TIP fSW PHI VM,. . NO. I'AH. EJfcof ... . &S(1 I 11 i A 'fit 4 III I II . f 1 fv Iff A Y raixTro t'cwr.isiiti), curir ti iiiat, lUPiNCfiAM J. wnrn-v tkkms: The subscription to the W emits Cviiomni., it 77.r''c IhUtiri per annum, payable- h;i!f i :u I; in advance. CJ No paper will be discontinued until u'l arrearage are paul, unless i.t the ditwrelion of Hie Kditors; and any subscriber Oiling to c,ivi notice of hi w'eh to discontinue :.t tin- end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue Uic paper, which will be sent accordingly. Whoever Mill heroine rcspons'.bl'. for the pavmc'it of nine papers, shall receive a tenth grutii. AiiVKBTlnr.HrT v ill lie intoned on the Hit, t'lmurv terms. ,',lers.m sending in Adver tisements, must .specify 'he numbi rof linns they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, ami charged accordingly. No advertisement in rUil until it has been paid for, or itfl payment as-suned bv some person in this town, or its vicinity. Cj All letter!! to the editors must be jm f.eiJ or they will not he attended to. .v.ls(l tryrr.L. in SAUKiivitv, N:;nM;;n;.!', r,v Jam? a lnc. flTillH elegant i-stald'-liiiei)1, s'ttmted at the 1 north corner ef iie Co;;rMIoiisc, is now fitted op in anew atid s-irurier stv le, for the reception of Crnnp my. The !:r.M:sst pains !i:,'. e been taken t i prorur." It this rs.'aM'.slrner.t, furniture of ei iy d .rtip'io'i, in Ce..;.rv f.r Ihc comfort of Trav.-IVrs. 'I In i;,i M approved s.-r-vants have In mi si h etui, v,!th f;rtat c:rc : the b.ir stocked with choice lienors, and the st i'ili attt nded by obliui;; and attentive hosihs. The convenience of this situation for bosincs is e'i;il to anv in the place. 'I h.- house i nutans .i num. her of private rm)T.., vv II culeula'cd fur the in--commixlation of Traveller aird Hoarders: a' t.tchcd to which there is a Diy (cioj and P. ok Store. To tli:.p v hoit.uy please to call on him, he assures them that no pains shall he spared to render their stav coiiifortaide anil phasing. JAMI'.S III. Hi. u,hrr7, is::. '2?. ' C.ARKLS COUNTY. SI I'F.lilOU Court of I .aw. Fill Term, H2:, Sanh llr.idshavi, F.li Hrdha ....Petition lor Divorce, filed at priij,' term, IS.?. It ap pcarie to the natisf e on of the rmirt, that tiie di fi odaut is lint an i:il:.i'ii' uit of this s'a'r : 1). i!,r, ,1, then fore, t'iaV pu'ilfatioti be made i t t'le xi- t r...: .-. i o .1, !' ... .1. .. .,.. t,.'.t Jl. ,l..(..n.1,,. .,.-,i. ,,. IM sa III l,nMMIIM.t", a'l'i I ', ! ( m vt Sum nor Court of Law, to be held tor the countv of Cabarrus on the 7th Momluv al'ir I U.e 4th Mondav in March .k m, 'hen ami th, , r I to ok a I to sal indium, olliorvn" it will le I heard ex parte, and ib rts-ed ce"r,!i:i;K . J. M. Ill' I CIII-", C. ".V. C. ..rt 4 -Vrh-e adv. C, I ?5Uc uV .VuvUY-V'nvtAiU'A, IllllKt. COfS'TV. fniCUT of li.'iitv, s. pt, iniu r Tirm, 1 !- ,' F.phr.iint t.,iei le' 1 . Joiil M lit. n, ie' l otbirs; nriij"'H:.l Itdl. It appocti-.tij to tie' ,t. Hlaetion of the Com t, that John M id in, f nc ' f 'he di fel'dalits t not jt ic.ln'iit af.t of this ' ie, it i theri fore tnl,r,il, that piiidic .iion be liiade .n the rsti ril ( aisdiiiiaii for U t ( e mont'ls s I,' ccss.v elv, that the d.-f.-tii! ut, John Martin, pr ir ti our ' ' " 'J" "o i.t m.es lie--. Meso I ;-. r, Franc l.'n,. S. 