I i.c .SI hi. ' v.!. ' 'it the Mtisf in;iil-i. t, Vl mhiI tli" him ' :1 irui)i adiiiis . .. 'i "IT. ,a,4 -. 0.V Lt:.in.YG HOME. Cod ItL-sn thee ! was die last cndr ariiitf word Die lip cmilj utter, or the heart couM hil ! 2hit tlurc win. ( Ihmi whom was only heard i; A blcvi thee !iud it wan ufll-ctam' knell ?vr rtmtiy a lonely day The very phrwe Was oh repeated by the parting voice Of wmtlitiil tYiwuUliip; and the but fire well 01 vunc vi ho lnvM me ii my boyish days, Vint warm mid tr ufid Yet there vv as hut uue W Imsc heart beat quicker than her e) es ran o'er, "V 1 1 we trembling lips rchi'd to whisper more, Than tlmt vvartn prayer. It w is a liallm 'd tone ! Hrirty's the very ipice of lifir, 'I'liHt jfivei it nil itsrlavnr. fnwi " lJphli and MuifWt of Si atlith lift." mm THE LOVKU'S LAST VISIT. The window ol the lonely cottage of llilt'-p wai beaming far above the lYighest birch-wood, seeming to travel icrs at a distance, in the tang valley below, who knew it not, to be a star in the sky. A bright fire was in the kitchen of that sm.ll tenement; the fl r was washed, swept, and s aided, and not a footstep had mailed its per fect neatnes; a sradl table was cover ed, near the ingle, with a snow white cloth, on which was placed a fnig.il evening meal; and in happy, but pen sive mood sat there all alone the Wood cutter's daughter, a comely and gen-j tlr mature, ii not beautiful! such an one as diffuses pleasure round her in the hay f.cld, and serenity over the seat in which she sits intentively on the I Sabbath, listening to the word tf GndJ ee joining with mellow voicr in his pi ise and worship. On this night she expected a tisit from her !ver, thatj they might fix their marrii je Jay ; ; and her parents, saiisfu d and happy that j thrir child was about to be wedded to a r spectable shepherd, had gone to pay j a visn to their nearest neighbor in ther glen. I A feeble and hesitating knock was. hr rd at the door, nK like the glad and ' j- y lu! touch of a lover's hand ; and tau- j tK uslv opening it, Mary Kobmsi n be I held a female figure wrapped up in aj I ;ik. with her I ce concealed in a hi alt bonnet. This sttangrr, whoev-' er she might be, seemed weaned and Worn out. and her feet bore witness to a long day's travel air. ss the m.irhy mountains. Althoughshrcould scant ' 1) help considering her an unwelcome! Visiier at such an hour, yet ary had to much sweetness of disposition too imnh humanity, not t request her to' 3t p forward into the hut ; for it seem-' ed s if the wearied woman had lost' her way, and had come towards the sh inmg window to be put right upon her journey, to the low tountrv. ! The stranger took c!Ther bonnet on 1 reaching the tire ; and Mary Itahinsnn j beheld the fce rf one w hr-m, in south, j si., had tenderly loved although for Some years past, the distance at which they lived !rom,'ih other had k pt th m Irom meeting, and only a letter or two, written in their simple way,, had given them a few notices r.f each ! ott er s existence. And now IWarv I ad an opportunity, in the first speechless gaze of recognition, to mark the al tered face of her friend and her heart was touched with an inquisitive .om- roinri, ' 'or rrif rev's Hake ! sitdoun. S tah ! and tell me what evil has bcfal- j lrn you; for you are as white as a ghost. Fear cot to confide any thing to my los'.ru, wc have herded sheep together rn the lonesome braeswe have stripped the b. rlt togtther in the nmre lonesome woods -wc have play ed, laughed, sung, danced t getter we have talked merrily and gaily, but innocently enough, surely, of sweet heads together and Sarah, graver thoughts, too, have w c shared, lor when your poor broiler died away like a Ironed flower, I wept ns if ( had been hi- sistir; nor can I ever be so happy ii .his world as to forget him. Tell me, my friend, why are yen lure? imd why is your swrct fa e so ghasdy ?" "1 he heart of this unexpected visiter d'' d within I er at th.se kind and airVc tiotute in:u't . s. Tor she had come on an errand that was likely to dash .tit? joy lioGl tht irappy WuftlCiWiwe. ilei liirtit uphraiJid her with the mcaiitii'' of the' purpose tor which tdie had paid this visit j but that was only a passing thought ; fui was she, innocent and lice from siu, to submit, nut only to ilcu-rikai, but to digracc, and not trust herself and her wrongs, and her hopes of redress, to her whom she loved as a sister, and whose gen erous nature she well knew; not