i s gyL .v. I'M. ill ISl.NGHAM h VV II1TK. Ti ll'ii : The subscription to the Wi.sri nx a i; ir.i S jh 'Anv halUvs per annum, pat able h..!l'j early in alliance. CTj No paper will be ilaa-ontinitril until ull arrearages aro pan!, miles'. i,t the discretion of the KiliUtrxi and nut '',. --iber f;i1trj- ) fis o liotiee of his tih f i t'tine a' 'he i ml of a year, will be oirsi'U rc I ' wish irr i' continue the paper, which will be sent aci:u'il'M,"!v. Whoever will Income n-snotivhle for the payme'it i'f nine p.ip.-r ,, receive, a tenth An i.MTiiti.n ! ts will he irwr'irl on the en-., tutiniry terms. ' .'.I'l't'iunt viulni;' in Adver tj"fii!'Mit;;, must specify lit nun her of times they w ish llielli inserted, or they will In- '.on'imied till ordered out, and ch..rgcd accordingly. No advertisement invrtid until it h:is been pVul (or, or it payment as-mined by icime pi rson in this town, or its vicinity. Cj All Ittttisto the editors must lie pu.-'l aid or 'hcv will nut lie a'tciided to. Slut i' vV .Yiv-V-nvtiuui, Mt cKi.pM Lite, covvrv SlTKIil'Mt Cimrt of Law, Tali finn, i: .lane Kerr vj. William Kerr lYti'.ion for Thvnicc and Aliii.nnt . It uppca'iiijr to court, that W illiam Kerr rt sirtcs without the limits of tint state : ihdmd, th-t puhliration hi- made in Wit Maraud W vsttrn Carolinian nevt 4 papers for three mouths, that uiilc the said William Kerr do m.iki- his a .'pcaranee at tin.' last Supe rior" Cnnrt of I. aw, to he In 1 1 fur tlie comity of Hecklcnhnr;,. at the Court-House in Charlotte, en the tith Monday after the 4th Monday ol Man h, 1SJ.J, and answer, plead, or demur, t laid petition, tin same will he laard t.v parte, ml s iiti lire and a decree ma le according to the pn t-r thereof. A ropv, t-st. .K . (.UAII VM, (7A-. 2",x't7 I,ricr ",v- C n AKRl'S tOVNTY. StTKUKUt Court of Law, r..ll Term, IS.'.', s.ir.ih HraiKhaw, ti. Kh lirjdaaw ....IMitmn for Divorce, fdid at spring ti rm, l-S I! ap peannij to the satisfaction of the court, that the ! tend.iiit is n it an inhahitant of (his s!a'e : ih. lti"l, thrrt fore, tliat puhhc'lon hi- tnide i.l llie Wrs'rrn Carolinian, and If ih ih I! if Vcr, for thn e nunilhs, that the defendant :pprar at the xt Sutenor Court of Law, to Ik held fi,r the coun'v of Caharrus, on the Till Mnml a a(!ir the !;h Moudiv in MareS nevt, 'lien and th'-r-to lea I to said petition, otherwise it vu', he Leard ts parte, and decreed a cord.n ;lv. J. M. H H lllsiiN, C. 4. C. Hml-Il. I'riee adv. SL M II COCS TV. (mi Iff of r.ipiitv, September Term, IS.'. . I'plir.nm (.reeiihe it. J. .hit Mailui, and others; uri',i,al lldl. It aniioi arini; to the s.it- ist ieiiou of the -ourt, that .Mm M irtui, one of the d. f. ml.iiiis, is not an iiiiuii.t jut ( f thi, S:,.tc, :t is then tun- . i . that publication he made ui the Wni.m dr .! c: .: lor th,i e month sue- iss v. Ji, th.it the .JetV I.,; nit, Juh; Marin, ap. i ir it our lie t Court of F.ipiitt In he hi Id t"r the count) t,t I'mke, at lin: Court-llmise in Mor iiilnn, on the ..u . Mm,.', iv of M ireii in t, th-ii and there ti jdead, answer, or di mur, or jui'.il.elit pin ii.ldv ,.o w ill he intvr.'d ag.iiu t huii. and I e heard c parte lis-, A L. LKWIN. C.L'M. 11. I r. Ll'jJ. a:-.: vdv. St rr.h'loU C n i f I Kill Term, 1 .' ' Viliiiin Zjiiur, t. J. im Kduaris .,m'. tlf. s I' dttards... r:;".i.:.l if .i !,mi ii! V. at. r.'l'.varlt - vte'ii i-.. ;i t,,rt:i. in:; to tke .i'if h 'm.h ol the co art, thi! t io de fen, bin's are inoahiinu'.s ,t jno'l.er - '.ite ; It e. theiel'.re onh re ! In (he t'.nal, that puhliration he n ile in .o .'..'