V 1 !.1 fMt Sji ' I I IVS1 A Y M'HtMMi, JAN'. IK'.!.. Isaac McKim is elected Kcpiescnta. .v;;.?.,v ic.nctit.wiui, muuv. j I III', lOllimltll f !, tllti Mlll'C t of live j stir', k tesiteitfiilly report to thin society, jtlial fii I hut sd.iy, the 'J4th tilt, they at' , '.ericlfi.l ul Salisbury the exhibition of live j s'ock.and profens themselves highly plea .. j f.t i Willi the fizc and e;ood appearance, ' jrr iicr: 'ty of the tttiim !s brought forward. , I his exhibition, ultho' but (he effort of an infant society, plainly show: the rrcat util- tive to Congress from ISaltimofc District, ity and importance of ,'it'ch institutions, in the place of Spinel Smith, recently 1 ll! does much credit to the zcul of its 1 !....... Til.. ...... n.;,!,, ... .t. . . transferred to the Senate, by a majority of 81 votes over his opponent, den. Win der; and to the 18th Congress, by a ma jority cf G2. An.IVS AVI) SMYTH. Cen. Alexander Smyth, of gasconading nemory in a circular letter to his con stituents, offering himself as a candidate Co represent them in the next Congress, thought fit to make some pretty serious wiiy Ci.c 3tiK? cf J$91 00 collected in the St.itc of South Carolina, fioni a capital of ftAOO-j Add to this, 25 per cent, of the tax, to defray the expenses of the nriiiy hill, and tl5 capital of 8'!'00, pays a tax of f, 1 1 ,175. And from this capita!, thus employed, and producing the above result, the owner (.jets nothing; hot loses his la bor and his time.- (.7it7fr Courier. tiik i.oi rr.iiv. The drawing of the National Lottery, was on lliorsday, Jan. 2d, brought to an i menwrrs. I his committee report, that of the stork produced, S.unl. Jones had the best bull ralf, Win- Howard the best heifer calf, John Heatd, jr. the best bn.ir pig, and Saml- Jotiec. the best sow pig ; and that they award to the outlet s of these , N'ew-York- Alex. Ih ratd animals the premiums established there upon by this society. The committee further report, that Mrs. Kelly exhibited a very fine and large voke of oxen ; Mi chad Itrown an elegant high-bloodcd horse colt; Dr. JVrr.itid the best mare colt (by the importrd horse I!ngh: ;) (his is an aniin.il of great promise ; and John I tin lii rr iKtl rii'17 It ftiifilni .. .. .. . . MiTTF.vir.ir. rnicti. j.:.-x (JoMoit, '.) to I) (,) Hour, fi to 7 ; v.b a', 1 I ') to I -2; wlii'tlwv, ; p.-iii h hl-ail'lv, -I'; Hji,!.- Iiritinb, , i'i , corn, 4 J to .SO; bacon, 1 cm! . , n,.. ke, .15 to .i , nijjur, tuns, oiado, 8 to 1 1 dulLi . per i:wt.-lo:i; I') 10 '5 cents per II. ; olie.-, .."! to .10; tc:i, liyyui, 1 -, to 1 lr, IKis-sr..,), o cents to 1 dob; t;imv, V) to 11 cts. per II. Ct.'llt!,i:ST).Y.U llhi:T, .Ian. C, Tottoii, 11 Si); ll-Mir, 7:i8, com, f.'Mo !,." -collcc, l.iv:in:i, JO , M, ).,iniiii, ; sujfr, liro-Aii, 7 at, Muse. na !, ;t '.' ; iiii.1,sc-, 2", u '''l , sslt, Liverpool, J I ;, , I tii h , I , 55 to io, wliink"', dull i 'l.i.'), i,i!.,n ,T,';-itt', to nave uecn sold at Itu hmond, andi l.'