"PI OA in (Dl IfitHA t i km r-v n x ri HIM HIIMIII HUM -II . YM,. V. ,Vtt. VHi. ma-lwljrrM- hwwl , muni) asu f i hi.o-.'U..-), i.v i n v titsiut, Rr I!INCIIAM W1H1T. Tlifi subscription to tin; Wisn us- Cihumshs i TA ;! HMtn per annum, p.'ya!,!o I. ..It' ) early ill advance. (Jj N paper nil! b" d'-seonit:ued until all firrcarages are paid, inil :,t the (lis -ret'iou of tin Editors; iind sin fnWnber la.Iit.;; to ive Butice of Ii'h wi-b t'i discontinue a' die end if a year, will Ik- ennsi dercd as vis'miig to continue the paper, which will br- sent accordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the. jiaymetit of nine papers, shall receive a tenth Any fcHTKKxr.vT v. ill lie inservd on the cus tomary terms. ,. Persons sending in Adver tisements, uuiNt (specify lie number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment a'sum-d by some person in this town, or its vicinity. , Cj" All letter to the editors unist be J,t I fituil or they will Hot be attended to. T .7 7.Y.S70VV tl)TI1i IN' S.U.IM'CiiY, NOIfTII CAROLINA, 11V IIS I'ti'tr.titt establ 'lihiiieii. situated at the north orner of the Court-House, is hom lilted n) in u new and superior shlo, tor in reception of Company. The greatest paint) have belli taken to procure, for this ( I'ahlishinent, furniture of even description, in Cis-arv for the comfort of 'I ravellers. Tin- most apprised Her vantu have been selected, with great care; the bar stocked wi'li choice lepiut's, and the st.ihles attended by obligirgand at'en'ivi: hostlers. The convenience of tin situation for business is equal to any in the place. The liousi enntains a num ber of private rooms well calculated for the sc. ciiiiilLodatio'l of I ravellel-t ,.id Hoard. !'S ; at. taehed to v.hieli there is a Dry Cood and Hook Store. To tlio :,- v, lei n.ay p'c.i ,e to ;.!! oil him. he asstir- s them Itiat fi' fri'P Mtall be sp:.red to render l-'u ie K'av coniioi table and pleasing. J AMI'S HI II-:. VII Kit Mr. S'HAMPI.Fr U CIIAI'IN have, just rer.-iv-! ed, per the Steam-lloat. I'n: Hr? and .Moid f 'hlram, the urtieles as under, whic h they w ill ,, II low for CASH or HAU'I KU, at thtir store in Market-street. 'J.iOO bushels Salt, !. 5,(1110 lbs. Sugars 5000 lbs. Cnllee 5 hdds. Molasses '20 casks Cheese .'10 kegs Vails 25 bbls. Mackarel 20 bbls. Northern Mini) 2 puncheon) .lamuica do. 20 ps, Cotton HaKifinjr 1 ask Spanish Indigo Cases of Wool Hats 2 (0 pair nieu'H coarse shoes ; Together with a t ncal asoitineiit of Dry l.ooils, Hardware, Crockcr, and t.h.ss are. Cash ffiven for Cotton, Tallow, llef-i-V i, und I'lav-secd. IHu-vuw, January 1, 1K2.1. (it '42 and a ilecn e made aeeiudini' to fttut uV .VuvW.A'ttvuWim, JirCKI.rNKMfi COL'VTV KCI'KKIOl: Court of Law, V.dl I erm, lS.'J.... Jane Kerr it. Uilliam Kerr I'i tition for Divorce aiul Alimony . It appearing to couri, th.it ilium Ki rr n sidi s v. iiiioiil the limits of this state : O .