I in: M,, I v l.;.U Yr id'- Mum mtyirvi, ' My 1 t!C t'M.l'vd V1-UH .flll(...-,, W. f "T V . ,. V V1' v f 'Is' V, V r.r, - ,v v", i tmaeazsgem.vsiz:'?- .- .-a aB.t, " vs ffOHi Idnikn M'trmit'i ('lirtnit 'c, Uet. 6. BliKADAl.lUNF.'.HI M.M?(:tl. Strike up the pibrot h, till u hot the mountain, Strike tip the pibroch, till echoes the fountain ; fjuick draw jour brojuwordu, and on fop the fray, And hey fur the lull tnd the mountain of Mo ray ! Strike up the pibroch, till hills of Kiiijrogan Bij with the note of the ternhle Hopui! . Strike up the pibroch, till mountain and corri SUti wail fur the mm f the mountain of Mo. ry ? Wave vb:t!l each husli, each briir and braitiMe, Shake iJtall each cairn with the tread of the Wave shall osir banners all bloody and gory, O'er the dead ton of the mountain of Moray ! Quake shall each ravine, each torrent and rivrrj Bi iilt-di,Beulanii,and Ilrnloiiioiid shall quiver BinitL4i, undaunted, ahall triumph in jfjory, O'er the proud sons of the mountain of Moray ! Quick on hi foe iec the CivraruL it rushing, ,See from their bov-nis hft' torrent fiat gmliing'! Vli:lc the corona.)) tchoe from mountain and corri, A ad iJh to the daughter of Moray ? Variety' the v ry r.piee of life, 1 hat give it, all it Havor. mo Tut nara avmirat iduv. It is amusing tj observe how liule tleanlioess and comfort tue Homans enjoyed, with all their wealth and pow er and ingenious luxury. Many things with which our almshouses arc suppli ed, were wanting in the imperial p ibi ces of Home. To give one insunce for many, forks were utterly w known to them ; nor were thev used in En root till llenrv IV. of France, some where in the sixteenth century, dNc"-! vered that thrv were. for certain mir- ! p.es,--(iuite as convenient as fmgecs. I I e first fork used m ihristend. m, "n(l rt,lineM unguer 01 a great steel thing, one prorgof which ; words of no toue," they lisp or tul woald make ten forks of these degen-! tivate h0mc delicate misprnnum iat'u n era e days. is now. or was lately, m'0! one 'f the four-and-tenty letters, the castle ol I'au. It is true enough !,,r ' a fcw well sdtcted syllables , tl at while wants of this kind would al-;T,rV atl.tcken's perseverance in fret our comfort prodigiously, tht v P""':; up the smallest gram or chpfT of miy not have been mucn felt by the tea-table iittlligence, yt tare not gree-j Romans since, howetcr natural, as it!d.v in t,,c possession of it: you may were, they have bee me by habit wnd ! constant itistom, they were origin dly iacti tons. -..nu the power f accom lU'.da.iog tc c'.rcu;r.:ur.ci, of assim- ilation t' the th'n gs -b ut him, which tx sts in man, in greater prrfioion than in .my other ammal, soon makes him tolerably easy, wherever and h w ever he lives. Xotwiths:anding all this, there is a dillVrence between na tions ; between the Esquimaux In dians and the l.ond. m cockneys, for in- j your horse tip with a s. rl c,n cr get a stance, in point of comfort; and cer-1 will f' the w'epto light you, like a well tain it must be, that m re of that mostied watchman, to your lodgiigs. is . . . . . . ' 1 t .! 'I I,. 1.1. .I.k.'.. excellent anu desirable article ni.iv le h.d. bv any one among us, than could bave been enj veil by a Kom .n noble, ! who rode in a carriage without springs. I or on a saddle wit' out stirrups, or din - ed without kn ves and forks, er liv ed in a room without a chimney, heated bj h brasierof burning charcoal. The w ant of cleanliness really ap pears to have been quite monstrous, and it is wholly inconceivable that a nati'-n who exhibited s txquisite a perception and enjoyment of beauty, as is manifested both in their many wotk of an, and in all of their poetry, whiih speaks of, or alludes to natural loveliness (d every kind, and much ct this there ;hcj!d b? ? 