tutaR. nr. II. ' Tin'l-S iru man, J'.uu'j'ih ill present in Fiance, nut only two parui: ; out" in- r'lined 10 war, and tin- other to peace. I'lic king i Cor the paiif.e party. It is hoped he will b-ve firmness enough, since he differ in so important n particular irom on i nmi street, were so cmirciy ccmsum llie Ultra, not only to maintain bis wne-.rd and prostrated, that not one brick was rei't-n will, but to dismiss those rash nun- j left on another. I be fire was so rapid and iste'rs who are ready to involve Trance in j fierce, that th"se who were making exer an unreasonable war, und so contrary to wiiliifr flftren-.i:;iccriihs of the na tion. Indeed, the re in already a rumor of some change in the cabinet. As a proof how firmly the people believe in the con tinuance of peace, vessels aie daily fitting out ai II ivrc foi Havana, the West Indies, Uracil ic- A first rate I'.ntrlish house ut Havre, who receives daily Urj;c consignment: of sugar, coffee, tic. is now disposing of them tjuicklv ; although the rumor or a Sp .nisli war has slightly affected the price of cofl'ee two sou and sugar about six 'per cent. ! he preparations of the French army of obseiv.ilion. it is thought, are intend' cd to t i i); tii t u the ipanish cortes into a change ol tr.tir constitution, at least so far is iig-rds (be adoption of a Senate, or Upper U Hise, as a cheek on their Re presentative body, and an additional aid to the crown. DF-C fcMDF.lt 12. The news from Paris is tins day still more re-assuring of peace. Colonial produce is generally dull." . SPAIN. The constitutionalists were still suc cessful. Mina, in order to attach the f tench to his standard, was on the Con ines of Spain, organizing a regiment, or father an armv of foreigners, who all wore the tri-cjhred cockade. Four hun died letters of marque had been forward ed to the Spanish consul-general in Lon don. mo the cw-toiik nmnr, jas. 15. , From Curracoa. By the biig Ke-ieeca and Sally, we have received accounts from ( urracoato the 20th tilt, fiom w hich it will be seen that Com. Daniels bad captured a Spanish corvette of 24 guns, villi 25.000 in specie on Lojrd. minirni. isr. 17. A ho it ramp ashore H.is dav from the (. oiombian brig I Vencidor, and brought an official letter from t om. Daniels, giving information thrft at 12 o'clock on the ICth.the ships Bolivar and Constitution kit in with and captured the Spanish corvette ship Maria Theresa, carrying 21 long nine pounders am! 10') men. She hjd 25,00;) in spe cic on board, which had been already tr msfrrred to the Bolivar. She was from H v ma for Marac.iiho, with two mer- ch in brigs in roinpinv, all loaded with provisions for gcnrral Morales. I he ac- j tion was in sight of th htbor, and onlv ! of a few minutes duration. On board of nc-iijiiisii..iJiiiir,ini.ii:vieii'iiieii i i , i , i Kiucd arxuwo woun. eo. i or v o.omman Ships sustained no injury, either in ves-' sels or men. A small Dutch vessel left this poit to dav, with some invalid soldiers, from Co-l"'"' ... .. ro 'O join the rnridnr. Bicnrn 19 A F.ench biig arriv- company with tbe Maria Theresa. She ! has 200 men and some provisions onboard,1 for Morales I hey were much M- fir 1 ' I nun at I'liiLAnn pint. rnii.snF.triiM jak. 21. n.mui a pMi:erpiM. m ! the cry of fire again resounded through i our Mrects. In a few minutes we saw j flames issuing with great fieiccness from; the windows of the aurtion stores occu-j pied by Messrs. T. Passinore k C!o. at I.a . . . . I- . . . C 1 ' V. . . . .1 ,,n,4 loi-ihi in esi i oi tier oi i unu aim v iiij- . nut streets, ami .Mr. u lining as a lottery, . , office. The wind was brisk from the'lions;" for it is wtll ki.own, ihat if cur tesfard, Hid the burning embers