It shi but t' e roof has n ,t ! et n s, I'et-ly o.:rr- ' ti' t' f i I ed l' r!: .; s bkt l .ds:..:l. the editoi v.iil '. " t "oinc t t Lt i s'.e. '1 his pie-, ,1 n bit- i'-r of the (,,i.'-':i- v e-v inoi'e lx dc, ,i aiisHc'!!!;-. fit. m iiit ttvcsol ileiuaev. ' i'l'ilii rs !' :' i'f r- y.tuX on; j' b i'l-'afn fo I'-inbt tnr.ii- the, f f Mi 'I'.-.iii' d. W'e -lio-d i !. i i nvt I ittT'1 in ni.d.i.i u-e ( I a --i ;s -.-- -.- i r:nr' ( n Wi'h Ms. li's name . t ii..1 . P'--.'dv ea-l ihe -if. lie,' iri-i.i( t,- n in. "i i t '!," t I'M i ot, i liom l.i- llie; no; ( o.i.'i s. t oil io ..iii ; . in.cir'i w r : , ihe V as plrtl' v as bi n I.' ci i a s. ' ' he lb .: as it nav. wt- .i;r Irre to -av. that we be- IK !iee in th. iiital:.' a:td vxr hjvc no ' istra'u.n has cointi , i i i i v ..' t r- i:hi e l I. r p : f men. i.t .-, in.:i ,.s v.-'l .dl i e ediii,' t-i.f s : but vt c o r v. 'id eh .1 1' : r'.ipi p. I h ' t'-e n - ,.t.i! i net. - i of Mr. Munioe's .tiimii.i n oi, o h.. In n -i;i h ;.s to impair the i oi.fide ' a.':.-: pl.citl in bini.lv i : ' -f . 'v to .. .'- .' ' . on tw ti o; Ciiot.-, .,1 a j s cn cpt ing the J! toil als. At the cluM- of the war t!ie f ll..r,trs i f the t'o1. ei nun r:t wile i:i a uiv tn.'oi t a'-i-d si-ti.it ton . I he w ;,i '.'-elf added to e n. ve Knn-tn loin iu" !n Iv t le ! in; a . the nli'tr t f the (..if'!r, ,it, : sji( , ii r an i,i r l.itn j'n. i a i t ' Hot of t!ic Mi,',.:i i.,;rr s..v, t!i . inidd I axe I'l til .ipoe'iMed "tid,, i..-r the bead ' ! .; i i- t! ere a nun in the I ii i.h l..o hlJ.i I i.oit's on t !, -t j o-t " i . .I.h ks-ni I V baten I t ie ttbt i t- i ....'!(-, ti bis ( iri.i -. in av !i I Lis 1 1. ' - ct ', e I r iir r I hat 'be Noitb t. .: ol t ii i w ii ins'i'x tht' I'lr-n in t! e (' '; e mad'-, ben J . k V IS l p.'illtcd ( Mill . I ul I boidj, t.uiii .' 1-is ii'iiii'.ii.ii'tr i'i tbati d'nt. i i-t bi i i d hi. rvix s. ,., br b id iloin ail lo, int t ot i si .i.s. w i !i ( at p:iif I t's-, xi i i.i.d . ' i rv. i i.; tin g,i i.l i omplaiat c.-t s i , -'r i.eie . A: (en. J.n k",:i !. -. j i . ;( i:jv , i !... I ' . - . y ' mo i.t t i i n't a. a. t 1 1"-, list i fin ite public t'ebt a' ,ut minimis of ''ni si ie the one nearest him. a:: I 1 1 l it s. IV'-idt S the ;.n:n;.d I X jit ! -is t f the I'oxrtt.fnent, a laiL-esnni w as t : i . i t d u; pav the iutrie-t of thr tiatit .-1 di bt. to Ihll ,.s m oi.'t i sioli, lul ( ti t ,1 ;tb Un- .i.!'ioif'e i ci 'Mitrv, nd t!,c i ii , hn-ie, s br v. : i l.e r scto r. I - ,.!ii,-c ,, c; i i ii i i 11. .a t as a;; .i'i x ,ii ,.ii' ; p!i. .in'-, w r : i Mr !! .:nh oi i i .. .Hut ' r - - v , to pi re ('ir cushions utu! r fi"-t Kr.glish translation of it should L-e iiiaJi- in this coiintrv. Xut. (i . i rt, h 1 also secured (be leitn. II:-v i a i'v 'ot a tew s'rps foini I !.e a- wbeti (lie bloodv t'ret! Was done vUtl . ; pears to invr I t-rn e'-i-t: lie is- i--m i c' the .' . h I'.lo with II.OO 'i e tire inning one t'.iv ti i (Tit tnil , . . r o--x ,iiir !,., t'.i " wuie a w; l .i s o . c r . ,t t I:'--!: r Mr- i'en- .tit f ett.'ine i t a srieo sv i l 'in ; ort e load ' f 'ICP ''..iis. lie .i'i. ;t mi ri b s'no.k the I i 'bt i.!t i'l-t ;d-oe tlie hear', oi.v i.tnl the t,p !-rr ball itraed : i i: !l l.i- hat ' at- ! .i'l i - 1 ., .-rt: i'e si !r i f I s b ,i 1 a tl I '!.. ' .- .:-,-.' C,.',,-rx -(Irilti'h's lVsle.'s. ,!it I.ti 1 Cat ;e, fyr foiiveving goods! deer. isc -r-'i u--ii,i 1 s i n t.t.r pi.bin- ui."'s wi'!i- j tbi' 1 he at. . id boisrs, w,i r winked hv'tfe. ei.r -r po'x -r. and sin ; 1 on i-t mt at -, hi, bv.,d. ' a tbi: ,! !