'Jie county of llii.ke. ..' (lie C..iirt-lott.e m s-mi. I S.nc -d. Pluliri M.iio-. I'.li .s Mu 11. T Mor,Mnt..n,.,nthe.onhMoiv!.iycfM:.rthii ',;v le.iI, l,l.r- v.'.,r!1 p:, Irn and iiier' to b'a 1. a-s..er, orth icr. or . u ,;, j,.,,,.su r. p lir ,,;,.. ,,,.. .. ltd -tivilt p'si ...hi. ..,1 he it.i. ......at ,. ... t i,.,,. It i. id t ,-esi, r. M 'M aii. U rJ in i;li, and be le ... Test, pr ti'; , I I.. VAWUX.C.L'M. 'n t.;. V.SK !. ( I' S I Y. SCPl w i :n pri:ifii r iw. raiTrrm, p::: i ii'.a'tt "a 'li'ii'v, ii. t i.i l-iitar.!, and SSok.s l.lwan's ir:(r,'d at'ieluu. lit U m. ar.ls s'lniit.one.l a t. irnivhee. It n;ipear ,!! t t the s itist il.. it of th" ro.itrt, that the de. len.l.in's arc inhaS it art's ef aim"? t r s'ate : It is .i . . .. . I l . .;. . . .1 . ..i .. ncn I 1 e tir'i' r. u i. mi: nin, ma- tmiiiii. oion f be i.,a.W m t!.e Itrui Var.hman h-r thn-e. .1. .. .!... .'. r. ..,.l..nu s..-, ,. .1,. ,,..st v of Ash. , at the Cnerl.lloesf in J. 11'er.ou, c"i 'he third Monday in Man h n xt, tlten an I tin re to plea I, answer or demur, otherwise jm!.; nen' j-ro i oiiiesso will lie i ntercd. I, Hivid F.amet, ( h rk of the Superior Court afores.it.1, do nftfy that the f..r;;o.ii;; is a true 'OJiv of the rerords of said court. Ft D. F.AKNF.ST, ('.. AV v...'. "1 1,::. t-llr I.lvcivI.N f.ft'STY. 1 F.'ptity. Ottob. r Term. A. D. 1 Ja-1 coh KciVh r, tr, the heirs of (.''rje Keis- tl. r, tlrc itsed Onpnal loll "f '"" ii..int. It app. arii'stolh.- viti fiction of the cour', that John Kel.tlcr, on- r.f the heirs i!:ime.l in tne h.ll, I tlofs not reside within the limits of this ti'.ate ; ll is tht refnre ordt r d, that ptiMiration be made for thiTe months successively in the Vi stern Carolinian, thai unless the sti.l Jehu Kt isth r personally .ippcar at the next . nnrtof Fajiiity, to be held fir the county of I inroln, at the 'ourt-H"usr in l.ineohitoit, on the four'.'i M.nt. lay after the P't Mouthy of Man h in V, then atid ther't to plead, answer or drmur, iin'pv.e".t u o roiift s at w id he taken and plea.! e arte r to him. A true eopv. ..ml I J Test. j.VMES llli I, l .M.i:. IVtte adv. YvUw;-; V.M'A, ltm sale at the oihec of tht. ' Carolliiiau," at 1 three tloll.n s tt rnty five cents per r. am. AlsS tvvo reams broken f ndsc-ip, tjl, nd one bundle Super Koyal, for wrapping. JAMKS II. IIAMI'TON re-.pectfolly informs the public, that be occupies- the old shop Ibrr ieily owned by his father, on Main-street, a few doors south of the Court -Mum.'', Salisbury, when; he is now prepared, v. i'h a ;ond set of tools, to repair all kinds of WATCHES V CLOCKS. lie assures all who may favor him with their euvioin, that, their work shall be evented ill as good a ntjle ni at acy other shop in this purl of the ( o'ntti v. All kinds of old .le a i ll v n jeiired, aiidsoiin,- kinds made. Jolm of even ih sription in his line of Inisine is, will be thankluliy received, and eccuted on a sliort li'iliee, People who reside at a dis'anrc, by (lending, may dep n 1 on l-viii;y lln ir wo:lc a-i f.iithfuiK a'teaded to and returned, rs tli(i"';h they v.'er prc'-nt and itw' ii the old e itablished aIi')Ui' pi lci s ehai';;eil. .VH';.,r.., 1.5, " '14 m UuWnvs Ut'Nv,vt. ON' ''! K'.venni !a" of this n.otjtii, .V' (Um-j broke in tie r.mu'y an I . sha ped, lie was iltaler . nlence of death. NiWii ('iiiiv, well I noun in our onrts of jiistiee far h';, ,jarin;; viit.mics, is about 7 i yearn of . , t'.x ',., t , uie.varjs hi;;h, well propor tioned a-,.! i.nnvttii", 1'jrht hair, of a pleasing e i tntri.a-.r.'"