jSi.i-r, wl.';, l i'iu...t, our jn '.(..iii.tt n jeti, ure riot d wkl ca equally reviii.i t, , s c .,i i nptivos, w uii h icpiue. lo be btani'ird wi'.li reprobation. II il be a s.-tl fil t'.;ii.Uple of ' UC f thc'C M'MCIIb. Ui..( iJ:i good J.-Urnmrc ' t!'C J.riliCC all folic id law, it is t:: K'a'i the set tle! piincipie i.l 'another, that the king can do no wrong, uml lh.it the Jiowcrs oi p.Hii.in)cnf.iic s boundless even as or time Novel and unlike in sp'uit to our parent institutions as aic the princi ples of govcifi.neut legislation bo h ppily eslablishcd in this country, there is the greater necessity that jurist! ol cm-in- nt abilities, whom long study and prac tice (if our laws have enabled loappieciatc their defects uml excellencies, should liing forth the stores of their erudition to direct and enlighten their fellow citizens. T consummate our independent c, we need tint our laws should he sifted of the relics of feudal barbarism which continue mingled with them, and that u strong line of 'emarcation should he tleatly ofd cbs titr tly drawn between what is and what is not adopted from the Tnglisli into the American codes, so thai one and the s.mie unronlatiiiiiiled spirit of liberty should pervade and animate all our political nisti Unions. While our tribunal of justice and legislative assemblies are gradually eff-ctirig this object, as occasions call for '.heir interposition, bv sie decisions and enactments, private individual-! may use fully cooperate in promoting the same en I lv disseminating sound and lucid ex p. i'ions of ihe constitutions and laws ol the i .nfi-dcrae states ; and in this honorable- field of exertion c feel authorized to anticipate many benefits fiom such publications as the United States Law Journal. INTELLHiENCK. Hi- ictrus, the lar.Ji! nl a noisy worl !, trom all nation luritj'rii. at hij hack. From the (.'lurk-stun Courier, March 10 LA IE AM) IMI'DIUANT NF.W'S. hy the ship l ucin, ( apt. Mistioo, jr-ivcd liere yesterday in 46 davs Irom H nt, we have receive ' our f.ic Paris p iit rs, Catignant' M-nmr," to the h of January ; and have been f isortd w'un loan of the " Jourtutdu Cuir.m-rcr," and the X(.n$ituticnr!," of the same ifies ; from which we copy the highly in tcit sfing intelligence whirli is presented to our re -triers in this day's Courier. Capi. Missroo informs us, that it was ihe e ner d opinion amongst well inform ed ni.n, that WAR between Spain and j mr on'inentai jioers, was inevitable. I he extracts iven from London p .pers funiish, indeed, eoii'ratlictory ojiinioiis u;i- on the subject -most of the oj.pusitiun ' piiuts inclining to the side or peace, while j those on the minU-eri.il side, paitirulaily i the Cnrr, appear to consider sir as I nearly inevitable. So far as the opinions ; of the ditTereiit Paris Journals may be re- j garued as tne index oi tne general opm- ion. scarcely a hope seems to be cherish et! th-t peace will be eventually main taiuett. A postsciipt to a letter f om Havre, da- ted on tne ua January, 'the day the .-! U ft on the Pthinst.. w ho hrmht the c!e-...