I " TT T7TT?r Ik l , .1 fS. I n r? rs-, v.. '. vi a Minn in wr ii nrii linn n 'mm i rrr i m nm , . . VM. UA. imhuwhk; JBLSTKIi ll H'lH.IHHI.M, I.VI.HV TI I.SIUV, iji ijimhiam .vwiiitk. The subscription to tlic Vi;s-rr.iivrf'iiii.iMi i V'dvp Ihlhiri per annum, ii!!; hu!i' yearly ill advance. Cj No paper will be liscoiiin:l iiniil H am -aragei arc paii!, unless at the discretion of Oie Editors; ami any subscriber failing to yivc nolice of li'm wisd. to discontinue at the ('ml of n year, will be. considered as wishng to continue tlie paper, t.hich will be Bent accordingly.' Whoever will become responsible for the pa) merit of nine papers, altall receive a tenth grixtit. Auvi.iillll:MliVTS will b ' inserted on 1 !.- C'ir; toniary terms. Persons ciid:ng in Advcr tifccnu'iKs, must specify lie number of times they wish them inserted, or they w ill he continued f ill ordered out, ami charged .'ireordingh No aiKertihciiicnt iiier'ed until it ha ! en ! paid for, or it puyitient Pssiiined by'Hoim; )erson in this town, or its vicinity. (J" All letters to the editors must be pi.zt-fiuiil or they will not be attended to. , 1 - .1 x 1 ' A. WILL s niv Mouse and I.ot in Sa- V. . I I... . ....... l.'i.ir, mi ai-ia'iiiiiiiM.n'ii I'- iit's. ; Alililv to I . I.. Cowan, l.sfi. or to mvselt, iii It.i- Ti , I ... i ii' i i . .i I teii'h. I hi dr i a I'OfKl lillici: l.elon;.:me t tlie . " ... ' , i.i . lot, convenient tor a utwver or PMsician. ... . . , , ,, N. II. I hose vvho haie iitit t t cl'isi d their ac-1 ... -iir i.i I - . .. ,, i cmints ttitli itie, will Imd t'lein in tin-nan ii ol Mr, Cowan, till April Court, afterwards in the hands of nr. oilie r. JOHN KWT I II. Sitliwy, Mm h 8, lH-'3. 44tf An Vfvsi'v.v WiwUi'A. SIN(,I.r. man, well reeoiunn nd. d. who mi. ; di rstamls the culture of corn and cotton, and thr maitagenielit of nf jfroes, will meet with ciiiplowiieiit. Apple at th, otiice. Ktb'. 4, lb.'3. 7'4'i ' tllAIU MK1(., , h jncnliunn, .A. C. fll'IK subscribers respcctf.illv acipiaint tlie 1 citiiins of the western pun of Nor' h faro, Una, and the contiguous parts of ' .-oiitli-Carolnia, that tin y tune comineiii ed tiie above uu ittiont d business, which the) will carry o'l with puuetu- klity and despatch. ihev flatter tllemsilves that.lj their ustli. ity ami application, thev v iii he enabled to ilo aniple justice to their cmplo ert. MAUI IN c ruii r.i!, WM. CI I Idiot "K. N. II. Sign-IIoar'b) uea'lv om uneiit'-d, With gu'.H or paint, t vetted at the ii"r,cat nolice. Jj,-c:lntot,, Ar. .11, V:22. I3wt4 1 En'KHS addressed to fie Stientl ct Uocan'ns,t ,!, voted almost ios wmde attention tn ar. conn', on official husiiii.:s, imisi ln-reafti :-r I be Hut-p'iiit, or they will not fie attended to. As i m,,;, K- (Vcls coldidi nt of being able toitc there are grt at nuitibers ul" h Iters addrt 5.5id tn I w,;is', iiui to ihos;- v. ho may be pleased tn fa me from Other Counties &.C. I hiM liiuml it nr vie- l.iiu viilh erd- r in the ii'iitt e hue. dilding rerv to adopt Ibis roors. in nr '.er to ttive my. ll tlie expense of paving ra'.hrr an uneomt irt able i ilii in the course of ear, to the sole ben efit of other people pockets. "23 SAMl. hi. .IOM, AVrfjf. HOW AN f ui MY. lOI'K'F of I'll-n sod (Jeatter kis ,i"ns, Teh- ( ruarv Sessions ''2. Sa'l.m I Join s and Anilrew Ibint r.-llettrs 1 Sl.i hi.n On atlailimi ct h-v'vd on 177 ai'u of lam!, ctt J Diitefuuaii Civtk. It appvarieg to tli'j - it sf .c. tiuu of the court, that tlie ih tnn'ant is not jn m'.alntar.t i f o,,, si-it.