--jy s 2 ll J "gQl YVUi. V. .W.VttV.YUn, TXJV.ftlVW, .WWW. 1, .V(. VH. fgiNTi'.n ivn i'riii.isii;n, niiir timiihi, Ii I'lVldlUI ik viimi:. .1 The subscription to the Wmtfh Cauousivs ;s 7'Anr JWnc-' JKT ur.:;iu:i, payable hull" early in advance. C' No pujicr will be l- .ciintiiiiii-ii until nil urn aratjes are pan!, unless at ! ilivrct.on ol The editors; ami iuiv subse-iber fadi'i,: lo ;;ivc notice, tifhis wish to iliscu tiiiueat 'he end of u year, will In; considered in u ib '(? t i cunt. in., the paper, liit ll will In . acinrhird;. . Whoever will become I'l-s-mi,!!.!,' fur tlw jjaviue.t of nim. p:i!KT.i, shull 1- v.ve a ti.i.th gratu. i AliVMITlKKVIf- rt will In- ill ci-. J oil til tnmary terms. ,,l'crs.m wiuliiiir in VI' er ti.svnients, must specify be iiuinbcrof times they wish t linn inserted, or tbey M ill be cnlltinut-tl till ordered out, and cli.'i'K" '1 ae ordine;ly. No advert iscim n'. inserted until it has hen paid for, or its payment assumed by seme person in this tow n, or its vicinity. (j'V All litters to the eiliNo-i iinii' be i .'-mi or 'hev will not be attended to. Uousv Vor Suit'. iiisc ami T.ot in Sa- i I J 1 lisburv, on aecu iriiiiodatiinf terms. Apply to 'I'. I.. Cowan, Hsij. or to myself, in Ha lt .eh'. There in a oo office, belonging' to the lot, convenient for a laiwvcr or I'hysu tan. N. H. Those who h.ive not jt l closed their ar. 1 founts wi'b me, w illliml iliclii in the hands of Mr. ' Cow in, till April Court, afterwards 111 the handi of an officer. JOHN IIKCKWl'l H. .S,m,.,',,(ry,.U.1..,B, Mtt j. 1. v.v7oT7o 77: IN SALIMt' UV, Ni!f I H CAliuLlNA, BY J-.vmvA Wvuv. fllllS vlepant est .bf bun n, situated at the I north turner of the 'oiirt llouse, is now bt'ed up in anew uij superior style, for the rt 1 ep',1011 of ('omnaiiv. I In- gri lles' ikins bar he, 11 taken to procure lor tin) establishment, ; turmtuiv of eery ilet I 'ption, iittessary for the t fiit'vrt of Travellei-s. I be most approved s, r- s-inU have been selected, v ith nat tare ; thejj bat sttx ked with choice Inpiors, mid the stahh s attended by obliinj; and atteiilivu l ostleri. The enliven. enec of this jiliutioii tor 'jiis.ness is eqijhl to .snv in tbc place. I he bouse contain a num ber of p'ivate riioms, well ch ulited for the jc- i-iiiimii.'.jtum ot Invrllem ami Inr.lcr. f.ii iieit to wlin li tie re is a llry tio,l and flook "o re. l o tho w ho may please to call on him, I i-,iri- tbeiu thai no pi.ins shall be spared a : 'Seir s'.iv tuii.t Tta'de and pleas.n. jvr nt ik. tV .Vtt v-V .vnAn'., I, vt v r it N I . Ml HI ,, PI, .is :,' ! ir'lT s-eiiinns, I'e'l ..!". 1, Sl'ilts, t A" 't w II n,' Il nrv a" . h'1,1 nt . vi. ll 1,11 1 ll i' man Cn k It .i- I nt 11. 1 Jones l( Shel'im. .. ll: V r. s 1 f land. II a" 01; to the -a' . t.oii i t tin-f ii, iii, '"t li.c .leli ii la'it is ii ' a!' iiit,ab,t:iiil nl ti.iss'at,', it ii tin r, f n : l ri d, tb. t u'dira'ion b. in n'e t ,r s a . , ki su. . es. ..'.,'', in the Mi ,'t hi 'i'ii,i,i.ti,, I'tn'nl in ,! ib-ir' , 'I .a' tl f d' '"I in' be and appt ar be. .,,r, our nest t o"rl of I'b .n and UoaMi r t ssioin, f i i'C In Id I r ti e t 'mil' v , I'ow an, at 'lie Court Mouse in Sal ' 'i-v, mi 'be third Monday ill M..V is, v, b, i an I !', 'i to i b a ! or di n :r, er jud r t' .i l wdl I i eiitt ri d ai'a.ns' h in at cording to lie ;,!..ii,'::!,' vi'.m.i'i.l. ' t.vil'ls JNO. (.11 fs'. UU' iK ,V)V-Vttvuiu, lUMl'il.l'll CtHMY. nil KT il l'i id Uuarter St si.il,s I'eb- " ruarv Itnn, 1 . .Iom'IiIi Snotbst.ii u Khiab Hni'iani tr. V'fa. I.evietl on one cut. ! in kiiif. an,' bus, oti trace cliain, ;.tnl one In-oben.'