-A-m, that publication be in ii'e in the Star and (I'l-ni Carolinian new p ioers Sir three months, Ilia', mill :.h the iaid illiatn Kf it do make In, appearance nt the. net .supe rior Cnurt of to be ht Id for the comity f Meek lcnburjr, at the I'ourt-lloiise in Charlotte, on the it'i loiida niter the Monday ot March, 1 H 2 ), and answer, plead, ( r demur, to Kiid pi-'itiuu, the same will be be:lil " parte, Mint h hteliri the l,l ;li r tht Teol A ropy, test. (.LO. t.liAII M, C.X. Gii'tVr. Tree adv. fi, I. CAHMtRVS COLNTV. S'TLltluK Cuutfof I.a;r, F:dl Tern., IK. -.r.i'i Itrn'-btw, t-. Ili It--' Wiaw ....Vetitiou tor II. voice, bled at spring te'in, 18.'.'. It ap pi ir'i-,' lo the .s.i'islaelion vf the cuirt, that the d( tic ' nit is not an inhabitant ( f tli.s state : Or ilrr. t'.t relcre, th.,1 publication be made i i the M'e-,!irn ("aroliiii.vi. and lt.ile:,:h ll-purr, tor Ihree moiitlis, ha! the ih tend .n :p;;--.r at the next Mir.ern.r Court of I aw, to In- lu-M for the Cinio'y of ( .'abarrns, on the 7lh Moiul.iv aft.r I'ne I'll b iid.iv in M r-h in ', thru and there ti ;ih ad to siid pi-Minn, et! crvo-- i' willbe Li.ii -l e parte, ;md derrei d a cord.lnK . .1. M. CI ."M HIMIN, V.'S. C. "Ji:.-ll. PrJ.-r- a Iv. C . uv ul M,uv-V,'.vums St V) IAUP.S It. IIAMI'ION respectfully informs the puldie, that lie occupies the old shop formerly o oed hv his fatiier, on Main-street, a few doors south of the Coni t-lloosc, Sah'hnr' , where In- is no prepared, with a jfood set of tools, to ri pair all kinds ot uirciii:s Of CLOCKS. lie avcip s all who mav favor him w ith their AfiMCUIriJKAL. V . , V ' ' , y ; . rnrjt.vi, s. c. OVY'V.H for sale, at their store in Front-street, a larjr and general assortment of (.110,: EH IKS, 1 tin: a 00 us, f.itnif.ni:,Lc wholesale or retail, for cash, nt such prices as cannot fail to suit purchasers j who arc solicited to call :nd iodiM' for themselves. I he hijrhi st CAero.r, January 1, 182.'. fit'-l-! riNom, i bat their work shall be evn nted in as" market pr.ee paid for Cotton and every ipei ics i;oimI a f, ! :,s at any oilier simp in tins part ot ( oi crminry pronuce the country . All kinds ol old Jewelry repaired, j and .oine kinds made. Jobs of i terv description ' in his line nl I u-iiu -s, v. ill be thank lolly receive ', and e'ii i ot-d on a ,hort notice. People who reside at a listaiice, hv -.'-ndiu", mav depend on ti t. nio retiirm i, i,n'ethe ol ir w.ivk as t i,i!,t:ill atten le'l to :.ni as I'lonjji time i re pri st lit aiui J I e-t-dilished "ial'.'lturv nrici s cliarired. 1 I, l.i.'j. l-V I'.ivvi'.v.M tuu Yhn; t IIMIi MA MM., ; fl'.Iiy aeon lint the r-u p.irt of Noi tb-Caro-t -i -M f soiilii-Cai' d.na. 11 . '.-rrin-is i lina, "i. I tin- r inli'-cei thai til. bavi ei.'.liii; -I. r bu.'ue s-., v. I.ii Ii tl'i-v v. . 1 al.li ! I s;,.,.,!,.' I h, y Ha", r then, i ity and ap;-l. ration, thrv ample justice to their rr. l tie: a oe ll.elUiOlled iy on with ptiiK'tu- ,". l.r their iini(. u lil be el'.uLled to do (VS. m a i ; 1 1 v c. run k::. vm. ci :. i::t;i'it sr.. N, I!. S',. n-Uuirds m ,i' uraaii'ei.trd, w'. h ?uill or pa-nt, cxeciti ,1 u' tin: sin.r'esi i.i t'ne. IJ.u-i'tt!"