-, ,t ist!n rtt..re onlcrv that p'lblieation be made for S v ck scccc MVtlv, in the Western Carolinian, printed in ; Saliilmrv, that tin- defendant be an.t appear be. , lore our nest crirt of I'leas and tjuarti r St ssions, tobc In Id f.r the eunii'v ol !.' cv.,:., ;,t the (ei t'.-' House iu S.disbtii ' , !i l!.e t!."r.l M.-t -.1 ty in V-o lies', then Hud tin it to pi. .l or d ii ur, i r jut!;' Ititlit will ! t ntctvd .-tgains' hiiii ac.tur.l t to the pla'tilii: ' demand. f.vt'4.1 .INtl. Cil l'. ; lUMHd.l'll CH.IY. 'OlTt T'of I'leas and II -tarter Scsmi lis Feb- ' nui v I trill, lfi,.i. ,o sepli Mi.itiiseii vi. F.liiah l!,ni;haiii....tr. A'.'.a. Levied titt one cut ting knife and box, lte. trace chain, and caie I.ngslii ad. It appiar.ng To me cour, inaMln h -fi-ndaiit in tins rase is not an inhabitant of this stalB : It is trderri!, t'.nf jiiibhcat imi bj llauh fir sin xeci k in tin' We;, in Catoliiiian, (living ne.bre tn the viid fi lu'.it t in nppt ar at tin next Court nf I'h as an, I Qmun r Se '.i lis, tn be 'm! r... ...'... - Mh.y r My . litxt, and replevv, pmul to issue, or fu innr, cel.. l-misc jmlgiiit.il hu.d v ill be t :itu ed agios' him. A com-, JF.S.-F. II.Ui5T.lt. C.C.T. Hwf 4'1p vMvvU' ,vV Vuvi-VnYiu, ' N rCKI ISBI'IIG tni'M'Y. Sri'F.r.IOH Conn of 1 .aw, Fall Tt rm. 1S:2.. Jane Kerr . UiihauiKet-r Vetition Ibr .Tt'.voree ami Alimony. It appearing I'linnr, that William berr n sides vt ithniit the limits of this state ." (i.,'iid, that puhlieatioii be made in. the Mar ami Western-Carolinian newspapers fi r thrre months that utiiess the :cd Viilfiitn KciT tin Ii 'ike his appeal ante It the I est Supe rior Courl of l aw, to be In Id for the routitv of 1et klenbiirg, at thu Coutl-llinise in I barlulti', on the lith Monday after the 4l!i MuiiiLiy id March, IH.'j, and autwrr, nlend, it demur, to aid petition, the same will he heard ex parte, and sftt'.e nrc ami a decree made according to 'he r.iv er thertuf. . ' - . , A .opv. ten. Cl.t). l.HAIUM, C"V. On.tMr.-Friee aih-. IN SAl.lHW.'UY, KOUTIf-O MIOLINA, JtV .V.wnvs UuVv. FllillS cle;':.nt establishment, situated at tlie 1 north eiini! r of tin- Court-Mouse, U now (itti:il op in anew 'ami superior style, fur tli, rrrcplinu of Company, 'I lie greatest pains have been taken to prof-tin- ft" t!iw establishment, furniture oft-very descriit'mn,' necessary for the comfort ((' I'ravellcrs, Tlu most approved t-r-ventH li;iVf been lcet i, with great rare; the bar atocked willi choice li'plois, and the stables attended by oblLrii'ji'aml Mtenfivc lur.tlers. 'I he rolivc nietiee of tins situ i i'ni for business i efmal to any in the plai e. The house contains a num. ber of private room, well calculated fur the ac commodation of Traveller-' and Hoarders; at tached to which lln re is .1 Dry (lood and IJoiA -'lor' , 't o those u ho it. ay please to rail on hini, lie HSi'.irrs t'lein that n pains shall be aparcd ''i render lln-ir s'av coiiifol'tible and ph usuig. JXuV.H HI IK. (!,!-, 7, VV.2. '21 'A.'U VvV.AUVVVM'i( ttC. I AMKS !!. IIAMI' i'O.N' refpectfolly informs the puh!:.-, t,at he oeeupiei) the' old shop i few ih'ors snul'i of the ( 'oort-tloiise, Salisbury, ttbeiv he is no i iiresarct!, with a truod &et of tocls, to repair ul) kinds (' ).rrcui:s y clocks. II aHt!i-s all who may favor him with their eus'oni, tiiat th' ir uoik ahall be eecot(;d in as . , . . . : ..ii- . i , 1 1 , -lie i.'i'iii..: , . .ill i iiiii ui i.Hi.iei.n, I'd. nil1 1, . .