( le' U-iCA YMi. W. .vi. v.r.. I'lllS TBI) AMI i'l HU-WI.1i, I I I It l II l.SIIAI, it v pim.hwi uini:.. '1 Ik: s i l:" ii J t m 1 1 1 c tin M'l.-Ti n n ( ' uini HUM ib ', , Jh.i'ii:.. jn-r annum, pat able li..!!';,i!Ui-l) . i adsain c. (';"' No paper v. 11 be 1 -.'-o i .1 " i' it- 1 u1, ill nil ai'ivaraKr arc pan'., tu.los at tin- di-en linn of tin: lalitors; and any r.uhsci ibt T l':.ilin to idle ruilii'c (if his isisli t) discontinue at tin: end of a year, will be considered as wish n;; to continue 1 1n- paper, uli'n Ii will I"' st: ut affordin ,.;l; . hoi vcr will beeoiir; responsible Cur the ):,'. ilii 'tt i I liihe papers, shall receive a tenth - n.U. , 1 1 i nils r i i.n t- v. ill in- in-' i-t c I on tin- rv ; unary ! ruts. .Persons si mini.,' in Adicr- li-ani'li!.-., must specify 1 In' liuili'n r t times thin wisli them inserted, ir thev will In- cuiitiiiueil till (irih 'i '1 out, ami i h.ii';," 'l aei-iii'ilnn,'!;. . No a'li r'iji iTx-lit ins, i'li il nut . I it has hi en f tia'al I'. ip, or its iiiisnicii! ass. unci bs vine per .on in th'-. tow n, or its s iciini) . ",')' Ml letters to (he editor-, mil-.' be".''.....' '' or hi". u ill not he a'toiided to. j " """" " j .v.so.v 07': IN s -l hv, NOItlll CMIDi.lW, l!V .V.unvs Wvvv'. fll'Ms eh e.inl etiahl.shilieii', siinil.d at the I norili toriu-r of the (dnr'-lloo ,e, i, iei,v f:!', ,1 op in a new at. I sop, riot' -.lyle, ,,r tin i re( i ptii'tl of Coinpaiiy . The real l--t p lilis Ii i , ! 1m-ii iik i'u to i roc ire for th'n i .t.il.li ,!iiii,-nt, f ,i ,' ire of c i r d, , npi.on, iii ei s .,r, !.,i 'he t of I'r.a 1 II, fv I h,- mo,' ,:,;nm. d s, r- Uii' h.ve h, .11 s, l"'"l, wi'h p., .1 .are; the bar s'oeked with choice nnor-, an I th' -.l.il.le . ,1"el,di I In o ,!i,',inh: an I at 1 1 nti.e ho,l,-r.s. 'I le ! cons-:,a in eol Ihi-s "i.tioiilorl, i .. i,t-,s is i .pid to jlll in '.he p1 i"i . 1 1.,: I.o i... .1.' lil.s.t limn - i t 1 1 r ol pr.v.i' r ."a,-, w . II i el .' ' l-,r I'm- ae- .eniinodat,,,., ol I: ,u!!,i, and II ...id, ... at. I e ir . .! to h 'h, re i- a ln tee ! .ml I'. ,"k . To v. ho ii, as ph O. . ,'i on hen, 1 I. , '.:', -, . . .i : . i t ' .. ' no p m:, I -p.o i 1 1 1- l' ti, a -.' i) i -'iiLt'ir '.'de : ii, !, a in mir ; iii le fi. r M 1,1) '.i 'h S 10"' Ii l ,r .' t.. .. I! . .nr. ,.i ilVcr I 111 s 'I. Ml'.-. ,s. . -. ; . .", t "rUxW tV .VfiV-r'.viiu-., ; i C U: r.;u s ( "i M v. C' ii.i:i"i: ( ..at f i r.'i T,.n. l' :. ' s ,,-ii, p. ,,;,'i,iv. , l.;. I'e-.i i .'. ,ts ... Pi i.ti.ei I,-:- II i,,.-i, t , ,l a' -:e .in; : , l -: ..v. : II ...-, . I a ,i a' , ,- ,i t t! " ,' -' t, ,, ; I.- ' an , " I '', ' i - I-, t' a' in,- : '.' - It1 , '.!'.- n ! .:, . ', ;'. -,! ,-. , !'... ; .-'! ', .,'., m lh,- W - .'. : a I , i.'. v, :;", l IC , - i i '',!,. n ' e'!,-, 'ha! Il, : ', 1 .i.t ,,r a' lie ' . - - ;.. ' " . f I a.-., tn h !., I I f- lh ' . ' 'I T". , o I,,,- rli M ei ie. .It- r t , i ' i M : , ' .S , i VI ,1' ti m V, ' o in ! th, r . ; h id i -,. p- t.l !!.. n. i' wid 1 '. . u ..''., 4'i ! -', . ii .-! a- i ;.mi,-S. ,i i i;i K in-iiv, r.'s. f i -I'l"'' :, !s. si I 'n, tV .V,iv-vtV'U:, lit II I. K l il T ml Ul of I 'pi". v ;'!..' r.;,i.la,ln I. i ' i .1' .... ;-. i iV i I It.'.:. !' a; ; ; I I ,, -I - .