-, and easy u'ldresi. lie wore a white hat and blue broad cloth coat ; but it is peeted h v. "11 clriuix' his dress, lie is fond rf drink and of cards. I he above reward vv ill he "-iven to any person who will apprehend the said Curry and canline him in any jail in the I'nited States, so that be m.iv be brought to justice. AF.I.IA' (dl.l., . S. i,r I i'ik ll CuaiH", X. CunUntt. .Vov. ii.',i.s:i. r.mni The rditon "f newspapers in Krn'in ky, Ton iii '-.see, i-nr,''u and Alabama, ve:l! jt rhaps ren der a benefit to S'M-ie'y, by pu!dishiir; the fore iroins; in tlitir papei-s. S,ilii.l"i"; Hi 1. 1 I, 1:!:?. IF.T'I r.lfs aib'.-es m d to t'n- Sher',)! of It-.wau i iun'', on n;:i'-i:i! be-'m.-.s, nm .t hereafter be ' I'-Jn'ii, (ir they v ill not be a'telnled to. As there are j;n at niiinliers of h t'ers addressed to me from other ro in'u -,, !;i . I have found it ne ci s'iarv to adopt this romv in oid rto save n.y-s-.-If the t)eie of put iiv.j rather an iineoinfnrt aid" S'.m in the i -. ir ;e of a v ear, to l!ie side ben liit of oilier ; eopl poiket-. : i S Mi l l. .()N1. A'i.-i'T. IXTTKISS- - - Iimut.urj in , I'm!-1 J,'T n! (. 'mi o' i!, , C. Jitnitir' , 1, lf ..'.. I AM ATKISU.V, James Allison. I! niel Ilia' k" i M r, Andri vv liostinn. It.mit I Huislis t. Ah aiider it '', .1 d it I. ti n- ! bar, James I., liell, Jii'iah Pad-.!iavv , C. lam Case, Satiiiu I Corim , William Craton, Itavid !'bne, Henry Crovi, No.h Corme, John Con, "'j" '';"h, rs, I ,. . t .... man H.-lle,.rv "',L'V, ;: lr- a;.l l.an.art. I. A1 ' ' r'"; ,"" . A!" I I. i til I ml I .i-i.r I!. Friend, ti. John (anion ' ' . . II. .los ll !, II ;h ll'.r, Cr.wfi.nl lln!,. hits, Maj. .laities II arris, I'.ii i!h 'it Harris, Jolm Hit. in in. Levi llaiivt i', I I. m. i ts .1. Harris Ja ce'i H ivle, 'I'lininpMiii Hunt. I.'i-uIk n llanvcut, An.Srosc Hattvciit, 1: .ham llijjms l'r. Miw . Harris, Jot.-ph Hjf.vcut. I.. Henry Linker, Christopher l i,,'ii'. I t ris'' p'.. r la tter, .! !( s laiv?. M. Vt ah:ei;ti.'i !er;i,ini, Tobias Mis. ci.hiit '-r. I.ate M't hlluie. .lames M'Cah I s, .t.ihn M;-; n'.iiiu r. M .ill ia M !ii!. r, lin.har.! Maiiin, ,'.i'i..i M't'i.ii"., Julm M'isn.cv. (. il... e l t ..!.'. P. Vifin !'imi:i n,' ILVrt IVik.rs, It Mii-m-v Pl.mV Na'hm Phitbp-., II. ti-y N. I'i'r.-r. Iln Pt'ters ", II i.ui.ih l'har-. ':. l.ei r'- 1 ; s - , Pti. r t'oniple, Jo ph IJe.-tL . Jiiilll m Hull, 111. llU!'l;. I. siid;r., .. . .1. 't ' -; J.l.ST :f i.: . .".! :'. t''.-!.tf!rr tit ( '.'er ; , .V. C. J.ru 1, IH.J. !U1 I. A'. ' DF.I. P.. AI lAAMll.i:, F.li Ah iud. r, J-.ah 7, - l. e. !. ',(.. .-Ii;e A'd. 1 , ' J..:Ve . I.V !i V '!! no y. '... n, lai al I AI. voider, M .i .'et AU-rai'dcr, Sautple Ale. lander, Cap?, t ill'a n A'.S"nh r. P.. Johli I r.,.tt'cs , 4.cti.-s Prmaii .t .'.n.l. Il..nir't, Ml- Vesa i' ll. a. '., 'an.' lir.iv I., vi ..iem ianvs, .omit ' ' iV VT' ct Wn l'raw nrr, l .r!m - P., Ik. Srnn,. l.,a k, W m. 1. 1.. I a.... it ... .... I' i ....... i of the . '.tv court, V in t'r. ss .'"bn ( attt.on, AI. ti.der :..'tl. v. 1. F. Chrisl.