.iroliiia bunk bills, 1 : :r '!' t"'t inchest, ( -'5,000,1 is saul to have ilo. .J). en sold in the upper part of the state ol C'llHHiOII, Ji 11 )!' ('. , im The whole number of persons in th Ohio I'enitentiary, is one hundred and thirteen. The Columbus Gu.ctte j-jves a sta'crnetit of the former occupations of the inhabitants of the mansion. I wrn'.y eiht were laborers, seven shoemakers, three blacksmiths, one was a preacher ::h.ir.;es aain,t J. Q. Adams, which he J Heard, jr. the best brmlir.K sow, Thc jotic a justice of the peace, one a physi cian, arm one an associate jud;;e 1 but we do not observe a printer or a lawyer in the whole list. ( harlrttw Courier. 'I ! .1,,,, u ,.i committee recommend to U.r, soi r tv, to award to the owners of these last mention ed animals honorary premiums due to their spitic and enterprise. WILLIAM IKAVAftU, .I'lliN lSKAIIl), Seor. MVS', hiKvr.vric .i. .'i:fi("iviiLs. The ci'inmittcc on ihu stdnect of Do- As we did r...t publish (Jen. Smyth's ! mes'ic .Manufactures, hci; leve to rcort circular, criminating Mr. Adams, we are ! ;''.' 14 yr ,,,e' Me l!,c ' . , , ,. ,. i hi'mio:) of limies'ic matuifjctutes on the under no partiru.ar oblnrat.ons to K,ve his I lhy ;(, ,,,, uWe ,p()I) by t(ii V). .defence ; though as a piece of political j rj(.tv, iu. ri)!,im;, lc(; ;i,e at a los (or history, and as containing discussions j Iarif,uarn to epre-,s the irratilicaiiott they of important ronstitution..! cpiestions, it ; ',,t exhibition. We nred not ave as his reasons why he sh-.ulJ not vote for him as Hit next President. To these charges Mr. Adams has thought it his duty to reply ; and he has accordingly publish ed in the liichutnd Eiwuirer, lengthy and ably written replication, addressed to the electors of the district which Gem Smyth icpresents would doubtless lr in'crestin;; to many of uo.id much lonirer for the elegancies o! I fashion, if the vfA .nd ipirit which t-re on t ! ; i -i occa ion" manifested, are propcih airrea('en. Hut its length far exceed- tin limit ol a wceKty paper ; and this, 1 rie, ,.,.(. Tlf. , nim'"i - state, tint we suspect, will be pled as uii excuse by j Mrs. Kelly exhibited the best piece of hi." some of our brother edi'or s. who. in strict j '' lrompu!r-.d t heM home tn ,' I t-jnhams; .Mrs u II v alk ptor'urrii tn: c lUs'ice, arc not entitled to it, for luewiic i ". . , , . 1 ., ' . ,, , , , elep r.t(oiiiurip,i-ies,oli.e.ii!lilol texture. c, --or palLnt. to der.-.de the teriMdr V", 'I ir- cxdudmK the Secretary s defence from , .,ni vrrv inire-ru.us workmanship. ' ! Ifyp,cn to the lvelof ,i hti'ks'n's si o-, I U " " Our Hymeneal Department will be found this week to be pretty well occu pied. It is seldom we have the pleasure of recording, at one time, and from one neighborhood, the names of so many dev. otees at the holy thrinc of matrimony ; and it is certainly pretty evident, that here do not exist, to any considerable extent, those ftreat obstacles to marriage, luxury, extravagance, arid dissipation, which led oncj of c:r northern bards", not lorn; since, i i i r i ( . ' pi t inn sucn ooieiui nmci lor mv tin n ; j to i ,,n :,n i ; times so i ces-.ively dull, that his Lu-i I ",:''k t r,. , tii-s - ould hardlv be sullii'n :it " l 'i pny the rent and liljtiiijj of Ins ! N'tw, by the by. it it n iibcr veiy lassi (jin: ft. in . 1 i.Mi'I.IM' I V.M I'M AN' bee e l, jjer the St.