- ; . i wLa LT.rL It. , ! ii ww.'"' viwuifc -si h;uav.i, .w e. 'vvuvm, Malum u, ma. j-niNTKD aiii react mi in, nuiv Trt.su.tr, l!r MINGUAM & WHITE,' ti it ws ; The subscription to the Wlstmis Ciiichi.viak is Three JJulhm per annum, payable iiult'ycui-Iy in advance. r ffJNo paper will be. discontinued until all arrearages arc paid, tudess tit (lift discretion of the F.ditorit; and any subscriber falling to yiwo notice of bis v ish to discontinue at I be end of a year, will bu considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be seid accordingly. , Whoever will become responsible fur the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gram, . AiivKriTiKKHcrm will be inserted on the cus tomary terms. ,, Persons 'sending in Adver tisements, must specify be number of times they w ish them inserted, or they w ill be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in ttiia town, or its vicinity. 03 All letters to the editors unfit be pvt-pniit j or they will not be attended to. HWIM; purchased Hurt. Itctk with's Medical Establishment, has settled himself in absburv. and (ift'i-N I. is, min-M. In (lio vii'u.nu branches of bis profession, to the itizens of this place and its vicinity. His shop is one door cast of Mr. Maught'.r'& tavern, on dam-street, Wilbur;,, Jn. 23, Vi2!'oWt An Wverswer WnnU'tX. MNCLK man, well recommended, who un thrstaods the culture of corn and cotton, and the management of negroes will meet with employment, Applv at this oltice. f b'. 4, 182J. '40 flilE subscriber idlers for sale, the plunt i'.io:! 1 on which he now lives, King on the west tide of die n.aiu Yadkin, well known by the na oe of Kiddle's ferry, and contaiiiiiijj between lour and live hundred acres. It lies on the main road leading from Salem to tieorjjiaj is well watered and bs good improtemtntg thereon. The land is of as good a quality as any in the Furksof the Yadkin, and well suited to the rais. ir.p nf tobacco, wheat, corn, fc. Any person wishing to purchase, would do well to nuke imu.cd'ate application. ' The terms will be fa voril.le, and will be oiadc knouiKia application to the Hubsciilier. CJ" A good boat Belongs to the ferrv. ItKA.I WCN l.'IIIDI.r.. NVjvttvs Vtir Sve. I' virtue of an order of court, obtained at ) February tern, 1 autlioriiiiijr the kale nf two of the ii' irnws of the estate of U' birt BiinL, lUxcase.l, I will rri! t a credit of twelve nii'ti'.hs at Ftatie i N'r-ly' tn'I'v on a'urdty, the 'J'.Mi of M m Ii, ISi.sWte liejjroprl Fvhcr, aliout 1 J years old, at: 1 om- n i;ro boy Joe, about 10)carold. Allen. !-..nre, J.c. bv W M. ItAKBEK, .11-i'r. 3wt'44r CIl.MU MAKI t., .it 'irn'iif'i'i, .". C. friMF. subscribi rs n p-ctully acipitoo 1 t iticns of he vviV.ern purl ( ur:.i Caro Una, and the rout g oi"s par's f 'omh-Caridina, that they have eoliiioem eil the alioi e mi ot iuied business which 'hey will i arrv on with pi.m til alily and desn iti h. . ibex flitter themselves tha by their ussii'.u itv and appl cation, they Vol ic enaiiu-J to do amide justice to their t u,j.lo rr. M Mil IN C. IMIIFKU, Y M. ( t l. F.!( !f I Mi. X. B. Signdloarh m .-idy or n .mentcil, with rsi.'t or p.., nt, i x e -'.'. 1 a' 'lie Imr'.-st iinticc. a.K',.i, lt,r. ol. 18-':. 