J wtiBsS ill JjJS VM.. AW. rttiM'Kli a " i h i-t m ti i; j, r.vr.nt ti bsiuy, Hr lil.NCHAM L WHLTT.. Ti i:h : The subscript' on to the W'rs rritv Caiiounms is Thru hllun per annum, payable half yearly In aihaiKT. Qj' No paper will be disroutinncd until all arrearages are pan!, unless at tin; iliscrctinn of the Kditors ; ami any subscriber failing to giv notice of his w i ll to discontinue at the end of a year, will he considered as wishing to continue: the pupil, which will be sent a -e.ordiiigly. Whoever will beconit responsible for the payment of nine papers, shall rece ive a tenth gratis. Adv r.RTHt.MKNT villi be inserted on the cus tomary terms. Persons sending in Adver tisements, must specify he number of limes they xvish them inserted, or the y will he continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement inserted until it has linen paid for, or its payment assumed by some person in this town, or its vicinity. Oj All letters to the editors iim-.' be ml-pnid or they will not be attended to. HOW AN cnr.NTY. ilOL'HT (if I'leas and Quarter Sessions, Feb- J ruary Sessions, 18J.L Klizabcth Kerliy vt. Villis Harbin, anil Ann his wile, the heirs at law of Sally Woodtork, Samuel Davis, Masilva Franklin, Susanna, Hebecca, and lurca.sKi:rby..., Petition, dower. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the i feiidams, Villi Harbin, and Ann his wile, the heirs at law of Sally Veioelfurk, Samuel Davi., and Samuel Kcrbv, are not inhabitants of this state, it is therefore ordered by the court, thai publication be made tit weeks successively, in the Western Caroli nian, printed in Salisbury, that the defendants appeal ut our next court of Plea and Quarter Session to be held for the county of Kowati, at the Court-llouse in Salisbury, on the 3d Monday of May next, and then and there plead, answer or demur, or judgment will he taken pro con fesso against them, and petition be heard ex parte. JXO. C.1U.S, c.c. fmt'4S Price adv. 2. j 7 8 I M ILL sell my House and Lot in Sa . L.I..L lisburv, on accommodating terms. Apply to T. I.. Cowan, F.s'i. or to msef, hi lla- Icigh. There is a (food ofhee holnngiii:.- i the lot, convenient for a I.awver or I'hvsi' ;; n. N. II. Those w ho hav e not yet closed i ' i-ir ac counts with me, w ill find thc.m in the hand.. Mr. Cowan, till April Court, afterwards it; tin- bauds of an officer. JOHN ltK( K HH. .S,ilUt.ui-i;M,vel, li, 1SJJ. M Hi' JU.SKK 077,7a, IN SAM Mil liV, NOHTH C.VI'.Ol.lNA, liV Jnmi-s vvu riHIS (decant estaldishiiii.il', situated at the I north conic" of the Court IIo isc. is tiow lilted ut) in a new and Hutu-riot' si vie. for the reception of Conipanv. The greatest pains hav e n taken to procure for this establishment, i l even description, neressarv for the most approved her- re : Un bar hi oc.ked with choice liiptor., and the stables attended by obliging and attentive lios'h r-,. The couv i -iiic lire of this situation fur business is equal to anv in the place, The house conlait s a niiui bcr of private roiui.s, well calculated for the nr. commodation of Travellers and Hoarders j at. t.iehed to which there is a Dry Cood and Hook Store. To those w ho may please to rail on him, he assures them that no pains shall be spared to render their stay comfortable and pleasing. JAMI'.s III IK. ,:,; :, ih::. '22 Ihm furniture comfort of Travellers. The vants have been selected, with great Vm ftrnV Wivtiw At oust. f (PIIL public