-:nn lloat ',- It 'j' Oi Iran;, t li'f article , as uwlri-, u !,,. h t. sell low !r (.ASH cr IIAlMT.tr. v r in .M.i i k.-t-sitrecl, ''j'jo !)ii-,li -Is Sai', 1 5,000 His. Sizars j J )' lbs. ( ..tt'ec '- lafb. M...K... ,-. 7 ) t,,;t Chees-; ' ) l.ejrt N,,i, 15 I.I.N. M.a Lire I '!') bill.. Nill'llieja Hiilll pll'l' heuli .l.im.uci d,i, '',) ps. Cottun ll '!,f.on 1 cask Sia!ii'.li loig) ( :v S of Wiml IUU ?j' pair na n'', cu.ire shoes ; 'lojp-i lii-r ui'li a jr.-!n ia usiitinei t. o il(y (ii-U, II 4nU;iie, ( ro ki-r., an-1 l.la-.s M .in-. fash triveli t'.i Coto.o, 'tallow, llec. U ,o., and I'U s.-.-.l. Cli-mw, J,i:,-,,vx, 1, 1 ! -C,i')2 '! V.i' ' e i I ; .Mnvtt iici'M.v. i I-T'AV -.pn-vil tic; U.-e. C M'l . -,', : i , Caro!:.i:. l!.Vi o r an. I I. i i' 'Ur, for iXJ-M'.i- .1,: ;-.t l',c eru ( . -ir-ill tu.Ui, - i . .III i i,l . r pur, ( ati.i iw of n . I -ilC'lC Ur,, Ml,,,.,!, in tl,,. ,r, I' S. ! fr,eni! , ;ue! VKt- -..II f,. ! : Dr. STAib . at thoir nil an- M'Alb-r . , of I'll) Sit Km. 7, V'.:. and tiie a "'.'.',; i-.f .rim ! '":.',! I!,,-,,, m, lit; i it t!a' oi !. I CKi:T l a'; i 1 ln-b i:'.-ii o, " . I .f ( .i le I pl-opo .e to !.;' ' ti.o .and Ibrte vr w !h-M-o:i Hi" I, .an- - a !'!(;, ica'h n- .... , Ol' .il, if.o I Vrf, iH-iilll.i . i'i.iii'ai.'i.s. If is -'ip.-.io- n fe,irh ! , 'on of lais '' ; -.bis s lo i A t a boc.a in Uit i li'-i.m: : t , t i. -l'i .t I in ti.-, I! I, of 'ir ; 1 1, t. ' I At r-.'il -" 'i acres. 'I I i fill on I ir. .1 , 1' ' V u'i v.or " v. s. v. ;,;;an"!)'i, . i,r.: nr. ii f.r.a iulYtvi & I'vtmvwfH, i in: it. in, ,v r. t ir ,,ton- in I loiit -tr. I, a la:-'',- an, I cener.l a.sortiii' i tl ol I, Hit. jt un s. Din (.onus, i iiui it. iir, ;., . w'jtlAli- or li t 1,1, for e.t.li, at soi !i 14 e ; as y . . , . ... . i , . n.'.sers ; w hi. ;ir. son ,o .1 m:tti:ks V",:: ir (i I taniKit fuil to salt oi in,, -rry ,c ( 11 ' Ul.', t. .. lor t 'i. n.scbe . I I -l t'otlon an K'C. " 1. 1 s. '.;.-'.. I lie li l I I I t;. IiesI IK", N'v::vtvs Vtv nt'. their column J- It may be as unpleasant . ; ,,!y UyW, deserves the tb td.s i for them to recant, a they supposed it sw ietv lor the otbr-numcrou. and impossible for Mr. Adams to rxfi.'uin. (Jen. Smvth's first charge against Mr-1 nr ,l0me , n.nnel ; also,' two .,1 .! , If lit specimens slit- Mr. Steele shuwd lis thn b- st piccr Adams, is retail nitni to his jither ; to jr,t j,K.ros of lii'.M'.y. this chartc he of course pleads pniltv. ! Mrs. Ilocrs lrotr,;lit forward a An-xher is, that he was opposed to the ac-' fiRurcd counterpane, wi w It !:ue i r.iiu !i i In,.. .1. . ...1:1 .. i.;, I. .- f . f 4 , I'tTlC .MM IIM,'. HUI ! , dlkUi 11 live I II ..I ' IIHII musitioti of Louisiana ; this .Mr. Adams . . ., 11 , , , , , , 1 ha'hlv commanded the aibmi -'i..n ot ibis show s to be untrue- He wa oppowd, ; cornmi'.tcc not to the acquit'ion, but to the m-.dr of j Mrs. lVrrand exhibited the hi si pie taking possession, of Louisiana, and of in-, of home made e.irpctio: that has pm i ,, .; ;. ,i,. T'r,;r, ,.n 'been seen by any of the menitiers of tlii ui ii'iiiiiitic 'v in-' siivj v i'ivn vwir j tiMitional grounds, which arc very incii- j v.btic all is b.fam and ..' , rhotj.