'J- fti tu e of all desire to be clean, as we rnut believe them to have been, if we suppose their writers to have told the truth. It may seem that their con stant and universal use of the bath ra ther pmves the fact t.y be otherwise; but the reason assigned by their writers for this excellent custom is. that the bath was necessary, as thrv very rare ly changed their clothes. The Human poets are full of anecdotes and allu sions which place in a very strong 1 1 jl; I t the comrror notion in Home, re s pei i 'g the nselessness of all instru ment of tne hiorm kind. IL race tlls of a s;d disaster which befel a festive party in a magnificent d'ning-rooin, owin? to the fall f a canopy, which brufht down with it the accumulated dust of age. Now if in a splendid st te apartment d st batik of their own opinions, and t-vt should be suffered quietly to repose inijou sprawling and bespattered, to get su!tk;ent quantities U f.vtrwinrlai the company fill every did, on no p eater pro -oration than the L of a canopy, it way safely lit: asserted that anv people who would so iivc, must be a ery dirty prnjile indf.nl. It may also be mentioned among the cuiiosi tits of Komun manners, tint the mas ters and mistresses of the world were utterly unacquainted with that article of app.rcl, which in these days is apt to be found in the pocket of every gen tleman, and the indispensable of every lady. Extracts from an eswy " On Ta'kcn," published in the (London) New .Monthly Magazine. "1 he first and most common class of taller is composed of common bab l)kr8. There are several varieties of these ; but the most disagreeable is the long tongued babbler. One of ihem is sufficient to set a whole village at war, or disturb the peace or sac'rcdncss of virtuous privacy. Kathcr than be si lent, he will wound his-dearest friend, with 1 tongue, which, like Laertes' foil, poisons wherevcrit touches; . nd some times even him who first used it. From this sort of talkers yrvu learn the origin Tf Miss done' finery md Miss Jenkins' faux fas; the stite f Mr. Tompk'm embarrassments h.c. 6cc Or il you fear what the world thinks of your own charaiter for virtue or f'dly, yon may have your misgivings con firmed to youren ire s.itislactton. publishes a pi ruicious piecr of truth or scand.il in the morning, and follows the sound of his own rumour, its the wither mutton follows bis own bril. Ano.her Variety is the d--ll, or harm less babbler. He talks in his turn and out ol hi turn, in season and out of, season, acd yet has nothing to sav. : You ma) , perhaps, learn from hm th..t ' it rained yesterday ; and backed bv the ! 'boldness of his lears, tu mav get, some credit fur weather wisdom, it y u doubt whether it will not rain to mor row. He is Francis Moore's counter part. The second diss are the sma'l talk ers. These arc tea-table .'pnerd. ces. a"(I sometimes hang by tne dtxa r ''cntl Idies' elbow s ; d are usually " l,nm' puss-gentlewrn," all prcitincssj hac their second-hand nothmgsat less th.tn the cost and tnn ble. Their wit, is an island in a vast sea of three month's , "' i .v11 m-v sl l'r round it, ai d by it, and never m,ke it : or if you think you descry it in the offing, you may t ick for it and h' pe to drill to its shore ; but when you eally see it under your Ix.w, you may coast round it, and tast out your grapple anchor to hold bv it ; out yc-tt m"ght as n tie your nose r ; "'lkr K"" ,,u "'tic. lie rgm ui umr i .minds need net be rnddrn under aj tiusnri ; aone-piu oox would oc dome " ample pace and verge enough for I - 'e rne "good deed in a naughty world," it might shine f..r ar.d side therein, and yet n. t gild its confines, Their rtv-st elegant prim moodis re like a perfumer's shop, for they breathe nothing butaimfj. " Miss A. has the sweetest pug puppy from I'aris that is in the world." And Mrs. B. a sw eet Cat in her establishment." Their talk only breathes honey, essence of Tre, bloom of Ninon, violet washes md a; thousand essences that are advrrtised1 in the newspapers. They "die of a1 rose in arcmatck" anguish, and are re- j covered by lawnder water, and other "soft ipplia-ces," fifty times an hour in their u over-eXqui-i'e" moods. would sooner sit at an opera with fne Jews in the same box, oi be in a small room with three 1'rtm hme n, than ta'k with r ne of these. The third arc those of the thjectiy class. He your opinions what thev mat , however undeniable, corn ct, fet tled or well digested, they will thrw them over ai d object to tlam. The willfi' d flaws inch mond uitof the fust w.iter, motes in the brightest ravof the mind, and beams in the eyes of Truth. I he fourth is the con rauictorv rlas. Let your opinions to-day be to tl e let terwhat theirs was yesterday, tn.d they will it stantlv run . n opposition coach agatnt yours, npse you rn the rrud up as you can. When yoa have run hem 10 a stand on one p )iot, and they fud yo are fixed on agreeing with