-sailed.) stde that it was announred i f isi,)a cf ,,c Spanish (imernuu r.t icli f.om Paris, not. however, officially, th,jt ,;vr u ,!ic s, 0f Trcc, IUssi.,. .i.s ,yr ul A"" "'-'r".' un1 urcctingthctri.,1,nil Prt.ssia. The fourno-es weicid carie-.p'mdents of the writrrs, to cover -rrreivcd, and the Charge d'Afl .ircs &t the ihctr pioperty from Spani-h p'iv.deer,. : !cr I'ivers had clematulcd passports. "' 1 11 CWi-'cv their previous ordcis ; N,!c,patches have et ! ecu rrcc ived liom I,ub- ! the Ambassador of Trance. Ihcf ui ia. The l-'.nglish claims uj.m Spain were,; jn , j, j .sketch of the fitting cf the ttr it appears, to the amount ol 'thrrr Ml-, tc ,ir o-.f, inst : . .V.'rr.'.'.rr, for iutVmr.ity to those nici - chants wnose vessels liad brrn c. pniml . f j.,,, Affairs. amiMinrr-l that the (lovern ,s pirates under the Spanish il .g. I he v ! ,;,,, ,. calu,:i,- M.-jesty b a I icceiv- ,o ir rt u-rreu nv tne gov,-rt,ir-f tottie ('- 'rs, w ho. in a secret si'tin mi tin- tih ot J .ot.arv, JeciJril IS it Ihr lUttn-t .:,:.! ' r'r '.','" '- -t"' 'i f lh' .'j!i:-lu! ' ..sun. A commission, formed of an eg".il number of Fnghshinen and Span i.!ds, will be appoiuteJ to investigate liu-sc claims. I his intelligence was rc ti.rd at Paiison the i-.th of January, by r i . . i . ixprcss who left Madrid on the 9th ' A",-.:i.. r urrumsUiKC evinces a deter-, L,jn;f known to ihe ('cutis tb- c.n"eiiis mina i -non the part of Spain, to keep up- j thc;.c docuinrnu, as ncll as the an on rood terms with Lngland. On the : sm 0f his Majesty's, (iovcrnin. n:. who f J,n. the Sp.nish government gave S flatiercd tbcmseit'th..l ihcv h-l foiiow- eir sail. 11.11 t ) tne estanilsnmeiit .y an Loutish company, of a Diligence Irom M.t.lii 1 to Coruuii.i, and of a steam pack v. iivm ( .iui.;..i to -2r..,uth. l i e Jxii'iti.'du C. ni'iinrr of the 1 3 Ji J iii'ui v, notices wiih much praise the an- j sairol ihe St)..iush Cortes to the dc m .:h!s an: hoi i, e I bv the Congress of e i h i. 1 he following is an extract liom tiic Tic-rich p.p. r to which we allude- lite iiu:n: i" i'ib: session of the 9th Jan. (Speaking ol t he Spanish Cortes1 pi ies to Luiop--th.it a br..ve peojile has ai...,s encicveuouh to uniie in torn no .ii t,nie w hen threatened bv lorti gn ag-cn--. :o:i." A L fi.-m Maibid of 'he 1 r.u st.res th .1 ilu- sp.ni.'t p.. its in Nii'.h Ameiii a a'-r ah.. i'.- to he opened to all lonign mi arts lie C.n'i'ut: --tt, 13 i Jouiarv, noti i iri ; the ..tl'.iis ol Spun. ((,:it ins tc ful I..u,.- ' Ihe atii n'ioii of our rtiders iii Ci i.litiess be attr-u u J to li.e ticaiy ct ci 'in inn. i i fitii'i elv 1 1 nclooeti l. ri n sp an at.d l o-Jand, Mbicli we shall nuke Morrow. 1". is added, " lli'U ; ,"..'m Ii ' U'l- II J" t ' ' ''' '"" 'u!'' Spain h is m know leciged the laiins of l-'ngliml I'ji' spoliations, &c. ami thai tbe in.drpc lultm c of the Spanish c'oiiics is ab.o rccoi.'tiit d- Publics to a I'liiisidc t abic extent were opuud at Lloyd's on the 8th Ja'o upon I'u-.ich ships It'oin Havana to Havre, at four (;i:ineus per cent. ai;ain-t cnrinies' i-apturc only ; and the same lisk vv.'sdoiii at ? to 3 fjiiiueas per cent. i:oiu vaiiuu . ptnts in the L'. States. The London durirr ;;iu'S a flattt.t iv; arcoiint of the Hcver.ue. It is asseilcii, on the authuiity of tin. Vienna Journals, that another Con;-iis will be held at no very distant period I he pi ice tnemiuiied for its niec'in;; is St. Te'erbburi; or HctTm probably the latter, on account of the ;itat distance o! the iurme r. Letters from Los) lull, tinder date Jan uary 0, announce that onleis have been issued to equip twelve ships of the line, jiul to itcruit a considerable nuuibci- of seamen. We regret that the threat length of the " D'-cUnii' "i ' I's" thrrtr SovtrrtLfiii (ol Ausiii.u IN-tcsia and Ilnssia ! thiir Am- hifinad-ira ill .ti':Vi," I'CIKlelS it impoisi- hie lot t.s to uive tbctn a plate to tiav but their spiiitand substaiice mav he in ferred from the bold and dicnified repU of the Cortes of Spain, which we publish this mori.ing. II v the laM atci niits from Madrid, all panics appeared disposed to forget thiir i i!ittricic(-s, anil to unuc as a Mngie m..u. lit exposition to anv loriign mterieicni c in changing the (.'otiatitution of thtir count!). Conn: Mi i ox. Deputy fiomtbe (ireck Senate to the Lite ( ongic-s at Verona, ad dressed letteis to all its M.-nibcis, iinplo ting tlnir Mitrour. b.it icuiu- I no an swer; ;ndas the Congre's is dissolved, 'the Cfieeks are convinced that they have IiotMiig to D"l"." liom iii;u tpiaiur. 1 he wi-.iilu r n p: ai s to have been ve- lycohl i:i L.urnpi: from the first to the middle, of J.iniuiv oo the lf,t!j of that month the Seine as In. i n over at !'a:is. ihe ice L-eing su.Tn itntl) t'tong for per- j yjr,s to walk arrows. j I heartixe p.ii'iitan v.itf,ie is still car i rird on bv the Hoy.ilisis, ..ml the C ms"i tu'ion.il noons on Hie Sp inish I rontier. s U,.--. '.!', I vults of u'u.d wtic tipciien Ut-tl on !ic Somish ro.ist. towards the Ust 'of I)e. ember no less tliui thirty tnei i child vessels are sr.itnl to have been lost i between Poit endrc" and 11 irrclon.i. The ro.itls Hire ccvcied with snow ho i . t, .. ...i i . .. i :. u .i. Frenrh p.,per slate tu be the only annov irvii i,i,'inii. aim .'u'.ii iih "iiii.il iir aii'-e n 1'ieni. M. H i :k ik Ft vit.M , is sppointed Minister of i ranee lo tlic ('c;j: t of I ur- L,f v. It WJ, syj 1 aj Madii.bat the tii j;,;,,.!, M i.,isitT, Sir ' m. '( mn t time Un made the ct m..nd f a remu'iei ..lion ; om Spain, ;hat a sec :et treaty in the su, render of tv,., l0 (. It.at lhituin. ba I been agreed to ,v ,,(. r, inci- Ministers 1 1 Spain, which their su ccssois rciusiu to sain tion f.Vtl!,. JAN. IS. (In Il.ur? Ja I.!, -at a cornier iiiiic i ut P.ujs from Mat. in!, whi h he M. ric S.m Miguel. Mitiistrr for ! o: ct! c ill i.i! c inni'irK-it'ioiis Irc.t;, JipCj'i. if's i f Trance. Pussij. Aiisiii.i ami Prus sia.tliKingh the medium of the Ministcis of ihose I'owcis at Madrid. Although ihe atlaiis. he said, lo which the contents of the Notes related were not picciseiy within t!ie ptmincc of the (ones, the (iou rnment wi l.td to i;'uc a ptnof of ihe good untleistani!i:.g w l.i, h reigns between i).c ,wo chiif bodies ol the Stale, bv ma p,l ,mr,n il, mr.ninn llo- nmn- lint u-,. pointed out by their patiiotism n I the - - I .... , national dignity. S? , I.l ,1 M. llll .Sail .iihull , ii u w.sv s.....v .. .C tutiune, and read hrst the nisti ur lions eiv cn ,y the Prcnrh Civrmim nt to the (,ount dc la Cjrdc ( I,1 ardthe icply made by the S;. itusli Ca'.i'.iet, which was as lol- lows ''a 'he '(''i.tii.-i,''-r c.S.i''sci.' Parit.lfc. " I lie (low mmetit of lis i ,ith. lie Ma jesty has just icteivc .1 ihe rom'iio' iM-ion of a Note, sent by bis Met Chil . :i Ma jesty to his ,mia-.s::or at ibis ( u. rt. and of which your LxstlUucy will receive a copy, that ou mav iiave know ledge of it. " Tiie Governmrfi t f hi. Majesty has few oltsiiv atinns to make upon ti.is N'nie ; but tint your Lxccllenn ni ay not be cm harassed upon the ronditc that v hi ccght to u'.lepf in this i ii umstiiiice. it has be lievrd ii to he its clutv to manifest to Miu with frankness its mm. (intent and rcsolu li.ais. " Ihe Spanish (iovtnnirni has never been ijnorat.t that the institutions soon- 'It-!..' lut.