'ti--4-'&tihj-iti'iiS!,',M'' 'X.-W,,.inh..'ti'-,-, .tevM'Mi) t'li-ihtu !;irt,'!i&i-:h I 4J "35 WW is) 4JL Jjljj V'HiMX A S.,J (tow W sSA. NJ W' (Ss AM W, ,. m WWa4 VivuA Xi SSr 1 4 4 rniH Tf.n and rrnii.iiiiif.ii, grant rctsiuT, Br MNCHAM . wmir.. The subscription to the Wkstm: Caiiolisuis is Thra IklUrt per annum, r-:u :Mc Irdf yearly in advance. CCj No paper will be discontinued until all nrrearaires arc paid, unless ut thu discretion of the Editors; and any subscriber failing to girc notice of his wish to discontinue Ht the end of a year, will be considered as wishing to continue the paper, which will be sent dccordingly. Whoever will become responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall receive a tenth gratis. AVKTHtr.iT will be inicrted on the cus tomary terms. Persons fending in Adver tisements, nniHt specify the number of times they wish them inserted, or they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has been paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity. flj All letters to the editors must hi: putt-paid or they will not be attended to. 'AVISO purchased Doct. Reck- with's Medical Establishment, has settled himself in Salisbury, and oilers Ins services, in the various branches of his prolVssion, to the oiti.etis of this place and its viciuitv. flit simp one door cast of Mr. Slaughter's tavern, on Main-street. Stitubuni, ,in. 23, 18:3. MStf In Overseer WttnlcA. SINGLE man, well recommended, whoun . dcrstand the culture of corn and cotton, and the management of negroes, will meet with employment. Applv at this office. Feb. 4,1823. '40 Carriage aiu Windsor CHAM MAKING, .It Uncttuton, V. C. npilE subscribers respectfully acquaint the JL citizens of the western part of North-Carolina, and the contiguous parts of South-Carolina, that they have comment id the aboe mentioned business which they will carry on with punctu ality and despatch. They flatter themselves that, by their assidu ity and application, tfiey will be enabled to do ample iuslicc to their cmplovcrs. MAul iN C. rillFF.K, VM. Ctl.VEKIIOL'SE. K. R. Sign-Roards neatly ornatnenied, with pii!t or paint, executed a' the shortest notice. JiHChtton, lhc. 31, 1822. 13wt46 fetrn'V Oftce, suUximr'', ot. 14, is::. T ETTERS addresM'dlo the SheritVof Rowan Jk A county, on ollicial business must hereafter be peii-fHuil, or ihry will not be attended to. As there arclpreat numhenof letters aildretsed to me from other counties tc. I have found it ne cessary to adopt this course in order to sv c my self the expense of psying rather an uncomfort able som in the course of a year, to the sole ben efit of other people's pockets. '23 SAMl'EI. JONT.S, Sh, -if. State of aVort-Carona, ROWAN COt N I V. rIOI RT of Pleas and Quarter Wmns Feb. ' n.arv Si-viions. 1823. Samiirl .loi .n.l ! Jsndrvw ibint r. Henry K. hhelton.... .Original j attachment levied on 17? acres of laud, on TSntrhmnn I'n-i-k It an.fir,,, toll... ,ii.f:.f. tion of the court, that llie difuidant is not an! inhabitant of tills slate, it is t!. rt fore onlert d, that publication be tnsde f.r:x weeks suecrs.l iv, in t!.e Wtslern Caruliuian, printed in Salisbury, th.it the defendant be and appear be. fore our tu t court of Ph a-'.il Quarter !essiotis, n be In Id for the county ol Rowan, at the Court Il.xe in Salisbury, on the third Monday in M.y nef, thru and thcit to plead vtu-. Iiiur, or ju.l went will be entered tigaitut bitu according to the plaintili's' demand. f f . JNt). GILES. ttate ot Xort-CavoVna, RANDOLPH COCN I V. f0l'R l" of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb- mars' Tents 1S25. Joseph Snuthson v. Elijah Ringh.itn Or. Atta. Levied on one cut. t'uig knife and box, one trace chain, and one , hogshead. It appearing to the uurt, that the ticfuufaiit in this case is not an inhabitant of this t-tate : It Is rits.i, that publication be made Tir sue weeks in jbe Western Carolinian, giving l'Otici to Ihp. said defendant to appear at the next Court of Ph as and Quarter Sessions to be . hehl for