Tli! Mi fit 1 whah 'i r tU- Mum 'uisrm-., , Vfy wni) t!w t iimi liiNt nun admire.... hi t. F WW Hill Itlk LtlXUUX MIIKMXB CHHUNl:.S. Fourth ft'untber 1 ,lfrc' Aui'uhhJ .MdoiUet. The above number of Ui'n ititcrvstiny work Will be published, we believe, in the course 'if the ensuing week. In the mean time, having been favored with a sight of the proof-sheets, Ve cannot deny ourselves the pleasure of pre tenting the public hh one or two of the songs, although eoiisrioiii that they arc robbed of half lluir beauty by being thus divorced from the music, which Mr. Moore, aa in every other rase, has to happily "married to immortal verse." The Airs contained in the fourth No. are two Venetian, two Neapolitan, One Swedish, one Sicilian, one Savoj aril, one German, one French, one Italian, one Highland, and one Muhratta. The following playful aong ia the first in Uie volume: NETS AM) CAGES. Come listen to my story, while Your needle'. you ply At what I sing some maida w ill smile, While tome, perhaps, may sigh. Too' Love's the theme, and W isdom llanics Such florid sonps as ours, Vet Truth, sometimes, Lite Eastern dames, Can apeak her thoughts by flower. Then lijten, Maida, come listen white Your needle's task you ply, At what I sing, there's some may smile, While some, perhaps, will sigh. , Young Cms bent on catching Fxjves, Such ntta had learn'd to fi-ame, That none in all our vales and groves, EVr caught so much small game. While gentle Set, Km giv'n to roam, When dot's nets were taking These flights of bird, A still at home One small, neat love cage making. Come listen, Maids, lie. Such Caoa hwgVd at SriuV task, But mark how things went on. These light-caught Loves ere you could ask Thfir name and age were gone. So weak poor Ciot'a nets were wove, 1 1 at tho' she charm'd into them Ht game ech hour, the joungest Love Wis able to break through them. Come listen, Maids, lie, Meanwhile, young Sbe, whose cage was wrought Of bars, too strong to sever One Loc, with gulden pinions caught, Aik3 caged him there forever i Instructing thereby all coquettes, Whate'cr their looks or ages, That tho "tia pleasant weaving nets, lis w iser to make cages. Thin, Maidens, thus do I beguile 1 he tajk your fingers ply j May all who hear, like Srm smile ; Ah 1 not Ike Cua sigh ! The following word arc adapted to a des pm ding Neapolitan Air : WltnE SHALL WE Bt'RY OL It SHAME t Where shall we bury our shame ' Where in what desolate place, Hide the Lit a reck of a na.r.e, Urttken and kluii'J by digrce I Dcaiti fiaiy dissever the chuii, tppressmn will ccave hen we're gone j But the ditlonur, flic stain, fJle as wt may, w ill live on ! V'as it frr this w e sent cut Liberty's cry frotn our shore Waa it for this that hi r shout ThriO'd to the world's ve ry core ' Thua to Live cowards and slate (li ! free hearts that lie dead, Co ywi not e'en in your graves ftltuddcr at o'er you wc tread ? How much is wealth thought of and dedied bv the frenerality of mankind ; and what i it f Can it insure happiness ? Can it keep off pain ? fan it remove anxiety t Art the richest always the happiest ? Have they no thorn in their pnlow f Are they strangers tvaoiit-iiuJc Have they ti wants? How often do anxiety and care, ambition and envy, arise in proportion to the abundance of wealth men possess f What snare has it often proved f H.w many on their death beds may truly say " This wealth has killed ne ; had I possessed less, I should not have fallen a victim to intemperance. I should not hive been s exposed to the world, llut here, alas, I am ruined and Undone, by the tery blessing which should have rendered me more thankful to God, and useful 10 ray fellow creatures." INDUSTRY AMD VI1TCE. An industrious and virtuous education or children is a far better inhetitance for them than a large estate. To what pur is it, said 1' rotes, to heap up great e . id !ive no concent what man nr ol hein ymi Icaro them to. I tl ...... l S.'V SiUVIUl J llAMIIMri MV Variety's the very apice of life, '1 hiit gives it all its ilavor. , IMEUKSTINt; stohy; sihi:ti,i iu)h "-rua riofcmn," Kli..ibrth and honisu proceeded 3 long the margin of the precipice, catch injj occaaional giitnpsc of the placid Otsego, or pausing to listen to the rat tling of wheels and the sound of ham mrrsthat ros: from the valley, to min gle the signs of men with the scenes of nature, when Elizabeth suddenly1 started, and exclaimed j 44 Listen ! there are the cries of a child j on this muuntuio ! Is there a clearing ' near us? Or can some little one have strayed from its parents ?' 