-h i ii l'.t must be confessed, that if thei? be but i !' ' ,. , . , !:. uM.b j'tillmitrv, tnerc i, rert.iiii!y v,mc ; t;,,. v t":;.!u in the metaphor. JJu: li e wo' .hip-! h''1'' !l .c , .it llvmen's '. should not be con- j ''' '" faitidcd with the devotees at Mamtnuti's i '. 1 U'.i .-. and uiis of . o! r, ' Sal shun . o , 1 a Nl i,l:'i, s mo I ;!.,. A I :.'.'. ' !,' '' s.d -, siV nintitiis Ol I';, r- O'e, .t '. ; . , i. r.'.i eoltou in r. il., tl. i' i ' i-jf t..,' on lit by I, on. I, w ,'!, : ...:.-' '!e pri-pi-H" i- -.Ik-. Al.l MAMl !ll l. j.-v. ji, isj;.- ittt,-.i i committee. V,e have wandered, ho'.vcvf r, from our purpose: we intended to say only hilf a (loc'i wotes, and here wc arc, ere we weie aw.ir.- of it, at the end of a lengthy p jr,i;t ,iph. i!ut as we have already said si much, wi'hoet svinp-what wc at first in tended, we will omit the compliments we had o carcfuliv cvdi'd out, for fear thrv Mrs. Win. II , ward nroduccd the ties' iou-lv and forcibly stated; hut of w hich , ,,jcrt. 0f 0,,rn (p,,;,. I his specimen v e have not time to Rive evcti a birdVev c i docs much erc!it to the taste of tbl - ladv. vi.-w. lie isrharcril.tcw. with h.iiM!l.rrn! Mis Cr:inir..'!i.irr!, the best specimen! , , . ol -pu;i cotton. : inii'iu miss tneir ouject, as wc nave ours; Mis. Lovl.c, the fine. t and best pair of- and content ourselves with simply cxpres ;voainus. The committee, besides re-; s;,,., tlHt all nur lair Inen.U it,,v either a lueii'! to the .s..:ve trci.'r. orccsir mis " to render the acquisition of Louisi ana injurious by pertnittim the unrestrain ed iii'dux cf foreii'ti slaves :" this accu .a tiun is shown to be no better f i inded !!. !! the precci'.in one. Ay;..in he is accor.d of having been ' nlricndly to commerce ; and (icn. Smyth arco ;nts for tl.is on the ground that Mr. Adams was unwilling that Mr. JelTetsoti's adn-.itii'tration i'.-.cu!.! liave the credit t,f pivin. protection to commerce : thi s charge descends with the ; other-, t ) U:e tc.m'j of the Cap iltts I lommendinj to the '( irty to awaid to1 those ladies such premiums as the Micie- lev deserve. v.ouH respec t- tv m.i v 1!:-. v st: r "k irtv to t' 1 hibi'ioti. and an rittrc '. : cic'v a "( c' t idies i ' .ks from this ulrd the. f x- who seemed to lake so deep n t!ie prospeiiry uf the so- SAM! . .KiNr. M. MMii:i , JOHN L.1NN. ;;et busbands'if the v wish l)alid that thoc ol tl,; rouj;her c:; who want wives, may 'ti'ti ' them. " for love a,,ii.- our Immc eii.h vr-, I i.ve vfteiis i Vn the ir'n f of tors lake erring creed of Moslem faith, Who,, llonv.. viiith the pnj i f drarli " Their are the pr emnml rhartjes a '..in : Mr. Adams, , . i are founded on tv.i- A IOI (ill V NKFT. A man ti.nned I'enjamin Nlimn. fo-r.i'-r- iv cf l)''er:.e!d. M.,ss latr'v returned to his n.iti'.e town, .Iter ;in alu-erT of ni"rc ked vo'es cf his recorded on the jour-; than "0 ve.Ts i-i the Ibitisb i!nminioti. of t'-c Senate of the United States: ''uriui: whi-h bis friends supposed him these aic the p-cc.that be is no sta'cs-'r-u!-,,i'i:,V' nnprM-m. , . . cot.tracteu a src-t,ii niarnace- Mie is ci nil l-o. i asstu;ii a; p , , .... 