. j (",ir.,.'i,n.i.i f'r three tnoiitlis, that t!.e ih IV iu'..i:i's appear ..t the l.c ;oi;-riiir Coutt !' I aw, 'o ! held lor the e- u'i IV of Ash'', at the C.iurt-lloiis in Jeili rs e, en ific thitd Moi. ,!.,;, in March in M, thenar.! 'Jure to ph ,cl, aiis ' i r r demur, oilu rr: e jir! -pm ,;t j ro col li n v. ill l e entered. I, D n id Larin s', t 'lei v of the Sej., rinrt o irt :! ...u s.i.,1, do cn'.i') tiial the fete-ruii:;; is a true n t el' the tttor.it of sni I court. Test. 1 1. I AUNTS T, ('..'. eW;ft ..'rr ieM::.-t :ii' fcUU VuvI.Vuyi)va, ' I.INC 'I (.' IM. V J'..'... I..-...I.-.F I r- w., 4 II t.-1 I i. 1 colt Ki is ! r, : . the hi irs ot I ,, ..in;e l.ei.v tU r, ih c :..,ei! t)ric;,ii;d r.i',1 i f Ci.ii.pL.'.i.t. It app. ani'.j Io tbe satsfa 'i, u .;' the c.u.r', tli.it Jniin Lei.'. I. r, no. ol the l.i i: s iu.iu. f4 in ti.e '.oil, thus l.nt resale w'.diin tlie l.ni'sol t'ois s'.ale : 1 is then fore onh red, that publication he iii .de tor three inonl lis wit cessit ely in the Wt s'irn ( arohliiaii, that t.i.h si the laid John Kei .tier prrsiinalK upper ii) the ne; curt of li.j..!, to he held tor the county uf l.it.iohi, at the Court-House in Line ilnto.i, on thi lo ut'i M.ni l..v after the 4th Monday of l..nh lic.M, then nod tin re to plead, inisi r or demur, judgment pro totifi sst Will be t..kt It and plead e parte a. t Imn. A true enpv. :'mt M lest. JAMF.S IIII.I, C..U. L. I'l-'cf adv. fs 1. Vv Vuvvv-i Uvwwvd. I I AN awa (run ue, L.tih, l.,h lwnn(i 1 an .ipprvinvc to tin: vmi ini.kii.p. He iv . 1 or 17 i ..rs ol,!, and has a s!u i pMi, ..p;eantiiee. All per in art Iniuiddcii ti'her :.i tn.st him on mt account, Oi' In imploy him t n his ! account, a' their peril. .inilN KlNDtR. .I. .VS70.V WiTKL, IN hAldslllUY, NOItTI! CAIIOI.INA, 1!V riTlllS elegant estahlishinen. situated at the 3 noith corner of the Conn-House, is nov. lilted Up i.i a dew und superior stvle, tijr tlie r eeption oi' ( aiuii.iny. The jrrvatcst pains hav heen taken to ( runne tor this eitaldi.iliuii lit, furniture of i-very ilcirriptioii, luTeviary for the cntiifurt of 'I'ravi Hers. 'I he must approved b't. vant'i have heen seleeled, with (;reat cares the har stocked w ith ( lioiee li'pioin, and the stahles attended hv ohli'uiand attentive hostlers. The coiiveli'eni e of this situation for husilies. is eipial to any in the p!ac. Tlie house contains a num. her of private rooms, w ell ca!eu!aled for tlie c. foii.niudatiim of. Iravelleis an. I tSo:i (! rs ; at. (ached u 1 1 i i h there is a Dri (.ood and llool; Mo: e, I'o thine who n.ay please to call on him, !.e a zures them that ho pains tdiall he spared to reii'ier teir s'av eoiid'oitahle and pleasing. JAMliS Ht IK. 0.7. .'I 7, l.v'. IVMI'.S fi. IIAMI'TON' respectfully informs the puhlic, that lie occupies the old shop formerly ow le d ht his Cither, on Main-street, a l.-v; doors south of tlie Court - Mouse, Salishun , v. ln-re he i.s tio'i prepared, with a jjood set .f tool-s to repair .ill l.iin! of IV.ITCIIHS v CLOCKS. lie te-vif. s all v, ho itiav favor him v it It their custom, that th. ir work shall be executed in as K'ood a st!e a-, at any i.lher shop in this part of the country. All kin.U ol' old Jewelry repair d, and s line kinds inHe, Jobs of rvcrv ih scrip'i.ni in his line of liusiniss, w ill he thankfully rercit ed, and cu-cuti il on a short notice. I'eople w ho reside at a distance, by hendin;f, tnav depend on l-tin their v. n:k as f iithfulh a'tended to :.im. returned, as tbuue;!i they W ere present and ou'i; tlie oh! est ahliihed !;ilishurv prim charjjed. AV;,V,i.r.-, , 1.!, ;-.'