- ( ', -'., .1 i- , I. I " ,1,' ., an i' ', .. - I r, '. p'f it',- H , . : a I , ,-, i, i ; .r:... Is." n M.t-; m'.'.-.i , , le I .t,-!.o M .' .a. ; s t i ' I II I I ( .'." II II .. :,t , i Mi '. :. . ,r i.- ,t i ,'s .1 ti.;;... I ! . v ,...: v A 1.1 It'AIV, r. . , Si Si pi i I'litii'i: ('ii:!.! i . ,v. , I'.diTinn, r:'. ni ,,' l,..n , . .I,,t. i I'. !.:,rd. an! I.', . s i :;- t..t i"..n hm- nt H in. V,. di - .'.-''a ! , , f pe 1 ,.i. t!, ,i ti.l .!,' id. .1,:, ai. .liia'"' '. . ol auo'.h, .' Vale : P.,, ,,(.'. e: !,-,,.! !e th. to..!, t':.,t pnl.ln.,',,. :i e fa K, .,. : f .. ..'.:.:,, It thi.e " ' " ' ';; ' ,' , '.,' ' " 1 ''' 1 1 . 1 1 a , o, 1 ... 11 1 , , a. 1 in o- 'i,;, o.i .. , l.'l a a:, ,-, n a'e i . .j t. , Ol- ( ..till. II. ...... .11 .K I.. I '."II, I 11 I ,, t...r 1 M i. I is "i V its a in t ,1 11 an 1 1. 11 ; a:i-a 1 1 1 r .!. iiai: , 1 '.;.. . 1. 'i, I ll.t a! ; . . . 1.! ... ;.:, ' . I I, II ,s d l.ain. - . I I' ,1 ah ;' .,..!, d 1 t-t litis !'.. .! dl. ('..; ,11,,; is .1 t; t i,-,s . I Il.e l' i t'!' !- i f - ,,d 1 on.-,. t. -t. 11. r i::r, ;:. X : 1 K 1 I 111- rUi- tiV .VtvvWx-V'vwtA'w.n, I.IM ('I S ( nl'S I V. J 1. pi.it . i,,'.ei i no. . n. j. 1 1 '. 1st ,-'i, r, : . tin ht o- i f l.ti'-i- 1st 1-. :!.:-, A r .-id n.i;;in, t i ,, r, n.pi.iiit , It appt anit!; to the - ' ,-. 11 tii-n of the coiir', that .!,.!;:i Is, i-t!, f, on.- el tin hens 11:1:, ,e.l 1:1 t'.e 1.1!, i'i . . II, t r - d is it !. II the Loot- e thi- s' a!e : I', is t'.ei.l'or.. .irdt I' d, th.it pid.hcac.tii he in ,.'e , ,' !' ., , p.l'li'a , , --.'... !l il, ',! t, v.. ,1, t ,r .;.' .n, Ir: .1 i'i- -. I .','h i li .-, ; ; t r-.t't -lis ap ', r :.' '.he : t t ' el' la, is, !i h. hi i i Ii r th i .,' I,', t , I. .ni-,, I,,, at Ihe f. ll.a:..- ,: I na h.! .1,, 00 til, t'mri'l M HO day :ii! r Ihe I 'l M.l..l:,s I Mai h t, then anil 'dn re In pit ,d, an-si 1 : or d nnir, ,i.l-im lit p:-o c..:,l -.11 ss ill he taken a id ic.' t t s p t"' e a li :u. . 'rie 10,0 . a:,' in if.-. '.iAMi .s iau., l .v. :. I AMKS II. II.WII'TON iv pet dolly informs 9 Ilie public, lint lie oeeniies ihe o ,ho formerly ow nrd hv his latin r, on y, ,in-.t :-, a fi w doors south ol the I 'on rl-1 lot I ,,-, -di-Jmn , where he i, now pis pais I, v. .'Ii a 'rood set I tool ,, to repair ail kino , of j WWW IMS CLOCKS. j If'ns-,,,',., alUhomav l.a hi,,, -.u:!i tl.i ir I co t in i, llu.t lie if in,:!, ' hall I, , ,,:n1i, J ', a, Komi a ,(, h' a i ;;' any other shop in t'i'.i p u t of the country. All kiie! , ofohl .1 -v., Ir. i , -paired, and some kind , made. .In! is of -. . r. (, .. rip! ion in his line of !n i ,iii, -,s, i ill In - thank till!', is ei e, and eciti ,1 on a short noliic. I', opl u i I'eiide at .4 dot me, , l.y seHiliu,.f, Inav do nd on h''ili:;- I,, ii- v.i.rk a - Cii'lli'lll.. i"' ifi.-if to ;,,,. I'elll I'll! I, M . tli'lllj'li I'll V W e- p:- i ll' n,l : tiif J' . -. 1 , 1." : '. 'I : ' it vi u m vur (., pp, s, & i-ni.-. i .' .,.:;!!,, X. ( :;. : -, r, 'i-' t ! 1 1 1 -. a, u i-'tlol!-. ; .in tli,i Un-1 ,t t in- v., -.'.! i i part of .n-i',.(:iro. 1 I 1:1, lllil'. lie I ti.rnnis parts of ,i!i'li-( irolina, ' '. eoliilin ti -llii---, u in, !i they w .in I ,!,--,-, ,', h. d i - tiiei.t.niie i an ', on w i' Hi, ) tl..", - thrill, i Is. s tin', !e. their u-.lil'l- i'l all .,t, ;! o:t, thel V. ill:,, i l,.,',e, tu do aniph- j-l,l:e. '. i '.'ii.;:' e!l,phiw Is. M li 1 1 r. I'lin i.u. w i. ei i i . i ' ; i -1 -r.. "s . II. '' .ai I! : r !