1HJJ11MJMU 3 SJlLIHItVUr : Ti'KSWAY MOHMMi. MAIttrH 18. 182.;. j have petitioned and bcjjgcd till the aim .'vt ' itJSZSs1 ..," if. ,,!, i.i i,nv,. i 9011 ",Uhh of tdiamc has mantled on their I I'.tT .M"tlli;iJY I') ,t""""-( Been attended to, had it reached us sooner; nut eur roliinms w re already occupied by another, before we received hit. We arc requested to state, thut Gen. GEonc.E Wai.ios is a candidate to rep resent the District of Morganton, compo sed of the counties of Burke, Uuncombc, Haywood, and Rutherford, in the the 13th Congress. Another successful operation for con genital cataract, that Is, for one horn blind, lias been recently performed by Dr. Heck withi lately of this place, and now remo ved to Raleigh. The subject, a young jnan of nineteen years of 3gc, was seen ' by us, before and since the operation. He s totally blind, 8nd is now so far rccov. ered, as to distinguish readily considera bly minute objects, and to walk abroad without assistance. His eyes appear perfectly clear, and are daily acquiring strength. The operation was performed in a few moment, '.v ;s attended with lit tle pain, and succeeded by no inflammation. The success which lias attended the va rious cases operated on by Dr. Beckwitb, e believe unparalleled ; and the spirit of kindness and benevolence be has mani Tested towards those who were laboring under the complicated evils of po'rty and blindness, we trust will bring upon him the blessings of those who were ready to perish." Mdyct anothrr IVJtRXXC t On Saturday, the 8th inst. a man by the name of Jonathan H'illii, was killed by the discharge of a gun while in the hands of one John Hiving!, at the house of C:it . John II. Swink, about four mile from this town. There hud been a mus ter at Capt. Swink ' on Saturday s after the com pany waa dismissed, Ilivings, with oneor two others, got considerably intoxicated j mrne of Ihem proposed to fire at a mark, and Itivings loaded his gun, as he ays, for tlt.it purpose ; but failing to nuke up a shoot, a number of them went into Capt. Su ink's house, where we sup poac mere ulaikrv wm drank ; a good deal of wrangling, of course, cmued ; Diving, partiru. larly, wa noisy and troublesome lie sat down by the fire, the loaded gun lying across his hp, with a broken ramrod in it, the muz.le pointing towards the door, while sitting there, he peMrdiyukt.1 sirs, swum to .nap me gun, to let luii e.is it went, vuiiehshed.d.unrcnrtu ier. ' it not being then primed, he afterwards primed it, and again asked her, aa well as her sister, to snap it, but thry both refused, savin they Were always afraid or a gun, but more especial, ly so w licit loaded, and that they were arraid it Wan then loaded, but even if it were not, tlicy knew it was primed, and that by snapping it would flash, and frighten them ; Itivings then asked a man standing the other aide of the fire place, to snap it ; thc man refused, but struck at it with a short piece of an l I mm-rod, sthirh,' it is taid, could not hate reached within two feet i, of Itivings j thc gun, howocr, instantly fired, the ball with which it a loaded struck. Willis, ; who wss standing outvdc of the (Uior, in the pi- wza, in the back of his neck, tnd came out at j nis clieek, the ram-rod struck lorn .n the bark of the neck, nuJIodjed there. Hr. 1.0!:- who was instantly sciit for, succeeded r.fier sonic dif i fictilly, in extracting the piece of run-rod, which 5 was admit four iodic tin length t lt found that it Ibad so injured the spinal tvarrov si to render it impossible for thc rnun to live, lie dicrt soon after. Mr. W,:;'; as a hard working, indu-.lri- ous poor man, lie has kft a wife and two chil- siren. Diving waCXAm!ncdcn Wednesday last, and admitted to bail, till nrt Superior Court. 