ilitiiwtfT ' i-- . S.ILISW'UY: ti t,sd tii; t . 'i s ni !, i 1 I tfj I'lic t;ncries, on the stlbjci t of a Convention, addressed to the prtieral com inittee of correspondence, by "soitIc of the friends of a convention," would pro1.) ably receive moic prompt attention, by beinf communicated directly to sonic one of the members of that committee. We merely surest the propriety of this tits portion of the queries; if the original mode, however, ho preferred, we will comply with it. If the writer choose) we will ourselves hand hi queries over to some one of ths committee. coxru.rrifKY. On the 22'J ' Frbru.irt , J Jut Mirrhy and Ihnirl lik, Ksqx appointed, by the Co' responding cbmmi i. e of Lincoln ro. proceeded to take fit otts of (.'apt. L. Hater's company on the expediency of calling a convention ; and the result was a unanimous vote in favor of the meas ure. Such will be the result throughout the western part of the state. The con test between the large and small counties, between the people on the one hand and an aristocracy on the oilier ill eventually terminate in the establishment of an equulitv of rights and privileges. . We shall then no longer witness in this stale, that anomaly in a republican gov ernient, of u minoiity ruling the majot ity. We shall no longer profess in principle what we deny in practice; the one will .then correspond with the other ; and our constitution, like a beautiful structure, will exhibit a regular symmetry in all its parts. stipp-irt tic Interest of no enc wlso s not aupport t.!i.? ir.'f t' '.?sot his coun try ! but we will loinl our feeble aid t'j Hie elevation of tii it person, who we think hits the good of his country in view ; who possesses iho qualifications and the telents to preside ov.'i her, destinies; who will feel fieatcr pride in being the ruler of a nation, lliun tho head of a faction ; and who will ihinif more of promoting-the' prosperity of the republic, of providing for it safety ami security by the construe lion of neccssai y and permanent defen ces, than of gratifying the -uiichastened desires of a craving ambition. In speaking of public men nnd meas ures, we shall exercise the right of every freeman, of delivering our sentiments freely ; and if they do not chime in with the opinions of the Gazette, we cannot help it. Vc ahall not stop to inquire, in any remarks wc may make, whether our brother editor at MUtw will like thi m or not ; nor shall we be deterred from expres sing plainly the 'estimation" i:i which we hold tiny public man, by the fear of being lugged into the columns of the Ga zette, for I lie purpose of showing in rea ders how presumptuous we are in differ ing in opinion from the " wise men," and the u learned" m-n of the " ancient do minion," or on the borders of it, in regard to the merits of cert An public characters. Joiim L. IlKN'DF.nsoN, Cs'j. of this town, is appointed Picsidcnt of the Salisbury Branch of the S' ate Hank, vacated by the death of Trancis Locke, l-sq. jiftointntfttlH by ihr . :!! 