""TP Vi. U. BINHO all) PIHUSilMl, f.Vl llf TfunluV, Bi bincu.vm k wiim;. TfcitMri : fteiub4eriptiontothe Wwtm Caiuh.iius fa Three JMUirt per annum, payable lialfyca.lv ft advance. Cj No paper will be. discontinued until all arrcarat'e are paid, uiilcsa at the discretion iJ tin; Kditorsj and any subscriber fading to tf'vc Notice of his wih to discontinue at the end of a Jear, will be considered as wishing to continue tie paper, which will be sent accordingly. Whoever wilt become responsible for the yiymc.it of nine paper, ahull receive a tenth jraln. I' AuvEtiTfAKMENTii will be inserted on the cus tomary terriii. .I'crsons send'unr in Advcr liiHTiienU, must pec.fy he number of times they ish them inserted, or they ill be continued till Ordered out, and charged accordingly. No advertisement ins rtcd until it has been paid for, or its payment ass imcd by dome person Jn this town, or its vicinity. $J All letters to the editor must he punt-paid Of they will not be attended to. IIUCSE. TMt P,1,JIIC rf ",,".r",t"' ' , " ' ' ii. .... i .e...l ., :i ... i - J lias removed lo ins w:v enntr, i.umrni, on flie oniiojite side ol t.'ic stri ct trom his lormer ' snd, where he intends to keep a con.i'au' upply of lirrrind I'hrier ; the beer udl be sold fly the barrel or smaller measure, and the por ter either botiled or dtaiiL'h!. I he IK-er and Fortcr Mouse will be kept open every day in the wetk, crept Vii,'uy. ' The house is larffe ind ph amnt, with w t II ffjpphed stithli s att.K bed to it. I' is w ell adapt ed to afford comfort and nuiii iiiiiin- to travel er, and others u ho may ph-a-ic to ail. A few boarders will be taken, on reasonable trrnii. Childreii ftotn the country, (foinf to sh'iul in tow n, will be bourdeil at a nioiierate frier, and ever; at'.tntton paid to their morals ind condort. 1M0MAS HOLMES. SuLtburv, March 24, 18J3. UOif Iff AN I'El) by the jubseribcr, at the Slioc f f makmir business, not under 2, nor over XS ears of I o so!tr and industrious Lids, ; rood ot portunitv is nov. ottered, to learn a trade, if i.r.V l,ilowed. KHENEF.K UlC'KsON. .VJiAirs' .W.rr'i 1 HJi. 44 KM)OI.IMI CH N I V. fVlfltr of Ph as and O.U-UT Sessions, J'eh ruaiv Itrm, li.'i. Joseph Siiu!t.iiu IS i' ia'- It.nffiitftn ir. A'ta. Lev icd on one Cut- ti.iif k i t'.- and b "V, one trace chain, and one h i;:s'.. .id. It a'i'K arinj; to the court, that the 1' I. iidan. in t'i:s ca ,c is not an iiihaln'ant Ot this M.V : It is irile .', t'.a' jmbl ca'i'Hi be Ii a !. t r , -v i i ks in t 1 1 Hvs'iMI aroimuti, n.uiii o!ii-.- to the said n,!.i.t In simear ..I il.,-, next ( o.irt ot I'ietsaiid U alter Si s, mis, to be 1. 1 1 I.t u I e ... i ii v , on the first M u.!:u i f May ex', and replevy , p e el to issue, or dciiim, otii rvsi'. j idgn ce.t l.ual will bv entered aa.i.st tin.. A cpv. JT.-sK ItAKI'CIi, r. c. c. " h VV,' v)V .VwY-r.YlU, Mi CKI MUKC Cl'fNl Y. OCH I rf I'ii i and Uoai'. r Sess (.i s, Ki ! rusrv 1 1 rin, 1 "aimu I Cra. i. J nu- ( ft. til ( l r ... Or .; i ..I a"a hu;i nt, lev ,, d in the )i in Is of .l ei rs 1 1. I'ra'if. It pp aimif t' the tsit'.st.iction nt t'.e court, t' t tlie deliitdi'it is not a-i inha'eta i' i l this state : It is then lutx (r,! r.l, that te.i'dii a'.iotl be n.a !e six vt 1 1 ks it.rr, ss.vidy in I'u- est. m Cat ..l.iiian, tint t!it-1 d'lentt iiit be a'. '. a; pi .xr at oer iu-xt I nert to t.e I.l! 1 f r t'.