even luve, the changer of so many things, could change utterly; though, indeed, it might render it colder than of old to the anguish of a female friend? J u () ! Mary, 1 must !prak yet musf my words make you grieve, far less lor mc than for yourself. Wretch, that I am I bring evil tidings into the dwell ing of my dearest friend ! These rib bons they are worn lor his sake they become well, as he thinks, the au burn of your bonny hair that blue gown is worn to night because he likes it but, Mary, will vou curse me to mv face, when I declare before the God that made us, that the man is pledged unto me by all th.it is sacred between mortal creatures, and that I have here in my bosom written prom ises and oaths of love fromliim who, I was this morning told, is in a few days io be thy husband. Turn jcr out of the hut now if you choose, .tlVt me, if you choose, die of hunger and fa tigue, in the woods where we have so often walked together ; for such death Would be mercy to me, in comparison with your marri.ige with him who is mine forever, if there be a (lod who heeds the oath of the creatures he h..s made." Mary Kobinson had led a happy life, but a life of quiet thoughts, tranquil hopes, and meek desires. IViidt-rlv and truly did she love the man to w h ni she was now betrothed ; but it wa-, bi -cause she had thought him grntle, manly, upright, sincere, and one that feared (!. lbs character w as unim peached to her his behavior had al ways been fond, . lh ctionate, and res pectful i thai he was . fine looking man, and could shew himself among the best of the country round the ihurch, and market, and fair dav, she saw and felt with pleasure and with pride. l?ut in the he;trt cf thi poor, humble, conten ted and pious girl, hu e was rot a vio lent pafsion, but an niTcction sweet and profound. She looked forward to her marriage with a joyful sedatei ess knowing that she would have to toil lor her family, if blest with children ; but hr.ppy in the thought of keeping her husb nd's house clean of prepar ing his frugal meals, and welcoming him when weariedat night, to her faith ful nd affectionate, and grateful bo som. At f.rst, perhnp a slight flu--h of an- gi r towards Sarah tirgedhir rhttk; then lulltiwed in quick succession, or all blended together in one sicktniig pang, fear, ths pp untmctii, the si i scot get a whole year ol bliis. She could wrong, and the cruel piiin of discs- not yet fling away wit'i her own hand teeming and clrspisir g one on vom what, i nly a few minutes ago, seemed her heart had rested wi h all it hcM to her ihr hope of paradise. Mir soul andpunst UtTection. Hut though then sicktiud wi'hin hr, aid she wished vv s a I'm struggle between mai y f rl- th t slu-uin had, or never ha J bii n ins it. her htaii, her ico'uti. ;. ;!, born. formed during th t very conflict ; ..id j C'u! ri;I ! (iahriel ! well indeed have she said within herself, "if i; Lc even i I lovtd voti; i vi!l I snv, .titer nl! so, nrsthcr will I be unjust to ifr-i tb.tt has pass d between u, that ou privr pir.r Sarah cf the a. an w ho uJm jare not drsr rvi:, :.ltrr all, of a better to marry her, nor w ill I be so mean . r.d love than mine. Win were it to deny lw spirited, pi or a s 1 am, and dear us! my love either to you, or to my own he has been unto me, as to become hi.s soul. Bin Io. .k me in the face be r.oi wife." ' (wrathful thick 'lot to hide the tiuth While these thoughts were caimlv eitht r Irtun v ourstlfor me, for that now p.issirg io the soul i f this mag at i- is imp.-ssihh but tell me solemnly , as mous girl, all htr former affeitie.n for you sh.ill arswtr to (iod at thi judg Sarah revived ; ar.d, as she sighed f r mint day, if you know anv reason why hersell, she wept aUiiid for her trierd I n-ir.t not be uur eddc d will Slie " Uc quiet, Sarah, and sob rot so as iljkcpt her mild, moist eyes ftxtd upon your heart were breaking. It need not him ; but he hti g (low n hishtadand to be thus with you. Oh! sob not so 'uttered n t a wild, lor he was j;uiitv sair! You surely have not walked in thU one dayTii inthe heart of the pa rtsh of IWontrath.' " I have-" it dnd done so, and I am as weak as the watched snaw. God knows, little mat ter if I should die away ; lor, after ;.ll. I fear he will never think of me far his wife, and you, Mary, will lose a his band with whom you would have been happy. I feel, alter all, that I must appear a mean wretch in your eyes." There was silence Letwctn tV.nn ; and Mary Hnbinson looking at the cloik, saw that it w anted only about a quatter of an hour Irom the time ol tryst. 