'it t.'ir United Wiiliam I". "sicc le, of Ccovv.ii, Attor ney of tho United St lies lor tint out of ,t r i tnc lern.ory ni no'iu, uuovrn as c-i I'ioiid-, vice I'ip'on 15- Il.nis, dr.r r. se.l Willi .tu Sc'nt e, of Kentucky, Marshal of t!ic C S'a'cs fur the saute. Chapman Colrm .n, of K'nturkv, Mar slul for the, District of K' ntuckv, vice John ' ho'upson M..nii, jun. re'-K-nrd. KoIh it Todd, of Ki-ii'iickv, at Arpu!cn in Wcxh-o James 'Smitii Wikocks. of IVnnsylva ia. consul at the citv of Mexico. William Taylor, of Virginia, Comil at l.r m Cruz and Aharado, in Mcx of Ne'WYorfc ; Lr w'iich, fcov;tvcr we were, prepared, by the interesting remit of the comrni'tee, which accompanied (he bill. The character awl services of this gentleman begin to be more justly and worthily estimated, than they wer when viewed through the murky atmospheie of prejudice and misapprehension. Ilelicv. iug it to be due tint only to him, nut to Congress, and indeed to the country, that the merits ot his claims should be known, we shall take an early opportunity to pub lish the report of the committee on his case Aut. Intel. av.iiidiiti.uH; u.iii sometimes affirm that there t neither ftf, o,y-, nor ;;', irw they reconcile their practice wivh their professed belief, I kt;ov not.'. Mtmomtry IkwUt. Hk.nhy Gilkk, T.s'. bis been appoin ted Clerk of Uowan Superior Court, vice A. Trohock, deceased. ronton, 8 to 'J ftoMr, G to 0 1, ) ; wlu-at, 1 K) to I 25 , H'liiskfy, 31 to i'J ; )i-;u hrimilv, 45 to ,50 , apple do. 40 to 4.5 ; corn, 73 to ';') : bacon. 8 In the New-York Legislature John M" 9 s molaiws, to ,5 , myr, iiiiH-uvio, 8 to Woodworjh, havimr been re-nominated as '' ," 2j 5 c'!1,-'; ' to i , Uymw, i having beet ono of the Associate Judges of the Sii premo Court of that State, his appoint, mcnt was confirmed by the Senate- I he Court therefore consists of Chief Justice Savage, and Judges Southerland and Y oodworth. Quick Work.- Moore's new Poem, en titled " The l.ovtn of the .Intjrln" which comprises 1 50 or 200 pages, was received at New.ork on Sunday by the James Cropper forwarded to this city by mull on ilonday afternoon reprinted here on I uesday, and put up neatly sent back to New-York on and there advertised for sale on morning. rmV. Patter. 1 11 to 1 25 i fiav-ied, W) y yj; tullinv, to 9 ceiitn. CI1.M LF.STO.Y MlllKET, Feb. 17. Cottont 10 1 (lour, 7 75 1 corn, 05 to "0 1 eoflcc, 24 to 26; sugar, brown, 0 to 7 J i MutcovMo, 9 to8i iiiolaust's, 26 to 32 salt, Liverpool, W ( Turks Isluiul, 4.J to 10 s whiskev, 31 ft M . cotton bagging, best quality, 33 ccius ; Noitli-t'uroliiia naiii; lulls, 2j r. cent. ( dcoria tto. XEll'.YOJlh' M.IHKET, Fth. 11. Cofl'tre, best quality, 2fi, lenoiid do. 2-1 ; cot V i Wivic Vantc vininnvtut , ,U l, inborn. Hit Mn Of. V, c. Bl. ItOUXS.W'll.i.K, t th 10 ,1 nmr . will do tlmtikfiil it ti'iivi Ilcru uinl oihcii call, f riviicy UD't hii best endeavor to acum tnoilatt! we ivomsa tor 4 kwhwuk con-Hl-t. r i t'uu. March, ie3.t.-.0wtJl Vnv: vS utkiu, '.'..-.;'.'' JS, Aiwt Ihmrn 1823. A IV dci-r pud morn !!' ( i,l iuistw I paralih1 M,hs ; It In the. ('i-riitsf mT- iraciott I' I t:ike up tny )i n at tliii ImhUpi', and r. i,t, iiiy tor:::r rot il br.;rt iqxm my lit'tf 1 blc, until I uu ilc to v.n'r tyi tf lines hoping t'it -ft'so lir'-'s nu.y tii.d jon in good health, an I 1 to ecctihue oni l I ahull hr. 110 more. 1 iimii 1 ':li-s tliul 1 ut rdiil, kuic my fir-it ri;i:o!U.i 0m e! you, love jom Sth tlwi grruie-Ht vmi' tiud .-:'' ),- though I )in; suh'errd inu'.'h v..ii sorrow unl dixcootent io ti)jortii)gof the lutiie. Tt-arn I. me IilWii from my eve many times, ntv piilim s have berii -t, and (uarrel and threat lun'i; t ciiduredi but yt nothing avaitol. I he ):ri ;iti r the embr niiMiient, t!ic more horior thi.