'i"his is an iittanee of sucU stupid, criminal ! rarrUtmtts, ( though many ca'l it !y a harsher name, that we hope all who bear i f it, will rc j ta n itfreih in their memories, to prevent, if pos ' siblu-, a recurrence of so revolting a scene. C0.Vrr.XTOY. L - The spirit of reform ip"f adinrj more muciytiic tunc vi iiiw I'e-ciw i uiiuiij- ing louder and louder and every appear- ante in our political horizon indicates thc j approach of a brighter day to the West, f The will of thc people, which has mani J fested itself so unequivocally of late, must I convince our stcutest oppone nts, that their I opposition, like the. contest or the rebel spirits with.IUbib, will end in discomfi 1 tnre that however much they may oh ? struct the muich of improvement, it will r overcome .oil obstacles a Convention roust, a Convention will, be called. We j feel no 'more doubt of thc ultimate sue I eess of the West, than that day will sue i cccd nigbti spring winter. Moral causes wili a3 certainly bling about the foroicri o natural causes the latter, I be innp May itot be close at lutiul, but il cannot be very remote i for a spirit isarouscd which will bear down u!I opposition, and secure to the f.tojile tliosc rights for which tlicy checks but for which they will never beg nor supplicate again.. They will demand them with the spirit of freemen, who know their rights, rights that no power under heaven can lawfully deprive them of. lint in securing their own rights, they will not encroach on the rights of others t they ask only jiutice, equal and c:;ac.t jus tice ; and they would seorn to take from the East one single right or privilege which in justiccbclongslothcni. Infor ming a constitution, they would look, not to the interests of a part, but of the whole ; not to the itncrcsl of the West nIone,hut to thc paramount Interests of the State, and they would guard with crpal care the rights and privileges of all. It is absurd to suppose that the West wish to oppress their Eastern brethren, and that thry would form a constitution too intolerable for them to bear; for what inducement could they have to a-:t thus? thus to out rage all the kindly feelings of social life, and entail upon their children discord and strife, and endless tivalrics, when tiny might leave thent a goodly inheritance, and bind them together us a band of broth ers? None We say none! Vet we know it is the opinion of some persons in the East, an opinion as unfounded as it is ungenerous, and which could have its origin only in ignorance of the character of the western people, (hat so unjustifi able, so impolitic , mi malignant, would be the conduct of the West ! Stic li nn opin ion, wc hope, sve believe, is f.ir, very far indeed, from beinr; general in thc Cast: wc trust it is confined to those only, who, suspicious themselves, would east thc dark cloud of suspicion over other : "All teems infected, tli.it th' infected spy, As all looks yellow to the jiutuliccd eye." We have heard it whispered, that a gen tlcman in the East, distinguished alike fir his talents and his opposition to a Conven tion, wrote to a member cf Congress, du ring the late scMior., and stated Ids belief that a Convention would not only be called, but that the West wcild form such a con stitution as would be insupportable to thc East and then made the inquiry, wbrthcr re-.Congress would consent to a separation of hc fom thc Wcsl vVe have keard it repot ted, we say, that such a let ter was written whether loan eastern or western member, we do notkmwjimd the rrport, wc suspect, is entitled to im plicit credit. That the character and disposition or ed to us, were quite crest-fallen this win the West arc viewed by some of m;r most ,cr 5 even Gen. CorJr appeared to Have powerful opponents in a vcrr unfavorable cooM . little- Thc prospects of their lii.ht.tbcabovefactisronduMvef silence: chief were rather clouded ; and this, we tkat they bavC good reasons for judging so unfavorably, wc uttrily drny : but it would be a wa;te of words to ct tempt to convince them o their error and tinchar itablrncss. Prejudice, combined with in terest, his closed tip everv avenue to con- victio:. and v,c leave tkm to thc cniov- merit of their unkind, iiiibc.al opinions. wholly unconcerned whether t'cv Wun'"'0" r- Kup o .nccucn. well or ill cf us. lint to the .cV we rg county : the following more minute would sav-if cur scUcomU ever reach '.acf.unt is now