-. lie itlv orii.iii-, 'it' ll, w it epiill or p.. ut, i . :t- d a' 'I It , .. d, I 1 a! 1' N the :. , hill '! ,v ,, t!, -. lie .V, 1 J (,.;,, '.;-, I.,- i., I m 1 ',, , , ,01 ' ' 1- .u... v...,,,:,! , s n'i I I Vh. : Nivm ( ,t: , v. II kit.. -an m curt- . I . ja-'u .,r !,., d .1 n , ,eai..' , ...'-', i ., :.r . ' ,, , .. .1 or i.e.; I i ,:. v. ii r- , ! I,, ,1, -. C. : ' h, r, , i I, .. ,. , , . In- ;. :. s . .1. Vl'v , ... .1 la,,. ..(il::,, - i.oi .- i,,si"" """"'al icput umu , ' . n , , - !,. v .!.,:.,- hi- ', ... If- in t-n d j ,, d -,nk ..i, I ,1 t ad , ! h, .-it r a: I lull i . (,, . ... , ti , , ., . ... , u ,.., , ,pi r, !,. ::. t!i ivnltiit.l .oil . 1 1 , t . f i - Ion il an;, jad ill th i . i . .i , i i.. i ... ....', . . , ,i I I s. i.il I i ','" -. ,' " ( i I in ,- -.-.a; i : ,...i,l ,V .h . : , . , i , ...V. (.. !, Is I an l.s, !'i n lh" I. din i . I., i a. v ., I P' ,p r--!., I,, f ' , i, ,- a .,i : , . , ',- .VliWe-f H .V.vUtV". ,:i,, . j XN vx, v. ) ,, ,. , s, , p; ,., : ,.: . l, I. ,.. .c.,!.i i, o.i rl. ,t ' II, l : i ell- , e I.,, .i!, !-. 'I; ::,: the i, hits a h! ., V t 'ill '-.i ;.d. a. lit ii.- le i. is . ! . at nt t a- . . . ', t . I O,.'. 1, 1 lit t. oi s ti' th;cia w a , : in M i(i' ii I : I. ','i ! .' '. i . I . ,i : ' a I - ' I ,', I.,' a -' I l . ',:. .. ,',..-.,1 V . .!' M (.' '' 'I 'I '.1 I?."-!..".-...; : ; -I I , I . l ' I l ,i! ci '! : h ', I! I M i' a. I. i..t . Hi '- .1 e.,.,1 d ;,! I .. ! i I ' . . :. i ... I ',' . '. 1 ii vti . Slv.U- vV .VuvWv-V'nviAiu-.v, ;: 1 t.Kl 1 m l ;i ; cum v. jtl.i IM' 'I I'l, a :i"l i;'i.l"'l'S.-i"i's V"- V s. i,.' . r 'i . . ai, ' 1.'- 'I hmii.i. M'l el tin lo ' I '' ... M ";. '" - o - , , ,',, j,.-,,, w.,v ,,- .le, - M'l nr., IV. 'I '! I,,,, 1 a' , .1.1 not n -, it- in Hi. s'.iv ..fetes t l! 1- '"ii I-, tttu- one ! .i, ih ,t -o'd ... i,,,,!,.. ,., ;ie dove w,,k-in iho W.s'.n. (...'". ha. .111. thai l Its ' i'l';"'. il' at 111 l 1 on.! and 1 it,,. 1 , , '' , , ., , 1 ri, ,"., r, ,,r ,., .i.'.i, f'." lion a,,- pt .n i . s.ei I,, t.l. 11 p,'.tii;.f. - -', u:i! sit ;'.:!., are- , , s. j . 1. -'. s i t. VNI'I'd.', f .U. C At j Sav V .Vtn-Wt-V'nvttVwvA, Mt tKi 1 sKi r.t: t '. 1 s 1 y M t t Kl I SKl'I'.t'. t el A 1 Y Mt Pr.ltKUt four! t.f l.ta. I'.dl lor-,., H;: . ,ifn JS f x.CIlkiV('. as tic 1',,,,'Hi 0f , '.tl- J .1 me Kt rr ' . ill, nn K, fr I', t.tion t r ,. , . ,. , , ... 1. .,..,,, , : itorv, in v.lm li scvttal 1'hn.eis weiti tie- lliii.rei and Ahnailiv. I' app, a "ie; t-M" ,. ' that William Kerr re- I-wid t the lien',,, essat dv rmpIofJ. Iii .llcom.tiies, in- i!ii- -t.!e : "1..' ' th..! po'.l.. a'- t h. ir.nh ia , spc lions have Ore 11 cor.MtU.reil mdi-peii-ihe 'ar and 1 -u rn t ..rol 'ii.,'! m sss p.,nt a- Sj!f, even a i'pplied to Hoops in 1.I1 eiti frtl.r, e iiionih-, that mil, ss tl vcl Wi'l'inii ,0(j,., v.j;r. jiOVtf ,.n t,, ,r , Hi ,s- rr naisc Ii. s a; 'n at'..'H ;.' ... ' nci runt-. I 1 r I ..:- -I I...s., In In. 1" Id lo'.' the t oni.'V of M, . -I, n'l'irc. a! 'In ( t it:' II ii-t-in ('!', u'ef . on th- m'i M'li.d.ts atttr Ihe !lli M"-.,.; , M:e.h. b'.'t, a' ii kii-w t r, pit a-', er dt near, ' slid t i i.'i' li, 'he same t ill hi heard t p.t.l am! s, it' 1 n. c and a ,h a,:',-, nut'.'