1 1 ' no'v i ece.isr.b Munn h i:i bis VI Z&TV i " man:" that tie: . . " ' ' no'v cece.isr bis pigment; at;,! they carry cnsiexr- an,, ,riHU hu .ci,;frirr i v;va able jl.msihili'.y n the face of tlicni : tut ' Scotia 1 i lla'.ifax. r.rar'.v i .',) miles ; fuun when the raal fart, are pivcrw the veil o!' thence be proceeded bv w. ter to P.oston. i) , .u.iKiar.n, la V.'.,-:-:, A thf - f (;..-. T-. t iitt 'n ! e Mr 1 M.ii. (,, t , 1 to Mis ',:,; .!,;,,!-. 1, 1, ,'S.,,.' tbvrsr.i , ,, i ..e n...... r, i NVnitin Vtv Sut'. t,l'. sa'isrnlii- tias lur sale a new . -o;., I u ith a toll si ' ot years firtoiir hurs.s. Un, tin w iiu i o-ks ot Uio watrons. All of 'oi ii lei v. ill k.-II I', i f'ri ..sb, or mm. .IUIIN liKAKP, f.,. 1', lC .v.'-t-i nuUlun:' , 'i fv .'.'-' !,i r at ( ,., ml' 1, If.M I AM A I KI-DN, .l ours M no ) I',la(kv.M, ;, A .,ih, ll.miel 1 E . i r !' s, Al' s an, .'or Un-, .loV, p., bar', .fmii , li, '!,,!,., I'.rid ,!ia . ( . I (a,,, San. or I 1. or la , V ,li aoi f'ra'oi :, I). 'Illle, lleors 1 II ,s, I o,v ',, , .(.,;, i I i .lohii ( orotiier-., .1 n o!) (' iIi-'h-jm. )i , , Il.il.md, hurl, , ll: . r. I'j ,1 l a ar- VII v.n rii-ii.imr, f "' ! -a i Fi-o s.'. irl. v u hatli I on. In -in II, 1 i n lei. I,. .lol.'i I n M.-.to..-pli llih.l, Ilo,, t. H r, r'rav.l'.r'l II ,o. M t.i- "', M inis, '.I .I'.-th II in ,s, J'.l, i IM in, I'll II.cim at, 'I h'noas ,t II ir: . ,IM . o!, l,,ie, I !.,,.;, j-,,, J,,,,f, H, .,'. ,v, An.OI,, ..- II HO, ,t, !, .,!,; S, ! jr. V,.,s S. M ila.s, .1,,,. j,', ,in em. I,. , i , . (,.,, ( 'b:.st..pl.. r I ,,,!,', r,,n,,.,i.r , p,. . .. I..n.. M .,sl, i r'', i Morris 'I o , Vt,.. lll.illl'T, I a .' '( U li .0,1, ,l.,M,i , !T;,I . , .loiiu M s. o'.iin,,.,-, Mi'tl.ias M:'c!,, r, li ., 1 M.i:!'.e, .1 re s M'rlar, .lo'.n M'Kin . Il Hio.il ll.i.'.v. p. siarm I'limii iv, I! , , -'. I'ci'.' lis. H--'i",:i:i an l'U,;.k'-', Nstlmi l'i, II. , li. on N. '!,.rr, John I .. tv.n, lljmi .'i I I H .( Hi-,,. in , r J'.iti,.,,., ,,,s, i; .1 ti;a s t.Cs, I,', (f, l'i, I'ruiiei. Kos-; s s.iiom-1 Saoloro, I'!. !,;. S'.,i(., I.Ii,h Me :!. H i!l,:iin 'ItVr. ' . John I. Vhr, M il'o'i, Jan,, s U ,r. Tel. I ,jU- V, . , I .. s;:,h W'i,it.-. David M a-"", r, VVillu-a M V. John (, nun, Win m.or II !IUIKF, .1. .".!", I'o.l 1 .1 .."Z .;l t I' n" j.i'-.ua-v l, fl'll' sic, si , ,i,i r Hif, ,r-i,, I;,,- ,i,!,i;,-, tl,. I ll I. INi. f I'.I I K "ill be . ..r., . ln In.-i-.,-, the .rrs.-i,t w as. Hi, by Mrs Mi llii'.;c,.i! l.'i rent, i hi..4-!t r in the j thr .i at ,.-tli an 1 ,t I..., i v i n.-.-: v . be ( J rrti'S pi 1' pimll 1 , lor the secoiol ii,,l.tv , a Jieo's. Ii ,-so ,s .il tl.sl.ilHf, l,y Si n t); ilu-ir yarn, M ptKt or oiht-rttist-, pi-eifvn, tlx iji.al.iv ot tin- live, n ay I'.rpcml njon luiii o; tl,i ir v. oil; i!'.i,r f.,!lilullv, and witti a j".i ! a 1 t r:i sin ni loii.i-s, as if t!ii-y tin n.si hes v.irr liresint, hiil ulten Iinist.i-,1, Will lie r. tor, t .1 tu tli.-m, h si, h runvevan l.l.ST f J.rtttIS -frui.l. (11. II Al.f XANIH H, r.li Alrv.,1, ,er. J Alexander, Amos Alexander, dcoiy A'! n. J.inn s li Ah iitulrr, William Atchs Il.mll Alevaodi r, Mar.-.ret Mean ler, Sample Vl. at. !'T, l ap:. .il.am Ati-sawlrr. P. .