-. . , , , -. '. . ' and sonic liiieN made. ,lo:i ol rven' U s notion , . .. , i -m i . n t in ins I.!;,.-el Imsiiiess, will hit'iankhdH received, , , ... , , am I cv -ruled on a tiliort notice. 'i enle v.lo . ( , . , ,. .' . hni'ijr theii'voik f.iithfil'v att.t.t!cd to ami relnri.ed, as tiioiu'li t'u-v welv tife iri.t and the olde-tabbslie.l Sah-li ' pi.ci s liai'; 14 .V..,' lUs.SOV V UV V.U WYl . ....... . . , .f ,,..., .t, . 1 IV'.- and lb:- ryJXe :.' a t!vt tU-- V lmv. iws.ir'. .t.i!. mut e iSe t.t-i: it' f."i.'.iM f t'-.r ihe tin I'Oijs- nt'i i-r in" en the above i li'is;'.;.-s-i in iiilitsb'-.-e.ehi'.. I hey a -e v. , II pre- nand to make all km.H ..f iod'-'.r and Fanet ! Cli.iiN I'.om A12 to t.lWuerfit. Ii; r.''c;ncv is'.i..';- i h ,;.ii.l ( I ' I I --.tti , may rely up- I"" I'-iwng thn.. as t U i n ide ;,t the nhop (of the subsenhers as' at any c.'per ui tlie State. Old chairs .mil sette i s n i.a:r. iL at a reasonable rate, ai.il on snort i.tiln . The subscribers are ids') C' n:p'e'.e!y prepared, i'h a good st ick of tin, be', to i;..,e all kinds ' ;''-.,.. iK.',-, at Ir'.im 'Ttu ft.' c t.i.o. v.'. cmvr.s, :) .I!I!V ( ti'M'f.'f J'.lLVil.Y'i. ( F.(. W. (.hIMK.s I B ci'iein ..f k'a''.s!,;. h' -in leas e to inform the in, ami in.- siirrattmiim,' rotintM, that he still r inliimci to execute all kin Is i f bouse, i-in, eopcb, a:.d ornumental I'ai'ttit g. Ila'ii'; tiriiciovtl an a'ttple supply of nci't rials, and Imi'.c, fur n Mimher of years Miiirr a (omt)it nt k no" lei'g-- of this branch tf arl Ida ''eg will !-; ni and on reai-.tei'. on hand, f ir wli-, t M anted, ;s an ;p; be cm c'ltv d in a itc at mail I 0 Tti.. lie also keeps d :.'id Jap in J iii;.!),'!. rent.c- tn he aliove hii-i-f;.M 1 i to l'j ears of a.;c. ttest, mil- ortw n Let ef steady an 1 iiti'.iis'iiue.s ha'-ittj touhom, it they prove ti.emsi-Kn d'.-scn :rg of it, a gon.1 l bailee will tie f Veil. .W....., 1'rb. a, VIZ.). '10 i:f COIATY. f K'l'UT of I'h a- I Ju tv' r srs-iins Feb. ni.irv Si-si.mj:, S.M. I ha!ict!l KciliV If. . i'.I'.s II..:bin, and Ann les v ile, thr heirs at l..w (f S.iliv Miiiniteri-, S ie.nn I llans, l i!a r;.nk I c, Susanna, lUh. i i . and l),r. s lv-: i,j .... j., .p-,( ,i r. Ii app ai'.u In the s it aiartion C(Ur!i t,;ii yu. i,d:,..t , s ;,ib'.n. . i ,, hi, ,f, , the bc'.-.s law r.!' Sa'lv . !;",,: !:. .-.si" I t s i so.. I Satf-.m-l Kri-liy, 1 are l-i t inlial'itatil of ibis state, ( 'n tin ret. re O'tler.-d bv t!te oxi-l, that pniih. alion he made i w ei ks M.''t ( iv !;', ill tin- M ei eru ( a-sil.. man. j u'u.'t 1 in SuVi'irj, Mel the defendants (apjsear at pur tu-V. eettrt of l'h :1 and IJ-iarVr i s, s,o;it to I.-- In hi ! r tiie county of How an. at Uhe l;oi,tt-lt.-i.s- in Sidisliuty, on the . Id Mni'd.iv Mf 'a next, and tl eii and tin re pit ad, nnsvn r j cr i'.'iii.i, or iiii'.ineiit w id be t..ki n proton- Ii s-i a,;:iu.sl theiii, ami pilHe'H be lu-anl e. f p u tc. JNO. l.ll.KS. C.C. OMt'4! Price ndv. 1 he High Hrcd and Celebrated roal-CctUT 4 riNP. vuml, uHr.nl u sfc t ; i I,. 4, I.muUhim-. cf large hone am gnat liniseu'ar power, will geis-'tt nt Conciird, t verv Fri- ,d ratu: lav - f'tl at V illiai.i l.nieison'i. in 'he lower edee of l.v.h II eoiu.'y, one n.ile west of I'oddlo-Crctk ttieeling biiuse, every M.in.laV and Tucsjr , rxc.ot wl.en shewn at public places i unavoidable aechb tits exceiled. He will be let to marcs at the moderate pr.ee of ten ihillarn the season, which may disclui-rtd with H at any tune In lore the lirt til Octo.n r ; five dollars tiie single hap, I" be paid at the liim of service i and fifteen dollars to insure a n ut' ti be with fo;.l; parting w ith the mare forfeits the insurance. I I. Tin I. i s a foul getter, i ecjnal.'d by b , a'.'