s, itjsitimr : T'KSDW MOIIMM., MAliCII tl, lt2'. '1 he !at mail brought us several mar triages, from two different Sources, which we were solicited to piil.iish ; but its they were anonymous, the u quest cannot be Complied with. In one of the letter was enclosed a thirty cent bill, to Insure, we Suppose, a favorable reception i now we pevcr take a fee of Hymen's Votaries, though, we sometimes pocket the cmfi, trhen mischievous Cufdd pun it into the fiead of some love sick swain to write amatory letter, and have them fiufiliJied. All that is necessary to insure the publi cation of a marriage is a responsible name ; the frequency of impositions on printers, renders a compliance with this requisition a nine qua nun. In the remarks wc made, two or three weeks since, on the absence of two mem bers of the Board for Internal Improve ments, from the late meeting of that Body at Wilmington, we were actuate ! by no other motive than a sense of public duty. Hid that been the first time the Hoard were put to inconvenience, from a want of punctuality in sonic of its members, it would have passed by us unnoticed ; but it was not so : the columns or the Ih in ter will fully bear us out in this assertion. We had reason to suppose, therefore, that these fiequcnt instances of neglect, on the part of public officers, to attend to their duties, might arise from some other cause besides necessity ; and we were not alone in this supposition : under rhi im pression wc made the remarkscomplained of. If we erred, then, in their applica tion, wc erred honesth ,at)d with the best intentions ; and wc hasten, with pleasure, to remove any unfavoiablc impressions which the article in question, may. have produced- by copying the following from the last Rakish Regiatcr informing the editors, bv the way, as they appear to have some doubt, (why, wc know not,) that we do 11 receive their statement as true." The " Western Carolinian" has noticed the non-attendance of some of the Mem bers of our Board of Internal Improve mcnts with as much severity as though thev had purposely avoidrd the meeting. Jtudi iilterarr. partem, is a just and humane maxim, not only in jurisprudence, but in all the controversies ol life. Wc men tioncd, in a former number of the Regis- thcifby dcfcl'.-idtf tiU Cliar'acHM', and blast all his future pw-jKft in the world. Such a piactko is at 4;vti war with every ten der feeling of the human heat t; ami I cannot well distinguish between him who would imprison un honest roan, and him who would commit murder. The conse quences are very near ttic same, u is abiuid for any person to lay any claims to the character of a good man or a chris tian, who would commit to prison auhon-l ost man for debt i were he to do so, the very book by which he professes to be f'o verned, would condemn him. PHI LA N 111 (0 I'OS. The s perch is too lengthy for the columns of a weekly paper, am nun.. ron tiik wriTi.it inousu. Messhs. I.i)i tors : You have always taken a lively interest in the concerns of the western part of the state : will you be so good s to give the following ac count of the present state, and future prospects of the Western College, a place in your paper. l ew subjects have excited more atten tion than that of the college. It was thought that the number of academies, and population of the western part .of the state, required such an institution ; and it was confidently believed that there was public spirit enough to employ the'ie sources of the country in endowing it. Subscriptions were therefore opened w ith the most flattering prospects of success. It was estimated