(..no li one' s .', J.illrfs Itrown .1 .hit, I. Haraett, Sv 1 v. s' r Iteat h. ,lai,e H.-ovvn. ill, am r.ariu s. Iihn -, rhdiip it 111111 1 1 i ...... i ...i I, i I,, i ii ,!!. lur n, lo. ii .ri i,l l;. ' I M,e p, ,- t.,r Ihebc-t oioilav. v. ,11 Is'4" T ".r llUk' ,,uk' ""'' . - . II,,, ,.,,,,. II. ... .!.. I i 'h . fl.. ........ ... ., IV . . . . ... . !,,, .-.., ot tin- roiiuly roiirt, Marv Crro, Jol.n liuion. Vlrvamler l awliv, Uc . . I'hris'en'. orj;, Isaac I arnpbril, Mr. ( :uiip!el, S is ,n M. ti. Chirk. D M:a, l)il.l, l)..n , I lli.s, lohi, Don, A'ldllrt Jalii:, John M D..vi !,.n . Jnha I', laiiin.iiii Sarah !'.. I.ruiii, l. den k , . ,1 .. I t'-'clb I '. Al'-vaieh r V:;, , lit ii.-.rti -r , man. u.a'. dir. tt, ii'i i t.l,: -. 'In: i barj;i s l..r dv i. .n JOHN ft I I UN v.'. '..'.i..v ir, i-:.t (. Joi.n x. I.ans.,, V i!.A;-.i C.rav. I; t f.rvo.v. 4 ! t'T s v uo .-' .i., a ii.an bv tin 'l Jo!,n .l.cio-s I'iiih r, a shoeii ,'.. ? '.', i" a'-ii t.i ,. a s I,;, v. ,!e a I ill, 1.1. i ,i't to ll.v lions. I v i , w ,t!i in- dor i ' - a'" i- it 1 1. ami ir -tt'-itir int.i rvv !i ! 'I,e anion, t of i a eo- ' km I'M j I U I. ie Collar, tiasrly a , i-l t'.e l.'tb I' '... '. vi 1 i re ,, a j a !,, ,i s . ...,t 1 ?a','uioi,s, a' i t!a I mi a p!i I il,i..l, l.ncil iviili prem tt.,ntitl. v, ,lo, M.ina am , vi.it.nini.lv wore a clinked '. o, :, I 1 il.e 1 1.,. I, ; .:!,'. 1 i n.gt.Uis ol,!, oi.e k., .1 inn s I. iitlu, Jons l.ri'.tilr. It.,, juh (.r.v. H,.-I,.,r. l.nthii. ' II Jo ;,h II. r' I lihiii Until,!, I.ilai J lli.jlic Jam. II ..!., , iiiini I llonii, I. J.x'ut , Irwin, k -J..'i- I Kin Ira k. I;. Ut'-r k.kf. I.. TiVi.l ... -,v t.an.e ..i M M'I'n, Jam. s S..cre,.l t.. -t . L, m r bv traal. I lioa as M rtli, J .nn-s SJ-tKv,- ,, D ,-, I M l-,. II ,,. ..I It'll 11 -! .. I. .1. . .. ni' -tl a-ti-r, r !i o '., ir K" n, r.i ., 'i-i.i su n .s :o, . u ,',!,, ai, uu r . ar.iie Mart.n, li.m- Moor.-, A lean ! r VI liar- H ,, , tv, V ii,!,cl. M.V.H, n.U. Mn.'i r, I 1 .1 M I Mr- N. JoSm Sorr.s U I a-, it .N. Irr, X. II pet iousncso which coveretl them is d. awn ! '1.1 then ro: 'inued his mev on fm t to ' " iv...r..t,i ...: ini.,.;t... r, ,),-,. ., , , , ,, , Ull i ,il IM. Ill,, , I w nun . tai inn . aside, and thev appear as hcliow and as j y j- harmless as thr ('.etier.u's proclamations, i We have ifivcn this very hticf view oil 1! AK'.T.M.I) Wpr.TCK. the controversy between (Icn. Smyth and If the follow im; occurrence shon'il not Mr. Adams, hecausc, as beiiv; on t.f the I apP?:V " K' of nV!rh consc.pience, it is , , , I c c 1 1 a : n I v a novel one. A few days since passing, and, in some respects, interesting i . , . , . r , ' ' . ; a man by tl.r name of Abel Brown, of the events of the day, wc co-.U not, consist- j ,mv of ,.rf,a!i,..:n, X, Y. while in n Mate iniiv with our (tr.ty as p'bhn journalists. t0f i-.itosirntion. in ccmp;,ny with several ..hullv pass it over; nor could wc, within 'othc.s no better than himself, laid l.'.s ..ut r.'.uow limits, lav befcr: cur readers1" I upon a stove in the roe,,,,, by whirl, ' ;t was considerably burnt. I Ic tiiov cu his ,he cntrcvcrsy r .iter.