I ji'ffn sift .sr'Eji.saf i itfrtTHfrn M&MmmK&--j(jri i iriij'-U'ir Hi rtTVii.ffiiiiifc;i its, utjWijuffkiktf ' T?WTf NO. 1 12. TBISTIill AIM PC H EVIHT Tl'CSIUT, j Br lilNCHAM Si WMTK. ti.ii : Tin: subscription to the Wr.si 1.111 Caiiolinun I Three J)llui per annum, payable half yearly in advance. C"j" "" paper will be discontinued i:n'il all arrearages arc pan!, unless at 1 lie discretion of tlx- Kdiiorij ami any sulisrribi r failing to give notice of li'm w'nh to discontinue at the end of a year, will lie consiilcred as wish ng to continue Ok: paper, which w ill lie sent ai-corilinjfly. Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive tenth gratia. A u i.rtTiKF.MF.NTH will lie inserted on the cut. tomary terms. . ,1'ersnlin sending in Adver tisements, niuit specifv he number of liir.es they wish them inserted, or they will he continued till ordered out, iind charged accordingly, Nil advertisi'mi nt inserted until it hat been paid fur, or id pay ment assumed liy some per .on in t!iin town, or it vicinity, (J"V All letters to the editor must Lew,7-;. wthev will not be attended to. ( IIAIK MAKING, .It JJiicolnlun, .V. C. fll'IR subscribers respectfully aoptaiut the 1 i liii-ns of im- western part of North Caro lina, and the cotillion part of oiilli.(:rohiiu, that 'hey have coniincnccd the above ilientionetl business, u hii'li tbiy will carry on with puncm al'tv and tlcsiat( li. I t.- Hatter tln:l"isclvcs 'hat, by their as,id'l itv and application, thev will he enabled to lo ample justice to their eiiijilners. MAIt TIN v.. iMiirr.it. wm. ti i. f.i.ihh sr.. N. II. Siejilloan's nf.it ly ornamented, .with jji 1 1 It or paint, i-Xi-ritid at the shortest nobce. a-ic-nimn, At. .51. 18.W 1 Svt4'j LINCOLN cot N I V. ( 'CItT of I'leaa and Q iarter Scs.iom, .Ian ' nary Session, A. I). 1H2.1. tieorjc llufiiii.ut and others, heir of Martin HuH'inan, deceased, t. John Ihillmari I'etilion f..r the division ot the real estate of Martin llufTinaii, deceawd. It appearing lu the court, that John llutbnan is not mi inhabitant ot this slate ; it i therefore onlc red, by court, that imliec be published three uei k in the Western Carolinian, reiplirinjj the &aid John lliidiiian to apve.t a' tin net cnnntv court of I'lca a:l tj'iarti r Sessions to be lif-ld for the haiit cour.ty, at the oi.rt-llnine in I.in Colnton, on the fmrth Monda afler the fourth in March nevt, then and there- t" aie.vnr or le Iliur to thr siiii! n tirion, otto rt ise it uillhe ta ken fpj roiifewi. an I adjod'.fl arcfmlintrlv . W itness, V. '- c, ( h-rk of the f.iid rmiri, at l.imoln on, the .id MomLv of J.iinur, 1VJ 'J. V ' KDIIV M'HKK, C. C. r.lMJ-price a.lv. SI 2i. VSlnU' nC .VurWv-V'uvtAvnn, I C K I. SPL'R St f!-.!!(i Coin if l . Ja:.e K.rr 1 1. Will'. i C K I. SPL'Rt; COfVTV. -.u. Fall IVrm. 1S22.... Imn K tr IM tion tT Ilin rce und Abiiioiiy. It a; p. arinjjf tocovir'. that V th ssta'e' thderrtl, that puMie i' inn hr lie df i" be Star ard W t-Mem Can hni.ui ne.v iia-x r ' for ti.n e liioii'bs, that lnilcst'he kaid M a'i K rr ilo n.ake li.s aptafam e nl ihe net Set e- rior Court nl lis. to be In Id lor the conn's of Mu kb nbur, at theCoiirt... ie int lurlo:tc, ' on tl,.- nth Momlav after the 4'h Mmidav ot i M i-rti. IS.', hii.l answer, pleud. or demur, to aid petit, ..11, lite same Will be beald c p irte, md sentence a', I a ilecue m .de acrur.hi -r to (he piincr the i till. A eopi.tes :. C.r.'V (tAllVM. d:. jiiit' sr. I riee adv. I. , , . ; ! r ah RRt's r'H'M V. OITF.ItPUt f'- ort of I aw. ndl 'l'ini, IPO:. I U Sai-ililtia -. .a, Kb llradshaw... Pi tilun ! II "XII'l'Tril fir iMorre, l.b.l at ,;if7 t- mi, ls'.'