.d Cm i lb d bv no horse i vlocli r:v.:y l:e si en t.y rcfctvi-ci to tlie band hills where the ee t di ca'es are signed by a number of the, ltiult r--spec'able eniviis of Halifax, n lative to his t i's ami the pt i it 'fit ;u'ce of h stock, and other "jor tiei.lar! also V.ts pedigrt c. 'the easontoo iii.-ti- nee tlie 2sth of Jlarcb, and end the Uit-' i ol ju,v, . . 0. AiTim:. 5wtT !!Ot'T 500 Lots in the Town of Cheraw, in- l II. I t II l. .l.ai- ; ft. riiKimif an inosc vamaiue loin on inc mver I'atilc, tu ether w ith VMl at ecu of wood land in 'In- vicinity of the Town, will positively !u wild at Public Auction in April next. The dales will e' liuiicnee on the fimi Monday of tlie month, " 1 will continue for three daji or until all the above property is Hold. TI'.IIMS .IS FOLLOWS: On all sums less than fyWl, a credit of twelve month j on all sums exceeding and lss than )2u0(), a credit of one and two years, pay. able in eijual annual ins'almeiits j on all sums ex ceeding $2'HH), a credit of one, two and three wars, paable in the same manner. Interest li'otn the date of th': purehaHe, the purchaser paying a' the tine of sal" 10 percent, on the amount of bin contracts and giving a nioiiaf of the pio)erty, with personal security, ii' leipii. red. ' , ' It is thought siiperlhioii to dwell on the rise, the pia sent importance and the future prospects of Cheraw, us it lias now assumed that rank in the commercial worlil, which renders nu ll detail j urdu;. .of March, instant. On which day an h e unm ceisarvi hut for the information of those i tion w ill he held for a Lifutnwut j :.nd als-t t-.r who mav live at a distance, and wli'ise Mercan- tile coiiuection w itli this Hection of country may not have led them to a knowledge of the rouse ijuenee and resources of thin place, we subjoin the following fact j: In the year MA, Cheraw vtlu u t liatliaiu) contained a store, tin e or tour a .. le... i I .1 ' e ..... t. c. t '.. ..... . ! euio: iiinisi , unu iinrtv-nr imi a niiiaiiiiain.i. i ... I . ' II v. 'td iiirfii'Mmtf!! in 1 'll 'mil iwiu- -tiiit-iit.it i an t letfant Academy, a I'rintiug F.ablishinent from uhiili isiiii s a weekly paper, lour noui ts of r.nterlaiunieiit, thirtv Stores, a eonsidi i-ablc number of dwelling houws, and at least l't'J in habitants. Two large Steam ltoat and a aril ty I ill small rr.iil are tinilOMi in navigatiji- the river; one strain lloal plies directly between ( 'In-raw and Charleston, and the ctlur betwein denrgelow n and Clicraw , each boat ( arries from f. ,'j to HUt hale of cotton a trip. 'IV Steam Hoat l'i e Dee has performed the entire trip from he. ru.. to ti ( i i'i tow n and back iftair dav. I)u. j iin;r thr last season about 14,'i.iJ hales of eot'on were sent from this place, and during tlr sea son it 'meomputed, from th.: present pni cli.ii.es :h:.' 2'J,i-) at b ait will he m i l to m-u ket with a : i- of other produce. 'I he resource i ;1" ,r"m ll,' k t"'mtry, are not inferior' "l!,t vf any inland Town between lib hmond j Str-) nA (U-o.) Arrangements hau-1 ,ll''n maile to throw a l-rulge owrllic huer, . , I. I li ..j I . I I. ..! ....! and t lie Mail uou'cs have been no al'er, i. as to accommodate '.he place. Tin- site nf the Town in devated, airy and commanding. JOil lAYIiH, Jr. JAMF.S COI f. .IqftiM fur thr L'hatlium Tovm Vunipiini;. iru 1823. eopt47 m'll-', trustees uotild hcri by acqiian t the pub I lie, that this Academy, nitii.itid in o-k district, S. C.