- '.;'-. of M:( k h-i.'i!;', M (be j C.i'i-t ll'iuic itiCi.arlo'le, on tin-1 mrni M it !av j in M tV next, thru -to I t a; !t -t'.eut Will h t nu n re ph a I or tleii.nr, or I a 'ailist i. ill) at Colviiii - to the plaint ll. .'. i: in !. s i- VITAAMMn, CM. C. fiv ;')pr. ..tlv . f,.v Hnv .VsiVlU-i'nvnWw.x, MirKt.' mu v. ; i.orsTY. f1')t It I it I".; and a'ar't-r e-.I'.ns, Feb J r art. ls;n., l..i. l'i soli nt an.! D.n c'ors ol t'.e Hank ol .ev. Ii. n. . 0.-r. Att. I.t-iU-l oi t.u da'. !. 'lei ""unit-sou, jr. I' nhr.iel S'.- Vt. II a.--the 't! are.; 1 1 '.he a' st.f 'i-m nf the er.t.i-, tli.it t is not 1 in! .,''! .ct (.1 tins s'.tle ; It . six tie, rr It i .- II J . ..', Il, it j id, I.t j'lim be made week s s ,;li t ssiv . K in the M t stern ( an il- ni if, tnal 'ie del. .ni.. nt !' and a:- e ti at o-u ncx' C irt tu t..: hi I.l Cr the eo.-i'i'v of M t !.. bub ii--, a t! C.t.rt-tl'ti.'.i in I I. ail f.-, on the l.air'di "!un Ly in Mu lux, tin n an ! tin iv ph ad t.r th Ill':", or judsre.it r, u!l be t lit. I' d aja.nsl i.un i, ..r.iin : to tu- piu.v.l! .' den.ai.d. tv 0 At.r.M.I.I!. C.M.t. Jmt'5-? I'm a Iv. S4. ftiutt V .VtVl-VnYCtl'., ItUI III.I'rDhO COt I", . TAXt:.VItV S-i:,k. I.,! -I on :,.t il, . I o ;,. 1 f ICihert Lvlcs O.-i-iia ........ w , , . - . . . L !cS 'tri "it al t'ta. I. ill, t l l.e . ied on one m rro man, iih.i.i d A'.H-a ii. ll p. pcarinr to th:- sa'.'.sfaitio;i oi tin c that tin deb iidaiit in i!ii&e.ie is not au i'liia'ii'-.nt of t.,s stale: 0"Vv-(, tl,i refcre, that .b!. a'n.n bt made tor six weeks in the Wi s t rn a' ni .i .ui, for the d' ft mlant to appear at our next c.-nntv Court ot Hem ai.i! Huaritr St ss ons, ',, In- h !d en fur the renity i f Hiithcri.', at '' e Cu.it. House in ll.ttl.i rt .rd' on, on t! . alter tue loufii M.iiiuav in M al'' i. In ', t... o ai'd tin re to plead ortlemui-, or jei''-i.i ut ' y d I'.; it tt'i.al will be entered up aenst him. W iu.cis, IS A At : t ICVI US, I . C. fm-lj' pr',re adv. S. rila Yt?iuVtir.v V.H:ius. rakattUjOi?,:. V . w A v v n iv; v. m v nl . rj'IK puhhc are respectfully informed, that I the Jlicuithtc IIuhiiichh which ha been for a number ot' tears transact, d by llaniel Cress, leu. of Salisbury, Will in future be con ducted by me, in the same building; where ev ery necessary attention and particularity w ill be Is'Ven, to render satisfaction to those M ho may phase to favor me with their custom. IDWAKI) CKK3S. SuU Murn, March 2l, 18.M. W .nu & .AWWa Vov Sai f' ACKI-'.S of laud in the upper end of ZJiJis Cabarrus count v, on J C ; k river, o!' which there are cleared about .ii) acre fit lor cultivation, with a (food r.iiin: dwelling house, barn, ami other necessary out -houses. Also, a (food wv Mill, (.tint Mill, and I 'niton t. in. Said place is (federally knovin by llrown's Mill. Any person vv isliinjj-to purchase, mav have an oppor tunity of (fetluif a (food burj'-aiii, b aoilvni(f to the subscriber, lisiief in the iow er nd of li dcil county, four miles from Itea.ti.-'s F.U'd. Al.i'XAMXU HU!(r.N( i;. Jpnl I, 1 i-'.i. o-.l'.il . n vviii ... II ii. linn., .1,. I I ni In v.. 1 ' 1 3 U lisbo'rv. on ac ommodatiiiir tern.s. I 4 r,.U lii I I f 'ouall. I'M,, or ll) IllVself. Ill Ha. I i ii i i .. . .. .. ii-ie i. I KTe is s L'ooi ii:i i r iieioiiv hut io uie ' n .s ' lot, convenient fur a l. la ver or I'hy m ;au. N. It. I hose v.ho have lint v tt ( I ised tiitir ac counts t!l Hie, .1 ill fill'! diem ill til' i;.i, is el M;-. n t ie hai.ds Cowan, till April Court, aft er war ,,., ,,);;, ... im :'( k I I It SuilMry, March 8, li,.' i. '-1 i.f " I VVV.VW' YUU'VUUU'Ul .. .. 