said county, on the first Monday cf .May , erwise judgment final vill bo entered against htm. A c'opv. JESsE HAIU'EU, C. C. C. fwt';?r fetate of aVort-Carom, , " "'.' MF.CKLLMIUKG COUNTY. S- CPF.UIOU Court of law, fall Term, 1S22.... Jane Krrr r. Milliam Kerr Petition for Divorce and Alimony. It appearing to court, that William Kerr resides w ithout the limits of this state : (hdrril, that publication be made in the Star and Western Carolinian newspapers !r three months, that unless the said William Kerr do make his appearance at the next S;ipe rior Court of laiw, to he held lor the count v of Mecklenburg, at the Court-Uouscjn Charlotte, on the 6th Monday lifter the 4th Monday of March, 1823, and answer, plead, or demur, to said petition, the same v ill be beard ex Parte. ai d sentence and a decree mado according to he praver tnereoi. -A copy, test. CEO. GRAHAM, C. 3mt4r.-Prc adv. $4. .U.I.SI(h HOTEL, IN SALISEl 1;V, NUKTli-CAUOLINA, 1)V .lunuv-s AUue. rpiHS elegant establishment, situated at the 1 north cornur of the Court-Moiisc, is iioa titled up in .i new and superior style, for tli reception of Company. The ('eatest iiuin. Imv I been taken to procure for this i Kt:iblisliiiici:l, j furniture of every description, neccsary for the comtort oi travellers. I lit; most unproved scr vaiHs have been selected, with great rarei the bar stocked with choice liquors, and the stables attended by obliging and attcriti v; hostlers, The coiivenience of this situation for business is equal to any in the place. Thu house contains a num. bei' of private, rooms, well calculated for the ac commodalion of Travellers and Boardvrsj at tached to which then; is a Dry Good and IPiok Store. To those who may please to cali on him, he :tMirre them that no pains shall be spared to render their stay comfortable and ph asing. JAMES 1H1K. 0cifu-r7, is::. "22 frwnaa V. Cannon, TAILOR. 1 ESPECTFCM-Y informs the public, that he 1 1 has estaldisbed hiiuwclf in business in this place, in the house next door to Mr. Slaughter's tavern. Orders from a distance will be prompt ly attended to. Gentlemen favoring him ith their custom, my expect their work done in the neatest and most fashionable stvle, He has made arrangements regularly to get the fashions from i'liilaili'ltiluit; and solicits a share ot public pat ronage ; un 1 hopes by his assiduity and attention to business to please all who may tasorhitn uilri their ct'stom. SuliMri; F,b. 2th, 1823. '41 Vntc Venvn, ee. 1 AM KM li. HAMPTON respectfully infinns t the putiiic, tliat he iHcunies the old shop formeilv ov ncd by his father, on Main-street, a few doors smith of the Court-Hotter, Salisbury, where he i.i now prepared, witli n ood set ot louin, ' it j.uu an kiiiii.i 1.1 ..!., -.11 . .1 ..4 U'ATCIUIS Cj1 CLOCKS. He assures id I who iri.iv favi.r l.iin with their custom, that their v. oik .shall be executed in as goiid a ttyle a at :.".' other slion in this part f tlie country. All kitnKol oM Jewelry repsireil, and soiiie kitids ni.utc. .lobs of every description in hi .line oi btis'.m-.s, will be thankfully received, ami rxcruvd on a short notice.' I'coplc ho reside :it Jiyiance, by ti.tiding, may depend on bnving their work as t iiil?':i!!y attended to and returned, as thoudi they were prese nt and n' the old cstaldi'ihcd S.dUburv prices charged " .to,.vi., 13. 1422. ' - -'H Yuhy i!ar .MnUinv;. rj'HllK. MiliM-riberi n sp.ell'ul'y inf.iim their IncinU, ttivl the puljlu" at urge, that they have asir'mted, under 'he (inn of Crim.-i L' t'ooif, tor the pufiose of earning on the above business in all its hranehf s. I hev art: well pre pared to make all kmds of Windsor and Fancy Chair, from S12 to l2u per set. Grntlrmcu wishing elegant chaii-, or setters tnay rely up on basing tl-.t-m as elegantly nude at the shp of the subscribers as at anv other in the State. Old chairs and settees r paired, at a reasonable rate, and on short notice. The subscribers are also complete!- prepared, with a pood stock of timber, to nta! e al! kinds of Jlr,I-u .i,.'f, ut from S ? " S2V GEO. w. Ginvr.s, r,. -juiis ttjoi'Kic. 