that Mecklenburg had subscribed near 30.000, Burke 20 or 21,000, Lincoln 4 or 5000, Cabarrus and Iredell 4 or 5O')0, ic. Hut the subscriptions-were unfortunately taken in such a manner, that when the college was loca ted at Linrolnton, the trustees could not claim more than 12orftl5,OO0. It was however the wish, and even hope of some of the fiie nds of the college, tb it the sub scription i lost by the location, would be regained by a voluntary art of mbscri bers. Hut it was sunn discovered that the location Lad given so much clissaiisfac tion, that in sonic counties no additional subscriptions could he obtained, at least none of any con--i.leral.le amount. This is the true state of the funds : the trus tees have subset ip:ions for (2 org 1 5,000; but thev have no leasonable ground to hope tluflbcy can obtain 12 oi S'5,000, or even 500 more. Some have thought that a change of lo ration would ensure an increase of funds It is certain that if the rollegc had been located in Charlotte, that the trustees might have had near S30.000 ; mid it is equally certain, that if it had Hren loca ted in Uurke, the trustees would have had of much usefulness.' If any, one will look over the several items in the bill of expense, it will soon be found that U'O. 000 dollars is comparatively a small sum J, 100,000 dollars would only support four professors, without breaking upon the capital. It has been said that wc otijht to be content with a college on a small scale, that is, as 1 understand, with the shadow without tho substance. Fifty ve.irs ago, a college might have been established on small funds, and might, by this time, have ri .cn to some eminence ; but since that tiiue, the grade of literature has been very much raised. Whole sciences have been .Med, and all the branches of an academ ical, or collegia e education, arc taught with a critical exactness unknown, in this country, iilty years ago. Able instruc tors must be employed and suppoited, or the college will he only nominal. rrora this view of the subject, it appears, ! least to the writer, that a college without fundi must be without able instructers, and con sequently could do little more than amuse tho argunicfits- of the anti-coiwouionids. It is also pretended that the pvoph; e not virtuous, or as wiser in a word, that they are not as capable now to lorm a constitution as they were forty odd years ago! , Those who advance audi objec tions as these, I trust will not call them selves the virtuosi of the present a;;c. These are miserable shifts, or pretexts, and they can have no weight at all with any intelligent mind, unobscured by pri vate interest. In fact it is absurd, and it casts a dark reflection on the under standing of any politician, to oppose a convention, when justice shines so biil Ihntly in its favor. Hut error has had its devotee, and truth Mid justice have, oft en met with stern opposition 5 but this has been more fiequent in ages gone by than at present. And it should always be laid down as a correct maxim, that er ror cannot, or should not be sanctioned, on account of its antiquity -this, would lead us to the moat unhappy and ridicu lous results. I think it unnecessary to extend my remarks, as no one can be so the illiterate with pompous titles which j ,)lul(1 '", not RC8 ,l,e a0,S(',ll.te ncrcHslly :i so forcibly the slender, the very alcndV litild man ban on' life. He attended ut tl,, of .fudge Lockup r fleet oil ll.wlay, the -.'Mil ult, and cm returning to loan, in the jfu-rj.ii.in, li holso rail away with liiili, and dash' I ',iu:i against it tree he fell to the ground :! ;. i, having luii anil broken in two places, and h 1 ig liitally injured internally. Must of the interval from the time of the fatal a t nt. until b.ia :; it winged it fliifht, he suffered .xri if Mit'iig bo dily pain. i.hm n "' - In tlii i oi nUc, a few days j'uo:, afracfeirt i! ncMof J! Iiii.ii d:-te,l j . , U v : iisc. F.