.-lt " ( 'V ''" . pearinff tot'.e t. uii.factem'.if !.. e.,n. tint tl ' .I''1"' Imic. inbe eoiiuty, N f. on tiefeniUtism.t .. inl.ahitaii" of fiii i'ate : Or. '' '- ' I niitaut, a man who calls hin.sell ..e.; J, tl.er,l,.re, t'.al public. .. be ma le i i the '"' ;'H l,c " f. rd Western C;.t..l.n.:.n. and Hah ig'i It. - sU r. fur eininty, i st. 1 1 niicve. l.e had in his posM S three men!!., 'I. a! t!u- .b h m!..n rppur :. the :l l" Rr" wl" "' U rMr' eorge, about next Superior Court of I aw, t be held for the i bet inclus high, stom m.,le, and appears oi.ntviif Caliairus, on tlie Tth M'tidav nft.ri1" ,"' abiut '.'i y ars ol.l. Said negro say she ih.. an. i,..i ;,. vi . i,..t il.. ,. .,,.1 1 1...... 1 was nosed in Mmitiromcry county , N. (.. by a to plead to sa:it petitam, of trwise it vsill be 'f list tf li ..ii.t .t.'ri. cil It. r. nslniirlt J. M. Ill K Ill-ON, c.'.v. r. .".nmll. I'rirc adv. S4. f N AW AY fmni my plao noon, in I uvea. 1 4 tcr llis'r.ot, oiiti,-( aroiio.i, on thr .St i of S, pt. a nrgsi l.-llnw In the iiame o ' trr lie is about 22T J. v tar 'if ge, six fia t 2 i r .5 ill- i In s le,li, of Hifii.l. r ii ,m, thin vivif'e, tnrows ,',!i. u,l I... V .....1 ..... ! . u .!'. i-t.t J,.!. r.! I., rim. . ,v. , . , seipienec whin conversing, his a sore mi thr bottom of ln i lit hi.e, which is at prt s.iit Hnuill, hut tli'.- stiirri ii'idii g sear is l.irg.-r than a ilollar the tf s are useless but lie w e:i-s shoe on that livot. pureliBse d Pe'iT from Mr. John K. Yincent, nlm lirongtit him fn.ni 'ir.iiigc tountv, N. C. neur the Caswell l.r.c. In return- nj tn that place, lie will pn.Sably be lodged in fonicjail; and in that eniubtion, I expect, will r. i '.. i have hint in cstmlv, wdl please dm ct a line to the subscriber. ht 'l ibertv 11,11. l..nr.,r tri-. S, ('. fur which 'tttsfuctiarv i i Lliiiii l.i.l ro. tm..n1 u.l. 11 I . 1 I Inm' ....,.. 1 "" " 1 i s Ill il s a mm 1 1 I I lH'Hll '1, stll,l viUVll 11, t llU ;t t.- I rn-lcri t OcM, :i . s., ran i,v iiunf I .ill t,iiniIIUM, ai ' .1 lit. 1 ... Vm k.Iai n ll.n ' s- inrcc doners ixirniv-livr rvvs hrr rt am. Also, two rch'lH broken I mist to, S ' Ami one bundle Suncr Hv aJ, lor wnppiop. ciiDit.nv. fllAMIM.IVr U CHAPMAN have ju.it rec. -iv. I ed, per the Mcam-Hoat I'ce Dee und Jlnitl iif Orlnini, the article as tinder, which they u 'nl s'ell low for C A'ill or H AIM Kit, at their store in Market-street. 2rm i.o.,hcis Salt, 15,000 lie. Sugars iOot) lbs. Collec 5 held-.. Molasses -i) casks Cheese 3') k(-;t Vails 2.5 hhla. Mackarcl 2i) bbln. Norihern Hum 2 puncheons Jamaica do. 20 jh. Cotton Nagging 1 ea.sk Spanish Indigo Cases of Wool Mats 2jt) pair men's coarse shoe ; Together with a general as-ortincrit of Dry Goods, llardu are, Crockery, and (das Ware. Cash gii en (or Cotton, l alluv. , Hccs-Va,and Flax-seed. Chei-m.; .Umm.ru 1, 1 S 2.1. fit '12 rir.un, s. c. t ri'I'.K f -r i..le, at their store in I'roiit-ntrcet, " ' a l.uv'' ami general assot'.melit ot tililh'EIIIES, tin-liOOft.S, lUlth U.IKl' Lr. wholcsdc or retail, for cash, at such price as cannot fill to suit purchasers; who are solicited to call and luihre for tlieiiihclves. 