1 .V.i '1 Mtci;i-NPi!K; r.oi!vry, S'i1 CIT.BKdl Court ..f laxw, Fall Term, 1 ::.?.. lane Kerr it. ,lijuin kirr Petitum tor Invoice and Alimony. It appearing to court, that YVilSiatn Kerr tesnh s w'niuuit the limits of this utate : Onlriril, licit publication be made i.fcj thr Star and Western Carolinian neastcoeis ' for three months, that unless the said William Kerr do make bis appearance at the nex- Sup.-.IP''. uev,.u a,.vv - ...e .,..., . ,-Ior Court of Uw . to h, held To? the eo-mtv of j a competent kno ledge of tins branch ol Miclbiibnrg, at the Co.u-t-llouse in ( Imrlotte, 1 1''" . I"' to. Is conl.dent ol being able of.,,xe . . . .. .. i . . , .. .i .J linn in Iho- u III) lllav oe I'leaseti 10 la nn lor- l.o, S'.i.i Ui al'er l ie 411 XloC.i:.iV 01. Marrh. 1 nd ansxi -r. t h a i, or detour, to aid iic'.hiim, t!.e wi t' vdl I e heird ex pn-te, and scliteiH e anil it decree matte nornroMig to the prater tin reof. A cop-, test. .!'.'. (.HAH M, ('. :Jmt'.l7. Prn-f adv. s 1. SUU tiv-V,urtAUu, CABARKl'S COl'NTY. SCPF.Ultm Court of Law, Fall Term, 13. - v'pi) Br'lsbiixv, vt. l.li Bra!stisw.... Petition fir -isivnrct, (ih'tl rt spring term, 1SJ.'. It ap pearing to the JatiVaetiim uf life rotir', 'hat the tleiriiilant is not an inhabitant of this state : Or. drrrj, thrrrliire, that publication be made i l the W estern Camlinian, and Baleigb Beg'ver, for three months, that the defendant appear at 'he next Superior t'ourt of laiw, to bo h Id f r the eountv of Cabarrus on th.1 "t!i Mon,!..v adr the 4'h Mosday in M irch next, then and tin tv to ple.d to st-id petition, nthrrwisr it will he heard ex plrtc, and tlecrecd aivnnlingtv. J. M. Ill fCHIstlN, i .S. f. 3mH. Price a.lv. Ft r rale nt tl.I-" Udice. .v.wsKhx riovnr,, IV SAI.ISIU.UV, NOUTII-CAROI.INA, J1V Jltmwft' Wuk. ritlltS (decant establishment, situated fit the 1 north corner of the Court. House, is no i fitted up in a new and superior style, for the reception of Company, The greatest pains h;i'. e been taken to procure for this establishment, furniture of ev ry description, necessary for Die comfort of Travellers. The most approved T tants have been selected, with gnat care i the bur stocked with choice lienors, and the stables attended by obliging and attentive hostlers. The convenience of this sit nation tor business is etpial to any in the place. The bouse contains a num ber of private rooms, well calculated for the ac commodation of Travellers an t Hoarders) at tached to which (lure is a Dry tiood and Hook Store. ' To those w ho may please to call on him, he assures them that no pains shall be spared to render their s'ay comfortable and pleasing, JAMES 1 1 1 I K. Orlnhrr 7, 1H22. '22 TAIl.OU. 1 ft F.SI'F.CTF! I.I.Y informs the public, that he 1 fc has established hiii'tclf in business in this place, in the bouse next door to Mr. Slaughter's tavern. Orders from a distance will be prompt ly attended to. Gentlemen favoring him with their custom, may expect their work done in the neatest and most fashionable style. He has made arrang' ments legulaily to jfet the fashions from l'liililc !iliia ; and solicits a share of public pat ronage; and hopes, by bis a- siduity and attention to business, to please all w tiu may iavor bitn villi their riistoiii, .Y.iM.i., hh.2ih. VM. '!! IN tdlEIEAW. rilllE 3ii!sc)iin r propones to rent tuo Store I I! im s in :h rau, Mtna'cd on Market, a feu il'mr-, hi no the corner of Front -I'rei These houses wer; plai.ned tmd const ructi;d under tin direction of un .'