i very '' in" e, u- Lac tlT, .. n! out'" . tiwdv . not lih-i Mill it s :r !. iimi''i .'. .-vv l.ii iUtics to 1 1 aclc cxLl , tii .1 c'iii not exist before the com , . m 1 1 cm' nT lit our improvements. And h.it, l.i't the one In-I'm c assigned, tan i.tve b-eu the cau'a of tin: I Yili'.tc of our V.od.S U'e luvf SI UT.il (lais !i t'l (,,C n ivii.es ail iib'e I i:;',:iu t ! win) lias cxTored ijiii livers, pointed out t Is e ' ; iiii;i uhntrm tinns in ihe.r navigation, and eiveti iijii rtii 'ions in wlt.it inaiinci' thev vere. tii lit 1 iiovfi! ; a ."-.dotis and in telligent IJnaril f-l' i.'cni'.cii'.cii hive been ,v,,tchiiij; over every project, and push ii ; (Iiciii forward by nil the means in thrir power, and still our ircij.;re ss is so j-iailiul as to lie almost irnpe rreplible -ihe reason is obvious We have not con centrated our money in sums sulTii iently laie to effect the object to which they Live teen applied. If a remedy is still within our power, it is for your wisdom to devise and apply it. I liave alteady said more than I had intended, design iiii; only to tall vour attention to the sub jet t . I he interest which 1 feel in i in provim; (lie condition of the people, the sovereignty and strength of our coimtty. will, I trust, claim your forbearance, and excuse the freedom and candour which I Live usrd. The report of the Hoard of Internal Improvements will shortly be submitted to your honorable body, whir h wiil alfurd you every information with re gard to our public works. Hefore r leave the subject of Inter nal Improvements, MiflVr me to tail your attention to a subject which has hitherto been too little regarded, an. I to which some of the foreoin.j remarks have ref erence I mean the opening and improv ing of our Kinds. While we are expen ding the public treasury in improving the ti tviiiion of our rivers, we owe i'. to those whu live remote from navigable itre nns. and who. in manv sections, find it necessary to u'o to market bv IjiuI. to op-n Hoads which may intersect Jiid unite at convenient points, and had to flood markets. I5y this means, too, we should keep in our own state a -treat deal c.f 'I'oduct, which at picsen' emirhes otnei states, and drtw eapi'al o our 111 -r -vt' 'owns, which our own pn.du, r Ins helped to centre in thei'S Although it 1 ..-siriLle thjt every m.in s 'endd have a ?' f y w I" emeiit t Lionel to cm his m,' plus ' ' e t a market. even t!iuiu.;h be sboebl tnu' to the wealth of mio'-ier state. i' is but jtj'tK r to oii'-.rUei. spend the public wclih. nc should "ic our own m.ukcts a fair torn. i 11 While our treasure is employ public impr'.v rmt-nts, it is su'ely ,'ile that ihoe improvements should !i ected as to n-jia) u. li is, i here of t tic lushest importance, whilr we e! bt. open rivers vhn.hlrafj into other sta'e. an I v,ive the farmer inducement to tarn Ibri produce a -. that ve should like w i e make roads to our own tun ktt ton :is. jne nur nierchants a fair competition, an! add to our wealth, and this is s-ii! more desirable, when wo consider that it au' J ! e to the manifest a Ha'tae of the pi inv. bv (riving hiia achobc of rn.tr krts I rniipit point out pat 'icul.tr roaits wb'ub eim tu claim vour prompt as-us-tain e, but tne circumstance tint some of j 011 come iinuiedi itelv h-oin them, and are. therefore, much be;tcr prepared to espl.m nd enforce their importatue. ieti lers it iteless. Your on t'Umn rtier.f will follow the subject through-int ,ts extensive bearings, anil our wisdom avH'.' " irhmcnt to the com-nnn wr.d. iir . 