ii 5 :,, j im wmhi . Qn."..i- , I. i owifm ni.w?Ttw l ! J! I !(.' r t'iv Mm n.ij'ii' s Vj h!k Utu tnl ii-.''m a:,lmi".... 'f'i (It i to conceive M. Simoml, in hi tiavi h in Switerlamlj how the runs ilet rathe, ctmucctcii us it it with the recollections of eml lif., it l:aur.'( and iu attachments, atnf recall iiijf tlie plare, the tilings, the persons with whui the iiidiviihiitt early unitetl, might pu fi-fully a.iTrct the Swiss ptasnit, when Car nr moved from hit ovn country, and liii luppy bowe. ll fore the revolution or France, thit tun. wan f irbiihlrn to bi' jUvt-cl by tlie ban Is of t'ir '.n regiments nerving in that countr). Fi t it vkt no utieommuii thaijj to fuul une or more of llie poor t'i'Il ,ws, alWr the playing tif tTif t iwt (At tin Am, cumposetlly lay tlovtn his am and instantly walk home to the place of K birth.) From 7Wmoi' lllunrntioni 0 .Ifictioit. HANZ DRS VACIIF.7 hiititid. Oil! vihen shall I see, now distant tYom ffic, The swttt hhxmuuf bowers Of inlaiicy'i hours ? The icetief of my youth, affection, am! trutli, Our mow-piled mountains, The ilirystalied fountains Our rtdlcvs of freedom, the pride of the earth Oh ! when vlu.II I be, Helvetia, with thee ' The clime of my sires the land of my birth J JDcar objects of love, wherever 1 rove. My father, my mother, My siter, my brother Afld her lov'd so well, the young I-nbelle, Memory's fond trrsujre Of infantile pleamirr, Jo vfclleyt of freedom, the pride of the earth! Oh ! when i'uII 1 be, Helvetia, by thee . The dime of my sirts the land of my birth. THE EVF.Y1XG ST.ill, Tlvu lovely orb ! nritin I had '1 liv br;(fhr, yet pensive ncenutitf rriy, No iiiddly bn-aking thro' tlie paJe A 'id fading hue of iliy Th'- parple tint has left the hreivt yon blue summit, dim nd far; And !y retiring, leaves the utkt To thy mild reign, sweet star! How oft beneath thy early liht, F.r planet, have 1 sirsy'd at even ; TV hen hope, I ke thee, soiling1 bright And life, von cloutlhrj heav'it 1 ThoSi- days of U'ss are mine no more 1 ife al:tri, looks not now as then ; 0, 'me can ne'er my jo restore, Irr Lop deceive again ' 7c' still, this saiden'd bosom fceis A thrill of momentary bhis, Vhtn niciii'ry's whivper on tnc iei'.j In twilight hour like this. 'ar ' how welcome then the hour, W inn thou awak'st tl.v maiden sn.ih. V hen. freed from arrow's cl.afiiing power, Mvo.d is blt awhile- ' ltrvT V.Wrwcts, Jir. Variety N h- vey :oce f I ff, I hat ifive it alt iuttor. fan tiu mromi . TUT. TH IX f J.OH FRS. j questing him to discontinue his visits, j pi, ture. L-dv S . -iT 11; w a set-sitih . " Will yo.i buy m flower said a ' ibe wept over it a flood of tears ; hut , artful and agree able, but had 1 cither neat l.tlle girl addrcssu g herself to a she w as resolute until s'n -had d spin h-! sense nor art enough w make I im y 11 g lady in Chcsnut Street, and hdd-1 d the note to his residence. Tin n she 1 think her so agree Jde as his w ilc. ing out at the same time a small basket , repented of it, and then again n as ned . When she had left him tired f acting 0 ntaining some nsrs, " they arc new - j hv.re!t into the belief that she had ac- the nmmsv while she had in reahtv iy blown and fresh ; buy a red ne for j ted right. Sre waited for the result ;'dl the slights ot a ife, .'nd 11 ii u r your hair. Miss; here's one that w ill ! not ithout many anxiously cherished est with him the o pnsin. n nCcLttdto loi k delichtful entwined amonc those 1 hones that he would call for an enla- rrv no hi r virtue, nnd the t hbratinni. pretty locks." " INot ;. rose, my child,", nation. Uut she only lenmrcl tl.it the the king had to her r r cor.