-Co.lViy adopted by p,iin, would excite the jealousy cf several of the Cabinet's of l.uropc, am' ."would be the object of the deliberation-, of the Congress ut Verona. Hut, bun in iis principles, and resolved to deft in), at any la'e., its actual political svsti in and the national independence, it bus cpiiclly uv.aited the isuc of that Con- gress. "Spain in governed by a Constitution promulgated, accepted, and sworn to, in .1812, and recognized by all the Powers which assembled al the 'Congress of 'e tuna. Treacherous adviscis picvei.'ed bis Majesty Ferdinand VU. from swear- j Spanish government had c'jiistani.y cb-il,--. ntiori his return to Snain, to this I..!)- i served. damental code, which the whole nation i His l-.::ct !!ency af'.ei wards i e'id lbc fob desired and which was destroyed by force j lowing instructions which be had address 'without any remonstrance of the Powers jtd to the Spanish Charge tl'A!V..irs at the which bad rcrognied it; but the cxpci i- above mentioned Ionian Courts, and id ence of six vears and the general w ill en- which ( opics bad been sent to the Ucprc gaged, in 1820, bis Majesty to conform to sentalivcs of those Powers r.ccrcditcd at the wishes of the Spaniards. jibe Court of Madii.b " It was tiot a military insurrection that Circular to the uiiii': .lmu.w.d'.r. established this new order of things in " It would be unworthy of the Spanish 1820. The courageous men who pro-, government to reply to the notes of Pus iiounced themselves in '-be Isle of Leon, j sia, Austria and Prussia, because they are and sin re ssivc-U in the other nrov inccs, were but the org.ms ol the general opin ion and wishes of the whole nation. " It was natural that a change of this natuie should make some discontented ; it is ..n inevitable consequence of all reform the obiett of which is the diuiir. ution ofi abuses. I here are always in nations in dividuals win) can never accustom them- ...I. ... li .iL.i.ittU r.f rn'i.Mh r.l-d Ills., SI III J 11 lilt lia.iaiNW w. iu:. Mint ja tice. "The armv of observation that the; I'm., I. m,-rnn nt keen no at the foot of ihe Pucnets. cannot assume the clis-i,' the l.mt! .menial cc-cr. orders which afllict Spain. L:pc. it nc e , j 1 ie Spanish naii.m mtorb res in cm the contrary, has proved that the exis- j rr.at.r.cr with the init'iuns and ink r ,r.. .r u .,.U:.rv ( , ,.,!, n. n .TiwIV, iual rtzimrof oilier natic lis. afterwards into an armv of observation.! has on.'v augmented the hopes of the l.m-; atics who have pushed into our provinces the shout of rebellion, bv cherishing the j idea of an invasion of our territory. I i u mil., i hi til.. ,t,w hi. .it. r...'k . . r, . ., . . . r .i . . w ni n n iioenceti uie conout t oi inei iD - uiets ihai assembled at t nma not being possible to set ve for a i n!e to the Spanish government, il abstains for ihe moment Iroin replying to that p-rt of ihe Couiit t!e I.jgardr's ins'ructioiis which relate to that Congicss. " T he lime of calm and trncjiiiliiy that the government of his Must Cbiisti.tii: Majesty wish the S'nnish n.itior., the l itter dcsiu-s "tith no less impatience lor itself ;.o.l its I'overnmrnl. Hoth oersu ailed that the lemedv fur theii evils c.m only be the ''1'" . , , . ork.l.imc..nilpels,ve.ance,thtvst.ivc,! , " M ')t hopes that the p. u.;cnce, -s n.ach asth. youcht.to accelerate thei1"! "l'i",J e l'-'.t'" "b.chcistm useful ant! salutary clVec.s of them. M'"1' 0Ul -VW " fl,,dur! h,'n Ilw-Soaolsl. 