.pi li.-ucd on reliant, and arc well calculated fur the business of Che raw, b: ing in the t( u'.re id' the cotton market. For terms, npply In the H.icseriber, ut Salidiit ry, N. (.'. or to Mr. U anl Cottiiif', or to Mr. Wil son, t'f t'hciiW. J. A. IT.AltSOX. Jan. n, ix-v:;fop::iii i '. S. Th. Mihsciiher will sell, on aecotimioda-, ( terms either or both the above houses and : i. He alo oilers tor sale St. icrul unimproved j i in the town of I bi-raw. J. A. J. ting lots lots YvyIcY i?yvh, SiS B. HAMPTON leip.-ctfuilv infn he public, that be occupies the-old shop (iirmerlv .m ncl bv Inn fal!.. r. on Mninaereet. a few doors south ol the Court-lluuse, Sahhnry, wlu re he is new prepared, with a fctiod set of tools to repair all km 'S ol IWITCIWS CLOCKS. He assuies all ho may Civorh'uii with their C'o.'o-n, that their work ihall be executed m i ; good a sUlo as at any other shop in this part of. tne country, su nimism inn aewi iry rvpa.n u, and some kinds made. Jobs of every thscription in h'uline of holiness, w ill be thanklully received. and exeruti d oil a xliort noliie. People who reside at a distance, by sending, may depend on ! ving their work n faithlully attended to and retunird, as tliour.li thi y w ere pri m tit ami w:.V tin; eld e .tddivlied Salis'iury prices charged. mvwi, iw:.'. 'H ViAstv Wxnir aNVukiwi. f jlll ulM-riber jfi spectfnlly inform their 1 friends, and the public t nrge, that they h.iM- assiM'iatt-d, niidrr the firm of (irimrt L' ('u'.jiri; for the purpose of cam ing on the above busim si ill all its brant lies. They are well pre pared to make all kinds of Windsor and Fancy 1 hsirs, from ',2 to 2J p r si t. (,i nth mi n wi-iiiiig th.uit chairs, or sittees may rely up on having th, m as i h gautly made at the shop I' the si.lisi iihi rs, as at am oilier in the Mate. Oi l chairs and v'.teis repaired, at a n asonaMc rate, and on short notice. 'I he siibvriben, are also eompetr!y prepared, n ith a goud stiH k of timber, to ma! c all kintls of V.. -2.i..U, ;.t t, vm J to S- '. , t.K.O. W. C.IIIMr..', JOHN" COOPF.lt. r.U.YTIXH. ('1 F.O. W. CIMMF.s In gs h ave to inform the I c'nit ni "(' ,dis'iury, anil the surrounding eoiintrv, that he still continues to execute all hinds of bouse, sign, coach, and ornamental Painting. H iving procured an ample supply ot materials and .having, for a numucr ol years i , . , . , . i. i ... ........ .. - . ' tor hint with orders in the ahove line. Chling and lil.i'ing will a!st be executed in a m-at man r.vT '.td rt"!',,!-'l -rn ll IIIS4I kceo on hand, for s.de, copal pud Japan Fifni'.fS, Wanted, us an apprentice id the abovr busi ness, one or two lads Irom lito 16 stars of age, of si.'inb and industrious l,.,!nts; tow hum, if tiiry prove themselves deserving of it, a good clianee ill be given. soKihwr, vs. r., i :'. SU'lMs ttKice, Suli(br, 0,1. IF, li'22. JET1 F.KS aihirvi-.i to the Shrrirt "--no i countx, on o'.lirial business nmst In rx alter be petl-fnu'il, tir they x ill nut be attended to. As there are great numbers of letter addtt s'il to me from other eoiinties I 'laKC found It'ne-(t-san to adopt this course in tush-Mo ve toy se't ttie exneiise ol l'livio r Tallirr an U iCollitort- able sum in the course ol tear, tu the vie ben- t lit t f other people's ptH ki ts. 2.1 SAMl KL JnXKS,.V.V .i. , Wiutiw.xM, Vim' IM'.V I J ' e . trn, or s ugh- cm, for salt at the Jj ofTire cl'tlid W i-,'crnCa!tilinian, Salislion , MHwiniir iriTi iTr'Tnilf n hi i 4 BOt;T 500 Lots in the Town of Chmw, in il. eluding all those; valuable lots on the liiver Hank, to ether with 1010 acres of wood land in the vicinity of the Town, will positively be sold at I'ublic Auction in April next. The sales will commence on the firs' Monday of the month, and will continue for three days or until all the above property is aold. 