- and mar Oi the moiuitainti, eon. limns in a prosperous and growing state ; and whilst they express their gratitude for the lib. eral patronage it has hen tel. ire riCeived, tin y would further state, that in ci.iiscijm-iice of the present teacher's in'end.'d removal, they have engaged Mr. William It. D.iv's grailoate of the Iniversily of Nonl. t'a-i lma, to mal. rtjkc as teacher, from the 1st cf May in t. 'I bis timely notice we give, that none w ishing tn place children at this institution, may be prev i iv.ed bv doubts of its continuance, or uncu lainty cf it rrineip.d. We are also happy to s.;) , that fi um a " r'in al ctuaintance with Mr. Dav'n, fiotn a kitowl edge of his inoral and pious character, ti gdher vn ith ample testimonials of his talents and l am ing, we have full confidence that he will pone both an able and a sncci sstul teacher. Students are lu re prepared for any clasi in college, being favored w iih the use of an excel lent set of I. lubes, and hereafter will have tin use of the F.ncjclopedia l'.iilanni it ; wl.'u h val uable woik i prtseiiti d to the Acadcn y U a worthy pattern of benevolence and friiud ol l.-aniiiur. In point nf health and morality, a prafcRible situation cannot proha'dv be Imind hi the stal Hoardine is Ss7i per annoin. Tint. mi, I r I .an- ;( r,h a)I ii,ii,-H S2J i-tr :ir" :tn ; for Kll- n--i f-ramntar ard t-i-"('i-.ti!iv, 15 t and fur blading. Writing and At .'tuni 'ic, S1- Signed by order of (tie H 'aid ,r. v ADAM-', .Y-rVt.. J.i.'iijf 24, pi..'.. OM6 V v iv v i V.v. vnniv.v , L-i '. I.i!i..' el Co. .V. C. 1J I). HOCNf.WILLF.. at the lu l Ibu e, ) ill ho thankful if trivillers nod other. Call. Privacy and hii best eni!evnr to arenm tiiiHla'.e ars- pron.ied for a reasiinablv ton-sid-e-la-'.i-on. Marcb. 1!!'2l .'f51 "t !F. Mibscnher respectfully informs the rit:- t ns of Sahsburv ami its virnutx-, that he carries on the TAtl.tl'MMi ICsN-S in the store house of Mr. Thomas Todd. Ile ill win k o't the most ituscnahle tern s that can he ih .r. ed, ami I'-opt s, bv due attention, nca'ness and drspn'ch, that he Will merit a share of public .,... r. ? i.--. L-ivc aatisf.irtimi tn those that niav tdease to call ! upon him, at any tiinc,'w ith tbcirt iistiuu. Ch an big ami li pairing old clo'JicS w ill ! duly attend ed to. ut -short notice. ' . ' . N. H. Frodure will be received for work, such as corn, flnur, pork, bacon, tallow, bcrmvax, but ler, ami such as suit the market, and a generous price given. ot'-C XA.Ml 1.1. I lilt t-,. F"nilK. Mihscriber wishes to employ two or I. three Jourmymeii Carjicnter, of g'Hsl, slradv and industrious habits. None need apply but stu b a urc of the above habits. N. It. lie also would take two or thrre hovs of ood L.niir.t' as apprentice to the aho.e iiiisincsR, JOHN AI.r.HU.IlT. .W,y,o.?, M'i' ih 183.1 -it-f 0 ; Attimcs, WiC U tl.ednen, or aingle one, for sale at tin oflkc- of the Wcr-ternCaru!inlan,SHlHl ry. i I1IIF, aiibseriber havingtaken a partner in 1 mercantile t'SlahliMirni-nt in t'oncofd, Cabar rus county, takes th'n method of informing those indcbl.'d to him, that they will confer a particular favor by pitying a part, at mt, of their account and notes on or before the first day of May next. 