1.oi..,r.o., :ila,,Or..liA!es Worthy Ol the Spanish tlaine Itl the the offers made to it by bis Most ( litis- -. -- - ii I M ,,. r. .... .. ..t, iijii ..laivs,, iu.uiiiiii.,.1, us muv ,i ii, ;iao Majcsu to conn i'.iite, as touch a possitd. , to its welfare; but it is peruj ' ,1. .i ,l,o ..... ,.,1 ,.,..r .,, ... !.;,!-. - ,, . , ' , y iar,,i 'i . i ;iouiat vu trary rest,!' ,. 1. I l. wi -f .f.ro ,-. I.',. Ii I I'lf.iili ivui. .... it v in,,, ii iv. v. ii. "Uv.. i . . ii - . Ulotoiiu-ni. ami liom the g.iilrnes vric ,Clillll,:il. ni'lllll III .HIS lli.H-.!!. .W't . r c i .- .' I cnai oi ,-sp.nii, is jinn iv litamc ; it i:rist , . f . . I dissolve its at my ol (lie fyrcnecs. repulse hf faitioos f mriiii', iii Sriiiu. win, Ib-r ,....r i.. , i.. ...if;,, . ... II I L'L l I 1 laiilt i si I Ol ,si , 1, 1 1 crgetic in.n;,ei against -il tho-e h'J t. l.c pleasuri indcp: tci..tir.g,hi the mo-t shame, ful manner, the goveinrueni of lis ("aih- olic M iji-sty, as well as t' e i:i:ii t,t sp tin and her Cortes. I his i. wi rt.S of t the light ot tiatif.iis I'fijuirc-s, u ir-.iit rt -piC-tcd by tliose where civilu-jtiim p:cv..:i.. "To sav that Piatit e v i hes ! .r 'lie pi'sspniiy of Spain j:u! i:s I: i.ii.tv , whilst il hulls r mtir.'l o!v !. :: iog llm c h oids of disrurd thai I.' t i - h t.'.i- :r.i -:.i:-- t u ne s w f.'n h she ii t iot ,t I into an atn ss of conn a' ..... i . i . " V I) itc". It tllaV te t'.l ilc it rni; bat lis nii-iii in I r. ... this cucumstatice. il.it cf his M .fsty v.ill i continue to alk in the p-:i. pointed . ut I ' bv its duty, the justice of its c- r, I lie. r ha tat icr ol In mness. -n I ll.c aftat Inn atlai.limcni M. (htis.i M i,s:;ls,,.vut,.!!"r;n '",,n ,!iC '-"" "f V .1 tud-c i- tn,c"M,t f. ad-t hi M''JU'! lli"tC, , '.' "'c; " , 1 ,,. . ' .,, i ( t.rics were It son J t . to ikc ill the sac i , . , . , . , , ot w huh it is pl.rcd ; and without et.'er- , , 1 . , . ir.-a. I. r the int.-mt'iit into an .iii..lvsis c f t!ic h v p ithc'ii al ar.tl ainbigUoii , cNptcssions , , . . t . ,. ' , , . o the instructions of the (mint dc I.i- gaide, ii cc.nclui rs that the repose and ptot-peritv of the nation, as well ;ts wn,,t. ever tan muhiplv the elements of its we'd being, cannot interest any peron more than i'self , that its motto ..ml tin- rule ol its present ami tu'ut c conduct is a con stant attachment to the ' on" Miction of IU 1 ..-.ISlHIll,Jl., llllllllI'KS ,,l,ll Clill ' , , ' . 1 , ,inerrssarv to lepel every hostile aiteir.pt irtitU i!siiiiii'I!i I he ii.,!,, i, Ml tip In-i, i . ' .. 1 int.. tie.-ir siiu inc naiuii.-j. aim aocnc,, , 11 ., c 1 1 ,, ' 1 1 1 1 l r 1 liao not resulted front, the first impulse ol all, never to acKtHiwIf'ge the right ol unv I r ,. ,,- . ' , ., ,T n- 'jUchng. He avow il hi. 1,1 i ttacbmcnt perscn to nicclcbc with its aliiits. . ., ... - r ..,, , , ' no the Constitution of I S ! C . and conrlti- " YmirTxrelleiiev is auihotizrd to read ; jj by p,0posing that the motion of M. this note to the Minister lor Poreign Af i (;,liano should be refeired to a ditdoma- fairs, and to five him a copy of it. if hci,jc commiuee, with instructions to draw! requests it. lour