;....n ; '!, pi : f.i rxUii.'Vw T tiv jlu,,' ii iff... I no!', ottrl, Ci.ii' I j 'ill-it ) u h jtif. and i. It ' '.(' i i',iiu ti c ;u!rJ l t!,.i-c wmi ate u. v iivi ttu I'v ii. i Ms ieultiu a i ,iim iiir horn the npi.i ion tii'.cit.i. ied b nuiiv that when they go in the avu mbh 'hey iiniii do 'inc- i.'.. ! hc f H.l up Hie une i iti.il i .no tin n and there choose two ht mi 1 tl ills K on Uj'ifil bv the stsi,Mi; and if the j iret delegate oui of the bounds of each Can ri'id nothing I ) employ theiiisclv cs j company, whose duly it shall be to assem about ptohia'dy to ilic i uiii'iiuriii) i thev'ble -t Hillsborough, on the I hu rid ol wiil firm i mplov mem "i (i t rvntn. M,iy court, for the put p se of devj.iiig III. Prom the oii'p: nliei ' uport it j and executing such measures as may best appear that the whole a.uouutof the tan-I e p Id into me ucaMitv last year was 66,104 dollars, and Out the expenses ol the preceding session of the general as aetnbly 'those of the last arc not publish ed) wji 32.057 dollar 18 (.enis. Unite it follow that the expenses of one m ssioii of the legislature require nearly lull of tne year'i public taxes to defray them, an expenditure of public treasure not com pensaied by any corresponding advance-! mn .flh. rsohl'n yood. In oulhurv time, one session of the le . I I II pisljiute li. two ears, i' is tonfidrr.ilv be- Jioed, ould lound entiu-ly adequ.ae to the exiutntifS of the ntJte. I.e;liU tiori would be more i;ctierdl in its liatuie, more dignified in its character, more tl-, ft tent m Its remits, and more pernrit.cnt in it duration th.tti ut present. M neo- er it wouid Ijc etlrc'ed t hjll i I present COi'. Tke for exuinple a term of twrn t ve,ir. in which there would he ten ,cv e .. , ,, ... fci'itu of the nener dsietn')-. . wh ch Would cost about 30,f'00 codars; wbtre- as under the exii'in i onstitutioti there Ttl'Jit he within ( he SJnie term of time tu.ntV Ssi.l,S, wt.lth wi.l costal Ifjs' 64 . 0 "J ',ll-r,. I hus b the C.i.-r . 1 r 1 OHi-emplaU-d In this article of the con,tl tu ioti. while tne pti'dic iood in oilier fevperts W( n. 1! ht therebv ad'liiCll, a iU vi-.r ni'i tx mule in twrtttv )frs ol 11 1 i.ivi ,l.,i. ... ah'i.KulilM.ii'iik.i.,,. . ' , , : re,.-.,u:ies of the people either in the re-luction of tnr public 4Xe to an equd and torrep'ii!iii( nnuii'. or leave f fLfid lo Ije Uid ou: in the improvrmei.t ul to .ds diitl 1 i e. s ; in the c 1 e-n-.n of . hooN c . 1 e l i- 1 l&( the f. 'ic it loll of he pout 1 hii. '. in in . . . ever count in the state ; in ameuordti.14 Our penal Code hi the establishing A a P'-tiitcn'ijrv, and ill ValiuUS Other Wa)s; iur drvelopinj the resources. ..tal advan-' , - , . , r.. . . l ems' the interes's ol tl'e state. s the wis- , , . . . . com 01 tne people may, tiotn time to tune. prescn'ie and direct. We flatter ourselves, fellow cilicr.s. that we have if indeed it bad been tieces-' a.t.; proven most !iufJl to.,!v, that the defects ascribed to the prevent c onv.i'.u- tion. are loun.Jcd in reality t that they are , aui h as militate against the rights, pri i-! Iekccs and Hiterrsts ol a decided majority ( cf She free people of this stile: and in aII ' . . r 1 . . , , cpe. . .1 maimer aiusi wie rie,nis, etc. 01 ire pe , pie CI Hill