for the ! specie were to be readily counted o-.t at llrst half hour of the fire thickly fell, nni.rw .umu.,,l nf th Virci., I..oU,,. all the houses on the north and some onj()e lu M ,)f .IcJ ,0 make , the south side of (hesnut street as far as, ... . ,, . , Strawberry alley. The hose and fire general and imperative rail on the.rdebt companies repaired to the scene or Ms !ors, the consequence of which would be. tress with great promptitude, and it is but wide-spread ruin and distress, which tic sheer justice to say that they labored ! p,.0.iC never encounter fur the sake most perseveringlv and with great judg-j ?tXcnmt, markct. ment. There was, after sometime, a, .. . , r- , most abundant supply of water, and it I really think our good frmu's m tas psiured on with a profusion and force,; Virginia are engaging it. a contest, .hich, svhirh did wonderful execution, yet the j though it may cause a temporary injury fire gained strength. It raged and rrrk- j ;o somc .w(s of -r slM ,vi!, ,crn,illatc icu wiin a violence we nccr urnic rior heard. So intense w as the heat, that it was impossible for the engines to be worked in Chesnut street. Some idea may be formed of the intensity of the heat, when we state that the glass was shivered in pieces, and the wood work burnt on houses which were on the oppo site side of Chcsnni and Third streets. 1 ne engines toon nivantagc ol the stores j rrfl)hit that it is not only practicable to re being on a comer and played upon them , mftVe the fia(s wllid) alimc Krr fro,n fmm the south west angle of the streets. L0n!nB ol,lc town, bnt fui,h,.r, , lhcnb. viiiiii nicy nail s lar iiiuuiirii uic iieiii. . . , . , , ..,:,,;., i , , .,' , , , r r tcct c:m be ellecled ith the appropriation niailc, to he able to place themselves in front of, i . , .. , . , . , , . .. it. The l)ook store orcup'.ed by Messrs. S. Potter U Co. was soon in flames, and the prospect for tbe neighborhood was appalling. Happily, a heavy and long continued snaking rain, had saturated our roofs and exterior wood woik ; this and 1 1! c abatement of (he wind, proL.aL!y saved I I us from one ol the most destt uctivi; i'uesi ever known in Philadelphia. In less than J lUrce hours after the fust alarm, the auc- tion stores, u range of brick building lour stories high, 30 feet on Cliestiut and 52 ! tions to nave me property 01 wr. rotter, were soiin driven from the house. His family, and many other families, rare obliged to fly from the flames scarcely covered with clothes. At the time the fire in our neighbour hood was ruling ,ne greatest vio lence, a most flagitious attempt wai, made to set lire to the Quaker meeting-bouse, in Arch htiect. A quantity of lighted combustibles was thrown into the meet-ing-housc. The watchfulness of the pcrso.i who had the bouse, in charge sav ed it from destruction. He saw a light in the building, hastened to it and lound burning a quantity of cotton lags, &c which had been thrown in. A fellow was last nig lit seized, and we are told has been committed, for cutting one of ihe hose which was carrying water to the fire. There are chcumstantcs connected with these late lircs of a character the most alarming. We would once again, earn estly and anxiously impress it upon our citizens, to be watchful. The constituted authorities are upon the alert, and w e trust the vigilance of the citizens will second then efl'jtts. Since the above has been in type, a re spectable citizen has called and assured me that in one place in the Fiiend's meeting-house in Arch street, a pretty considerable hole has been burnt in the flour, and in the committee room a quan tity of live coals was thrown under one ol the forms and there expired. Dait'Miulic Vits. sJLisiu'jfy : I t Oil W IMKM;, 1T.I5. II. IS.' 1 hc cilizc"s "f l'-!ers!,urg held an ad journrr! r.u-etinjj ; t the Court Mouse in that town, on the JjUi ol January, tor the purpose of taking into consideration the l)t predated Currrticu now in tit eolation iij that place; and after he u ini; read a lengthy report of a committee, previous ly appointed, in which the banks of this stale arc hatidlrd without mercj , and their directors charged with being "perfectly regardless of the moral obligation to ful fd the promises which their notes contain," -thev came to the following rr solution : . ,., rx . . i UetuhrJ, Hint our Peiepte in trie (iener.il . AsSpm,,, , br r ,qil,t,,.d to use his best exertion, ' , huin the pa 'sap- of an act, prohibiting the . jrirruLtion in this s'ate, of the notes or lull of Hankinj; msiitiition, wlntlier chartered or """". ".". p i" 'its notes or bills in specie, win n uemamldl. ' 1 UU h al1 verv T,,c R"d Pc- nlc of Petersbut have an undoubted r'nrht to refuse taking our notes, and the people ,;, Mate wi ninst rer,jinv rrris(. , of ,ril(!i , elsfwhere. 0ur merchants cun f.nd oH.er market,: and j the result tf this step, on the part of Pe , jtcrshur, should it be pcisevered in, will , be, to turn the course of trade into anoth- tr t;, JtiI)f l.pi rhaps the bt.ik!ing up of a ' . ' commercial town, and opening an outlet for our surplus produrc'm our own state, The titi.rns of pete rshurg nerd not fljt,f. t,l.nm,c! xuX ,i,e ,, ,; Lf .. ,. ... , , . . Noil h( ato ina u ill second their esrr- to their disadvantage. Till'. FLATS IU.1.0W WILMINGTON. The citizens of Wilmington held a meeting on the 2.id ultimo, h the purpose of consider ing the subject of the improvement of the nav igation of the Cspe Fear river below that town. After examinine Mr. Fulton's survey, tlie n.ect. for that purpose, by the last legislature, vis ru fitt'i th'iirr.nd dnUari. W t are -truly lad to bear all this, because w think it a win k, the romplctinn of which would bring about a great revolution in tbe trade of the ststc. If, howev er, it be so easily accomplished, it would seem thnt there r v-' V a gf-st lark f nu' n'r; and enterprise iu tLc uwa " WiUiugUm, in suU'cring ii lo remain o longutiatteiupted. Hut, for f r tin: g20,0Ji might not ho altogether sufficient to accomplish the work, would it not . prudent in the citizens of Wilmington, even yt!t t( take some other measures, besides their ranlvei, to aid the operation t It' the obstruction!! in question can bu renin, ved, and u proper depth of water oht.'iiiied, the g20,000 appropriated will be better spent than , any twenty thousand dollars that have ever been applied in North-Carolina to the causu of internal ! iin)rovcinent. We shall then, in a short time, ' sec vessels of a larjjc size sailing out from H'il- j minion directly to Europe. The large sums i which we now annually pay for freightage coast- whe, from Wilmington to the north, will be a- l i .. . , r . . ' ten 10 our uwu , ami instead 01 joing i to Charleston, and the northern ciliea, for sup plies of foreign articles, we shall fioit them on good terms in Wilmington and Payctteville. Wilmington will lift up her drowsy countenance , Fayctteville will soon recover from her mishaps; and the bck country will equally share in the happy revolution. If any thing could add to our zeal on this vcrtior, ai the next election i:i that com subject, it would be the rnolutiont and the nro- nion wealth. eeediugs of the citizens of Petersburg, (which we have previously noticed,) a town that has been enriched by the trade of our state. Accounts received by late arrivals from Kurope, lessen very much the probability of war between France und Spain, and lead to the