are informed, that the subscriber 1 has removed to bis ntw mtalilil,mrnt, on the opposite side of the street from Ins former stand, where he intends to keep a constant supply of errand I'orler ; the beer will he sold by the barrel or smaller measure, and the por ter either botlJcd or draught. The lli er and Porter House will be kepi open every Jay in the week, era jit Stintlmj. The house is large mid plcaut, with well Mipplicd stables attached to it. It is well adapt ed to a (lord coinfoit and convenience to travel, lers, and others w ho may please to call. A few boarders will he taken, on reasonable terms. Children from the country, going to school in town, will be boarded at a moderate price, and every attention paid to their mora' and comfort. THOMAS IIOI.MI'.S ,WV'r,, .Mnh ;m, la.'j. 'It'll '1 I HOWAN COI N I Y. (10CRT of Pleas and Quarter Sessinns, Feb J ruarv Sessions, 1823. Samuel Jones and Andrew f I irst n. Henry II. Shelton Original attachment levied on ITT acres of land, on Ijii'chmaii Creek. It appearing to the satisf.ee. tion of the court, that the defendant is tint an inhabitant of this state, it is therefore ordered. th.it publication be made for six w c ks S'lcrct Sivi h, in the Western Carolinian, printed in S.ilubury, that the d. tciidant be and appear be fore our next colli of Plca-yind Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of How an, at the Court House: in Salisbury, on the third Monday in May ni x', then and then: to ph ad or demur, or judg mcut will be entered a(;iii.s' bun according tu the pUiniihV demand. fiut'H JNft. CH.F.S. t?vlt? ot Xvn-tU-V'ttYnVvnn, KWDor.rn coi n n. (XOI RT of Picas and Quart, r Ses-ions, F h ' rnary Icfn, Joseph Snutlison it. F.lijali Hinj.-li.ini Or. Atta. Levied on otic cut- tmp knife and !o, one trice chain, and one hogshead. It appearing to the court, that the d: tetiilant in ibis caw is not an inhabitant of this slate: It is vilti'l, tbat publ.i utiun he made for six weeks in the W estern Caroliiiia", giving r.oiice to the said deferahnt to appear at he in x! Court of Pleas arid Quarter Sessions, to be V A i e Vi n e v 1 u v u m v u . ITAKK this nii'thoil to iiit'orni my friends, and the public at lar;', that I now occupy the house wherein Capt. Jaioli Krider formeilv lived, and which has lately been in po-si'ssion of Mr. Thus. Holmes, as a public, house; v lu re I am now prepared toaccotiiu.od.it': travellers, and all others who may ph ase to rail. I here are pood stables attarhed to the establishment, which shall alw ays be w e ll attended, and w e II supplied w ith fodder an I ,T.iiii. A lew li'mutc;i wdl be taken, on tr.oderite t-rus, 'I here is a g'Mtl s'ure.ninm attached to the hoii', which will be rented from now to the miv Vtiv S'.vAv. III'.KF. will be sold, at the bai k Store lioom of Messrs. llemolig f: Locke, Salishurv, the LIHHAHV of the l ite I'rai.i is I.oeke, con sisting of many old and xeelleiit authorities in Law, on the evening of 'I uesday, iith of April, being Tuesday of the Superior Court. All persons having demands against said e!e ceased, are. reipiested to present them for pay ment ; and all "persons indebted, 1 1 make pay. tiient immediately. JNO. SCOTT, .Virri 20, lH.Vi. ."iwllS N. It. Any person having books bclongiivj to said library, are reipie sted to return them to the Kxi eutor, or h ave them with Mr. Alii tlioni; be fore said day of sale. J. s. ftuiUouvN, Ax'uiv'u. ! llll', (tubsciibe,. living made an nrranfif llielit with tin: ploprie tois of this iiisUtti lion, the mauagi 'nenl ol it, w itli its avails, has become his iinhviouid conci in. To his fm nd., and the public, in looks with cmilidcnre fur a portion of their patronage. In this interesting, ami important emplo imnt, he vent ores to prom ise the industrious application nf more than twenty years' cxprrie-mc ; united with a eat, eveited by a conviction of it importance, ami Klrciif'l'r.eiied by habit. 