-ii!iirk'. Isaac Camphtll, Mr. Camph. il. l'.s.p Sti .an M. (.. ( lark, D Mrs. II.hIiI, Danitl Davis, John Dow, Audrt vv D'.inn, John M. Di.vi.ls.in. F;. .lulu F. F.duimds Sarth I.. Frwin. Fnd. rirk F. 11. F. Alexander I ituy, Ketiln u Freeman. ; .Inhn S. t.aue, V illiatn (Inv, Itoln rt das. kin;s Jawck (irith.-. Jam.' (inhble, Kansom (.re., Uichard t.iiliin, 2. II. Joseph Hart, Kl..m Hunt, r, F.llax J. Hutrhes. James IF. ath, Samnei llotne, .. i. .him Jr m. U. Jwl.r. Ken Irick.V'Ml. tit ov-e kike. I I ittis I .a no v. M. Jobh MV.', Jamc Moore, Knhert Meek, j 'I hoinas M'Nu ly, James Mtdvvia, Dav id M'Doit- aid, Ibe.h Vi'D.Av ..!!, F.li. ahe'h M'Crcaki't. Ca'h- Lrine MarTv, D iniel M''re, Alexander M'Clar- ty, M intiCUl Mason, Mimli Milk r, Jolm .xi t.iur- km. .V Jlui Nonis. O.Lonjr N. rr, Na than Dir. P. ( apt. tlurjj Parks, William It. Porter, James Plunket, Walter K. rharr. l'f.ihp Paul, Joseph run unco, t!. Cvru tlnery. K Isaac Hit b. J.tmesK..j;er, Jamcn V. lindens John liotlt rs. S. Jaitie Sppatt, (icorfre W. Spcai-s David Smith, Andrew Spratt, lluj,h Stms4.it. t.rten Smith, William M. Stinson. T. Jane Tanner, John M.lhotvas, William M. Todd M ill am Tehr. A'. .!;" A irkerv 2. W. John Mil. on . K.ihert W.I am, At ilii.tm Wyn-tis AYilli no M inchester, J uvlan AVilliain snn :, 'I hnnn.s M illi.tmson, l.y.iia Wallace. Y. James oui MM. SMITH, '. Jf. All those indebted to me for letter and news paper postage, should bt ar in tnind that there is no cretlit m tliu (.cneral IV.t limec. :,wtJH W'-ISMIIH. l!()'"T lix weeks aff, a man by the. name of John James I'uller, a shoemaker by trade, anil pruli ssin also to be a sitiin-iiiaster, with his w ill- roid child, nunc to my house, anil after living '..llli me ilurin;f the, above mentioned time, and j' ','infj into my debt to the auiount of tw eu-ty-liv e dollais, basely absconded, on the nifrbt of t!ie l'..'lh instant, without paying me. lb woie away a black coat and pantaloons, and ha with him a plaid cloak, lined with green flannel, lbs wife, Marianne, commonly wore'a checked IpiU n, and the child, (about 14 months old,) one of a red color. 'I bey are temprrate,-as far as I know, never having drank any Hpirits while re. sidinpf w ith me. Tboy went away in a gijc, w itb a bay home. This description of these persons and of their conduct, is published, to put the public on their fpiard, and prevent others from hciiti? bwiiidh d by them in the manner which I have been. JOHN MIIJXR. Ito-wim Count;, Jan. If), 182J. Svvt'Jyr or five weeks since, the post-rider from Salisbury to Adivillc, lluneoiube (un ty, took a pa'ket directed to John M. (ireenlee, I'.st). m ar Moripintou, containing about 40 small pamphlets i the paeket has never come to the possession of Mr. Ilreeiilce; and the pottt-rider, liavinp a great number of packet and parcels in charge, has mis-sod the pamphlets, and cannot recollect how or where they were left. It is possible, soii.c way tir an other, they may have jrot into the mail. As they are of such a nature us to be useless to anv one except the owner, it is reipiested that whoever lias any knowledge of them will ia ml them by mail, or otlierv.iM-, to John M. (iret nice, F'.sq. Morpanton ; or, if more convenient, to llir;.