-', Ac. .!, 1 1 1 '. !'' Wr. Sli'Wnvt osiWiv, 1 1 A VIM; purchased Hurl. rc k ' "i'h's Medical Lstahlihliineiit, 'jft , lias settled hiiTiv If in Salisbury, and oilers his services, in the various '-;? branches of his prof ssiotl, to the citiens of this place and its vir.nin. His shop is one door cast of Mr. slaughter's tau rn, on Main-strrct. SalUburu, Jan. 23, 18-V. 'd.'-'.'.f Hail ! first of Arts, source of (loim -lie ( a a-; ' I'ride of the land, and patron of the seas. from the reiidlcton Messenger. To u'.ct rt-in tlir cause ol tni' rot m totiuti, has canst d If ss fXc-rtiou tal ents tli.m perhaps my other evil w hit i, i-ver ;rt:V4ilfd in the country, of equal nuii.uude. Instead ol leaving it lm the distfATry ol such superficial ob servers as have hitherto been engird in the business, would a chemist un tlrrlakr it, who is able to ;n ily.r the (linVrrnt parts the pl ot, it is confi (Lntly btliev rtl the task would lie found not to be a difficult tine, I have no pretensions to a sullicitnt knowledge in 'hat science fr niiJi an undertaking; I therefore adopted the pi ui liich, next in order,prt!.nsed th' greatest ri npect of siuct ss. I have lately visited all the planta tions in my m 'p.iiborho'ad, for th? pur pose of o!is i v i i llie iffect I te ions crops, aid tin- present method of tul nvation, ;ind have tnad- the f llowi it marks: 1st, that the injury h j;ri.at cr.t in i hose fields whuli have pio;Ki civil tottoti the greatest nun.bi r ol year in Micci r siou '2dlv. tout thrt e metri- coriert, by publishinp; the same, he might render a benefit to fcocietv, not in the cultivation ,f com alone, but by et-aljlinjj sonic per'- no! belter talents than tn- s' -If to a;,c rein t!t cause of the rot in co'ton ul - ,. if mv opinion is ir.corrert. r hmi rt J tCIC. LWS Ol' . CMtOT V,. land-i AN At ! lJi"er t'.r.jr the time Hud p!-e c of sell and si.iK s liiidi T e.i:ci,nuii. if rrnrr.'l Oh I If (iff.rn.l . ! ,t njiLl ' tlr :n,r if Aorti (.'ar; , if in l;frr V riiactnl litj tin' uUtli'irttij if tin -imr, I li.i bcrc.ifiei i ll nles f land or siav t i in at! e hv anv She i iff, Coroner, Const. iiili or hv any Clerk and Master in r'ljni'r imder any execution ortieuec, shall b tn.-de at the court-house of their respec tive counties; and such sales shall be made on the saint Monday, in each and cvei v month, on which thr sevcrjil Courts of Pleas otnl (j.i.ii-tcr Sessions are uruer .illy held, fir t'uir respective cui.'ies, always makintlic Monday of each Coun ty Court the otdv s;de day in that month ; and if, en any s iIp day, as aforesaid, tin whole of the p'opeitv taken bv virtue of jii exei utiof'. cinnot !)- sr.bj on the same rl.iv, the Slierin-. Constule, or otlier pub lic tflicer, shall be authorised tfi postpone the sir " from riav lo ti.v until tiic whole, shall be sold ..iti jjiviu:; p.itdie notice at the roi;i t-iiouse, that such sale wiil be continued on the ensuing (lav ; and all sti b sales shall Lommeiae betwetn tlm hours of ilt-ven -n,l four o'clock on sij( b s.ile (lav : I'r'jvidn!. vrvrrthf! , I hat tothiii;; lit icin i out. iutd shall be roiistru td to .dter, in nr.v m-nner, the inlcs nd rest'i' siciis under vvl.ii h sales are, by lnv, ods have been pin surd for several v e rsldit'O' d I" he conducted, vnd :Kn utit.ii J, i - i .