'In parents and jomr diaus, v. ho n r.y he dispoad to place their chil dren and wardt under his ;uv, he would re inark, that his object hasevir been, with the languages and Irglier liMiclie tA ed'tcation, to mule a thorough know leilj'e of i aii'u.g, v. riling, I'nglisli gramn.ar, afithuieti'- and geography,. Ill add'lioii to tl.esi' things, the ili lul and prac ticil par's of M.ilhematies, Natural an.i Moral Philosojiliy, As'.i'onoiiiy, Logic, Ithctorn , Histo ry and Chemistry, when required, mil beat tended to. In tin: it.struet'um ol fetiiah s, a rcg- idar sys'ern will he adopted. The ohjc twill be, to ler.der them rational and interesting i otn. paiiions ; and ill Ou'r education, as well :.s in that of the other sex, t!ior biunclies, wliirli are oi the greatct util,:y in th' progress it bh , w ill i'i reive a superior ilej;r"i- ol att' ii'ion, One ob;e. : will e ver be kept m view to inspire In pup.U wi'h a due h-gre e,l ti If-rdpect, to cs tai.lidi ciri'itt ii.O'.'al mid religious views and Cji ! i' i, .o d, .:h pari u'. I solii itude, to correct , .mjecuro'is, and lietiil.oie, habits. :,;,irui.--'t ' -vc I l l.c St i find AmuijI ,i I ; . id ii.r m per il si head , in ( lie st.ite ,S l.i.Hil,' i-'.tcti S II, C .".i more li'ifio' i!c iiii t.tf ned U V,- "OH F.I LOAN P i' w v I V u v n 1 i r v . in pupils of i very age, alb ,1 l. Iliiij:, readui,;, w riling ! li iinti.o; .a, III bo h ..'Xe' le lit on V ill I iMl t'liltp'ni'ioi!. In hue, to j.n-par" those coin ni t' e i'. o In', c.ire, in tl,i ti"t poisihle mantn r, l'ir their future de .tuition ;u I'd--, w ill be his mi i -..'.mg aim , and the s:ii.e .itb. ii'ion w ill he paid to ihe ii'i ri' Lnglidi S' hol.ir, ai to those who are dcsi';iici; for higher ilisti'it'..,ilv J.ci'.ti to hill! m II n (juires him to s'ati , tha', in leaching the W. DAKF.K respectfully informs the citi.-eii.' Latin and Creek latiguai'-e -., the thorough and of Salisbury and its vicuutv, that lie has es- cli'.M al rnetliml recoil, me :inH U l y Hie . asrs. tahlishrd, a lew doors east of the Court Iloiis.-, de Port lioval, and o adoen.olt pi.i .ucil m our it tJntl Hiire U,.um. where he has n ci iv i -.1 I I'lnt'el'iit'. . ha', been, tor a Io:il' titli' , adopt- j: 1st of May , or peih. nied ate ti nu. j I,, tiger, or for am ititi r .ISO. SMI I II. I :!.. Ml Viivnu V.ux'Ynnnx'n, .; l.rj itn;:i,n, Ai'n.'.o'i Co. ,Y. ('. HI). KtH'NAVH.Lr., al the Ited House, will be thankful if travellers and others rail. Privacy and his best endeavors to acrom modate are promised for a reasonable con-sid c-ra-li-on. Mirch, lfl.'j. 9wt'jl trom his I aotory in ravrtteviile, ami n no'.v opening, a large and general aisor'nient of MiiioG.Lvr n it.vm in, which he will sell ou terms to suit the times, j iware mat t ne Ctie lisot aiisoun nave n"i n under the fieri so.tv of wagoning tli.irbiriuiiire a great disthiire, at considerable hazard of inju ry, he flatte rs himself they will find