-i;im t White, Salisbury. Jani'iiii 2d, ;:.':. CHAIU MAKI(., . Ijnr'jlut'jn, .V. C Till IK subscriber respectfully actpiaint the I citiens of the western part of North-Caro-Una, and tlic coritiptlons parts of Sonth-Carolitia, that tin y have cotiiiocnccd the above mention?.! business, which they will carry on with punctu ality and despatch. 'I hey (latter thcmselvcJ that, by their assidu ity and application, they w ill be enabled to do ample justice to their employer. MAitns :. mi i i F.it, W M. CL I- F.UHorsK. N. II. Hle;ndloard nratly ornamented, with jpiill .r paint, executed at the hbortest notice. Jj,Hltm, Jlrc. 31, lSr.'. lawt 16 Vf.UF.A'P barpiin may be bad in the lain! bi-loiijpiiK to the late Col. John Jiramhui : I propose tost 11 private sale, on a credit of one, two and three years, the said kinds. The tract whereon the mansion house i situated, embra ces a e,i t at many ;ulv autapes in point of fertility of sd, pl water, healthiness, atid oilier loia! advantages. ll is superior to any stand in the w estern set I'mli of this state. This tract C itt tains "I'aTes. As a house of public cut t t aiiitiii lit, it ha bit n established for J'J years. The ch ared lain I is under good feiicrs, anil the huildinprs have bet n recent ly new roofed Also, one oth' r tract, conlainiiifr Zo.i aties. 'Fht.se who wi ll to purchase, Will Call on Dr. John S.-ott, oraddrt ssa lint to me, at Wadcsborotejh, ii am countv, N. C A. W. nilANDON, Jruf. ,s',i V.i'.i tii, Jim. 7, lS2i. jtnt'47 I AN AWAY from my pl.m'a'ioti, in lancas. I t.r li,lr'u . South-Carolina, on the 5th of Sept. a ih'thi f I't.u by the tiame of '. fee. He is a'x.iit 2i or j arsof ajje, nix f. et 2 or .1 in t lies bi.Th, of a slon.ler make, thin ia(fe, thrt his In a I back ami speaks with considerable t on. setpieute when roiivirsinjr, has a ore on the lii.lt. .in t f hit ribt liio', which is at present sn ail, hul the utirrounihii)' scar is larger .'hit:i a dollar the tins are tin-less hut lie vte.rs a .slioe i n that foot. I purchased Peter fmm M. John K Viitrent, vv ho brought biin IroinDrauc couivtv, N. C. near the Casucll line. In rcttirn iiii, to th.l pl..rc, be will proh.ddy be lodged in otie jail; audio th condition, I cxpeet, will ii. tiv his ii.uik' atitl own'r. Any jailor who may hate him ill custody, will please tbiecl a hn- to tlic siihsriiinr, a. Liberty H.ll, Lancaster Ihs t.iot, S. ('.for xvliich satisfactory acknovv letliTc ments shall he rend. red. JtUIN (.(itlCII. o.m. is::. 2i ftoA Wvc YW 1W1I.I. piv on' hmtlml dollar rewxrd for the th tcctioii of a yonnjr man by the name of William Moore, Mid histh iivcry to mr at Jones bow", Tcnnrsscc, or ilkesbor)', N. C. w ith the money anil papers he stole i or Rail for Itim alone. The ai. William Moore stole fmm me, on the lath October last, S-'"5 together with my porkrt book and papers. There were se ven 5d dollar bill on the I niletl States Hank, ami one S-'"!"" Tennessee money. He ia about 5 f. t 8 or 9 inches high, dark complexion, OlaeK iK-aiM ..... - . ed, is remarkably well made, boasts a good deal on running, ami i hard lo beat ; in fond of spir its, ami allorvUicr T'lte a plutisit.le lellow. .AV-. 