-i.i i rgtllK subscriber heir,' about to r move i , past ,f pn parin the land jircvious lo ! 1 f,l''l: 1,1 ,'- '"' le'.uri.erl. I KaleiKl, re.piests these who art- "'d'.b'rd , , ( )IU-to ..pen the -',d laud') , ll' ,.,: r"'' ' '" , ; to hmi to tall i.ml settle ti' ir aeeoon's. I ,io.e ' " hel ( .,hi r It sbai! !e law f ul loi u v Sh-t ',(7 , w!,!,l,avcclail,1su.ll.leus,m pM .e,,tl.e!n. V;"I' a o..bt r-be second, tt. pl.md. ('OI,lu . ,. ( ol,sKiUr, (0 s, w,, k. Salisbury, Jan. J'MIN lil.CKWllll 28, ih:?. ",H .Vt'p'iivH liv Svv. t w Tl.-iv. ' .v i! ,. I ,-! i r '"h'i'.-!.n. ti e 1 'I b. .old, a' t!e. ! srri'i. r, 1 1 n.ili s w rilN l'..i.t !'' :d, len ' ir 5. ', ' -sdeiT el tie Kith. n , ii,r , on 'lie s l,( r hi M'.o e,,n i.NFOHMS the public, that he l..,s rt moved Inuti his former residenee, and now m rupies t!ie buddintrs on M aiii-strei t, in "s.dishury, on Inudi i'ely opposite the It.ink : v. here be has ! n I. and a l.il'f supply of Medicine, end i. j ri a.lv to attend upon all applira'iu't', in the '. f ji.r. i,' branches if !'hsic, Surj't ri , and Mid , ,b rv. 4 v t'-i 1 A Sit: c I.IIIOU Court of I illiam aeliun, ' . J S'i i- i FiV.rd .. ..ir j:'i..l Kdwa"!s s i'i,:i. aied as t;..H. I'll' ' till s I'isl'u ( ni nf 1 1. i i s I V- a'.s , Tali Trrtn, 1 ;n I dv. ar.ls and " i I.Hii nt V, III. 'n e. It aope.ir- 'I'll-., that t' ' d - i ii(l.i!it ats-niti ioi'ants ol .ino'ln -r sta'e ' II is tbt I t bile ordered b tlie (.in', li.at publu ati.ni re n,ade ill the II ,!! ..i '( 'iii.ii fur thriv montli-i, th it te i'ef rd.cits a;i i ar at tbe n. t Si(;ii'rior 'ouil of , In tn- Ii. ! 1 f.r t!ie roun 1y i f Ashi, ut the Cdiii-t. Mni. se in Ji tlersoe, rn ' tbr third Mm 'ay in Mar. h n. t, then and there to ph a ', a', ! i r ni di inn-, otbent isc judu n.t ' pro i onl( sso ,11 be eiiti Ted. I. I lav id l...riu st, ( lei k f the Sup.-rior Court ubr s.,id, do i i-M) that t'.i I, i i mr.l.j; is a true op; of tie' Xi .'ids i, s aid mint. i its-. n. i:ai;m r, (..-. : . .. t . i.-,;2.-t:ir ; ut n.t , I JiO-s i. e . ;-.rrr.; ! pmvi-i .1 linen, boys and i'.-l. A ;.c. and a:, mi e , I'-s. e I'l-tT's i ...!,-, . n oi. h , t r ice-, s -1 1 1 1 j r o:,;. iti. nt by bmi I, '-'ii ap stcurin, liiti.r.' tie- pfU'i't-rv is ah, red U.I.MVM) lll ,. 1 , IS'. jwt'll C(,ii'. Yn:tin Vtv Su'. f"Ci-'. s. "'rriiitr b:.s r d'- a new Wafon, 1 i'h -a f..i! s.-t of . a: i' .i Ifi'it li-.is. s. Ah". ...xel-.l' . . ... I ' ti n I E W . H Ah Kit respect .oy mi ."ins the citiens , ' 5 ot Sal .!u.rv, ui.d dsvii inlty, tl.t he ha es- i.i, . ,, .... , . ... . c .1 II . .. ( .1 'II ll. .1 I' u'i . . , i . i . . . '.