Jtniovcr.n :.t) Uiit' cc.isic ct V;it-; a convention, and to e fl'.:ct, if pmsiblc, ,; .., w..a. .,. i.;.- . 'M i' - ,'j'--t of the niresiiig at Ha!i if.;!. ', ,, ,., ,,,. Mr AtnU l li.it Co. Samuel Clninii witd 0l, account 01 UK. H'MIN,,'. , ot 10 y of the member. I Ins i ui the st Mf -this conimiticc, Uh orn-spohij witlj time the Board liavc been compelled to t Ii e general committee appointed at Ka adjourn, from the twine caiise. Such in-,lcigli ; also, wlili editors of newspapers, attention to their duties,." iridic officers, ""'j P' hcm to publish Mich paper . , ami documents a they may consular re- is r.c.tatnly deiem..;; of M-.vc.e iipitntn.,. (f . sion, and should meet the unqualified dis- ,(ie ncc;SSiiy 0f revising the constitution, approbation of the p'.-nplc. No nun is lichotvrd, That the members of the forced into office-l.is aec eptanre of any corresponding committees forbid conn- . ,f i, .,r..i , n, attend e if h company at ttu-ir musters, public trust is pcrlou, volt, Maty, ur,d inlht. fo,!owinKOJr, ,UU , (;cn when an individual accepts of ati-ntm r, u,.jltuin, lhc ,-ompi.t.ies comprising the either for honor oreiuolument, he is trior- S( battalion of the 1st regiment i Uenj. ally bound to nerfoim the duliesannexed ! King. I'sq- the companies compiising the to that office. No ordinary excuse will "" battalion of the first regiment; ...... . t ol. Samuel Davidson, the first battalion of the second regiment ; Robert Usury, l,s(j. the second battalion of the second regiment; the Rev. Garrett Durrc, the Ivy battalion of the 3d regiment ; Zeph aniah Harlan, Is(. the Cany river battal ion, of the 3d regiment j and Col. Samuel Chunn. as occasion may require, for the purpose of explaining to 'lie people the nccessi y ,f their excrcisim; the power they have, in a peaceable and hcroming manner, of so amending the constitution, as tv il! give t') each freeman in the state equal rights and privileges. Ren' !vd, Thai a meeting of the said romittre be lie Id at Ashville, on Thursday of the nt:;t Supreme Court, to be held for the rountv of Buncombe in order to dtvise further measures, if necessary, lo carry the ohjert of the meeting at Kaltigh into complete effect. .' aoiv , I lit the foregoing resolu tions be published in the Western Caroli nian. SAMl T.I. CIII NN, ChairiMii. palliate his neglect, or justify l is breach of an implied promise. If his private business or ease render him unable er un willing to attend to his public duties, his course is plain let him resign, and give place to some one else, no that the inter ests of the public m.iy not suffer through his inability or neglect. No man, in our opinion, can conscientiously hold an office one moment longer than he possesses the ability and inclination fait hfully to perform the duties which appertain lo it. If any member of the Board for Inter. nal Improvements is incapacitated, from any cause, from performing the services required of him, we hope lie will sec the propriety of his coiiMillin;; lhc public good, by resigning. The object of the meet ing of the Boaid at Wilmington was an important one ; the interests of the State were materially 'connected with it ; but nothing could be done there, on account f the absence of twoof its members. We do not say therefore that the public inter ests suffered (although Mich mijjht have been the rase ;1 but important business Was delayed, mid additional expense in curred, bv the absence of those ulioin nothing but imperious necessity should have kept from the post of duty. jn'unrti c.iRouxi .ivn vuinr.vi.u rur.sinwi.ii. u.vx tio.v, fwc (most t riilrMi st.) It riu.sunVTi.ii. .xomi.ith).. . . r . 