.., -:.)rr, ) j ' n '.!! ili.' psrti.-s 'till he un til I'Hi'eil Icr I he n1 f u' ii issue, itii' ,;otut may niii'irux: the Sail.?, under the sain. rii". ii't'i r':,i;u!,4ios hy which suits at law me nw continued. Arid if the is.iid juiy shall fuidtb.t 'here is . 1 1 v fraud, Of riniceiilmctit, of it' s.ti.l debtor cr debt 01 ahall fail or refuse, to answer upon Oath, or i!' the s.it l debtor or debtors shall fail to make it appear to court, that he, she or they have given the ticct ssarv no tice to the creditor or creditors at whose instance he, she or they tuny have been arrested, or to their agent or attorney, then, and in that case, the said debtor or debtors shall be deemed, in the custody of tho sheriff, and the court shall adjudge that he she or they be imprisoned until a foil and fair disclosure of all the money, property or effects be made bv said debt, or or debtors, and until he, she or they bate iveii the necessary notice as afore said, to be judged or by the court. V. And be it further enacted, ' hat when any debtor or dcbtois, taken upon any espial ad satisfaciendum, as aforesaid, shall be desirous to render a Lir schedule of liis, her or their property and effects, he, she or they shall file the same with the i Ink of the court, at least ten days before the sitting of the court at which he proposes to avail himself of this act. und that upon his being permitted to swear to the said schedule, the same pro ceedings shall be had thereon as may be had on schedules fded under the law now in force. VI. fir i: further enacted. That no per son shall be imprisoned upon any capias ad satisfaciendum for any debt contracted offer thr first dav of Mav next, who will comptv with the requisites of this act, exf-pt in cases of fraud and concealment hei in before mentioned ; any law, usage or ustom to the contrary notwithstami in. V: I. .1uJ be it Jurther enacted, That it shall be lawful for the creditor, on the tri ! of anv isue before the jury under the provisions of thi, act, to have the debtor examined on oath before the said jury. VIII. Be it further enacted. That all Jaws, and clauses of laws, coming within the meaning and purview of this act, be, and ihe same are hereby repealed. COAGW.SS. furusa dissm SiVliTtllTH rnsniust. IH0 Tit UlTIUSAl ISTil.LK.lM.lB. SKX.tTE. um-i-he consideration, in committee of Thursday, jas. 16 ihe Jscnate re- , , c . r st i i Lni imio ii.auuii iiic ihcii ai uic iiuoiiw en- the "hole, Mr. Shith. of Maryland, in i ' . . . , 1 , e .mi i.i- v.- ipcr.se ii their respective departments ; the chair, ol the hill f) abolish imprison- ' r .. . ' . ,, . . , f , . i i n- a so, to furnish catalogues oi all books inent for debt, and the amendments offer- ,. , . , ,h . , ,. d thereto which have been purchased at the public Mr. Muts.of Massachusetts, rose, and exP.rn'e n 1 1 r ',cttUc P-""' entrrrd at larpe into the questions pre-! ?,Jll"K ,he U,nd T'" S-Uth ' ten-rd by the subject-submitting the ! (' e" P'rureJ c-r during thr r..,on, whv he could not Ko, and arRU. vears ; was.aken upand a -reed to. men's aKMinstKoin, to the extent prop I ,Mr: N- V offered for sed by the bill; the difficulties -h.ch I Option .he lobowin resou,10n : would arise in the practical operation of', --'W. Il.at the Comnntt.c ontomn.rrr.- . . . . be iutrue'ed to iiKiuire and renurt to t hi !I.iim-, so broad a measure, the embaiassiiif its, , ...... . r . . ,. i . . . ,, , , uhethtr .he proviions ot n aet of Parliament in which it would inoIc our esja'Jishcu ot- rvlt frit, ?MV., 3,1, j.