-r': it, in ovi rc4iiiiii of it, nays David Tin lor, I mi kaiir.f-i-d I ctr klwll nupport the sjine love tunxriU you. t dliould niilVi r iijui ty and nine tiii'e iiiore than 1 idn udy h.ivc tiered on tour account 1 iievt-r-tlulcs,, I hope that the i!a,sof bitti-nicss xce I.. i. . . ,,.. null, ml iiniiiiiti iiihii mi, ivi"iil F. ni"f ,1 ton. 10 to 12 , u lute Ku, jl,ett,i.?, 18 M p.-r ,, ru tupn.neMudrontentn1,-,,t. Thui . 1; -, 00. iu oriiui iii-ai cr, a,,iM r,o u,iUi I mil Hritinj. tli ,. , . vnni-t 1 inn ttriunL', '.lie niauv p'-aHiu ann in ooaros - -b-. liarmlcwliour that we have spent in each otl. Wednesday, l tl.iisl quality, 10 , t-, lit v.m. T.H ,1V my M (b,U)M.ut, t0 m on Tblirsdav I ' Tl y r"' M' ''-V.r"" v '''r' ' r'-"'t on uith t'.ie gr(;:,, pleasure uoc on I ..urs.lay n , t(J v do. 4 fc..,Ufi(). whilst I now -ante to ton. I su In tho I.etrislature of New-York, it has been attempted to abol'uli the usual titles of " Honorable" and " Kxcellenry," at' t ached to certain places in the State fio vernnient. t he proposition p.isscd the Mouse of Hcprcscntatives and the day .ifter it parsed, .1r. 7l'(!lure moved a re consideration, which wasunaiiiinonsly car tied, and the titles were reconizi-d as heretofore. .1r. A'C'lure's speech was acll calculated to cbtain his end. It be C-m thus friend I'eter, uddressi; the Speaker) I undc-rstand that yestcrrlav John nv -1orsc of toe ci y, introduced this rr. oiu'.iou. I would like to know, fricutl Pe ter, what would be thought of the mem ber, who, meetinjr the Governor in the street, should say, flood nmrnin, Jt I'ar, how do you do ?" .Chun. Courier. to 4 j Crorjia, a to (J ; Virginia, 2 to 5; New urieans, -V to 5. nd km ii'it t vjr:iful nf the nuny kind and hi-nefirrrif. favors I have rwi ived from ) our hole delicate h:iiiih, luatiy of which I did not merit, of which I am afraid 1 never ithull be aide to return you, hail' satisfaction, l.ut our da) s r; not j et jrone ; tod who knows j et vba to-inoriow may hrinjj f.rtli t I may yit be nlde ti coniprnsate von for all you Lr-e done for ine 1 n. iiothinjr in tliii worhl cool 1 ..r.vlk me tn'r than to repay t!ie s.iiiie kinjius bat k that I once re, eivnl ; t".)tci:i!ly of a person so eoiiiieumi in p'-rson-ne Siiil delie.ttv cotiiitceaie e, and fairuttu com-.. !y fi-aturex. I ardently wish thr.t I crihl he in vo!," cmps- J' j ny f'oni he rihinfr to the llinp of the un ; tll !I len t M t no hone cf rur luirhlv ; (."-.c.ife d a to he in thi world hapjiy t nJ by the llev. Mr. Storke, Mr. Il-ury filUen. ,0 l".,r,- cr, tlien niight 1 exclaun, farewell peace an ! Miss Sena HelVy. ', in tbia uorhL and wileonu- the neacc- 1 . c N .-f,V , y M.innir.j), t):i 1 'liursday nijfht las', by ttc;.iuli I.. Wt rand, Mr. Duncan M'Ciill. to s l'i hlcii liter, both of this br,rouj;h. In this county, on Thursday, the luih J.muar;', Smrrowi.-It h.,s been ascertained, as nearly as audi things can be. that 4 p.,ir cf sparrow destroy in one week. 3360 catei pilLrs. We did not know ht'foic, but we should always remember, the oh iii; ions we owe to these little favorites of Heaven ib. Uirhrt ami brvrfrnce.Jhc London papers mention a manivinrit Gibraltar, named Airon Cordoza, who outrivals the munificence of Bagdad Sultans, and real izes the fictions of Arabian story. With A corresputulent informs us, 'that a aho't time since James Oir, of Uecklcn burjr county, fui::id a turtle whi:h lie h..d Tnaikcd fifty years ajy, in the vcai 1773; 8nd for auht apneared to the con trarv, it mih