1 .' . ii.;''', Ait '.-o'i ( '. .v. i . I i Bis v I.Di M i l:, at t!) II, d House, II in- thankful if tiav- ilirs i.i.d nth. ii I'riva 'V an I hi b. st end' awns to accein- moil.it'- arc j'foii.istd f- r a j'ersotia'.lc cou-s, 1-e-ra-ti-on. Marcli, 'Jm ''.51 El.l t. AN f (.'nVuwt VvivnWnvv. JW.HAK.E1I i. , of Sahsbup . i : taldislied, a few a Cii'ii' t II me .' . i from bis Kaetoiy .. opcii;iif, a larif! m. i , M.tno(;.i. j -.full-, mtoi tes t.e eit'.eiii i' s v t, -i i., t ' ,:tt he li.is i s , east ni ti e C.lir,,lluiiS. , , when In l a e;-i i ille. ..as i-'CiVkI an i it ii ( .1 r..l aivi'u.eiit ol i i iiMi rm ", which he will s II o i : r Aware that the cit.. .. ' I under the nrcessit o! v a a threat distance, ht ci"s..; rv , I.e flatters h lio'-.i t-it. , 'n suit tlie tunes, .! slim v have oceii .in:- th. tr furniture I . . . .. I . :. :.. . . i itaani ui mj-.i- . .. -, ,t I., ii. ... ' interest lo ( ail, as h Jul n.'ure i i all f tliclatevt i and in"it apprjvtd ) .diioi s. Vi,'z,i-i , 1 1''). o, l iJ.i. 5v.t.l l,tvinv-.Muk'n Wusims. flilK s'i!)s( nhir ii.f.irms tli.: cit.zens of ."ali 1 bun, r.:id l.'ie s'iri.pi'ii ! njf country, that he :.:ill ( ou'.iiiui s to cr-;. i u t'.e Caimu t hiKini s, at his s!ii n i i ""absl un, on M .tin-Mr c thn e doors ea-t of Mr. "'aiiK'!,ler's tavern. II has i.iki rri i it. il it sliw. el tut.ui . . (it.;.!, it lint sil. lienor, to am m t..e Male, ol State iiVnwlh; which In: w i.l work n;i into luriuturr on as ri a- souable t. i nn ..s tan -e d. . e.l, tor a.!i in ... u ; ci. i.t. At rvxvtif.it i. .S,-,..''!.i,.U.r. ', :, IH.!. ltat'.'i N. II. F.iiu ra's i'l I ' ti-riii!iei m bis st v I.-, and c'l v. rv !i'.r 1 :...'.' .', tlieapi t :i:.,l t he tusl.ni,a:y ( hai(;i . 'V w Uu V S V 5 . riVIK s.bs. r'hf I II...: M'i' I. is fru n ls an. I the rv inj; on tin- 'i t.n s'orv of I ' ia .tijf it ii.i'i ., t.. S s-.s l.'.l-e, t!-,. t , , .' ,-, , , ,. .! l;-.:i Mr , u.fei-i.s int. r-is r ar il i l:t ar 's 111'!, lift !.' s 11 I I. si .in VI il I n ' ,,,, i- l o. , taur l.illl Vl I'll tin .'. t - d n:t w Il I iv al ' . al'.d i.t s- a ( h. s. K.WItV. A'. '' it :.', , 1 .t; - !.... ,. ,. , .... l." at,.i II IV l s ini.ni i ii.siiiii f1:!i; si:1., r l..xi .t I . :.ni.,n I . :.n,..n I I last.) e ila.tl. '. I ''.- "I tin t s'a'e of Alt x'l l l' k. -all pi rsoii- ha. ill,; i ! isa. piexMit th.-'i., h-ualH .. i'.!i. '. i:;d. ii.,!, aic it j . -'. d ' . i a Mil 11 Vl'..'. 1. Uill. -t JM' t. -i ( I, l .-i (!, r. ij'.. '. s'1'..l i .'ate a' ed; a , I tl. I IV; . ! Ci h . 1 IW , i" to . 4 u I ji' iM l;v.s Uvsuvi. x AN AW AY from tl. Il sn ,in r, mi the -'-lh I". Iutii IVV i . las' , a uiCt'o 1. 1. 1 il nau.e. i 1 1 M K. ,. about j'-i veai sol' Hife, In: I t-t 7 J Iry ' cr h inci.i s t,i!i, d.itk c.iir.j l. x- r? ,'jL f) i" Ii, s'.nit ina.le, si. I S)i aks e.j.a! sJ t'.ii'.ih, ' I is I'oun'elialK f iiol i -n .!'. asanl.l tl (fftiier Vlltil his w,f..r .l.-tilif and tao b"V ih hht ii. Slicisaitui- j 'at'-1 vi oiii.iii, a! Kit 1 1 J-i x i a-sof a;r, stunt u .idc, I has a scar mi .i-r r ,,!.' an , hitaiuthc wrist j and t fit.w , in ras.oin d !n a bum. tine of J.er I ill. Mu- . is ah'.'.' three vim i.l' 'e, the other t .1, ..it l.mr ti.....'li.i.!.l . I ii .ll. ol l !!olt el Mioli-t- j U... .Mt) tl. IV M taking , j. :.,r.