-irr.Trru n.i 1, puivif:, i--t. 17. Cotton, Kin') , 1 (; 1 1 C 1 ., whea', 1 ) to I 23 i whisLci-, ,i)i i -l) ; n:.i i brand , 4 i tu !'); appl" do, 4 Mn i coin, ,l t.i H ' ; li u to 9; tin;l:i.h'. , J.ltii 5 j S'lpf, muMOiado, 4 to 11 ; hmf, i'J 21 : rt.li.M , ;i. C'.'i i tra, l, 11.5 to 1 23) tUt-sccd, V) t 'JJ; ull.iw, 6 to ') cents. vii.inixsTox mis Kt:r, vt. 24. Cotton, goo !, 1 ') a 1 IH mipcisor lot , hr'.i,' at 12 a 121 ; flour, best noihrrn Iiimm Ij, ft !. mi I the- iii)l)' limiu rl; r ii, 7j to 7.5 1 i i!J, .)) HI lor IK'S" L'lecll l iv;ii ; , 1) ,lin!-''0, the college had power to confer If it is asked, does the writer of this paper wish to let the charter fall ? He answers, by no means. We ought to nave a college and wc might have one. After weighing this subject with all the care of which I am capable, it appears to me, that the trustees might, perhaps, prove successful, by adopting another plan, w Jf.ch I will, with all that deference which one man owes to his fellow man, briefly state: 'hat the trustees mag nanimously relinquish their claim to all the subscriptions which have been taken, and resolve that the county w hich should subscribe 4000 dollars more than any oth er county in the western part of the state, should have the college located in its bounds ; l lie location of ihc site to be made by a committee of the board of is confidently believed, that if this method had been at first udopted, the trustees would have had 50,000 or 00,000 dollars at their disposal. There arc some reasons to fear that this plan could not be so successful now. The ardor of feeling has subsided, and the prospects of local advantages, to be derived from the loca tion, have lessened at least one hundred percent- At my rate, a trial of this project could not make the matter worse ; it would make a strong impression on the public, that those to whom this business had been entrusted, were not to be dis couraged bv one failure, and that thev were not influenced by their private wish es, or sectional interest. 1 his method proposcil would be -attended with one provability of success, that it would be an attempt to enlist the diffei cut wishes and interests of several counties, and of for a convention, and that justice demands j 2) a 21 ( sugar, brown, m 7k; MurmjM,, (, A' t( i lilil:i':.i, .7 It) j J j ait, lavi-nxlM, J st 53 , Turks Island. 4 tu 50 j wln'ski-i, 'M in lili fa. ."'J in I. IU ; cotton hup-jfing, bct (( i.i'i'y, 32 n Ms , North-Carolina bank bibs, 2 a 2.J p: cent, ibf, i (cor.'ia do. . ACES 01' I'KESIDKNTS. It is believed that pn. Washington was 57, Mr. Adams 63, Mr. Jefferson 50. Mr. Madison 53, arid Mr. Monroe 59, when they were severally elected to the Presi dency of the U. States. It is now said that the following are the ages of the sev eral gentlemen who have been mentioned as candidates for that high and hononble station Mr. Crawford 58. gen Jackson 58, Mr. Adams 55, Mr. Clinton 5C, -Mr. Clay 43, and Mr. Calhoun 38. Dent. rrmt. XF.ll .YOnKMJHk'l'.T, ' !. 