.. ' -t CIIAIIJ MA KIM., . !t lJ;,t nrcll, .V. ('. fliir. s ihsi rili. is respec.tully aeijuaii.t the 1 cili. i... ,,f the wi ,ti rn jiart of North-Carolina, ami the continues parts of South C'arohiia, thai thi V hate cuuiuieiu i d the above mentioned business, whi.h Ihcy v. ill carry on witii pnnctii ulity ami ih s;.at. h. I heV Haiti r tliem.i It i-s that, i their issidu ity and ipplrt-ttion," thi v v. II be enabled to do ample justice to their ciliph.t els. M AU I IN C. I'lliri.li, W M CI I. VI ltllilK. N. II. S'e n-H'i.irds neallv ornamented, with (Tuilt or paint, eM cuteil at the shortest notice. jiicJnl-'i, Dt.'.A, 13 I Jwt.ti HH WtA-.vvs Wc'wnvA. ON tile S' tenlh dat of this month, ,e,i I'll- broke i... I in this county and t -ea-ped. lie u ..s in. iU r sentence of ii. ath. . Nii C'-irr, v.i ll kicn in o.;r mnit i f justice fir I. s darilii: xill.iniis., is about aO Jt .trs of a;,'", si f. it or upu .mfs hi.h, vie pro por ta, m il and !...nd June, I.i ht hair, of a plc.isin.j i"iintoii.iiii.c, and c a y a I Ires .. lie wore a while lint and blue bri a 1 cloth mat ; but it is expectid he v. ill i:l,an;'T hisdriss. He il (nii.j of d ink and of c.irds. The above reward w i!i he pu n to anv pi r-..ii who w ill appri la ud the aidCi.:-t and col '., I,. I.i. n io :u V j.ul in the Ciuti,'. Mti , so t'.. - h Hi..-, be l,i ,i 'it , justi.-e. A1.I I N t il l., ' .. .v. tf c , .'. i r !.'. ! .:..-." u.tU The l .'i'i.rsi.l nev pi per, in Kcnto k, 1 en in s-rc, t.i or; i.i in. ! Al.i'iar.ia, will p. ..haps ren der a hus.T.t to itcUty, by puh!L.hii the f.ue goiinr ill their icou rs, . ! AN AW A fismi in' I'lait at, on, in I amas. I I t I'isTh i, Smith t an'Iin i, on the Atii t S. .t. a in ro 1, 1! iw by the ii-nue t: ' r. lie i. a "out or . i irs o, are. s I, el - or j in- j shi .li. i f a r in.i'.e. th.i v si,;e, thlow s ti. ! ).. i . . lei s '('., . s wiiti c', ii -i.i, .'.it le ei.ii . , nc" v !., u cu'v re ie;r, h is a sore on the '.oili if I. Iieht loo' v hieh is at le.isent .lit t. i'i:r .iiiidm,; ar i.. larj.ji r than a i. ' ,e tn, re t.'.l's. !mt be w ars a sliov i n ih.;' I'.m t. I pv.vha.i'd I'e'i r litun Mr Join) K i i 1 1 i,t, v.ho liioul.t him from tl.-..n ;e i . iit, N. t . io nr the Ca-.i . 11 hue. In return- ii. to that place, he will probably he lodged in soil.e j.i I ; and in that coud'.tioii, I expect, will i'.i a;, his i.am.' and ow ner. Any viilor who i;uy I. ate l.iut Hi CC'.od', will ph a-e lureil a I'.llf to the s-Jisci'iIh r, al l.ihi it) 11,11, I a:u':iter I lis trio', S. C, t i hieh sacislattnrv acklum h'll.C li.mts sh ,11 he I .mh ied. JtillN iitMH II. , t.i, '.T Sl,p) x' V.n fWll I. ef.te n,- hiif! i l dollars n n ar I for Oi, ti. f. .-I it. ii i.l u voi'ie kiui. lit the hillllt of W ii. a 11 M. ore, and h's .'.eiitt rv to nit at .1 I ; s b I tt.li.-. :.', er W il'.esh.ir')', N. C. - :th .!.. io.i.i) and ,p..j,ei- In' 'tide; til $5'J for I. I.e. ah, ne. I he Mid VV.II'atn ;..ore s',oe front lot , on tile 1." Il October Ji'r5, tojjetlier v, it It lev l.orket book and papers. T here Were tie veil ioi'.ell .r hills nil the I llited Malts I'.ahh, and one J: ) bill in Ti Iliiessa'C I. .one) . lie is about 5 f..tl ,i .r (.i iin In s liij-h, 'ark cuinph xinr, black lii-ard, w.me oi his 1ms; let ill rather det ay. cd, i tcniarkaMv w eil nvt.lt, buas's a ntu deal on r.iliiiinr;, and is bard to 'eat j is fond of .spir its, in..! alt op 'her tptile a plausible fellow. .Vr. lb.2. l iwl'.i I.I.IiOY IIAI!.. SuliJm-; (ht. II, IS'2. Ir. n'F.liS reldirss. d to )hf Sherill'of lfo .ttl A ciiniitt, oi, i dii ial Imsine-.s, must hers. alt. r he .,.'