1M-V.. l-wtVvJ I.F.ItOY HAIL. Shit? oV fttTlU-liiwoVnia, MrCKLFNUURC. COUNTY. St PF.KIOU Court nfljw. Full Term, IS:?.... J uieKtrr .William Kerr Petition for D'.vM -e ami Alimony. It r-ppcannir to cour.. tltav Williatw Kerr resides without the limits ol Ibis suite. : V i.Vty that publication be made in the Star and AVtstem Carolinian news papers for three niou'hs that unless the aiJ M illiatn Kerr do make his appearance .it the next Supe lit r Court of bw, to he held for the county ol Mecklenburg, at the Ctmrt-Hotisc in Charlotte, e t the 6th Monday after the 4th Monday ol Mutt h. lHJ;i, mi l answer, plead, or demur, to said petition, the same will be beard ex parte, and st lit. tire ami a decree made according to the pr.ivcr theri of. A ropv. test. UP.O. CAHAM, C'tt. ..tV. I'rk-rt-'v. LAWS OF X. (j A HO LIN A. AN ACT To promote Afrrirulture ami Family Domestic Manufactures in this State". Ik it enacted by thr Unirrul Avctv.Uii r,f tlir Slate r;' Aorth Car,linit,unl it in here by eitudrd by the authority of the name, that tlic sum of Five Thousand Dollars per year, lo be raised in the manner here inafter prescribed, fur the term of tvvo years from and alter tlic passing of this act, shall lie, and lie reby is appropriated for the promotion of Agriculture and Family Domestic , Maniilarturea within this Slate. That the said sum shall he distributed arnonp; tint several rountict. in this State, in proportion to their federal numbers. And be it further ertuelril, That when ever an Agricultural Society (dial! be formed in any one county, or in anv two continuous, coun'ics, and the members thereof shall annually procure or laist, by voluntary stibsci iption, any mini of mo ney, the President and Tre jsuier shall make and subscribr- an affidavit of the facts of the fyrmaiion of Kiich Society, a. id nf their hav'mir raised a certain suni,t ie rifyinn the amount thereof; which affida vit shall be filed with the ("ompt roller of this State, who shall draw his; warrant on the Treasurer for the payment of a sum. ctjual (o the amount of sut.li voluntary subscription ; not in any case, however, exceeding the amount lo which Mich county or counties would he entitled, ac cotdiri to the apportionment aforesaid. ,lnd be it jurtl.i r rKnctrd, That the sev eral Atfticulttiii'l Societies which may be formed in 'his State, shall elect such and s,o nmtiv (dlicers as they may deem pro per, rdl of whom .!i.dl he practical far mers, none of whom, however, shall re ceive any emolume nt from his office, and it shall be lite duty of such officers annu ally to regulate arid award premiums on such articles ami prod'trtions as they may deem best r:;! til .ted to promote the Ag ricultural and Matiufacturin;; interest of this State. .'c Le it fitrtirr enacted, That each pet son to whom any premium shall he a warded lor an Agricultural product, shall make an accurate description of the pro cess in cultivating the suil and in falsing the crop, or of feeding the animal, as may he, and shall in all rases describe the na ture of the soil, the kind and quantity of manure, the state thereof, and the lime of the sear i;i which applied, and deliver ihi same to the President of said Society. ,1ml be it further cr.itctnl, That the ev ci al Presidents oT said Society shall an nually within one week after the annual meeting cf the Legislature, transmit all such reports or returns to the office of the Secretary of Stale, to be by him kept safe I v until demanded by the Board of Agriculture hereinafter named and or gjiiizrd. .1ud be it further enacted. That the sev er..! Presidents of the several Agricultu ral Sonetics