published by rtqucM. It them Ye are our brethren, members of, ""J ,,e Pror" to mention, that it was re the same family, heirs of thc same inhcr- ceived in season far cur last, but wus itancc ; and hoaven forbid that wc should. overlooked. jseck to deprive you of a single rn;hb or harbor a whit tniut ions to your rcnl inter- ro. All wc ask is, an Cd'i.sl share in I those tights which arc the common prop, ci ty of all, a fair and equitable distribu tion of power. Wc wish a Convention to be called, because wc believe that to be the only means by winch the pticvanres jjbt we complain of can be redressed by which the harmony of the state can be restored and all our energies directed to one object, thc promotion of the public good. We beg of vou to disregard the slanders which are cast upon us by inter ested and ambitious individuals, who seek not your welfare so much cs their own ag grandizement ; who oppose a Convention more from the apprehension that t.'nir novicrund influence will be diminished, than that your rights will be trampled on. or tjotir interests disregarded. And wc ask you to give our claims i candid anam ination, to look at them, not through the mists of prejudice and misrepresenta tion, but by thc clear light of truth; and we feel tic utcoo'.t confidence, lliat (be result of your investigation would be a frank acknowledgment, that they are just and reasonable- ; To entertain an idea of a division of the state, we consider the height of absurdity wc will not say, folly; for even suppo sing; that the discordancy yf eastern and western interests rendered such astcp ne cessary, and nothing could be farther from the truth, than to say it does, one must be strangely ignorant of our nation al politics to imagine, for a moment, that such a measure could ever get through Congress. I he northern states think too much of a balance of power, to multiply states at random in thc south ; and an ap plication to Congress for thc division of North-Carolina would doubtless meet with as much success as Mr. Symmcs' pcli. tion for aid to explore thc interior regions of our globe. Thc wisdom of the l;.w passed at the last session of our legislature, for the pro motion of Agriculture and Household Manufactures, is daily becoming more ap parent. Agricultural Societies are spring ing into existence in various parts of the state ; and a spirit has been excited which promises thc most cheering results. Too long has our state been contented to trudge alonn; in the old and beaten track, icck less whether it were thc right or wrong one : our sys;cm of agriculture is, perhaps, nearly the same as it was a century ago, w hen the farmer had little else to do than cast in his seed, and the vigor end rich ness of a virgin soil produced him his an ticipated crop. But times and circum stances have changed ; and, in respect to our agticulture, we should change with them, or our farmers will still be seeking for new land in thc wilderness, when with a little trouble they might have as good as new at home. OuroJ frAi, notwithstan ding they have been worn out, may be re covered ; and all our lands, by a judicious collection and application of manures, and by an enlightened system of culture, may be trebled in value, if fertility be a crite rion of worth. - In Cumberland, Beaufort and Guilford, knd perhaps in some other counties. Ag ricultural Societies have recently been organized j and we trust the example will be followed up, until there shall be no part of the state that will be deprived of its shoe of the money appropriated by the legislature. SThc last session of the 1 Ttti Congress terminated on the 3d inst. A goodly number of acts were passed during the session ; none, howevcr,of any unusual im portance. The Radically so they seem- P""nc, threw a dampening or wither- ing in'.Iuence over the suoort'inates. Hut time and chance happen unto all men t" and those who wished to rifi-rafi others bavcbccncomplctclyrfu.TCffdthcmselvcs. ," our Pa!r of ,hc :-5,h u,t- w" 8 Wltt ,,micc of the distressing calamity t l i r tt ft it n r t U'a .t MccVrr,hurg