it to tle ;r interest to call, as his fui'iuturi: is .ill of the h.ti st and niost approved lashiotis. Snhibury, t'rh. 3, 1S2 I. Jw t.il WutcAv Wtvakjiv, tie. "I Tj A MLS II. IIAMPION respectfully informs , ' l the public, that he occupies the old shop formerly owned by Ins father, on Main-street, a few door south of the ('our' -House, Salisbury, wh'Te li is now prepared, w'uh a good set of tools, in repair an kinus u uririu:s y clocks. He assures all who my favor him with their custom, that their winVt shall he executed in as good a stvp; as at any other shop in this part of the country. All 'niudoof old Jew elry repaired, and some kinds '.nade. Jobs of every description in his line ol b'jsini s, w ill be tbanklullv re-reived. a;id executor! on a short notice. People who reside nt a ih"C,inrr, by M-nding, m.iv depend o h iving their work as faithfully attendee! to and reluriu-tl, as though they were prese-nt and iv the old e-ihhs!ied Salisbury pno s i bargeil .S'u.'.-'oir,,, .,.k. i:-".'2. ' U T i ' ) w 1 -M nk i wz, w n v s s . subscriber informs the titiens of Sabs- hup, and the surrounding country, that he still conlinues to carry on the Cabinet bti-uuos, at his shop in Salisbury , on Maiu-slrctt," three door east of Mr. Slaughter's tavern. He has just receiveil a stock of fiUnL; tual, if not su perior, to any in the State-, ol Stale growth; which he will work up into furniture on a rea sonable terms as call be desired, I ir rash orsh"tt credit. ALIAANDKI! JIOVD. Hnli.hi'y, .V.i- ri 2-1, 1S2 J. llwfj'i N. It. Funerals will be furiiished in the be-.' style, and on very short notice-, heapcr than the eustoma-v charges. To enable' him t i iil.it tins, an e xteiisite r !! e t'ioil of the n.o-t apjot ied grammars -lid Icx.ii M, among w !n( h are the 'I hi s .t.rus, ol Ail , ' rib, the l.e vriiiii of Ib ih ri' n-, Park- it, iec. and the graimi ..rs ol the Mi r. de Pur' Hoy al, I l:.f kei.ouig, t.nodrieli, Moore, al p , Ue. have b.eii prm nr. .1 ; to v It a li l.,s puo.N have liberty to ri h r, 'I o fa J.'.i'e the sti'dy ol (ii n;;r:iphv, an c,!,.,l .,et of I, loin S H it! L-ivoisoe's an ! old. r All.AiS and an i V ns.vy colh i t ion el limps, l,..vc be i u pi.c.id' I. Ihe grabs of luit nil vwll he ,e, ,ix, :.n ' ... - i . . i i.i.i seven ilollars, pant in miijn'r, lino 'lie nam., oi I l.oiii is L. Cow an, Ksi. who has I ii.dlv eon sented to act as agent for the subscriber. JONAIIIAN (I'll FHLKMW H.iliJ.u-: .urci ."1, 1123. '47 'I StwritT nAe-. Ini.l. be sold at puidir sle for rash, at the 1? Court Hons.- in MoreVi'on, in llurke ri.linl, . I nit Uich, .v. t.li' . til I.I M.lV. hi I I for said county, on the first Monday of Mm I ii. f,.,.,. in. u i.f l-.u,!. iir so is. ich then of r-w ise j idg'iu-nt final will be entered against hiii. A copv. JF.SSF. 1LAKPF.R, C. f. C. feat'i.-r Sl'.Ue K .Vtiv-V!vvuu, Ml CKI SBVRC. I.UCNTY. (tOrill' -if P) is 1-1 tJ":,-.-r S,.,s;t,s, Feb- r.i.uv Ten.i, 1S2j. at:itiel Craig t. Jotu- tl.ail t'li.z Original atUelitr.rtit, levied in tin hi-.i.!-. of Jexc-i II. ra'ir. It .ervprarinir to the s wil be sol lit nut to o.iv t he tax H'-e tlieie en i for the j car 1 -1 . and nut of advertising, to wit Alexander Meroilib-, '2b acre-., talur 5)l.i, speculat. on I inns. IVne k Dais I ''J acres, lying on npp r Little river, on Mountain creek, value 5"', V). Abraham Hem h ir, for 1H20 aillS.M, .VI aires, ihli d at $.V. W in. Camp, loll acres, lving on Hie wti r- of Mtt'h'v rrei k. value f,5 1. -I J .' a. -res given m he I ii Idiog Nor I t in. b mg on t.i vv .iters ol Muddy e r. i k, v.ilu. J at S -V. Jones M. ase, j'Ja'-es, oil the w atets ; of l.oi ;e rei k, (..ven in at S- '- 1 ' .'rei on satisfaetion f.f the court, that the lb-fend ml i . '" waters ol ihe st.ulli ioik oi ,,ia e.