'MUMS .IS FUU.OWS On all sums less than jv'JO, a credit of twelve mouths; on all sums exceeding S50,und l -ss than gJiWO, a credit of one and two years, pay able in equal annual instalments ; oil all sums ex ceeding Jj'JW't a credit of one, two and three years, payable in the same manner. Interest from the date of the purchise, the purchaser paying at the time of salt 10 per ce nt, on the amount of his contracts and giving a mortgage of the property, with personal security, ifrequi red. It is thought superfluous to dwell on the rise, the present importance and the future prospects of Cberaw, as it has now assumed that rank in the commercial wot Id, which renders such detail unnecessary i but fur the information of those who may live :it a distance, and wdmsc Mercan tile connection with this section of country may not have led tlirm to a know ledge ot the cons.--qoence and resources of this place, we subjoin the following facta : In the year 1 8 1 H, Cberaw (then Chatham) contained a Store, three or four dwelling houses, and thirty or forty inhabitants. It was incorporated in l.-.JO, anil now contains ; an elegant Academy, a I'rintiug F.stabli .bni nt from which issues a weekly paper, four houses of ICntertailiinent, thirty Stores, a considerable number of dwelling bouses and at least 100) in habitants. Two large Steam Boats and a vur'n ty of small craft are employ ed in na igatiug the river; one Steam Boat plies directly between Cberaw and Charleston, and the other beta ecu t t - . ... l.l I.I 4 . ' . t.. .. I ( jr,;eioiiaiiii i.neruw, cai.n ooai rai run ironi (i'Ki to KOU bales of cotton a tri, '1 Br Steam Boat I'ce lh-e has pertormcd the entire trip troui Che raw to tieoretow u and back in four day s. lu. ring the last season about 14,0 it) Iale3 of cotton were sent from tbi place, and during this -.ea- son it is computed, from the present purchases, j edge 1 1 hii moral and tiions rbara'-tcr, tngttlu r tint 20,000 at least will be sent to marki t with a j with aiiiple tt-stitiioitialst.f bis talei ts a id li-am-variety of other produce. Ibe resouirts efiing, we have toll eonli len e that he x ill prou Cberaw Irom the back country, are not inferior 1 !o'h an aide and a sin ci-silul u her. to that of any inland Tot u bet wet n liii hmon.l j N'odei ts jre here prepare. I lor any class in ( Y'ir.) and Augusta (Ceo,) Arrangements have , coih , beiiie f ii ored a itb the use 4 an exec. been made to throw abridge over the Ibw r, and the Mail Iluutea have been so altered us to commodate the place. The site of the Tow n ;s ceV4tcd) a;ry a(Hj cumm.uiding. JMHN I AYI.OU Jr. J.xiKS Cfl l'. ' .rn.'t.A- 'Ae CAuAnm Tuva Cmnpunij. 