conclusion, that the latter will be left to manage her own affairs in her own way. The Bourbons seem to dread the consequences, iothcmsclvcs,of a war, whose objects are so unhallowed, and to accomplish ends so destructive to the riirhts and liberties of nations. They per ceive, that in putting the match to the mine which they have laid for the destitu tion of others, they may themselves be destroyed in the explosion. They feel the frai'.ty of the tenure by which they hold their power; thev know that the rc:d se curity of every government is the affec- nous, am. Its legitimacy t.ic hi,,, o. Use j people ; and they arc sensible that to nei ther can they lav claim s the basis of their i 1,;,. ' ,,, iUM' eon power is "divine tiirbt" its strength, : B tbe bayonets of mcr-"rnuiics,the dunt and the guillotine And w hen a neijh- ' boiing nation, holding h contempt the J "divine rit;ht of kill's," hasasserteil the imprescriptible lights of the people, and founded a government on liberal and m lii'tiimed principles, it is not to be won dered at, that an example, so ominous to tyrants, should fill the Hotirbons with alarm ; that they should be anxious to ex tinguish the lirrbt which is lda:ing fiom the Pvrrnnces and darting its ravs over ,.-ranf(, ,,;slinfr fh. r,.,. .....i mvul 1 (,,;,PelllnK the r"s Jlul "" fnctrclc despotism, and exposing to the cJre 0f ,ay tnc njlt I c Tj r rT. 1 1 y of the principles of Icgitimaty. It is not strange, we say, that the Bourbons should look up- ion the successful struggle f the Span hui ',,h fcarful PP'-cension ; and if Ihey do not light the torch of war, it w.ll be only from ;, d.cud of .he co.,fiaKra.ion WouU "' CcrtW"ly S?rcaJ t,,r'h out France The security which the BouHkhis had calculated upon, by muzrlii. the Press in Trance, is greatly endangered too. bv its frcrdom in Spain. The cordon tuvi. !sirr, with all its bayonets, cannot prevent the passage of licdit into France em. ma ting from this fountain. Its Srightness is too daz-.liii for the ultras ; ks i;.u'.; is h pa,h.wav nf flfC(!m ; and while in , , m " 11 P"rc cvcn!V fl,mf' ,hev cannnt fctl Slfc- li,!t t,!'ho' in France, they have triumphed over this most dreaded enemy, let them be- ware bow they attack it in a country where it is free. It may be said or the Press. when unshacbled, what a certain wilier has said of the power of satire, in the hands of a master, that it is &n in ment, whoso whip or steel can wilh a lash Imprint tbe characters of shame su deep, F.ven in the brazen forehead of proud sin, That not eternity shall w ear it out. Well may the Bourbons, well may the other legitimates of Europe, stand in awe of it ; for while it remains free in any country, its enemies, und the enemies oi the " rights of man," can nowhere feel secure. cowm-s-icATin.) Jons 1). Josh, F.sij. of Wilmington, !s announ ced as a candidate for Congress in the district now represented by Charles Haul j, Iaj. The writer of this has no personal acquaintance with either of the gcntlellii n, though he has seen botbofthem ; butiftl e opinions cf those, whose opportunities of judging have been very good, are to be relied upon, Mr. .tones is reHuinly su- n--"r i tb" ". Mr. H. .t has kcta retarlcj of tlx., that uh .s t? a-!inuht, it for rhrwintt U,bm to, and tinul'.u iiy, i fur umj tiling rlif j" ipi.-iliflrulions that will puss oif pretty well in Duplin, but not so well in(rijr-.. Mr II. dining a f.:w d.ivs he lurried in Habb mX session, on his way to Cohn m, distingui ;h fd himself fur tin.' beauty tuid novidty of his con. venation j anioiij; other thin;;', for c ci t.i'n hand sonic iiick-iiaiin shi: brtDwril upon Mr, Monrac, th President ol the Tinted States for Ibe credit of the di-.