Co. .V. t-ruruary ioa. j ' the right of thc 7th, or, perhaps rather early in thc morning of the fth inst. a very calamitous dispensation of Di vine Providence took place tn our neigh Ivorhood; The house of Mr. Robert Wtdknp caught fne and burnt to ashes his four oldest sons, James, John, Joseph, and Hubert, and a Joseph Huey, twenty v cars bf asc. w ho tad cc'mc to bis uncle's to remain all night, and Tull counsin cf those who went to eternitv with him. The. three oldest bovs, their cousin Huey, William riin, Esq. brother to the deccas Ci Rev. riin, late of Charleston, S. C. m I a young rnan named John Sings, i ; e all six sleeping in one npartmetit up st. .'i s t the heat and smoke awoke sp:iie riin and John Sings, hut they wnc so NU!TocHtcd, that they could neither speak nor draw their breath. They, one tifter th tbcr, threw themselves out of a win dow, cighticn feet fiont the ground. Mr. l'lin got one of bin thigh bones broken. .nd John Sings got one of his ankles and the toes of thc same Toot sprained. About the same time, or Immediately after, Mr. Watkup, who bad been sleeping below, ran vp stairs to awaken the toys ; but the heat ari j smoke ve) ;a eeveve, be cr.!d neither speak nor draw bis breath. H attempted to get down stairs again, but thc heat and smoke met him with such violence thut he was obliged to turn buck, and try to get out at the aforesaid window, which be accomplished with fnttoh fear and difficulty, but received little personal hurt, only much suHbeated, and somewhat scorched with tuC lire. Mr. Walkcp's fourth son, who had been sleeping below, was awakened, and, as is auppowl, had gone iij stnirs after his father, to assist in rousing his brothers and tourin out of bed, but be never reiurncd ; bis lot was to go to the oilier world with them. The four boys were immediately after each other in birth. The oldest was in tho sixteenth year of his age, and the youngest in his ninth year. The- two tldcst bad finished learning the Latin and Creek languages, and gave promise, had their Uvea been prolonged, that they might have shined in the literary world, and been an honor and a comfort to their relatives and connexions- The fire commenced in a shade, room which stood parallel with the hall chim ney. It is supposed that it was occasion ed by negroes, who threw corn cobs so near the fire, that it seitcd them, and by thent conveyed itself into thc floor nd wall of the room. Notwithstanding there was a light snow upon the ground, every thing was comparatively dry. The night was windy, and the wind blowing against the side of the house in which thc fire commenced, so that a few minutes srt the whole fabric in flames, Mrs. Walkup was the first who awoke ; bed she slept two minutes longer, the whole family, from every thing wc can sec, must have Dcen consumed. hen she hist awoke, the fire had not got out of the small room I where It began, and by the time she had got those who slept below fully awake, every person and thing, in every apart ment of the house, was beyond recovery. AH thc furniture they k) saved, from a well supplied house, were two beds and thai which appertained to them. All the clothing they rescued from the fi were one coat of Mr. Wulkup's. and a few grmcri's which had belonged to the boys w ho were burnt. They had no oth er thing left but their shiits and ibifts, or whatever they had on in bed. 'I hey were also stript of shoes, stockings, c. during the remainder of a severe frost v night and morning. Theie were mine of . . , r ... . thur out houses burnt, although some of them were saved with difficulty. The survivors conducted with as nimh christian resignation as tan be expected under such a dispensation of Divine I'ro vidence. Surely, thc present dispensation is call ing alcud to lis all to prepare for death, in agrceablcness to our Saviour's ad mo tiition, Luke 12. 