'Give me the oaths and pto mises you mentioned out of your bo som, Sarah, that I may shew them to Gabriel when he fotnes. Ard once more I prcmiae, by all the sunny and the snowy days wc have sat together, in the same plaid on the hillside, or in th lonesome charcoal pl ts nrul rests o' green in the woods, that il my Ga- bi'ul did Is:iy my Gabriel ? Hasfui saketi vim ,.nd deceived mc thus, never shall his lips touch mine again never shall he put ring on my finger never shall this head lie in his bosom no, never, never, notwithstanding all the happy, too happy hours and days I hive been with him, near oral a distance on the corn rig among the meadovv hay in the singing school at harvest home in this room'and in God's own house. So help me Cud, but I will keep this vow !" I'oor Sarah told, in a few hurried words, the story of her love and deser tion how Gabriel, whose business as a shepherd often took him into Montrath parish, h id wooed her, and fixed every thing about their marriage, nearly a year ago. Uut that he had become causelessly jeahms of a young mm whom she scarcely knew ; had accused her of want of virtue, a.:d lor many months had mver once come to see her. " Tins morning, lor the first time, I heard, for a certainty, from one who knew (iahriel well, and all his con cerns, th.it the banns had been pro claimed in the churih between him and you ; and that, in a day or two, you were to be married. And thot:gh I lelt like drowning, I determined t" make a struggle lor my life lor oh! Mary, Mary, my heart is not like your heart ; it wants your wisdom, your meekness, your piety; and if 1 am to lose Ga-bri-!, will I destroy my miserable life, and face the wrath ol (iod sitting in judgment up in sinners." At this burst of p.ssio-i Sar.h hid her face with her hands, as il sensible that she had committed blasphemy. Mary seen g her wearied, hungry, thirsty and feverish, spoke to her in the most soiahing manner; led her into the little pailoor callid the Spence, then removed into it the table, with the oaten cake, b itter ai d milk ; and tell ing her t.- take M'ov relrestiment, and then lie dow n on the bed, but on no .,c count to leave the room unulialh d fcr, tavr h.r a sisterly kis and left her. In a few minutes, tr.e outer door open ed, and G.ibricl cnund The lover said, "how is mv sweet Mary?" With a beaming counte nance, and gently dra. ing her to his bosom, he kUsed her cnei k Mary did not could not wished not .it once to release herself from his enfolding arms, (iahriel had alvvay s treated her as the woman who was to be his wife ; and though at this, time her h up knew i s ovv n bitterness, yet she rcpt lied not endearments that were so lately de lightful, and suffered h m to take her almost in his arms to th ir accustomed seat. lie held her hand in ' is. ,nd began to spc.k in his usual k t d and afh ctionate language. Kind and ff c- tionate it was, for though he Might not to have done so, lie loved her, as she thought, beter than his life, lit r heart to. lu not in one small short hour, for- In-fore her, be fore his own soul, ar.d be- iforc God " Gabriel, ncvir could we have bun h. ppy, for yt u often told n.e, that all the secrets t f your heart were known to me, yet never did ye tell me ti is. Mow could you desert the poor in o cn.t creature that loved you ; ar.d how could you use me so, who loved y o perhaps as well as she, but whose heari (iod will trach, not to forget yen, loi that I may never do, but to think i vou, vith that frieidship and aihctioii which innocently 1 c.n bestow upon vou. when you are Sarih's husband. Tor, Gabriel, I have this night sworn not inutigir ot passion no, n bo' in sorrow and pity forai other's wreic in sorn w also, chny it will I not, for my own, to look on you from this hour, as one whose life is to be let apart Irom my life, ar.d whose lou must never n ote meet with mv h vt Speak not unto me, look not on mc with beseeching eyes. Duty sod n gion forbid us ever to be man and wife, bat you know there is one, besides me, whom you loved before you loved me, and, therefore, it may be better too ; and that she loves you, and is faithful, as if (iod lud made you one, I say without fear, I who have known her since she was a child, ahho' fatally for the peace of us both, we h ive long lived apirt. b.irati is in tin: House, ( which sue cannot soiten notning so and I will bring htr unto you in tears, : elevated that she cannot subdue ? when but not tears of penitence, fur she is we tell her that her eyes are blighter as innocent of that sin as I am who than day th at her form is fairer than now speak." i summer more refreshing than spring Mary went into the little parlour, ' that her liis are Vermillion that and led Sarah forward in her hand. her skin combines the whiteness of the Despairing as she had been, yet when lily with the carnation of the rose? she had beard from poor Mary's speak- U wc censure a fine woman as frivo ing so fervently that Gabriel had come, lous, when we unceasingly tell her that and that her friend was interceding in no other btudy becomes her but that her behalf the poor girl h d arranged of varying her pleasures that she te ller hair in a small looking glass tied quires n talent but that of the arrange it up with a ribband .vhich Gabriel had nivnt of parties no ideas byond tin given her, and put into the breast of her thought of an afternoon's amusement; gown a little gilt broach that contained Can we blame her frivolity, when we locks of their blenod luir. I'alc- but lell her that her hands were not made beautiful, for Sarah Pringle ws the : to touch the needle, or to soil their fiirest girl in II the country; she ad- whiteness in domestic employments? vanced with a flush on that paleness of Can we blame her frivolity, when we reviving hope, injured pride, and love . tell her the look of seriousness chases that was ready to' forgive all nod forget from her cheek the dimple, in which all, so that once ..gain sheco ,ld be re j the loves and the graces wanton that stored to the place in his heart that she j reflection crowns her brow with carr, had lost. "Whai have I ever done, j and she w ho thinks, sacrifices the smile Gabriel, that you should fling me from that makes beauty charm, and icjjaiety you ? May my soul never liv e by the atonement of mv Savi ,ur, if I am not innocent of that sin, yea, of all distant thought of that sin with which you, even you, have in your hard-heai ted lies charged rm. Look me in the face, Gabriel, and think cf ul! I have ht en unto you, and if "you s.iv tlut before God, and in v our own soul, veu believe mr guilty, then will 1 go away out in the datk nijdit, and. h)t:,j Ii' lore m un ing, mv troubles will be at an in'l.'' Truth was not only in her brvnt a.d simple words, but in the toi.e of; her voire, the color of her fare imd the j light of her eves, (iahriel had long 1 shut up his lu-art against her. A t first j he lud doubted. her virtue, and that doubt gradually weakened his r.fl'cc- lion. At last, he tried to believe her guilty or to forget her altogt ther, when j his heart turned to Mary Robinson, j and he thought of making her his wife His injustice, his wickedness, his bare ness, whi h he had so long concealed, in some measure, from himstlt, by a d:m feeling of wrong done him, and afterwards by the pleasure of a new love, now appeared to him ..s the :v w ere j most of a lover's hopes is to be the and without disguise. Mary tot. k Sa-1 humblest of her slaves that to fnlf.l r,.h's hand and placed it w ithin that of j the !e rtof her commands is the high her contrite I ver. for had the tumult j fst ambition of her adorers ? And ar id conflicting passions allowed him to j men so unjust ?.s to censure, the idols know his own soul, such, at that mo- menthe surely was, saying with a voice as con posed as the eyes with whhh she h oked upon them, " I rt :torc y ou to each other, and I already feel the comfort ol being tilde to (io mv dutv. I will be bride's maid. And I n -vv im plore the blessing of God up' n sour m rriage ; Gabriel, ycur l etn the d will sleep this night in my bosom. We will think cl yo- better. pv:haps. than ou deserve. It is not for me to lell vou what you have to re pent of. I. t us all three pray for raih other this night, ai d evermore when we are on our knits b lore our Maker. The old people will mon be at Immr. Good night Gabriel." He kissed S irah ud, giv ing Mary a look ol shame, humility and nverence, be wnt home to med itation and repentance. It was now mid-summer, acd before the harvest had been gathered in throughout the higher valley s, i r the sheep brought Irom the mountain fold, Gabriel rd S..rah were man and wife. Time past on, and a blooming, family " herred their board and fireside. Nor did Mary Kobinson, the flow er of the forest, (for so the woodcutter's daugh ter Was often csiied,) pass her life in . , ,, , . 