-""..''S'. , a Cahi a. t W are It, ion., here be has rt-reived from h s factory i'i FayeMeville, and is now opt nin& a and general .srtiiient of Ma'io,':,i,y ri.n.i'ure, bich he w ill si II on tern s tn uii the times. Aware that the citiens of v.' n'iry have tir-n undi r tue necessity cl vtan.'oiuiii' tlirnt down, ami m.-.ke new l..nus m i the same ; hrcs the third, lo fallow tiie l..t.i!, ai d tn.ike tirw ones in the plates Ix twteii tlie old ones. lure he lir t iiu CukI has bet n long pursued, the i timber of rotten pods are in pro portion to the sound tines, as two or thiee to one. Where the seond me thod his been pursued erpt lly long, about ball, and considerably less where the land has been prepared in the way la .t mentioned, th' Uh the weed is generally not so laijr. l'rom these remarks, 1 draw the loUowini; can fu sions, i- wit : that though vejjetuti:ii i f every kind feeds on the same sub stances, vet these substances arc dillt r- rntlv piopoi tioned, in different plants i'h -a f..ll s.-t of s- the win al works of two ajroi'. lie v il s. ii low ti rc.isii, or n.rn. jtniN i;i:.ia, sen. .I n. 1!, IS.'.h -PitVpi , ()ne kind requiring more nitre. an,ith- t'm ir furniture pn at distance, at considerable i er rrfre alk tli, ?c. That by raising ha-ird of injury, lie llatters himself lln v vill Ail of hit hi find it to their interest to rail, as his furniture is ail of the lyest and mns' ajiproved fashions. .S',i,!',iin , ',. .), 1,S.V. oUl VH IViMnvs WvwnvA. ;p d. M ! N.oi ( liisti.'e tor . of a(,re, s f 't on.d a-vl ' rniie.ti :'.iiie, r.U- .Vt.vWxA'wvnWuu, I IN. I v CH'MV. n r..,iiit' ...-t,.',i-r i em. v. i. i :::..!. I r-.h Keis'l r, ?. I'm !.. t l i '( Keis- ( -k! -, 1 ). v II h t,-. d'Ce'isid f oral lid! !' t'riv.pl.iint. of tliuik nnd of r u n of tiie ronr', that be piun to am ta r',a who v Yustiv VUvur .MnVsiw.:. fMlU'. subvribers rspi rtfully iufoiiu their I I friends and the public at lar ', that they h ue as ii' iatei!, iitnh r the linn of f;,-i.,.-, C ( ','.Vi, fur the puriiose of ram iiuf im i!,e above Kill ktioun in our courts ot j i,iess in all its hranelu s. I hry are 1 11 pre. u'rir d'an a is about .! I years , ,,.,,.,.,1 t make all kinds of M indsor and l ancv 1 or ii'iv ariK h eh, iioinor-i iM.airs. froin Ssl J to 9sl2U lit r set. n'h u. ii ,bin elegant chairs, or s tiers, may relv up ini haviu(r them as elegantly made al the hp ri the suhscribei's, as at anv other in the St .v. seventh d..y of this iiiunth, , i ... :i: kt jad i;i litis r innty andfsi.'t i ... ll'e', r si M'l U( e ,' d( a'!. rev , ,s "in , I j; i n or, ol a pli asing .nil I a- V addles. ile wore a ,e hii.;.d i ''-'li coat ; fu? it is his dr, ss. He is foi'd til 1 rliairs-and settees rr; 1 he above reuaid ss.il j rati , a, id on short notice. ana , nt a r. as ial.lt i'UiI'i lieuil the i unlii-e I, .tu lit any Ja l 111 the so that he IliaV be bronchi til AM. FN t.ll.L It ".o'l. arinir tu the m; !!'. .ti.'.u K' ''.l r, on- ot 'he heirs h um ,1 in l:;e lull, s.i,,i I i. ! T. s i',l is s'de 'vi'le'i ihr l.ii'ils ot ttiis state : i I nr, d It 1. 1' ti' f re ot,, red, '.bat O'lblicatimi be in ide I justice. for ' i .