within this State, or the Del tRatc to be chosen by each of said Socie ties, shali form a Hoard of Agriculture for this Slate) who, on the first Monday ftcr the annual mcetinc of thr Lepisla lure, may convene in the capito! of the city f Raleigh, any five of whom shall form a quorum, mav elect a President, Secrrt.irv , and such other officers as tht y mav think proper, receive and examine all such reports and irlurin as aforesaid, and select lor publication such of them, and such o;hcr cs.ays a they may jude advisable, and shall annually publish a vr I'tTir, .it the expense of the State, to be disliihu'ed by the said Agricultural Soci eties to the Rood people ol the Stale, not exceeding 50i copies of such volume ; which President end Secretary shall con tinue in once timing the continuance of this act. Jiui ft it further enacted. That the Treasurer of this State shall annually pay, on the warrant of the Governor to the said Hoard ol Agriculture, one thousand ilolhri, to enable them lo purchase nd distiibutc amot'K the Rcveral ARticultural Societies, such useful seeds as ,hey may deem proper, and to defray such other ne cessary cxpcnccs to promote the objects of this act as are not otherwise provided fur ; and said Board bll annually account with the Comptroller for the expenditure of said money. Jnd ie it Jurther enacted, That all mo neys which may have been received since the hrsl day of November last past, or which may hereafter be received at the Treasury of this State on entries of va cant and unappropriated lands (excepting the Cherokee lands) and all balances no-t remaining, or which hereafter may accu mulate iii the haRds of Clerks of courts of ncoid, unapplied for within three years after the receipt of the same, by the per sons legally entitled thereto, be, and the same are hereby set apart and pledged to tarry into tifctt the loi (joins ol this net. Jnd be it fur 'her ftactfH, That it shall bo the duty of cai'Ii and vny Clerk of any County Court, Superior Court of Law or I'.mii'y, or the Supreme Court within this State, at the fust session of ihe Court of which he i. Ch t t , v hich shall sit after the first day of Scp'rinber next, and eve ry three years tberrtfirr, to produce to said court, a statcmeiit to be made on oath. of all moneys remaining in his hands, and which were received by him ohV lally three vcars previot)', thereto, speeifvinu therein the atnounl of each sep:n ate claim, and the name ol Ihc person to wnom trie same is payable. And be it further enacted, That h3 Clerks itf'ifpsaid shall, within a re asomble time idler the fotTftoing utatemrnt arc 111'!, account with and pay over to the Public fieasurcr, all the balances afore s;tid. which shall beheld by them in irut for the tccral claimants, but, while unap plied fur, shall constitute a part of the fund err ttrd bv this act. And h i'furth-r e.naetid, I'lit al! per sons vviio hf.ve Wn ( Jerks or Deputy ( Jerks of anv Court of Record in 'his State, shall actoutit fur the balances in their hands due to individuals. in the same manner as is herein repaired of Clerks now in office. . AN AC r. Supplemental to an Act passed at the present fcension of the (ieneral As'.emblv, entitled "An Act to promote A;rri .ihure and Family Domestic Manufactures m this State." lie it t iiuctrd bu the (General Amemblu