live filty r a hundred years longer. We do nnt know vrhetner natu ralists have ascertained to w hat ajt turtles : icn survive; but from the prrtcdin;f.itt, and, H'orv M. IIrcr!:cnrid;;c, of I'ioiida from other which have come to c,;r j ' ,,f, W"J, v'ltU',. , I KnowicMKe, 1" seems nut atuin tu a j,l(tl f,c u ,v(Ui jn,, Jf)S s,vv.u all ol apiit.cely fortune, he posscsscsthe means, very advanced ae, m .tt;e, perhaps, j i'hii.ia. nunihcn cf the leitdaWvc conn, and with a generous soul, the spitit. to whi h br.irs no threat disproportion to that j ci 1 of Florida. cxen ise unexampled benevolence, fiib- licnrv t ram), m 1 ciinessre, Attorney 1 r.utar, tnc piacc 01 nis tnrtn, testmes to for the I )i, trie, of West ,cnicsce. ! the vatious larj;e pecuniary ttonations Lativ;donChc,,es,f.fPttinstIjiiia,eoir.-i made to distressed objects of all ilcscin misstontr, on the put of tiie U. States, tiom.. Such have been his deeds of be under the first ankle of the convention i ncvolence. to both Knglish and Spaniards, 1 1 of 12th Juh, 1822, witli Great I'.iitin. m moments of extreme exigency, to the Henry ScaW'-ll, of N'orth-f Carolina, Ar- atmy and navy, that the public thanks of 1 bit rat or, on the part of the U. States, tin- the whole garrison, drawn out on parade, I tier the same convention. i and of the marine commanders, ln e been . rendered him in the most solemn manner, Di 'isr.Htrf In the state of Delaware, for his protection, and promoting the mca of mortals when earth was in the heyday and freshness of youth. In the garden of Capt. Daniel Wood, cf Davidson county, there ere gathered duritur the last season, from one vine, twenty-five hundred and ten cucumbers, (exclusive of the latter growth, of the species called frbrrkint. This vetretsblc, c believe, is trenerdlv very nrodi-ctive iX tli' ,1CC" 'ninvl 'mpracticable for the sures of icovcrnment. And timing the but in the above instance it was unrom Also, on the 2 id, by Jacob Ur'nler, I'.s-j. Mr. Allen Morrow, to Miss KohiMiri, Also, on ihp 'JCtli, Mr, Joseph lludnuii, to Miss l)ian:i I lushes. Also, on tlx! ssiue 1l.1v, hv Jacob Tis'ier, I'.wi. Mr. Dana! Lin-bough, to Mlu Sar;ih Hall. Also, on the Clh 1'ehnian , by .Mm Nibloek, F.vj. Mr. J .itm - D.ckv, t ) I .hiuheth Smith. Kv on Thursiluv, the 13lb, liy John Nibloek, F.. Mr. Joliii John .ton, ai d 13, to Ul. Folly lltiehrv, ii-il J5. Alt' , on the same day, by Bcnj. Howard, T-'. Mr. Juhn Tedd, to Miis Sarah Dent. Alvi, or, Thurnlay, the kilpstrick, Mr. Hioiiius lUnsbaur, to Mi.i Fro denrc Hutli.-d;'e. 1il nii.'.Miiei'.Vi of another. With veiK Tatioii and esteem, 1 renuii, niy darlin;;, Your atii r tiou:;tc Love., tntil death, MASIF.K DAVID. To Mn" I'aiiU ttflWAN ((U NIV. (M)t'UT of I'l.-Ki and Quarter Senium, FtL- roar' Session ', lbJ3. Samuel Joiw-a a:i-I Andre Hunt i n. Henry tt. Sliclton Original attachment' levied on 177 acres of land, on Dutchman Creek. It appearing to the iutisfc , tion of the court, that the defendant is not an : .... r -. .. . " . .1 t. t ....1 til, b) the ncV.J.D. I ' W ." " u-ere.urx rU,-nr isivelv, in the Western Ciirolii.ian, priitrU-il it Salisluir, that the deti-rvdaiit lie and aiper he. In Linrolu county, on the Uth ultimo, by the Ion-our next court ol rk-asamluart(r ison:., r .. 1 . . .ii'i r . 1. 