.. I' J,ieariiiij to the court, that the , ih IctiiLvot in t1 is i an is not all iiiln.bit;ii,t of thi . . I' 1.', thai pu'dit- i'ioii be tl. n'.e f r 1 V w i-i t.s 111 the U e item I an -h mall, jfilihi; lio', ie to ;.ie s.ul di (', nd.iiit to appear at tl..: j in t ( i rt , ', is,,'i,l ll'iarti r s, siioiis, to be I held I t sa d louii'v, mi t'li- liiit Mond.iv i f May in V, ai 1 n ; h iv, pie 1! to Issue, i r d mi r, nth- enve c .diiitiit f.t.al v .11 bt v uteri d ajj:., n! him. A co; v jr.r. il AIHT.K, c. c c. rnvl' ,o(. Ml .Utl.MU'kv; lot s I Y. s t I't.UInK ( .inn ,,f .:vv , 1.11 I 1 rin. IH llivoree ami Aha.oiiy . !t appear. lit; to e oe.n, vlnt W illiai.i Kerr resid s whimnt the biliils of th.s s'.tt. : 0 ,!, ,-,, that .uii'i, itinii be imttle in ibe Star and Mesteril t aii.hliiitn new s pai t s fur three months, that linleis the Said ill.aln l, rr do n ike h's aMia'c al t'li- in t Supv i'lor Coin'! i-l I aa, t 1 bt I,, Id tor tin. 1 ,mii y of Met l it nbiTM nt t!,e Coort-llinise in t h.i.h iti, on the tali M" , iLy u". r ti e -i'li Muml iy of M otIi, tsll, ,:i 1 aiisvv 1 r, pltml, nr ib laui', to ..nd it tit i tin, the '.a'ne V. ill be In aid e parte. Hid s-nteili'e a ,d a necree made, a i'U;','i, .r I lie prav er t', -; ot. mpv , les!. f:.-:'rA a til '). t.UAUVM, (.A. '.v. S4 ..- . n : 1, r. 1 s.. v , ii '. 1;, ic; II t'l fl 1 : It'll e -' n' f 11 i . tii'' , 1 u , :- ,1 -., . s I 1 r ..(. r he .'. 1 r 1!" y - I not i-i .,'. ,. to i ti .. i , 1 , . . ''.'a r, ,J '.'.. ;: '. t il I '. : , , ,' , 1, -vf I l..l I ' 1 ", '. 1' IH'. r -sin t- ict tb.s i i . 111 in' I v save ;m : It t'.t 1 .-. ii,- ,,t t .iv t..''u r ;.n ni.ei.e .fnrr. '.! - .in :i '' , 1 ,ir it ,iv e.,r, to 'be sole hi n 1 '.i , o' .. : 1,1 o:,li 's in i kv t V Vt J-.l. .!i'f, V, .-, K , iUU U.v.iirnvr., vie AMKS ll. IIAMl'TON respectfully '., mrms the public, that In- occupies the . 1. 1 uboo foritieriv owned by his father, m Men. .trect, a few door wmt!i of the Cimi't llou'-'', ..'My, where: be i:. now prepared, v.ith a ... :..:t ..I Uioli, to repair all bind of n .rrciuis y yun ll- aspires all wbo may t'avor biiu with their custom, that their work shall be executed in as eoo 1 a si I as at any her shop in tins pail of the roii-.iti'i . All 1. mil., ol old .1. . by r. pair.-d, an 1 son ,o kind, ll, ad", .bib.-, of i v , n Sehptioli i,i hi line id'hus'imss, will be thankfully received, :.' d i',riit,; nil a short notice. I'.-ople who I '" at a !'.!:, ik'i , by . -1 1 l:n;:, ii;j depend on ! ii Hieir wtH '.iV.iitl.f.11.. attended to and I, as 'le' ,;:1i tin y were present ami I I .i.ihh.siu.d Salisbury prices charged. -,e, ,,,. i ;, is.v. 'n An', 'Vvt vvnii'S r.;i the subscriber, a' tin: shoe- y t i., , a K 1 t :"as i '.V.'nV.,, i.;f!"lsinen, lint uiidei' 1 .', Imr ot er ! a;;.-. I o sober and iinloslrio'is lud, oi'tuuitv is mm ot!i red, to b urn a . -if ..( V lollowed. )-.i;i'M.r.u jicks( ... .Urn,, VJ.: ).'M VValv' uV .Vovl-l!;vuVm, MIX KI I MiLKC. ( ( U N '1 Y . i 1t' f of Pleas and Uearter Session", ft b " ruafv Term, IM.'.'J. Samuel Craiirr.i. Jona than iai Original attachiiient, levied in the J nanus 01 .lames 11. e.raijr. n appealing in ine ' satisfaction of the court, that the defendant is not an iuh.ihitant of this state : It is tin rt fore- I Ofi.r. i, that publication be made six weiks successively ill the Western Carolinian, tint the tl-femlaiit be and appear at our in-vt Court to be held for the county ol Met kb nlmrc;, at the Court-Mouse in Charlotti , on the. fouith Monday 111 May tit V, then and there dead or demur, or jiu!,'iiient will In 1 n'e.cd aipiiii.it him aeinrdinj; t'j tlic plaint, tl .' demand. ISAAC Al.tXV.M.K, CM. V. (ia 5'J pr. ajv . S-1' ut uV .VovlU-L'tvvtiWnn, M IXKI.I Mil KC ( OUN'I Y. ( 11 H I! I ef l'b s and Hunrtcr Seioin, b- n,n crm, ltJ-.