'n, lmc, and ime r.ii.rLv;. (F.'. W. GRIMES begs lease to inform the I citizens of Salisbury, and the surroundim; fountrv, tliat he still continues t.. execute all h 'f bouse, sign, coach, and onmmrntal ,iiing. Having procured an ample supply of "laier.ais, mnivj:, i.ir a imnuur oi years Fa. devoted !i!mt bis wb.de attention t. ac 'l"!rc "V''U '", k-'lcdgc of this brsnch nf ousnirss, iiu it-eis c iiiiiitm m neiug auieiogit v satisfaction to those who may be pleased to la ur bitu with cnler in tne aiiove line, t.ilouig and (.!diug will also be executed in a tuat man lier, and on reasonable terms. Ih' also keeps on hand, fur sale, copal and Japan I'tmnih. Wanted, as an apprentice to the aboc busi tess oneortuo lult, fisun lito 16 years of age. of steady and industrious habits; to whom, if they prove themsehes desenitij of it, a go! chant c will be riven. r:. a, is:3 Ai'vucv. nilE tnt-tecs w ould hereby acpiaiiit the pub- 1 lie, that tills Academv, situated in York District, S. C. and near to the mountains, con tinues in a prosperous and grow ing st.ite i ana vt ilst they express their gratitude fur the lib eral patronage it ha heretofore received, they would furtlur state, that in consequence of tin" orescnt ti a tier's intended removal, tliry have cr.i' iirrd Mr. Willbm ll. Uavis a irradiate of the I nivcrsity of Norlh-Caiohn, to undertake as teacher, from the 1st cf May next. This funds notice w c civ c, thai rinr.c v idiin;"t" p V.v: children at thisinstitutH n, may be prevented by doubt:, of i's continuance, or uncertainty ol its Principal. W arc also happy to siv, tti.it loin a person al acquaintance w ih Mr. lui'is, fiom aki...! edge of his tr.oral and pious character, together with ample testimonials ot ins laicnis aim learn ing, vc have full confidence that he will prove botli an able Slid a successful teacher. Students are here prepared for any ch 's ;n college, being f .vorcd with the use of un e ( e 1 hnt act of (.lobes and hereafter will li.iv- the use of the Encyclopedia Piitannica ; which vnl liable work is iircsiiited to the Acadimy by a worthy pattern of benevolence and friend ot learning. In point of health and morality, a preferable situation cannot nn.bahh be found in the state. Boarding is $75 per annum. Tuition, l'.r l.n- eiiavrcisand Sciences R2U per annum i f..r l.n (lish i.mnui'ar and Geography, f5; W'.d U-r Heading, Writing and A'lthmctic, JjlU. Signed by onlcr of the Hoard, JAS. . AUAM, .V.f flnanrji 24, 1823 646 f l VIE subscriber having taken a purtr.f r in his I. mercantile establishment in Concord, Cabal', rus comity, takes this method of informing those indebted to him, that they w ilt confer a particular favor bv mivinr a nart. at least, of their iiecfiimtu ' ;.iul notes on or before the first day of May next. hone w ho fail to comply w ith this notice, will not, 1 hope, be displeased if they should have to puv costs. V, RAKRINGF.lt. I'he business will in future be continued in the same house, under the firm of P. Harriiiger 6c i.o. where we are now receiving a general assortment of Tiry Goods, Hard-Ware, Cutlery, tins leery and Groceries! allot which will be sold at very reduced price for cash only. Those who have that article to exchange for such as wc have, are invited to call and judge for them selves. P. KAItHINGKIt & CO. Concml, Feb. 25, 1823. 4t'46 V r W a e Van e r iavnin e nt i Jit lrtxingtiin, Duvidtm Co. ,V. C, Y I). ROCN.SAVU.1.E, at the Red House, If will be thankful if travellers anil others call. ' Privacy and his best endeavor to areoim modatc arc promised for a rcatuble con-id-c ra-ti-on. March, 1823. 9wt'51 Hnwae for ftae. t T V!I.L sell my House and Lot in Sa ( J I lisburv, on accommodating terms. Apply to T. I.. Cowan, E. or to myself, in Ita Icigh. There is a good office belonging to the lot, cotiTeiiirnt lor a Lawyer or Physician. N, R. Those w ho have not yet closed their ac. round with me, will find them in the hands of Mr, Cowan, till April Court, afterward in the hands ot anolh r. JOHN Bh Kit M H. AWn .'