1 1 .., ,r to he held for the coun'v of Koa an, at the t'ourt- l,ev. Jiiiiiis II11I, Mr. Ja.tb Luil, to Mi... .Viircrt. . ; , ... , : , ., . -House in Sab-bury, on the third MoihU lit May ret I '('' 1 ni ilicn n.t iIhm l.i i, h ad or fti-riiur. or iinlp- , -" - i - - " " J rt ua-nt vill be entered against turn to. the plnintiflV di ln;uid. (ml1 It JNO. (.ILLS. Abo, on the same djy, by the ltev. Dunicl Hokr, Mr. DtixUl Huf.MU:; io Mi CAni'rr, ll.f,!r;l.T. Also, Mr. Ju'uW, to Mis S.iuh Ki ln: Also, noi loop lincc, by the ltev. Jacob Flonk, Mr. UiHn-ii l'tvat, (Chemist) lute of Winnbo fill IF. trustees a null hereby aeipiamt the puk 1 lie, tleit thi Academy, situated in Vork District, S. ('. and m ar to the mountains, con- n.uKh, S. C. to the amiable and much adnure.l , ""' pr.;crout and grotaing itatr i and . , ... . , nr.- , . nhdst they traimsi their pratitude lor the hb youi.h' lauy, M.S., Jluriura lt!.Vnet mII ofLancohi , enJ pam,ni,,e 'it rvi hent.ore rccrive.1, th-y monly so. The sportive remarks we made ! few two houses of the legislature to agree, so recent trouble, the Spanish nation have as cither to elect a senator nf the U. S. recently decreed him public thanks and for the six years e nstiin?; the Cd oT .Uarch ; recorded in their archives the obligation next, w ben .'.7. Van Dyke's term expires,! tho kingdom oc"s hint, for his eMiuoidi or to fol I lie hi aocy in the setmip, eccu.ii,iiy liberality to the Spanish rcfotf-cs. isiuiictl Ly the resign ition of Mv. Hoilnej-.i He is of noble extraction ; his ai'u estor . M- 11.....I'. I. ,t,n SI . ' iPicious to adio'ii innctit. ten b.,.!i,uni;t 1 1 secret Islaelltcs) (jiilttcd ,Np..iti to avoid occupation of the mouth nf the "Orc-i gon," or, as it is vultirij called, the Co Iwnbia river, are copied into the Milton G 'fctte, of the 20th ultitnn, prercde.! by the fnllowinr; caption s " The followint; article is ropicd from the Western Carolinian, nnt with the idea of its aCTordint any thinyj tew to our rea ders, but that they may know in what es timation some of the most worthy of our teprescntatives arc held by ti c author of that snide." As no members were' mentioned in the article alluded to, but Mr. I'lovd, C.en. Cocke, and Lemuel Sawyer, we conclude thev must he the worthies spoken of in took place for a senator to fill the present persecution, and i:h a vast pmpcitv srt- vacancy, but r. boot success. I he two' ,'d in Gibraltar, where he has constriir hotiscs at length separjtcd, protesting ' ted the most elegant mansion on the rock, ninst heat tilr against cadi other's I'is hospitality and tnunifu ence have oil ditis. -Alit. Intrl. jtained hint the appellation of Kinguf the - 'Jews;' no being, plebeian or royal, scarce- WAstitxc. io.v.t t.;;. L r.omuclivpuce;!)" cvcr excelled him in hcr.evoW ncc and it necessarily devoted, to-day, to the re-; generosity. .V. Y. Com. Mvrrtin r. demption of our plrdic to give a 'etcht nnm - df the Debate, in the House of ncprern-l cut : wottsHtf of cosFfctrs. tatives, on the 5th instant, that we have A wiiter in the Inrio Chinese filcnier, county. -4 A-i,.