-l'rt sid lit and llireeti.rs oi the H o.k of .Ncwbt in 1.. John Siitie.uii, jr (irr.Alt. Levied in the bunds til Othiocl btv w art. t U,p, ruig to tbt n!if.ctiuti of the couit, that the defendant is nut an iiih.ibiti.t of tins state H litberclbre (hjr ril, that Hibbmtiuii Le nu 1 si vvei ks kuccosivcly in the V ti in Candi man, that the defend .nt be nd appt r ut our next Court to be held lor the 1 ouniy of Meek- I- i.bi.r.-, at tin- Court H ,ie e .11 Charlotu-, on the fourth Njoiid.i) 111 MjV 1.1 t, tlmn anj there dea l or d.'llilir, e,r judjpl.i r.t will be entered , ajei"' Ii.m m corejiiiif to tiio pia.ntiM. ejeinamt. Isaac ai iaamh.i:, cm. c j -in-'i pr 1. tsj;'' j uU' uV .VuvWi-l'vvvoWwu, lit l lit 1:1 okli ( ol n. 5..NI Al( "ions :' i 'holies I yb-iTi. ICbert I ; b 5. . tl; nil t.ttaehtnrl.' Lev 11 ;! 1, 1 in,,,' in ro 11e.ii, ii.iii.ed Abralli. It ap fo',.: .iijj to tie- satisfaction ol the court, that the di b n ! "it m il is 1 a-e is nul an m!i ibitunt -;f this -.ite III!- tin relofe, that piihliiatlull bi ll. ,' l"i", u l,i 111 the W estern Carolinian, ! I'led.t e I oil to a u ar at our net tonnty Coi.rt ol l'i, ..s am1 'i o'er Sessions, to be bidd en lor the four's ol le 'hetliird, at the Court- I in Uu'lu I'tordioli, on toe thud MmniaV at'i r the f.Mir'b Nlondav ill M ir, h ni'V, tlieii and 'here to olc'id 01 d, nil..-, 1 r judgment by d, t.e.h Coal w d! lie , I.', led up at ., ost bitu, M 'r v, l C t I! Mli, f . C. ( w Vi I- I'r.i'f adv. t,.' ttV .Vtv-V'uvtiu'., liuw cut . (II III' ol I'b a- and Wo.iltl r Si ss ol.i, J-ell-ruavv Si'ssttius, is.1',. l.b.'abcth Ki rbj rt. iil.s ll.iibin, an I Ann his w fe, the htir at law nl sd!v M Itork, S.ii, oi 1 ).iv,s, Mudva I Ciii'sln, Siis.nu. a, lo 'net i, ..'I ! I loft as Kerbv . . i'l ! i doll, do l r. It appt ' ".' ' ,' to 'bt s-itiita. tn in of tin- eour', that the ,k Ii miaul-,, ilhs Harbin, an.! Ann b,s wile, the b. iis at l.,vt nl Sally W... '.fork, s..:i m I Hivo, a',, I i i.iii I l.ert.y, .ire lot inha'il'.ilits i I tb.s :!..'e, it Is t In I b ll onbridbv tbetoi.it, that pu'dication be nude si w ei ks siu'ti iiivel' ., m the W i sit m droll loa'l, plll.'ed HI "a,'e,..iiy, tl,..t the th b mlalits aopiur a! our iieV cien i t I'leas ami Quarter Sessions in be In Id I rthe uonty ol llovvan, ut the Coi.rt lloiise in sjl...u-y , c. the i Mii,.:.,v of Mav in ' an,! til. n and tbeie plead, Mnw. r or Jelni.r, OT J 1 1 1 : I i 'it V. ii. lift ikili pin r,,,i fi mo iiyaiiist tb' in, a ...rtt. pa.::..., Lend JNO. ( II IV C C f,vvt' I'n. e adv S Ihe lli.di lire d and Celt hru.ed 1 e.d i'-t'. r '( ' IV. !l I INI". 1 , t arils of l'i hat, 1 , lil;;',, 1. ..lid- ulllf- 't 11. :bi ,!, oi Li,;.- bot.c ami r, i.t 11. ub.r ,w er, w ill i.a. ei a, t'ft-.c nd, evi rv l'r, ! da snd Sattirvlav , an,' ht ill . :n l'.:ner,oti j t'l the l ivur v-v.',: v.1 !.td l! w est ol Cod dde-lTi-'i 'i tt -'t cm.:.'"', 1 t: tri''' itl-'lKU.s , tVet I Monib.v ar.d lu.'J..v. ts.pt wlmi i pti'ilit pl.tvcs. cuavtiduJi ' . 1 i h his ' lie '...ii he Ut t. tli.ves at tbv m.o-1- !.; d.evi it a, et pted. .; '. price of d's, balsrv'il . ".tebir; .. ., Vl,e time .-tn r a tl.ale i.,..:e 1. -.It il- .11. I li II . vv ith fi at any t ntc bi-l.Tt tbc tn ' . five dolui. the s'tigle lea ,t l e p., . : of serviit 1 sml ! Iteen doll it-s to r -i to be W lib I .l ; J-at'ti J v.. ..it., il., iis'ilunc 11 'Vl I, It a foal j,' cAc, Ih d by I.