county, lacing now the firt in population. We believe it to be biemn t!llt which you owe 10 VOUl selves and tour posterity to use our best ti,. ceaors bv temperate and mi' mrns. to , . ' ' rtiect such -iterations aim i.iiicii.:mt'tii in tne constru'ion us wni pi.ice tour- !,e t i r -ai:y impart t'- r,..,. se'vrs. iprf t.iem. on the broad iM' i:tid of dt :i.'i'..'ri', n .fi:. . . e'j'ijiiiv with rerv otiier liizr!, of the' state, in whatever founts In- m ine ' Hie l. '.i'vrr.f t!,e Sou-.hc: t. Urrotclcr b is No time c.t he n ote pioci inis lot su- h undertaken to r dl in tjucsMon fie politi hti t.t.'Jcr;. kintr ihan the ptrMtit , it is cal rn ir. -ipies of the Sicrt tary of War. br Sf-s.n priulijtlv hivota'de lot it; we are Ut peate wi'h nil the woild a'jto..d. t.i! at pejcemiil (u seivrs. ! he ; ii' IC mind is it, deed aiM'ated with this irnpoi i.,t!t s,b re-omn.etid.iiiou of Mr. Madison; and jt , t ; but rs ablution do-s not ttis-.m 'j " I, las l.ecn suppdtel b all the pi, 'nc 'rat.'o.iiitv. repi.biifan ovcin- w:b and tu'hoti'v of Mr. M nroc. Uictitv. the i'i of the m - jot it v. wl.m l.ii: I let e is net 01 e of the nr.tne rom .bj- ly expressed, must and ou-ht to ptevail. , lions which be to .kes to Mr. Calhoun, buj Jf i tpajoritr of the f'te per pie of this i w hat m.iv be eipt.dly objected to those dis-Ms'.-s .teclare in favor of al-eii- - lih! a- tiri'-ruMu d s'.iti smtn ; and w hich doesr.ot ITic tbr ron-ji'ti'ion. it no;.t be ('one. and toe mt'io'i'v tuns'. :,rul o -fit to sol, "m:t, ror tt'e po die vo"ii il o'brrwise. tl ose who r, i n'.vo' .,te the necessity ol :'..kiii.' alterations i, atr.cn. 'inei.ts in t iiis'p:rr,cn vv 1!; ( l ee-t ..iv . t tjciesi c in their t'ctermiiiatioit. Almost .11 the s'a'.es i'i the unioti, whose ci,t..-tiui. ', o, were famed about tie s n.e time iitvt, that ibe decided support, vv birb he '.v .th on: s. have ai'.eied am! amended ihem, 1 has l ivrn to the aUminis'rati-in of Mt. so ..s to ic cciiu.odMc tnein to the chaii- Mortfir. has been one ercat cause of the ;;s which rn.tut ally o cur in the affairs cpj "si-ion to him. bv the radtfai party. ;:ni nrcui:,sViiice of a j,io.vinH- reop.e We wish it to be paitiiul.iriv tio'ircd. And h-l! c If the las' in i-tipi ove n,t nt however, at this time, that this lemon; ol very kind ? Is any bum ,n v oot.c Unti . advocate of Mr. ( raw foul objects to M . ; be ici;anlcd with sut h a dc'ee ot s.,t.r- Calhoun, trrauxf ht it ajnrt.j tt th n t.tv as tl.t i s incqtnli'ics, the w roti.;s , rwt '. th ravi : ,4rfm- hi i fe a ..t.ii inj'.'-'ice it produce, are !o be m;'.)- tr.-.tt i f l)-.rnrt:e Mi'iufir: ur $ . r. ttifed to ft r r bv those in w hs hands ht it itv.r (.fa -r-fi-r r-i. .':,.. . the power ol tonettiui is de posited hv . !c'i'h"itnr.urh u$r.:t:rxiti: nr..'... . jl tl e Supseiue Ui i:ig ? ,;i.d :o win.se (;oc;.! . frrau I'JUv.re.l thr rtftfhn -:f o nt sense the umedv i s obvious as tlie 'r'" '. '''fruit tnri'rn, ut th ( tf tr Ii' .ins of tfic -uu at t. ioti i" Willi f;te-t tli l ;e:.rc for the opinions of I.'i jsc wi:!i . i.-MU 1. rw n it if con tive.l 1:1 et- le 1 an ! (;. i4i;iil v.ii'n injosi'ie. eovi ts alid San tihesevriv thin-', ve nnsnru.. not. I rl.i.v ! '..''i's ..; ' bis s'a't 1 i' i t.s. fie i lends ol t-.n ! ptr.ile.