20. CoH'ce, best imlitv, 2f, secoii'l lo, 24 i to' ton, l'Jto 1 1 j while Hustia sheeting, 16 ()cr .it ce, bmii do. 14 5lli broad diaper, 4 5J, narrow do. 3 ; bhii: nankeens 1 40, short c'lo 57 tn fi,'J, long company 'J0 to 1 JiJ, long while 07 to 1 12 ; Canton crapes 4 75 to 'J .10 pr. piece ; l bir cntine kilki l'i ') to 11; mrikiuitiik, assorted, from 2 3j to 1 'J t pr. lb ; whi'e Huss.a sliei t ug IVoiii 16 to 11 i'i pi. piece 'l,ic dome.nlr hi ir ling from 12 to Id clx, pr lar.1, brown do. 1 , to Mi check-, 7-H, IS to 28'; bed ticks ZS t.i ; I j red lead, 10 to 1 1 pcrcut. white, dry, do. 13 1 Knglisli veriiiilho i, 8 ) cts. pr. l!i ; iiidi"i 2 '.'j to 2 50; opium 7 5i) or. lb; ctnr od 3 Hi r. K'- oil vin ii.l 7 to 8 ct, per lb. Unman di). 11; n.oi.ia lies, 31 M irt'ovadu mii'ar, prime, Jl2, aen.iij The deaths within the ritv of Lor.don from the I Ith t,f Dcecmbcr, 1821, to the I nil. ,.r fi-n,t... i ill -nn.niilf.'lln I ft.- ivi.i-i miT,.iM 8CSi ol; urt-ovadu Miliar, prime, JS'. '"ou 80S. of which 0603 ('icl ofcotisiiiiipnon, third quality, 10, t. U, ll) Will, 1 JU, lO'lllg 2929. of ronvulsi'iiis, 85 I ofdropsv, 1121 . Iivnn, 'JS. Nortb-Carolina bank notes, B tu hi of fever. 753 of whoopini' rcuc'h. I3ii nf diwount i South-Carolina do. 4 to 4J , tleurgi, inflammation, 21? of ins.iiii'v, 2j.0l cf eld 8 n 4 ll' h . ,,,, r Si I About ., VM Wales of all d.-vri.tiu, air and debility, ami CO t of small vxlx. ,s(.j 0r t!jl. Jasl Wl.t.k ttrAlll nl OftlMH wliiile liliniber, were ..i .cs Sotub Carolina uplands fr rxportatiun, bro ,lit II and 111 an." 12 ccnU; North Caiohiia, Iroiu yj to 11, and am:dl parcel 11 cent. The mar Let was steady tbroiijumt the week. a. i t. . ' 5 I WII.I. sell niy House and IjiI io Sa- 20 or ;2I,000 at their disposal. It is,!severa wchhv individuals, into the scr however, at this time, very uncertain J vjce 0f thc college. The first plan of whether the subscriber in Mecklenburg , subscription excited emulation, but all its or Uurke, would lontinut their subset ip- force w- lost ; but thu plan now propo-tion-s even if thc trustees would allow would secure to the funds of the eel hem to locate the college where they I tr,c every cent which might be subscri- ter, that two of the Members of the Uo.u d j I'1"'-- Jhcrc U. Wlt,c mfrerencc bc" , bed. This proposal is made with a confi had failed to attend the meeting -t Wil-1 !wccn, ,h,p Pcuni-ry rcourcei of m-ny I dence which the writer docs not allow mington on the 2?-.h of January : that jn " - nmiseii oncn to assume. It is so just, av. ii is -ui Mn',, ii inn un i"i vi so weu calculated to produce a public cm- piodurc is so low, that some of our best tl)ation, ao congenial with thc views and farmers compl-in of a scarcity of money. w-hCs of several counties, and would of i i . .... ... i. .. , . .i.:.. .. t - - - . k.,.i !... ,...,.;,; f.,..., i ncrcu - n-ais,uuv,uiiiiis.niic,nv.i-iii rti so ,,,r a,, onnortunitv to certain ntrrndwe at mtmineton. am.earrd-and a i ,n ,he 'n,mls of nuny.' ,.hu fcubJ5.cl ol wealthv individuals to crown their names quorum was formed; and that Mr. H.tch i htcrarv institutions s satd, t ha. i our with immoml Klory - v. l ,....: ...... academies were well managed and en-. Your. Sic. i.minu.u' 'i ji. .ivji ink in iiiai 1 1 in c , , . , . ther.1U.eofhatgentlemanH..bnce,wc!cour;,"tl,",, c",lon ,at htllh e?" could only state thei of his absence Pc.nsc; uMy K "SHh hut we now learn, from undou'ited author eonsrquence of such failure another meet ing wa called, to be held on the 4th ult. at Raleigh, where John I). Hawkins, Ksq. a:id 03a I females In the same pciiod there were 23, .".71 persons rhiistened, viz. ll,9d3 males and 1 1,105 females. Two children w;cre bitten by a mad dot', nt Swan ton, Vt. the beginning of Ust month. . lisburi, on accommodating terms. Several m .d (logs have appear u in uie Apply to 1 . 