-.i, gueii not an mh.c.,t.i:.t of il.i, s'.,v : P. is there fore ;' ' '')' ""' S ' l'' "" ,!" give ii in bv alai.l no I 'rut at ''0. M. I. lil I I l, .S'.' .t,r.v- fii. .V.I-.A 8. ii:.;..;"ts U.1lii:XTF.l). IIT. subscriber respeetfully inforn, bis f-iinds and the lui'd c, that he Ins nnw -n hand a goMl supply of n..'cri.eis o the- best ejual. itv, and has in los employ Ueu lit1 late wu1' nun, which will enable him to miiki tin hist kin I of Cotton Saw din., executed in a durable and workmanlike s'jle. Pi ople in this and Ihe adjacent counties who wi-'i to ptirrha.c tuns, are invite d to call and tXa iine or thrn.M Ivi , as a number will be ki pt coi.s'iii',v cn hand, for sale. - (iSm;jj. I1:e suhse rdu r v. ill 'il-n cam o'i the businc'.s of nHe making and s'.o. king, gnu ri pairitig, fsc. Di or Imk., and Lick-, of all di" Tijtiii-, wdl be e .trefoils repaircil, i e, ,-i isniiable terms and at shvt r. .lice. I In .u!.s; vilu r will pait'u ular ly atle ni hinm If to s'.h kin;; rdb s aid gun-, kr. A l.henl price w ill In pai I lor '25 or .'.h curled maple nil I. st'v ks di bv. reii al the sub-a-riber's liot, em Main sin et, a f. e ,o u-s rasl tr im tile Court. IIoohc, in ,s disiiuri . SAMt LI. I HALLY. .' . 'i .' I, 1. ."". '"' New AvvaexM. riMF. public are respectfully informed, that 1 'he .Mwaiutilr iMi'iirn which has been for a nun hi r of years transacted by Datm I Cress, sen. of Salisbury, will in future he con .In. led by me, in the same building ; w here ev e rv necessary attention and particularity wdl be given, to ren h r s.aisfai 'nm to thou who may ph ;.su to favor me with their custom. FDWMtli CKF.SS. s,.:.J.i.r:,, M,mh 2s, iMj.i. 'inf O-.cis-i', ti.at publica'iii'i be inide s.x wnks sucef,iyoy i:i t!i Wes i ni Carolinian, that the eli-lendii.t he and appe ir at our inxt Court to be held fir the cotili'V ol Mecklei.bnrg, i t the Court-ll.mse in Charlotte, on the loitrlli Mou.i.iy in May next, 'hen und there plead or demur, or judgment w ill be: entered against him according to the plaiutilfs' demand. ISAAC ALF.XA.NDF.lt, CM C. fi-.v VI pr. adv. 6'Ae x)V Nn'-Lwnuuv, irCKt.F.SIll'RC. COUNTY. (10lTtr of Picas and Quarter Sessions Feb J niary Term, IS2. Pn side nt and Directors ti' the lUnk of New hern t . John Simeson, jr. Orr. Att. Levied in the hands of Othnicl Stewart. U appearing totht satisf.u tiin ut the court, tint lot .iv.fl. o-'.-.'.t '' nn! ntt i':!.-binit of this state : H is therefore OnL-rsJ, that publication be made six weeks successive Iv in ihe Western Caroh i: SWvilVs CilYice-, ,'iVtm, Hit. it, 1S22. F. l 1 I'.II addre-s-td t" the Shi 'Hl nf Hon.iu countv, on ollici .1 bu me v, mu-t l" ;. itt, r he .ioi-'il i, or they w ill not he attenili i to. As t'l re are great itittiihors of lette rs addressed to in.- I iom other counti t:c. I have lnond it re-ce-ssarv to adopt this couise in enh r to ive liiy- se lf the expense ol paying rather i t":"mfoit :iMc s un in the eemise of a e a", to tue 'de hen- . lit of Other people's pocket-.. 21 KAMI LI. JONF-S S'r-nf. Stte V .Vv.r-VnYunv, m riiFiiFOHD coi n ly. 1 AI'AK essions. I i2.'".. Ti. . .".,;.!.) Ics; I IJobirtl.vles Oriuiu J r.'