44 Such things frequently happen," returned Louisa. "Let us follow the sounds ( it iimy be a wanderer starving on the hill.' Urged by this consideration, the fe males pursued the low, mournfulsounds that proceeded from the forest, with quick and impatient atvps. More than once the ardent Elizabeth was on the point of announcing that t.he saw the sufFerer, when Louisa caught her by the arm, and, pointing behind them, cried 44 Look at the dog !" Brave had been their companion from the time the voice of his young mistress lured him from his kennel to the present moment. His advanced age had long before deprived him of his activity ; when his companions stopped to view the scenery, or to add to their bouquets, the mastiff would I.iy his huge frame on the ground, and a wait their movements, with his eyes closed, and a l'mlesmess in his air that ill accorded with the character of a protector. But when, aroused by this cry from Louisa, Miss Temple turned, she saw the dog with his eyes keenly set on some distant r.bjcct, his head bent near the ground, and hi- hair ac tually rising on his body, either through fright or anger. It was probably the latter, for he was growling in alow key, and occasionally shewing his teeth, in a manner that would have terrified his mistress, had she not so well known his good qualities. 44 Urave !" she said, 44 be quiet Crave ! what do you see, fellow J" At the 'und of her voice, the rage of the mastiff, instead of being at all di minished, was very sensibly increased. He stalked in front of the ladies, and sea ted himself at the fet t of his mistress, grow ling louder than before, and occa sionally giving vent to his ire by a short surly barking. ' 44 What does he see said Elizabeth, 44 there must be some animal in sight." Hearing no answer frcm her com panion ; M iss Temple turned her head, and beheld Louisa standing w ith her face whitened to the color of death, and her finger pointing upwards, with a sort of flickering, convulsed motion. The quick eye cf Elizabeth glanted in the direction indicated by her friend, win re she saw the fierce frown and glaring eyes of a female panther, fixed on tht ni in horrid m dignity, and threatening instant destruction. ' 14 Let us fly !" exclaimed Elizabeth. gTuping the arms of Louisa, whose form yielded like melting snow, and sunk lifeless to the earth. j There w as not a single feeling in the ! temperament of Elizabeth 'lemple,1 that could prompt her to desert a com panion in such an rxtremit) ; and she fell on her knees, by the side of the inanimate Louis 1, tcarifg from the person of her friend, with an instinc tive readiness, such parts of her dress as might obstruct her respiratirn, and encouraging their only safi guard, the dog, at the same time, by the sound of her voice. 44 Courage, Brave," she cried, her ow n tones beginning to trrmble, 14 courage, courage, good Brave.". A quarter grown cub, tnui Imu liiui erto been unseen, now appe nred, drcp. ping from the branches of a sapling th.t grew ur.Jtr the &h;de of the beech which held its dam. This innocent but vicious creature approached near to the drg, imitating the actions :ind sound of its parent, but exhibiting a strange mixture of the playfulness f a kitten, with the ferocity of its tare. Standing on its hind legs, it would rciid the hark r(T a tree with its fore paws, and play all the antics of a cat, f r a moment, and then, by lashing itself with its tail, growling and scratching tl'e earth, it would attempt the manifesta tions of anger that rendered its parent so terrific. ' AH thU time Brave stood firm ?nd undaunted, hit thwrt ttil erect, his bo dy drawn backwatd oa hi haunches,1 and his eyes following the movements of both dam and cut). At every gam bol played by the latter, it approached nigher to the dog, the growling of the three becoming more horrid at each moment until the younger beast, over leaping its intended bound, fell direct ly before the mastiff. There was a mo ment of fearful cries and struggles, but they ended almost as soon as commen ced, by the cub appearing in the air, hurled from the jjws oi Brave with, a violence that sent it against a tree so forcibly as to render it completely senseless. Elizabeth witnessed the short strug gle, and her blood was warming with the triumph of the