-.d! sii-.u k a st.i.li , ! ce 1 tW of tixe 'n it s ' four, w hi- h ' one t f (In- w i,ei !-, of (hi: y .m l s! :i i t . r..a he vaiird ant! iin'iea-ed in 'e'it.i'elv 1 ed it t j j ierc Nnrvifeme tr-n 'i'irt'i r 1,1 ,t-r r tnii-fs. Tie ettet-l in' to-; a di-cot rrv of the pel pi tra'or of this li.vi ill,, : 1 ! 'hese r at ri 1 -es fir all kirn's of and a : 1 01 'ions at t w.is 1 ivrn at (be iinptcst ; ; "!' : s wi'i , 1 1 s-itn'i- .1 1 iuntp'i "f in- bin it is supnnsrd have hern -omnii'-' ' '-v. r a- -i tt-a'i I v ettr an cs- trt! hv S'-ine of the iii-axvav l,,itn!i .i tth., was in rompanv, hoxvexer, c. e! Ilv 1 1. red hitnsci! Itetween i'e nnaiit .11 ! the t di cer to pic v C tit misfhitl. b:;t after nmeb pai'ietite. and nuiiy a wistful Ink, I'.-n lunt. ;t last, stilted lip, seize. I the wig. and th re xv it on the limning n,,!,. It w s 1:' itain.-s 1:1 a m 'inent. i-.n tlie 1 !li'rr, xxho tan to his swoid. s' .i's 11. ns I'eno.nt, un:l the t ':'i rr after bit'i. h:oo ;li it t'.tf -to rts rf I i t .re ; bir l'1-ttp..nt i;,, in iiis S'ipetier ktiow'.ri' c of to." ;i iphv. rst aprd. I l.'s advcti t'ire w .is afiet xv .nils calletl lVr.n..nt's To;;i' t!iroiii;h Chester -.-"r-.'j :. er. tl i', 1- in' br'in-; r diru! ' I , d, " It's 1 'far int.- ,1 f.v 1' H I,- - - 1; r-t. that neiehbot li'i.iil. Mr M l. ov A' iv -'mils x 1 1! i' 'ho !!, f lonii'.t Htioiis, '-1 hum Krntu.U. I!,. e..-e I ftl c to.-, v ; and x f :. I1' ' I tin.-, Iif,,;,- (,. lb , -i.ien'. M be-e !-Hiatids. .t- ''i..m h .is ,. u),c rtr-idrnt.a: "- 1 .. . . i oi., I.,, , 1 . ,', . ,1 , i.;, '. ' v -' Mu- I 1 or ! i 1,. ,-r- , Mt . lb; , luvi; g forii.rilv !: en an idb. i nt r:.cu' 'I Cotigii-,-, x'.a-, to :!.e I'teMlt; a:,tl w ', it r'liintie i.i'i d In- s..;:ie '. ) ct mt t-.'ifi s. Willi ibis xiexv le!,,:e t. Ibe-i t. .. 1, 1 as it ,i,,'lity t d, - 10' Mr- I! . .-.! 11,11 the risk of h i government bx bi'mriog things t'own m tiukio-g a gi,t r. rt n"i ! ,: to ,,p;oi; I 'ti.-pt..; er -.i ;,le d 1 prat r es ibii-hmrn;, f!' a uitain'y dot !;e woid.l b I In.! al-o to i itrodtit e the s'si. test e.-otm. the p..ni i!liit;t-r; -r.d a'-ilit x ' my m-o an tne t'epai tmei 's 01 the 1 ov- w e .r, r imtt m to lr..vc the unisioiit einment. Acrf.n'.inglv. ihr lhf;ir:-t! al limp .rii d ami intrlli-.-nt person',, w!,' -' -,',,.','e iititlerwent a thorough invr,iig.i. tht ihey i,e , ur . .-e-;,, or (be or',,.', tiort. Mid jn some respr-rts. rrfoim ; and ihr eui-or of the Carette; but wc i,l j . documents csta!,li !i i!,e fact, that tie-" lefet ti-,g it tin- R,. in.i-.mtn I xei. a! rny former peti a! of our national I is ho-'ii'ttv t,i(.cn. Jackson, i . ornd't'i'' exi-tenr... ixne the tonrcrns and duties ol j ; in, ip!,-, 'f ,..,, mm the I -n t" 'hat department conducted v.ith less cx-Vfawn to the !-.vcA ! dlawcr. t ai rv on ti e system of the y adur.I incl i ase o after Mg'.plxing ail t tin:!. In. in the lo-e 'd ti e xv.,i- to tt.e ( t.d if (be li-( ..I ve 11 in i: .' i.tb..l f 7 mi!!,' ;:s ci t'-dl.osol (he ptibb'- debt x-.as paid on' a larger m;iii than was pdi-l tlii'-int' t ?c idol.' pcrioil of Mr. .fcI'Vrson's adntii'i-,. tr.ttioti. I o clTet t this ia; id reilut tion in 1 tl..- t- ; .! 1 1 ir I.t I .. ,. d l,.tt tl. 1 1- l,r -.t .. u 1 w ax 1 """'""o" ' ............ T I) , I to diniinish (he euiifit 1 xpensi s of (be ap

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