. . .1 hi n h 8, 1 823 . 44t f AT TU1S. fSHK subscriber wishes to employ two or three Journeymen Carpenters of good, steady and industrious habits. None need apply but such as arc of the above habits. N. II. lie aiso would take two or three buys of good families as apprentices to the above business JOHN ALU RIGHT. ,V,ifo.Sre, Mn'-rh 3, 1823. 3M6 tSnWslmr Uita I "T0U will appear at the Court House, for com 1 pany drill, at lOo'clock, A. M on the last Sat. urs'uy of March, instant. On which day an vice tiou will be held for a Ufulmant ; and also for an Entifn, vice Phuo Warn, who has bee.i commissioned in the Briijade Star'. .. 3wt'4t5 G. W. GRIMES, .VurrA 11. 1823. CoW. 1.1,-rt. TaftorViVst; WuAmess. rnilE subscriber respectfully informs the citi 1 icns of Salisbury and its vicinity, that he carries on the TAILORING Rl.'fclNK8 in the s'orc lnms; of Mr.Thoniaa Todd. He w ill work on the most reasonable terms that can be desir ed, and hopes by due attention, neatness and despatch, tliat he will merit a share ot putii.c patronage. He also natters h.mselt tlu.t he can give satisfaction to those that may please to call upon him, at any time, with their custom. Clean, ing and repairing old clothes will be duly attend ed to, at aliort notire. S. II. Produce w ill be received fr work, such as com, flour, pork, bacon, tallow, beesu ax, but ter, and such as suits the market, and a generous price given. tit 47 SAMI EI. PRICE. stats' ot Xovt-CaYona, HOWAN COCNTY. flOL'KT of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Feb. J rusrv Sessions 182J. Elizabeth Kerbytt. illis Harbin, anil Ann bis w ife, the heirs at Liw of Sally Woodlork, Samuel Davis Masilva Franklin, Susanna, Hebecca, atcl Dorcas Kerb) .... Petition, dower. It appearing to the sitisfjrlion of the court, that the ilt t'-ndants Villis Harbin, and Ann his wile, the heirs at law of Sally Woodfork, Samuel Dm is and S.innii-1 Ker.iy, are not inhabitants of this sl.ile, it is tin rt fore ordered by the court, that publication be made six wetk succi ssivcly, in the Western Caroli nian, printed in Salisbury, that the ih fi-ndants appear at our next court of Picas and Huartcr Sessions to be held for the county of Itowsn, t the Court-House in Salisbury, on the Z Monday of M.iv next, and then and there plead, answer or demur, or judgment will betaken pro con- fessn against them, and petition be heard c ( parte. JNO. GILES, C.C flM'4'c Price adv. 'liir High llredand CtUbn.ted Foal-Getter LO RIZllL, A .n?r- Ti1, ,,,lwfl5"lnio,.ccts himself-i.h g!ovc rsl a kind .1 10 hand.-, hieli, iiatitisOtiiC- i , ,. . ly marked, of large bono and i t-fci.p long enough to hang over his net k (J.great muscular power, will htlOIII tilt l MK.III ui'ir season as t imeom, evrrv i n- day, and at .William EmcrW,, day and Salitr in the lower edge of Iredell county, one mile west of Coddlc-Creek neeting-lii'.e, every Mnn-J i ,'l..4.1r plll Svllf-f, llW Hi public places i unavoidable accidents excepted. lie will be let to niurvs at the mode nit e price ol ten dollar the season, which may di'.i h.ir;vd u ith 8 at .anv time before the firsl of October t fue dollars the single leap, to be paid at the time of service j and tittccn dollar to tnsuic a marc to he with foalj parting wish the niarc forfeits the insurance. Flnrucl, . a foal-gc tt r, is e.'pulcd by ft a , and excelled by no horse ; which may be seen by n fere nee to the hand bills where tin- ccrtifi istes arc signed by a number of the jnnst re spectable rituensof Halifax, relative to bis colts and the pe rfomianc: f his stock, and other par !i"t:lars ; :ilso his pedigree. The season to com mence the-' of March, S'"i end the --lh of July. G. A PIIIFEIL 5l17 WrUmu; Vivht, - I .'sOlt sale at the office of the "Carolinian," at three dollari twenty -live rents per ream. Also, two reams broken tiiolscap, S'U And one bundle Sop'-r Ho; fr v i-pniefj AfsIUCULTUJtAL J i " ' hV Uf i Hail! first of Arts, source of domestic