-rs to -vett bt 'tn i, in w r.l uw i"- J to In,... I situ Ul in. rte '(.,1 to t. c .11 1.- cupiisiiuii lil of tli.it ;;tiit,i!(i 1 ti por,.,nt r iiji et , ihes .tie sp. ti i .'l e:i ; i.;"d i.l t it. ! Wo k.bo'tl t ' j -.! 1 1 a' 1 : 1 in t,i i' ' , - v w Ii tiiivt. .- to the st.t'c, to iin- ives and tlo .r j s'--i:y. ic';';iie i: .,' tl.e-ii- hands ' 1. ' i. ;.i ' s tlif y fail 0:1 V'i 1 !.,r your tnr. i . i', 1 . s .nd .""Ive i -j , ; c ..tioii. We Iv I r iii' lt i,'. ''1 it the call will not be in van! ; (' at ilu: freemen of Or. iu,t coun'y ui I b- f !!.,! f.tst an, )-;- mt i' u most, in .7 la'!da; le B'.J ptaitcv.'.:'.''; uti-.ttU- ubx , tt.-l si a rih Iy wbith yt sen- I .hiients in this important f object Vh bC ' uivim iy ascertained and express., I, we earnests una respu ituiiy semen you to ssemble on your respective company muster grounds, on some convenient day .) .fore Hie fourth Monday ill May next, promote the object in view SaMC'FI. HII.D, Wll tUM llol.T, 1 It 0 M A . 1 I.AStr, AnomCW IllGHMi JoilM Wt A I 1. 1 Y i n.Ur. Snw, JoH J. ( AHK1NOXOK. 11 MH. CAI.IIOIN. It ia ciirtimHtrre pcnl'.arlv fav,,rabh-to thi P"''"'1' - nan 'hut u hilrthrrc ale ftrW , ihj ft ti OP ' a ;'", "'"' ! ' I'1 f 'lU.il I H I H I il 1.1' t ( III AH" fitli I lilC I ,.,. (),,,K,.() , C0lf,,n, ,i.n!H(.V(., ,v ttlrrt.ng1 I( bilit-e him nut of the iiirition i md ih n'lu-v rn,hortu mul; him from the view ul' the "!le. Hot Mit im-rd jtiik nplcs mul orthodox I";1'1'" " "", ;'"); ,,;.,Hma" h n- , ,ro(,i(.( ,.,.1( )ie pw,1)Iv sK.,(, hf (,)I,((S,11(f ,c,)rrrnt ; J(,l, withtjlM)4ii.jt,-a lv .l.Kmij.Khdo 'toriNt!ie ih tmed harbor, hiscourset only ac- 'relervi-.l hy th-- agitatinn of the eleinent on iwl'"'1 m"v,- ln Uu- r,11,Ml" d'. ms.ot,, ' ol t!ic c;t ii'n on tlie interes'inir iiui t'lon ot the . , ., ... ,1 ,, 1, , . pm, nrv, a mtinlar tn'iu'i-to hi ( !tri tali nt lstwrv w r. KH, ,., , fr w h,h- the admin-is ( t vr'rv other candidate noiiiul the praiw ol' tin -ir fv. ri'r, and expat'ute on the onj ilietioiii. ' ' "' advei-saries, a rneial rrpt.oi. ,11 th, lut. r'-l'7,,," 1"'t" "''-V,'r Mr r;'- '"". t!n 4 on all o'ln r ik ( unions hit f..rI1 u arr j,,.,,,,,, ( lh,,.rll)(t ito the diiens- ,n f his nn r.is, and eair r to ne-1 the .hj-e. tioli i f In oppunellts either of Ins ti:iy or pn iph-; l.u Hie pur.ty ..f'his pi.h'U'd! rrp- ta. ,!'"' h.n m! the indmtrj of the pn -nleiiti.,l 1 an- v;,s rs at 1I1 lia'ir.-. N( ,nteH, lik" ' he trie lids I ,' Mr. , Wrj, before .he d-velopmeut otlsj r,.4 I)n,.,;ir, , ,iu,-,:;ht, with relvii.on; lu utUonn Heiiiri y, the a-hn.itr t' Mr. ( ah ! hunn pniudN r.-o-r to th.- h.iuirv ofn p-diticsl i f""1 b !' pai'i"" ."' erhnen.-j - w itli the hiitmv ol liiciiiint!V. I hev tioiiit the 1 . , - 1 , ni'jiii-er ti) hi exertions on 'he roiU'Tssioial tt(,r ,ntl the .! .rkest pernU of the l'e ar, hen li.e iia'iuii f iiin-l h ill 111' of l.rr aid, i .1.!. 1 '-'ate and tm.-t int. Il.t-n. a ! rs. Ihewx. !,ii"t i'""1''-'-"!,'. '"' ' ' l"')"-nce wh.,-1, iti the a'ir in' t;iiilici wmild al'itie hue estjfi. . . ., , , . '. ,. , , . , J.khrd . ti" ' i' i turn er, trie conn -n' rated ' ,1 , t.nt xhr ,. 1( rj Iurt , lt IM,,-tr ,., wi.h ,- , f.,er 1 1 .1, rt.nn ut op m ved hv the unit, (I ' ! weight of for cn tmliJ-i and iln'in v,r triitors. ' ' "'V" ' r P"horsl calm. i.