-t I'lonths s'leressiv, Iv in tin- Western I !. S. Ir. il .'l t :m!i; . t'd'o.Vau. Ca'' 'hl';an. unless the a;d John Keisth r j ,'-r-. I'.I, lS.'J Jmt ll prison aiiv :.;! ar a' the n t court of K.it,i i-.t;,,,,., ,,f ,.,.,,-,-,, rs in Ki ii'uekv. Ten. lit, at Ice ;n,.s,.,.. i-oru and A aban.i. will in tliat s len- ,1, r a bi n. la lo soru-ty, by pulilisl.uijr tbe lore. ; joiin ill their papers. t he lii-tti ler : ii- .'iuH of l.im Cn l il-'Us i-i l.'i-ir. 'ii'oii, mi the fenrtli Mmi '. iv after the -I'h Vlunday of March lu st, then aiid tin re to idea !, an A r or demur, jink'nu-nt pi n rontes o v ill be taken and plead i parte its j to lo i'. A true rope. .uiit-IO l ist. JAMI'S IIII.I, V. m. rrire n . fv't. 1 SY.vvUr VUVvcv, i r.i ii c .V,.-',re, l.rl. , YAU. mTUS a '.dvc-s, d to the Mbi rif! i.f Itovi ;ui uin"., on iitlicial busiuris, nni'it hereafter s .-..,',.', or th' V w ill not be attt uih d to. A -r- I . 1!,i ie nri- urenl liliiiin, l tl iutt.is.. J VN A) fr"m ' iMWj . t-nn, ,! r rounti, s, Jkc. I have found it n ter ll'i rt, s-nniu-i arnluia, on tiie a'li ol I lie subscribers are also completely prepared. v ith a p."d st' i k of tiniber, to tiia''e all hind, of ;. ., m.', at from J to S- '- .FH. W . (.KIMP.S, JOHN COOPI.K. Si pt. a in ei ti ti lh(v, b the lialiif o ' lb' is ut.n:A : I.i , ars nf :r, six f t 2 or 3 in- ii v t adopt this course in older tosvive n.v eil C e expense of pa'. in rat hi r an nnrmufort- iin in the course t f a year, to the side bi n- rhes be.'li, of a k! -id, r make, tb'ut visage, throws , ( ()lh,.r p,.,,,,),.', poeki Is. Ins head back and speaks u idi considerable con- j ) S V Nit F.I. 1 . i ... ... - .i I ' - uueiice viitii ronvers ii'', lias a sore on the huit'ini of hii right loo', which i at p"esrnt r.vall, but the ui reiiiiding scar k larger than a dollar thr toes niv uveli ss but be wear a uline on that foot. I purchased I'e'i-r from Mr. John K inn nt, who brought him from Orange oiiuntv, N. C. near tiie Cas-.n U line. In retio-n ne; JlllllC He nave nm in rn tut v. u .11 i t"u sub i-ribei-. at 'l.V - Hi!!. lj,i,P.istrr l)is-' negrn tell.iw, s.,ys her master's name is John JONP.S, .VV-if- (IOMMI'1 I Id) to the jail in Salishurv, on the 1 I'll inst. a negro man and his wife. The fellou's name is JO; he is about 3.1 years old, . i . ii........ i- i, v s raised ami lormrriy o urn nv .mh. m inuv, v... mar ii.e i as-aell line, in return-1 .- . ....... ; to that place, be will probably he lodged mnvr Vl'Cv "' la-t master name is mej.iil; and in that condition,' I raid, w dl .'"hn Jamt-s l)ion, w ho hv s near Murlifcsimro' nt his name and omr. Anv juilur who line i Rutherford rouen, IViuies.ee. .fiimri, or vc him in rnsiodv, will phase ,bnct a line to ! ''" ai t!l1' c',lis he is,-If, the wife of the above trio!, S. '. ! r t liich sat',,'ae'orv i.ekl'i.w 1, Ibotr. idi livt s ni ar Miiviivi shorn', nients Si! all tu- t mb is ,1 Ort.X, U JOHN t.'MM H. VFKW ropiesof the llev. f. MTvrr'i North t urolina It, gihtei'Hiid I liitetl States' Calen. il.ir, f r lSJa. )iir sale at thr office of t'lrWe.st. "-n