dog, when she saw the form of the old panther in the air, springing twenty feet from the branch of the beech to the back of the mastiff. No words of ours can describe the fu ry of the conflict that followed. It was a confused struggle on the dried leaves, accompanied by loud and terri ble cries, barks and growls. Miss Temple continued on her knees, bend ing over the form of Louisa, her eyes fixed on the animals, with an interest so horrid, and yet so intense, that she al most forgot her own stake in the result. S rapid and vigorous were the bound: of the inhabitant of the forest, that its active frame seemed constantly in the air, while the dog nobly faced his foe at each successive leap. When the panther lighted on the shoulders of the mastiff, which was its constant aim, old Brave, though torn with her talons, and stained with his own blood, that alrea dy flow ed from a dozen wounds, would shake off his furious foe like a feather, and rearing on his hind legs rush to the fray again, with his jaw s distended, and a dauntless eye. But age, and his pampered life, greatly disqualified the noble mastiff for suih a struggle. In every thing but courage, he was only the vestige of what he had once been. A higher bound than ever raised the wary and furious beast far beyond the dog, who was making a desperate but fruitless dash at her, from which she alighted in a favorable position on the back of her aged foe. Tor a single mcment only, could the panther remain there, the great strength of the dog re turning with a convulsive tffort. But Elizabeth saw, as Brave fastened his teeth in the side of his enemy, that the collar of brass around his neck, which had been glittering through the fray, w as of the cdor of blood, and direct ly that his ftame was sinking to the f.irlK U'hrrr it anon Inv nrnctiMt nnrl helpless. Several mighty efforts of thf wild cat to extricate herself from thel jaw s of the dog followed, but they w ere fruitless, until the mastiff turned on his back, his lips collapsed, at d his teeth loosened, when the short convulsions and stillness that succeeded announced the J ath of poor Brave. Elizabeth now lav w holly at the mer cy of the bcssi. There is said to be something in th- front of the image of the Maker, (hat daunts the hcirts of the inftrior beings of his creation ; and it would seem that some such power in the present instance suspended the threatened blow. Theeyesof themon ster and the kneelii g maiden met, for an instant, when the former stooped t examine her fallen foe, next to scent her luckless cub. From the litter ex amination, it turned, however, with its eyes apparently emitting flakes of fire, its tail lashing its sides furiously, and its cl.tws projecting for inches from i:s broad feet. Miss Temple did not or could not move. Her hnds were cla?ped in the attitu-tc of pravcr, but her eyes were still drawn to her terrible enemy; her cheeks were blanched to the whiteness of marble, and her lips were slightly separated with horror. The mcment scenud now to have arrived for the fa tal termination, and the benu'iful figure of .Elizabeth was liowing meekly to the stroke, when, a rustiing of leaves from behind stemtd rather to mock the organs, than to meet the ears. 44 Hist! hist!" said a low voice, ,4 stoop lower, girl, vour bonnet hides the creature's head.' it was rather the yielding of nature, than a compliance with this unexpec ted order, that caused the head of our heroine to sink on' her bosom ; when she heard the report of the rifle, the whizzing of the bullet, and the crra gcd cries of the beast, who was rolling over on the earth, biting its own flesh, and tearing the twigs and branches within its teach. At the next instant the form of Leather Stockings (an old hunter and inhabitant of the roillorg before the settlement was formed, and in fact the Pioneer) rushed by her, and j he called aloud , 44 Conic in, Hector, cornc in, you old fool ; 'tis a hard-lived animal, and may jump again." ' Ntty maintained lus position'' in front of the maidens most fearlessly, notwithstanding the violent bounds and threatening aspect of the wounded pan ther, which g.ive several indications of returning strength and ferocity, until the rifle was again loaded, when he stepped up to the enraged animal, and placing the muzsde close to its head, every spark of life was extinguished by the discharge.1' rUOK TUi CHSIILRS'IOX I liliUIUl. In Fiance, where every