- !.ew , .'vm b,"a "r. '", ",,,'llr,1 ,h" trv' f o( d.xx ,a ,.rv, i t, , i.-r.r at rnrrrr -,-v : present l.nu as the author of th.- :T 1 .- .,-,m f the ne.uiid defence, in which (,. t . toti.in. ' Vl"r etin icnry i(n ';"' hme,,.. and as the m,h f,-, the revwrics of t.iv roiintr ; t'i :i cal n pi r r of hr . j;,,, , ,.,.,,,,, , ,tlL. A tcn s'ati sin:, 'I. i In a stat" Ue IVnnvlvai. a. whH. ;n i.n'.o-i. j a! politics, as rv- h en eh: ,--(-ri-d h en-l rt.u .'-n.'.ini In i ti .ni i-. a:.-! a -ul en.; '""i'"'"'" '! "'" ' ''" -1 l ' ... , , 1 , . 1 ion s 1 41 c t t . I '1 ! a' p "':.' 1 i , :i r. I e Ir 1 i ,i. ,:..t ..,,,,,1 r.,n,, -i..n. c...: v .. w!Uh,:.:.' Csi.f hi lots been the leading a(!vocatc ol I .' . tern of measures, which i;tew out of !,c l.te ar, which originate. I in tne a fiord as t;ool a lound.,'inn to accuse them of abandonment of principles, as ran be ft. nd lostisitin the c It itr, a ,in: the Set ret j) v t I War. The f. t is. ti-ere ha bi 1 n a -:tnt t oini idriite in thinking and .1 tit.bi tin n the Piesidrm and Mr C. b !' ,':. ever -ince the I ,t'f r rntnmer're'1 his politic al Cai i er. in 1812; and e verily be- . ur, i,ti;n th ,;'!( r.il .ti ici l' , (.': t. j 'ircrs.ui 1 ti tus'an thr f.vcrt.mr:it :W thd'. 'cir-'. t:-' (.!."',! f:'rf i,rr f.r t.'cjc. ! I'.e-.c tf.av be rd'ei lions to Mr. Culhmri in tlie ( pinion of ,Ir. Co! :. . n I the v-hrr I'lcnusoi .sir. i.rawioi',1. in v.coiki.i ; i-i,t. if e ;.ie not mistakeii. wrb five -ixib'-m 'be Amct'uaii people , 1 hi ih I'C evi 'i 1 cc of hi real sjaritv , fi, nun s and p.iti lot ism and will piove hi in in be not ; drm ilo'iir, wi:i!)Ut jitir clples to ;uidr l is c' .150 . I i,r tt p ie ,l. ,,nd l,oiies!....nii l..i'ii li.l ( ouii'diuf of tlie nation, ulwavs 1 is pos.d 1,1 advise tii.it eotnse whieh is c ,1-cin.te-.l to promote tlie' iriteiesis t I ;'-,e counti v, ,.nd not his own a-lv;,t,re iiu 1 !. U'wh. H f '.i run- Vi'rils YviuWWv.nv V'.)i)iui!. F'3ra:dcatt!.lt)!nCL'. INTKLLIfiENCK. He comes, the herald of a iioisj world. News from all nations hunlrin at his hack. Wil l) NVOMAN. llilrm l of n I'm 'tie Irtu r fi urn Mulnd, ( Sputa, J Ih-vembn Mil,. A truce 10 policies lor one day, mul let us simpiithize with the rhainiing lair ones of Madrid, who die to .seethe wild woman that has lately been lound in the sierra de Montero, a desolate and Hide raiH',e of mountains in the south. She had been seen octubionally by the (roal hetds as they wundcrtd throuli the tngun tains in the south. I he tale iit iciinth tea bed Cordova, arid the authorities stnt olFueis in pursuit ol her. hey succee ded in appiehenuiii lur, and she is now in one of the public hospitals ol that city. She is not altogether destitute ol uniier standing, nor icrtoi am of laiiguai;e, as the can say a lew words, such as ir.'u, papa, gain, a cat, cunfio, the country, and some few others. W en she was asked if she would like to leturn to the country, she n dded her head in the nftnmative. She fa's whatever is given to hei. but prefers uncooked mea t, and vegetables. In the beginning, rooked viituaU tiid not at;ree with her, ind made her sick; she eats with an txti Hotditiary atipetite lie I cloihcs appear as it they wete placed en a sin k ; her arms were