t-a'.t; Pride of the land, and patron of the sess. FARMERS' NOTICE. Keep yojr children at school, if posii. lie, and take care riot lo find fault against the school-master in their presence. Sonic people are always complaining ot the school-muster or mistress. Let the school be ever so well kept, they vjll be dissatisfied. If your children complain, ten chances to one they are in the wrong ; and should you wish to injure litem, you cannot do it more effectually than to join with them against their master. It is lime you should get wood for the coining year. Ihve your sled in pood ot tier ; and improve the sledding when you have it. Keep your cattle well it is a poor plan that some farmers have, of starving their cattle in order to sell hay in the spring. Have you not an oi l horse which is not worth keeping ? Do not let another winter find liim on your hands: give him lo the crows. It would be well to see about ncUiK a p.ood supply of fencing stuff. There is nothing that shows the thrifty farmer to better advantage than his fences. If your fences are poor, you hazard the loss of all your crops. Is jour threshing done? If so, you can spend those days which are stormy, still to advantage. Cet all your farming tools in order your yokes, bows, axe helves, shovels, carts, &c kc. A goad farmer will not find much idle time. Ke mcnibtr that the hand of diligence dc fcattth want ; prosperity and success arc the industrious man's attendants. sao.WTHiaaTioaiLcizi.TTi.. Mrurt. LJiiurt : A paragraph in your Gazette of Saturday, on the- subject of flees, induces me to mention, that an easier method of gathering honey than in India, and i more merciful ot.e than what is generally pursued in this country, is practised in Germany.. There, this interesting little insect is cultivated to great extent, frequently as an amusement, and very commonly as a source of rtve nue. Many treatises have been written on their singular nature, domestic ar rangements, and the best method of treat iug them. Perhaps I put some of your readers in mind of the renowned Baron Munchausen, when I state lhat in some parts of Germany they are regularly ta ken to pasture ! ct such is the fact. I have seen on the great heath f Lime burg in the Hanoverian dominions, hun dreds of hives that were carried there Horn distant places in the spiir cf the year, for the bees to pasture on the heath llowcis; herdsmen attend them ; aid in ! the autumn they ut.e taken home ujjain. The mode of securing the honey is this: catly in the fall the bee-father (aft I the person whj cultivates bees is called) j am sbotiUers, and which has a wire mask i ,. . , ... , i ... j -and in C"ark rainy weather, or early in the morning or late in the evening, whin dl the Lees are at home, he turns the hives upside down a match mado ol diy herbs, such as rue wrapped in tow and linen, which burns without Hume and makes a great smoke, is lighted and the smoke blown upon the hive, which drives the bees to ihe lower part of the hive, and gives him an opportunity of taking what quantity of honey he thinks they can spate, leaving a sufficiency for winter provision. Should it happen lhat the bee f.ilher tAes loo large a tribute, or that an early winter prevents the bs.es from re plenishing their stock as expected they then are regularly fed with a composition cunsistitu; of sugar, honey, wine and wa ter, boiled together, w hich is put in a uu ccr tindet ihe hive. A OltltMAN. IWHwAtovy. DESCRIPTIVE. f Winter Morning Smif in tin- Wcttrrn Cuiihtf; I Ext rue I from I he Pioneers.") The lake h id e.' hanged its covering of unspo'tcd snow, fur it i 'ce of dark kei that reilccted the rays of the Using sun, like a polished mirror. The bounds were clothed in a dress of the same desciip. tion, but which, dwing to its position, shone like bright Meel; while the enor iiious icicles that were pendent from eve ry roof, caught the brilliant light, appar ently throw ing it iVont one to the other, as each glittered on the side ne( to the luminary, with a golden