'Hume, ui ho fail to comply with this notice, will not, I hope, be displeatcd i( tln should lane to pay costs. ' I'. ll.ltlUMKIl, ". . The business will in future be continued in the same house, under the firm of V, ltarringer k Co. where we are mtw receiving a general assortmciil of Ilry (loos! i, Itard W'i.ie, Outb ry, Oor kcry and (iroreriey i nil of which will he sold at verv reduced prices for cash only. Tboae who have that article to exchange fur k'nli ;is we liuve, are invited to cull mat y.'f for them, wives. r. HA ItWlS ;i.n if CO. Cunronl, . '.'3, 1823. 4t-lfi r(ll ill appear at the Court Mouse, forc.':ii. panv drill, at I'Jo'cloi I;, A. M.oii tht last :,t. an y.ithi'fn, ice 1'uw.o hiti, who lij'S hctit con.missiotu d in the JSrigade Stall idc S' (;. w 3wt'.i6 .iitti ii, jar.. .!tiit;s. Cnil. l'J it. V Is ) V YtU- 'Al V . -m ... , ,i - t , , ,, t- iv i . 1 IIIIS llllllllHI I'l HIH'KII II., Mil llll., I ...... ' and Hit pi, I. he ul lar; ;e, tiiat I now ecciihy the h.onsc w lierejii Capt, .hi'.ob Ktiiler fornierlv lived, and which has lately ben, iu possesion of j , )aslcI)cf ..tf; fliall h peifrrtlv accrpta Vr. I hos. llolm' sapi.l.Iichotise, vh- relan. Uc (( fl wvete arf fif Mlrh a o.m ll V j'.'" (I IO 11' I I JT 1 1 II I. II 1.1 1 V- II . II 11 I S, .IIM1 .III other who mav ph-ascto call. I here are g s'alih-satlaclieil to tin- ( stabl. shine nt, wlii'di shall alw av s be well attended, mid well supplied v ith foddt r and raiii. A feu b'mrdr.-i wiil be taken, on moderate term. There is a good torc.rnom attached to the hoie, which will be rented from now In the 1st of Ma'., (r perhaps longer, or for anv inter mei'. ate ( no. ,!N). SMI I II. S!,,li,i; Maul, IT, 182.). '4 tS B T ., jH. v,, at put.lic sale for cadi, nt the I Cii,iH-llouse iu MoripnUon, in llurke cminf, N. C. on Wednesday, the Ttb oi Mho t.,!ln,u g tracts ol land, or v. inttrii theivoi -..I .l .l .l as will he Miilic'.ent '.o pay t! e tas due theleon for Hie j ear l'v. I, and e st of lelvertning, I t w it : Alesanhr Mecunihs, 2j,('ft acres, value 1 1, hpecula'iou lutits. I'utnck Davis-, pif) tnthon'fc Nisi I'nus; Translation of M. Dupi'.'l aer s, I'.ing on upper Little river, on Mountain HUtoncal Sketch of the Uomanlaiw -. Statute tr. k, value gai. Abraliam Keiiehar, for lM20;o' Frauds ( Willi Notice of Swiff lhgnt.' and 1.S21, 5'iaciis, valued at S5''- W in. Camp, j , , ' '. . j ' i.; ...i . ..t vi..,i.t re.., L In ilie second number are contained value S'li. 4J ares given in bv Fielding Nor ton. Iviug en the waters of Muddy cm k, valued at S.iUU. Join s Meant-, 5) acres, on the waters of I anise ( ret k, giv en in . al S"- 1' re. on the waters ol Hit- wtutl. for .4 Catawba, tvci, ... t-y ... sm.tli. at V'. iu acre on io. g.ve.iuiby 1da.,tii.e(rot.at Sr). , , .. ,'r ':'!''' V ',' .. iU,Vlll,tH lrANIT.l by the wbw riber, at the Sbue. T . making business not under 12, nor orrr 15) cars of a;-c. To sobc r and industrious lads ai'i'c l opiiortuintv is now olkau, to learn a . 1 ;, ti rn'itt ini'le, il veil inuovven. F.IIKNF.F.U DICKSON. Sal,-!,ur, Mrth M, 1-Sr.. "44 Av .VuYtA!ttvuu, Ml CKl I NBURG COUNTY. (Ol lir of Fleas and Quarter Sensiona, Feb- J nt.rv Tenn, 1H2.1. Samuel Craiirvt.Juita- than Ciaig triginal at'acbiti. nt, levinl in the bauds of Jan,es 1). Craig It appearing tn the vV.stVt: ,:i of the courl, tiiat tlie defem'iant is ool an inhabitant nf tins ata'e : It in therefore Ifulfril, Ibat publication be made six wttks S'lcressivelv in tlie W-.tt r i Ci'tilinian, tliat the ! feinlant he ai.d appear at our next Court tn be lu l 1 for the roimty of Mecklenburg, at the t ,o.i-f.lini- in