40 "Be ve therclore ready also." h likewise verifies his ore- diction in the same verse, ' ------ i U I'nr tbr r.f man cometh at an hour when ye thinkcth not." If any should ask, how am I to pet ready for death ? .1 answer, get an interest in Christ j there is no other vay of getting ready, and those who have this are ready at all times. Dut, if it should be asked again, how am I to gel an inter est in Christ t I answer, pray earnestly to a God in Christ for it- Christ is at least both as able and as willing now to answer prayers, as he was in the days of his humiliation ; and none sincerely ap plied to him then, for any thing which was really for their own advantage, that he did not grant it to them, whether they were Jew or (itntilts, saints or sinners, even the thief on the cross. raon thi r nrrti illi oantavia. Ctrrnfcfl livery new manifestation cf the popular feeling, on this interesting subject, affords a fresh triumph to the friends of the measure, and mtisi be re garded as a progressive step to the attain ment of the Kteat object, for which the a v. ..... .. ... . people of litis State hve been so long ton tending. The favorable determination of this q'icsiion, cannot be far distant. It is too intimately connected with thc best in tercts of the rommt.ity, to be withheld, in defiance of the many and reiterated ev idences of the people's will. "I he subjoined proceedings of a respec table mcctin'' of the citizens of Cumber land Ccunty. in relation to this subject, will be perused, by many f our readers, with peculiar satisfaction. At a Meeting of a number of the Citizens of! , - t r . I..M c-n.. .- ,.... v..i,im;i w ... . ... - - . . - on Tuesday en ninjr, March 4th, 182.3, agreeable to previous public not it c, to tak- into consider ation thc propriety of asrertaiuitig the public, sentiment relative to iIk- ii:aMtr' propowi! ami adonnd bv the friends of a Convention, in a meeting. sssemblcd in Raleigh, in December Urn ; and for taking tuehatepsb way of rerononend - inr the subject to the attention of their f. How citirrn whu did not attend the meeting, as oil), in the end, promote the Rreat object proposed. Jame pes ell, Ii. t as ctdkd to the Chair, and Thomns I.. Ilvbart ns appointed Secretary. (n notitv of John A Cameron, F.' the fl. low it'il resnhjti'si! were adopted : ' rrfltnf, 1 hat the Citien of Cumberland County, now assembled, ltighly approve of the measure adopted by the friend of a Conven tion, at their meeting i,i ItakiRh, In December last, and will heartily co-operate with them in 'akmr all legal steps, fur tlie purpose of atccr tain'iijt the opinion t t'le public, in relation to the. propriety cf calling a Convention. Rnaivnt, That this Ucc'.lsijr da now piece rj to l)Oiii, n.ito and recoiiom-ml to tli.-ir fullo r-iti . nn U u mituhlt: pernonn, to represent Cumber hiiiil onnty in the proposed mrvtuif of thfi ii i( ml of a CottwnKioii, to be ht-hl in Ualeliftl, on the H)th d.y of November nest, On motiott, John A. C.viti ton, And John Arm strong, !'!(. wrc tjoininated and rccomna-iidt d, an tho t!id-ut i to tttc proposed meeting at tea leij;h, 7'ji? Xntf.cror .iterumlfr.-mThH Scfitsv man says' A friend has drawn our m tentkm t a fact which is not without in terest. The Atfocrnt Alexander, who was so '.cah'Mti a p.timn of missions a fetV years u,;o, Ins sh. the months of the Mo ravian Missionaries at Harep.a. lie hatt refused them 'he I'berty ro baptise or con vert the heat'icn Calnuie, und Ims redu ced tlu-ni to mere distri!t:tors of Ilildes even one word in the wmv of commenta ry beitiij forbidden.' The prohibition ex tends t'i all Protestant missions in Russia. We observed a'tout a year ay,o, that t vents were disburdeninp: 'Alexander very fast of all his liberal firrjiulirr, and that bis zeal for establishing schools, aridities tnj missions, could not long stand its grouutl against the principle of the Il'dy Alii ante It is passing strar. 