-) lail v refi 1 , i.cj to lot- lull, r i'es iff siijiiei! by sin C!..!de ci'i.' I sol , ,-,'i .:,',: ' - ' . . !.. . .1 I.. .V 00 b ,1'. h.I;., v. 1- .1 'i,c a iiiitt.bi r t,i i . nt , a:. o , i v t rt Halifax, r. !.' ii.s colts nl tie 1" . I, alii oi Ii.s s'oi k, i. ,.i o.l.i r par-id- V. I hi S...MIII to et ui- ; tieiiiari also 'lis !;:,i: "dt if March, and t ml the '.'"th t l Ki. A I'H'.I Ii!!, ...-. ' v - - ... I L.N.V'&.'iZ. s . ., . s ..1; flor i' 500 Lots in the Town of r b raw , iu ( ludiliC all those valuable lots on the Ibver l!.mk, to ether with V)')' acres of wnml land in the vicinity of the Town, will positively be sold at Public Auction in April m v,t, I be vdesuill commence on the first Monday of the inomb, and will continue lor tlnve (lays or until all the above proK-rt is sold. rt.itMs .is yiu.r.nn s tin all sums less than S'''1. " 1 i'"d;t of tv.idu' uiontlis; on all sii n,s t m 1 1 ilin; S "',andl"ss than S-"'"". '' ' "''bl ' f one and two year,, ,n able in cu.d ani.u.d iii-,l..!uii n's , on all sums c.v cceilim: S-o"(l, a cre.li' i, one, two am jrce 1 Ncais, patubk in Ibe s:hih: In. inner, bit' I' from the date of the pu pavinir lit the time of s.i ase, the purchaser 10 per cent, on the amount ol hi contract and ip wjj a inort;;.!,.;" of the property, wilb personal security, if requi red. It is tboohl superliuoiis toduell oil the rise, the present importance, and die future prospeetn of ('heraw, as it has now assumed that rank in the eoiiiiiiei'i. ial world, w hieh renders stu b detail Uiiiiect snaiy ; but for the informal ion ol ' tho.,e I who may lue at a ib.il.iuet , and w hose Men.,11 tile connection wiibtbis section of couniiv tma lint Ii.iM- led tbeiit to a know led:e of the ( onse-j ijueiice and resources ot t!m pl.e e, we sieijoin i the follow liijj tacts In the year 1 HI K, he.m ! (then (dial bam) contained a Store, I b ret or four j d At Ihiiif bouses, and thiiH or torlv i.ihahi'.uiN. It was tntoi)ora'i d in Ihl'l, ftnd now to:i!a,;is' an t h L'aut Acadcmv, u I'riiilmir l-'.s'ablisbiin lit I 1 .. t i.. . ... . .. i.... 1 I M,MI Hill, It ,..VT Rl, I , tll IHI'n , of Ijitertaininent, tbiriv Si a 1 mi nit' i' a ll numocroi iiwemii noujes, hi 1 .11 leas' ro-Jm. habitants. Two larc Sit am llo.,ts and a varu n of HI. all eralt are cmidow d m i,.,'. e; ii n: ' I Ik ruel'i one Ste.iin lloat pin s d ri it !v bih.tin ( heraw and Charleston, and the oihi r between I .eori'ctow 1 1 and Chi 'raw, t at h Coat 1 an ,1 s trom I, iOto fAf bales of cut 'on a iri. lb" St. am II -i.it I I'ee l)ec has iertormed the en' r - trio l, ,1,1 ( lie. raw to l,i orevlow n and back in tour dav ,, 1 in. rilij,' the last season about I l,e' ,0 bah s ol 1 ntou, Wi re sent from tins place, and dur.ii ti. s s a son it is computed, from ihe pis. n-nt purehssi that J'J.OMJ at least w dl In- vet to market V .la variety of other produi .-. d be- t - 111:1 . s 1 I Cheravv trom the back c-mi.tiy, are not ml. -, i. to that ot any inland I in. 11 bi t w ten 1,,, l,,i.,n, : (ir)and nJpist.i ( ( . o.) An .01,0 In. n:-li.iv i been made to throw .1 !nd:;e ovt-r tin 1',m r, and the M td lloules ,,,v e b. '-ll :l i.her, ! as to m coiLUiodatw the place. The vie of the i,,,,., Is elevated, airv a!:, I t I'liiiiiaiiili11. JMIIN I Wl'lll,,!; ,iMr.s mi. .l?mt, ' Cull'.. in T..:.i C(. 7. imnrii . '.',.-',, ISj'i.t tei! 17 Vuik iUtvi'.uumvn. i 1'1'AKI'. this mttliod to i.ilorm 11. v !: ;,!..' and the pubhe at lai;o-, that I now orco'-v J t!. house w In rein Cant. Ja ob Kli.b r form, 1 Ii I I. ved, and w b., b has la'elv been in possession o! I Mr. I bos. Ilo'in. s, as a puhht. boose : when Ian now prepared 'o aefummoila'e trav el It rs, ami all . tithe ;i vv bo ll.;.V td. as to 1 all. I lit !c are s'ood h'ab, s ..'