-', V', Ai Fiiiu.ieb.l.ia, on 1 i..l..v, 1 1 -lull nil in the trth i ar ef his age, Mr. m.i,-l K, 'J, He Edi tor of tlie Fhila!elphia fzctte. .WVt!Ya. f IIIF. having taken a partner in his I mercantile establishment in Concord, Cabar- nt rumtv, takes this method of informing those 'ndebifdtohitn, that they will confers particular hvor hv pat ing a part, al K-aat, of tlieir accounts a ml notes on or before the firsit dsv of May nest, 1 hose alio fail to comply sa it h this notice, will nit, I hone, be di''t.leased if thrv should have to hardly loom for any thing ehc. Vc r.m-t , of which a few numbers vtcrc t.ol Ion;; ' V -y cost;.. I. HAItblM.l.H. he content fur the present, merelt ;.i r.o-islntc received, observe: I The business will in future be in ticc t!ie suhjrrts w hich prinripallv occn-l f ro, ,IC Shine-mruturkr, t vol. Id t 'j', ,sr ,,n'1, r thc r,r,n V. J'-"' r '. . I . . I 5l (.0. xilierr krirt now tt CelMtltr a teiM.ral p.cil t!te two notifcs oi i.ongresS t ester- r,ge, ,t ppcars ,1,,, ,lcrc arc lrt ( nil, 1 1),.,()Hmt;il of ,,rv (mU ,Ur,.M .re, Cutler, dav, icserung the detans till our no:t. ont tfiyw.d fwe hundred tixti? and odd j t rot k. ry am! t.roeeries; all t.f l.,r, viilbe Thc Senate sate to later hour than temples, dedicated to t onfucius. At the i"hl at v. rvndoeednrirf sf..rc;. .htmlv. 1'ho' usual, nnd Were the whole day CtU'atrcd 111 Unrincr and anrriHre. .ifTrrrd to 1 bo have that articlo to e M ha,nicc for Mich a wc ........ . ' i " . ' i .... ...i , ..n :.. I r... ii .e, aie uiinvv, bmh iwi unm. '.. Iv.s I'. HAKKIM.rK t' 1'IV 1 -. 1 ' f. I . . . .1 .. A -, 1. 1 ., r. , .1 ! ull.ll 1 t . . .1 . . . W . I ... .1 . I I - ' ' nten7Jl honoWe mend w'c'.dl1 decisive' question was taken, though , . ,, j the disposition of the members present upon mc Biu.iuriiy oi iiiu 'i.i(,q mufiiri would further state, that m contcililciice of tho prtsent teacherf intended removal, tiiey navx engaged Mr. William It. Davis, a graduate of the I nivcrsity of North-Carolina, to Undertake as le.-n.hrr, from the 1st of May net. Ih. tiim ly notice wc give, that ni ne wishing to place rhihlren at thuip-tilotion, may be prevented by iliMijt of its continuance, or uncertainty of iU Wc arc alvi happy to pay, that fmm a person al aci'uaiii'aiiee ai'h Mr. Davia, fmrn a knoal. edge of his nii.ral and pious charae'er, trgethrr VMtli amplr tesiiniomsis of his tah ii'aand learo ing, fc h:ivc full confidence that he will proo but It an able and uictt-tslol tfaiher. Stud. -nn are herf pn pured for any cls in Collc-, beii g favored iti. the MX of an catel lenl M t ol t..wUs nd hert after aill hae Uie use of the Fnevciopedia Untannira ; ahieh val liable a ork is presented to the Afailemy by a worthy pattern of heiicmlcnce ami friend ot' leaniimr. In point of health and morality, a preferable? situation cannot probably be found in the Ute. H'Mfding i v5 per annum. 1 union, fur lan guage ami Sciences, S-J Fer annum i for F.n ghsii (.i-ammar and Ceograpbv, 15; and fvT Kt-ading, Writing and Anthmctir, glU. Signed hv order of thc Hoard, JA? S. ADAM4, S.c'ry. l.uunry 2, 13J. 6ti6 the Gazette. Now wc do not deny that, the dismount or thc hill fur rc-chatter- him, t is calculated in the work now otto that Mr. Sawyer is a woithy ip-a too one of the " most worthy of our repre sentatives. And, what nl raise them appeared to be favorable to the bill. The House of representatives sat un til marl! ten o'clock last niht irt Debate upon thc new Tat iff Bill. At length a still higher in the cstim3Uon"of thc cd- j "s '?Ucn ?" ,,,e ,",.i"n. ,.?.S,nkc. out thc enacting clause or the bill; and the votes were, Ayes, 51, Noes 77. So the House refused to strike out thc tn acting clause cr thc bill, the ecct ol which striking out would i-uvo been to reject i.. 