Charlotte, on the feurth Monday m Ma, next, then and there plead or demur, or judgment w ill be t niered against bun according to the i l.tii.tiH,' ih ni mil. ISAAC M.F.AM)F.i:, V.M.V. Cw id pr. adv. CY fcUUc nV iVnvU-l,uvtAVu, s; t CKM Nrl RT. COL'M V. KM'!: I' of rhr.i aid Quarter Sessions, Fell-1 j re...ry Ttrm. lS'.M. rres'ident and It'm rtnrs of the Itai-k of New htm t-. Jnlni Snnesnn, jr. nrr.Atl. l.t vied in the hands of Otbtiit I V.ca.trt. Il appearing tntht K.tislae'ionol'the court, that the b feiidati'. is not an inhabitant of this state : It is tliets fore Hr.lrrrd, that publication be nude ni vet k sueecssivrly it the Western Caroli nian, that the defend mt be and appear al our hext Court to be held for the count) of Meek h t, burg, at the Court llouse in Charlotte, on the fuirth Monday in Mav nct, thin and there plead or dt mur, or judgment will 1m sre-tered r in-t Iii in aeeonling to the plamtifl's' deinailtl. ISAAC ALr.XANDKIt, C.M.C. Snit oo. tir. . S-"' "'.'.'" Itcnil.IilOillV COUNTY. ANt'AltV Sessiiuis, ISIj. ri.Lit.u Lvlcs v. Ilnbei-t I.vks Original at'arhnient lav. ted oa one nej,ro mai named Abrt.n It ap pearing tn the satisfaction of the court, tnat the di.1 -mi mt in tins case is not an luhatn'unt or tins state: (hiurtd, tin n fore, that publication be ma le for i weeks in the WoU-rn Ciirehnian, for the h f ndant to appear at our next county t 'nnrt ol I'leas and. Quarter Sessions, to be hold en for the eoun'.v ot Ift.thtrfonl, at the Court. Mouse in H-ttlu linrdton, on the tl.irvl Jlulnlny iifu r tlo? f.'iiit'ii Moinli.y in March m At, then and there o plead or demur, or judgment by iLiVtll fin d vt'tll be entered up atraiust him. Witness, ISAAC CHA'IUN, C.C. GwiSa Price adv. &2. I1 tns v At .A W ftrtuwf w 1.101! j'c al tlic office of the Carolinian; ami, also, C'otitbl s' Oapinses, FlltIM Till; Ml.li'll l.rlf ttl.UBW, United Slntri ..ivc Jmn-fiil ini'l ( inliuu'l 1ti. , itiiiie. Vv.lIaeii. - . We have drmcd ?.ti ini' ti ;fisf.ctioii from die ptfnis-.ij t He two iiinultfis of this Wfit'l; before us, tli.it we rat tmt but trp a litilf. out of oiir roti'sr. to express 'nil' f'ooil wishes for jt( fhrftirafetneut lis plittn nititt rcroinnii ml it to the Bttt rj tiot) if .ill, w!io. whether by le.'smi of their liistc or tlirir puistii:i, are inteiest ed in tin: rcM-.-.iitiit if intuiiie con ticrted wish thr imtioniil t.-vocomv,' l0 Iiwh, ;nul the politir.-l instiiii'i'Jtis of i.u'r l oiinti-v ; and the exe( li'ion, v.e leti rnii fali titlv ;.st:uicd, bus been annw ei -iMe tf the ptiblic tjrprct.tticiiH. It ii fiirifhed with hiibeno nnu ported opittiiihc f ''ourt iii iitijutl j.'r! cases tf extensive lm;fr t mcr, and with other like ( iccci of a fu gitive nattirt, w htc.li , tills journal wiil prove toe niCiiis ff juksci viiiq; a:id reu flerii)',; arres!,il(!c to thr ptofe stion. Ti editorial iirtiflt. tfnV!'Uns; of, cs.vj (lisfjnisitioits .ttu! criticisms on vatintis nuhjf.Tts of i otis'ittitior.rl and mutiit ipl Ihw, are wii'.teti vith ninth abiiitvi nndf ltlioU(;h ioi!ictinn ct"i;i: y; upon -.s qsiaU it y e rnnnoi f il to do i redit to the bar arte r of our juihts, i; Fii,',bt)d s will us in A me i kit. To i;ivc a more complete ticw of tho nattne of the joti nab we lav brim e our rc.ideiti the rotitentt of the two numbers rfet published. In the first are contain ed th foilyAing aititles : M'.ills of r.rhati flpitiien of Judge an Nits; Jurisdiction nf the I iiitcd s'atn Our4 in Itaiikrupic.y Op'.niiin by tin" "same j l'.ijuitv Jurisd.rtion in tlie Stale of New. York ; Lwnn- ;,; f pri.,;dent Monroe ie on Internal Imnrovenu-nt-Mr. (.lav Speech on the sa : e j w,,jeli . fr.u tice umler the I'at.nt 1 as of the . . t 'nited St ites ("'pinion of .lucVe Van Nessj Notice of l.'imi n'a Tn-atise on t!e- Civil Jirit diction of a Justice of the Peace; Nuiiet of the following article : ' Admiralty Law Mariners' Wages IJati 1 II ij . 