thing is the source of sentiment, there was published a few years 6ince,-a work in two volumes, ornamented with neat engravings, and en titled " 1istoire de Ciutm Celebresi"- The History of illustrious Hogs.. We need not the authority of Gay't I'ablrt, to support the acknowledged truth of the faithful virtues of the canine race. A dog is never wicked, unless he be mad ; an excuse which it w ould be well for man kind, if they could allege it in behalf of their baseness .ind their crimes. The Dog r Almtargis, equalled in penetration, ti. acutest judge and tearing with his bloody teeth the murderer of his master, wanted nothing but the human shape to illustrate the power of virtue, and the ab horrence of crime. Instances of the mar vellous sagacity of dogs, are of frequent and daily occurrence ; nor will it soon be ftsrgotten, the mournful attitude, and moaning lamentation of these faithful ser vants of the late destitute Eschatissc, who having in their friendship to him while living, survived all of huni;m nature, mar shalled themselves like pull beams, on either side of the corpse, and watched over the spiritless body of their deceased master. We boait very much of our t ea son it would be well for ;he majority of us, if we hud a little instinct instead of reason. The brutes cherish no envy they utter no slanders they commit no crimes they obey the will of the Almigh ty, and are happy 1 while wc, with capa city to understand, fly from w hat we know, violate l ight, and commit wron$ so that in excuse for our sins, we clinj to the belief that sin was born with us. From the work before us we extract the following piece, and shall occasionally, from the same source, dctive for the youthful readers of the Courier, examples and incentives of virtue : THE DOG OV THE TOMUf. The greedy heir consoles himself ve ry soon for the loss of those dear kin dred whom he bhould always mourn. In a few days the ir.grate dries his tears, while he looks at the estate, which belong had coveted. But, to the shame of some part of mankind, it is not so with the faithful and affection ate dt g. Loving his master for the pleasure rf loving him, he is inconso lable, and perishes often of abstinence, when he loses or is separated from him. A little lap-dog survived a whole familv, of which it Mas the favrrite. They were villagers, peaceably living on a small farm which was reuJered profitable by their care and labor. The lather, the mother, two grand children and three sons, were carried off by a pestilence which desolated the neigh borhood of Marseilles, and they all died in the space of seven or tight days. As this unhappy family w as success ively borne to the grave, the afHictrd dog followed the hearse and returned to the dwelling with lamenting cries. After all of them had been buried, the dog would no longt.- remain in the house. Inhabited by other persons, who, however, lavished on it the great est kindness, it would return there on lv occasionally v.hen in need of svfte nance. As soon as he had eaten he returned to the graves, and thencefor ward thry gave t this grateful crca-, lure, the name of the Dcgcf the Tcrnfa. j During seven years that the life of this animal was prolonged, he remain ed constantly at the tombs of his mas ters. He repaid their kindness to wards him, by affectionately lingering at their graves. But it was observed that he clung particularly to the grave of the youngest child, who was only seven years old when he died, and who I ad bestowed on him the innocent and invaluable caresses of childhood. There he unceasingly mourned, striv ing to remove the earth that he might rejoin his little friend and there day and night he watched, being with dif ficulty removed that his food might tfc given to hi nl. These sacred duties, so rare among friends and relatives of our day, ap. peared admirable in a simple brute. They excited universal sympathy. Oa Sundays and on holydays, lathers car ried their children to the sacred place of repose of the virtuous family. Mo thrrs conducted their infant daughters to this sweet .memorial of affectiou, naying, 44 See there, my children, the t.uardian ol tbe tombs." 'lYigms." 1 no Tit). witviir.H.1 iXTtLiiosftcaa, The following speculations have been of so much service to 'myself, -that I am I induced to offer them, in the hope that to some wavering mind, they may add con fidence and nive peace. VUey procct .'