.tat hi d lo the , sta'ihsliim i.t, w ha Ii s'la'i alvi at s be V. ell utl' Sid nl w 1 In d w it!, fid br and rpam. A t en niovb rate terms. w dl be ta I her" la a iron. I 'inn -ii: iii a".u !n ! to the I bourn , which will In rel ied Ii. ;n lira to the 1st of Mav, i r perhaps ..fi -v:, .' fur am inter, mi.b.i'e term. ' Jl. - M 1 1 II ,v,.i .,...,, M.r-. 1, 1:, 1 'is 11 'II I, be sold at pu'ilic s..le ..r cash, at the T Court-House in Moit,'.;' n, in llmke eoiinlv. i . till We. In sl.tV. lie .tit ol Mav. I the follow in,: tiai ts of I ind, or so inui h tin l'eitl as will Ih suil',. it o' t., t ,.v t' . t.. dm tin r. oo f.-r 'be v , 1'. t, -,i. t i i' , t . '.veriiin -, to w it Ah Jll.lv r Mectlll.bs, Ss,l i I'.I, sjii I -Illation la'iii.- :j.'i i i at ft i, alot , I'..- .ii m ''ii" nl .vi,'. bit- foi i ,', ' u'... i ... k II.IM-, 1 :n ri s Iviiil' on e'loer I ittl. r.v I'll ' k, Value U,.i .. Ab-'aballl I ,1' 't I 'j, .i' u s. i i i in a "t ' r in. s .tin ', ' 1 s.T, .i i ai n s, v oik il j") 101'a.ni.ly it.-" en the la'clsol ' 1 ' ' ' k' value S-"- a.v.spv, i, :, t,v 1 iil liiN.r ti ii, IV mi; on u,c w ait . ,. , , , I M'. l lv i rei 1 , VHlutt al V, '.(Ki Jones M. s, , j i air, ,, on t.,i wa'eis, ot Loose eril k, I'iUll Ola! '- ' the Wat. is o I'.e seifb lot k .1 t 1 . l s I li '.Vl II in by John Si.,.'.!., al S 1 " .H : . s ...i d i. n in b v aLi.'.M In'., .. V J 1 M l'.lil 1 1 l ., ..'. .t.:-.-.i-lf- 'I, . r.s e. IS.! -i:'i'i Vutsnv Vv.v nUvl. '1 111 K ill-...!-,) CI's fi ip. i '!..!!, I..! e-l I ill, r 11 in: ana t;., i I.. ..v., t:...t tl.t p ,ave a-oi 1 t'i .1, t.ialel 1;, 1,. .1 11 1. . , 1 li.'',lr l:e 1 '.i';,i e 1 I 1 .11 e I , is. in m 1:1 all it s b. a;,. s. I .11 :..r, ,1 t.i n...ke all kinds 1 1' o.ds v i,.,;t a, ti'oti. si- ' -'l- I , ., 1 , , , ,. ,! v i e . aa,! I ..1.1 v (.. nth 11 1 it 1. i. bin,; t h t 1 It i.. s, or :.:'! , may It Iv up on (,.,,;.;; lit. in as 1 ;.aiiil) I': l ie at lie: sl.o: of the i.i,l j.liber , ..s ;.t anv oilier t.l the Stale 111,1 tl .1 I tte. .ind 'I !.. i' W lib a ', if..: 1 ami m l 1 1 1 'an d, at a 1 1 asouabh on ..I.o'.t i,i ' ui'. I' ei'iht rs ai e dso t oin'ileti b, I re;, ah ..,! .'oi k of li'.nbt r, to loake all kiinla of ,' , .,' l e".. ';,, la S-.s. 1. Hi. W. t.lvTMKS, 1 JOHN ClMirKlv. r.uxrt.vt:. t I'd 1 H'. t.KIMKs hti;s Lr.ve to i ilorin the h .It;. n,s of Salisbury , audi the surrouiiibn eo'ili'.ti, that he ttill ttiiitiioics toeVtlute :dl ki: Ii 1 I bocic, i-ipi, ee.n b, nml 1-1 uaii" 'H.d l'..i..t.t . Ilav 11.- prov iireil an i.inph .i ,11. ol 11 a'v '!..;, ..ml baviiii:, f.r a l.illl.l.i I' t Vials ji.tst, i'. voted abtnnt bis vvbnle :.tten.i.,n to ae (111,, 1 ;. 1 ill. !U tl lit kl'ti" h dec 1 f ibis Ill-am ii ol I 1. .ii t s .. be fil ls io:ili-ivit ft' b- insr iddt to rive sati.f.n i tui 'o tbose wild mav 1 e Itaseil to l.i v or bi ii vi 'Ii orders in the a'.'., e !,i.i , (!!: ... d lo. nt.,, v ill al-1 le. 1 u , it. ii in a in t n an mi, a' .1 . 11 rv as.mable ti '. I', i. lit also ki . ps on band, ier t:.h. totial a, id J.itia.t I ::',. Wantt.l, i s .ov appl. ntiie 10 tor- anove ihim- t . . . , , litis, lll'.t: ul' two l.los, ; mill 1 .t 141 1.111 al.i tl i.",. , of steady ami imius1; hii:s ba'i ts . I'lV.h.oi,, 1! they prow tliciiw Ins ii M",,:,i, f :. J' o.l t l.am e -,i dl be j;ivt 11 iv.. :,.,,- -,vr- . . . - - - - A Wky nu VwWx House. f IIIIK public are informed, that the sulci l iber 3 basri lliOMil Id nt ,., rlahlil,niriit, on the opposite side of the ntiei t front bi loj 'iu r stand, w lit re be niieinU to deep a ruustant siipdy of ,m er and ; , i!ie bi er u ill be sold by the baii'ilor Mn.dlir m, .., ure, and the por ter either bullied