if the State nf X'jrth Carolina, and it it hi rrb'i enacted by the au'liwi'tj if the same, That from and after the passing of C.is act, it shall be the duty cf the Sheriff atid Cotoiierof each county in this State, to pay the costs on all executions that shall be satisfied on the whole, or in pan, to the Clerk of ihe Court from which such execution issued, and to no other person, on the second day of the term of said court. And anv ShciilT making default therein, shall he fined the sum of twenty pounds, w hich fine shall be recovered in the name of the State by ncirt facia, In the same mariner as other fines, and m hen collected, shall be paid into the office of said court, for the purposes herein di nt led- lie it further ctcctrd, ' ha it shall be the duty of all persons who hav been Sheriffs or formers heretofore and who have received torts on executions nich arc returned sa'isfieo, or which they re tain and have not paiJ the same into court, to pay all cost on such executions, to the Clerk of the court from which such exe cutions were issued, on or before the first day of November next, unless such Sher. iff or Coroner shall make satisfactory proof, by his own otth or otherwise, to said court, that, he has paid the whole costs that were iit J.isv hands to the persons entitled to receive the same. And be it further enacted, That should any person w ho has teen Sheriff or Cor oner, neglect or refuse lo pay all balan ces of costs on executions that hare been, or are in his hands, to the Clerk of the court from which such execution issued, as directed by the second section of this act it shall be the duty of such Clerk to institute suit on the bond of such MicrifT or Coroner, for the purpose of recover trig al! such costs accounted for, which arc, or otiiht to be in the hands of suci'i Sher iff or Coroner. And all recoveries had on such suit shall be paid to the Clerk in stituting the same. And it shall be the duty of Ihc Attorney-Ccneral and the So licitors in their Superior Courts, and of the Countv Solicitors in their Courts of ritus anil Qu.nter Sessions, to prosecute such suits to jiitifjmertt. lie it further enacted. That all sums of money recovered or received by the Clerk of anv court bv virtue ef this act, be an additional fund for the purpose of more fully currying into effect the act to wiiiih this is a supplement ; any law to the con trary notwithstanding. Dittreming Guoa.'y Mm Warten burg, aged about 12 years, died yesterday morning in consetpjence of injury sus tained by ncr uoiiics accidental! caich iiiS frc, fn Tuesday last. Her younger sister was also much burnt in attempting her rescue ; and Mr Miers, a respecta ble mechanic, and a lodger in the house, who went to their assistance, and f.nallv extinguished the fire by lolling the de ceased in the carpet, suffered so severely. as will probably injure if not defeat his means ol livelihood. I he irequcp'-y ol unhappy accidents like thest, should in duce great camion and prudence. The de ceased, and her sister, are tt phans; they were residing ith the sister ef their rle ceastd mother, Mrs. Schrocdcr, in Amen street ; who keenly leels this sudden and awful deprivation. -CAgj. Cc.vr.--r. Tht application of young nr'Irs to parts ..ffected with even the most violent the't matism. is ntd to b t-'tn tnrr