- . ,,an., aIld (!,.rl!jcra,Py locked at it, and oh- "ervinc; it never would be of any more use The establishment of the lLe!t;h Xtc j tn him, took abtoad axe w hich was near, has been disposed of bv Mr. Henderson, j rep! iced his ha'id upon the stove, ami with its late proprietor and editor, to Mess, s. I of sevcrc,i hshlA . ' , . ... , -iluswiist. A surgeon was soon railed, Bed J .or.Tf rr, by whom it s nl hereaf-j wio foun , u neicS!(irv t0 amputate hip;!.. rcr he conducted. As fell nv. laborers in I Pr ,;p, u hit h he performed, and the p .- the same cause with ourselves, that ofjUctit i iloinjj well. snreadini' li.'ht atiJ knowledge smoji'?; the I ' . ' . .. . ,! fteVch'fut result tf th' ;.' Tar rw. people, and supporting the interests on , , . , t 11 ii .s , mu! ,aM!V. , c aptt.,1 ... b.OOO, nd ,,,v n.mmon country, w most Miireirly i si,i;v.ir (!,,,, .mount wcrklv to Havana rcn.le.l, in, Ihv t. .pl.t i ,;,a,i Urr. I'. I apt. II I 'a 'Is, Wiilamlt. ho,;t I ,,o - li e, He ' I'"!'' r, .1 ,ni s I'ln-ket, .'' I I'. I'bi.r, I'lohp 1 ?,aou;..oi,s a-ul has 1 ' al', ,1. sr , !, c ' -, .. M ' v" MTV. H. I .aac l.'irh, Jan.. Koi TS, James IV llu,!,;. !, I'liiti li'o,!'e!s. s JaiiM j S ra't, .r," VV. . -.'s, hsvel .'!.::h, An.!-r- ; ". IIurH -t a rr I ,o!or 1 1 v are lcll.pir-U, as j;- as I ! ! "-'I'. t.rttn Mll.ttl, SS alum .M. M.nsoi,. . iK'.w. r-vcr l avmr'd ank anv so.rtts vilole r-- j laticr, John M. "1 hoit as William M. o.h v v 'th I!" I !,ev w tl.t avvav tn a K w,:li ! 1 " : '. W ul.am Tnler. V Jan,. ,.k, ry 2. .1... :.,,r., H..4 ,1. r,nl, .,1 tl.rs. , r-m.. I " -.l .li'l V ilsot) ' HoOirt M il nil, W .Mi.iltl an, I of .heir cen.hiet, is pnt hsl ,rd, 1" '.I tbv ! I i the iii.,ir'.i!i,rb..d of Hi all,, ', i',.r.(, I r. in rouii'i, mi Sun.l.'.v, 15th n't. Mr. ' ;t; II - ik, r, in Miss ItetH) Winters, AI.o, mi 'rui'sdav, lTth ul', Mr. U.l.ia'n II. ilovi anl, tit Miss ft udiel VVajrnner. ...... nr. ,,-,1- , .1" 1'.,,... 1 t. . . .. , . .... - , j-.., i.u i. . ... . , ;,i'i,e o i 1' e.r to Miss Martha Casholi. j iieiiij. iV. ill, lied AI.o, mi l liiirvlay, 1 .Hi,, Mr. Aan.i. r .crar, I '"n. , to Miss P. e ,i Parrar. 1 ,. Also, aiieiit that lime, Mr. Steplicn ( ..Mi, In i . Miss l.evicey S-lech, ilaili;t.tir of Mr. I.tckk ', tUuV V I S ItUSl, st, , 1 . : I nl .' . r in, tf. l si'iee tlie linsl ., I, r I VI. u, about the same time, Mr, David Darr, i i to Miss lanetnrri r. ; on-!, att.l previ i.l t.ll.t r lr..m 1 V thi .'il II, the Ite iilK t Vihli h 1 jmx mu.i ki;. , j. . f 1,:;. .i.if.ve W vt .-iis, li'iiam VViin ! -ve r, Jordan VV.I son e. i i.o-HHs w ,--. i v ix ww ,l,il!,'-s V,..ll ' WM. SMI I'll, V . All 'bos- ')'.! to !! for Hter an ' e V. pap, !M r .i s s'e.i ! !i. ,rin niiml t'.,u' o t in th-' tieiicral ruit-UtVic i ' WH'iillii. . r toe vi tt ks si'lCf, the (!. Si! -1- irv to Astinlle, Uiinronilu-conn. . ; - p'n'!.''. '.hree'ed '.n J"!',!i M. (irre::!: r, rn ,i, .1- liir . iiiliin. riintinioi utmut -111 II AUn, Mr. Stall,-,;- Park, r, tn Miss all Heal. J ( ,jK. ,l;u k,.t ,.vcr ,.. Also, , Thursday, Cfah, Mr. Oshoiirn V aiki I', ; n of Mr, l.reonh-e j and the potri.! i, 1 1 Miss f iris'ina Hmkle. 