I'-irohriian, irit; -ij rcut-- riniiessee. I he owners are desired to prove property, nv charges, and take tlitse m-groi s av, r t.itv will he vdd according to law, i.i.' j., If.es. ' S-.VMT.. JO.NCS, Sh,;.. Salisbury, N'.C. Jan. Jr.lu.'d. 3tl VvU VvmUWt.m V.xtuv.xs, l'r sale at thi Otfice. di r dhy pi o i to linn or tiieni r!i 1 1 ir J. without giviii, teti d.ivs' )lci;JUsns'irt &. the ti:ne of siiru i.s'.c. III. .1nJ b'U furthrr cntiC'-l, I Ii ,' .tiiv M'.e.ifT. Coionet, (.'ot. stable or ( ici . ij Master in 1' piit , shall nuke ..ny s..le contrary to this art. shll forfeit end pav the sum of two hundred dell. .is. tft be recnyeu d by any put son suing lir tt.e surne. ne half to his own t;e. at.J tr.o other half to the use of the conn y in which the offence, is commiaed- IV. .1m! br it Jurlnr rvactfJ, That tho provisions of this act shall not apply te the counties of Wancn, I'urrituck, I r- teret and fyrrcll- V. .Im! br it furthrr rr.uc.'ed, 1 hat all laws and clauses tvf la coming within the purvic and meaning of this act lie, and the same are hereby repealed. the same plants for a great number of years in the same field, they will so exhaust that substance which consti tutes il.cir fav.'iitc, or principal food, i" " k""" i is given gratu.tously, e take the as to render it less productive than it ,,:"r1." ,)l '"""-'"n n. way m our rc rnovt THK r.toll.l IMlMtHH, The following communication appears to ba ma I." for the hi n tit of snfi ring- hurnam.y, and cultivated in pi mts whose piincipal food is some otlier sttbsiance. I ..c k now Inli'c th it the argument, ttius bir, only ioes to shew 'he neressity j t .i r tation t f cr -ps. but mav n t the ',uit of tliat fitibsiaine jtrevet'.t the tluc or- r.i:.-j.v(.. i 1 K.O. W . liltlMI'.S hegsi 1,-ave t i.if. rm the " ritiei, "f Salis'iuly, and the suirouudmg roiintrv, that he still Continue tuev cute all hinds i.f house, sign, coath, and tirin.iiieiit.il Tainting. Having proruml an ample supply of matt rials, nd luting, for a number of tears past, devoted nliimst his whole attention to :ic . I... ... l-.l L. i. ...in. v.. ........ ,t. .... ' I 'T business, he feels confident of being able to give s.i'isf,,rtion to those who luav he pleased to fa vor him wi'h order in tbe afmve line, t.ilding aid t.l:iin;r will h'so be exeruted in a neat man in r, and on reasonable terms. lie also keeps on hand, fur Rale, copal and Japan Yuruith. VViinted, as an apprentice to the abos e Imsi. ness, one or tw o lads from l.V to 16 y ears of age, of steady and industrious habits; to whom, if they prove tlnmsehes deserving uf it, a good chance will he given. .SVifttW, '.. 3, 18J . 