1 vi a meruit;:, rompo-i n most 01 me members of the lei-.l.it'itc of .M..i:ie, held .it I'm tlam! o'l the I Glh ultimo, lb? fallow ing preamble and rcsnhti-m were v.uani in' im.'v adopted : Wln re.si: li.is been it presented ili.it the people of 'I is Sta'r are in f.,tr oTt'ie H hi. Un.in'1 II ( KAV. roRi) f ir the II' Xt I'lCaidfht ; ;.nd ji tiling piopcr to correct ativ fjlse imptcssion on this sub jert ; tin refine. AV.y ',t't id, I hat this onvention enter- 'tain the bii;hest rr.pcrlfnrthedisiir-irtiish Wilmington, the board unanimously ap proved of the plan recommended by the ciril engineer, and believing the object to be attainable, expedient, consistent with good policy, and that it can be accom plished for the turn appropriated by the act of last session for this purpose, they resolved that the work be executed with all possible, dispatch, and authorized Mr. F'tilton, the state engineer, to contract for the execution of it. We trust, therefore, that these obstructions which have- been in the way of vessels of any considerable burthen coining into the port of Wilming ten, will be speedily removed, which can not fail to be of vast advantage, not only to that place, but to the mercantile inter est generally of this state. U.MtON' TUUNCIs HE ATLV. nosTON.jAM, 23. On Tuesday niht, Jluvjard 7'iuk, a prisoner in the County goal in this town, made his escape, and lias not yet been found. He is the pec son who was some time since tried in (he Supreme Court for murder committed in the State prison, and acquitted on the plea of insanity, and who, being commit'ed for safe keeping to the goal in this town, in September last, killed twoof his fellow prisoners, who had been permitted to ac company him in his room, to assist him in reading the bible. Since the commis sion of this last act. Re has been kept in irons. A short time since, he entirely stripped himself of his irons, and they were replaced by a new set much stron ger. I hese were shackles upon his legs, by whic h he was chained to the floor, a double pair of handcuffs, and an iion col lar, uiili a chain passing from it to the ir ons between his hands. These had teen strictly examined on Monday, ami wcie entirely sound, and they were apparently so on 'Tuesday. lie, however, succeeded , on TuesH.iy night in breaking both pair of handcuffs, the chain of his collar, utul the chain by which he was fastened to the floor. He then removed two or ihiee thick oak planks which formed a part of the ceiling, and were fastened bv several bolts, broke 'wo large bars of iibii, re moved a number of small stones in the wall, and forced out a lare stone forming a put of the outer face of the wall, which fe ll upon the platfoim, and left an open ing laige enough for him easily to escape. By the assistance of a plan from his room, he made his way to the top of a shed, from which he escaped into the Ilunnj a turr fur the Gravrt. num ber of years ato. says a correspondent, I was much alllicted with the gravrl, and twice ia serious danger from small stones lodging in the passage. I met with a gentleman who had been in my situation and pat rid of that disorder by sweeten ing his tea with half honey and half su gar. I adopted this remedy and found it effectual. After being fully clear of my disease, about ten years I declined taking honey, and in about tlnre months I had a violent fit of my old complaint. 1 then renewed my practice of taking honey in my tea, and am now more than three score and ten, und have not for tl.c last twenty-seven years, had the smallest symptom of the gravel. I have rccon mended my prescription to many of n v acquaintances, and have never mio mi it to fail. LOST, OH mislaid, mt note of hand o;i ,t:,!j, VV -kiiistOrltiMUr eai h, Lee l'atn r,ln.'HKo Hi-urue, and Willinni Citfc-k, soruritu 4 -Imt'j (luted the 1st d;i) of July, 18.V. On,: i 'it the 11 day of January, H21( the other will bo doe the 25th of It- . iiil.i-i, 1HJ.1, hrar i any person from trading lir suid note, M I bus u received full naUfuctiott tut the nine. -. her rOLLV 'A K I. AUNTY. Hf mark ft L ITOI.I.S reoin the feuhttrihi r ,VTY J plali'iitiilll, on the litml trr We ol Mviuw :r-i kt Mfc:kl:iil.i.ric fjpwtt'&U,k&jKli: DIED, In this town, on Friday morning last, Mr. Ji,i: - '( k'riiln; an old und respectable citizen, a;;cd from d:iv toi'.nf until u!l is sold the nnmeroi.. ........ 