them, and they cannot object to the matter of your opinions, they have still a resource left in objecting to your manner of uttering them. You speak unadvisedly and they censure you for mediocrity, a bold plainness, and want of spirit and imagination. I'hc fifth class consists of talkers in admirations. I heard one of these the other day. His conversation, if such it could be called, was all exclamation, like a German drama; ancUwas made up of a due jargon of G od Gods ! God-blcss-mcs! I s-b-possibles! Who'd nave-thought-its ! You-astonish-mcs, The sixth are the interrogative class. Their talk is all questions. I should t link their tongues were shaped like a note of interrogation. I kn iw one of this genus. You feci in conversing with him as a catechised charity boy does, when he is asked what his god father promised to do for him. Talk an hour dead with one this class, and you will only hear from him such in terrogatory affirmations as these follow ing: "And so Jones is well i And Johnson's married J" he. The seventh iind most insufferable class are the exclusive talkers. One of these will undertake to talk for all ihe compmy present. If you impa tiently throw in but one little word, it is like striking asprk into a barrel of gunpowder a fresh explosion of words spreads hubbub and confusion all round it. Though he tells you every thing you already know, you cannot tell him any thing that he does not know. If jou set out with an anecdote, he snatches it out of your mouth, as a covetous dog would a desired bone from his pet boon companion and dear est puppv friend, and tells it for you. You object that yours was a different version of the same story, and gently persist in telling it your own way : he knows the other version as well as you do, and re-rslatcs it for you, but thinks his own the best. If you persist, after 11, in telling it for yourself, he will in sinuate to-m rrow that)ou are in your anadotage, nd delare that you are he worst teller if stoiies since the days of Goldsmith. You could not hav done a worse thii g than st.irt an anecdote in his hearing, for that one is sure of reminding him of a bu.idrtd others; and the last one of tht first cet tury of g' d things is so nearly re lated to the first of the second centu ry, that he cannot choose but relate it, and you dare not choose but hear it. If von commence a favorite quotation, he t.ikes up the 6eiond lii.e, goes on with it, and ends by quoting tw ice as much rs yc u intended, tif all talkers, these arc the worst. Gallantry of the Gloucester i-lUUla. On the 9th of August, 177J, the British sloop of war I'alcon, captain Lin7.ee, hove in sight r.f Gloucester, Mass in quest of two schooners, Irom the West Indies, bou-'d to Salem, one of which he soon brought too, the oth er taking advance -f a fail v. ii.d put into Gloucester ; Linzif having nude aptiztof the first, pursued the serord into the harbor, bringing the prize along with him. lie authored ;.nd sent two barges with filtcen men iu each, armed with muskets and sw ivels, and attended by a whale boat, in wbirh was a lieutenmt and six piitMes, with orders to seize the other schoontr and bring her under the Falcon's bow. The militia and other inhabitants, in d'gnant at this daring attempt, prepar ed for a vigorous resistance ; T he btrimen under the command of the lieutenant, bo rdrd the schooner f t the cabin window s, which provoked a smart fire from the people on shore, by w hkh three of the enemy were killed, inJ tre lieutenant wounded in the thigh, who thereupon returned :o the j-loop ol war. Lin.ee then sent the other srhooner and cutter he had to nttend him, well armed, with orders to fire on the "damn'd rebels" .whenever they c uld see them, and that he would in the mean while cannonade the town j he immediately fired a broadside into the thickest settlements, and looking with diabolical pleasure to Me what h.tvoc lis e nnon made- "iou1," said 1 e, " fJCTt1 bous, ne i7.V cim at the t(..V I'mbntcrian Church. Will i'jiir,- Im vc J't llnns, our shot were ctiJ the house of GiJiiill fall hrfutr you." N' t a u strt ck r wounded a single irdiv idual, although they w ent through the l ouses in almost every direction, ft'ltd with women and childrt n. The Mit.