pi.lgmei.t will suggest to von the conduct, firm anil worthy of Spiin, that you otight to maintain at this moment- " Such ire the communirations that his jM-jests cotnm.iiitis me to make to you, it . (sinucl) M KVAUISTI S AN MM.t. K.r ." lie next tead (It ffui.il comtnuiii'ta lions of the Russian, Piussian uml Aim t: i ill Cabinets. Whilst reading these documents, '.he ini'irr was tiitputrU inlet rtiptcd by the clamor of the spcctaiou iti tbc gal-' icries, und the noise which' uiose auiwiig the deputies. M. San de Miguel (hen informed the Cortes, that as the notes ho bad just lead contained no definite proposition, the gov ernment of lil - Catholic Majesty had not thought proper to reply in tt categorical maimer to communications which pre sentid nothing but a tissue ol" false sup positions, invectives and calumnies, and added, that the government intended to is sue a manifesto, in which it would trace faithfully the history of the Spanish i ev olution, as well as the conduct which the i onlv a tissue of falsehoods ant calumnies ; it confines itself to make known to you its intentions : "I. The Spanish n .'.ion governs itsell by 'a Constitution which was solemnly ie- , I cognized by the Kmptror ol Kussia in , IOC .s mi.w u s, 1 1 , iix . i coun'rv, procl.iimed from the beginning td 181 t Constitution. w l;" b was aliol- i..hci In violence alone in 181 4. I he Constitutional King of Spain ! "crt iscs Iieetyioe power t.cicga.iu to f i A 1 . - . . I . " 5- Thcren.cdv f..r all the evi'sv hi-h j Y ; !1'lcl sl'' !" :' ,,,tclci,s; 'Cl', i' '1'"I,C- . , . , I " c- TC I V,N wl,K:'! 11 11 vh '''v ,' l'f uf the ConstttnUon, but ice el '.Us I oi the enemies woo aim to dest'-oy it. ' "7. I k Sinhisii n.i") in w:;i !iccr :e- ; i i . . . , , ,, cognue in any i a-.u nac u.;;it to mc;.i.." Willi Its all.drs. "S. Tin: (iovcrntneiit will never dei ate from the line nuiked out 1 y its duties, bv the nation.,1 honor, and bv its unalter able a'.l ichrneiit to the Cctisti'.u'.ioit. sworn to in I nuthouse von to t (iinnmnif i!c ver b dii thiit. iic to the Minister Lr I'oitijn 1 Affaiis of the Power where voo reside, tan. I to send him a copy, if he should rc-j ,: sr, . , I'.lllll .HlUII!3,l.l'LI 3 U. II ,J n,u, 1 1. ... '. I . . a . . .. ".at Hie Honor to union. ..i. jlu iu iimi ; . . . . a . .s v , I ii ii,. , u , ins.. i,k i, a... ..v.. "I ' . . .-, 1,..... I . .... S.1 . . l. t . -.. .,. M.r I re- ' "V l" "' ",v ass.nai.ii-s. c . . . ..... . , .. ! (signed) "KA AIilsll b.N MK.ir.I.." Ma.ln.i, J .n 13..'." Applause followed the reading cf this ppla.is . , i . shouts ol "I rre Sp .'m for ei cr ; I he Sovereignty of the People for ever ! Death to the Tyrants." i Several Deputies at'c n.piin t fen;, ; seine iotifusiin ctisui-i i I he Pirsidcnt t ailed to cn- I , .iP,,. S..; .(hat lie Ct lies, liter having kmra It de ! ol (be or.imnMCalu tls IVi.i 'c t.i ti.f S ib (lovtt ntuci.t by c ct Ml I 1. nccj A'lsiii.i. Pt'.isi i in; . i iss, i, cci ;.irc t ii.il .... . , ... , . , ,. mo.,!,, a'.ion ba.l he i.i i. in the ( on- .Itt.liil, Us I .11. I'll at ( ..!:. ill I a 1 J. llli- t:i ilcfi.m.'eil !.- T.i.