-:-, 3-1 ,.1.1, .;.!,, into n.t near II ;f -Vs f. r,i , I Sab .!.. r-vvr, -II IV.jmIW I.l t'Mt..t, S.C. shall I. , . .1 . I i,' ;. I :- liv s ai.d a !' t.t r t ou. 1 I lo'li. . i-npt'j.s i.v t i i. ..'.I, ami a. I n asoiiaO'.- , or V-l f ci,i ltiH-l in a.-v ja I ! -.lit lo in. l.v ti ail to v ourv I .tAMI.s L. Coll.Mt.S. V.vvttMs UiVtx'v-, a- '. '., ..-. i-i, i'-::. !! all' .. d 'i t'.t .n ni; ill' II ! ! 1 i M.l.tl ';. ...., i. '!.. re aii ;; in. lis. Ill I i i H-.n v to i. tr Oil I Ii ( r tl: v ,.' I. Hi.. t r 1 1. 'in' l.-.M'.is I s i. i s-, . i a'. U r a '....,'. .1 'o. A s t i s a ',,'. vs i t i : in. s f u s, !v. . I l.-i-. e I' nr. I it lie co 'is. hi i r-1. r l sa'i I ' si ll I' e t x;i. -us. ol j a;, n ; n.t 1.1 an .tieoi, -. ailr s. in .11 the c." I sc ' 1 a ) t ;.l , to tin s-. to 11- t lit ot t.'.hcr l.coi...- I kt I sA.'dllX Jtl.Mls, .V.. I flltlK. subscribers ofl'er for sale about seventy 1 hales of Cuttnn, of ROod fpiaht), on acred- it ot ci,;h'. and twelve mouth. JM) I,. IIKNDKIISON, II. Y. CAI.DWKI.L. Adv.! 182,1 5t52 .).I.XSI(). IIOTllL IN HALISHt liV, NOHTII-CAUOLINA, UV .vvwvvs Wuic. rpillH elegant ehta!)! sl.meii', situated at '.he I north corner of the Court-Mouse, is now fitted up in a new and superior slvlc, for the rc ( ption of Company. The (greatest pains liave bei. n taken to procure for this establishment, furniture of every description, necessary for the comfort of I tavcllers. I he most approved ser vant have been (elected, w ith (freat care ; the bar stocked w ith choice lienors, and the stables attended bv obli(f:ii(f and attentive botlers. I he convenience of this situation for business is cipuil to au in the place. The house contains a num. her of. irivate rooms, well calculate'! for tlie ac- i coiiimodation of Travellers and Itoardi-rsj at j t-' bed to which there i a I'rv Goad and ll'iok I More. To those who may tdease to rail on him, be ussun s tliem that no iuiui slisll oe soan II lie spared rmilcr their May comfortable and ph anii(f JAMKS HI IK UM..t.m 7 )x t "n i V i V. i1 v Vi v. I AKK tuis method lo inform m frii-uds, i:i,i! t ii 'iiilil.e at larkfe, that I now occim, I tii. I o.t.se wlie'eiii t apt. .laob Kridi r (nrrin i Iv I lix il, and w 1 1 1 1 Ii has la' Iv been in posse'-se n o I Mr. I bos. Ilohnei, as a public house ; w h re I am now prepareilioaccdinmiMlatf travellers, and all ..,1. . . .. I... .!....- 'I I.,., ,r, w I ni h : w ho loav please to call. 'I here ate (rood J st:i',!.-- attached to the tstabhshm nt, hi' h shall . w-.i ivi be vv II a'ti nded, and well supplied with i (ol! I' r and uraiu. A lew bvartlcrt will be taken, I en moderate terms. I I her.- is a (food store-room attached to the j house, which will be rented from tiow to the I 1st lit Mav, or perhaps lung-er, or for anv inter I mid. ..t. t.'ni.. J.NO. SMI III. .S'.i ';-'. ,. Vurch 17, 1S2 J. '45 Vnrv W-vv'.viviwi, vtc. I ME II. IIAMP'ION respectfully informs t tlie riiblic. that he occupies the old shoo f , owned bv Ins father, on Mam.s'net, a ,;t)0.s (1 t))t. Cjurt-lloiliC, Salisbury, where he is now prepared, with a good et ot tools, to repair all kinds of mirciins &, clocks. He ass-ires all who mav favor hi m wi'h their r.:.l.iiii tti'.t ll.i u ri-lr hl.'ll K. ,-i.tt.i in u - ...... .v. ... rood a s:le as at snv other shoo in th.s oart ol country. All k nils ot old Jrvu Irv repareO, and some kinds made. Jobs of every dt strip? um , i ouii'lts of ii.l.tliton. Jones, drre'ie In les line ofbusine-s will be ll,.i,kh,llyr.