(V (l AuKu,t, and nicely adjusted system of jtirbpru-1 122, o far a ihr) impose certain duties, upon tience, ScC. the proihii lof the C. MaVs pavuijj into Lou, r Mr. BARBoLR, of Virpinia, totk. tV.c ! ( d"n the 1,'iver St. Utri nee, or other- opposite Kround, and, in a speech of more v.ew ioexprta.,ou, are not re,ltt. ' . tunt to ex st.iij treatit lie.wet n this cuuntry inan an nour s ienKm, strenuously mam-; tained the justice and expediency of the ! proposed measure, in its Rreatest latitude, 1 so far at least as retrards the ordinary class j of debtors, but excepting all those who become debtors by any of the various wavs which constitute breaches of trust which latter he looked upon as criminals, I deserving punishment, rather than as u:i fortunatcs. entitlrd to commiseration. Of the ubtiti!tes offered to the bill, he pre- terred that proposen by .sir. as uchkn, exceptinsr its features of prospective ap plication, which he objected to, and main tained the justice of making the bill ap plicable to all debts, past and to come. U hrn Mr. II. concluded, the bill was pos'poned to to-morrow ; and ' he Senate adjourned. FRIDAY, JAN. Ii. Mr. NMlTII.Ct S. .,, .. ""lii.v. C. rose, and in speech of considerable , ,l j .1. ' , , : iTnuh tijjiuseu iiic una 111 i'jiwi arm i c plird to its advocates. He vindicated the principles and tho wisdom of the com mon law, and opposed any innovation up on it ; contended that there was in thi country no suv.li v'ui,, in t krtiu, , . 4.1 . . latter, nine times in ten, deserved no com miseration, as their want r princi ple or of prudence often inflicted on oth ers fur more- distress, than they themselves suH". u ' 5c Sic M: Holmes, of Maine speke a 6hort time, on the practical en'crt and operation of the bill, and of the substitutes propo sed avowing himself favorable to the gener.d principle, and suggesting such provision, as he thought would pro'iablv accomplish it, so as to produce the most good with the fewest disadvantages ; for he (Impaired of framing such a law as svould exclude horn its benefits the frau dulent, while it protected the liberty and limi ts of 1 he bout st. Mi. Van Hires delivered an argu ment of more than an hour's length, in pt isonmrnt for debt, but if there was, the I f esv 1; That the exports have, duvin the state were compete tit to remedy the evil, ' w Pf"'"'. amounted .0 fir J.l'iu.J.si. of h-eh if it was one; maintained that creditors! Tf S"'?' . . . . ,, . , , , . ( re t -'reipti artirles , hs' "t b ilono-stir r. had rights as well as debtors, and that the , .-...i,., c;ao?,.qii - in ,,,;,, nuppor! of tiic object o! the bill lie laid down t! c prim '.pie tnat nr pi isoir.licnt lor lebt, as piMcii'.ed in this rorntry, is in operative ks remedy, unnecessarily ri gorous, unjust, and ought to be abolished, in regard to dcbtois involving no fraud or 'npah of trust to the public or un indi vidual, and this piinciple he defended whh much earnestness, lie reviewed the dif ferent amendments o He red, pointing out the defects of those offered by the other gentlemen, and sustaining the expedien cy of adopting the principles and provis ions cmbiaced in his own substitute -When he had concluded The bill was laid on the tab!?, on the motion of Mr. Van Uvur; and, about l o'clock, the Senate adjourned to Monday. Monday, Jan. 20 The Senate took up thr, following resolution offered by Mr. Jonssos, of Louisiana, on Friday last : Hetoh-ed, That the Committee on the Post Of fice and Post Iliads he instructed to inquire in to the expediency of repairing the mad road from New-Orleans to Nashville, and of establish, ing ferries at the water course on the. route, or of making bridge over them, so as to facilitate the conveyance of the mail to ami from New Hrhatiis; ami, ils, to inquire iut the expedien cy of repairing the national road commencing at Madisonville, in the state of Louisiana, and ter minating' at