-ll pa ty n the waterside perfoim ed ft ondtrs, for they socn made them- wives masters of both the sciNocneH the cutter, the two barges, the boat and every nian in them. In the action, which lasted several hours, the Amer- i cans hud but one killed, and 2 wound ed : of the British thirty-live were ta ken prisoners and several wounded. The next day the Falcon warped off i with the loss of half her crew as well as the loss of her prize, tender and 'boats. SHERIDAN'S 1'ArSK.B. A Scotch Clergyman bad visited London and seen, among other tricks of pulpit oratory, " Sheridan's Pauses" exhibited. During his first sermon after his return, he had taken occasion at the termination of a very impassion- ! ed sentence, to stop all of a sudden, and pause in "mute, unbreathing si lence." The precentor, who had ta ken advantage of his immemorial priv ilege to sleep out the sermon, imagin ing from the cessation of sound, that i the discourse wa3 nctu dly brought to a close-, started up, with agitation, and in an audible voice read nut his usual. "Remember in prayer. I lout, man! exclaimed the good natured orator over his head, placing at the same lime his hand upon his shoulder, " Ilout, Jamie jinan! what's the matter wi' ye the , day? il ye no ken I line rae done ' yit ?- -that s only ane o bhendan o pauses, man i" KNOV.LIdit.i: Is certainly one of the means of pleasure, as is lonfcvscd by the, natural desire which every inid fciliol io crcasing its iJcas. I;;no: aoc;- is mere privation bv which nothing can be pro duced : it is a vacrhy i; bicii the soul j sits motionless Mid torpid for want of attraction : tnd without Liowir.g why, 1 we always rejo:ce when wt: bain, ami grieve when we lorget. 1 am there fore inclined to com bide, that, if noth ing contracts the natural consequence of learning, wc grow more happy as our minds take a wider range. Knowledge will soon become folly when good sense ceases to he. its guar dian. It is for young men to gather knowl edge, and lor old men to use it ; and assure yourself, that no man gives a fairer aici tint if his time than he that makes it his daily study to make him self better. MEMOllY Is the nurse f Genius. She fon dle. Iiitn in infancy, feeds him from her bosom, inspires him with courage. tqu ps him with learning, brings the past for his instruction, yields the fu ture to his hopes, and as she encircles his cradle with fi r. crs, strews wreaths of immortality on his grave. The most fearful pang of death, is the idea of oblivion. If you shall have so lived that people shall not mis cu when ynu die, you will have lived to little purpose. Usefulness is the test of vir tue; and enlightened tijclulness em balms reputation. (.hals. Ccuricr. The wealthy and the noble, whtn thrv expend large sums in decorating thtir houses with the rare :ui;l costly eff rts .f genius, with thr busts from the chisel of a Canova, 3.l with car toons from the pencil f a Kaphael. arc to be commended ii they do not stand still hcrey but go on to bestow some n:nns and cost, that the master j himself be not infeiior t ) the mansion, anil that the owner be not the only thinf that is little, amidst every thing else that is great. The house may draw- visitors, but it is the possessor alone that cm detain them. l)n. Donn The last sermon of this unfortunate, but cuiity ni.:n. was preach ed ut the Magdalen Chapel. Tt b. 2, 17" 7. llis text waj remarkable. Dcutcrunmry xxviii. 65, 56. " And among those ra tions shalt thou find not ea'f, neither shall the sole of thy foot have rest; hut the Lord shall give thec a trembling heatt, and failitijr of eyes, nnd sorrow r,f mind ; and thy life shall hnn in t'rnht before thee : and thou shalt (cm day md rir;ht, and shall have none assurance of tin life." In the selection of this, passage, he miizbt have had reference to his personal circumstances. He had just returned from France, to which he had retired bout sis months before, to void his creditors. He was deeply involved in debt, and had lost his character by oficrin a bribe to the wife of ihe Lord Chancellor, to pro cure for him ere lesiastical preferment. On the 4th of February, (two days nftci his sermon at the Magdalen,) he forged bend in the name of his pupil, I-ord Che terfield. for ,4C0C was tried ond con sic ted on the 24: h of February, and wa hung at Tyburn, June 27th fier " hi nft had hwitt in d ubi brfirr him, and h led urtd day and wA" according te the text. fcXTUACT. It is no proof of