-crivetl,i(f)0W(Ili (oli,li)Us alld Hrtii.swii k, would utul executed on a short notice. People who , ( , .. ; (J bM nu uU ,, ()r I, si lt-at a (b'tance, by seiidinif, tnav de ietul on i .. b.v,,,,, their work asfai-hlullv arteudeJto and ' nembe.s!-- I ake the lice r-'unicd, ..s thouph they were pr sent and' popnla'i'n ol (tieetie or U asbitiu-ton as i'v the o!d established Salisbury prices barged. the r.tio th.t sh.ll entitle t cll fOUI-t) to .V;u ... 13, IH22 n.mu.wr.n. ,',Iir. subx-r'ber rcspcrtfuDv iifoni.s his a I l.-i. ns alio the puolte, t'lal lie nas now on r .1.. I S tr I ...linll f if H . '. I i' l"i .1. ol tt . It.-St Ol: .1. i'x, ai,d l.as ... Ins' . mpl'ov two tirstlate w o. k- v., ii. . h -b will i-iiitb'e iiim to male the best kind ' I i of. .11 saa t..:s, e. cuttd i . a d-nhlc and workii..Uil:ke style. I'eoplo in this mid 'he "'.I"1"1 '. wlin wisli to punhas, Cos, i : i x 1' l till-. .1 lo tall a.i.l t. xamine lor .in u.s. ins, '.i r vv ,11 tie kc pt t'Uis'.aiitlv an hand, lor s,!.' I.e '.st r In r w ill also i ai i v on 'he busii,. ss ik'lll,' all. I Slot k-eh', KUtl n ' a'-rie,.-, , ks, ;,i. !..iks,of a'ldivri' -in, w ill .!! n-! .a. red, on .-rasunable t r.-, ati't nt r tie . not e, . In- si '.sci ih. r ill tr" ( .ilar. .ii liiilist ll to sum k iti(T t.ties and puis, c. ie rat price w ill be pa d tor 2i or c.'i !. d r.'ii Mo. k. dt l.v. tc.i at :'.,r s-.!- -.Jier'x Al; oi. ,on Maili-sTi. t, i ft i doors ( ts t; ''ll the t .ll-'ine, in Sahdiurv. In SA.Ml II. Fit A I :i. is;;. '4-j i Ym-sov Vmv Mnkin':. rpn ilisi r.!n rs rt -;i. e'fullv inform i.'-.i r Is. and the p'lidic at arjjv, tiia! 'ins i ! ii'- a'-wiatid, under the f.nn of f i-- ' j 1 .' , tor the purnost of carrx ipjf on the ' e j n in all Is hraet in s. 'I Lev are Wt ' p-r. !ptr. d li.ak- .il k is-!-, ct Windsor d l -i v ! Chairs, trom V,! J SI - J pr set. (, nth i..t n j w.siiii: t li-jjar.: i h .irs, or settt t-s, m.iV r. ly i : oil I iv 1 1 1 c tlit-in ;,, i.ij-nir.iv iiiii'r :.t tne mo'I hi the si.hser'il i ts, as ;ii ai.v ot!.i r in the I St,, , tM rliaiis and Si 'tecs repaired, at a nusucidc tali', ainl on short notice. 'I lie subscribers are also cniipli tt!y j.re'-a-i .1, ui'.h a ;nil Hock of t .-nhi r, lo n.ake all kiiaij o! .V.K ,n, '. from f)i lo S-V t.r.o. u. (.himi'.s, :j .ttniN ( titii i.u - ' Ti'IU, V!t)Ut', Ut UmiM. jM.nim I.ei...ir, llvde, Catcs, Cattetct, J'.U.Yl l.VC. s.e, Rrtuifiit t. MLden, ltttiic,( ..nukii. (IT. W . t.IUMV.S b(fs lenvc to int -j-m tl..- j t i.t t rn. k. I i aii'islii., Ilcrttcr;!, !! v"l 1 cu,t ns of Sahs!jun, snd the surroundii M,,,,i,. N'onbainDton, Nash. Nrw 11 .no i-... ii'-i, inai no si hi c i.i.uueis l-u'M-'in ...i ...... . . ... ., a ' . I bouse, sirn, Coai-h, ami tiiivto , ' f, ' I H.ivinjr procured an ample s ipp'; "I ii i i , mid hav i te;, tor a numlier ol in-, j, i, f v 'e.l :.l ; i s- l.' xvluilc tti n:.,-n to ac. ij , . i t . 'H.mc . . pt k : on h-iiife e.l' this brae h t I ('-.. ie s .. In- I. . is i ,.ideh i t of heinjj a'.!- to o- , s..llsl,ietion to t!n se ho iiiiiv be i!i ast-d to 1 1 vi , ni. ii v. , di oi.'. rs i.i t!ie a!iU' 1st.-, t. I Ie ,f an 1 (,i.i. i i' vv pi a. so be executed l l s i.t al Ie . i r.. r, and mi i e.i..i..t'.V tern s. He al. k !.. k..ps) . ir..' 1..- til.- l.-t! .'.'I.l .h.tmll I'.oi.-a1. . .- .'cl, ss an ..1.pien'ii'e to th nhove busi. !:. . , .-ot cr tu n L.