.' :iet'ie-''.'p; 1 the p,'..s ' r th'Ti ..f. A i"pi, us'. t.l. i. t.KAMAM. f ''. .hi.t'ir.-lV'.C ".''' S tVut'immV VoUks. I HUM IIIL VV1SIIIM, III, I'l 111,11 IS, D n-t ijf !!; Il'.cltmrrtfH acc,lli:illiiri!f t.'.r l'yii!rn:'n .1.' , The ,iur.uiiie.t.isur.tompai.yii,;- th,- ilf. ;t,,;l)l's optnilll; (;l ill. ses'.iuii ol Congress, cxhihil in detail the Male if tlif i!tpi ttaciiis in auhoKliiutini, In the l'.Xt'i ulitr authority; aliil it i tin bljji a t of this arliclu to l.iiiiish in a tunic ( OlnU'll'.eil shape the various intf liip.clici: .vlii' Ii ihcv t.niilaiii, and lo illusti.,!c suo i in tly itsi ouncxiotl wiih the IKilinh il pios pr ; it v. I lii.re is not a niom atiiniidin;; :.n cta- ' L' th .11 thai of a li'jci.il j;ovi limit lit Jil o- ci-Li'ir, ; uninterrupted in the pi niii'.t inn ol tin; public piospcrity al,d condiiciiip a in'inii in lis tn in n tn tiiihii'in c iii spi'e 0 I'PI,,1? j'''d.i k's. Silt Ii is llif ,lr'v plfsclittit itt this liiofiu.'l.l hv t'oi admltilstl itlnii ol out COlllitry. I ' s di pin - liii'u lifpolialinns have htftl i io-.uie.l ; ses-.ts in I'll l.i d.iv .the ( il lueli' . of nil: w'fh !' i cs ; roiniiiciLC i e:-;'i. .liiiip i: ; u,i;iurv ( ,, .,' it ; .,i,d i'. in u tn:,! '..! n: -f'l. . :,d limn ishiiij, tlnou.;li toi; i-'lnu It, r hal!ci,M: ,i nti: p n i-.oii i'h nv it. ,:i ot i'.-, oi-pn-ilinns ; the J.ulilir. nil i.ur is' iuti"U (d the sunt- !,!,, 'i i ii J i,',,pc li-in,;- linni i!-. tt I'liuiaH ('(pies lull ; : ,c if pott of i:i: i l.'l:-) e'.'tl,.- I- the ii .Mnn.d dcki.i c is iuipinti:,,; bv t -c ctcitinnol new v. oi ks !m the. piotr. timi '! ''I Ilialilimc hotC'.ls, lh'' ni' itl; j an:, I. lit nt Illill'alV f : ill a'. .ll. .ill I ti -.' jiin.'ii-s "I an t x!i nivt sv '.( Ill o! ii. ,. , pi ( Jj .1 ali-,,1 , our Iia al a! llcU.col i;i the ' W lh',!.. ll.lS lil'tli SO I If Mil l t -i'l,l r 1 a ( 1 1 1' 1 , : ' the IliPilje, (c.t.f tt:l oliuijl ' . '-'i' '' ""' l;'e-s .t.pi. ..all. 0- 01 pi. t ' . tn piOUlisi. the tventtlal 1 Vi! p tinil .,(' Sl. ,1 SiOUI'f of 1, 11 Ml. Ill it V the pt .'l.i.. , , .(l.r.l.-d tn the l.nmeiu f o'lu - i... ' tin:.- 1, is heell inst t ti llien' d tn the rtcli- ,-ii'ii ol' out' liaiinti.il t cpul itinii .'n 'i..d ; ! on fiel'v sc.i 1 1 if etisi'tis id niir sun'- n i-'li'v alid Mtt-llittll Have tlillllilili thtlv. Ihe iiist due i. use nl is a i oiiK ii! n -ii ol lias l ;alion and otmmic hrtweru tl.e - t oreii otaiii aim tne isin oi ri.ure, i ,.i, , r 1 1 il i ri I ... J 1 1 1 1 I t.i. i laT. I.e I n i en l'ie i (pftstliiaUvcs of the two pnix-i a, ii,d ;n ni i i,.ci,t . ()t,r n'.s liinf l l"hii( nl ot j;..tii..i' ion. nn hv tf.r tin i e ppomt i a! iiii d i hi the same day hv tlie I'l r - i. Ii nt j , i, ( -ii .,,!, d la i to the Mft. and in ! "tent of adt'ition .1 si.hnt diiiaies, pmpi r of tin: United Stalls. Hy this iii-tiiinu'ii' I ii.,iti..;i tu the distance ut I In? f. on'ier. Minn..! to tbf exunded operatinii d the I he o 'tu Hie i rial ;t L.ticli . ol the I ,i o ni.:. tt it's art- fslj'jlished in pi in ipif t. A i : i ip: ni al ..ill alit J'.te ; the poi Is ol e ! . ., i ' 'peiu'd in the pKidiniiotis ol tin ctlu-.' ' 'i init". tllv lentfn i.d tei ins as; ( i '...li.c .1 !:..! Iiv toinj.ii ; .iinl thus. lv a U ti.; t ..I v a i r.ttieM nit-lit. w I II h is in ,d pi utj... ',i ,, v pi eilinm e v ' I a no ,; I -'!,; ; t mi , tn "Ii, (,m cotiiiiict i c i. iii.i .'