ti d. because she was ever team g her clothes, in spite f every care that was laktn to prevtnt her. Sometimes hhe h-is lhiowi off all tar- ments, and runs out tjui'e naked into thr kitchen carder,. She has hrrt, I,.,,,,,!. ,,. Kari! ter ar, iri'irv-t ol two clays, eoiiitl up in a plsce full of n.irc ; anu. at another time. she has been discovered in the e.ung-liii; ot tne "Utile. She is about 16 years old, of a shm t stature, a (it 1 p bi ow n e clor, pro trudin,', lips, und so iouIi as almost in appcaiatue to rescmbie a wolf She sleeps b, ilav. as well as by r.ii;ht, with out anv regularity, and Reneially toiled up Nfmeiiines her sleep has continued tot tweuiv-ei.'l hours successiveh ti ther in bed or n the icund, with i without covetitiK. She krp her eves rnosti'v (Insc'i, nrl when she is alone she ciies lur three hours toyeuier, i.nd the next time ne Ijii,:Ih. I he Dukt oe l!ia, the I ensiitution- ul Ah adt, h is taken a nie..t deai ol 1 1 on -! h'e 10 find the oiiftiu of tl is b male, but r I -(!! -it all his mounts, i,r o l.e has , iv. I en thtni bp ir. ui'p.ii. It is supposed she belongs to paren s rot r-,s wiu than I e-1 veil, who are sun Liiuscovtud in the mourn .tins." sqi i)Ro ok com I'omr.n. F.v'nu t of t Ui-er t.-oii a 1 other on hoard the ' "'eJ sutes' Meam Iwlhot ta Coil, da'ed at I hi .1 as, Man . ,i, L..'J " V. e h.ive ju-t atri.eu. uf er a safe nd ple.vsaa- p...ajre. the (.ct stir am alwas 1 excepifd. An Amm an UA - bound lor .ew-iorK. ai-tl to he t.l m hail .,n l.out . will Uk ibis s.ir.v. I nope. ' e have I ut just one too. hi 1. n.ve t.ken a tunc tbrnu-', the i.,.i!or. -o li e tutrr as'tt.ish- inent d :l.e natives, wi.o ! ..ve nevci snn such an article in thee seas - ottt S1e.11. taUII. I tit V !OoK y it a lit V tOoK Her. Oil entellni.' the harbor 'bis moirii. ft, lor a vesel on lite. W e came i:i foi eo... The fust division of sc hornets i Ircidy beaiinv; out of the harbor. We ah ill he t lTatain to-morrow with the remainder of the squadron ; all wide awake, happy, full of sr irits and ex pectation, ind otily want an t ppoitunitv. The Sm (,ull answets admirably, and wearhcred 4 blow in the (.nil Strc.ni in ;rcat s'vle. '1 he only Lull tint iaii Le lound wuh her. is.th.it, owlm IO A le. r that ihe would be .,'ber crar.k. she has not r.il cn.-u-.h, ,,nd wi.l not keep w,, wnh the heel. " ' vi am, unless in ralins. It i - Kid.ant si. lt to see her in l'u'ht weather, playing lout.d witioul ra; of sail. We have bet n h;r 1 .ih htm tn;l in wi'h l.t5 situt our atiiv.l. us it is a rare sight to sic a "crafi i;o. the wind 10 the contrary rotwi'l-st.,nMr,v" Vli .1 (In. lit. I'lnr.itv 1.1 1 k t bit iiMMNT). HciiMosti. march I'.. . he 1 1st draw int; ol the M.nvlaiid State l.oitciy took place on I buisdjy ; and by the nvil on Sat11rd.1v everiin:' tor r.-rrivrd ll- n -rrf. ;.t,t, inirilior... r. !, . I, i . i, .v. .... oftasion, as bereti f .re, O.owered much ! more than t,n r.ptal prcj.-Miioi, of her j von on the rn.rnn of Hid.mond and its! neighbor htd. 1 he gC'i..n ;,nd one of) lh- i If. (1,1 ,-,,', u . .. ,K,r,.,,,l, f i,,..' . it.. ;,. .1;. . ; r..i . . . 