-,'..ui.', or tin t v ill Pot lie utteiidi d l". As dele are feat limtihcrs of lettt pi addrcs. (1 to me Ii mui other t niinties, !vc. I liaNclimnd it ne cessary to adopt tins course in order to aave u.v st If the expense of pa) injj rather an nneonif.ii-l-ahle s un in the tours, of a t ar, to tilt sole hi n elit of (.'.her Jic't'le'it pockets. VAMVLiL JU.NXS. cucit. nr. f BIAMI'I.KT U CHAPMAN liuve jimt receiv I ed, per the Steam lioat i'er lh- and MM i'f thlrant, the, articles as under, w hich thev will s. II low fur CASH or IIAIM'KI!, at their'store ei Market-street. '2.5IW husht Is Salt, 1 ,'K() lbs. Sugars 5WJ lbs. Collee 5 hdds. Molassc 20 cask h Cheese '.10 kej(H Nailn '25 bids. Maekartl 20 bids. Northern lium 2 puncheons .lama'ca do. ps. Cotton llaxxm 1 cask Spanish Indigo Cases of ool Hats 'JjO pair lueu'il coarse shoes ; Together with a general as-,oitinei,t of Dry (joikIs, Hardware, Crockery, and (ilas W'ure. Cash given for Cotton, fallow, llees-W hx, and Flal-ueed, Cfunnv, January 1, 18J.1. Gt'12 cnr.ii.ity, v. c I TI'U for sale, at their (More in Front-street, " " a lar'e and general ajs irtu.etit of intr-uonns, ll. l H DM A Ht Sir. wholesale or retail, for cash, at such prices ai cannot tail to suit purchasers; who are solicited to call and j'ldtfc for thctust Ives. I he lcj,di l market price paid lor Cotton and cviry specie of count rv produce. CA.io.e. J.iniHin, I, IS::. fit-!.! ON Thut -da), the loth of February ne.t, will be sold, at the residence; of the sub scriber, 10 mileg w est of Salisbiirt, on the slu r ril's Ford road, nineteen NFtdtMliS, consis'iii ol men, women, hots and ;'' A '..so, several horses, kc. ftc. and about 4'V'OO Pis. cotton in the seed. Terms of sale, six months credit, the purchaser scan. ni; pa) incut by buiul, wii'n ap proved security, before the proper) v is altered. ALLMANIJ II M l . laudii Vunntu, Jan. I I, IS.'.!. owt'il FfflHK. suliscrihcr has for sale a in w W'aon, I with a full si t of (cars for lour burses. Ala., thewimd works of two wagons. All of which l.e w ill tell low for cash, or corn. JOHN IlKAHH. cn. j,m. i a, is::..-4f io Uvu IKi'iiv. rildK subscriber infoitDs the public, that the 1 DVF.IM; of Ill.L F. will be earned o i at hi hoiiie, the prev1'1 seasnn, by Mrs F.h I'l. th Dickey, at 12f rents cheaper in the pound, than it has ever bu n done for in this part of the country. The .vice for tlie best iju.ihtv, will he C.:t cents per pound ; for the sii oud ipiahty, j'luiits. I'i rsjtis at a distance, hy si n.Hiijj tie il .mi, b) po,t or otherw iat , sjieeil', .n:; llie ipedity of the dye, ni.ii th p nd ii.oli I .ivi.ij; l!u t wors done ai f..ithlu!l, a. id with as and permanent colors, as if they th liuiliis were present j and when finished, will bo re turned to them, by sin Ii coiitevaiice as they ia . direct, on settling the charges for tl t iny. JOHN IT L I ON. .Ve'..n-e, Jan. 17, lb: j'.'U Vnsi nuA sSwvuvyn. fMIIF. citizens of llowan, and the adjacent I ciui"ics, are rtspectln'ly informed, tli.it I) -s st bonis i? M'AH'.-f have united th n.si vv in the pro t ee of 'I'.NC ' .Sl lfir.lil. M,itni''',Jan. 7, lit.'