Florence, on the Tennessee river, and into the propriety of providing for the con. veyance of the mad on the said route, in cover ed carriages. IIOLSE ()Y IIF.PKF.SRNTATIVES. Friday, jan. 17. Mr. Lincoln, of Maine, otic led the following .tsuiution. which will, of course, lie on the tame one day : Hrtiihrd, 'I hat the Secretaries of the Depart ment of Mate, the Tre4iiry, War ami Navy, be directed severally to inform this Mouse what new papers, journal nd other periodical ptihli. rations are taken at the public expense in their respective departments i also, to furnish cata logues of all hooks rvliirh have been purchased, at the pubiic expense in their respective dt part mints, stalini: the Titles ami once of s i Ii a have heen procured by each during the last six J cars. On motion of Mr. Hooss, it was llt fdvrd,. That the Committee on Military Af fair be instructed to inquire into the expedien cy of repairing the fort at Smitliville, X. Caroli na, or to tre't new fortifications at a more suit able tite. , Monday, jan. CO Mr. Fl'LLeu, from the I omminee on Military Affairs, made a report, anompanicd by " a bill to fix and tender permanent the Naval Peace establishment of the United States;" which bill was twice read and committed. The resolution of Mr. Lincoln, of Maine, calling on the Secretaries of the State, the Treasury. W ar and Navy De partmenis to inform this House what i'PPcrs. joutna s, and hcr period.- ,,..vu, ,iri, M,u r a XloU,iim f our rl.t to the free n.oih'Vnm of the hVer-M. lavwrenre, and w h it me.-,irt "ht-in rrp. d r 1 are expedient to he tak-n to niitd.l'u iiUoii of said n !, or of nv o'dier said aet of 1'arliament, so tar a their protivions vliall lie found detrimental to our mm. merce, or repugnant t rights secured to us bv trti'v or rational law, or what rounten ailin.' prr.vinr.ns msy be expedient on the part of the 1 I m On motion of Mr. McNrtt.t, it was .' '. f !, t hat t' r Committee on the l'it Of. f.Cf ami 'ik Itoads, be iustrurtrd to inipiirr in l' the e.ptdienry of o arrS'iKine; the post route Jfmm Favrt'eville, to sVadesSornuph, that it will return hy FleaM Store, Allrnton, Sterl Mdls, aiul Heti.uae' store. The Sveakkr communicated a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury con taining statements of the commerce und navigation of tho United States, during "-I.v.. .n,i;ni,nn,k. -n,K w .... M , .l. r i. 'V'"" lS-2, of which the followinj is the con- elusion : From these statements, it appears tlit the imports, during the t-ar endint.' on the Vuh of I Srpletnlier, 1HJJ, have amounted to Ss'.-'-Jl,. I 541, of hii h amount 76,95)4. 131 were impor vessel, and S.V-H-1G6 'n lreign vesst -U-, ami. of the foreit-n articles exported, $,?. .5 5 wt-re rsponeu in American, anil liir in foreign vessel: Thai Hr,Kjl tons of Ann rican shipping entered, and 811,7 l't ch ared from the port ot the t iuttd Statrs- nml th.. 1V..S41 tons of fiireiifn shipping mu red, '."0,4'' el'Mred rom the ports of the I nite.i Mates dunnfc' 'lie wine period. Inimrnse ImiiKs of Coal, nf un ct-.c-lent (piality, have hct-u disiovrifd . liout fifty miles above St. Stephens, in Alahi nia, and near the falls of l'uscai.ios 1, in the Same State. It is spoken of as l,err after forming a valuable ari'n le ol export to other Slates, and to the West Indies. It is lie si 1 ibed as lring -b)'-:iir to t:ie Viiynia Coal, nod full) epi.d to that us ually imported from Liveipool. INTEMaKJENCM. lie comes, thr- herald of a noisy world, New front all nations lumb'rihg ut bis hack. Lute from Old and Nnu Spain, . VIA HAVANA. ciiAiu.ESTON, jan. 16. By the schr. l.ud'na, Capt. UitooKiNCft, arrived last evening in 10 days from Havana, we have received from our obliging