1.. Cowan, Ktrj. or to mvsilf, in Ha. neighborhood of Stockbridge, Mass. and kitfu i here m a p.id othee belonging t-i tbe two or three men. besides numerous ani-1 lot. conw-i.ici.t R . Uvyn or l Wi.n. ,,..., N- It. I liosc wlio bavc not yet cl isd their at- mals, have been bitten. cou,itawitbmo,wilinndtl,mi.ithehandof Mr. , ' Cowan, till April Court, afterwards in llie liaoila Heard,, Among all nations, bearos 1 0f an officer. JOHN P.KLKwtfU. have been the subject of laws and fashions, j .Salibtiry,MmhB, Uli'Wf and the causes of distress, liut, perhaps, .t4? W Till si ! the most extended injury thevhave yet rt-,It. . .. . , , , . done, was that arising from the shaving 1 j,Miril,.vmi.n r,'' ,r '7 and cropping which Louis the seventh of kk.a,:y ,J imlustrious habits. None need apply France performed in obedience to thc in- , but such as are of the above habits, junctions of his bishops. Tor, with this N. R. Ik alao wouU take two or tlirrc boia, uncommon appearance, I " appeared se ii. ' K'd families, as apprentices to ue abovd diculous and contemptible in the eyes of . ,U""C! ms M mHtll T. his consort, I.leanor or Aquttamc, ' "a, , s.JM, , Murth 3, 1 H23.--.Ttl6 she disregarded his honor and her own to , r . such a degree, that thc King obtaineJ a di-1 I WO liYmUCtS r. . i -i. . . r iirivii'ii k.. ). . . i :v.-. t-1 VOI CC. cine men married IIIC l rami Ol mm.-.ii-i m uii: mumiuri, i uiv; nunc. f f taincd. ALIHtlS. ros tus wssTtn caholimix. who shortly after ascended the' r..J.,: ,. .1 ... ir- II , Km .hn I 1 erofgc, To wberaml indn.trioui. Uds, u.iv...v.,..v.MT j a Koo,l opportunity i gave for her dower, the provinces of Poi-: fwj trade, if ton and uuienne ; ana tins was tne origin of those wars, which, for three hundred vears, ravaged Francef and which cost that nation three million of men. J'oult'jit' D. Jdv. making buainiss, not under 12, nor out her ami indnstrioun Uds, now odcrcd, tu k aru a CO.T.TO.V. The proceedings of thc membcis of our last legislatjrc, in rel.itioii to calling a Convention to form a new constitution . i t - .1. . I . . , - , r ,hil nt thP tim. fifth- mo-iin. at ' "ini-n lusc inou,;,.i , oat a change o: Wilmington, he was necessarily detained 'f 1,tio" u" '"'""Kcn.cnt the at home by the indispnsi'ion of his father, I cl,J,ter- 1 w i":,l-u ' a" p1""10" .L.. .1 ...1.. ;i, ... J-l..-l.- (ilI?a.iuv. ..... ...... v i - l v i w no ji men iaii'ri uusi in , .inn niai lici . . , ,. .. . i - ii. ,f v -ii c. i:. u tO DC Vtiy illJUKU llial lilt V.lllliail a," ! iui i"v Jtuis, vi ..u.tii'. muiiim, nil. 1.111 scmbly would grant a charter, and with-'calculatcd to bring about that desirable hold from thc trustees u power to do idljobject. The committees in the several those things, not otherwise rontrary to the counties, it is be iicved, feci a deep iutci -laws of the state, which they, in their est in this business, and that they will, wisdom, might judge to bo conducive to consequently, use every suitable exertion the interest of the college. Such uie the to dischaigc the duties annexed to thrir difficulties with which thc truster have appointment.. I he importance of the ob to struggle, and surh arc thc conflicting ject in view hao been so often urged, and stnliu 'en'ts of thc people, that if some sa rlcarly explained, that there is, per- method is not adopted to concilitate the. haps, scarcely one enlightened individual public mind, and to unite thc interests of!oppo-. il to it. Prejudice or pride, may did not receive notice of the meeting at K-dcigh in time to attend. We feel it our duty thus to explain ; !id should the l.ditoisof the Wt