or ilraii"'!;!, 'I he it- i- and I'oiter House w ill be kept ooi i.iu r da in the week, tit'-jit Sumliiif. the hon.v: is larjfe and j,. hiiul, villi well sni, I, bed stables attached lo i'. p ada,' .1 ',, i ;, id comfort and com i i,u i( t. pjivavil brs, and olla.rs wbo may pb-asi local), A lev. bo.ini, rs will be take n, on I ea.ionable it.r.ns. I li,.,lrei trom Hie eO'.ii'iN L'ome to m liool 1:1 tow ii, w ill l.e ooaroeii ai a 10 e!i i-jte j price, and every attention paid to lUir moral:, ; and comfort. I I rtOMAS f lol Ml.s. j S-UMuru, Muth J!, V'.'::,. Mfitf r illl.lli; iill be sol, I, at the ba k Store Pon'i, 1 I of Messrs. Allemoie:' L J.tnl.t, Sab.il. ir. the MIIKAI1V of tin , 'w I 1 .1 1 - . ,.i. ,.ti,, ,,f , ,,1,1 ! . ., , ii,., . .,,1 1,, ;.;, .s ... l.ju. (,n 1 hi- erniie' ol 1 1,1 vi.i. Mli of Am o . tu 111' Tiu sd.M of tin- Su;,. imr ('ourt. Ail per.,on bavilii; t'eiuaiais i.),;ei.st k.iii! tie ct aved, are I 'eipn -iteil t.iptis, lit llii luloi pas incut , and ;dl p. rums in-.M.tt d, t make pay mt nt i,i,n,. d.a't l . ,l(l. .Wan!, I ). ."w I-:."' ( ii I T, : oy person li:a ,11 !n.. r.s iii loiirinp to urn them io ih" , . AHcMion be. J.'si. I !..if.4i y , as 1'cijni Mc I' .i-, 1 1, tor, or I, aie tie .11 v, ' I' said ot sal, . ft It. !(. I.Vll.f). f 1 1111', SO IS! l r n so. ifillv n- - 1,; 1 loll' l: iei:ds a id the pidilii , t eil In has 1, a "ood so; ply of u.a'i . ial-, ot 1 in b, s o l has in l,,s t inplu tv.o f.rsl late UV I'll .Hu. lie. I ,, ',' l.c II v. Ill I lla .ll Vl, e, to ma1., i-'ili d in a i ,:. ol t!os. t I pill. i.aS 1. 1:1 I of I i,".i,ii Saw I, in ..', i a ilka. . inlike style. I. .. ' . ,. sit i ,;:i.':es, v ho v. is a , iini. d to ' all .. .I i i i.ioe for tin n ;.s a run i n I' " .11 I" 1. ',' i ..:,i'.-ii',!v i,:-. I ii 1 1 1,' !) , ; v.',- i dn r will .,!,., c.., iy 1 0 t.,e !,,.,;,... 1 1 a- '-.id on the eat ids i.t! a n.ts.itid, seven ;i aki;,.; a'ld -.1 it k.n. ;p.n p-irnijr, ! I'fC't i.lf',h , and ill the follliol a t CtiC. Ial' .11 ks, and loik., of ii, 1 d. ,'i- 1 1 lions, w 1,1 j td ov er ibetn. NoccM.nsaic bstd; but '"I'd'y repa.i'. d, on .'.aso,,.,:,!,-terms, au.l u. a ,,rlVe u Ju.;, fly. stdl.ts or spl.t at hi., ill tloti, e. I lie subs, riot r W.ll pjrtifubir-I . 1 . . 11,, ..,1 , ,,.., , 1 . ,, ,, . , .1 . istickn aic placed lietica'b, fill ilie tidt: .lid IV atti nil h llisl 11 to stof kill,' I :Hl S .'Hill C'uii:,, (,c. 1 ... , A hbend price wdl be paid for-'i or iJrorl .dj've lliceol.c I he .:opttlyc 'l.c 11 aple I tile it 01 ks, tb livelv.t at the suI.m ribt r' ! ilei Cased is disposed of a.XOI tllllK' 10 bis i!io;i, on M ini (,'ret t, a lew thiol's east Iroin t'.n idiiti liotis in bis. life lime. Soii.e'inies a o.i.'.-il iios. , in Sali .bnrv . i i, .11 1, r ..II. is Ijtirirr! willil.irn. Atoll.. SAMl l.I. I'KM.I.l. 'lb .i;...-ti :i. hj;. l')nv-.MnUWi VVm'. Fl.'l K si dm ri'ier UitoiUis t .1: 1 it.etis of 1 bun , and .sur.'otiti r ,tr. ,,at he 1 still continues lo any i n t.u-1 alum t tnisuiess, , lour ieet asuiinci , an t tnc n,(;unns oi'tn ir, onM.. n striet, thrc Iconic together at the base. Ai.otlcr it. slaii-bt. l's tavern. He has'i.,,;, .J i, l.,.;rtr ,K, rrxnu l.plurrn u,s at Ins shop in S . iloofs east of M:. ia-.i leciivid a stock ill pUrii , tiual, if no' m- . . . ,i J, . f ' , ., peiioi', to uliv in the Sta't, of ""'a'e growth, w huh he wdl work up into tuimture on u, r, a - s , nabk lemmas tall be di s.:-, d.tor crnli or d.o.t treiht. l I A Mil It !) i , I) - vvt r' " 'he lust Aj'ftMrt,...rA'.'4, lo.'