correspondent, the Gazettes of that place to the 4th inst. I hey contain extracts from Old and New Spain, of later date than before received. The Cadiz accounts arc to the 2.1th of Nov. und from Vera Cruz they arc to the I Uh ult. The accounts given in the Havana pa pers from Madrid, although brought down to the 15th of Nov. do not appear, from a hasty perusal, to be of much in terest. Should we find imy thing, oti a re-perusal, worth translating, it shall Lc given in our next. Under dale of Cadiz, Q tlli November, a private letter says, " I have just heard by a patrooti in 10 days from Barcelona, (hat the factionists of Catalonia have evacuated Sco de Urgcl, the national troops having presented themselves in that neighborhood and occupied the place." I he Spanish schr. Amahle ''ereiu, which arrived at Havana on the 2Ttli ult. brought accounts from Mexico to the middle of Dee By these, it appears that Gen. Da tii.a. 'he former Commandant of Vera ' i..z, wis to sail from that port shortly af'.er liei that IilreiDE was still in Ja lap, wiiere he had iud an interview with Gen Santa Asa, why, having been bad- . ly teteived, and ordered to proceed under i arrest to Mexico, immediately returned ' to Vera Cruz, here be has since, at the bend of hi, troops, PROCLAI M LI) THE , RF.I'tBLK AN GOVERNMENT, and das published under date of the 3d ult. a 1 Ion; manifesto to the exican nation ; and on the 6th. he also published a letter to , I TV k bide, in which he details the scrvi ce he had rendered, to make him Empe ror, but finding that he had infringed up on his oath, and the treaties of Iguala and Cordova, he was now obliged to proclaim the Hefiublic, which he did among 2000 bayonets, and the most sincere applause und vivas. This spirit of opposition to Itibbidk, had also extended itself into the interior if Mexico, and Gen. Santa Ana, had been joined by several divis ions of the army. A flag of truce was i sent to the Custle of St. Juan de Uloa, by Gen. Santa Asa, but the only answer received was, that a more liberal inter chance between the Castle and the city, would be acceded to. On the 10th December, Gen. Santa Ana left Vera Cruz. 10 attack I cntvAH in. Governor of Jalapa, who was at Sole dad, short of provisions. On the 4th, rlie regimen'. No. 6, marched from the City of Mexico, lor Sati Luis, where the re publican standard had also been raised, under the Marmiis of Jaral. ' he U. S. corvette JJm ,l!an:i, Capt ssiiaw, arrived at Havana the day Le- fore the t.ui'.m sailed, last from 1 anipi-1 co. I he U. S. schr. h'n enr, Lieut. Lk- vv, had been cruising on the roast of Flor-1 ida, in company wild the V. S. icveniic j schr. I.ouiiiana, Capt. Jackson ; and wa ! when last i eard from, .it M ituttzas. KLIOU'TIO.Y LY.VI.XH a. January li). I he intelligence of this event, icccntly received from Vera Cruz, via IliVdiia, is confirmed by accounts re- rt.1 r.r SL. I.u tit. ..... ...... I. . n 1 1 - .1 ' 1 11 I he letter Ironi a correspondent on board I .1. 1 , , r ; the JLn .fdumt, and extracts (mm our H. .l r 1 . I avana papers, throw some light upon j .1.:. ...1 1 una 9uijet.i. liy papers rrceivrd st Ilavani from sera LrtiA to the '22c. Dec. it uppears that the Repuhlii an party, heaJed hy An tonio Lopez de Santa Ana, is gaining strength. Citizen Guadaluupe Victoria is, by his order, apjointed second in com mand. The order is dated second tear of the Independence, and the first of lib erty. The same revolutionary move ments have taken place in the province of San Luis. Citizen General Santa Ana, is marching triumphantly into the inte rior, as mav be seen by the following communication, under date of Vera Cruz, 20th Drr. ISJ2. . i Eternal firaitc be ffivm t) t'.e Arwj e.J l)r.';vrrert. 