stern Carolinian receive our statement as true, we indulge thc hope that they will, upon reflection, ac knowledge '.heir censure of thc conduct of those gentlemen to be premature and tl ndc sc r v e d . liu'eigh H egister. In life's disastrou scene to others do, A you would have by others done to you. paaw is. MlsU. EDITORS ; I was lately very much pleased and cd ified with a speech delivered during thc. presrnt session of Congress, by Mr. John son, of K.er.lurky, on abolishing impris- iur.1), In this town, on Wednesday last, Mr. JUsivl Cklss gcd about 5j, one of the Directors of the aii,lmn Biauili of the State Hank. Mr. Crcsa ai a native of Pemisx lvania, but lias been a eiticn of Salisbury ujiwaislaof years, lie has all'orded a rare instam c,of a limn rising from indigence to the possesion of a large for- the several counties toi.cerncd, the col raise 1. 1 .olous objections to the call mg of ". i l"c nvrB " al lege cannot, at present, go into opcia-;a coin t nticn ; . uut tne tragiie iiarncrs ...1.,,,... nesi, Mrs. .'.mm, w ifo of Mr. Christian I ton It is evident, from repeated tri jwhich they may set up in opposition toi ials, that! so t'csiratilc an 'jcct, will fall at the ap- i all hope of raising sufficient funds in the method adopted, is tntiictv visional y. And it is also evidenl, that difficulties of onmcnl tor tleht- 1 should tc picaseu to;"w w- , - ' Kin any viv'iiu.iiju mc niii. see this speech republished at full length in your paper, if your limits will admit. I am well satisfied that It would please such of your readers as are not destitute of tha common feelings of humanity. It might appear unintrrcving to those whose bosoms are animated with thc spirit of old bhylock, as they will, contrary to reason and humanity, demand their pound of flesh. The practice f imprisonment fr debt, originated in barbarism, and it ranks very well indeed with the " Holy ItifpnYnion." It is bad enough for an individual to lose, by misfortune, all his earnings for many years ; but it is much worse to immure i.i- HlbsClip tion which have been obtained. It is the belief of the great tn.ijoiity of subscii bers, that thc bind are incompetent, ami that there is no prospect that they can ht otherwise, on the prc-eni manner of ob taining 'hem j und therefore they would repel any appropriation of their suU-ni;i lions, as an art of outrage against t.i'isi laws which ought to bind one part of the community to another. It was dLtbulj understood by the subscribers, that their subsrripti'-iis were a n'ul of th ir strength, and th-l they Old not expect t ) be c.uled upon to pay them, unless it would be judged that the funds would be MifT. imt iq jus'ify a commencement of thc iitn. saty building. If the ttustees tould command 3.",ooo dollar, wiihout good prospects of 30,000 more, it is manifest his body w ithin thc walli of a prison, and I that they could not promise u a college proach of good common sense, That tlieie is a great necessity for a convention, no one cun honestly doubt !t I? jd-in ? 0n? WI? hiI tun t, ,.',!. four: it is therefore to he inferred, that the people cannot be deceived by the glare of sophistry. Thc cotutitu'ioii of the United States has guaranteed to each Ma c the l ight, or it has required each Hate to form a constitution tipon republican pun ciples ; and this is in accordance with that meat chart of lihetty. But according to ilic present constitution of North-Carolina, minority rules a majority of our cit izen : this i directly opposite to the spirit .of the constitution of the United Sutt-s, and of course, contrary tu the punciplcs ol a