1 .1. v "ivii iiii.m 1 111 inn v,t j j 1 ni t it.111 nit, ftlMjVU ami o'.ie ! the J$ I '.) prizes tbtouh Aden lto's. t,fikc here. We have r.rt yet heard the name of the lor tuiu'e holder of the R'-.OOti prize. !', will be seen by Messrs. Cohen's adver-ti-emeiit m this p per, that the cash will be paid lor the pi izc ticket immciliatelv 0:1 its being presented lo them, as it al ways is for nil piizes ordered through them. Tie SI" ' ',;f piie i, w c ;re in lortued. 1 wned bv I)i. 1 bonus l'ee is, ol Cfmtlii.it , I, who limy also obt j'ln the c.,sh !'T it inure !i.,tf ly on presenting i: 10 Messrs. Mien l Co. who l ave also al ways l.ei'-n.foi e paid the p'izi s the v or ,l icd on t'ieir being pri etm d to tin m I he K-0) piize oidcret) tiisc!o;h Messrs. All'.n L" 1 0. w.scwr.cu by Mr. Chaiiib Palmer, of this city, who rerciced tlie cash for it at their office on Satin day, im mediately on ascertaining that it was a prize. Since writing the above, we have learn ed that Mr. Chubb, of the house of S. and M. Allrii If Co. posted off on Saturday for Dr. Peer's residence, the distance of twenty miles, which he 1 cached and paid iiini tfic canh for his pi izc before lOo'cIock it riij;ht, Timr-i Duel A note from Patterson, N. J. states that a Mr. , of New-York, and a )ouiik Scotchman, of respectable con nections, have exchanged ahots, the Scot having his head grazed by a bullet origin ol the (piattel some, trivial depute. The note adds that principals and seconds arc ull 111 jail in Hoikluml county, whither the panics went to adjust this important af fair Yuf. shiv. Dmcrtnif Siuih-i an,t.i,a. Tlie H'th annual convention of the ''roti taut F.pisrnpid Church in the Diocese of Soiith-Carolina, was held in I this city on the l'Jth. 20th, and 2lst ult. Tw 1-11. t)-two nt the t ier) v and 35 lay 1I1 luRa'e atten ded. 1 he rhorch in tins dioee consiits of the bishop, .7 Presbyters, 4 deacons, and ,'i5 orjean ixeii co;i(,'i i git ions. I he Itijjht Hev. hiahop How en is I'n-sident of the Convention, and the Hev. I)r. Ilalclto, .-ccri-Ury and 'I rensiircr. I he llishop'n I'erinaneiil Kntid amoimts to .f'O.'i.i. 1 and the Comtncn I ninl, hl iO. Hurinir thg paat year S'.7 had been tolleeied tnr the (.en. era! I lieological Seminary located in New -York. The whole amount paid to thin Minm.irv, bv in. dividual in thia dioress, is $,7o'M, whith entitles tin convention to the appointment ot H trustees. Hy the t aiorhlal retmrta it annears thut tl.c I Marnaun, tin lust year, wen- '.'1, HuriaU 19'J, ' 1'ap'o.n ."A, ( on muriif ants 1684, (the nun.bcr ct ei inn 1111. can's Iron, some ot tne (hurclna not rt ported. ) I he Sunday chool, in tin rhnrrh. s 111 ( Larh t on, are repi t-si n', d as (lounshini I and in 1 rmty cluiirh, Columbia, there are 114 si holars, many ot whom walk from J to 6 milts to attend the school. .V.i,7i.n Inirl, - a,tec. N .- UKK CANAL. Doals I v iiCttially pawed, upon the 1 tit ( ..1 al, for the t!ii.itif e of moie than two huidit (1 and twenty miles ; but a part ol this urt-at Ier.gih of canal line, not bavinc been pupjred to admit the water till latr in the fall, has not pioi'uced -ny revenue fir.m tolls. It is probable that, in the month of April, toils will begin to be received on two hundrec milts ol this atuh and that, belorc the end of the vcar. w'" tn'dt n.ivipable from Aib;.ry to 1 export, a ristaiice ol three hundred and iwentv-iive rriles. 