't'rflt(. j jj ' t jf Uf S V lihatr Vs. I'r;;," 'tots of Judge Lis if.gs'.ou iii the S1..1... ... 1....I. Ir..l... - j-,,,;,,,,,, , ( d km ,;,,,,,;,.,! if) . Su,remr Court of Judicature of State of New.York.inthetermsof Mav, Augtit, and jo. toher, 1K21, and Januarv-, 1822; Hem-arks on jthe lleaolution o'' Mr. Sttvtnson, of Yirgmia, jfr the Ihpeal of thr 25th section of the JdU Iciarv Act of the I'liitcd Htatrj -. lteview -of the jCase of the Jenne Kugenie, dttrrn.inrJ in the Circuit Court of the 1 niter! Statea, h- ld at Hoc. , ton, iicceniiier, is.'l; renal jiiris;irilefn r iu..: r .. . .i... . Hcview- of a He port niaile to the Ceueral A. ti inblv ol the State of Louisiana, on the pLm j of a I'enal Code for said Slate ; by Coward l.iv. I ing-.ton ; Comtnissioti to take I'oreign Tettimo ! nv ; Ijw of Corporal ions Opinion of ChjnceU j lor Ken', and of Judg- spcnrr, in the cw of the North Uiver Hank i I j of Cnrpora.n.r.s Kemarks on the rats? of the Corporation, a'th-J - 1C Tpi.teea of the- llotnsn Catlmlie S'K-iety w .(rshmping at the Church of St. Vhrv, in the ci'.v of FliiUlelphia," by Ibchard li. Ilayard.' A note to the ublc o! ronten' of the second number, informs in, that c,U-rM of ii'A the late Pjti'.ish um! Amrrirn re ports, ul.ic.li arc not incIuJcc! in thf pt-cs-cot lititisb or American t'ier-ts. is pre pjiiiis' Lr iS.c third r.ut7.bcrof (hit work.' !I.iin cf course no otherohjei t in the present ut tit le, but to lake a fiicndly and tespctifiil notice of a cotemporarv jour nal, and lo pay a just tribute to i'i merit and promise, wc fwc!ii-r to tntcrinto ..ny discussion of the srp n ate essays enumer ate d in the contents, as we have juat epio ted them. This enumeration will have sufficiently excited the curiosity of snclt ol our law readers as have not already dor.e it, to put themselves in possession of it. We rejoice to behold in it anoth er i expectable literary enterprise, and to see springing t'p in different parts of our native land, wiitcra of inquisitive minds, stciling scn.se, deep tseience, and patriotic sentiment, who devote to themselves tlie tatk of elucidating the p.and, but yet un finished sys'ftn of rhil polity, of which America was the .first to Ity ih found t lions, mu! to exhibit as a model lor the imitation uiul guidance of other nati'm. I; is r.cl fur Atnericns, 'xvho demonstra tt.l to the world that the fitters of tho ftudul ins'.iiutions toul l be burst tisunder us, easily ns the bands on the strong man iu Holy Wiit, xvho first srt mankind an example of the ttTiutiicy and stability of representative i'emocrties, maintaineil by etpui luws. flowinj from the pencral til ;,.. ..I i.t thr iulerrslrd and rtiitra. wiil, instead of the interested nd arliitra- ry dictation of one or of few( it is not for us lo res! contented with drawing ail our law from the troubled fountains of mmatluntic 'juiUprudcnre. The codes of l.tirnpe, whether of Homn or licr mnnic ovi',;in,utuler whatever denomi nation, civil or common, they re respec 'ively to be ranked, at the same time, that tbey nbour.d in reverend maxims rf