veputjik-n govin.meiit. and it ought not to he boinc by a fiu people. - The objections tlmt have Rcnernliv been made to a convention, kit really un worthy of seiiotis onsi(leral-KMi, Ihc Urcat veneration for w hat ha hi en t!m,t some forty years ago, genu ally glosses m;knf..f.u DICKSON. S.i.'hbmy, .VjrrA 10, 12J. -41 A'Ol' w.ll pptar at tlie Court llotsc, for com. J pans dr.li.at 1 Jo'clotk, A. M.ontl.clast at- unlay ol Mart Ii, inMant. (In which day an elec tion will lit held lor a LitutKiiunl i anj ', i Mr an .., vice 1'hilm vvntl vii,0 has bccij con.iiiiMiiuiicd in thc lirigade Stall. 2wl'i5 -U.-rfc 11, 1112.. W. CKIMHS, Crt'. .'-r. ti MHlman, in the 2.1J year of her ape. t)n the Ut inrt. at the eat of A. Macay, Eq. two niilcs from Salisbury, Major General J imi A. Pimu. Iii the 47Ui car of his age. In thc .-. , . . .r?.. ilcam oi i.en. rearson k-icit i.M , vnc u, . oJ t(J p..opie K ;hc cin uMi.tancta best nienibcr, and his friends one of their clmi- j ol and receipt, o that they may not lr nnpos. i cent blesiiiK. He w.i dit'.njruihed bv bia com- j on by sucji a v.;iih,-r. ON the 4:h day ol Job, 1.M, I pare John Jliilnanicr t alias Jack) receipt fur a nolo ol hand on Jacob Unix, of abotit tor col- lect.uu. Mi. tin in lound out tlal I bad the note, and he t,m Mr. Himujinu r if ht would gvt ins note from me uin, be would ,ictth it iiiinie diattlj. Uumgariier applied to aic for tlie noto I javc it to inns, and be received the apmuut of tlio ii(.te from Mr. lir.in, and i;ave him up the note. Owing to negligence iri me, or aoii.u Dtltc-r eircuuistaiice, w ball I do nia recollect, I did not liti tlie receipt. Ituingai;er has since removed to tlie county of Wilkti, and h. en ilcavuivd for kuii.e tonv la trade ny net i,t , at kitgtii be sincceued in imposing k n young loan for a very gix.d bcr, 1 ii.foniu ) 'he J ikiiij; man that it was fraudulent i and he li.a suceenl ed in getting' Ins hone back. I sent an ordiY to liuinganier for Uic receipt, S'.iJ he r fu-d to give it up. I expect he intends i,n i.n r. on r m tt a i -.. 4 I manding talents great entcrpri.c, and hiplily tiolisbid manners. Thoac who knew him best were most attached to )iiff.. In the councils if hi rouii'ry, as i jtatuman and politician, li'u M.'ii'iineiita were rt fined and liberal. In the ile. fenee of In r right! he was firm and exemplary. Ile ha I a heart to sympathize withhia fellow, crcaturtt in their distreaS, mid was fser ready to m'mVcr to'luir wanta. Hit relative havo s'istainrd r,n irreparable loss, which w'dlUe lonj; and dee.ly felt. At a son, brother and hi:'a-l, 'ie discharged 111 dtitica w ith fidelity, chccrful neas and affection. lie was cut off in the meridian of litV, not by 'fie !ow hand of disease, for he fell in al! h'A vi or and atrci gtb, hut by one nf those n ysic r.')g M.it ens of Prcvidcnce, vh-ch tc; ch i ron Tin vi'- J.inrntn'nn, .1M-T 1, 1it?V kittle. uV .VoTlh-L'va tAttvu, R.WtXH.I'M COIM f (K)CRT oi' I' lea and Quarter Sessions, Feb J ruary Icr.ii, lit.j. Juswpli Min.itison vs. Klijal, r,iiigham....CT. Al'n. I .vvied Oil one cu' tiiig kiii'a and buy. oa? tM 'e chain, an I "" hogshraih It appeainjf to the Cmirt, that tli drieiHlaiit in rase i not an inhabitant of i n, state; U ' u'. ..', thit publication be into for sis ccs in t:e Western Caroliiiiai, K;;I,C noiice tu the said defendant to )iiii.irai 'h.i nest Court ot I'leasaral tj iarter hcMi.ius to b, hi I I for uid eoimty, on the firit. Mim lay of t iv in vt, and wplevy, plead to civic, nr (b iiiur, mh. crif.c judgment final will be entered again;.' lorn. a copv. jr.3.sr. ii vniT.n, v. r. :. Sai'l.V