.d ,.d ,', t lie -1 tel i'll.s ( iii'..i i ..ssim !.' . . v : n ,, !c-t.roI to a I. iftu.lv in ti i " ; h tl ' towel tl r.tlM'pc. 1 rtsvi it. v. I. i h ; mil own loi.t.tiv there lu, .il s a - t-M-t.il .is'.MH.e; pmitp al suipa'.hv. Il.e -.(ioihI (hauiiuii is aj ic latna te n hv tlie Pic-id( t.l. cl ettili 'li.i m's i the United Sta!c t he opened tu the i. - i 1-ef (.iia' Untaiii. etiiplnitd in t!ir ; vj Icted (Capture of 2J piratical tts-tls. in -ides Hade hiisseen l.er West Imliai, pt --cs-1 Intiie i'..v Dcp attinei.t ictt r;ii brnrt.t ' barprs and boat-, by our natal ln t , in ; '.,s and the Un'o! Suits, in omsi lei-ji- iinpiatth b'c. sec tit hy I eduction of 'the West livdu-S. .'..ii cd a pieii .'.ii ai i jn;en,i nt ol the t imn.'t r. I I.e pav ol the at mv i . .i t r-, Ii appe..i s il,o. by bis report, thai e - tne i h.i! at ti r. i i l., t,r e-l oi.r i ni,i:ii it i i il ',v fixed terms t n apalde ol i ii i.i Imc a 7 '. ;;.:n ship and sibooner ia t;tc w i'h tlie 11;. is'.) i olmiii s of ihe We-t-i.-.u i.m'n .-II eb.m ;e ol t iir mtiM.mces. I', i i.r.r oicaii a sloopof war and -( btiia. It.-'ies. ,. , a the hu: t:a' I' c l' pii' (- aid the ti in '-I.o Mfilii :iji.ca a coivct'e ( I i ou:' rrm:t!K-tv e. an,l to i-'ir 1 1 s ei; .c. ' Pi 'lei t :n i' hn ii ii'.a; k p:ti' nla: '.apt-, :'.'; t l ci Afiea a fii,;atc, uirt'r, w'l'h is dc;indil'tili it. thc-c t is ,n 1 n thi pi. I.e J t n -p'.'i .'.)' . Ihe a i:i..'.is- p "i III i ; Lur S. bootie' s. atnl i '.:.'etmnt- .nt (I iih ah lilallc i . t : i:' v j trt i. ii c the drpari it ;.t has I - a im-.'i-' ' ii. il.e Vt sl lie!, es ; r.J '.,A a 1 ; j'i.il 1'ithii p ha, t aiise 1 1 (Milt the p,. ,.-,! hv aim.it- 1 1 .nl 1 1 ; ' n il il.tv ..tin , ' ' ? n' a:;d bii.;, aic i e; -a;i mi" ier i ..'.en-ion ol out minim t. i 1 !.i.!t es. i 'te.i'er pu .tap'.i'.'i I- in t'.c t c. u'.imi ( I , llie t st In.li.ui serticr. ..: il the i ul'ivati -ii ( f a p.e. i . ' -p'i it i ii j i:-d itic J Two T-i's, tc dilates, a steam ship, t ,t i,;'i pout! -. t!te li.tevest i I j at : i"ti-,;l i In t' e luo',:. all il, p.u tine i.t an almost ; ati'l a 'Im p o vi ..i a: c in ordual y his. i tame .I'mmLi.: source of i : i-' in-1 f I'd'V r, m mv h. s hern efTeett;!. I y I Nine T ; "s me i.i-lcs arc cither ti :i ia vieiii.-i ; the in as the j i , sa.-.t si;';,, i's cd ie. 1 1 - moie b't'ii tlv accotiiit- t'lii-hci! and Lunched, or in loruaidi.Cis, ot i own individual pt o-pci ity . ' ,. -I.-. .. .1 bt h-mi d :n ; il.e i v iU ol ' ois'.n n- pi.-'o :! hy hm.-cv Ihe repoil of the Seciet.ny ('. ': : e-'v .'. i empi it. lia. I:i I ,i I 7, and pic- j M'euals f.r building have heen cc! is hi' b is i.t ",t in (i'de! , may 1 e ( t. : ' '. 1 , .. .', . me :i-;al stale ' eic I'm ii!iol as ! !o "cd in '41e.1t -Lnindaiu e . docks and boa t d as a indis In the tepmls of tie 1 i ii ,- d, id..;.'