'Invo..: a irr,-:it iinnil't r of parkets ami pan i K Also, ,m Tuesday, $U, Mr. John tl.crcr, t f nM. ,li,J eata- " , ' in . ! it bow or where tiny were life I' i-, .loss .sanii ai. u., I ....,!,.. some ttai-nrnnhi-r. tlirv nvn. 1, ,i 'ol I; Also, a khurt time before, McMillan Will iaiiis, to th: smiable Miss Tunpc ll,u,n;ai in r, all of Lincoln rnuiitv. wish ibem s, 1 1. c c s , The p .jier appears v.ith new tvpe ; atid sti. h oilier altera'ions and impru'. emeu's have been nude, as M ill insure to it, no doulitabe support and ppprobation of an enlightened and liberal .'UlUl.UtiitV ','r bis eoirtspotidi nt shipping lo him the same amount weekly in return-will be iiir.n, At rii'iladrlpbia, on Monday tiipht, the ",0th cf j !)- cn.bi r, Mr. Jmi Mflihh, r.ei.i;ra;.brr. in the i 5Id year of his nge. Mr. Melish was a n.rive of j I'vnhshire, Scotbiinl, but, ht'w ardently attach ed to the f riiicpb s of i.hcr'y, it llniioat. d s-iil siUlcil in this tool. try in tin- year lSvJ, Since ' that period his labor have bv.-n utiineti'lv ,;s,- 1 ml., tin- iniil. .Ss tiny are ol sueli niutiire .s to ! iisib s to any uue excrpt the o n r, it is n-pit -st ,1 that whoever has any knevvlVdire of lliein will siiidtheni by mail, ir othe! ne, to to!. ,1 M. t n cnlee, 1's.p" Mordant. n ; ". if more e on - i.i. ii!. in lbiij;hmiu &. W In'..', hJ.bi.rv . t. .;.;, : ih:,:. .",'. ,'r, . fi 1 : I l l'lis a,1, !-i m M the Si ei .l! "Ci'1 , U other.! ! i,-::, ,, nr. t ! ' c ', "r thev v. ii ,.! he at'etiJ. :". ITvat lltim''.. -s I letters a li t-oiu ii-,!i,-r -aiiitt;. -, ;..-. hav,- f -. . - ,o i to a lojit t!r ( no- in nr,!, - to !f the v;cls" ul piyiiur rtlhcr a:i i 'le so, ii in h.. i oi rse of a V ear, to tl. -lot cf ,'!.,., ,-;,..- 1 .-Ceis. ' ' ' SAMI I I. JdNI , . 1 1 1: ,,-r, I , . Vive Vuvyevs UevitwA. 1 1 AN tvuy fn-m tin.-, latch, Isi.it IV,mi:: I v) ; r, a'!i-!,Mi!' "o t"" hoen:kini;. He ' h v a .'m' .ish, nicakiii, liible to a tax of per week. 1 T tin- ( ' to Ins !u-.l comtn. Hi w.-rk m tn returns bo. sold hue ai auction, and net , - icines ,f i , ejaphv nnd t'ohtiml l.i ' only gS'KM) nt each sale, the owner pays are univusallv knew n, ami ib ,r mipcrtaiicc h ft I. SO auction tx i 'his will mnnuiit to ', l wi ackiinwU-ilirt by the h ghest Wjtui i.-t '.it SI 73 per we.tk which in )cai, yields no- cmi t; . !'" U ' V .'..is ,.!,:, .i;,.i :.r,.iiee. All t , t ru! lum (i-i mi, I. S . I.-'.' Ui ro'i. t .v. :.: : a l t! IN v':- "e.. i f tan i- ri' , of v. , '....', , .p.,-, , . tome ,1 rcrtc.1 It "n '.lie t atirtnf PI-as . 1 Hu.-irter Si .tot s of Ito an rrmntv, n ,' perinr I',' nt irf Muk'-s I 'all proceed i , ii -,' the t iii.rt-lloiis.- in (i riiia.itoii, on $,,n U. , lb- lll (t 'Jiiitlip- ties!, for ca b, to the li i;bet," bidder, s V'eeti ! '.eh Ii-'tiv,-:., tii" projiefv r, A-. Iliiial.! It. I.'o'.n. ti, vitvV tl.r ,i,ht itne'' on an- loi.n.lili it cither si ,te '.,k of Novth-I 'arol.n , a' nnl, UT t ,.,,, y Iiun J, -emi.ih leh,,,:,. (if M,,L.. . ' ..4,, .itiry, r tier, I, joiiv kiMii.i: is; ;?w t. I ON'S I'AXTINK I. i'c. ;i. 2i it wN i n, .s -. 4 . i r tnnDV!s I'T-.' , s VimUms I' M WWwvv V.o vons , Hi s-ri;e.it 's et ke"'. for s;,' it t; - - -" -. " i,,. ..;..m

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