(i-ir.t, the u-run arc here ouull' '!. We often bear the rv, tl,.a V.h-Ui furilina U neglected by the Gcier..l (ijvermnnit : ( .in it be otherwise, so loiijf a tin- people of North. Carolina elect, as their repreaeiitjitiw in the iieneral (.overnnieul, sui'lieharactersas (,'luirln '., and Lrmurl Suvyn II -e wi, (ibrs V .. i .. .... r. . I .. . . i respcci us, lei lis i;r..i iern 10 rmiK-ri our selves. .Jul on Cuunt , .V. C. C'AHIllJNt. William F.ustis has been nominated, by a convention of the republican members of the Massachusetts legislature, as the rr public an candidate for the ofiicc of Co. Harrison Cray Otis has been nomina ted, by a convention of the federal mem bers of the legislature of Mas-achusctts. as their candidate for the oGce of t.ov crnor. ASSal'OLIS, '."). i v. The bill to .Imlisli irliions n-sts bis passed yfJi,,Use of Delegates, 40 to 53. It wilM'Uruve no doubt, pass thff Senate. We may now say, throughout the doled States, the rtitrn of peace a. id l ei tv. civil and religious, ii established Alt, lute:. Sad .Mistake. i:istatit s'.ib' rib'T en dosed us f, in iilvi'r, in i lelur, for tiic it . . . . - . r"-'- "" "r - tcr charged w is SI 2'J " Faitli," P.-.i . 1 y said, "Mich business a bodv tnust (l a grcai ceai ot to make a livin, v;:.:. ; at " T Hec.rd Tit LP. CAT.. The grand maladv which afTerts tlie wlejle siistem of a newspaper establish .,,,, Wn,,! be technir.div te.med a pe- cm.i u v depletion, or " iilejji U ,' ' empti- n' " of l"" " i' "'"I l'is oi initiates in '.be j n ss oi piir-c ; ami tins oiiniiutes in ;l.c ! almost universal itidilTerence which is felt . . , , . '.Vi"'" JCCt "ewM"I'cr debts. .'''.V Peol,!c se, m 10 ,,JVC 'oriiied the oiuninn that printers live on old nrviltafieri and Ju'ttn upon tyfie tn"ul ; and that a lit- lie nure cash will iconardize their consti- i r t u I i 1 1 n . Hi ri ng ft Id Fr derails! . lowtn .l,;rcvrn S'K'IK IY. ff'IK members of this society are requested I to meet in tbe long room in the Court-House, at 12 o'clock, tin 'I Inirnlay of the next County Court. As the busiiuss that will come lufore the MK-icH ikof an important liaturt, it is hoped tba.'all the menibirs will give punctual alien i!..nce. Feb. i, lS'JJ. 1w ftiovts of tu i!tise. FOK TKMLING. T WILL bet Two Hundred Hollars, that a I black tan hound, liamr.l Leader, (wilh one thigh broken,) now in the town of Salisbury, "onses in neraw, ,t,iuo on siark.i, a can out trad all the hounds in fabar.us and fl doors from the comer of Front-street. I hesc Mecklenburg : the mretmg to take pl.,ce 0.1 . h,mM-4 cre p'-""eJ ' eonstnir-ed under the the second ll.urs.hv in Msrth net, if a fa.r 1 direction ot an experience J merchant, and are morning ; and it not'fuir, the f.rt fai mom.ng Vf calculated lor the biis.nes, ol Chtraw, be af.crwai.ls. If any person sbm.l.l see proper M I '"S' ' "'f centre ol the cotton markct. cloe with this proposition, he n.av d so, by 1 tor terms, apply to the subscriber, at Sabs'.u. riving the subscriber f.u- dav a' notice, and de- '. N f or ' Mr' M irJ -'omS, or to Mr. WJ- . .'S ... ....... .X tf'I.AU. i.ui.itiar' t ie niunes in I ie Slate 1 ink at Si is. burv. The condition aie p'.titt or fur.: The bet ti be detcrniiiieil, and place ot trailing des'piatrii, bv three ge ntlemen, 1mm any of the ailiinniog counties to be seJec'eil bv the parlies llie !. v on wliUh tlie money is deposite.l in the Mate IUnk at this place. LF.WIS I'TZMA?.". PaliJ.ury. r, h. H, IS:'. Iw Tv.vn" AitiWnvs Hvtvw. SIOI.KN, fro.n llanvilie, a. on the n.gl.t of the .iilth of January, a large sorrel liorse, x yearsold, w iih a hush nmne and tad, an almost n.itui-al pacer, shod all round when taken oil, and a little chah-d with waoo peert. U is ex. Dected that the