1. v I' ....... .... n W.. ao, a red mirrel HolisK, five Mats old past. about 14 liaiids high, h-;vy f ade, work well in harness of an kind , hr no uhi't mark iij linn i iitekn and '.10K hut tnoi,- gi-neinllj the fiisti and was in iiiiddlin oid older. An ivrson giving notice of the ahoie dewrihet! iioise, so that the on mt ran get him alcmili "hall he rrwur.ted for hU trouble, and all remni'iililu es;ei.ie r.uid. JOSF.I'lt YAUmtOW.H. ..iiiiim-v 21, 18:3. uSli- r Miliar, ill he rrptsed to public mI", ' tlii I late duelling h'iis- of the Hull, Fl.i" ss 1.0' ke, ( euseil, oil t: funilh MumlM, tlu' il, tin- 2lih dav of Irhrimrv. lH.'l, nfid coidimi'! 7H. lie removed from lainrastcr eouiity, I'a. to this county about thirty earsgo, and for the last thirty years iud resided in this place. W hen our kiem of internal iiiiprovement il ,.,i vs lltH pul.lic srnircs of the Hon. complekd, aniMifr nther happy rcnil's that will Jons Qcincy Adms. and do fully be- fallow from it, one ill be, that the trade f our li, ve that 00 man possesses L-l'cr Cjf.ali- Kate will cease to pasiin'o the "ancient domin- fnviions for the important office of I'i es ion," and leek the ocean in its natural channel. ( ident of the United States; but us the Nonh-Carolina, however, will part from Virgin. - election of Piesident will not take place ia soonetv in politic than in fra,V. Already ii ! fr considerable time to come, this Con the separation in politic becomiiip very nppar- j vrntion do not derm it expedient to mAe ent to the oWninennndi and ve venture to i" ,",n,u' noinin-non ci a.iy person u can I A1I.OU. I V.SVF.C I Tt I.I.V informs the puhlir, that he hait I'Slahlidied hiuihetl' in hiianeit in thib plate, in the lmu- next door to Mr. S! uiliti i'., t.iM i-n. Onh ii from h distance vs ill he pt-otlipt-Iv attended to. tieiitlt then I'.ivorii g 1 1 : tit , ;th their custom, mav rxpt-ct th-ir w oi k done in llic in atei and most fashion t,t le. He I, as inadi: arraueiiicnls n gulrlv to (f t thv- f.shi.iiis froio I'lnladi Iphia ; and Mihi iU.a ure l Jiuhln- pat. remade j au l hopitt, Ins asiiiluitx und atten'ion to busilii , to plean- all tt ho II. .1) lai o! Iiir.l tt .til their tiiitoiri. .v,i.'i ,.-., i.v,, isj.:. V',Y'inu. ttocl; ol Mors' , attlr, hlii i.p, Hogk, S.C. l.taic, ol every d ( rplion ; t'orn, heat, llarlex, Kve, and Oa's, also, a larjjt quantity of Hay, l'"dd- r. and oihc r riii;liii- ; und all the implem ni ot liiishkiiilry oi- said pla' i-, wagons, gi-eri, pluii(;h;, fic. with the hnnsi holil kiid kitchen turinliirc, ttto Stills, with thr usual quantity of !, and apple and pr.nh hraiids 1 klo, Cotton 1. 11:, with nil the runn'iiijr work, kn escelh-nt 'c w, and about forty hales of Cotton, packM an l m prime oid rj also, a lar-r quantity of pi M-d I'mk. I liere is a!. 'i lar?e lilirarv of look. principally on I:., uhuhj if ivi fcold priutrly prcviom to the tim ktoi'tkaul, u ill on lliut ;." notiie other day during the sale, be tipovd t' public sale, lit sidi , there are three ntiu r plaut.itioiu nt ar the H'.mvc, nn which thee kre lrp- kimks of rrrv kini, grain, r""((!iiiei, ianiiintf iilt-ns.ls, he. All of hic.h ill he rs posed to salt during kaid week, in rontinuaiir.ir t.f the sale, kt their rcuperthe places i notice r.f which will he given the day previous, from day to dav. On the latt day of file, will he hired kt the rillir. '(.bs' lihir bring ih irnns ol' n-n. i"K latr lUelling Imnsc, all the Negroi-s which, Ir.? I