7iiFiMry 2il, IH23. eopt l7 ' 1' v W u v iwj; u sn s s . filMk khT,h. r r. si.erlfi.llv inform the t'.d. ' JL kciis of Salisbury ami its vicinity, that he carries on the 'FAIl.tilNti BCSINEsS in the store bouse of Mr. Thomas I odd. He will v. ork on the moil n aumable terms that cmi he desir. eiL and liiie. bv ! attention, neat in s and ,i, soatdi. that be will merit a slcn of public putrtmage. Ho alio flatters himsi I! that be can ' t;Vc tatislltctii.it to thou tbat tj.uv '.h-asc to c -ill : upon him, at any time, w ith their custom. Clean-1 ing and repairing old clothes will be duly attend-' ed to, at short notice. N. B. Produce will lie received lor work, snrti as corn, (lour, pork, bacon, tallow, het-an ax, but- ter, and such as suits the market, ami a gent rous price given. ct'4r SAMCFX PBICK. 1 ' lorderrd by the court, that publication be nude Yaae x)V Vl V)mS0Mvsix c.ks'surc.inU, in the West, rnCaruh- r. i man, printed in Salisbury, that the th tccUii's SVUV !app,ar at our next court r Pleas and Ju.rt.-r 4 1.1. th isc persons who have lawful demandt . -ion. to be held for the county of Cam, at i ag.inst the estate of Dav id Wo,;, urn. , the Couitdlouse in S.disS.irx, on the 3d M-ntlav deceased, arc hereby requested to make them of May next, and then and there pleail, ails u-r known to the adniinis'rator, on or b fori- the ' "r demur, or judgment w ill betaken pro cun- 21st day of May next, so that he f ay 1m-pre-1 fe.' against thv m, and 1 -etii.tm be brant cx pared to make settlement as lar as the e-cate in ills hands may be sulhcit nt. As he wishes to make a linal settlement of uid etaO- at next May court, he hopes all will avail themsi b s t.f ibis notice. J. W t'U W I.T0X,.!.Vr. VA. 20, 1S.'.V- Jy )ivs Uswi. HI.'tiKF. AiKon ji l, on Friday , the 7th instant, Th'imat Cm nt and ILirultM Li: ,. 1 htn. Curtis is lit tw ecu 2S and .'J x e:ir of age, ct J fet t 9 or Id iocht s hili, sp-.o e undo, dark hair, long sharp nose, somewhat dark skinneil, pile' blue, or lather grey tics thin xisaged, slow of .speech, tlow n .k, and is fund of spir ts . h is a i . .... . . r i . r . ..til. e.:. . Mini tin line in unci rs, i.i i oi i,i i i. i i.iv , r. , i , , i , i i i , ,..r left hand, wh.eb laal.ttle cr:.. I.e.! ai.d't.rT. . ;ail'l toll ll:tms is a ton raoiv large uouu-u i . t.- .,,i. ii. i i t . I .,! n.a'i. a oout 5 let t l'l or 1 1 in lies I I'.i, t erv tla k "". ' "sti ' ... niu! itto, lieleen..J and .i.i tears c a';c. ll.ir- ris isn.,t.-.liV;;owh.r.hreJki..g j.lls t...a broken Siteral in the we stern part of this state. l.'an. i toil Hams is a toh raldv l.i;e liiHitetl Thoiiias Cunls is cliat-td xviih the nmiderol ThoillasCash. Haniilton Harr is charged with basing com mitted a rape. A reward of 5,100 will be given for the appre. .. f .. rtC .... II , A .hMMlt helision of Harri-s that I get hold of them. JOsF.Pil MF.Dl.KV, Shf. Frhvay 9, 1 b !d. tM4 ftVtti? oV" .Yt.vtt.-l'nvnUna, DAMDSON COC.NTV. (SOl lif of Pit as and tiuartcr Messictis Janu. J ary Term, 18'23..'..!.nry Hyerly, r. Philip t.anluer and Barbara bis Wife, Ucorg" Ivephy and Caty his wilt. M n'lica ('ollins and ClirUtina bis wit-"... .Petition for Dower. It appearing to the sati'laction of the court, that Philip t.aldntr and Barbara bis wile, tieorge Kepley and Caty his wife, Murtbea Collins and Christina his wife, are inliabittmts of another state ! It is therefore ()n!,rr,l, that publication be made fur three weeks in thu Western Carojinian, that the ii. - lentlahts muieur at the neM court to be held, hu said rnimtv, on the fourth Mondav in April next, then and there to