'Tu ient quiramee that von wi! five i" mature e'ebber .ition. ur! adn;t .: ii r..' iv.-es as .in practicable and conducive :.!'' ftMt ertds in view Ti e in prow irie'i' of toaJ an.) rivers would sn in ena ble our citizens to ret out of drt.t. n, .V th. V II Id be the surest meat s. t ufTur- i:: a l. motive t" iiiibi-'iv, . f ker; 11 from the ruinous and v'im in.u v n.p ff speculation. Tain not t f tif an increase ol circul tti 1 - me 1 . a t Mieansof extric .timr them b.-ni their rmb.irr issmrtits. It w only " put olT ' hc evil i 'V " of payment O jr roun tr -or", tuujht in the school of sure ex pt iciicc. bei;in tu sec the i !i n of e- ' tmv. and to Itel the necrsMty of ic tr. 'i.-hment. I hev are in the vrrv situ.i ti -i. then, to return to l..,i.its cf i:,dintrv ai d ninr tlitv ; and thev will do it, and will sc. 11 ri I t!ienvrlves of debt, if you will uflVrthrm i-vrrv inducement, arid every facility m vour power. Thev pirs. entlv et m'o the e.tiri old ways ol rer ainty and safety, and will be foment with u nu re ioodera'e inrre "e of wealth. I v a judHot;-, ti'id Mell cond-ieted plan of Intitral Improvf merit !v opening, so far as o ir resources will permit, our voids ard livers, always taking care to be ;in wjih such wotks as are of the most iner.d u'llitv, the elTttts of which would be most extensively expericnt ed. ve should i;' I tr towards at complishinp another rrcst iirj oitant oSjeet of state polirv.vi. the imp'orm'nt of the nr.ii .."td'i.rd coriili'ion t, tlu- toim'tv. The ,! 1 "in 1 immunity .tie the vrrv strrn .'h at. ' -ioe-vs of ihe R'sve nrnent. and in pr poit.oii as thev ;ire sufiered to , r-iui-!. mils' tin; vovernnient be o'nr fee b!e and inoperative, and all other cts pnhiic u'iliiv experience a t'ep' es .,'m T he eCei 1 id 10 nU ,t"d n.i iiratioll nil r; I 1 . il"' id alu ;, s !: Ill U' daily IV It. .1 1 id r tSe Legislature v ould i,ivc to a;;ric i!- 1 n i r rvcT; n '. 1 .,i.iio u 01. kc'. a.d ..iiu t-iii (.mai.tUK tit. '.here v no doubt the cl feet would he reciprocated in a much li;h rr ratio. With the increase of agricul ture, indeed, every thinsr else is made to flourish. Wealth, knowledge, and virtue miispirc to Wake us happy, and perpetu ate the inestimable boon of fitedom and independence Contentment smiles in 1 he cotUftc, and wealth diffuses its genial influence to all around There is an in niri:!; beauty and harmony in the aspect of ; well cultivated country, which seem to be reflected from the countenance of the people ; and 1 never presented to tny ima-iiidion a moii- dcli.rhlful ima,;:.' than that of llouiishiiii; fields, cultivated by j Irom our Reus'taphu ai situation must ton free and happv people Horn in the ; t'mue to he, an agricultural lather than a country arid raised a planter, 1 have al-1 commercial people. 1 trust that this fact. ; ways felt a decree of enthusiasm in cut)., j templalini' 'bis subject, boiderin, per- ; haps, on extravagance. Hut its impor- Mure is bv no means diminished by the to kivc it VJur aid ami protection, coolness of deliberation ; i's conseijucnte. ' With regard to education, althotih we indeed, is the more obvious and home-1 have been considering an import nit part felt , fir it-, pi.ii tied and universal neccs- of it, you are by no meitiis to stop here, si: v ,:uei into every man's door, and is ex-: Our constitution hs made it vour duty to peiictircd alike bv all classes of society . ; emoui,it;e and promote cve'y kind of use Why our aiiculture has been so lon'ful Irainiiit,'. Its wise and patriotic fra neclfcted bv 'be Leniilature. and is so far ; mers, who were alioiit to burst from the ! In lntid hand with respei t to some ol our !. . . . . ... 