-d hv a ;cnis un.u ijti.iiiiiH v.i'ii'ses ctissnictt'l far the serenity and re in t..i h dcp.irltuetit of nsilttarv be 1 i. , . ; i!k- in. i'i, al p: ti--!in ami without .my ; p.its of ships cf war. r.J every prepara ... ... . . . . . . . . . .' .. .... a, . , , v. a, 11 t-shtlilt at iai'ite the nt in i.t 1 mm-1 lion t 1 the aitny, and Imni-li inn p.u ,-1 sons in es.rv biaiicli of expriuli'.i.. . Ic t ai en I l e. oii"in v of the pie-ei.t ai.J ,.pils.. ' , c tf r Ci.nmaialm,; (Wii - i.. I the Aimv slioit s the amount d . .. ,.. : i- .:. . . 1. . .. in Inwe. falUMse ol rcirials. j tic -.ill niolc ij,,,,, ..JxtJis uf (lie v wii.j,'.v.:c Of- i,niJ,i0 Assuinin- the suppr.it ol ', ,. ,. ., , ihree-lamths o the eomplt incut as a vi . . fv efi.cieiit niiTuetieal s'ale ol tniiilaiy fonnatidns, a balance of elhiirncy in tiic present condition of our military futie 11 ill he fibtaiiied by t (impaling it w illi llit staiubud fit ltaniliers. II, is report hIso exhibits the csfci.tion .f kn ai.hiotis svsletii of mililjiv in-tit'i' ( icnev (,1 i.ur serii. e, in vvl.ish tin la: tes. fiDiu tin iauii;v"t the ir iiaiiihri ..nd the Vat tt 11 umi.tl cx cm i.t the 1 min 11 v, a:e di.prral in i!isiio:is sn n.mn'i th.it ihe indui iu'e of ti iuptlitiun t n 1 a- tt'Iv he h i1 '. j I'.v the tt ; i t,f the this f of the I :i ci'v f '.''.'oa.-u'e' t. ii appeal, th it ubwtc 2')'),0')0 have Ixtii cxjii-ncinJ u rc. loi tifir.ittions (or thr puer i i , j i of DeU vviP. Cluthiipciike bh.i Mo'.ik- a ri tin: Mississippi liver. I lust' u.),l.si.o;, si'itutu u part (if tlif: jnc.ii system ol i!i feliLC, wllicll S Ijt'Cll pi 'iiei te'J Ijie'il I he pirseni adniiiiistdiiion. 'm i;i . ;. cciitioii (ii wnutii n lias sir, i ; n v pin ,iw cd Wht-ii il is completed. v: shall Ihm a ( liain ol I'lonticr on tipa' inns, which will eh JjIi: tis to pi usci utf. .iiiiid the u i tors ot war, our iiulusti inn x pin -nils. i1. iir initi inr, utidisiui lied ly tin- . p;i o hcii ,ion, lliul niir cn.isl wjll (lesol iK i, 0111 I il'u-s pili.e;i:J. ;iliil ON I' Cijiiiul I'.e.Mjlt ! tn i old!. ii i , 'inn. Our Milinty Sr hool at West I'-.in! has l:f ii iinpiiivcii in ihf rotii'sr id s'l.dv. and in the pirn of do'.ics. A'c pin'.--.-sots, .i prudent i-.i'iiiiniMr.ition '! nU'tv ity. ale! ,i 'i',' i- trin fif ('lllaliiif'IS, al e ,(!,( Ul ,u ,. i. , ;PS ,,r i),,. f nS-it u - . tion in 1 ! ps ciuh) ir,'iits. ii is worhy ol tiif tin i j-.it i" in, i 'i.i'uilt rf iii'! tmiti- j ;i v, alid of the i ., , p.,, ' ,!n r which il i,iS ;,,u c I )cpa, t u t t,! x!,;'.',' s a I .t ' titv ol ainis m.! ariiiii'iui;W.ti. us..i.- I . cd iiti'l 0! (;.! r d di.i '; i ' the ii.u - ,ii ,.: -.si v I the rvj.( ;,tics of V.'al. a'. Vt Jj -S i-ilr i icia'lf Ifdii'ioi, of i- ',':h. e c.i-, ,,4 ol 11, 1! i:, ... 'i::;i .,! ,:,! id j Hi , I. . I ei 'I 1 i"!n 1 I") i , s, -. - , . i, ,c in n; : .in co'li, , !ie'iini(- kuni. tit 1 , i, it s i -,".'. I '( . ' f, 2Z y ' i ct.' I i , i, , j , ,. i : iw ,; : . I "i. t ,.n : i I ,,in . ..! Il . ' I:'!" h ice') ..' !e ! in i' s it, n id ma' ; i ; i hiln : , n e p. . 'iiid ihoi e al.i i... .,:! l nt,:- I -i n f moie aia i ,., ; U -r v.:,..., il- J has bt-f n imp! v d hi -1111 iiii iie,' ll.t- inc. , i h. i.i, ,. , ;',li, a! i,,li ol It- la . 1 1 : -. I ,t th, t )n ,i ti I M '. i 's I )r ., i .-, 1 1 a i i-ir.,1 s.itii . h is bo n rf:i tc'. .' it i- m iinia.nii ul fpe nciH.i c o':U, tn ii 1 1 . .',,...'!.,'. , . . ., ,..,' . ,',. , , . . . i mu .t I i li e i pt o! U at ;,i Miif -oh i,-:ii t a .d nn.i.i'iuii-. w !.k I. is ai im I p,,t ,,nt : ' ,. 