- t n i,;r,,f.us w Th 1 t ' il! C O'ilo"- J by tic fun- i : t.;c nation, ii'y wiih wb .t . t 1 1": I ro.:e. M (ialiar.e Is I : c t :'.)i J lv the lull- ' id ;-.! lie CortfS' I si( oKI send uti adt'icss t ti c King, t'j in-! v t.rics were t sovi ii i i in ikc hi loe sac .r ... ...... . ' , ' . " r i c , " , i , 11 Ihr I nri.. i- iiM'ill r,i K P. r,i a thlpn. c.'oui of the Constitutional 'I l rotte. That ' - - - . ' , r :. ,1.1 .. :. .. I u.c v iii ics n innu i in ins, i ,,i i.ic it-j-is . a oc t on the part ol those rowers w ho had sent v , ' , ., . ,, t , .. .Notes, and that a I the Spaniaiih wOuhl . -, . -., . , ' contrii'iitc wr.Ii plrastitc vi an enterprise, ,, , . f . , , r . the object of which was to (a fend the no- - . , , , tion.d libel ty : nt! independence. M. Atgtic lies rose, und after express ing to the Cortes the cxasptraliati which he felt in consei;ucticc of the notes c f the fuv.r foreign I'owcis, observed. tlV the pKiiiosiiii.it of M. (ialli..r.o h-J bcurr be postponed, in order that T.urcpc might sec up 4in address to the King, and present it , .uP (,, u;,,in as hours. I his proposition was adopted, and M. Arguelles us appointed a member of the cotntnituc. M. Galliano congratulated himself in having M. Arguelles for a colleague in the committee, and although he voted, upon some occasions, differently to that hon. I), puty, he was assured from the begin ning that, when the dignity and Surety of the nation we:e in question, there would be but one opinion in 'hp Co'ies. M- Galliano imputed ol I'., dc San Mi- gucl whether p.usports had been given to the Ministers of the Powers whose notes bad just been read. His hxccllency replied in the negative. At the close of the sitting, the ball re. echoed with cries of The Constitution for ever ! Independence for ever 1 Jcc." I'rum the London Times. Looking calmly at the circular note from the three Courts or Vienna, St. Pe tersburg!), imd ikrlin, on the subject ol Sjidin, we may say that it has given us ve ry little pain, Indeed, there is something suspicious wi the prospect held out to man kind, both ftum what the ailied courts have restdved to do, with the full capacity ol accomplishing their resolution, arid in their plain confession that there are other pur poses wlwch they are willing to execute, but which l hey daic not attempt. Al. the humane part of the world must re joice that Italy is about lobe sensibly re lieved from the burdens which depict and degrade her buffering population, p. is, perhaps, as i degradation rt.it 11 v th;.' the presence of 17,ooo fonigncis will hi f It in a country so lich and productive Naples ; but a further inference fion; i sut h a diminution of the troops of Aiii tiia throughout the south of Italy , is, tha' few alarms arc now cntcilaincd of an ex tension of the flame of war in Turkey. The portion of the note which relates to Spain is the most satisfactory of the whole, composition. The Holy Allies withdraw their Ministers : Why? Simply because, lo do any thing mote they are unable. -There never was a more i:i:cjucsti-;nable triumph on behalf of public liberty than this most impudent act of hatred. It : balking from sheer incapacity to bite I nm the I.oiiiIiMi Conri. r. Let its for a moment and for tiie ia!.c of arguiiKid, usstime otic fact; tliat thi Jdt'f nitive answer of the Sp-.mUh (oern . loent d the Notes of the continental M, naichs is one i f deiianre. Can any or.t : tjclieve that s...;h u derision wo'ild i:.:lut c i (he Allied Powers to abandon toe pt;cti ical application of the prinriplc wbi.b ihev , Iijvc lo s-'letnidy consecrate d ? Would they gr.e to revolution so sigiu!, so Lt.il a tiiuinpl), as to show that