1 si-ter states uik whether it oe not iii,;ii setisiuie 01 me viiswvhi iniiiicmc 01 i 'time that you should extend to it our , f 101 ante, ordained it to Ix: their own duty ! fosteiimr fare, apoear tome to be inuui- arid the duty of their sons, to whom thev lies well worthy vour attention. I heir solution I leave to vour own wisdom, and i the remedy or rcmeilic von: own jud,; ; merit, far better than mine. v'bl surest. ! If the rci laimin.; of our exhuu-.r'l l.ituU could be conimeiictd by oderin; pie iniums, or bv tttv other better means, the beneficial icsu'.ts, I apprehend, woul I very soon ..linear. Could you inuuie 1 . I farmers to nuke cxpe: iuients ,n their 1 lands, i'l new me'hod, of uluvallou, and ' ihe intti iluctinn ( f ,irtii Its hit ol com mon iM.iivh. -i.d whi'. !i have been louud to 1 mi! . ui v , in. i1 .e .nil ( les cf produce, but as cnrii hin the soil, a very ei c 1! iuini mem. n. would, wi'hoat doubt, lie then !,v r ft r 1 :ei l! :t to ou. 'cutli-nicn. with -u sure. I submit the fin e and wi'n plea- it. without pre - tetidin ' to i!ii tate to v our wi,d-. m. or be - lit vim; that I cm ad J to you ' cl for the j rise from their t..mbs. they would re t ' trinviti i;ood. ' proach us ih tupinrness and neglect, and In connection with thi, and the su'-ject j would not listen to our plea of want ol f f e ucttion. to whi. h I must be leave power. We shall never know what pow to invite vour a'trnti.ni at the present ses-. er we have until we exert it , and it holds sion. I would mention one delect, which 'in politii al as well as physical v.icnirtrt. lilc'ar pears to me to exist rnciallv in the fdueatim of or voun; men of liberal advantaqes: I hev know little or nothing of aricul'ure. ,tnd are not taught to hold it in proper es'imjtion. I he ennse rpience is, that t hev l e.oly all devote themselves to the lea'i.e ! proi'tsions, and le itf the Cailin ' of l.u '. .! 't v . ei;u.illv as respei t j'de ..id more um,:,.;1- to those whom tK'V f otiM.'e r t.ieir i itet iors. Hv this defect, and tb;'se cvisp uent rniit.t- kii iio'i'H.s. vrr lose tbe em e ol niativ a ot ;c v withers in oiii- . 1 in- p he ini'h' be an 1 the 'iiiiet walks 1. 1 .- 1 jicn and irilbi- . l, l ll'S .,'e1 1 'esji ,ris, w he n :i' arid io.i !r iri d""i am! ton- sti'ute one of tii .t !.;' ( v t-il ful class of voi ii-tv . ' . " use ! is tt uiv inel ,ik r.olv to w iv of d (r.fs that ha'i : i p.ci learned professions. .:ei r.e 1 ' . :i cl , ,!( : I.St tt'fl ; ft, -iiu ii o' ,V ( and I'tiulens to so- i- , 1 c U'rless ; ami to T v i f ' ( " mi ',ht s iv a Lrre m-jo'iiv- a. en's, bir unit ipjiilv mis ,.p.i 11. 1 tins 1 I'm cr ticviii i tiif s.'.ii, i-:; 11 t'.e I.rcisl iturr. tint ou l.i it ill m r,cr pnvter ' j-iriei' thin huii.1,i- .HI. a'ld to i'i: 1 se the Corn's ol oi,rsi c ii.' in j'r fi'i osivr ijs( ,,Ir i ss the Ie;-isa'U'r iVrli pfaitUal.v the iiiip .i t .nt tru'h. 'h.,t it i - I mom, 1 1 to the vabiiitv at.tl -e, ou'- it ;. 