-it.tiig (,jimi:"u" u,m "'""h" 111 aaidielady, "th-re are thorns amimg note was delivered into his hanjs; and seem his n.is tes-, w hile in n alitv'sh. r'r"c4' a hvtdv pleasure whenever it th.m butVll take this litdle flower, ; about a month afterwards In sailed for h..d c fir 1 d him to mere friendship I hunderetl. The Tmkish Spy, who it look so lovely and sweet ; ch, it's a j England. This was an end to the mat- a iid-cuious pntence. as he was . 'ell us he would rail er enr.unti r-i li F'.rget me not!' " Pardon mc, Miss,";lcr. Charles went into !)uinm t 1.,m n an n the world to Lur taste lor j01' 5" ,1C ,e;;c,ts lf A'.-! ia, ptovided renbed the child. ' that flower is n?a-! Liverpool, but never married, anil 1 tall nt mer.is. . 1 d that ith nwi.. Mu' butaswoid in his hand, th;s . 1 . . cm. i" wnom: " 10 master 1 T t H 'I' Ca rles Ltland.' "Charles Leland,; lite to th care of her ;ge d mother, indeed," said the lady, " w ell but here's J and ministering to the want.se I the ai other, what a beautiful pair!" 41 They 'poor and distressed around htr. are both for that gentle man," said the! At-ut forty years alter I.tland left litdegrl "On, a fig for him," said the j Philadelphia, Harriet paid a visit to y ong lady, but an arch smile played New-York, and dining m : large ccm upon her cheek, as she said it, anil 1 pany otic day, an old gentleman, v. ho something sparkled in her beautiful i it seems was a bachelor, bt ing called dark eye that told a tale her hps rtfus-(upon to defend the fraternity to which cd . utter, while she ingeniou?lv be belonged from the nsptrs'nns r.l m ukd both the favorite flowers, and some cf the vourger and nioie form - returned them to the basket; then ' ch im p jr a Utile bunch of r. sen she! vvalkul homi,ltaviug the flower giil to Isit the r-st of her cost imrs. Love is impatient; and Harriet coun- ted the tedious non trs as she sat at h window an 1 listened for the w ell k wn rap- The clock struck nine, a 'vet Leland did not appear; she thought she had been neglerted of late, I. .1.1 fl It m i men me nowu. vr unrw trrv rcre iavorius f hers, auu Jic thought O U'.fi .C If.f'U Hti.il illi lllfu a, uUa U' ar him nay, H rr'nH, I'orijvt tut not, ,uutJ ho a swen atuncmci.t for any ittlc tIVnccs punt. But once the "might stole on her bosom, perhaps :ifv arc destined tor another. She iaiiiuhed with ;t si;h, ;iivl it h..rdly ts jptd hircro Chatlea Ltland cnterrtl. S.'ie rose to receive hitn,und he yi:mly luok her hand " Atct iit, saiu in', " in v humhlc 1 iTcrinp and Inrgct uc Harriet interrupted him .tho attempt i d to place a llower in her bo-i'iin 'where is the other," said she, as she playfully put hack bh hand. A mo mentsiletice eniued ; Charles ap'pi ar fd embarrassed, nd Harriet rccollctt inf her"elf, blushed deeply and turned ijfl; but the flower was nut ofhred gain, and Charles had only said for get me. l his could not have been iiU he in tended to say ; but mutual reserve ren dered the remainder -f the event g . old, formal and insipid j and when Le i .nd t'-ok leave, Harriet felt more than ever clis-utislirtl. As it was not yet late in the evening, she resolved to dis sipate the melancholy that this little in terview, in spite of all her efforts to laugh at it, kit on her mind, by spend ing a few minutes at u neighb .r's, whose three dtughters were her most inti mate friends. The youtigcst cf these ladies was a gay and interesting girl; .mil was the first to meet and welcome hr friend, hut as she held out her hand. Harriet discovered u little flowtr in it, it was a Forget me not;" she examined it it was one of Lcl .nd's ; the mark she had made upon it when she took it from the basket of the fhver girl, was there. This was at the moment an unfortunate discovery. S"'e h.d heard that Chatles frequently visited this iamily, and that he even paid at tention to .lane ; hut she had never