.!. Jw t'.lS I'. S. Dr. Schools In jes h ate to inform his friends and the public, that applicants lor ad t ice w ill v l hiin nu-. t with ihsapnoiotnu nt ; as Dr. M'At'ee, or buns. II, dl generally In. I nind i.t their i, dice i'.c.c p.. ft ol tilt- dot. (, ;r7v0 v HoCT six weeks ao, n n. in by the t ame t.f John James I'li'ler, a sho. m iker b) trail. , :e d .n.fi ssosj; i,.ii (o lie a sinpoi iu..st. i, v ,:li his tt ile and child, came to mv boos. , and al.cr liiii, w it It n.c durili,; the aboi e lilci.'ioiu d t.ine, and ttiue; into in) debt to the au.oiii.l ol I., eii t' lit e dollars, b.isrK abscoi'ded, on the n ,;'ht ol the i::li install', without paying tne. lie wore aw.iy a b'aik eo-l an,', pantaloons and has tvilli him a daid cloak, lined wiihrvii n H.,iiik1. His wife, Marianne, cotunionlv wore atlmktd ,t;iiu Ii, and the i laid, fahout 1 i months old,) one of a rrtl color. They are tenptratt , as f.r as I know, i.e vi r having thank any spirits while re. sidiii;- t ilh me. 'flu) w tut aw a) in a j,ic:, v. ith a bat horse. I le description of these p. rsoiis and of tin ,; conduct, is published, to p. it the puhl'c oo their (juard, ami prevent o;!u : IV.. o, heinjr sw uilhd by then in tile manner which I have been. JOHN MILI.F.K. ffs-. o- (n:,y, J..n. lf, 1S.V.. .Ut'.i'Ji' iv.u .Vc;i;Ys)vM. (10MMI n i'.l) to the jail in Salislmi v, on the 1 1. It inst. a liecni man and his wife, The fellow' name is JO; he is about ;U )ear old, ttas raised and formerly owned by Mrs. Kelly, near this place i sat s his last Diastrr's name is John Janice Dixon, w ho lives near Mitrfreeshoro' in Uuthcrfjid county, I'tnnewr. .?,.ii.i, or .hiita, as she calls herself, th wife of thp above ncjro fellow, &ays her master's nvtie is Jolm I Imtn; son, who idso live near MiiHYccsbnro', lYnnc'sec. I'he owner lire desired toprote tiroperty, pay cbarp , and take these negroes aw at, or they will be hul.l according to law, for j.id'ficilj SAM'L. JONK.S, fihrnf. Salisbury, X.C. Jan. 27, 1823. dt W M)TICK. II'OHEW AliN nil pcrsum from tradine;fora note, t,iveii hy run in April last, to t.i tirjrc C.rt clixtav, 'if the state of 1 enncsee, forixtv .Itill.irs due on the SVhof Uct-cmher, 18.'2': which I am tletcrmincd not to put, as it was ohlaiiici! lisr linsouiid pi-opertv. DAVID ULl.D. r-j 17, 11?3.-t'4'J AfMUCUIniKAL. W i.- r'; hC ' , ",'T . Hail 1 first of Arts, smirt c of domestic ease ; Pride of the land, and patron of 'lie :,e.ti. From the Vermont Weekly Mcsaeiiep r. SrV.V.V OF .1 J'OOU VAUMIUI. II - m-tes his; tit'jxviog htt.d i;i tlie fall :i:h1 his pastures early in the 'priny, and consetjncntly ruins !0t!i. Some of h-i urn s arc miit h p ist their prime. He neglects to krrjj the din;; and the ground frcn the sills of his huildings. -t' .J it cost ht ii twenty d"l l -.rs to make n pairs, when noc doll-ir wi.rdi uf work would have heen sufli cicTit, if p i h.rmed at a kisurc time- 10 tears heiort. lie tnws and nlants jh'n hi' d until it ii cxhausteel lufnre I he thinks of tn.inuiint;. lie has gen erally too tnuiii stock nd nia-iy oi tht iit imruh. 1 1 r is alvajs sure to have a good i! al of Make and p.ole fence. Ile fcavs he cannot farm it for it ant of money ; this 'n frequently the i tsc wi iij;oi;d f.t.mrrs; hut you may know a sloven bv his it attention to jl:ttlc thine.1- his children's !v es are spoilt J fur w.itu of shoe-Eti iiU;s to tie 1 them, or l'.ir v. ant tf a hale tallow to i :. u t'. ciii--h s door hin;-e o r.ii-s fl I r uani of a nail, and the door is d. sti vtd rrthe want t! a hinge, and j l;ii mow is trampled i mid gortd lor want ol a door, and all tl 'j loss is oc casion d hy r.ot 'itnelv dnvii-g and t lent l int; a single nail. N ithinp; is in older he has a place 1 ' :. .ihmjr. : nd iKdhino; is in its pl.ur. II .e w ants a gimbltt, a chisel, or h.imir.ri, In- hunts up chamber, .nit it the bum and corn house, in the cupboard, and 1 tst', when he has spent more time ia pursuit than it takes him to do the job, lie finds it down