1, .iic.n ins'i-u'i ,. iti.d cf ui to! ki-.ovv !ei't-e I: -ul ! '-e In our v -iuth. the inio'ts; as vv ;- i.r i tin ,:: kn, 't i.ct I I as I ' O 1 ii l est, it is to be hoped that thev i'l :i"t v vi rlo'ik the ar'ii ! of tvjiictd uic ; ucd iti the present ilom ishi-i.; iti'c t f oil! I'- re eived i,ivcisi:v, wlien its h uch ui addi-ion in w estt rn lands itsiair.i her of s'uder.'s su-Ji an int rrase. i's ln.il J inv;s ineivin sm h iuipiovcnrnt ai d ex tension, an) its able lHuliv .ttid ! rus tee s are so realous ,,ru in -'cfa'iu'.' Ic in r .isiui' jis irput i'ion.' ind rxtctidiii ; the phete of its usefulness, it pprars 10 I c an au'ic ions period to info. itn e t ; ,r su1)- jeet of airriculiure within its w;,lis. and lend it vour aid. Were von ever m e'e-1 sentinient, " lie able for thine t ncmy ta vote a consieicratiie sum of fiemev l. ibis ; tl.rr in pewer than t:sr." purpose, how manifold w -ml I lie ibem-; Hv an act of the General Assembly, teiest which the people would rereive in passed in the year 1819, it is m nle the its .silv. intakes ? Voun.; meti of li' er.,1 ed- duty of the Governor topuxuie pliers '.ration vvould leave our I'niversiiv widi ' of dejiosit in 'he town-, cf i -'demon. New proper ideas of the dicniiv and useful- bei n ami Laye'tevillc for sue Ii arms as lie ness of nriciiltur.il avocations, and witlj longed to, or niicjht become tlie property much useful know lc('c;c rebtin thereto, of the state, ami ti cause such arms to he They would 0 in'othe diiTcrent p ,;-s of .the stnte. ami devote thrnisrlves ! culture, and associate in S,, icties art ' mm of more limited opportunities v . ei e their knowlei'i-r uml their inllifnc" w ,uh be wi leiv e'lr'used, and i;iv, .1 life tiud vi-i'oi- to agt i'M.Ilure. of which we cm e,s';. Iv foini some torn cp'i'iti. Hut I would not have Veil suppose that this su jei t is apoqether neglected in our I'tiitrisity of the L'niteil States, were ready for de We have t'ie a professorship of e hern- livery, and would be delivered so soon as istry and mineraloi v, whieli bear an inti- returns of the militi.s of all the sta'e ru.de it la'inii to ae;i iciiliui e ; .oiditidtes vlnidhe made ; hv which thev would lie me mm h pleasure tostde. that I have c. - i d 10 c'ist: iluite the o lativ r prop'T Leen it.fattncd that the eetitietna'i who 1 liens, to the respective states and ten i!o- Ls t'oaive ot Ibat department ?of instruc tion, takes a lively interest in the im piovement of the uriculturc of the coun try, and devotes a part of his course cf lectures to that subject nlone, and loses no opportunity 'f irnparlinj; to his pupils every ai title of knowledge which will be of service in the businr. of life. I am happy ilia' I liave it in inv power toinake known the fact, that our L'nivcisity is no: confined tu those studies which, though of the highest impovtance in a liberal ed uc.ttion, liave no immediate relation to the concerns of life. 1 have said the more 011 this subject, because it derives addi- importance Irom the fact that we are, and. and the intrinsic importance ol the i.uV jett, will lead you to a serious invcstij;a tion of it, and 'for i is surely practicable) : thraldom of oppression, and who were ..1 r. !...t. .:..:.i! .ri were soon to bequeath the inestimable le- ;;-icv (yt licciJom, to cliltuse icannnj; anion;; the people and they no doubt looked foiward. in pleasin; (on'cmpla- 11011, fj tlie period when their pustciity sboold ve scli'xtls and academies