be fore believed il; and now she thutlcler ed at the idea of admitting that for once rumor told truth. " Where did you get this pretty fl wer, Jmir," said she; " Of a he:iti,tobe sure." said.Ianc, anhly; don't )ou hte--" Fcrgd v:t H5f," and as she took haik tnc llow r, 1 should not like to till where 1 got it; I'll wear it on my bosom t ough cotr.t: sii.g : I'll dearly love that pretty flower, For h' ouii lalcc who hid nie keep it I'll v. ear it in inv be mi's " Hush, ,1 mr," said Haniet, in.errup ting her, "my hcd aches, and your j more doubtful afterwards : the forimr singing distracts me," " Ah f it's your ( he distinguished very near as s'.rn,and he;trt," said .Jar.e, " or you would not never deviated from it. Hi under loi.ksod.di" " Will, ifitis my heart," standing was not near s dcf.t ietit, its s..id Harriet, as she turned to conceal it was imagined; bu; though his char her tears, " it docs n t brcunie a friend acter changid txtremelv in the wotld, totrifle with it." Sheinlended toon-1 it was wiih ut foundation ; for wheth vey a double meaning in this reply, cr he deserved to be so much ridicu but it was r.ot taken, and .is soon as led as he had been in ti e former part possible he returned home. ' of his reign, or so respected as in the A sleepless night followed ; and the latter, he was consistent in himsi If.and TVS or t K. (IvMtnlvl k-Mit It k .. I. 'f-. 1.. H II, 1 " , " a"v 'b' '" Mt' . , , . L , . , ! bhe had engaged her hand to Liland i six months btf re ; the time appointed mixture of parade in tlu m : he tn a , for their union w as approaching fast j ted mv lady Suffolk, and afterwards and he acted thus ! " If he w ants tn br Lady Y .rmoutli, as his mi'-trrs-.c s, freed firm his engagement, said she ,m nersru, "iwm gve rtm no ir u - 'ble."nnd she sat down and wrotc.rr - i t I.' .. t -M i- '. . . II . : I : I . .1 .... 1 I iiarriei remained sn kic ; urotui ner nate part of the company, told a story about Philadelphia, and a courtship and ;.n engagement, which he alltgrcl was hn ktn i fl v bis canrii ious mis- tress, for no other reason than his of- j firing her a new blown Fit get me-nct, ; six wei ks be fore she w.is to h. e been made his w ife. " But was there nnoth er cause," isked Harriet, u ho sat r rarh opposite the stranger, at d eyed him .fc. n intenM run. sm " iscne. to n v 1 knowledge, as Heaven is my witness" -'"Ihru wkit did you do with the I othci tl .vv-rj" said Hat r'atthe strnn- gt-r gazed with astonishment ; H was Leland himself, and he recognired his Harriet, though almost half a century had passed since they had met, and the mischief made by the twin flower, was all explained away, and might have boen forty years before, had Charles said he had lost one of the frorget mc nots, or h id .lane said she found it. The old couple never married, but they corresponded constantly afterwards, k I alwa)8thoiight Ihrrictlooked happi er after this meeting than ever ihe did before. Now I have only to say, at the con clusion of mv story, to the juvenile reader, never let an attachment b- ah runtlv hr ken off: let an interview and a candid exnlanati -n speedily follow every misunderstando'tr. l or the ten- d-rest and mst valuable aitVcti- n when won, will be the easiest wounded, and believe, there is much truth in Tom Moore's sentiment : " A something light as air a look, A word unkind or wrongly taken The love- that tempest l ever shook, A breath a touch like this has shaken." I.KTHilT fHOf THE MEMOIIts OF GKOIU.E H. HT LOUD WiLi'UU. The king had fewer sensations of revenge, or, at least, knew how to herd i' em better than .:nv man w ho ever sat upon a throne. The insult he experienced from his own, .nd those I'bliged servants, never provoked him enough to make bi n