3) r-s with the liop that it ncav prove of that advantage which wt-n.s lo he the whole sti 1 el-. desire "f the coien.uni' nt : i( 1 III. TI m.it:. " Act ustotn. d. thirty vt.is ag'. to trei t intetiu'. disease . ot i i hv tr..r r- gani'.ati"n of the sap nd other sub- jnal remedies, but also eXtsii.a. j, r-li-staittes containrd iti it, i-nd may n-.t 'cttintis, or appli. aliens suited -o tne tii.it want of uig.iti;..tti-itij cuiit.g the j exigencies f the dilfrrent cases, par six, ciht, or ten weeks that the cotton j tiailv vr univ trsallv to the surlace ol is u.nfinrj in a vcrv wet st.de within the b' dy. and guided, at it neenn to he p td, occasion fermentation and! me. by Divine Protidet ce, t have putrefaction. made the inestimable distovery oi the I have seen no field without some jbenign and astonishirg action ol Win-' tr,uen c itton, but not more on fresh i Vinegar on the h'.man body. Hv l.mtl, or on old l.md Inch had been at ime. us of this admirable remedy, which left M-vcral wars previous to the pre- is simply that of ashing the bodv witli sent, than miht reasoiublv be expect- jit, I have healed, in a very shott time. casts o! the most lurious madness, tof-vnlsivc and spasmodic diseases in rvcrv are and in both seXes; cu;f, iiervntis, typhus, intermitteut, scarla tii.e, miliarv and crvsipclous Itvers, 1 .V077C-.'. rOIlKWAUN all person from trading fir a note, riven hv me in April last, to l.etiree Crremvat , 'if the state of Tennessee, for sixty dollars due on the -Villi of llet.emU-r4 y.:i ': whith lam deteniiiiitd not to pay, as it was obtained for unsound property. itA id lM.r.i). janvivti ir, 1S-.1. r.wt'-to Wuv.xwttcss, Vtu Hl2.1 Y the doncn, nr single onr, for n.di' at t o('n e rf the ri'.i rn Carolinian, bulihiir). td to proceed from an hereditary com plaint which many plains are subject to. On land much exhausted by corn cmos 'lis: ir.iurv is rrrs'.cr : thr ca- of which may probahlv be, that thelcven when the eruptions were repul ear of corn and the pod cf cotton rejsrd, and the sick extremely delirious ffd principally upon the same sub stance. 1 he pod of one, ar.d the co! ol the other, yield, more alkali than any vegetable matter I have ever tried. The seeds of cotton contain much oil, so d the grains of corn, as may be as (rrlaincd by pressing them between two hot irons. I have often observed, that some fields y!"-ld a mmb greater proportion of roitou rorn than others, the cause of which i supposed to be bad cultiva tion ; my present opinion is, that it pro ceeds from the same cause as the rot in cotton, that is, the vvantol rest or change of crop. If anv person has made the same icmaiks, and finds my opinion to be and on the brink of dealh ; coughs, which resistt (I all other known meth ods of treatment; head a hrs. and pains in the neck, inflammations of the eyes and brain, w hooping cough, vom itings, tli rrha i, ishuries of children, rheumatic and aithruic complaints, and the hypochondriacal disease, and even now I hope to save two children tvho were bitten by a mad dog on the 23th of May, I8ii. lv an-dogy and by my persuasinn, founded upon experience, that finity of sickness to whith t n'uri i as riven different svmp n s and the phy sii ians hav e ittribtitcj oifieif n; i,jtiu s, spring out rutd the sime source, I errc'.tv.,.e that this r-rrtedy is th? true I - -s, -xmi-yA

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