trcr- i(d amoiijj lbtii) ; when kuowlcd-.'e, at l . si of tlif rnoie otdiiiaiy and indispen sable kind, sbo'il.l he within the teach of the child of ihr poorest citizen when ' jli useful knowledge should be duly en icuirii'rd ;,nd pi r.moted" the people ac iju lintcd with their rich's, sensible of 1 heir national blessings, and therefore deter rriincd to perpetuate their institutions; and to keep the soil which their father i had purchased with their bl-Kid and tiea- j sure. " tb land of freedom, and the asy - j lum of the oppiessed. I liar, gentle ! men. if those venerable fathers weie to t that it is incrcasid bv exercise, 'o all these iuhjecu, then, which appear to me. I am sure, in a far more important liht than my limits or laiiRtaf will allow me to espitss. let us L-ive heed. anJ timely heed. I.ct us 10 soon thihr. however little it may prove in time "a r;rain of ' mustard seed." Hut whilst we ate sedulous to a'.t iin these (fraud objects, we should i,o' lose sie;ht of the fad that these and ail c ui blrssinijs and privileges arc il.t'.e fj inv .1 sion from ,;jtoi 1 We I, n.- exp. t u i, i.s brfo: ,-, Ct e! the niiusMre cl lrri-n 1 1 .1 ' i f! ib t'd uf have no reason iu cm this is never to be the case a r;;.e th .t tin. It is the'clare important that we should du ( 1 1 out atfeiiti.io to tlie training t f our ini.i. ria Our riiilitii Nvstrm, as sou well know, is s'l-I very defri rive. Let us ev er rt collect the advice of our Poli'icl l aiirr, to pn pare for wariti time of peace fa I , 1. most important p ii t of tins pr: ). I .ri 1 oiis,ts in tfaiiiin,: t; a uv 0! ii.c: of VV il lo1 ce U-i-r er.. wat w ill ai .vav s be re n!v , in case 11 si ",d into the field an e :Tn ietd It verms to lie the p. li. v of the ovei i.inriii to leduie the s'anti- in .iirnv el tne I ru't I Si.res, ,s heir, - io 1 expensive -nd d .1 . 1 1 u- t j tl !Jr. I.,.!...'. , pi vv ru r'-- r iris - so-.r, 1 ; o.irv 1 hot. it I '' ii .iv Un lf.o's ! '.-. i'l p.ttal( t if f un.; . w I oi.'.oi.'cl r i ria At ;v r sf nt it is tilVi. ult to .i iv 1 1 whit ml bete is derived I.0111 our system and piaiti, e, 1 X' ep: 111 a l-v lemarkahle in stances, wheie it. dividual exert'on and spirit picsrnt - cheetin prospet 1 an, id the sin rouru.inir j;loom, and show whit in.v heel ine bv proper endeavors. This , is a subject of no "-m a II moment, and I Mi-' will lereire a share of your deliber ate It is to be hoped tli.t we may ne- vcr lit'.nme a ria'ion of soltlierv hv pto fcs.i ui; e r neglect the delightful arts of jieai e, while we p.'v some if '.trd 10 tlui'e ol vur. And while we prepare f. .r our encinicv. we should ehelish inwards ihrm penerosity .inti fotlicararu e. adopting the rollecred and removed to one of those d.i ces. Since the ai'j-mrritr.eni 01 vour last essi,,n, J hive received a letter from the W,,r Department of the U. States, st.i i in.; that tii: small arms, acco ".Heine. its and .utillcrv procured elmin; li e Int six vcr-, j;ree ib'y to -tv at I of Congress, pis-ed in the ve.tr 1 8-d . for arming and eijiiijipin-.' the whole body of the ruilitii tics, agreeably tr) the said ait. Ji toe law of this st. He above mentioned, they will be deposited atone of the places de signated, unless otherwise directed by the General Assembly. Agreeably to the act of the? last session of the General Assembly, authorizing the sale ol so much of the Cherokee lands as had been surveyed