venture the re pose of his people or his own. If any object of his hate fell in his way, he did 1. ot pique himself upon heroic for giveness, but would indulge it at the expense of his integrity, tln-ugh not of his safety n- .a r. 1 Innprl ktrirflv e was reckoned strictly honest; but the burning of his father's will nvst be an 1 delible blt upon his memory; as a mu.h later iustai.ee of his refusing to pardon a young man who hid been c .r.demned .it Oxford for a most trifling forgery, contrary to all example, when n commended tu mercy h" the judgr merelv Ltcause Willis, w ho wa-. ..: t hi d to tli .- Prince of Wales, had tru d him, and ;issund h.m his pardon will stjuip Ms name ,u.crueo,i,.o s ,., r . , . u,-, position w.,smrrcilul, if theollc nee w as lrt ,,,! r ii;, a,,rfl rki not murder. His .nana v as mncn , with cruelty, tho gh ! general 1 la uis I ess 1 qv 1 vocal than his Oir.-ge : he h id dist nguished '.ne latter early ; it grew liuiiouuiv nicrii..ri.,u r .oSu,u. u. other passio.s w ere, Germany, the at - mv, and women. U th the hitter had while he admired only the Qot c-n ; and -.1. , i.ever ilescrned wh tln- tliougiitwas 'a handsome woman hut he drew her , - . . . . . . . , man wlu yasclcat: l.aii i .irir.tulh w.,s in.-iTcr.sivr. and att.miv,- , nlv ol.-n.iirr l.im. :!lnl to sillinrr t i-raPf. 1 ! r 1 - j w hf m ver she had an oiinortunil v. The - lf ,. . i..t .., n .1 1 u f . Mini 11 rnu wvi 11 ruiimi u imiu ii.ii iii i 1 . ... . ' g verring him hy address ; and it was not then known how easily he was to be governed hy fear. Indeed, there were few arts hy which he was not go verncd at some time cr tthcrof his life ; for not to mention die late Duki of Argv le, v ho grew a favorite f y im posing himself upon him for brave ; n.r lord Wilmington, who impost d h-msclf upon him for the Lord knot's what; the qui en govt ir.ul him by dis simulation, by vfhclrd tindcrn'ss and def. rente : Sir llobet t Wnlpole by abil ities and ir fluei ic in the house of com mons; Lord Granv l'e by flatterii g him in his German politics; the Dukt ft Ni v castle hyte zinp and betray irp Inn; 1W. Pilhm l.y InlWiij' bin the only man by whom Mr. Ptlhara was not bullied h'unself. Who.iridecd, I had not sometimes weight wall the king, except his children and m mis-! und torgive me you are tlie peopu tresses? With them he maintained I who lower religion in the eyes id its all the reserve and majesty of his rank. 1 enemies. The openly profane, the He had the haughtiness of Henry the j avowed enemies ot God and goodness, eighth, without his spirit ; the avarice ! confirm the truths they mean to oppose, of' Heurv the seventh, without his ex- ; illustrate the doctrines they deny, anii ' - . I- I .1 I . -I I! I actions; the indignities ot -Lliarles tnc ; first, without his bigotry for his pre-, lieve. Hut yon, like an inadequate rogative ; the vexations of King Wil- and faithless prop, overturn the edifice liam, with as little skill in the manage- which you pretend to support. When mcnt of parties ; and the gruss gallant- an acute and keen eyed infidel ineas ry f his father, without his good na- tires your lives with the rule by which ture or his honesty : he might, per- you profess to walk ; he finds so little haps, have been honest, if In: had nev- analogy between them, the copy is so er hated his father, or had ever Lveil unlike th pattern, that thi3 inconstan. h':s son I'OUCE OV I MAC! NATION. Many have itnagiu ul Unir limbs to be mad.; of glass, of wax, he. of enor mous size, and of fantastic d shape ; and others have even fancied them selves (bad. In the memoir of count D" Maure pas, published last ye.tr, wc fndan ac cou'it of a most singular hypochondri ac iu the person of the I'rince of llour hon ; he once imagined himself . hare, and Wf.uld not suiler a bed to be rung in his palace, est the noise should drive him to the woods ; at another time he fancied himself to be a ;, ;uvd as he stood in the garden insisted on being watered. He sometimes -afterwards thought he was i.'