1 his vcar. the Cham P'"'in ra'"' be completed and in xt vt arthc Trie canal will be finished. The rtpidity with which these stupendous woiks hive been ranitd on, is tcniatka b!e. 'I he y were con.pietm d in 1 8 17, and will be completed in I (t;4. Union. At ban v, march .u C)r,eof the most nrvtlutid r xti ao: (hnary sights ever wit nessed be lot e in ibis citv. was M't n last week and this day. 50 Canadian studs, ( ouplrd b fo'e a tW-iph, amved in tl it ci n bcin Moi.ne.:!, and this ray haiuessen ; ii, 4 sm.iUr ri...in,r, befme a pleasuie w,ef,n. st;,i ted from the livery stable of 1 Messrs. Wsson am' J well, on their way Xo ,,e ,t- of I'hi.. t'rlpl.ia. frr m-iket. j,. , j,srre tf 'r. W asson and Mr. l.aton, f sin era(.y. 1 hesc horses weie re- .-ml, rinrhui in thp 1nn1tv of ( i,Tial. in I.twerl anada. hv MatorC. Ihm nhrev and Mr. J. W asson. lor the e m ( crn, ai d were 1 erbaps l ever excel led tv n cc.ual run. lur 01 ti is tne anci hardy breed. Theit arnval and depar ture was witnessed Ly a large toncourbe of ci'.uens. niriOIT. MABCll 7 1 H'u'ur Dim- a--., rt.. Last vcci a niat,usitit t volume. I 1 I . llMM,n 1 ...A a I ,.t,'lfl O ,.,. Utt i:i v (Af rf j ( 1.,,,,, cf this town, j lill(ltrcIie tif ,,U hnilJ.ir.Ls. The look is ; : ,tr , , , , r,,.rv.-,ii,n. :,r.d is L c 0 lhe finest sj.etin.eMcf rentn.m- 1 111 1 sfa . jiii at veiled the lound of the literary circle cl this place lot the last lour or five (Lvs. and it still icmains a mystery t "I he tha lactrrs in w hie h it is vv litttn are 121. known ; they are neither llebtew, (.11 ek, i.or Sx on, and the only aits of it hit he 1 to intel ligible, aic a few Latin notations. It is now deposited in this office, and these who arc curious in there matters ate in viled to examine it. d'anr.'r. f. t tra'.rdir.eru i:ovnt:rr.-'TUt fol ,, v vcr "iaikaMc epi'.ph was to p'cd bv a traveller, from a burting groum ' Si"H: 'ih.ovcr stjainst l'oil ltoy-l J.,rti. ii.i. I llilC 1.C....C w.V 0. l.C.S! (i't!'!v, I I so. who died Sept. 22. I7..I, aued Rt'. , 1 lr was horn at Mt.r.ififlier, in 1 lance, whirli p!..cc he leli tot his telic'n n, be ing a Protestant") and settled in th.n isl ..ml; where, in tre gre.t cjrtt'juakc in d)2 he was swallowed up, uid by the ycit providrnre of Clod, hy a second shoik vvns thiowt into the sea. where he iciitimieel swimming till he was taken up I v a boat atid mir-culously piescrud. Hr iiftcrvvaids lived in great reputation, .nul tied liiiiu-is. II v l.inrtiird." wwuer A cclcliratcd laiiitr in Lngland has liicly suette(!ed in tcsioiing to servhc a horse with a fractuicd leg. So complete is the cut e. that the inim,tl now runs in a -te, end h considered t Lc best hoise on tut lor.ti. lUUMbs AM) IHMsllMEN'I). Id every case of crime, (says the Ilci. ton (JazcttCi very forcibly,) the accuscc! has a chance to he heard in his own de fence : he it never rmnidcrtd guilty unti he ha had a fair trial. This is a perfectly correct course ; and why should it not be pursued in the case of debt ? Why should a man be punished with imprisonment before a jury of bis country have declared him to be guilty of tome hand ' Why should lie be punished, w hen his only crime is that of being poor : Why insult misfortune by adding lnjr. ry on the unfortunate ? Vet such is tho