and remained unsold, I gave notice, according to law, of the time and place of holding said sales, and appointed Col. John l'attou, of liuncombc county, commissioner to superintend file name. 1 expect to have it in my power, in a short lime, to lay befme you the re port of the commissioner, whit Ii will, I'militlr'.s. nive voil all ihe infol'liotlion vo.i niav reuuire. It is m;!e the duty of the commis'iioncr, by tl e ; t f Assem- blv. to uscrriain and icoort to the Public I reasuter what lands ;ue 111 dispute be tween the Indians cliimim: under the treaties and persons holding under the state; and the Treasurer is cii erlcd riot lo proceed in the c oMeciion of bonds due for such lands until (he controversy is pro perly settled; and. in the event of the claimants under the state bcin;: ejected, to refund to them such sums as they have paid to the state, with intciest fiom the ' ' . .. time of payment. It is lecommtiide ! vour consideration whether it would not be to the .tdvaiilae of the tate n i.dopt some method of extiniMiishitiij the In. ell in claims, and s:itistiin our purciia-; Si t s, vv ho, Irom the un. ertamty o' their tl '.Its. aiekcit from se'tlinc on. and im piovini' their lands, while the state is ly irm out ol the pun base monc.-. It is tlioubt that a sj;u ( f im.oev. t .1 r ut;i'ei the value of the latuls i;i 1 is)i e, would be suflkiciit to bu out their ( 1.,'nns. and pre vent all further litigation ; .11. 1, if tnis be the lact, it is Siin lv cd the hi,;he-t impor tarx c that it shoi.l I be 1 u ;ed. ' Hefore I ccnclmb-. I denv my- ,1 I I ic idea so ! e ol l v 1 1' . s im - 1 1 e v e i v hii'Ji piatnu ati .ii w hi it I i, .ie i I IV from tfie t .ml j-.:,Mneiit . 1 ;., ,,..,.. . 'i w nit n nave t.etn ttir uv c : 10 fie nio : t of our Mate House to its .u-int in-.-i state of completion It i, wii'i satisl.tr. lion I can Icstilv . so far as inv ii'i-erv.,;io:i has Konc, to the diligent endeavors ,.f Mr . '!" ond (' lion of the art of ! : : ;. Nil hols, to have it lompleied bv the pre pectm,: the Supreme Comt. '; H i sent session ; but ihe sic knes., wi'h w hi, h ' oiitcmpla cs repealing th..t parte! we have been visited, t'urinp; the si,ininf! w l.i'-h r.ives the Court power to . and fall, ami from which hut few h:tve es-!"l'w .! upon matters of fict. taj.eu, io(;ciner r.n oiner uiiiorcseeii event,. Lis prevented. . .Itbout-h i.e:;lect oii;;h; not, in any shape-, to receive vouri sanction, vet I feel confident you wiil 1,0! ; wi'hhoid vour indulgence where it should , be exit -lidcd- f the talents of the Arch- j i'ec?. I t.eed vay nothinr;. when ,.!; have; Midi an elegant specimen before yott ; but i I cannot omit tosiv. tint while we are. ninusiiin:' tne r epresentatives 0! tne peo- ' pit w i'h a cf-mmodioiis and e le t-ant build- i: sni;.itde to t.ie ci'irv ol tl.eir I, civ . it is sun lv a '-'Mine of p'rasiue that we , 'C at the s..ir,f t'lnie. ;ivi i ; i ui-out a :e men; to ;;ei.ius an I aM...!i-neu's in one of the a'ts. whit h h.,e bi'iier'o been s,( iii'l Lt.u'.i h.gr pi . iju i lv 1 si ; :n .,:e-i!. aoe 11 t o ! t. "suouiii r. 'c T,i- t s. ii v -to ni,,:.' .ui I at'ditidu! appi'a lia'iuri t ti e fiuishio ; of the lb Use. t ie J 't j in l 1 ! iiiasircr r. is M.briiii'fd ii t,,M ir, si, ; r-.il i :i . L w.,s th iij.