1 Citizen Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. lbr.linS( nj nMt'frr't the upper part of t trie Army otr)cl.vc.en,wr,ics,hU1)f.1(10 a,orn, ;lC exmn without General ot me what follows I bis moment, 3 o'clock in the morning, 1 h.i.f- .'.teen hw mriiru t K . tis.it. Pln .lrl Nio.l und asn h.'i.m - -u... , :, r,,r,l ,nee. ilr,.v,l,. 'i .rr-. n ,r ,.r! artillery. The firing lasted about an ' hour and a hair, and I have observed that ' side, " wounded only, have been presr n- Ju7 M,a" lh;!t "" have carefully ex ted .0 roe. This I inform sou of. fr "m,n,d rhe- ?rai U y' d-i5,r0VlT " ,ouro.vns..tisraction,andth.,tofthet.K)ps : marks of v.elcnce upon it. I hey have under j our command, and of the coinnui- witnesses in the ja.l. nitv at larRe. So fortunate an event urc nnan.nioi.s y of opuuon and de otiuhlto I,e celebrated in a proper ma.,- !?, that whilst they believe the d,t net, and the notice of itci.culated ilwough-! pi.souers in said jail is suf- out the province under my command'.-! fic,rLm , M,PPorl nf rf' ,l;c-v conM ; (r d and 1 ihrrtli r!:ui (h i tiio, Dec. 19, 13. AN' 1 (i.MO l.i)l'K.. UK SANTA ANA. Directed to Citizen Pedro Mtnlcna, ! Hr.gadier and 0v.of eia f-'nj. ' 1 sis'enre of e rh prisoner. I he Jurors I C'lmmunii ate the siuc to the faith- i afoicsaid are of opinion, that this boy Ro Jul troops and inhabitants of this plarc"jctr canjcin his death yesterday between and province, who are so rnuc.Ii interested in the welfare of the Nation, for their own satisfaction, and in order to show how vis ibly heaven has interfered to protect the cause of liberty) which we have embra ced, mid will never desert. PEDRO MADF.N' V. Vera Cruz, December 20. l'KIVATE CORIlESI'OXnEXCE. F.xtrait of u letter from un offi reran board the If. S. Canute Inm Anx,dtitedat Havana, Jan. 10. "We arrived at this place on the 3d inst. from Vera Cm, Tainpiro, after a long and boisterous passage of 38 davs from the former poit, with Mr, Poinsett, of your city, on board, and we ate now only waiting a wind to take our depar- tu i e for Norfolk. 1 have littlt of impor tance to communicate, except some cir cumstances which occurred about the time of lumiuj' Mexico, (CJd ult.) A short time previous to our sailing, an in surrection broke out in Mexico, beaded by Santa Ana, the Governor of Vet;. Cruz, which appeared likely to terminate successfully, as four other provinces had co-operated with him, with a view of put ting down the usurper Itutbiile ; the whole empire, indeed, was in a stale of confo sion. The celebrated soldier and patriot, Vittoria, had come out from his reiiic ment, where he had fir a long time re mained dormant ; arid the hopes and pray ers of every liberal and enlightened man, were put up for hi success. There is little doubt, I think, but that cuiitriy will be revolutionized in les than six months. Our government, I owever, will doubtless be soon correctly informed of the exact state of glTirs in that quarter. Ill gotten power is ever precarious s :nd such is the precise situation of Iturbide he must eventually fallfor his is a government without system, und without 1 iws ; except such as imperious and vi ril oit drspotis-n has established farimpeii.il purposes. His influence over the liiiiliiig soldicrv tarried him to the throne ; without hw or justice, he proclaimed himself lunprror of Mexico, and dissolved the Congress, which had been elected by the pimple. To a new Congress, funned bv himself, he proposed to establish Militai y Ti ibti iials throughout the Lmpirc,to ronsist of two officers and a Lawyer, of his oivti choice, who were to bear stirh rank and titles as he in his good pleasure should think proper to grant. This military rcuit were to have full power and prii lege to try, condemn and execute, w ho ever it iniht adjudge guilty of exciting dissentions amongst the people, or speak ing unfavorable of the Lmperor, or the State. 