ph ad, answer r tlemur, oth erwise the petition will he lirrivd ex parte. A copv lium the minutes. l. mock. c. r. r tvvuvu. s 'IVIE subscriber having taken a partner 1 mercantile estubli'Jiuii nt in Concord, ( in his atmr- rus county, takes this method of infonmnjrth'BHj indebted to him, that they v. ill confer a particular favor by paying a part, at h ast, of their accounts and note on or before the fu jt d..v of May next. Those who fail to comply with this notice, will not, I hope, he displeased if tbi v should have to pay costs. HMIltl.NtiF.lt. The business will in future be continued in the same house, under the (inn of I'. Barringer &. t o. where we are now receiving a general assortment of Dry Cood, Hard-Ware,, Cutlery, Crockery and dioccriei; all of which will he sold at scry reduced price for cash only. 'I'hihf who have thtt article to exchange for or.h as we have, are invited to call and bulge lor them selves. I. BAKHlVu-iU Li CO. Cuntard, FJ. 2.5, 1H2.1. 4V4o V v lvwtfc Vinl tvtvviumt ut , Jit Irnngtoil, DilridiOil Cri. .V. ('. HI). HOCNSAVIEI.E, ut the Bed llou-e, will be thankful if trnsellei i and others call. Brivacy and his best endeavor to actum module are promised for a reasonable con-tid-c-ra-ti-oii. ' March, 1S2.T -wt'51 ' rjlll I", trustees would hereby acquaint the pub I be, that this Araih uu, situated in York liistriei, C. and near to the mountains, con- tinnes in a piseuieni'is and g.'oinj; utate ; ami whilst t!e y expre-w their Lra'.itiide for ibe lib.( ei.d patronage it has h.-ien f, t re.ve 1, they would htither s'ate, that in consi (lUviu e J tin: .ii i ,i , lu-i sent ti acher a mtended cnioval, tiny have ingagid-Mr. V ,lli,u, II. ).,vis, a gradac of the I nivi r.itv of Xoith t'.irohna, t. imdcrtAc as n aclu r, t i the 1st of May hex'.. This I . ' I . . I ..- 1 ' ... I - . I .hum is iniiiee e gn e, iiai noi.e coin;; in pii e ' -1i'Llreit ut thin ioH'i.o.'iort. o. t he Tiri vi nte.lliv .1....1... c .I'Ji""1' " p,;,,,-,,, ,1 ' We 'arc a!i h ipny to . thai from a p-roii. al ac.i'aiiiiai.ce w eh Mr. l aCn, Irons a kitoa). lent m of (,1'i'iim, and le r- alter u .11 have the use i f t'u F.ueycli'p'dia Biitannica ; which vat liable xt i rk is presented to the Aeadt my by a word y pattern of bcm-volcm e and I. lend of laruiii. In point of health and morality, a jir ferahle sit'ialinii cannot roba!dy be finiiid in the slate. Boarding is v5 per annum. Tuition, (or Can gouges and Sci, nces, S- Vcr annum ; for Ku. ;lisi (.raititliar ami (e('gr.ipht, S'Jt a lid for " r,"".c ' in'1 "i.um nt, ?)U. Signed by order of the Hoard, JAs. s. ADAMS, .S-cVt. m-.'ir 2 lS 'J. 6tj SVui'. nV .VovWx-l'uviiVina, BOW AN (.'Ol N I V. OCBT of Pleas and t;-i;.rti r ,esions, lb- r,..n H, i.umy If-'1'. i;..l,.lt, k..l... illis Harbin, and Ann his w it'.-, the heirs at law of Sally Woodfork, Samuel Davis, lasila Franklin, Susanna, Webecca, sin! Don a.s Krrby .... I'ltitmn, J.iwcr, It appeanngtn tin: satisl.u -tmn of the court, that the W b-ndat'ts, Vilhs Hiiiiu, ami Ann Ins wile, the heirs at law ol Sally Wm.,!r.,rk. Ssamtnl Daviv and S:.mu, 1 K. -rbv. i are rot inhabitants of this state, it U then I' re ; pant. j . ( JXO. (.ILKS C. C. i f-wt'l't Pn c a S , ; . ftlttVc cV VtivWi-V.'ttvuWutt, BOWAN COCNfY. pot HI' of PI a, and quarter Sessions Feb. i ' flan Se'ns 1H... Saiiiiu.1 Jones and.. Andrew Hunt n. Henry It. Shelton Original a'.tai him nt h xied on IT? Si ns t;t land, on t)..ttbii.art Ciei k. l! apveari-.g ta th- satisfac. '.'