.'.a-uirent Lev- 'I Vimsw Vv.v .Mwku?. -ii thi'.r that Ih.v e a'mv c 1 1 rv are v i 11 1 re- Windsor au I 1 em v till', s.iiiseiib. :s risp. ettuliy h I'm n and ih" pubhc at a";"' hive as-.iv i'id. under 'h'- linn oi ( t. .. for the purpose ni ra-rv u-g on 'iisin.-ss in ?! its In .,io lies. , , 1 to make all km.1- cf wt & .MWs Vv Si. At UK's of land in the uppe r end ol Caharnis counts, on Hoekv rive r, oi wlccti ibere are cleared about 5' ai re s (it for rul'natiun, with a good 'rami dwi lling-house-, barn, and other necessary out huusis. Also, a .Vicl' ,1c 1 ...; before us a copv i. Hepcirt f in .ile i i 'i in'eii'i til ol ( -nniir' of New-Yo.k. I '' doi'lillii lit hr:if . i tfhtimniiv to lie e. of that tire thiol the cuul ifport, vviiicli we liaxe uheadv 1 d o -rasiuri to no'if Ihe nfnti-i.1 it. --t,!t ff the opcrn'iotis of the hv stem lor tin: jmst vtar, i Mated il the follow iiif ci.tr.if t fi otn tlie repoit: Mr. IM. " Tlii ftilence furni-.lid l;v the ooctj inenis (hire witli tr.in-tuitff d) is of 'he nm,! satiifadoi y n.iune, and fe.il) h in-'ii-sita'es the dci iJetl supn'.otitv of Me school sy-.teni in this male mtriuiy other in the Union. Ii y ilit'.e it will up. I cur lint re tut i. s luve been receivi-d, dur. inr ti e prodding; yrur, from all ihctoun. it's in i Jim Mate, fifty two in ntini'ier. I ht-sc ((Hitit'u s contain 6-1 'J wards ..ml low s, all of which, except V old Mi l 14 new tov.ns. have prenenltd ilieir u; its The itiiinUr of tchool (listii.fs in the (owns which lotvc rrpottcd is ntl if lo these ht added the di-.'i ids in '.he towi.s from vl.idi no icioti l.jve h-en rcreivrd, the number will cucrcd 8-''0 : Of these, 6.255 have made their lep-.rij, showing, atnotig either panic i.lat s, H a!, for the icim ol eiv.ht mobile. -.iirin,; Ut last J Ci'r, j.s I.I 7', (hlldiTli xveli; in l iv ing a co'iiii'.on school education, htinp; IS. 1-1 more tlitin wctc idtii vitcd in 1 In eight yratd. ujvAatdx of one tn'onnL two hunilrtd thousand dollar have bi en drawn from the treasuty and raised b lax. lot the support of Kninion schools ; atiil il maybe l.eitlv Cstim;i'ed that, riur in;; the s..me pei iot!, neatly tbrf c milibnx more h.ix e bctn contribu'eri by indivi iu ds fur the umr. puiposc. tna'sine; u ;;i ut'. total e f I nn ni:!iions of dolUlMi over .mi! above the ;ip;.n pri.i'iotis for rollf g', n' m arli inirs. Kvrn in ( cince :ii n . i-it . I II ... I .1 ... ... .In pos.'t !.' i s a lat ter ,( iio(,i inn i man "u, ..lie! where the 'chool system was e ' b lislu d al-.d in siltrcsslol t pet aiion ."tip: befote il was here introo'ircd. tlx- -.'i'n-ber of rhildim ethirated in roi-i'ini'i sdiooli is J.ir n., in proportion n c population, ih.ni it i. in this urate. Ii ni iy. ilillt iil, well lit doubted, win the;- a par lie 1 1. tuple of iiitHiii'icrncr, tur(( ssful- jly applied to a similar object, can be pre idtu ed throughout ihe civilized wori... I II. I hen, llicse Riand and itnpnttaiit re st, Its have been produced Itl the shor spe e i f r'mht xca'H. wiat mas ii ii 'jb diiiicipated. vshtn the liberal lunos atil appiopiialioiis provided anel seciitei! by the new constitution, shall have goi" in to active and succcisful operation :" I.ohd IWron, it is said, is rnmin, to this country. We are ortv for it. He will not be pleased with the L'ni'cd States. piMMlsaw Mdl. t.nsi ldl, and Cotton i.in. I Neither their climate nor their manners place n generally know n by Hn.wn s Mill, .xny arc hri,su-ucd, aj ll. Italy. He will lind person wishing I,, purchase, may have an oppor-1 . . - . . ,,. ujcd jn M!vai,ce of lutii'y of getting a good bargain, by applving to the subscribe r, living in t!u lower end ot lr. de il countv, four miles Irmn I'.eatt'u 's I'onl ALLX ANDLH TOHHF.Nl I'.. 