'ar. Intel. WASllISOTON, FF.B. S. It WPS With real tileasuie that we observe I the ma- b different medium because we rtcfer a; nimity nnd tho crood feeling which pre- plain, candid, independent statesman, to v"Uetl in 1,18 representatives, , . r . . yesterday, on the subiect of the bill to a wh.ming, time scm,,, ,mr,gu,.,S . fJr thc CMuiwWJ sctllt.mcnl oflbe nnt - , ; accounts of D. U. Tompkins, (the Vice AVeare pledged to no individual we (President,) thc late Governor of the State itorof thc Garcttr, we may likewise add, they are all rcdicalt thorough going; re formers in ell the departments of thc Ren eral government tavr one. If we do not hold these radical gentlemen in as high "estimation" as the editor of the Gazette, it is because we look at objects through I ,1,, K two occasions annually, Bullocks, Figs, 27,000 . Sheep, , .,soo Deer, - 2.600 Kabbiti, 27,no ' . 6;,cor, "Thus, there are snoually sarrificed," he adds, to Confucius in China opwan s of iixty tr.'o thousand victims, antl it is al so Siid there ai c offered at thc same time, twenty-seven thousand sis hundred pie. ces of si'k ! What becomes of these dots not appear.' The wiiter rcnurfcs, We here rci that the learned' in one of the most en lighted modern heathen nations, pny tit vine fiCti'irt to a frlhis trraturr, who Is universally acknowledged by them tob' been a mere man ; and these Itaru generally teach that dea'b in i;frrf, tro. ai, injj. 4t'40 Slate l Vrl-V.!tYoinv, HOW AN COUNTY. fmt I1T of Fleas nnd quarter Sessions. Fi b. j rnsrv Kcmien-t, lii.'i F.lizahelh kcihev. ! iilis lUihin, nnd Ann hitwifr, the heir at law west vf :odd!e-C'rcck meetinjjJiouse, evrn of V-illv Womltork, Simuel lai Slnilva l Moni'.av and Tuesday, rtetpt when shewn at The liieb I5rcd and CtkbrateJ Foii-t'.etter VYy. mnrl, cpwanisol 10 hand bitfh, hsndsome. nooked, of large bone aiJ nmx olar ler, ill .-aon at Ctmeord, every Fr.- da. aiiu . ai.u ..i, ; and at William F.mcrjon's, in the lower rdjre of lis?dell cmnty, one mile Franklin, Ru:ianna,Kcbecra, and lloiras Kerby., rc tilion, dow er. It appearing to the s:.tisfaction of the court, that the defendants, Silha ttarbin, and Ann bis wile, the keira at law of Sally WooUfork, Samuil Davis, and Samuel Kerby, art-cot inhabitants of this state, it in then fi le ordered by the court, that publication be made sis we ks suceessivrtv, in the Western C.'nroli- ' man, printed in ."Salisbury, that the defendant I appivrttt our next court cf rleaa and tiuwrter .seasiuuii to be held for the county of ltonan, at the Court-House in Salishitry, on the 3d Monday f Stjv nest, and then and there plead, answer r demur, cr iudjrmeiit w ill be taken- pr cun ' io up ns them, and petition lie heard t -a'te. JNO. (ilLF.S, C.C. f.w'.M! Friee adv. ?. , pill. he pliers: unoida'de aeei.bnta excepted, lie ill ho let t a mares tit the moderate price ol ten dol'i.ra the arain, which niy dichari.J with 8 at any time before the first of October; live dollars the sinjrte l.'.np, to br paid at the Umo of aersieej and bitern dollar to insure a mart tube with foalt parung with the mare f-uieiu ihr inmiranre, Floriel, a a foal (fetter, ii cipialrd by fc , and eseelled by mi horse which my he wen by reference to the hand bill, where the certifi cates are aincd by number of the most re. sprctable citiensoi Hahfay, rclatoetohisroha, ami the performance of his t"ck, and other par ticular ; al(j his pedits e. I'he season to ro.n nunce the 20th of March, nd end the m, 0f July. G. A FHIFLU. ivtt'47

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