'I he hiirhcst market price jiuld for Cotton and every species ot country produce. f tc, Jnhimrg 1, 1.2.. Ci'-lJ HAVINli united their interest in the praetice of I'liVsic, restiri-t fully tender their servi ces, in the il fli rent hr nn he of their profession, to the inhabitant! ot I ..itesiillc and it vicinity. 'I hey orenpy the stand formerly occupied h) F.rwiii is; ( iuither, at'w b'u h one of them may Ken erally be found, or by itnpiii-inp at the house of H'lhcrt SiniMiiton or H'!n:- t Worke, l'.sir. ; and by prompt attention to busiiii . they hope to merit the conlidrnre :.nd (jaiu the p- rotiajiy of the puldii:. .SViitr.t ;., V'.. X l.l. It '4.'. .).. Y.VfO.V II'IVL, IN SAM.-i:i KV, NiMI l'll-CAHi!.INA, UV .V.tmi's Wu'u. ril'II" i h jr.int establ shnicn, situated ;,t thr I nurtli eoiiur of the Cmtrt fluii'ic, is now fitted up in anew iinil superior style, for the red pt'um of Company. The peak st pains have hi ill tahlll to tliK-nrc for this tVahlishilu lit, I'lirniture of t very dewription, necessary fur the comfort of Trsu ller. The mo.t a.ioved v r (antshave been selected, with jfreat care; the bar stocked with rhoiee liipiors, and the stables attended bv ibli':iijr and attentive hostlers. The com en' flier of I Lis si nation for business is c pi.d to an in the pl.ier. 'I he house contains a num ber of prii ate Miuie, v. ell calculated ( u'the ac. eoli'tinxt itiuti of 1 ravri'crs mid Hoarders; at tached to w hie II 'here is a Dry Cuud and it Store. I'o t!mse ho ii;ay ph ase to call en him, he insures thetn that no pains shall be snared to render their 'av eomlortal le and plensoi:;. JAMES III IK. 0,-,'r-Vr r, is::. '22 Vwr Uv.vwjj, U. 1AMKS P. IIWIMtlN i-sperlfiilly informs fi.m.crlv o ned b bis father, on Main-street, a few door soutli of tin: Couil-lloiise, Salishurv, wlu re be e ' now i repan-d, with a good sit ot rcimir all :;iii.U ef tiM.t.s, to ret J'YfV P ft l'L'S,' " ' ' I 11 H t. He ass-Tt all w ho tnav fnor him wiOi their riiso.m, tha- their ork shall he erciu( .I 'm as tr ""1 " '''' :" '' ".' ,'1'" r lloi' "h1 part i.t ce.-itrv. A'l kmd. of old Jew Jn 1 1 paired. , ami sou.e K.n.i. n, ale. ot every h script inn 1 f I in his I, ne ol l.'i ..in si, v ill ie tlriuVliilly recti veil, laid cc.:il1''d mi a short Imtier. People who i reside at a il i'.i o , I v s. udiii,, in iv ih ni nd on f ieg Ihe'ir v.irk a. f.e'hlollv attendi d to and returi.i (I. ns t',i"UL.h lliev wc,v present .and ! returi.i v.itr t.n l.i it sa!is!uin pnei 1 1 liarg. -I. A,,'.- n. ?22. 'U man ov tlie name oi I'rmr. liter -mini was appt In ndul. Prior came, on bin way ninv'uitj to the west, and claimed -aid negro ; but he was r fused to be pi en up, as he could not prove the I'roiicrtv ; and said negro is now in jail. Ah mi in iio.ssess'.on of said ."smith, a sorri I home, about 1M hands high, w ith a large blaze in his i..-. l.r-tv. rcn lft au.l 21) n am old : also, a plain saddle ami bridle. Said Smith w a con milted to the j.n! of this county for a most daring mb- ' . :,hc s:"'1 h. rv on thr subscriber. It is also liehevi il lliat ncirrodoes not hi Innffto Smith. 'I hese ire, therelorv, to tive no'iee to all pervui hav ing any deinaiiils against said property , toroinc frru, pav charges, ami take them aw av. 7.. HAIItD. Jli.tuumbe Co. J,:n.j, 183. 3t12 S,i!i-hiru, Urt. 11, V22. i m F.TTF.RS addressed to the SheriH ol lfowan ' i """?; " !'