above mentioned horse was taken 1 f v a fellow bv the name of Frank LiiuNav, (tho' ! V' n,y S'iV mTl- !.r"i ;!ir kin d man, rather inclmeit to bo rouiul j shouldered, and about 3o years of age. it is 1 ""'"'I? '' I and inav probably cross tbe 1 aukm at lteanl a 1 tiridve. Tweiitv ilnlUrs r arl will be given. to anv person who will secure said horse and thief,' so tliat I get llieni, or ten dollars for ei ther, bv the subscriber, living near Danville, V a. CIIAULES KF.T.SLT.. 2wf.Mr V(fMMi Ti FX, fill! die jail of Buncombe county, N. C. on 1 the '2.id instant, a man who calls hiir.st.lf Sn.ilh. BII.1 k.l&hi. I !i l-itiPn lit It... t I ronntv, Wcst-'Finncssrc. He bail in bis po-s!-s- I sion a negro man, w hum he called George, about r . . ... I.:,, i, ....... ...a s , leet ii is.' ' iiik i, 'i in.,.-, ami u;ii . i I..., i ... i t..; i ' , ' !. I Hi IT tsitiMis, iiia oi i, i'wivi p , "" w as ruic( in Moutgonicry county, N. (. hy a man hy the name of Prior. Aller Smith was apprehended. Prior rsme, on hisusy moiingto the west, and claimed aid negro; but be was n fused to be given up, as be could not prove the property ; and said negro is now in jvl. Al so in nossesion ol Saul Smitli, a sorri I -lorse, s i ill i..".i -nm in ihtui .-iMiiia, .(..in - . , about 4 J Lamia ,iKh. w ith a large bla,e in bis "ace, between 16 and 20 scars old ; also, a plain saddle and bridle. Said Smith was committed lo the jail of tins county for a most daring rob bery on the subscribir. It is also believed that tbe said negro does not belong to Smith. Tin c tire, then-tore, to g'ne notice to all persons hav ing any demands sgaiust said property, lo conic "r'aid, pay charges, and take th'".nviv. 7.. BAHU). JhmttniAf Co. an. 31, 183J.-3MJ YlocU. VrimkVin & fartum, HWJN'G united then inlcr st nil'ie pra ' rr. tif I'hysie, respr eilolly teml i- th.-ir . ev i Ces, in Ibe dilli.-relit bram hex of llu ir pi id. t,i in, to tlu- inbabitaiils ot h'aK-'.vdh'. find lis su .i.ity. They occupy tlie s'and iWrnieity occop vl ,j l.rwin h. tiailber, ai'wliii li one of tin in nia rally be found, or by inquiring -A the hou v of Itobert Siinonton or Uobct Woi kt, lis'jin, '.oid by ; rompt alleiitlon to business they hope lo iikT.I tie- coulideii'A; and gain the patronage ei tin- public. Statetun.; F,h. X IH.'l.'.t'.U , u Uvi'VAv-i'r VuuUa. hlNtiU'. man, well reroininc-iiib il, v bo ijii d -rsta.nl, the iii- of eiuii and ro'lop, and (he main,f!-iu.- t f fi.-gre, will iuc:t with ciri-d'vuit n' . Ap .i ut U, oilkc. fVb'. 4, 1H21. ' SlvvUr (ii .Vnvi-VV.vvtiWuus j.incoi.v i oi rv. fOI.'irr of I'leas ii'nl Quarter Sessions, Jan' J nary Session, A. I). liiJ.J, fieorpe lluli'inau und others, heirs of .M.o-tin llu'r.n.iit, decc asefj, t . John llulfinan IMitioii tor the division of the n id estate of Martin If'llf'.iriii, deceased,-. It appearing to the court, that .(ebn lloHiin ii no' an inhabitant of this s.tate j it is therefore oixli red, Ijv court, that notice be published three w eeks in the Wc-i'eru Carolinian, rnpiiriii( 'bo said John Mudniao to ipptar a the next rouniy court of Pleas anil Quarter Sessions, to be In Id for the said county, at the Court llouse in I.in. eoliiton, mi the fourth Monda. after the fourth io M ir h next, then and there to ansaer r li lit i ir to the said petition, otherwise it will be ta ken pro confesKi, and adjudged accordingly. t'ilne,s V. M'lter, Clerk of the said court, t I.ini olnton, tbe 3d Monday of January, lHJ. V IIDICV M'hKK, '('. V. . r.1'42 pri- e adv. ftl 2i. .VttTlCV.. 