1 , single blessedness. She. too, became a vv ue anil mower ; ami tne tw o lan.i- Iks, who Iivtu at last on adjacent t.;rms, were remarkable for mutual affection, throughout all the parish ; and more than one intermarriage took pLce be tween them, at si time, when the wor hy parents had almost entirely forgot en ihe trying incident of their youth. , FFJU1.E (H.to.iCTEIl I fl .1 I i ' I he critics on tne lair sex ten u they are vain, frivolous, ignorant, co quettish, capricious, and what not. Unjust that we are ! It is the fable ol the lion and the man but since the adies have become authors, they can t. ke their revenge, were they not 00 generous to indulge the passion. 1 bough they have learnt to paint, their sketches of man are gentle and kind. Bui if the ladies were what surly mis anthropes call them, who is to blame them? Is it not we who (spoil, who corrupt, who seduce them ? Is it sur prising that a pretty woman should bo vain, when we daily praise to her face her charms her taste her wit ?j Can Whlarrie lief vanitv, ""when we tell her that nothing can resist her attractions ' that there is nothing so barbarous that rcnil rs wit attractive f How c.ri i pretty w'oina'n fail 'to be ignorant, when the first lesson she is taught, h that beauty supersedes and dispense:-, with every other quality that all she. need to know is, that she is prtttv that to be intelligent is to be pedantic; and that to be more learned thn one's neighbor, is to incur the reproach of absurdity and ajlVctatn.n f .Shall we bTaToeTTer for btitig a coquette, when the indi-r.rimiii.it'.: 11 itterv of every man iir.ches lier that the hom.icrt cf "tic is as good as that of an tiier? I; i the wine darts, the s.mie flames, :i,e same beau:;, the same coxcombs. The niau cl sense, v h.'ii he attempts to compliment, ret otnnier.ds the tut rd beaux, since he condescends to do with awkwardness w hat the monkey can ds with grare. With all, she is ago', th is, and to her, all men are equal!- Mortal. How can she prefer wh-.i there is n merit, or be constant v. In u tlurc is no superiority? Is she cj piicious? Can she be otherw ise, when she hears the universe must be proud ! to wait on her commands that the tit- Ljath;bytheir ovn hands? Let us be just; let us begin the work of refer ma"ion : when nun cease to flatter, women will cease to deceive; wlua men are wist, women will be wise j please. Tl e ladies do not rce the ta' te of men they only adapt 'them selves to it. They may corrupt, ir.-.l be corrupted they may improve atul he improved. ' muM hi i.ru-oi-.-.. " Ftnplov a tftoiblf ti'ti-tain io icn;, rile ino enemies, and vou will ai'miru the wise nr.tl reputable manner i i wlinli I c would refute every sop'.Um that pai sion could invent. If the tuund of com-I-bini should be exuberated, he won!.! instantly Imlil the- balance of eepiitv. .u d retrench vvhut anc;er nmy hive added t truth. If the ofTtndcil should sav he li.nl received gricvm inun,, he would instant ly unswcr. that between two jarring chris tians it is immitcii.il to inquire ia tlib rssr, t I.c decree of irrationality in the ofr nre ; the immediate business he wouM say, is the rcasoit.ihlcnchs of forgiveness If the ofl'enilid should allege, that he hath often forgiven, he would rcplv, this is exactly in the case, between the Juric of the world and his offended creatures. ami vet he would atltl, the resulting of a I lhr.iit..in.1 nprfnr f l.rik. Inn nfr.ttt.i. . ...v..... .... j........ ....... ...v.v.LVt. Mill ui . lh(,lvuu r,,vo,s lhc u0um of a thou- - s;.nti ,CM,lutions, do not prevent (iod from I'pt-hing the treasures of his mercy to us If the complainant should have recoitise to the ordinary subterfuge, and should pro test that he had no tmimosity in hcurt.cti ly that he resolved to have no future inti macy with one that hail so grievously in jured him ; he would dissipate the ross illusion, by bringing the example of a merciful (iod who does not content him self with merely forgiving us, but in spite, of our faults, unitelh himself to us bv the tenderest relations. Lovely morality, mv brethren Admirable effort of a mind contemplating truth without prejudice or passion Never magnify the faults of any, not even of enemies, but on tht contrary al ways pollute tlu ir rrrors as mtirh as a re gard te truth nd equity will pormit.