1:1 l.i ', ; . . a., r an" s ol t hi Qu .r- ii i M ,-'ci ( icm :! ni.ii.imr alio .' ttit f v n.v 1 1 dm .ion ol lle.iriliv. il.nr is ., w,r,i;i!: in'.lie t ipt.ti'ii'u, e ci 'i.i , , p ,( 1 1,). ., het ,s f t n ' In- u-ai loir -..'. , i v. : i I the !..;'( !. i.T hi , 71. . i ..taticc and itiirdny. lim evetv ,v.t u' ;:h -e!, e, ihi- h i, the if -ml id n.rre l.o-'ilitv n..s bad the fleet o! irtidtiin iiii.i i tia'.i on r.enis lo nti'im lo u.me ( nnspit nous the tnei r. ol the .vs- ir,, ;, n ,rs. In ti.is ts'.iiii..if ti.r t A t n-. -ml the icpir.tio:i "I its founder I. n nii i ' in. r I'lmtiei. and u ban ;e in iht jioi'v lias cvciifd ifiv.--.tition ; n i i'.- , ,i i,,'.ioii i I the ainiv in-i patj'ilr ii) i's rt .luir.l state, I'i mil the iiuin'rn.itK t - id i's tdhuriny. bvtli of vi bicli i i: e urn- s'jt; , lend in .iti'.t iei t vrrv -e;i-i!,ly , il c p: eM i.t expense, luvc iv.t been con- m .t.11 into the 1 ea-am.imi tuss i: tut Vra.m .!. I be thii.;e in the 01 .11,1 ra- j ;i ,.1 fJ' the p.u turjit. by plat'::i; al its . I.c.uj a pi ill --h ii.tl iiiw, lias ttd'ttcJ J .'.ie "d '.,";,'. fiulll StlCT) l!f,l- Mat - t .'two .1 di'ts ...J a half per ia.,t, ; and, by mu 1 .. -1'..; al the s.uiic lime their 1 .. . . 1 ' . ...I..: t. I . I t '.otnl'-iUn ius diminished the Iropicnrv f mc-:!;. -:;! Kb: ideJ th? 0H',Mn f ;,f uhl. I, 1, I'.iveli abotc in the ei.umca-di-f.tse. timifl t.pf-ics. Some raptures ol 1 e-- Tl.e P-partmci'.t of Subsistence lias -t Is 1 1 In.iiiu; to il.e V'niicl States ha I been subjected to a tolal n lornulion. ns ', bcn i:,..;:c bv piivatnisol l'of " Hi . uppers hv the report ol its chief. The . a il.e ijtout.J of vioL'.ii n of il.e Ids el supplies utre formerly obtained by eon tratt. ami fuiniahed iu detail by the con- turtoistliemsf Ives.ortlieirarenis. Sim c. the rstahlisluncnt of the C'ommi-aiiat. ;!,e machinery of the dcpariinent has In 1 a c. 111 pose d of officers detachtd fiom t-it- I'.i.e, bound to fidelity by a peculiar .a;! mi!it.iry rcsponsihility, and intcrven i:i;: as the sole n.tetiH Ik tueen the o rtnnifiit and thr bind tonsuiiier. Under ihe co'i'rart swrm. the expen-c of su'j i.tit,: the aimy for the tii'te tears pie 1 ion 10 its abolition, amounted tsi Jsi..'u I. I , ", "7 ; the rspene cf subsislin;' it for thiee tear- bv lie CnmiTiissafiat. has i.vK't.nted to S 1 . .'.".ri 18 which leaves a ',,,1 -lac in I iv or of the la'ter of 7.',, .,;' 7'. Ihe iiaiitv of the ratimi has in; : )cd in pre; ortiru to the increase cl fr(,"0iv ill io!ii,iliihl( I in; I In; (Jcjj.r. i, foi ; ai.fi th ,'. i ; iiini. nt( iV ;o ; , In, lup. ai the to, i, ,; i : I lltf ii'v,:, .,; i .,"elit i, jiui Is tl" e;r,(rc ..hi,li el.', uii'lcr lli: ol I o i,, 'he ui In i ! fiis to tin: ,- . ' . ' i : ','n s. ! ' ' 1 ot: t, ! m- sy'e. i a-l.is ' 'jlli'V of its a n l ! , 1, ', .' iciiil v id Oj" I atinli. I it .'I'll. Hi' . l.ip' 0',,; J': il M tin- Ou' Ituli'li-. "! t,-'' !:i.ohii, ..r.'i i:" 1. int.iinitit'. litt'.'.cu ti." ic.l o. an 1 in le. .ni'l (he pi i' c p. id lor u h-i 1.,'.. I'.O'.i iniiit ii', ali iiivoi i-4hlc pu, portion. 1 he c;priiM-s A llie I'm 1 hsirnr L)f p .'tineiii li.vc nl .0 lfcti ury o 1 si f ' i: 1 w - hlv udlictd; I..1 as its Ojit 1 a! inn s al' pri frcllv sin.pl", alid are not Cap.