tu the Wr'.tcrn country, oiler, fur ial-tin: the present, are not otherwise disposed by plant at !o 11 w hereon In now litis, containing O'KJ the W ill ; Kav k'lout 35 or slO ; among which arc acrtS of land, of which there is cleared about son,,; pume fallows, women and girl 1 and the H'J acres, 5iJ acres of which are Irih and in good several plantations rented out, all until the hrsi order f.r cultivation: it piSfduci s corn and win at day of Jsnuarv, W2i. as well as any haul in it j neighborhood ; there arc Sale to coniinenci- at l'J o'cl'ick on f ch (Ly, on the 'and oil': comfortable dwelling house, und continue a aforesaid, from day to dy, uut. I barn and other necessary out hoiincs; also, the re all i ml,!. :,re two m ih nt rrist nulls ami saw null now in 1 weh, ntmidit credit : and dtjf attendaner street, carrying ith him probably bis 1 complete repair mi a never tailing stream. A fur- will be given by me. collar and handcuffs. Soon after the shif- Incr r.pumn oeen.ea unnecrMary, a. tin; . i. tu v , f-w. nuvcr woui'i wiai coiee me premises. 1 in- lain liuvan t aunt;,, .1 . f . tea. 1, 1 oil. 4 lies in Kowan county, 11 miles north-west Irtun S..Usburr, on the road leading from Salisbury, to States die. 3t4Ir MARTIN RF.NDI. F.MAN'. prs-tlict, unless great chr,gr take place in what didatc for that station. At a meeting (.f the ncpublican mem- at this time appears to be the sentiment f Mr-l jrmia, tliat the division will he conihlcted on the , , . . , , r , , ' J ... , . ,. . " . , I hers of both branches ol the Legislature , nietit to assist in relieving lunisr I! 1:0m ciucMion 01 toe iTemucnttai election. ?o our ... .. i.u.r t . u .... i- .1 . . 11 ' ... , . , . " iof the ommrnvca!th of Massachusetts, , Ins irons, or 111 removing the wall. ting of the gaol watch, at one o'clock, the stone was discovered upon the platfoim, and the room was found deserted. From a noise that was heard, it is supposed that the escape was effected a little befoie 12 o'clock. A person supposed to be him was soon afterwards seen by the Watch men near the market, and challenged hi j them, but he gave such an account of bim sclf that tliey suffered him to pa-son. I; docs not appear that he bad any hstru Shirt Wows a to Wfciil, IN tllF.UAW. bavc we followed Yirginia politics that her politicians begin 10 look upon it as next to im possible for .i lo divide from her. Only the other day, two of the Virginia papers, n parcel- and of tcpublicii delegates fiom vaiimis towns of the Commonwealth not lepre sentrd in the Legislature, held at the obi Coir: House ii thr city of Huston, on The House of Keptesctiiatives lias en tered upon the discussion of the bill fur the revision of t'c present tariff of du'irs on foreign goods imported, under st;t h circumstances is to induce us to suppose there is a fixed determination to t ome to W, That ve have miiiii.ited coiuidener soniC decision upon it. We do nst mean the P.d-.lie.n pnncioh sof JnilN CJI INH , ,. b; w; j,, thfi sh e IIWI-s- I hat 1- hi) .1 111 thr lin 11 st rrsiiert 1 . ... ' for b r course, besidei the fact that V'.rgmi i ir .... f,,, it. pntv of hi, p.i!,l,; and priv.te " w,"c, .'", C" IrP0r,Ctl- U r rr ror this or that measure ami as to the I'ntidvn- j character : I hat . r rotisi.h r his cx.dted talents persuaded, indeed, it w'll undergo consul- till rlcct.-.n. wo pretend not to know more in his sar.mis and nnincnt vnins, his political er.ible amendment before it passes. Hut. . - ' .. I .1'.... ... I 1 ...... . I ... ..i .1... . I I . . , t : . 1 t .1 ... 