'I IHKtir will be exposed to pnbl c sde. at 'be late house of tbe Hon. Franrij T.ocki-, d'-cewl, en the fjuilh .Uundiw, that if, the 24 h !;iv of I etmurv, 1 H J,J, and coiilinutj Irmn day toiby mad all is sold tlie numerous stock of Morses, I atllr, Silieep, Iln(,', Tic. t.iain, . a h i . ii ...i. .. i.i e, i rv e-ej iolhiii : ta.rn, nr-ji, 1,41 1' , ii r i an I 0..ti; a!.o, a large quaiili'i rt ll iv, I o.lJ. r, i and o'lu-r roi.bness ; and all tbe iinp'h niems of J husbaiidry on i aid place, wagons, jfeers, ph'tiglu. Le, with I ie houscbold and kill ben furniture, ;o Si ill:., willitlie usual quantity of sesvls,mid njiple and peach brandy ; also, a Cotton (.in, with al! the running works, an excellent srrew, unci about fuMV bale "'f Co'ton, pack'd ami in priiiii: order; also, a large pi:iutity of pickled I'ork. There U alo a large blirat v of Hooks, principally on law, which, if not sold privately ; prciJus to ,!u- nine ab.rV.ai,!, will on Hut V some o.h r day durinir tbe ale, be exjios, d to i';ll,,ir "''des, there are three oii.cr mm w mn 'lnUt.ins near the above, h.cbtl larir" s' ks of everv knul, Kf;lin. ro fjrn,inff u.ri,s,l. f.e.' All of which w, po..il to salt during said week, in con lantatiniii near the above, on arhicbtbe.e arc nliims, II be ei- rofitiiiu.i:irr. of the sale, at their respective places; notice tf which will be given the day previous, from day tin the last day of sale, will ho hired at tho late ! Ming-house, all the Ncgroc which, for the present, are not otherwise disposed of by th- Will ; say about j5 or 40 ; among w h cb aro me prime fellows, women and girls; and tlifl m vc ni plantations rented out, all until the first day of January , 1824. Sale to commence st 10 o'ebick on card dav, nnd continue as aforesaid, from day to day, un'aj all is sold. Twelve months credit j and due attcndaiico will be given bv me. JOH1 SCOTT, Execute, h'ovan foiVy.A". C. Kb. 1, 1823. 442 Stove Umtsris to Went, IN CHLKAW. I rjliir. subscriber proposes to rent two Store " v J. A. PEARSON'. Jim. 13, 1823. 'JaeopSm I1. s, I be subscriber w ill sell, on accommod. ling terms eiiber or both the above htsusesani Ints. Me also offers fur sale several unitnprmed has in the town of Chi raw. J. A. V. AO 770:. mill", sale of lots laiJ olT on the lands of l. I titia W,Kn, at Mock's Okl Field, in the Fork of ibe wilkin Hicr, under a decree of ibe. Court of Faputy for Kowan coon'), having bc-ii postponed from Aupist last, until the first of Januarv, 132 i. w ill again be resumed, on tho 2 :h and ot!i of February, upon the terms men tinned in a former advcrtiaemciit, and which will a "Min be made known on the d.iv of talc. J. A. I'F.AHSON, SAML. .10 NFS, .10IIV ( LF.MViNT, I Cmnim lit (ill UliALY, f,hn:-i. Aixv. NF.smr, J J. T. CAKTLR. J .VOVVCfJ, Sa'unlay, the LS-h if l'cSrusry irs'ant, will he s,ild, at Iir.ksville, three likely your.;; NFIjMOF.S, tStf property of (.des H. Vou.i'uril. deCeajMrd. .'IVr.iu ilia.le known CJ i t!a .1 iy of aale. 2wt'4sj NATHAN CII rilN. Jr. d.Wr, Vvt. lUnts WewvwA. ON the 19th instant, absconded from the Suli. tn'ri'ocr, Junes Milton Leo, an apprentice s ...... .. , . . . V- g. . oonntl to th.- suliscnher bv the County Comlof Sleek lenlnirg, lo learn the carpenter snvl rahi. net bus.ness. Said appis-nUte is sliout eighteen years of a. re, five feet I J or 11 imhes high, and of fair complexion. I hereby forewarn all pre. S'ms from harbori''g or supplying said appren tice, as the law will certainly be enforcccl agauri those- who mav iran-eics in this res-iect. Ih- 1 . ... . j J 1 1 ! ;'bove rrr"rJ 1,1 j" 0n Me'etinj lh' s-, SleekleaSurg eountv, S.C.. UAMI) M'kMl.lir. .Ku. 2), is:.;. r.wt'ii Wvt; Vwvev, I'lit m'ie st the otnre oft lit " ( iardlinian," af three dollars twenty -fiee rents per ream. Also, two rtams broken foolscap, 2 3'J; And one bundle Super Koval, for wrapping".

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