-h.i- ' hcin.; adi an'.e;co : . 1 y modified, tin: np'. I inl' CI onoiliv r, llie pi'i st'I.t lilllC I'M ai - p is' is owiiij- iii itduuiuii if )iiccs in t. eoii'iti 1 al Li e. Si.i h arc the impmt lain resells f,' the; I I I e ; h ' i ' i ) 1 iiis'i'U'c'l hv the Src,iUiy ' f ai in 'I,, ,i(li!iiiiis'r.iti c t!ep .11 dm nt of llieat.nv. I'l (t iniisly lo lliis reluhi -linn, there was .cmkcIv a t't pa' ' tin !.', iihiili .'iv-esf(l a (hi'l endnWL.I wiiii (ontiol over ids suhoidiiijtes, jnd. I. el:! ae--)(l'ilah!(- ill his 'III II to the );0V I fiflir id I here ft s l.o (IcnelldallCe. HI, Ml. H a ( lie, ii i,' , iiii i csonn-,! Jimr i as -n i i ii j ,T- ' I .1 . . ,1 jsi-'l i it.it l-auds ueie pel p-tr.ilrj i'..j's: fii 'i i lion. In 1 he ci-.h'ii -in,; i!epar nie.il ; j"f t!ie .im lion, (if IV at!lt is ', a.i'i ,'n f'.del,! .- in li.e trails 'inns ( ol, h ' .1 '.') hi'. i in a ,!', ,!ii ..jM - ..tion ot if ;..i.-i',i:- ' i' V in jk i 'M.i i: v -o in as a puhii' .t ;r n', I 1 1 I Iii i'u- p, ;i it i oi his ( o:ii :i,i' s,'. -i . . iii: i j t cVi-1 i . Ihe ai my 1 1 i lh ' 1 o i .11; u .'(' ! . '..inst ihe rtL-HKine . 'hut pi i ni-in . iii',a,',e, at.il in. :;iua.ity, i w hi ,i s ,: ii I tin. inili',.tv diiiltii-'' -'in i ,i :ici I'd l'ie la'e w.'i. and ietl tn I ,osc l. nj v.f :n ::-l.t epi l.'iiUiies, w bit h hjie si tin i , ha: r..s-i I Ine i'u.li'ts uf 'lie iia'in! S' o'd ' ihf i ,, f ,i 'if. ot w ,1' ..ssji! i,s : I iii'ji inw . the sin ,e aid i 'in icnt imc :, Itn ol i r i I ) lull mi ni v, oidd e!- i.n,: f i t" ti.i . . i.;-oi . kim c mi , i i-, :,,mi in. f ii in i - , , h. iirniiiit :inv i :, a, si s'cin. In -;,rc of the rfTi' ii ncy, cider or! :f "limn v. hv Willi 11 the fS'.ihlished i- tem ol milit.iv a'ln.iuivir.titj'i te i, melii- i -ell to the na'iin. thr f'r..nie '". i.s oi.;aii:...'i-(fi and its opri'ioi have Iffli .i..ii" u iih impu'atioiis f I exirav- ! ve-tiitiot lu (ifvelnpcj rifivlv rti.'fd , cxrtlleni ii-t, im h Us av,jilan bd m., imu h pieju.icc. or tvo I'.tL- saau'.i, to ; di- oset . i Hie Scciflarv cf the N'i v it ports the , ti'.n niae.c lot ntoiiipai cinai cinj;, on tit- cii'.eiiLv, cur ijiai itin.L" equipments. Nrt, ia o! ier. is the torreipoiK'f n. e ( i i r i.j . I (, ".rc:s 0:1 the We-t I .. . i sciiiie. ui.hlhe Xaty JJcpai tnir ol aa 1 llie 'p.miali anihorities. It piesfnls in di!..ii ll 1' operations of our fine i'i tela-tit-11 ; j ihe p a'.ital armaments, thr u-uit ,dn h. i.e, ainJ the tonespondeiit e kases unfinished the di .i Ubsion of the sa'.jftt hetiveen the commander tsf imr tmal usee r.ad tby tiovcinor of Potto lino, us well iii j judicial invesiira'.ion of some of the captures before the ttibcaal, of that Island. In the Ticastiry Depattmrnt er.enions have bet 11 nude to efrtci the settlement of the numerous iriffu!ar, and tonh sed at 1 runts, whieh i.ro-c riming the war Le tueen the poie ; intent and its ape nt. aiul dunii;; l'ie Lt f.vc tears tiie sum of St,.1... 1 75. ."'6 55, out of the sum of 0 ,. 'i('S.!j7t'i 41, has been audi'rd I lie uis I nt r nif nts of tin: cuttent tear aic ia a i pular train of selilraa nt. In a teview of ti t hi-'orv of our cv ernment, it will be n:,.t ifc.'., lVcr.i S-5-

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