. Ilwt i'l N I! Villil rals will be fl.r vtvie,a.,iion v,rysi,.ir..io.n,,.i,,.ap, ! ..,.1,it:.e!l,u!inctlv fcCcn i and the top of tbt l.iKl , tl-.,' ilia f vnai. i s. ,J;si, v V t Vv S V.uv. ; ... , . . . .. .. , t X Iii' ,lv rlivi tiii tit i r ii'i' Mjh i fiit:i. . I . . . . . ., ...... . .. , is, la nr i, -in I 1,1'. I 11. 1 "I .1 l, It S T :t io ,.. l.sln 1 1 ill t'.e Carol, m. ill of I he I r "l ..S'.li 1 ' I v-'rua'-y, two i rrois oin.rrcil in t'.e Ut'.. r ! I'1' "' '" adveiiismeit: th.t p..rt is now n- M'l'hd,,,!, with the rn.rs .orrnt.d. It is as ,. ., , , ,. L.i.t ill ,. rsiiiiv hIiii t iv. ri Ci'iVii' i,rn,-n re, e.ve.' the loll, a ,' bonds, ,,r ,it. s, v it I nni. ,,,,, a,, !,,,,.,!,! 11.11, m:!,a.i, and .tarn. ,itt-ii,iii!.,Jiis!!iiioatii'tiiiii.., i,, a, a, i, tp , , J, r .i i i ii . . l .1 . s. 1, i I e v.lli of s: t lo isali,! i 'i Ian : t O , lt... ,.i i. r I uiiili i I doll ,. i , on. not, iipuii .lob'i II A 1 Ii s , t, r the l oo .1 c: dollars, one i.titt i pirn John C. I.ilioit, l.,r the sum i l . ii il iliars i one uiiou . i w , . , c'i - ti ,1 i,. Jaeou "sir. nip, lor a:, no! Sv.-'. tall toe ali.vve ..p. sw.reua.b p.v.d '. tojauo s Itu-beHoisl,') .11 p, r,..n arc l.en oy iio'du .1, that tin y belm," It,,.,.,,,! Iliito.iio.d'seslate, and were purloin,,! 1 I : mt, I, en In lore Ins iteatli , ami tl:e atlm. lustra- 1 tor U like all l.cal s't t.s to r. envi-r sai I in ! s'rtiiin'iits , and the ri rioin bound t- lias ...! I ,.l 1., i,:,v t.l ,, , , . ,- 1 V ' 1 .1 . " . . ' 1 ' I ,,, t ' .111. V .i 'l t 1,1, I'll V Cls I'l l t i.l;'r 1 I,, .c v.' Ci.i,'.ti, .". c. Ji.h is: ; V V tt v V V '.UlUUf , . : .iii,;;iii, Di.iiihi i ( 0. ." C. It . IHlCNsAV 11 1 II. at the " d Mouse, I will he thankful if trait Mint ami otli. Is t ail. Privacy and his In ' endtavom to acenm. modatt are prtmusid lor a rioiia'.iIf Ciin sid i la-lim. Manh, IS.'.. iiwi'il 'Vntr WuAiuir PITH", sub-crib, r n spt rtftilly informs the fit:- 1 ,.,,1 ol S.1I.1 bun ami its vit ini'y, tb it b. cairn s on tne i.mi.oi.vvi m .-i.r. - nur. store I, 1,1st of Mr. 'rhotiiasToiid. He w ill w oil; on tin nui't leiison.dib' ttrmstbat can be ib s r t-il and lioin s, bv tint attention, lit a' lit ss 10,1. , . ' . .'. . 1 . n :. .. . 1 ....I 1 . ; tits'). .tin, mil III' Will nil 111 a nimtt in n.. ov patl'i.naire. lit also flattt rs hint: 1 It 'bat be ran Hive satisfaction to t!ue that ll aV please I 1 1 all ii'ionhiin, at an time, w itlTlIivir nstom. ( bam ' 1. . :: I I . 1 ,1. . .. ,11 I... .' K- ,!, ml. IliC ;'"' ' I ailll't; 'let V ll'i n s s, 111 11 - ui to. it hurt notice. 1!, ITo b.re will be rereivi d f. rworl;, imb as ft rn, 1'itiHI, liork, llaCOII, talll'W, b. fw.iV, hut- t,-i, and siieliassui!the inarkit, and a p ue;i us pr.ie pveii Ot SAMl HI. l'HICH. tl e ilet n, or mtiK Hide one, tor alf at the i. ( f the V ei OTJti.Vo 'Il ..'i-'..t- . --iw-.... INDIAN' M.( M)". 'I bt rumeious bin! exteir.ive Mum!, in tbc '.I 'erti Mates ain! let 1 itm ii.s, art etidtioly tic wo 1 k id loan. I hey have e.ivelt i,irto 01 ,1 ; 'iiiiiieH atid fcjirtu l.tliotis,; ..lid theoi i"- su Int ti fit nir (I to their i'i:,i'M ti'.:-e tfwliieli leetM to be so plausi'ile, as t.'i '. 4 uoes'C'd it tbc ( lose of tin: following iii , 1 ipiiot) ( the ni.iti I:CI' iii wliicb the M jbaw t bury I hell tlv.it, M,:ittiit..ry Ihru'J. 