-'.s, trom 15 to l'i' i als ot ap '1 ,.t.'s and ia.t'-s'l ol.S hahitH ; to whom, ll tut x prove ti t I, s. I', cs d tt ruliff vt it, a (jo, d 1 1 ..e.i i: i .il be j; v t n i h'uiwi; '. t'. l:'23. f Motf THi NiLLSHunoeoM anoaui . C0.VKA..V770.V, To the Frremrn of Orange County Fellow Citizens : At a numerous mtrtiinf of ttic mein beiHof the last (iCht t J Ami rolity in I vor of culling u 'oivkm ion to n vi e utid ariienrl (he tons'iiUiioi. ot this iUH ihe following re solutions, ff putted bv a cou rnittep appointed for that jjtirposc. weic uiuiiiinously adopted. (The Nsolu'ions have been heretofi re pub lished in the Caro'iniun. Il was twllier i t solved, that a conirnit lee of correspondent in raih touiu friendly to the object, (no: cxt i fdint; se ven,) be appointed on the iiotiiiii..tiiii of tlie member of assctnLdv from il tir sev rrl conii'ies I he uodn si.-tn il tuiviu,'. been a)p(jin'ed the corie'.p'ji'.tiu. i otu n.ii ite foi this roiints. in pait p. :fjini . in e ed this hi h n:! itr,pott..nt tint i oti fided to ihem. beij; Ituvc to uddrtss n.u It is not our purpose at this time to j-u into a iftaileil statement fcf the (iifctti whiili exist in tlie picictit lOtiStitution. .nd w bit h time and experience trave pro mi to be picrhi' tive ol cri-nt t i j u t and oppu ssi'jn to the tn .jot iu ol the fiee ieo pie ol this st i'e. Amoii i!ie tn.iiiv cnois wnirli mi.' lit be tiiUim uu.d, and which r (jtiji e oi rtitioii. w e f.ii U ar t:ieii(i')iiiiiif any other tluii tho e p sci ted tu i.otit c bv tue forcun;; les'.iu'ioi s. U'iili uspci l to the in I.'v of rep resentation in the (.-ni! i.l jr.M Hilly , we beg leave to submit to vour jin il am! honest judjrtTiciit, the .i:o mi; suti mcnts, hottonied on th.- Lot : i-n,e'..tioii of the pecpie, uiitl the do' litre .Mb in the treasury department ol t'us b',:- I. I bis sta'e i divided ii't 63 coun ticv, unt'jtiiil in tlieir extent A i iii'dh and population ; but each 'eiviti uti.tt r the existing intistitutiotl, at; eual lit.lu ber ol irptt sciii -lives in tr.e ( i-M-t.l . s st r.ibly, ti: Lihf in I9li. it. c iiii in se ven town iiiemlms- I be lite populatio'. H 43a. Oi2 toiils. which, tii. i-etl bt 16 r t lie Mjmlcr ol the ineinbi i s ni a-rm bly,) jfivt-btocath nicinbt i 2213 souls ; or in other words, even "2 1 3 souls, or, . , pMntlple nt r'UmltV a t eiiti'led to t,nr , memit I nrionili'K to u ! lauo. int Itbtte nitt:. lifts, it will follow that each ol the fust ti itmd ii.i.i.t'u s will ietuin llnte meinbu i; Oi.ite;e oueht, ..tiorilini', to the same ratio, to luve twtntv -two ni in liers, ;,!..: t!u- other laipc lOnrties to haxe incn.iMi! 1 1 ;u i sef.t.ition in like ptopor . ' :'s' 'C xi-,"R i iple, the lust Ii. llnd six otllitics fleet I H inrn.itet s ; ;.l.d Ol . tiije. equal in pupu- ,ton t.jtl.llit all. elects but tbiet ! ,, . ., r,.. ,, ,,,,...1 .1. ,n,. rnon. 'ii s. add six ( tl eis, vi : I yuel Martin, l.i noil . II v dc. (. 'ex and C'arteitt ; these 'i I'll'. .in io ail i 037 souls. Kuwait (be fo't is Ire civisicn and Orat.j'e cot. tain .i7.Vt 7. nc.nlv the same amout.t ol poptt l .'.'iti villi the 't ectilii k it-v- toun 'ins; but those twelve elect thirty-six nirnibiis, and Howan end OratiifC ( lr ct enh six. exi ltisivc of two tow n nicinliers , Add thn c members fur the raw county of Davidson, taken fiotn liowan. and the ! t.vflve small counties, havim; an e'iUal ! . .... i ' i pep';' it:: ii wun mice large ones, st nu twt iitvi.tiic members mote than on r.rin- ci; It s r f i ruality thry are e.iti:!cd .0. I III I he f' tc. oil c twelve sin. !l tcun s i . in ;. jk ptiUtion of .15 037 souls, ,,i -I i! I rout. 