1, , 1 j ' """ " 'i- .imcnuru or not, sc stmuiil ilium tnat uie vgte t take it up indicates a disposition. in the llou-rol Hcpresentatives. to pass ling ofl the sta'ct to the kevrrkl candila,t s for. Thursday evening. J,.n. " S23, the fid t!ie Presidency, quite as a matti-rnf omrw, put 1 lowing l'eselution wns unanimously adep North-Can.lina down to their fawiritc candidate, led ' Mr. CrwufurJ. Not in fast, Gciitiemrn North j CmJIi... rt.tikl nr.l u ill lii. . u.mn , , I . f. "I .S 1 1 s I -s fjlllF. subscriber pmposrs to ftnt two Store I Hotis- iii Chrraw, situated on Market, ft few doors from the corner of Front-street. Ih-c houi'-s were planned and constructed under the direction of experienced merchant, and are well Calculated fur the business of (.'hcraw, be ing in the centre of the cotton market. For terms, apply to the ubcnber, at Salisbu ry, N. C. or to Sir. Ward Cowing, or to Mr. Wil son, of Chcraw, j J. A. PF.AKSOV. I ojs. 18, 18.M. '33cop2m j I'. S. The subscriber will dl, on arc"nimoia. ting terms cither or both tfce above honiei snrl lots. He also oilers for tule acvtral tinunri rl ' lts in the town of t h-raw.. J. A. I. . , . .1 ..1 .1 i-.i ma' jniiTcr nun ii.iiit ';r.n i.nicrirrv m tar , , . r ,l . ...1,., . .1. gn-at inliTOls ol the 'iitmn, 9 pie signs of the times, lit it rne Hung we are eer- ;,;,i!.:v v it!i li, h. tbe 'hi t MagisTute oft? Uin, unlr'1 v. e arc v nefully mis'aken, this state A"" rican people, l.e woiil l pi'.iiol: tin r p . .,. ... f. - - t ...".,, u ,- ,;n.t tict its- and l.'.i.or. nil! ll'il itr I'M ..,... 11, " tu,. himvlf into the aJn.iralioo of certain cf our I ''menihrrs of Cungre4; b-it tbe pcuplr rf Nordi in.s int r. iu!'.ii nii.iiri.ti one lull upon the subject. II e cotdd 'suppose otherwise, wc shouhl think the ' (!is ussion of the bill a great waste of the ' ti'.iw precious time of Con;;iess. I ' ,;.-f. Ir.'rt. , 1.1. . , arviuia uiu not ,11 a iw sc genucmcnio asn-1 '1IHM. IMI'lli KMI'NT ington to cIuxjsc rrrsident for them ; and, if j "wo f n.rndtrs e.l the board forj - tbey so far forget tln-niselvfs as to neK-et their j JnU r..,,) Jn,pit)cnirnls. laiiing 10 aM:.d V.r CjiiJic (Jumtinti in Ptnnaijh-ama '. ronstitutiotil dutits, ami nunic others nut j tl,t. m rtiiii; railei! at Wilmington, on 1 l.e l"i w ot our leaders, we suspect, ever conimittedto them cither hv thecnr.stittition.nr. Z7 .lt. no Ihimm-ss 1 ntd'i he dotie. His dreamed that tiulitii al athblie otic'ion the known ui.tsof thr people, tiny must v I'.xrcllcni y (lov. H. '.ities, the PresicS nt would aiise in this country. Hut such is of the Hoard, (int. I). Cameron. r. j lhc fact, and the Philadelphia papers in- John Owen, and Mr. 1 honias nnnci, form us that it occasions 1.0 little seiisa commissitiiicrs, and Mr. I tiltoii, the civil t'um in tbut commonwealth. In regard Hwnn Cvumv, .V. V. Feb. 17, n.'.l t jlllF. truster would hereby acquaint the pub I lie, that this Academy, situated in Vo-k District, S. f. and near to the mountains, con tiniies in a pro.pcrou and growing slate 1 itnd whilst they express their gratitude for the lib eral patronage it has heretofore received, tiny would further state, that in ronapqiu nre of the prt sent teacher' intended removal, they Imse engaged Mr. William It. Dav in, a graduate of the I'tiiw rsi'v of North-Carolina, to undertake as tiarher, from the 1st of May next. 'I his titrely notice we gie, that none wishing to place children at this institution, may be prevented by doiihu, lit, continuance, or uncertainty of its , th'VrSeCt WttUtfA. We are alto happy to sav, that from a person- . K SS(,1.K nun, will rrcbinim-ndi d, bo ui id acipmiiiuncc Willi Mr. Davis, from a knowl- al d mtand the etilture a' rorti ami ro'to-.i, edge of his moral mid pious character, tngethc r and the management of negroes, ill meet ills w ith ample testimonials of hi talent anil learn- eniployment. Apply st tint office, ing, we lisvc full conti.leiire that he will prove I'eh. 4, 18.M hoth an uhle anj a socresshil teacher. Students are colh gi-, hi lent fl of (lobes and herealirr will base the ust fit the Knew! uahk- work 1 prccn'cd