lustre that mel ted awav, on its opposite, into the dusky shades of a back ground. But it was the appearance of the boundless forests, that covered the hills, as they rose, in the dis tance, one over the other, that most attrac ted the gaze of the spectator. The huge branches of the pines and hemlocks, on the western mountains, bent with the weight of the ice that they supported, while their summits rose abovt the swell ing tops of the oaks, beerhes and maples, like spires of burnished silver issuing from ebmes of the same material. The limits of the view in this direction were maikej by an undulating outline of bright light, as if. reversing the order of nature, num berless suns might momentarily be expec ted lo heave above the western hoiizon- In the foreground of the picture, alontj the shores of the Ul.c, and near lo the vil lagc, each tree seemed studded with dia monds, that emitted their d mcing rv s, as the branches waved gently under the. im pulse of the wind. Kven the tides of the mountains, whtre the rysof the sun could not yet fall, were decorated with a glassy coat, that presented every gradation sf briilianry, from the First touch of the tu miliary to the daik foliage of the hrm.ock, as it glistened through its coat of crystal. In short, the whole view was one scene cf (juivcring radi.mcy, aslakr, mountains, vi latre, and wooc's, each emitted its portion of lignt, tinged with its peculiar hue, and varied by its position and its magnitude- Sir James M'Intosh was to publish, in London, in the course of the present month, his lltkiory qf England, continued from Hume. The highest hop-s are formed of it in England. . We feel a con fidmce that it will much surpass any spe cimen of historical composition publish ed since the eppearance of the works of Hume, Robertson and Gibbon. S r James is one of the most eloquent writers of the age his genius is eminently philosoph ical and liberal he has had access to all the best sources of information adapted to his purpose he his been long aware that he was expected to accomplish hi; task in the most instructive and bnlli.'iit maimer. Hence we infer that his work will possess every kind of merit. Aaf. Cuintc. ian aiti's (ifsoos) write. t msstsbit INTEIIESIING FACTS. At the last meeting of the Sheffield Public Society, the following interr stinr facts were mentioned. Gih'ion, who in his celebrated histcry ef tbe Decline and fall rf the Homm tmpirc, has left ats imperishable memerial of his enmits to the gospel, resided many years in itz eiUtul. where, with the profits of his works, he purchased a considerable rstate. This property has dest ended tea tentlrin n, w ho, out of its rents, expends a large aurti annually in the promulgation of that very gospel which his ptedecessor Insidiously endeavored to undermine, not bavin bid courage openly to assail it. Von ire boasted that with one hand he wount ov erthrow the ediGce of Christianity, which required the h..nd of twelve Apostles to build up. At this day, the press whi a he employed at Fertiey lo print his blas phemies, is actually emplnvcd at Geneva, in priming the Holy Scriptures. Thus the self s;me engine, which he set to wotk to destroy the credit of the Uible is engaged in disseminating its truths. It - --"- I.A fK-S- I.UM.MU.. kT V ) M.- the first provi.ional meeting for the re formation of the Auxiliary Bible Society at r dinhuvgh, was held in the very room in which Hume died. THE BII1LE. " There are four grand arguments for the truth of the Biide : The first is the miracles it records second, the prophe cies third, the goodness of the doctrino fourth, the moral character of the pen men. The miracles flow from diiine power the prophecies from divine un del standing and the excellence of the doctrine from divine goodness. Procrastination is the very top-stone of destruction to all good designs; !- it have no control oicr you ; avoid it as jot! would a pestilence. i t " .1S-- ' l- ' M I - va "." '' gpit

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