!l, ul "" ,, '"1 l? Z I h'' T they w, limit he attended to. As )..... t ,s., ),..re ttl' I. ttfsP Itl.lrf tlY ' . . . a ... f . I !.,.. I.st.i.,1 .1 ai ,1111" inilll IIIIHT tUMUllfV As. 1 li". is' vi iiii I". i . i . ! , . I Pri sari i minin inn cuiini" in rut;i iu mi- j self the cvptnse ol paying rather an uncomfort able sum in the course ol a i ear, to tlie suit lien- i fit of other people' pockets. V, SAMl F.I. JONES, .S7,ref. C )nj.'H, ViXvewliMiis Tnr 6lc attliiiOfluc )v. fttvwftvt usm, f AVINt; purchased Doct. Iteek T?y W'11'' Medical Kstahlinlnneiit, W. .J bas settled hinmelf in S'ahslnii-y, and V' oiler hi services, in tie- various -3 hranche of his prod siiou, to the f ili.i n of thin place and its vieinit . Hiii i,iop is one iloor east of Mr. Slaughter' tavern, on Main.st rect. ,tliibury, Jan. 28, 1823. ."tf f IVIV, suhscriher IicIiik about to retinue to 1 Kah ih, requests those who are indebted to him to call and settle their account. I hoe who have claim will pleas' to present them, JOHN HKCKWIIII. SulUtiury, Jan. 28, 182.1 'J8 flMR siibkcribrr having obtained Letter of I Administration upon the estate of Jame Itutherford, deceased ; in pursuance of the au thority thereby given, will expose to public sale the personal property of said deceased, consibt ingof tbirty-three likely M'.t.KOf.S, The sale will begin at Alamiltoii' s'nre, on Sandy -Willi, on Wednesday, the 26th of 1'ebruary n t, ami will continue from day to day until the whole he sold. The terms will be made known on the flay of sale. All persons having demands against said estate, will present 'hem, legally aii'henii. eated ; und those indebted, must pay immediate, ly, or pay cost. Anil all person who have re ceived, or may receive, the following bonds, or notes, to wit : ne bond upon Archibald l)cl linirham and Jamri Mares, for thr sum of six thousand dollar; two note upon F.ihiaid Itird, lor tlie sum nl lour liumtrea dollars; one note upon John II. Alley, for the sum of sitv-liu loll, is. one m.te lini.ii .lol.n I' VU.u. C.'.r fl.e sum of 2 KJ dollars ; one upon Jacob Stroup, for about f- 200 ; (all the above iiaoers were made payable to Jame Rutherford,) all persons are liercUy notified, that they belong to said Ruther ford' estate, and w ore pun based from him he fore his death ; and the administrator will take all legal Step to recover aid instrument ; and the persons bin. nil to pay v.i'nl homU and i.otes, are hereby notified not to pay theio to any pi r son but the administrator. 1'IUNCIS JI !.;, Jdm'r.nfJ. II. Rulhtrfurd Cut. ll'l, .V. ('. Jan. H2J." :f.(2 SUv 'VVuV. STOLl'.N from the snhseiilier's plantation, on the head witters of Wahaw Creek, Merkleiiourg county, fs. i-. aiioui iwo iro.rit ago, a led sorrel IIORSI., five years old past, about 14 bauds high, heavy made, work veil in harness of any kind ; has no white mark on ( him ; lack ami trots but more generally the first) and was in middling good order. Any person giving notice of the above described horse, so that the ow ner can get him again, shall be rewarded for his trouble, and ail reasonable expense paid. jtwri'ii YAKiii.'nt ;m. J.mmvy 24, IP.-'. ..f4 b- .vorr:. of lots laid off on the lands rllll. sale nl lots laltl oil on the lan-H "I l.e 1 titia Wilvm, at M' k's Old rn Id, in the Forks of the Yadkin Itiver, under a decree ot the Court of Eipiity for Itowan couiity, having been postponed from August last, until the first of January, 13.'