'I TttWu V IMS ViWMUV . yT. subscriber having reuiiive.i trom .Mr. 1 hon.as eri!:"'s to Mati sv.lh . mi'Ttiis ,;. In. nils ami the Diibiir. that he intends ' ar- ryinc on the T.uh'nur ! " " "hop near the st-re of 1 1 si. r !s IL.!:, whet.- :ho-r v.ho f.M.r him wi'h tin ir e is' r, will have their work done uith ne.V.ntss a:;d ibpa'.ch. s. I.OWKY. A;u.vif."r, -5. jf'i.' his person, ond xxithered the flon-erti ili.it he hopes for in his path. He hehcdj the pious, recoiling from a .estate (fcrnm the htauiiliil, shudJciin at the rrofa nerof irinoccnce and the virtuous re pu'llitiiii.snecniij; al the x ice of ptc raeje. If he comes, he will writ of t- A toerica is a poetical subject, It least as much sons " Don Juan." CAurm u. v ritts doggerel about us, and " li'tle Moore" wrote slander. If Lord 13 s no. sliould praise us, the proper ticconnt l.) chaire it to, would be his disaffection to the Ministry. Hut if he should abuse ;, wc ought r.ct to complain, seeing that tiri- thcr heaven nor earth ronuniinf x xit!i I ! airs, fts'in 1 - SI-'1' pers.t. (.eirlenn i v. Lshin;; e'cg int th.aiiN r-r :! -cs. ti :iv re!v ' ' on having I'.ielll as i h flll'v II a.'.e a', t'.e s.h p of the Mihs.-rdii TN as at M'V ltlier i'i l ie State. Old chairs and s.'ttecs repaired, at a T: asoeable rate, r.nd on shert notu.. The subs, nhe -are als i cevi'pVte !y j repare 1, ith a good sIin k of timber, to make all kind ol ..:'. uc';, at from to S-v l.LO. W. (.HIM1.S, I) JO!l COOI'I.H. Wvx'r VvxAxm'U'i V.stvUx1. rilllK vihvr.Serl-ax.oi: (at I efruarv "url hi, mmHU-Cthn- I hist.) 1 b'a.i.t.l ii It. is el .Hon '.r. ' on en - ;i : t ie-s-ateti Al,x'rlrld..Kk.d. l.as..l,r.Vi.s'.siinityd his person, nnd cxttngmabes. I . .-il i,. rseiiis l.avii i!:.in s ;i':.ies'. s.i .1 esta'e to ronteiiipt (or the one, the pity xxl.icli !iv ftiil'iei.tic.teu; unu xi.osc i n..,;t i4e u; HCei 11)6 OlDtr. . i . r ., '. f o r. . t;aj. i Airier. Mm i'7.;r tariiy cn.i afittitn 'J a di.- We ic ctedihlv informed, tint a ,3 ni.xn, that M,e d. f.'udant be and appear at our . ied o i one negro man, naineit Aim n. It ap-m-xt Court to bo h. l 1 for the cuiiUv of Meek-! pearing to the aatislaction ol the eo - -. 'hat the lenburg. at the Court-lbius. in Charlotte, on : eh i'e luL.nt in ibis case is not an m.,..' ( ;t o tins the fourth Monday in Mav next, the n and there j state : '.Vir,, there lore, that pu ... at ion be plead or demur, or judgment will be entered , m h' for six weeks in the est, i n I aiohman, against him a- cording to the pl i.tiliilV .b n.au.l. , for the .1. fcdai.t to appear at our ,c.xt roimty ISAAC ALFAANDiai, .If. C. Court ot I'leas ani'.'JuarlerSess.oiis to he I ohl- 0 x ..... I C t - I i is 1 1 it the cn -ni v of niithrrford, at the Court. r.ou Two .uu'ivt's 1 1TANTF.I) by the snbsa-ribrr, at the Shoe ? f making busjtiess, not under 1-. tmr user 15 years of age. To loberniul iiuhilrious lui'.s, a good opportunity is now oflen d, to learn a rtuii trade, if vW,' tollowed. Ll'.FNF.r.H DICKSON. H: : bu-;; M.rch I), l.