.Xt.', ref.ised nourish ment, for which he said he had no fur ther occasi .11. This w him w mild have proved fatal, if his friend had not on trived to di-guise t"'" i -.ons, who were introduced to h'ni .n his grand fa her and i;r.-Uuli Luxemburg, and who, after some conversation eoi ceru- ii'ir trie Miides, ltn iteu turn to tunc Willi niaiSllal llirtnilC. vur I1P() - 1 11 r .... t - I. . . lliOUUII.il. IDilUweu l.irui lil'tJ .ilii. 'I prepared for the purr c, v. hi re hi mad; a hearty meal. While tins turn of disorder prevailed, he always (iir.cd in the cellar with some noble ghsi. We are also informed, that this strange malady did not incapacitate him for business, especially when his interest sionsntustaspecbl..tivt,reasonirgsun wasconcerneJ.Thisa". countTs drawn ' tlc draw from such premises ? Is i; from the Appendix to the Monthly any wonder that such phrases as a bru Review for December, 1795. ' ken spirit, a contrite heart, poverty i l Fcrhans antipathies. m.iv not unapt- . M'irit. refraining the soul, keeping i; ..a amoncst the t'ilectBol the- ' l'l-cul amongst tnctincts 01 toe niacina-.ion. Chevran observes, there . are certain na urai antipatnies unicni""NW3i sul" imiuinam um. appear very extnordin .rv. of whi h : brines are a "stumbling block" t pr, he eives several instances. There I fessing Christians, who cannot alwavs have b-.en persons who have fainted at 'idourif roses: ( tliirs, with grea ter re ison, q iU the table at (he smell of cheese; and I have teen more than r,e .jerson trtial. before a lap-dog. A ma t was so i rij-1 lined at the si"ht of a hedgthog, that he thought lor more than two years ifteru arils, that Ids bowels were gnawed by am- m il. The great F.rasmus" had sMch r' enjoins good habits and righi mo an aversion to f;-h that he could not, lives: it seldom inculcates those splen m fi'er the smell without growini; k vt r- did deeds whiih make heroes, or those ish. If apples were ofl red to Dm hes- !"n;dirg sentences wjiuh constitute nc, stcretarv of Fraiu'.i the Fit si, I r,'i'"snrhcrs ; but it e njoin-i the hardc: the blood i"''u-d from his lips, and a gentle; n an hetoiurit to t! Linp 1 tor I r en.n and, was convulse ; w i t tu tr j he heard the mewing ol a t at. Hen I ry III. cf France, ceuld iif-t sit in a ! room whi le a cat w as. The Duke of Schomhi-rg h.ul the s aiir.- aversion V. nghm im, th Klect.-.r's huntsman at Hanovir, f..ir. ted r ran ;tway at the sight if a roasted pi,'. The philj sophical Hoyle foul 1 r.ct rorqaer a stroi g aversion to the soui.d of w ater nini.ing thro', a pipe! I. a Mothc le Vaver could rot scihr the sound of 1: .1 l, L.. 1 I-. I tiu.Lr T iu 1 1 1. 1 1 .11 ! r craw line on him in il.e 1 I to'(1;,rK. .b'iciousiy uv en c mat ii.cn 11 1 l f . ' " 'f " ' 1 '" 1 .t li I tlllIV0 K I V 1 M V llinon 1 i in manv nun. lie lie liuniiiuriiuslv ;it- - I 1 . . I . . . . . I. . . I. a . I . . a . . . . . A uiouiea li.eui iu n c mnuuiv 11 111c transmigration of the soul, and stippo ses himself to have hem once a fly, be fore he came into his hotly, and that having been frequently persecuted w ilh spiders in that state, he still remained n clrei.d of his old tnemy, and which a1! the circumstances of his present metamorphoses were not alle to efface. In a word, these antipathies are so far Irom being uncommon, that I doubt, not, every one can recollect persons who are susceptible of such affections. T.XTft.lCTS nuioiovi. I shall conclude these loose and im niethodical hints with a