love to God that we do many things, and that too with the willing consent of the mind,the per formance of which is agreeable to his law. If the same thing might be done upon cither of two principles, then the doing of it may only prove the exis tence of one of these principles, while the other has no presence or operation in the mind whatever. I do not steal, and the reason of it may be cither that I love God, and so keep his command ments, or it may be that I have honor aide feelings, and would spurn at the disgrace-fulness of such an action. This is only one example, but the bare statement of it serves for a thousand more. It lets us in 'at once to the de cisive fact, that there are many princi ples of action applauded, and held in reverence, and most useful to sOcietyj at.d. withal urging us to the perform ance of what, in the matter of it, is agreeable to the law of God, which may have a practical ascendancy over a man w hose heart is alienated from tlvi love of God. 1'ropo'ie the ques tion to yourself, Would not I do this good thing, or abstain from this evil thing, though God had no will in the matter? If you would, then put not down what is altogether due to other principles to the principle of love to God, or a desire of pleasing him. The principle upon which ynu have acted may be respectable, and honorable, and amiable. We are not disputing all this. We are only saying, that it is not the love of God ; and should we hear any one of voti assert, that 1 have nothing to reproach myself with, and that I give c veiy body their own, and that I pos sess a fair character in society, and have done nothing to forfeit it, and that I have my share of generosity and honour, and tenderness, and civility, our only reply is, that this may be ve ty true. You mav have a very large shnre of these, and of other estimable principles, but along with the posse sion of these many things, you may lack one thing, and that one thing mar be the love of God. An enlightened disccrner of the heart may look into you, and say, with our Saviour in the text, " I know you that you have not the love of God in you. It is no test whatever of your love to God, that you tolera;; him, when he calls upon you. to do the things which vour natural principles incline you to do, and which you would have done at any rate. But when he claims that place in your affertions which you give to many of the objects of the wc rid, when he puts in for that share of your heart which you give o wealth, or pleasure, or reputation among men, then is not G.d a weariness? and does not the inner man feci impatience and dislike at these grievous exactions? and whet) the will of God thwarts the nat ural current of your tastf s and enj y r.uiits, is not God, at the momrnt of urging that will, with all the natural autiioiitv which bibings to him, a pos itive offence to you i How would you like the visit of a man whose presence broke up some ar rangement that you had set your heart upon; cr marred the enjoyment ct some favorite scheme that you were going to put into execution? Would not you hate the visit? and if it were olttn repeated. if the disappointments vou received from this cause were fre cpiciit and perpetual, if you saw a sys tematic design of thwarting you by these galling and numerous interrup tions, would not you also cordially hate the visiter, aid give the most substan tial evidence of your hatred, too, by shunning him. or shutting him out? Xow, is not God just f uch a visiter ? O how many favorite schemes of cn- 1 pvment would the thought f him, ." -.!. ..:u ; :,kf.,iu. ,.:,l i,i ... , . Z... 77..I.C-1 to the inner chambers of the mind, put to fiijht! How many fond calculations be gtve op about the world, the love of which is rpposite to the love nf the Father. How many trifling amuse ments behoved to be painfully surren dered, if a sense ofGod's will sere to tell upon the conscience with all the energy that is due to it. How many darling habits abandoned, if the whole man were brought under the dominion ; of this imperious visiter; how many .flections torn away from the objects on which they are now fastened, if his presence were at all times attended to, and he was regarded with that affection which he at all times demands of us! In all your deelinps be strictly honest r(l nrvcr, Tor take f gain,lo an unwor thy action