-Mt- rel'on, on the third Mondav aft i r the fourtii Me inlay in Man h next, the:) and there tu pkadreh-niur, or judgmintbj default final will he . lit, re I up against h.u.. Witness, sc CHVION, C. C. tiwt 1 1 I'r'.re adv. S ' Wvis YuvVm V.xvunws. For sale at this Oili.e. Winn, V!iuc, wnAWousv I'.uxriXG t 1 LO. W. t,I!IMI l c;;s leave to ii.f.irni the s l e iti. r.s .f ',:i!t:r' -'"! '" siier.ioidiiiii eounlrv, that he still rontirucs to execute all kinds of house, site, roaeli, snd orni.iiieiit'd I'.entU'g. II iviug precoiTil an ample supply ol ifl:i'inril, and haviri. fur a limiib. r ol vials rust, de Veiled almost I. is winds' a'tellti ill to on're a competent ki "' b dge of ties brain h ol busimv., he (, Is e.-nfon - ti l !u .eg able to ;;in satisfaction to these v hei n.av I e t h ascd t i la- veir him " ith oi-i'.i r ir. the ;.!'cve ii-ie. t.'ldii':1 and I.!.., i; g v ill :.s. 'v c xicute.l in a ; 1 iiiati lle-r, anel oil tc i.na;..i.e 1'. rit II. ul.o l.e-eps on hand, fur sale, copal and l;. :m I'neiu V Wanted, as an appretit'u e to ihe: above hus'i licS one or two l us,tioni Li to 16 y rats ' I age, of steaelv an.l industrious habits- to whom. thev prove themselves di sirMi..rof .', ;ir?i d .. . e ham t u ill tie e.veu HsUl'.ry, t-b. 3, n si :it tliem, le idelitui, arc reipu- .'cd to ; . v mime i,.i .y. MICH A F.l. HitDWN, liV W.ttvvrs UMrA. Ii AN AWAY from the sub- i few (Us since some persuii on ihe r.'ipo- i the .4th 1 rbn:a- Ui'e 'ide o; Hie river, , in uinc lies out nivj vi Y rv last, a negro man nan.e.l Hit Is. fu rl!,c supposed, Cf pet lups sti!ti;ul.t ""'t w,'mof K"' liv'' ,V V' 7 ' ci i.se, shot a dog, and !, he j'ld-.ed. n-.t.: I AT :,r 8 i,,r,,l ,,;h' ,l.'rk c,."':rx; i t..r.v o-. i icd him. n.c u.g . .r'j' on, stout nude, a;.d speaks good ' ,v ...... i T . ' t . ... , I F.nghsh. (hiscu.,t,n:;,,.e,.oive.)iime.l;. a held tl.statit, and p ou.dv o t n ph as-xnt.) together with I. j ol vi.'.ht f .om any dwellni:- Ut U tl- wife Jeniiv ami two hoy cinia.rvii. :ie is a u.u- la'lo weiiiii", about .3 yenrsol age, slum nu -. , s . -Cur ctl htr -o-lit i.rm, lo lace'ii loC v I - :.i,d i lho, orcasionee! by a burn. O.ic ot . eh Idr. u is about three ye.ifs of rge, the o'I'.e: .,!. t four i ithsol.I ; bo'h e.f y e llow com; h x- ny person taking up sanl l.egisies ,1. I.vi iing them to nu m ar llig-in' (. i y . on sh,da liver, in F.tgei'u Id District, S. C shall r, reive the i.hov 0 rrVUd, and all reasonably pspe-n.i -. "aid; or S1J d rotilined in a'iy jad u.d a 1. ti r s. lit tome bv mail N. wlmry i ,uil House. JA MLS II. lOl.V.MAN. ,opt'5H WyU'wv,; Vnvr, OH sale a', ihe otTu e of the " Caroli:liatl,,, at 4 three elollars twenty-live cents per ream. Also, two ream bn ken loolxcsp, S- 3a; Ar.i me bundle Sup" ,or ''iri,',T- .,' in t e croutul. A rers- n. 10111.: a jucct.t to the spot, several thus r.t.ic ;!ia'.r!v "jrcc-rilinr. without luv.-g a"v knowledge of tlie"fart that the tl g hcrtishot) tibscrvcd bis dog el.ily. -c-! c';;.g fed, run ih alacrity 'nh r '" his rations in bis f.-oulh, in l'ir I'i'rfir-) where the wounded c!'i was foun !. ;i"d was from this unusual condu I' f I is dufr induced to follow him, whet) to hi a'wn ishnutd he h'und, that liis oor hxd been, some d.tvs carrying conifott and vistrn atut to his unfortunate fellow o-udru;r.:. who had, by this means, hrcn savrd, be. come convalescent, tnel rcstotcd to his master. "'.'! a l"'0 ' ''' ' "

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