. on the single supposition that there is at, essential dilTcrrnce between right ami wrong, duty and crime. They orc,d thin!. , unanswerable by an atheist, and even b ; the most plausible sect of 6ccpiics, th ; followers of Ilunie. j The writings, whose inspiration is dt , hied by infidels, dedcribo the character ,f Cod as perfect. He is declared to It ' eternally and infinitely good, wise and just. Now, such a character taken in the ab- stract,we must approve in our judgment. AH w ho ackn6w ledge a distinction of righc and wrong, (and with no other would I at gue,) must likewise acknowledge that such a character wc are bound to love wit!, a higher regard than any other. I mear. that a confirmed atheist must allow, tba' if there exists a beiiiR possessed of such perfection, (leaving out of view that con sideration that he is our creator and mot', zl Governor,) he deserves our highest re garrt. If so, it is virtuous thus to loye, and vicious not to love him ; and a tirtu ous man, were there no Cod, would sin cerely delight ia 'he ideal perfection de scribed by what we call revelation. Now the Scriptures require just such a state of. hciirt as prepares us to love such a char acter, and the light ol nature, even in an atheist, it seems, requires no less. Again the Scriptures teach us that men do not generally posses-, the state of heart I have mentioned. Now docs experience contradict thern here ? Men cannot help approving, at least in words, the charac ter of Hod as described in the Bible, hut i do they love it I do not mean love God, hut speaking more abstractly, do meri iove a perfect character ? To this we may confidently answer, no. And ir happiness, as oil will aprte, muot, on any supposition, attend on vii tue, then a change must take place in men's hearts before they can be happy, and that whatever be the means or mode of such a change. Further, w hat is the character laid down in Scripture as that which we should form and exhibit? It consists oT love to Cod and love to man ; cf doing justly, 1ovinj mercy, and walking humbly with Codj of living soberly, righteously and godly. Now, w'uh respect to one point thus incul cated, i. c our regard to God, we have al ready shown what the light of nature 'ic tales, tiiid mi the other two points,!, e. the obligation of telf government, and the so cial aOTcctions, there can be no dispute. It appears then that the character we are to form and exhibit, according to sciipturc, n for substance, required cf us by the lij;!.t of nature- And this would be displayed in a s'. liking light, if we ex amined the particular duties under each of the three great tiithior.s alluded to above. The truth is, 1.0 enlightened sys tern of morals can be dtuwn out subsut.ti allv difTerer.t from that p.iven in the Bible. Kcliion then is not singular i iu re quirements. No man can pretend to vir tue, w ho docs not act on principles cor responding with those it lays down, llut the practical result of a system, its appli cation, its bearing on our conduct and state, is what makes it important. And here wc see the beatiii.v; the applicati'-.r. of sound philosophy is precisely the samo as that of revelation- How unsound then the philosophy which encourages men to do evil, even on the supposition that there is no reality in revelation ? It may be asked, of what use ii reve lation, if it teaches us nothing more than the lij;ht of nature ? I anawer 1. ,The assumption is incorrect, for it in reality teaches us much more, allho'ih, as fara the liht of nature cocst 'hey entirely cot respond. 2. It gives nutboritf and sane iiu.i i rcsxa :c;che:, by t!i?p!?yi"i: God to our view as our Creator and Cov crnor, possessed of infinite power and authority, and resolvxd to enforce the 1 which reason has acknowledged to be good. 3. It. makes known a pun of re covery for those, who, if left tothcnuclves. must be entirely without hope- In short, revelation takes away the" if," prefixed to such propositions as the scep tic will grant only in that conditional form( and writes 44 therefore" between the pre mises and the conclusion." The atheist allows tl t 44 i" there be a perfect charac ter, we owe it our highest veneration and regard." Revelation declare 44 there Is a perfect character, thertfart we owe it our highest veneration and regard.". Modesty in your discourse will give aim tro to truth; and an excuse for your errors-

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