rcll.tr. He keeps no stock of the smallest things if a but ton or bid to a pad gives way. or a kt v to a V'ke, or a pin to a sled, or an ae, a string or swingcl to a flail, or eteitsj tooth io a rake, he has none to replace them. He seldom does any thing in stormy w rather, or in an eve ning, and is sure too keep no memo randum of little jobs that arc to be done. You w ill perhaps hear of his groaning aboct hard times frequently in a bar-room. Death and the tax gatherer he know s must come ; yet he makes no provision fi r either of them. Although ht has heen on a piece of land for 20 years, ask him for a graft it! apple, and he w ill tell )on that he tould not raise them, for he nnrr had in L Ills indi lenre and cart less r.ess subject bint t-i fit,';.' aaiJr'its- ..sts s.iap and rider for want ol a hoop in the tnid't i f his plowing his ph .ugh breaks b cause it was not holl oed and when l.e is reaping away limn home his hogs break i.U his gar den for want of an j.ddhiond board. He does tint take advantage of his bu siness by driving il when he can, and consequently he is like the old wo man's son, " sc busy th:t he r:nrr J:es (,'v (kiit'' or at least he seldom f.r.-i-hes any thing before lu begins an o'her, and thetelore brings little to pass, and is often io be seen in a great hurry, lie is seldom neat in his per son, and will sit down to table himself w ithout combing his hair, and suffer his children to do so w ithout washing their h..ndsr.d laces. He Irequentiy drives his c idt: with a club, and is generally late to public worship his children are apt to be late at school, ami their books are totn and dirty he is care less ; his children Mod domestics are so too. As he has no enterprise, so he has no money. If be must have money, he frequently makes great sac rifices to get it ; anil as he is slack in payments, and buys altogether on cred it, he pays through the nose for every thir.g. lie wants forethought, econo my ;.nd exertion. In finca poor far mer, in tlie strict sense of the w ord, is a poor creature he is a pour husband tu:d a poor citizen. A good farmer may be poor, but a poor farmer can not act his prt well; in other wcrds, he cannot be good H a man or as a christi;!.-. A. LAWS OF N. OAltOLIXA. AM ACT For the relief of d h'o.s for debts which may be contract d uf'cr 'oe 1 ,1 day of May licit. If it enartfil ii Hi? Cfirrul.1sHiir.iln f thr Stute f A'C'i Cuf-.ii ,n. und il in hi re by enueled I'I lite an!vmif if the tame, I hat when tny debtor or debtors shall he tiken upon tiny capias ad satisfaciendum, for unv debt contracted either by note, hill, bond, open account or otherwise, af ter the first day of Miy n-xt, and. shall be desirous to take the benefit of the, natlt prrsri ibed for the relief of in-niwi.t ('(h'Ms. ,r of rendering a full .ind lii; .! d-.,le of his property, it shall and may l;i la viol for fcueh debtor or I'tMois to UT.fler .o ti.t she i iff of the county- his l .wlul deputy, coroner, or tin y ont;;'lc, I v whom hc.st e. or they tnuy havr been taken, a bond or bonds, puyalde to the. p.ntv at whose hstanre the rre,t wae, made, with c-ood and sufficient sccutiiie in twite the amount of the debt, condi lioncd for bis appearance at the next court, to which the execution will he re turnable, then and there to stand to and abide by tucli proceedings as may be had hy the court, in relation to his, Iter or .heir taking the benefit of this act ; unci in case of failure to appear, judgment shall be entered up instatitrr upon said bond, against the principal and hi scan i ties, to be