'f'i'om ti.i: Kev. Mr (,,ldiiiy'. Jouiuul of H toui an. on;,' tbc ei'ern 1,1 !'ati3 I visited their Linyim; protjtid- i.bout '' tods di-.taiit. It futialid 011 tbr ioj of a bluff, .d)o;:t i' fed uUvc the level ol the u!l,i;rr. I he aseetd, bowetfii ii penile. Here I haw ficvttal cf tin: tr:bc cullet tecl, and mourning over the ;ut 1 I tbt ir tit patted relatives, f lity pulled diiir hair, tent their lolhi. beat llifi" b r.isf,, and tiowicn in imitation 01 evei al l.iixW of wild bcaMS. At tuneki they made liaritii gestures, and Mini; tr.oum t.rjr,(;s. Their manner el' l-uniM; is various, accoidiii); to the direct iuli j.; 1 v c fl !jv the petson bebire his (lea'.li . In some instances, a e,i'avc is ('np; ll.i tc feet (!er), and tbc (iisi , pl.iet d in it, und covered vvitbtaith in the Usual fut in .itiioi.j; white people. Other are In, lied in a 'iitinr; pn'ttiiie, p.utly in the canh, utxl iaitly above, w - itiiiiiirl tbrte er lou" ieet I. i.'b i.iistdovtf ll,c (dipse. Some arc I.. nl on a plilloini, nude by idiivinn lour loikttl klieks into ibc earib. livito; 'lice on two poles, vvhiih i r j.:!i fiotn tin- hi.iJ lo the foot, crossirir these itl. sl.mter orl.-1 pedes, ard oven:.; ibetn u::!; i.iass t I" s' jcMi s- I bis pbi'lo; in ii i'jJi' t; l.'oiii toi;r ' ''j'" 'iiu bets to afoot hiedi At 'lie dead ami ' . " i';ior, ,1 linked stit.k. is diiten down, nil a ., :W li-lpc-jiole laid in the foiU- A ai.nsi ' i , 1,:, lor 1 011 dl siiies, slii ka and balk ate pl. rd, aiid t1 c whole ( ovcicd viih 1 ail!). Lci.tr j .il! v i-lo is about two fee' 'nick- t)ibtti jer times, it is i;iven awav to iclutivts and ifiicnds who come to mourn over ilie nuvc Al1 uho .comc 10 mcurn, il tbey arc riC. near relatives, eupctt pay in pres- ti'ts. I re ptave are pu .ctl trotn one to ' .- i . . .. i oitnrr meutidi. and over this is rtaietl r . , -r.other niojnd, the base r.r Mbie.i rest!, : llpotl the tops of the tW'v fol rr.cr. In tblsa J bin vine; ejrvuiid, which his Le-tn ii-t.l hut s h' " jilitt e yeaik, theie isone fji-ave and nii iitij ;res'itii; upon two mote, which are to he ! distinctly .c es is between H arid ') feci ahove the Irv- ' 1 1 ol rfi:J0'"ll"K rroi:iti . a:.d in r.y 'situiitr inounfis testing uptW otht's m ' tl,,. v..mr niaiitirr. Sun.iO'.irii? tlllStilOC I . " to inbahit thii- nresrlit vi.'UK5 't J ei- iuiv, al.J put sue the S-nn method of nu vi!,,. thcr Jrad. thev would i aisf a mound ,r ,,,,, i,:,i. jn.. ..a,, ,.K in ium vi out "isi-'i ' . ' i ' i' ' " m If. rtH C - Ma tl.V ' i"l'Us mounds a tlOt IMS uCCOli it itr I. .,,.! , . il .. li e, ,-s . . . . ... . t oil' ' I V i ; f,.ji ,.. A tlcrpvmao at Ox- e i u , f -ril, who was vcrv nerscu, j?i"k; u ' - , i flail praVl'IS tX St. t!at d'oKli, lCai( a show man in the street, who , j fln rxh,,;ltio ,f U .U Beas.k, If . ... ,, . . , , , ' 41111 "v " '.'. ri H " "' 1- ti,-.. I'' .i r..-! n r.r hi!' 1 he 5 ttir.f, I'W.i' . 0.i-;'f ; , , - , ";'UnU strut K me ao.seni 111 in, .itiuiau 111 I, L I I. .U... ...V 1.1 i iH! 11 1 a, I Si 1T1 L.li.,illal ssut 11 icii;jii iU lead llie service, and can.e U the worth in the lirbl verse," And (ijcth that which is lawfjl nnd right, lie sha'l t:c hissyu! ulr.r" he cncvl out witli a louder oicc, S'ut'l tave its ,:?. u.'i.-e .' .1.7 a'.ne ! a-u! a'ivc l.o !" t '1 .1, tonishmt ut ol the congregition. There i no greater chitr.i li'ir. t .is , good-natured ihcerl-a'.ttrss , ard a person r.ot very comely, m.h ti.'h t . It. ..It U aU.. '. ,, .. .. . ra f . ' HUH, l, IV litVnv, tw, .- I ' i passion, ,et.tirr.cnti c l' tnteetn, tV. . i!..:i. a haughty, Hi-r.at.-ifu !;r.u'!. llumiiiiy is anotl'.rr tl.aracter'.t,'.'.-; t.-t v cnslb,.v: rr,ind, as haugh:icv.b . t.i t.'.i etir.tran', A woman possoii J ot in. T.rM mer.t'ir,r.ed er.dowr.tcnts fainl it is happily in the power ol tviv or.r t. . htair. t'.rrr, , w ..i never of .;..o,.i ui interested ;,i:'.tcts, Irt hsr lu.li.ne In what it mav j ar.d if ihe i not tw d.; cult to ('.ease, nay, in a., j rcui , haven tharce to obtain a,jtr..rri 'j ,Ie .,1 mikin- her happy, an,; va -v., rr- f thrr. rt tinj . r ,t - v- .ap