.!, will again be resumed, on the 25th and '.'tith of Frbruary, upon the terms meii tioued in a former advertisement, and uh.ch will again he made known on the day of sale. J. A. rKAIlst N, SAML. .11 INKS, JOHN ( 1.KMI.NT, 1 C .1111111- IK (.11 HltAI. AI.Y. r .Mill, j tuiii'i ;. AI.KX. NK: J. 1'. CAIM F.II. J 4wt'42 Yiuscir IMm'w MV;'iu;:. r IIF. suhsi libers n stuff dl infrni their friends, ai.il the pi. i. lie a area, that thev have asstie Vi d, under the firm of (.'iiM'-x Ce r, for the purpose ol earn ing on the uhme iiisincis in all its branches, i hrv are well pre pared to make all kinds of iiulsor and Fauci Chkii-H, from S1J to Sl'j nr sit. t.ciithincn Wishing elegant chairs, or sit'iis, Il tl rely up- n hai nil them as ihgautlv niatle at the sln.p of the subscribers, as at any other in the ft..te. Old chairs and settees ri paired, at a reasonable rate, ami on short notice The subscribers are also complete:,' prepared, w ith a good stock of timber, to insil c all kinds of lieditradi, at Irom - to J.'5. t.F.o. Yv, t.i:iMi;s, John toori.it. ., i sVigu, iUme, uv Wtmsjti r.u.vTi.va. "1 F.O. V. (.KIMF.S begs leave to infii.m the , I citizens uf Salisbury, and the aurroiiiidim; eoimtrv, that lie still continues to execute all kinds of house, sign, coach, anil ornamental r-ir.t':: ,i . ........ w'.ircd nn .r,. -.int.lv ii materials and having, fur a number of j ears past, devoted almost Ins whole attention to ac ipiire a competent knowledge of this branch of business, he feels confident of being able to (pie satisfaction to those who may be pleased to fa- i or linn with ortlers in the uhovr hue. (iililing and (.lazing will also be executed in a neat man ner, and on reasonable tern s. He also keeps on hand, fur sale, copal and Japan Fin nit'i. Y anted, as an apprentice to thr above busi ness, one or two lads, from 15 to 16 venrs of age, of Kteady and industrious habits; to whom, if they prove thcuiM lus deserving of it, a good chain e will be given. VniVf Ai , Feb. 3, is;.l. .19 Aw VHiTsvi-v Wnvt. 4 SINtil.F. man, well rrcomnieiulctl, who urn il d. rst.iinU the culture of corn and cotmn, and the niamigement of licgrnes will meet with cmplovnieiit. Applv at this olliee. Feb'. 4,is:.v Tor sale t Uus O.i.rr. AOIUCULTUHAL. Hail! first of Arts, xource of doinenie e.e e j I'l ide of the land, and put roll of 'die se a. From the West Cliester Republican. WF.F.VILS, Itemarkt on their liuliifs, mi'l mean f ikifoyh:: lit' m. As mil' h injury is done in barns to toe (lilTereiit kinds of grain, bv these insxciy I wish the society to devote vnne atten tion to the most tfii'.'ui iotts method of de stio)iig iliem. or preve titing their raw ges- I have endeavni i d, i;r several ycjrs, to heroine ac'ju.iiiited viitli their habits, iitid am willing to Mute the result of tny conclusion!), hoping it may occasion, from some abler pen. moic important informa tion. brlii vr thru C'jiuiuur rrt'drtltg f',r .'. if thr Int'lilii'X in vhidi il.nncv muu !.,,, w, and that tl.m dn tr.t migrutc I . , , . , l' '"!f WW t'J Otlilirr, UHUM Cat md ih'thcr. I hat during the winter they lie it) a dormant state mar the gtound. 