.on of t!ie cciiyt, that the deb mlaiil is not an i inhabitant of this Mate, il is thcti fore ordered, at publication be made for six V ceks Succes- MMiy, mine i esirrn wroiimai., prinuu in j the lU-fetidant be and appear be. uttw Fl as(iudtj,iartcr sessions f ' ' I o re Suhshurv, that tinri.cxtcoutt i , , ,,. , r .i.. t in or iu i.i lor iiic i otiniv tt io an, iic , 'n - .. - . ,,,-, (lh.uv ii. 1av ie county ot How an, at trie t nun mrv. on the third Momlav in May "- ' . tiext, t H n ami tlu-rr to plead ordt inur, ir juilg t ... . r . nientwil be entered aaiiut him acconhng to- . i i ' ' ' " JNO CUTS, I - ' ' 1 he High Bred and Celebrated Fad-Cettcr Fl.OltlY.EI., ITNF, sum I, upwards of 16 hands hitch, lianiUonic. iJtjbjIjt&JLin muscular power, vill siu .i on ensuing season at Concord, every Fri il, and Saturday j and at Wilfcam tmcrn nV, in 'the lotttr tdge of Ircdc'Jeouttty, nnp mile west of Ctuhlle-Crcek nieetiiKr-hinise, every Mondav nd ruevlay, except when shewn at puM'c places ; iiluVtiiuatTlO accident! cxerpted. He ill he let to nmres at the moderate price of len dollars the Season, which P ay discharged with 8 at any time hi fore the first tf October t fo e dollars the single leap, to be paid at the time i f service; and fifteen tlollars to insure a nmi-e tube with foalj parting with the mare te-feits the insurance. . -. , Florae!, a a foal-getter, isetpialed hy fc and t xei lied hv no horse wlueli may he seen lv j reference to the Land bills autre the eertiR. rate! are signed by a number of the most re I spectable eitistensof Halifax, relative to biscuits and the performance of h.s stock, ami other par- t .eiilars i also Ins petPirree. 1 ne season to com- io nee the 20th of M trch, and tnd the 2uth til .luK . c. i-nn hh. .,"- rum. rtiK s.iiin.iin. The mituii-rtj rJUm id Jtibilc woi iliip ,tc ko iiumeroti . o, so olnious tbut tbty lisivc not cscupid i' c i; tice of Ihe u.ost careless tcct iWr. This iiistittniu of heaven lias u iJiief.t and potteil'ul Lvjiing upon almod t viry ititctest i,f niiii, , a sot i.il, ra'.ioiial, iiioi al and ittni.oital btinj;. l ew tbirir; have a (jrcater i (lui iice over ibc IVieinJly ificctiotis of the heart, tlmti a reoiil.ir attcrulatice ut th; hotoe ( (od. U'hrii around the public altar, and min gling 'itir prayers and praises to com mon I'ahknt in lic;ittn, we can liarlly f. il of rttcivintj a dffj) and pradical itp ptessioiK that wt ate i! connected by the stiofi ties ol universal btotlieihoorl. sympatliy for our fellow. vi orshippu is dw.ikencd , and otdcr, and h.uniony. vi d (lieiidsbip ill sex ic-ty , are ii ncc asaty nod ftjiiuiianeotia rt-auit. I here is w so ciul ii.ttrr nurse a tnini.;linj; of fl's-f lions in t tic leuiple of Jehovah, which lot in a fijtit Ii i'rotigpr bond of union jtir.nnjr men, Ibuti any thing which iexuit d inasst rn (die of tiisiijiati'in or panics of picture. I lit; house ol (iod, too, is a school of in- tc llii; nee. Jit-re subjects are flisinised, aiu! if I he tnini iter ot the rrvoel Im! fjoal- jf, ,,. ie jj, a mj,,,cr ui( ol.