-bt tha "lie 01 1 1 iate 1 at the l 'St session woul-l be v,...; in,t, but in the proi esss ol s'n ' a Ii' iidni - as tlie one unde." veiw, a I 'i'ions and aeerations wi.l occur, so ib! jt j, impossible to r.d ( ulate. e xa: :li . w I1.1! sum w ill hp rr'jnn "d;h, nude in the nine, m,( rrvi m e'. especially w hen so nvic.h remains to i" the prevcni-c f the (oiie-ss ,.; !e done as did at the tin -e cf the last ses-; empire. I he v represent the r',:;,: sion. j fist vinkin- into ruin, and t.ri o Accompany ir.;; this comniur.i, ation are , x; tew tin ir deterrritiati- ;i t its the rcsi.-ri a'iuiis -f such jtntires of tl.e i liberty, or perish in t be ittcnti" place an. f.cl 1 of t!. It.id'u as have been received durin;- tlie rc-ress. to- .. .1. ..l.l. .. I . . - 1 . , be Litl bcfoie von With tlie highest respei t and consid ation. I luvc the honor 11 he. cent'emen. Your vcr edict t M-i van I.vr.lill l. lldLMi.s. z ijsV.uA v t V v-m ii t.' tWns . sr.v v it. MOsns v. nov. I 8 I hisl'tintt the coti. stitnti'itiai day fur the merlin-; nl the Le- Cisi iture ol our state, a l.u c m j 1 n v c.i botli Houses appeared. (1 only bcin;; ab - sent in ibis II"tse.) ! Al'crtlie 'pn'iification of the Members. 1 on motion of Mr. (.Iivson, iurtirtt Nan-' ccy. L.sip was tinaninmiisly chosen Spea ker cf the Senate. On r.vvion cf r. C.lisson. C.en. Cov in, mnwasappointedClerk.andCol Cla: k Assist.mt Clerk of this House Ti Esnvv, soy. P.'. Messrs. Glisson and H.iriitii.'cr,c fthe Senate, and Mr. I ish er and Mr. Hlac kledi;c. of the Common,, were appointed a committee to wait on his LxcclieiK-y the Governor, to inform him of the readiness of the two Houses to receive m y cornrii'i'irriiio'i he misfit thin's proper to make. 1 h'v committee rcpm'ed that his l.xreiieticv wnuld make a tominutiication to-morrow at 1 2 o'clock. The two Houses proceeded to ballot for Mirec lTv.;rossin Clerks, fifteen gentle men hcini in nomination. It resulted in the flection of Thomas T. Vrrnstroni;. of Stoke-, and S.imrel p. Pattcrtor, of WilUc Srnirr w 1; 11 my letirr ,iu", anti'-urnifi-i 1 u'ji'jsais, 01 w mt 11 ine Union i ters and documents as it is proper should ' substance, had been nivtV to v,..,,,, ; JJII HhtiA Vf NOV. 2 I .-'I llC follow, 1. rtsoluiioiis were adopted: Hy Mr. Cameron li-soh-eil. 'I'liitl 11 M-leet i'lillt Cotnmillri. : :i)p(iilited, to whom shall he n li ITid all ln,s oilier priiposilioDK reialiiiff tu tin: Jtnhi . Hv Mr. liaker, of (lutes Iti-wlveil, That so iimeU of the (.ovi rfi.,1 l,.sair( n ri l ili s lo the reiiair (f the y. . House, he rt li rri.d to a select cuiiuiiiltee, iidi sr, or iommons. Mr. I'll ;;h moved that John I). Joiip the Ilepresehtative fiom the town of U'i; 1 ; 1 v,. ..r ,; llllli !! !, UU tl I'MIIICII I..UP.11 ' 1 . House of Commons; and Mr. Hill o,. Stokes, moved that Tillies Mebalie, y ,'' Hepieseritatives from ran;e, tpi'mnted. he. eupon a b.llot t . "u 'Mr' 'rpoueo a ; 1 iv elected, o.', votes to Pleasant I ! nderson wasapjiointed Cic and Win. !i. Lockhart, Clet k As-ustai,' Titviisi) vv, soy. 21. Lewis I). II, rv, of C'.imbrt land, and John L. M'M. bin. of llladcn. appealed and took tlx 'Cats. On n.