'It s i.l Hovval), DaviJiOn, Ot .i.,'. litiiflii, (.unfold. Meikler.'.urp. "sv-k's, viithtifi.d. Iluikc, Im'.tlL Kan- ,.j'j h '! ! Si.in. 1 - in r :.!v, laelvr III iiurtdn M.'lls , .(M t iiti a poptiluti'.n of H4.04I t.i.. i-r ilie existing loiisiinnion, 3ti- '.ids. in twelve sn...;i ri.tiiitics, have u.d n p.t nlation in the teener.. I as- ,.ti i s -n.'.lx . wi h U4.041 souls in twelve larj.;c ' , fltl: ',( . ..I'i.oiiuli in the Lttt r thcte arc I i.i .,, i ill ,n In ll r Inrnirr. IV. The I'liowint; tbirty thrce ct;n tifs, xiz: s'siviiinmon, Jones, Grunt. Chii vun, liiutisvsi. k, ("clunibus, I vricl. . . - . . . v. !.., in i, l' ..f..w.i.i I I', . linn ill. S-l.Sl'f. , .111 ."..'v-,.... . .. ...... . - .... y.s-,s, vv at ii n, vv a) nr. i t tsoii i-iui ivu o-iii- p. . 1 1. 1 'si;i 14 138 sods ; bt itij; abeiu " ;. ..'-. 't-!' tie fie population of the i -'.ill. ; ti ev ( !ci I ') tnuii!tt.s, which it a !t t i :ki r.i.'ji t ity of I he ,i fetal assembly ; ! J.ilr the twelve In ; e i (.unties before i i'i.-iitift,t t!. Ii;'ili,f a J uptil.i'itin ftUal i , t . ii .. . i i ; i. ivn'.i.i a tii;) to the thn tv -three sliovr ! ciuniiet.i'ei!, elect only tfurt'i-:r mem nets, :n d consctjucti'ly Mxty tbree tn .ban tie same amount bt Hipulatiun in ct her parts of tlie su c re entitled to. V. I loni the eotnpti oiler's repoi t it ap .etf s, ; ''.ir tl.e l.it yewr, the taxe paid MIMSMaMMMWMIIaMMiU i.tto the public irfajhury from the hdiow m (.ouri'ics, eighteen, in nuiriber, viz: sb. , Hiui Hwiik ( attertt, (.unitoik, ''uaideu, ( olumbus, hlndeii. II) ' May vooii. Moote, 'Ivnel. (Mint, Wilkes, !nliesi)ii, I'lMii'iuil'Uis, Mailln, Ofi'dow, rei (i.ncn, (tnioiimrd to " dolln t;,i; and I hut tlie l.ixts paid int' le.isuiy, fir the name ei. fion. rmi-'iesif Rowan, Or.itit'f, W tike ' n d.i rh.i'd, beiiijj; fotir in ntni't i ha i bo .ml . a- i Un nioiihi (; tr 10,-1 13 dollats (' cents f'jiinei nul lil'v-fonr members 'i ii r, 'exdiisive of town member. twelve, t luis lour i.ouniies. rotiii i .ii moic to the support ol (:ovcimiK o1 r i I i c- e : i f otini' s do, by n excess i li ieiK Col 870 Hollars 44 rents, lnu it- ly , ii if- 43 niembei s ' VI. J rom tiie same do'unicfit it t' 'ber appears, that theie k. swt tal i.un tics in ths sta'c which do i.ot iiinu di ,y into the tri'uviri a suHiiiciicv to i.'i jf the expenses ol the men beis tht y an at prtsriw c Milled to ticc t- I lie ami u of t (' ( paid iti'o tin tlf.'SU'V last vt". uy the loiuvvinf con. .ties, to it ; 1 1 tie - 1 vr ltd, llaV'jO',1, ai'itet, ( oiuili'iiis i.r litu'k ant) A-be. . mounted to 5,i6 . ol- his 211 rents ; ,.n.i the 1 1 c i. is i p. iirir' tiiose com ties in il. it vc '(( loi ihtii pav the sntii ol 3'i3s i oil r. i.i s heir. i. 1 1 , 7 K .u.iliis . .l n- . ed ,- 40 l.'jTf to t!:n lilt il Cutis I ni ' ts bad co. Hlbu' the public fuu.'.s ' ii'isi -e-vtiicou tii i'tweii'v .me nit ii.Ih i . an., v. Co ni t al'oii'iir. pav as nun I- .( s y il (I e.isin v as ' if. lu'c t.ttt 3- "l i- litii;. ;,if--e 1 1 ill lis. to be S( It i v I . , I. (hat uucei it publican form ol p.overn merit, cverv ciien, linvin,' the s..'ne j;t jilt of cotixtituiional q'l.difit allot), i . tin (ftniiblv e'lU'.lcH loan e'pul pat tit ip .'