-ted I . ,ili.,i,.i , , , rtWuketi aiiil tn 'u ;e itic tilinit st iw . . ,, .' " , , ' of l.ilclltxt. J be htniuut niiitcl Da Lt'ticrully atdinrd IU JtiOsl l,oious -.row th, and valuable ilifrmali.l 'as . . Jt , , jjjost eXttli-lvely 01 (I J-e'l l: 1 1'ubil wbeir this institution of mi ba Ibettl pitquily icvetetl. I ftat. the pl.t t. j al lil'-t-dlts of the Wo. Id Is '.It u rm ,n. ort I 'lie instruc iol.s untl ot ciinani es s) b't ti be- lotio to public aoiship, lias banilv VCP been denied. A sinuous conimui.it y t.n no where be found upon the ,ioo- ex cept in those puc ishete the people jS sciiiiilf with consttentiout itiiifi.tx hr the t!utic wtiuh ate iept'ned f tl.y;n. Heathen ctitititrits ate proveibially '.in dotitd and degraded ; and those p.-n-i of thtistcndoin in wnich little or no .n tn lion ! paid to the Sabbath, appioxirn ,o to the degradation and .ibando'imi ot of the pagans. Dm this he.vrnly institution i-, bv too nuny, treated with praciic.l neglect It might be supposed, that pi oftssois of le liljion would surmount almost tvery ob stacle in order to visit the house of C.otl ! upon the sabbath. lJutaUs: lnolons I excuse often robs them of all the Mess lings of the sanctuary. Some slight in ! deposition which is sure to vanish be- ; lute the light ot Monday inorntng or n i little " cloud not biirp.ct thsn a man's ! hand." istleennd St) adequate ajolngy j f)r ..ci-ritc f.om the assembly of I ho saints. Alas, how ran stuh persons de ... i .-i i ...,:. U,;ll " tlUK n It Itmianon mine M'ig- dom of heaven ? Sonif who in ke no profession of religion, ?re i-'t ly ser in ,,,e ,)(1USC ot While the s-inrs -re . . r , , ,- ,,,,,i,;, i, '"K" . ' " I'"""1 ",h ' A"l , -e seeking their pleasures. , at.ei.o.ut; , to their "i ,,. busl.iess. As lo the m, the ,r,t tti. ri is built in vain- in vain, lus (-j,,Jsl plif( hased -...lv-lioii for slni.tt s j lhr mreni;cr 0( tl,e icn s proclaim the grace ef God to in in. 'V. j nid i a'e ' .'i. The most srnsibla e to .bate the VSi-TH is ("eatb. ' t'O ti.iiih L :S.e hes, teiui.-t of Mo'alitf : tu- . . tfcfl- , ,fte ,ifccr . ,lis , . . , . , Is ttie m.'tl WHO ar uniui neu neap iioii heap, lie hvs upon ricl.cs5ee fexs fyu-Hs cr.t lo e birn. ,.nd a fe" fptre inches of cut ib ront.dn him. Studs .mbi ion in the giaxe of that cnterptizing mn; sec hi noble designs, hit extensive projects, hu t'OflH'kS CXpetlUnts, re Ml halttrfd and sunk in tins f.tta! gti'ph of human fuo- jet is- Appioaih (he tcma sd the pioud man, nnd there iuxetiUgaie ptldcj see the ntojlh that pronounced lofty ciprr ssiuns cotult tuned to the silent Riavt ; the pier cing rye that convulsed thest erhl iii fear voveicd with a miiliiighl j;lootn 5 the fr niid dde . tin that t'.istri'iutt-d the r.csti oirs of maiikinc), viihoot motion or life J Co to the tomb of the nobleman, und there Mudv tpiality : bcho!d hit nunili- 1(1,1 I nies , ni l 1 vv vi i'"" ing inscttptions, his learned cnralotcs, ate nil n"f r KoinK to lie lst in the same iliist 1 . Siiidy voluptuousness at the grave of tne voluptuous: see his sense (kMiovfd; Lis organs broken to picirs, his bones scattered at the grave's motitl and the whole temple of sensual picas ttrcs subvvrlcd from its foundation. . A Then we reflect, how few there arc, fur vv-hf m vce have an unqualified es teem, we are not to be surprist tl that vo few have n unqualified esteem for us. Imported 'hrat.. The ship Majjret, uriixttl at Nrwork from Liverpool, has brought about lr:f inns cf Tnlish Wbea; WvVi - a - ' 1 1 '" "" rw" . - , - s" 'V..". - ooy.