1 his monstrous stride of military despoli'm exceeds any thing within the range of my historical reading. But Mexico owes her delivery from its thial dom, to a spirited Congress, who firmly and eloquently rejected the proposition, as contrary to reason, to justice, and to ihe welfare of the people. Kvery friend to liberty, and to rational freedom, must wish success to Vittotia. " I'. S. The brig S.urt has just arriv Ccl here, with the loss of Lieutenants Ni cholson and Newcon.b ; I'urscr Fanning, Midshipman Whittle, and Mr. Davis, Captain's ITcrk ; all with the fever, since die left home " In the mi'lit of I fe vi c an: in death." On Ntw-Years's morning, a man by the name of F.chcrt, of llaveock town ship, in this county, was inst.ntancously j killed, by the discharge of a gun. I he partial ars ol this nieiaiu holv ca- , , , .. tnstrophc were related I" the ei.itor if this ' , , , . , , p iper, bv a respected li lend, and tire as . . , .. , , follows ; A number ol voting men had assembled on new-year's morning toushcr in the new year, by hiing whu h e be- heve to be a general piacti.e, among the ( j 1 Gernuns in our country ; Mr.I.chcit had a load in his gun, wbiil. had not been j used for some time, and in mnscrpitnre of not being able to get it off, took the barrel from the stork and very impru dently placed it in the mouth of a stove, after the barrel had become almost red hot, and without discharging the load he took it out, and strange ys it may appear, placed a live coal in the int,7z!e of the gun, ami commenced blowing it ; nt this instant the gun went off, u.M dreadful to relate, the whole of its contents enured his mouth and passed out at the back part of his head, carrying away nearly nil his expiri a groan. fjctjk i,t ,v.-n Dem.-crat. flea'hfnm Cold -On Wednesday, the R'h hc Coroner of the eity of Rich- moml hc,d,an i",l,,,r5t ?n ,he t"1 b"?v J nrU V?.e bRing to A .ner Herd, in jail the day belore. t he irriiitaiiim.mtui i'iuii ici oay, lou Milan in cpiantity, and objectionable in kind, when thev have reference to the sum allowed the jailor by law for the support und sub 11 und 12 o'clock, from extreme suffer ing with cold, it appearing in proof, that he was without clothes of any kind on hii, body, and at night had no blanket, 1101 covering, other than wheat straw: So the Jurors aforesaid are well satisfied this boy Robert came to his death from the cause aforesaid, and not otherwise." More properly i'uii groit inhawanity. Singular Occurrence. In a county of Pennsylvania, situate between the Dula waru and Schuylkill, in the early part of December, a muscular, athletic young fTnan, feeling that inclination for society, which is natural and proper, visited at the house of a farmer, whose daughter pos sessed the charms to excite the inclina tion of some other young men of the vi cinityand on the same evening several met at the same place. After a variety of conversation, and some boasts of strength and agility, a trifling wager was laid, that the young lady could throw him at a wrestling match ! She reluctantly, no doubt, engaged in the contest ; arid aftor a few trips, succeeded in giving him a fair fall. Unfortunately, he was unable to rise, or muke the least exertion, without the most excruciating pain ! The spec tators of his fall succeeded in putting him on a bed, sent for a neighboring sur gcsn, who found the patient in much dis tiess, and on examination discovered that a dislocation of the tnigh at the hip j int upwards and backwuds, had