1 have iuuml nunilit is of tl.ti.i ;.t that sea son on the lower si.le ol bo. tils which mc Iving under the maiu.eis in stobles. in ..in' t , i.o doubt, ten lies them at the iiitneiiiciiuiit of cold weather, to u.tk .1 tettrat where they nny lie ccu:e .md white they will In sotnewht kheheitd liot.i ititetisc told- Had tiicy ren.aineii in the mow, on threshing the paiii, -hey being in a (!ormant state, would probably i;C destioyed. About the middle of the 5tli month, May, they begin to tiael, tiawling up the walls, and in every tliieo tion in search of food. If any (jrain be in the bain, they find it ; and I have seen a many as eight or ten on one grain of Inciiai. corn, the eye of whii n they at fust (i nstiine. When wheat, tie, or barley, is brought into the bain, the y pct.ctruie the u.oii.itiiJ I appu Iitr.d, deposit their eggs in the Riain, whicii st i ves for (god lor the voung insects, tiil they ariive at neaily the size ol" the parents ; probibly the sweating and warm h of the mow, much assist in the depositing of the egg. and in bringing the insect to perfection. As i pi oof that the egg is deposited in the gi in. it will be found, that if wheat be threshed some short time after harvest, in barns where weevils abound, when it will be very little eaten by them, and put into bags, and perhaps few of ihe insects then to be seen, that in a few necks it . . i .. , will be very much eaten, and numbers ol ' . . weevils in the bags. Having thus briefly stated my npitiioii of ihcir habits. I "-v-ll suggest a few propositions for destroying them. The- iro .t i fliracinus mode, I ap-! pichei.d, wotilj be to stack the out foi one or two years, and keep all kinds of it from lying in the barn, during the summer season, by this means they would be ilepiivcd of food and of a suitable place to deposit the ir voung. Many of them tnay be destroyed by bating no grain in the barn from the time they Laic their winter reti cat, till har vest ; except about a double handful of Indian corn in a place, and in several dif ferent places. Numbers of them will go to these heaps for food, then about once in two days riddle them in some cienn plat e with a wheat riddle, the insects will fall through, which may be gathered up and thrown into the fire. Another meth od is to leave littje straw in the stables at this season, and before harvest gather it all tip carefully, and draw it out into a, field, many weevils will thus be taken out and perish. It is said, though I have never experienced it, that they have a great antipathy to hemp, that a few layers of it, aprciid among the grain, at the time of pulling it in the barn, will prevent their ravages. No doubt, members of the so c iety , and others are possessed of facts on this subject which would be highly inter cstiiii to those who are troubled wit!) these insects ahottt their barns. It is bo ped they will be intlureil. through the medium of the society or otherwise, to make them public, a il might lit- the means of savin,; tniiiv bushels of grain annually fur the U ... fr of the roimriu nitv. ISAAC SUAUPI.LSS. MOliK OF LKtdSI . I'INi, IN ( ONf.RF.S. The editor of the New-Yotk St..tet man, who is mw at "V asJiingtoi), g'nes the following sketch of ptoi ct'litinh in coh;;tess h.nl : Ihe mole of niatiufacturing liw in congress is much the same a in the New York lei..l ture ; and al.o in the prl'u inent tif (jre it liritain. JeD'erson's Man ual, which is little mere than a compila tion of settled parliami ntaty rules mid pri'tirfi,, i the com moii standaid at W.hiiigton and Albany, and I Lelieve I. is in all parts of thi country. On an ordinary day, a spectator in ( on grcs hall withcsRf the following order oi' piorcedings: It v 10 o'clock in tho morning, the members begin to drop in ; those who are on standing or select com mittees, for the purpose of meeting and consulting in ptivate loonm appropriated to thai object ; others, to