to the Academy by a ces, in lhc- ditVerent braoehescf their ppoirowon. o'wrthe & VllTSmi, nd hercalier will have the I 1 AVINli unitrd tb ir interest in the pra i.c 1 dia Iliitaiinica j which ul-I 1 1 of I'hvsic, reipectfnlly tender th-ir r 1- pect to ahidr the rniisequrnce. Let the m re x ir.ember the i les of August. cavi r.YTmw In pursuance of rrsrjhitioiis entered in to by a committee of the members of lhc late General Assembly of North-Carolina, who are fiiendly to calling a Conven tion to revise and amend the conMitmion f said state, held at the citv of I.alciji, ihe 21st of December. I SI.' a majority -if the Corresponding Committee f-r the county of Uunconibe, (the others being absent,) together with n number of re spectable citiiensof this and the adjacent counties, met at the house of Col. Samuel Chunn. in Ashville, on the 'Jth dav of Jan uary, 1823, for the purpose of taking into consideration the objects of the said reso lotions : when Col. Samuel C.huim was c.dlcd lothe chair, and Capt. John Miller appointed Secretary . worthy pattern of bciicvchnvc mJ fnciid of learning. In H.ir.t of health and morality, a preferable vitiation cannot probably be tound in the state. Hoarding 1 7S p r ui'ir.uu. I ui'.iuli, for latn g' ai an 1 Scm.ves, iO per anni.m i for Kn hsh t.raniniar and lirograph. and lor Kcading, V riting and Arithmetic, Mgned b) order of the Hoard, JAS. S. ADAMS, AW-'. Jli.-ii,..-..- CI. 13.M. 6UG NtWWJVa. IIIF. subscriber having obtained Letters of to the inhabitants ct STatessille and it v'timty. 1 hey CK i-upy the and forturrlr occupied by I'.rw in &. t'.aither, at bich one nf them may ren erally be found, or bv inquiring at the hotiac of Itoliert Simotitciii cr Kooi rt Woike, F.qr. ; anil b) prainpt attention to business they hope tr nierit the confidence and gain the patronage of the public. .V.v.v.-., F.b. 3, 1315. tt'skJ engineer t.f the Mate, weir p.csr nt ; und lo this so' j-ct. tbr Rr.nd jury of I'h.UU- - ,,., -, , .,rl, . ' : Dumj,wc of ,,c the steamboat cnnr'M having bt en po-,phu have made the following picscmi- j ,1(,ri,y ,u-n hv goen, will expo: to public side lite I v 1 1 tide red to them by the Cape - Lear ! nient : " Ihey present us an exliaoidi-1 U,,. p," rvmal property of said deceased, consist- Navigation ( ompatiy, lor the purpose canary trt of anoyance, impropricly and 1 ingot ihuty-three l.kely M.t,K(iLS. iheaic viewing the fl-is below the town of U il-! pnsumptior, a recent attempt of I'ope brK' ' Hamilton's store, on Sandv-Mun, m'mrton, (to take into consideration tbe plan lor rrmovingol which was the chief religious rights and temporal concerns of t of tbe mccf.rc,; t y dcsrcr.did as the t iver, accompanied by n committee of gentlemen appointed at a tcwn-nieeting lor the purpose. After taking a view I the obstructions proposed to be removed, and making their observations thr recti, they returned to Wilmington, and finding neither of tbe absent members of the board had anived, the Covernor unci members present determined on calling another meeting of the board at Raleigh. on the 4th inst. and despatched notnt thereof to the absent members. I he COMMITTED, ' f n tbe jil of Duncombe county, N. C. eis ! 1 the .'.Id inst-.nt, a nun who call himself James Smith, and ay he is a cauen of Bolt or d county, West-Tcnit s,t-e. lie had in In pes -hm a negro man. w h.ini he called Ucorge, ahosit six feet 2 inches high, (.tout made, and appears t,i be about 15 year old. Paid negro a) he v.isrkiM'd in Montgomery county, N. C. by n.kii bv Ihe namr of I'rior. After Smith a I i t . . 1. i.:.i. ..t li . . - - Pius VII, so called, to interfere in the .. . ' sin iiinuMin- ii,.,,. .1.. . ,ui ,,,v - ik.iv : wi", and eiaiinea ! negTo ; nr a wild, lhc term will be made known on the 1 r, m-, I" ! given up, a hi-could not prove uav vi saic. p.rur,i'ilitf ukii.aiiit.,i! itn. ,ni n 1 and negro w 111 jii, Ai said estate, will present them, legally autlienti-' , ,owr'io,i of aaid Smith, a aornl hrr, cated i and those indebted, mint pay immediate. 