'e, that of all livinr things, only two can be named wl.kn re main true to us while in a state of pov erty, si,, a d'ig and a trnttubtr-as the former is never known to descit a human being even in the lowest state of degra dation and misery, so the latter, w ith ejual pertinacity, ttickt by a wan in advrrxi't. , VuVUc Y.uU' VitUMtteNU - TAKK this method to inform my friend?, 1 and the public at large, that I now occupy "e house wherein f.apt. Jacob hinder formerly lived, and which ha lately been in posvesnon of Mr. J'lioa. Ilohnci, a a puhhc house where I am riuw prepared toagconim'hhite travellers, and all other who may please to call. The re are pood Stable, attached to the estalilivhment, f hieh shll always be v eil attended, and well supplied with fod.k-r ami grain.' A few bmirdeit will be taken, on moderate term. There is a good store-room attached to th house, which vtill be rented front now to the I at Mu', or jitrlmps longer, or for any inter im. hate tenn. JNO. Sill I'll.' ,VitAi.rt., M, th ir, 1S2J. 45 t 'IV ril.I, be sold at public sulc for cali, at tho i m. m .mm . . VM:fn ,,"u. ".' "'. ' ccoutv, N. C. on Wrilncvlav, ttie tit of lav, fhc f,;,,,,;,,,, ,ni1, of iJllJt or w m,irb ,.r(.;,r ' at will be .wi'lidrnt to pay thc tax due thereon tur the year 18'. I, and coitof advertising, to wit : Alexander Mecimbs, 25,6K' acre, value SI WO, speculation bodi. I'atnck Uavia, lot) acres, hiiion upper Little river, on Mountain creek, value g5U. Abraham Rrnehar, fur lHt ami lH.'l, aercs, valucl at w m. Ilaron, I'M acres. Ivinir on the waters of Muddv creek. value SW- acre jriven in by riclduH Nor. j ton. King on the vatcraof Muddy creek, valued at R3U0. June Meaw, 50 acre, on the water. ' r i i. . : . o ,-wrK: Of- 100 acre on the waters of the ooth fork of Catawba, given in by John Satitti, at vjao. lw acre on uo. given in by atantitie trot, at $V). M. ISfUT I AIN, Sh'f. .tfr faon, Jlliirck 8, Iti.'a. 4t'W To AwrenWceis "llrAN I I'.U by thc ubcriber, at the fbo. f f making business not under 12, nor over li ) cars of e. l o aoberand industrious la.ls, a rood optHrt unity i now ode red, to karn a g trtij trade, if vrtt Mtowed. r.HKM-..t.K DICKMJ.V. S,i!itburi; Mirrh 1 ", 1 H JJ.-N 1 . fclfttt of VtiTlh-aJuvtiVinn, .MFCKI.FNUURG COUNTY. ( lOCnr of lk-a and Quarter Seaaiona. Feb. J marv Term, 1,'iJJ. Sainucl Criiri, Juu. than CiaifT.. .Drimal attachment, levied in tho hands of Jame I). Craig. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant $ not an inhabitant of thi ttc i It ta OVrcloro UrtUmt, that puhheation be made tx week wiccessivily in tlie Western Carolinian, that the J- fi niUht be and appear at our next Court to be held for the county of MfcklrttburTi th Coiirt-llouw; in C'ltafUitte, onliic fiunth Monday in May next, then and there plead or demur, or judgment will be entered aeanut him according to the pkintiti' tlctiiand. ISAAC AlXXANDI.lt, C..M.C. fiaiO pr. adr. &2f Sink, of NutU-l!aroim Mt CKLtNBURG COUNTY. (tOt'UT of I'leas and Quarter Session, Feb. J ruary Term,18J3. I'rendent and Director of the Hank of Ncwbern w. John himraon, jr. Orr. Att. levied in the hsmUof Othniel Pteviart. H appe annf- totht aatisfaction of the court, that ' thc d. lemlanl is not an inhabitant of thi date : It is therefore fh linn, t'tat imblication bp maile six wetk aucct asively in the A'etern Caroli nian, that the defendant be and appear at our nest Court to be held fnr the county of Meek lenburrr, at tlie C mrt Ilu wc in Chari.itte, on tl.s fourth Mnday in Mav nest, then and there plead ct dcTT'ir, or j'tdrricnt will be entmt agonu turn aecontinjf to tne plaintttis' demand. ISAAC AI.F.XANUEK, C..U. V. ..mt'iS. pr. ad. te lit I IIFRrOHt) COtNTY. 1 TANUAttY Stssion. 1H23. Tltoma Lylest- tl Itobert I.l. a...tiri!rioal attachment Lev. U d on one m-ro man, nantcd .brarn. It p peannjj to the aatisfactinn of lite court, that tho defetiu-snt in this case is not an inhabitant of this slate : fimfcrW, therefore, that publication be made for aix aeck in the Western Carolinian, for thf ilrren.'.ant lo appear at mir next enmity CsMirt of Flea and Quarter Sessions, to be bold en for the ro.mty tf Kuthtrford, at the Court llnuw? in Itutlieriordion, on the third Monday uftcr the fourth Monday in March nest, then and there t plead ordetnur, or judgment by default final w ill be t ntered tip ajfuns-V him. M it ness, IS A C ( l V 1 1 N, C. C Cwt Tr'.ce ivjv. , I 4

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