discharged' upon the payment of the debt and costs; mil when an exe cution issues (hereon, neither of the de fend ints shall be entitled tu the benefit of .his act : Provided, That if either ol the parties to the said bond slul! be desirous to hate an issue tnarlc up ainj ,ultnintd to a jury, a jury ahall be immediately ini-panm-lled to try such issue, and the plea of a nou est factum shall only be receiv ed upon the partv nuking oath of its ver ity, -ind :vwdul Jjrtlu r, if it shall oft niale appear saiislac torily to said ourt, that s.dd dtlnor or debtors are prevented from am tiding roua bv sickness or other i i.tise. to be judged of by the court, the case shall be coniinued over to the otxt rourt, at yliith trrm the s.mif p eed intrs shdll be hd, as if he h.ifl ' p' '"'d at the first tei m. And f roi 'iiltd hrr, if such debtr.i ot debtors shall oi in the niran time, it shall be n ubseKr.t 'ij c harge of said bond or bonds : Prvvid'J, f.e. erthilesi, That when any debtor or debtors shall betaken as aforesaid wiil.irt twenty days cf the sitting of said court, said bond shall be conditioned for his, hirer their appearance at the succeed ing term of the court aforesaid : Prmded divai, that when any capias ad satisfaci endum shall be directed to any constable, and he shall take bond s aforesaid, such bond shall be conditioned for the defend ant's appearance to the county court of the county in which such constable re sides. II. Be it further enaeteJ, That upon such debtor or debtors tendering stich bond oi bonds, it shall be the dun of such sheriff, oepuiv, cotoncr or constable, as the case may be, to release him, her or them front confinement or custody ; any law, usage or custom to the contrary no: wi'hstanding. III. De it further enacted. That it ahall be lawful for the said security to surren der the ptincipal in discharge of himself, in open eouit of the county to which the ea. i.i. i leturnahle, or to the sheriff, er other ofTn er. as the c,e msy be. of dd count, -tiit the security is l.t iti.'. ..u- Itl.oiued f exetrise all the power, wnich ;,v law special hil have over their princi pal. IV. De it cfArr rnarttd. That upon the appedi,iir tl sm h debtor or debtors at the court ului..iil, it shall be lv lul for him, her or them, cither in person or by attorney, to move the court to be ad mitted to take the oaili prescribed for the relief of insolvent debtors, or io swcr to the schedule, picious!y filed with the clerk of siJ couit. agreeably to tne pro visions t f this act, hereinafter coiiuincd ; and it shall be the dutv of said court, up on such debtor or debtors inakiii it, .iji pear to them that at least ten days nou. o has been given, in writing to his, her or their creditors, or their agent oralloiney, of the intention to avail him, her or them selves of the benefit of this act, to admin ister the oath prescribed for the benefit of insolvent deb'.o'.s ; or, to s'vear him, her or them to the schedule aforesaid, (as the case may be,) and to drcct the clerk to make an entry of the same up-.n his minutes; which shall exempt the body or bodies of such debtor or drb'nrs from imprisonment for debt, in all the cases where nolice may have been given to the creditors ; which notices shall ha filed with the clerk of said court : Pr:vi. Jul, nrvertkeleti, if any creditor or cred itors, shall suggest any fuu.lor om rai ment of property, money t.r c fit its, it shall be the dmv ol the couu to .linct an issue to be oat up and Hud bv n ju rt the f:r'.t term, before such debtor

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