1 a:,(lllt 14 j hands lu(rli, w ith a large hla.e in Si Iv, or pay cots. And all pirwna svlio have re- , fM L.. H twien 1C and 20 years old 1 alio, a plaan e'eived, or may receive, the Mlowingbomls, or Mi hr-w,., Said'smith i ctimnnttetl notes, to wit : ne bond Uion Archibald Di I- j ( thc ja;j f (,;s eoitn'y for a mnt dirinf rot hnghnui end Janiei Mart, for thc sum of six 1 hen on the i,twribcr. It t islxi bdietc 1 th st thousand dollars 1 two ifotci upon F.dward Ilird, uV-'aaid negro doe not belong to Smith. Tlu so for the sum of four hundred dollars ; one note ,Ti ,,rP , R iVf nM'ic to all ptr.nii h. upon John II. Alley, for the sum of tviy-lir j ;nK ,1,-uiaiuls ..gainst said propcrt;, to corno dollar ; one note upon Joim t . r.uimt, ior inc fuf..-j .,av ehargvs, and tak thcniy. On motion made and seconded, the said c.ovrrnor B,d tbe mrrakrs of thc board resolutions were read by ihe Secretary, .f, Wilmht'ton on I buvsd. y, and arti and ihui consi trred nf. p iragrph b par acruph, und e.u h uiuiiiiiuoiisly t,ppronl f. After which the following resolutions vcre entered inn : Jinolx rrf, ty thm turning, That 11 dili rjenre will bt used lv the select county cniiespond'mg committee, in end e a voting tociplain and tirvctlic Mcessity of calling v d I ere on i l esda) laM, agicenbly to iippoinlitieiit, svhcie tbey wcie met ly Jolin I). Hawkins, l.sq. who had been tm avuidiibly prevented fiotn Bttciuling ai WilminKton. Mr. Hatch did not otictitl. A tpiorum of thc board being present, they proceeded to business, und ti king tip the object of removing the flats below our country. v.cr.icrirg t.,t t.tc con stitution has guaranteed to every man the invaluable und rational rights of con science, every congregation possesses an inherent power lo choose its own clergy, and to make to ihrm such compensation as may be expedient and agreed upon be twren them ; any attempt to bias er con trol that right is. therefore, highly ctnsu 1. ble, more especially in any foreign po t r, piince, or state. I o this inquesi, tbi proccetling appears mote patticidarlv to 11 quire icpre hension, as a first attempt hi eiKtoachment on cur lights, should nt sum of 2oO dollars ; one upon Jacob stroop, for 1 ahout f,-'A)i (all the above paper were made pa able to James lintherfonl,) ail per 'is are In r hv notitied, that they belong to said Huthcr. fold' estate, and w ere purchased from him Le- ti.re his diallll Bin! till- kdllulustntor w ill take ws be promptly repelled. And in as I M,'..,, , r(i:(,(,r instrument . u.,d much as this act cariliol reasonably be tm I ,,c p, .rA bound to pat said bonds and note, pt '.ed to igtioranee of our free and librixl jare lurch tiotilied not to pay tlu iii to any per institutions, well ktiown to be cuardrd 1 son but the administrator. the sovereignty of ccnstiiutit n and lws framed iind enmted Wythe tcprestnt;.iir of a free and ir.: prudent people, ri c ..iniii'g all foreijiri interfere nee -sd ju 1 istjic t ion Co r ..'.'v . i KHANt IS IHH.C, Mm'r.eJ. IL ii.lAf rin Vuviih, t. J,,n. IS.'.). V. u:st v s 1 Y.w c vtrts For Hie at this Oiler. HiwcuHilir r a. :. 31, UH." 7.. BAIUW. 3t StwrVlT'rt tjffxct, SuLtlm-y, Ocf. 14, l-'. IKT rr.HS a ddif-d to the Mieritl nf Ho a-i i counts, on t l! rial business, mini h'-rcaftc-r he ftt f:tn!, or they w ill not he attended to. A there ar,- great number of letters addressed to me trout other counties, fc. I have found it lie. ei ssary to adopt this course 111 order to save my. ih II the expense ot paying rattier an tmronifort ahlf sum in thc coorWol car, to the ule lu n ciit of other pcoidc' p " li' ts. T. ' S.VML'IL JOX!'.?, iter.".