gener 1 nd ibess 10 ihrst who content themselves with a decent profession of the doc- triocs; ifistcaiiof auiUgcnt discharge ot the amies 01 nribiunuy. ucntve, accompisr.n me preuicuuus mey uiboc- ry ol yours is the pass turougn winch his most dangerous attu k is made. . And I must confess, that, of all the arguments, which the malignant indus try of infidelity has been able to mus ter, the conduct of professing Chris, thins seems ro me to be the. only ci.e which is really capable of staggering 3 man of sense. lie hears of a spnitu al and self-denying religion ; he reads the beatitudes ; he observes that th. grand artillery of the Gospel is plan ted against pride. He then turns ta the transcript of this perfect original; the lives which pretend to be fashioned by it. There he sees, with triumphal;: derision, that pride, self-love, scli'-su;-f.cieuey, unbounded personal expencc, and an inordinate appetite for pleasure, are reputable vices in the eyes of thor. who acknowledge the truth of the Christian doctrines. He weighs that, meekness to w hich a blessing is prom ised, with that arrogai ce which is too common to be very dishonourable. !! compares that mm-conformity to th world, .hich the liiblc makes the cri terion of a believer, with that rage for I MniiKinwrlt tinlrh tfim I'unt 1, ! r-.l : ' , , i.,,..,,.,,. ,t. . Christian. .11.- n. . 1- - - - (itises the self-denying and lowly char acter of the Author of our faith with the sensual practices of his follower,. He f.ndi little resemblance between the restraints prescribed, and the grat ifications indulged in. What ci-nclii- low, and casting down high im.g,,,. o . b h. tions,shouldbe to the unbi hever' h u.- . i 1 ;t: 1, ! c-rdially relish a religion which pio fessedlv tells them it was sent to stain the pride of human glory, and to in- till VI l " ' JIHIL 1 liwl.- tfinrr ? Hut though the passive and self-denying virtues are not high in the esteem of good sort i f people, yet tht v arc ! peculiarly the evangelical virtues. The woild txti ls brilliant actions ; tlie i ask ol renouncing self, ol living un corrupted in the world, rf subduing btsittiug sins, and of not thinking oi ourselves more highly than we ought. I he acquisition of glory was the pre cept of other religions, the contempt ot it is the perfection of Christianity. Let us then be consist-nt and wc shall suyir be contemptible, even in llie eyes of our enemies. Let not the unbeliever say that we have one- r,t t if opinions for our theory, and another for our practice ; that to the vulgar We shew the rou-h and thorny way to heur'r. Mlnle wc hc primrose pith .if dalliance treal. It would become our characters as men of sense, 1 f which consistency is a most unequivocal proof, to choose some rule and abide hy it. An extem pore Christian is a lidiculous charac ter. Fixed principles will be f allow ed by a consistent course of action ; while indecision c f spirit v. iii produce insta!.:!'.:y of conduct. If there be a inodi.1 which we profess to admire, let us square cur lives by il. If the Ko ran of Mahomet, or die revelations ol Zoroaster, be a perfect idct let us follow one of them. If cither F.picu rus, Zi no, or Confucius, be the pecu liar object of our veneration and res pect, let us fashion our conduct ly the dictates of their philosophy ; and then, though we may be wronrj, wc shatl not he absurd. Hut if the Uible be in truth the word of God, as we profess to be lieve, wc need look no farther for consummate pattern. Let us then make it the rule of practice here, if it is indeed tn be the rule of cur judg ment hereafter. In the l:mt ihiyi slmll come scoffers walkin afi r 'ln-iv nvn li!vtN ?. e. 3 Pet. c. iii. v. .1 will. a multitude of other texts to tin; inns purci,.-. -. .iw.