they dare not grapple with it. ant! that they themselves aie povv 1 1 ful only when their arch mi my is v.ia!; t Would they, too, cover their. -selves, their councils, and their cause, w i;b t!i: litiicuh cf Luropc ? Onropiuion, therefore, remains unalter ed, becaue the grounds upon which it was oiiginally foimcd, remains unchanged- Tvents must determine w briber we have viewed those grounds erroneously, or otherwise. They lie open to every man' obsct ration as well as to our owrj We have simply reasoned from fat ts and t iicumstaticcs which were of public no (oiiety. If any one will undertake t. p'ove, from (he same fads and circum stances, that Spain may defy her enemies M.d that herei en.ies may recede wi;ho-: Moss of honor, and without dangei to the great piinciplcs which they ate united t ,ikScit, tbeii we siia'.l see cause lo doubt Itiic snuiidi'icss of our opinion. If it sli d! i,I'.ii.itclv happen, too, that the llevdu ilii iiists conccile nr:thiiig, tliC Allies ob I i,..lll ,.,'.iiiir(, ,111. I.IULI LI lllk Vl.l V. .,ut,i... as rn i I :is tliiu n.trrril inti'i i ...i ;..- i .....n ... .a it, then we shall not only make our reran- !.,li..n. I.i t rotifi-ss lh.it th.p ' r.f tr.ira- U ,, .,! Tiirrp lif-s. i',f. i- .t . i ,i ; c . : i in uiv . II. -iii'li , ii u nil. ailii,lt liuilll UII- j(,n wcJ, , ;va(!ly fixed ourselves; I .,,,1 .... ., il :. ., . .1 -ii .. . . . tl I .11 Ml 311 an ItlHUl.tir 1 1 1 t it I Ml 1 1 I I 1 1 f- III III ti r assumes seme new aspect. We wish i iot lor war. and it i well known o.;r iu.i, : : r . ., t. i in, i-1 ii i ii i-hi i. .1 i m, iiir iiif- tii..ii.ti:w ii. in c of hea.c. Put the nol.iy o! tbc Ibi:i ,b Cabinet is a ttinsidcr.ition wh'dly tlistinrt f.otnthc situation in w bich its Al- lies have placed tl.emselves; aifl as its in- nature has inai.ilestly not ben. su.T.iicnl .a,,, ;..n. ... ,i ,r r t. , ; I topievcnt the Soverdirnsol I.nssu. Aws hiu 1 f,"" uing such a doc- I . . . . . ... 1 1 .., -. f 1. 1. I i--. ! .r i i ... . a .. I. . I. lllllll, M3 mi Ml.1. ... I ,.l lHt SlJli, I I l)ll.ki it sicms I.tiglmd was no pailv, t..ough ie had her icpre-cn!.uive at Verona, i: tuv be that it will fail in arresting the progress of whatever ineasuies arc con templated as the it suit of that circular r.AuriiQt AKi: in aiiaraimi. I'.ALTIMORK, .MARCH 7. y.j.fccl rf alt fir t.u.'ci lii.':ar.'.,c, .x 25. is::. "I have just escaped fior.i one of the g-ratc:l dangers that I ever cxpeiicnced Cn the night of the HUIi inst. we were visiu d by a terrible carihtpiakc, w hich has bid this fine p ice in ruin, and shaken all Chili to its foundations What few hrus es uic still standing arc so shattered, that they can no longer be tenanted. I he in habitants have ail re tired to the hills, and arc living in tents. You cmtioi nnajiuc Ihe horrible condition of this place ; there will 110 doubt be a famine, us provisions are now selling ot the most exorbitant prices. About three hundred people have been taken out of the tuins, and every day two or three aie found. I was hitting with some friends in my room, when the first thing 1 hcaid was the falling of the roof and, on rushing forwards, I found it impossible to stand, the curtli was in such violent ngitatioii I 1 fortunately ot into the street before the house fellthe next moment the earth was rent asunder, leaving a tremendous-

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