.ton iti me rL'l.ts and piivi!cfes of the eovetn- i mi nt, and an e;'ia! tie tee of weight tiJ lii.fueiice tu its admitiisti aticn and that uiajoiity ball govern in ail i..je. V ' bold it to be a pci vei sion of it rms ami n lid.use of words, to r;dl any form of ."v jcriirr. tit rt fix Kuan bit h. ei'l.et in iteo ry oi piactit c dciiit 9 the h-rfrfoii. trutris, or ilffe its their opetation. From Oi j siaitir.ctits we luve submitted to )ou. it :..;.ptais nost nianilestiy ilia, ur.dcr tt. i pics, nt ilt Ik live constitution the lieen.tn jot ibis siaii in, not rnjov that etpjuiity of i t(bis uid piht rtfcs whirh ts every inc man's but hi ilit tlii some have iii'-' wtij'ttt and ii.Huciice in the f veininrnt i than tlie have just ri,;hl to ciuitu ; w hi. '. o: bets .ol w bom ou c 4 p.rt have less t i.uii ibtv ate ei.li'.lei! to 't'-u not un!v liiiiiioii's I'o.eitis the mioti'y; lit,' 1 twt i " . - one thud ol be p.iptiiiioii ol Ue s 'o governs the other two tliiids -m.o ' .11 liWs e iec I l.illl t s ..I 1 In (;0v 1 1 nine 1 t, j executive, ju iici.d ..ml noli w v to sum 'up all. the f v govern tin n,ur.u. Voj i iay taxes at loitiin- ! P"pui..'t ii.; in liniO (d Wat. )Otl lull Isll Vuili 'piota Ot IIIMlia I lor public tlclei.ee ai 1 ot. i;i to l urnbt 1 s : but in tcpiesei.tJtion in the gunr! us scmbly, you. w,o ate lir-t in point ol pop ula'.ioii and in ct titt '.'u.ii ns lor the sup. port of p.oveinmt 11', are otdv equal to iho least in both paitict'lar. Owuitjc, i'!i her 2i,0') , iseijuaiictl in political weil ', on thr ffjor ol the pi t cral assemblvi by L'ci'jmbus v. ith her .I.f. '". And as if th mcasi re ot inp: lice atnl 'ppresston aS not full without to-.i ytc every year, 6iul fiotn yer to vt ai. compelled to py not only vour own leprcseidatives, tho meu of your r hf.ii e, w'ho,c feeling und inter es'isate i 'ct tilird xxith vour own. lor their stivitrs . t t:t l.kc.visc the representative, from '! e mh..I1 counties lor making law for yt 11 i.;.'t!.xt jt.ur will Is not this late ft iliiiijs iniop Tabic to trcemrn v-tso undt rst.itid and v.It.J their ii,;l.ts ai.d ' ptivilt ; s ? ( i!.r v rc 1 itit ile i: to their j sense d" J ;s'i. c a'.U t! Lit iU a of repu'dt ,'iaii ,;'ivci muni's I ull Iv not. j i : ie-pift to ar.ti'tal mcctinjs of th !,el.eij fs-illih y, ve Icy; Luxe to sta'c. th. I cvui il ',m! l....'y war, ot.itii.cii ft. u rret t j t li e pics, it if picscnialion in 1. w..s etptal . tu it is brlicxed by nwii) t the most iu'i llient and 1 iilichtencd met. 'ol otii siatc. that tiniial me eiiii;j ate un. in f t sseft lot r e public Kood. f.n l i "i.uc five t l jfrcat on I t selcss expense. , I. I be lit'jtu nt 1111 etins of the assent I'lv . tu. nt r oieu at v lirctimstanccs. tiee.els i:, stability in u pisl.iii'.n Acts pa-se-i a', enc st s-i tii 8:e lir'j'itn'Iy trpcalcd at the nti.'.; the icpeaiin Metis repealed ..n;! the tnal ad lexived ltistnce tif ims kintl have fic'pii nily octmred. a:u! will, under ptcxt nt tiministaiites.ottiii . :n he Kit.! L d, of the pcpieare,bv such lixislation. kept in the t!a:k; they know no; what the law is; tbcv cannot keep pace with their law makers; nd erten while endcivormi; to stpiaic their conduit or tlieir lotuiacts by what thry suppose to be the they find that they iuc .iC ti d titlici against law or wi'.bout lavf , or intuited peiui ie cf the enattuunt of Inch mey tic ignorant, or which they e hexed bad o n repealed. II. In annual nti ttii.es ot the merttl assernhi) there is always two tnttb U-

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