-tlnu of Mr. XT-bane, Ii. vb.!. Tin: , lie I'll ol the dm enmr's iiii-ssaj'e as relates ! s'de ol' iiu- ( In r Ti e l.iirN, In- ri f erred ( a I'-'-i eiHiiiiiitli e. Messrs. Mi lane, Itrii kill, 1 to Cawm ami Haird. fnrm thin roiiimittci ,1" ""'inm "!' Mr. I'isher, Idsolv Tl Mun ll of the III. ivi'i tnr - oil public 1 1 1 1 1 1 II euiiiiiiittee. Slessrs. a, is lales to the ( V; l's, he r i'erred to a si ! H.litT, Crab.iMT, l.u'.i , , lunn t'.iis rmiitn'tt e. iirv and V illueiiHne - 1 On moiion of Mr. Peirr.ner, !: su. d, I - 1 " m,M '' die inosae as n 1,,'es t-i the n, j Hid p' til.e ar'lis he r. Ii ri'eil tu a seei I i una ti e, M is. HaiTiniT, I .r.o i , I'.n'. k:n, II rt and Sd.ejiard, fnr'ii this i "iniiutu c. III' .la M I.) Mr li!.:i!ll . IIi-v.Im- t' let t eimi'i.ittee lie :ii(iniiiti-Meo-s. Ml b.i'e-, llenn, Itn 1 1,11 ! Ji ',.1 II, 'lie. M (.ili hri.', f iiin tais ( iin.iiht'.i e. On nio'ion of Mi. Mel,;mc. ok!. that a mcs i ;e be s-it to lb'- Si na'i . ; posim; lo appoint staiidin,; and "iot r mittecs of 1 inane e. Pi oiio- itii.ns and ( . t.,, varices Claims, l'dui-a'i"ii. IiiU rt i ,ivcnients and A 41 i' u! ore. II, I ate have not vet acted on this rest These c onni.ittcts will be st.t'cd wei k Mr. Shcpai J prescntc I .1 bill to ir ivrm,ir.r,(T.. ell. s, he' l'-'l'tl 'i'l li.t' T el a , ,s li.n.b're N :,t h I UiiM ll AN c 11 Aht.) s 1 i,v. lo. Hv ti.e V.r.;'j . ;!. rapt. P.'i-:d, arrived vest, we have rei eived from our a'tenrive rcspondcti'. files i-f Havana p ipers 1 t'th inst. i;enct. In, than I1.1J .ev alTo'd us 1 iter in 1 li iHi I k ate Ne.v "s been picvisiislv ree eived "11 e .ir1-. Horn these c.s'.j. thai v. ,-n- ::tee of Milt. t had ( en rcsb red 1 1 1 ; while the emperor of N'e S: was J'.st bce;in;iin,; to C'p"i km c tales ,,mi trmiMcv neccss.i: i! v .i"f up'Hi tb.i' oil:' e which be b us fp: o;r.e ria' sl i-,,,; s will le f .-unl In 1 , 1 A 1 Insii s h id been preseri'c! t cnipcio: pi;; !,:,;,-, from y-rio-is p bodies in M x;ro, rompl.tiniin- 1:, . terms of the oppressions expe i -ie e the pi opic ruder bis rpvc: nine: tlpbi .iidi- I. im wi:h li.i'.in.f v I'da'i ! s'i ol pi" 1 - y cjvr a pTr ien 1 ad b esses m a iutui ite p.- er. !,..- I . r .. 1 1. . i . r , J i's; I i.iv da, cii'timaruUnt 1 "f St. J.uti de ITh.a. ! v r! t ! e I ! em Vet-1 Cruz : That as he did not j powers from tlie Sparisli trovrrr authfiisinii l.i 111 to surrer.dcr th.-t Lrt. j he should nevciihclcss abstain l;om.' taitics. arid preserve the peace arid ! inonv w (,irh ou-lit natur dly to e-cist wren the two rountiies. Thev a him in this event, that Spaniards ( oti lo vrf.le in Mexico, f:oni the monirv their arrival, sliould ei,j"V .ill the ilv. C s r.f e itiens, withoiK liein;' stp'ie - 1 1 tiir inic, prescribed by L-.v ' Spanish mere han; t. 1 ,,iU-r fireii-ners. sec 11 ii.ive cenain exrrisive pun e dl-swrd them Pint in the tue m li no bosti;uies should he undertaken on 1 tliersidc; but thai the f u tress ae l ' t i'y should continue Ihe 1 e lations of .di . t .... 1 - -, tv It was :ds s-iiiid iird. ihst th- ' r, m,r 0f r , ( , ,;,,,; ,1IV ,,f ', pen -rs of the carrison. while this stj'c thin;;s continued ; it heme; mulcts!, that the commandant abs'aiu finni iin ferine with or cxactin. duties from vessels enteiin- the biv, including t'1' of Spain- Spanish nun of war to he 1 der the immediate rmtrol of the r"" matidant of the fortress. X'essels b ion:;in to the empiro of Mexico to I allowed to enter the port freely, with Ih'' colors living, and while in port, to be v ject to the control of their own rmvn' ment onlv. No change of commainici 1 or introduction of troops into the fort to lie allowed, dutitii; the contimiaiu ? 1 this ,1 iristire I'hcsc proposal-) were carried to 'i'

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