taken place. By the assistance of four men, it was re duced, and the young man is in a fair way of recovery undoubtedly much chagiin cd at bis defeat by one of the weaker se: l)olentjjn Cor. MOtt'lCHACV. The " Ihrnn" Printing Office, b Richmond, was forcibly entered on the 27th nit. by 15 or 20 persons, masked. and otherwise disguised, at the hour X midnight. They assaulted the proprie tor, beat the compositors, threw down tho types, demolished the fixtures, and did every thing they could to destroy the es tablishment. One of the police officers is said to have been present, and calmly observed the spectacle. The party then rr tired to enjoy the repose of a v.eet r;i. acitnee after hnn'jrabte lalor. I'harlrttm Courier. It'asiini;t'in, Jau 12. A bill was yes terday reported in the llvuse of Repre sentatives for organizing the Naval Peace Kstablishment ; by which it is proposed that the Establishment shall consist or tie; Roar Admiral, five Commodore, twenty five Captains, thirty Mastets Com mandant, one hundred and ninety Lieu tenants, twenty Sailing Masters, four hun dred Midshipmen, thirty-five Surgeons, fort v five Surgeons" Mates, forty Pursers, six Chaplains, twenty Boatswains, twenty Gunner, fifteen Carpenters, fifteen Sail m.ikers, and of all other Officers, Petty Officers, Seamen, &c, a number not ex ceeding th.ee thousand five hundred The bill contains many other provisions of great importance to the interests of the Navy. We have given only the giound work of the system. .A of. lite!. The bill yesterday reported in the House of Representatives to regulate the Post OlTn e F.staMishment, resembles, a good ileal, the bill of the last Session, which pissed the House of Representa tives, and was rejected in the Sena'e The most impoit.int part of the bill is that which proposes to cause the commissions of all Postmasters to expire within this year, and to make all future appointments to be lor a term of four vears, when the same persons way be re-appointed, prc- . . . . . . 1 l,fy :re not in arrears to tnc gov- em ment. n proposes aio .o uae aar i.e. '..1.. .rf...i.:. r ..11 r ...... . me iivrui ui iiaiiftiio- iiu'n an ,utr i.atii.- tivc Officers except the Heads of Depart ments. a. 7Vie J,-v. are building a new synagogue at Philadelphia ; it it now under roof. In the south eat corner stone, was deposited the coins oJ' the country, and a plate, with the following inscription : "The cornerstone of a home ronseented to tin; worship of Almighty (.oil Jehovah, hy the .vngregaliun Kal Kadosh Miekve Israel, is pla ced in ils bed hv John Moss, 011 the 11th ily p' Tri.sti, Anno Mnndi, 5j,:3. coiicsoonding to th? 2(' ih,v of September, in the 7 year of the Inilependcnre of tho I'nited States of Anicrira .lames Stmirue iiemg iresii'.rnt, mid iianit i li. Tompk'.iis li e President of t!i t'nite I State" of America, and Jioierdi HeisU-r (iovcrnor e,f the ('oiiinnmueal'.li of Penr.sv KaJiia. Tlii hap pv eoiin'.ry. in wh'uh reUioni ar. 1 civil liberty is secured to its inhabitant, is now at peare with the whole world i may that enjoyment long en dure, and the integrity of th! government, ant', the reign ef ' virtue, liberty unit independence" he triumphant until "the wreck of matter and the crush uf worlds." Aftrr this follows the names of the building committee, &c. The Rank of the United States, 00 the 6th instant, declared a dividend of tvo and a half per tent, for the last six months on the capital slock of the institution. MOUNT VESUVIUS. Accounts fiom Naples mention, that in the recent eruption of this mountain, ma ny farms have hecn totally destroyed, and upwards of 2000 peasants have had their dwellings burnt.

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