write letters, fold and direct doc uments to their O'ieiid ; and the remainder to lounge on the -ofa-i around the hall, tcacl ne wipapet . or join in conversation on the topics of the d.y. From 10 to I - o'clock, the house of re presentatives is a kind of political ex change, where intelligence received by letters and papers fiom difTrteti! parts of the United Statct, is firely circulated unci difiused through the whole ms.s, uniesb it he some secret political new, which in that rase i whispered only to a circle of fli' i;d. A few minute before twelve, the chap lain make hi appcarmice, V.kes be speaker 'trsn, nc oiler up coni ie prayer, lit docs .ot alwhi attrait :ne ntttntion id the whole of hi r.utiie.ne. If a tiiernbei hajipcn to be foil ing and sclinu' a package, or deeply erige.cd iu the midst of a newspaper paragrpn, he keeps his brat with his hat en, md service proceeds without his assistui.ee or cogni zance, hucb inst.itires a't, tiowever, rare, and great decree cf ie' ft u;n is rnmiiittrit v .Krvi! IK lhf llni ll.A , ,d, imis exer-Ue is finished, most of the mc; liters have arrived, and tlie galleries are fiiie 1 with ladies and gentlemen, as spectators. Precisely at twelve o'clock, the speak er takes his scat and calls the house to or der ; that is to sav, announces the fact that it is time for business ; for there the same disorder after he take the chair as before, the member all itling or walk ing with their hats on, and attending to their own concerns. As soon as the spenkci has taken his seat, the mace con sisting of a green wand surmounted by a golden eagle is placed upon his right, and the sta r spangled banner is hoist cc' ponHie dome of the ( apitol. as a signal to persons at a distance that the house is in session, (and also to show, perhaps, that congress; 's"' under American colors. 1 he wind r: is onietiiiHs so hirh as to tonipcl Ciem ; r to si 1 1 1 e. Ihe il g beliite Ihe arUjt has !e,;,(, . Ikl f,ol rircu.ustance. on cold or muday flay, a nirtnbcr hoardinj; at a distance, trttumn congress has ad journed. A want of punc'UiiUi Is not, however, a common fault, and i fu seldom, sec a wiunt set in the house- Ru 1 find the speaker is t.oner ready to pioci ed to business than myself; and the remainder of ibis sketch will therefore he postponed to another letter. Mrnrfi. St. C enory the Great af firmsand who will doubt him ? that a li'.ilc monk got into such k habit of work ing miracles, that at length the prior for bade him to exercise his supernatural ta lent. I he Monk conformed to the or der; hot one day seeing an hones" brick layer falling from the roof ol a house, he hesitated, between tnor.astical obedience '. - .i - ........ i;i- alio Liu i it, , in i t, iv iu.ii ...v , and only ordering him to remain it thr , he ran to acquaint the Prior with the case. The I'rioi gave him absolution lor the fin of beginning a miracle w ithout his leave, and allowed him to go through with it, but never to da the Hie crainl Libel Suit Mr. Ma'.thews, the come dian, has commenced a libel suit against Mr. Buckingham, the editor of the New Kngland Galaxy, fur a late theatrical cri ticism on Mr- M' performances. The damages are laid at g 10,030. " The Pioneers" was announced in tbe New-York papers on Thursday tobe pub fished on Friday, and at 12 o'clock, Mr. iley, the publisher, had delivered '.'" -ty-fve f-'irred r o.n ,'

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