effect of the present laws in many of the state governments, and in the government of the Union. The great Napoleon, to his immortal honor be it recorded, ubolished imprison mcnt for debt in l'ratice, except in cases of fraud; and this has been found so ve ry useful in fiructict, that the intrinsic ine lit of the measure has sustained it even through the tremendous crash of tho downfall of his power. HICHMOND, (Vi.) MAKC11 2G We Uu dei'stand, that an apent of anc of our mer cantile houses was returning from a col lecting tour in the upper country, anJ stopped at an inn in I harlottsville. Ilu sadole-bags contained perhaps about dollars in specie, which he committed to the careof the har-keeper. (He hjd bat,kj notes to a considerable amount in his pock et ) In the morning his specie had flown j and amid the ttir which was made abouc it, a person came forward who slated, that on that morning his a'.tcntion had been at tracted by the circumstance of the bar. keeper's going to a pile ot stones, and seeming to cover something up and that this circumstance was now recalled to his memory by the kiss which had occurred. Lxaminaiion was, accordingly, maao amting lhe stones, and the lost treasure was found. The bar-keeper was arrester! and commuted to jail. NOHPOLI, MARCH If. AUtrtiand Counttrftii hi jU. We saw, yesterday, in the possession of a gentle man, who stated that he had received them in Curtiiuck county, N. C. whence he had just returned from a collecting journey, a genuine ft elollar note of the. ll.tnk of New hern, (X. C.) letter D. No. 3442, elated k:h January, 1 8 I f, sodt xter ously altered to represent a 'y, as to de ceive any persoli. who should not exam ine it scrutinously. The figure " 50," ou the ritht and left of the note, were pbed over the figures 5," with gren. ptecision; and tlie wortiyfff . in the body ol il e role and on the margins, aubatito icci by 1 he wore ff'y, pasted on in Iikb manner; and. to pnevent the discovery of the rami by turning to the back of tho note, putts of the margin had been torn ofY, and, as if for the purpose of reuni ting it, a puce of yellow blotting paper was pasted on the back of the note a? each end, so artfully arranged as to eover all the hacks of the fguics and words that hud been altered. Our infoi mant received fremthe srr.t person, a tountetfeit &!0 note of the Hank of Cape 1 ear, letter C No. 271, Leu) 4 Rollinson, lings, elated Wilming ton, 2u June, 1815. The paper much lighter in color, and the impression lain ter thaathe genuine notes Ilcacon. The Sidney Gazette states, that Francis Williams, Lie Cashier of New South Wales Hank, has been sentenced to U years transportation, on his own confes sion, for embtEiling from the said liank no less than 1 1 ,975. Where is he to t-.s transported to ? liick to Lngland. wo suppose A few nights s'ko, the wife of John Sniiih.ii. Walnut-street. New-York, ex pired suildcr.lv and under su-picious cir 1 unisiai.cts. The coroner held an inejucst over the coipse, according to whose ver dict she catne to her death hy intemper ance or, as repeated by t.r.e of her beb bing inmates, in a (nil bad frmirr a new cause of mortality in our medical reports and cue which is not only infectious, but w hie h, if as productive of ai fatal issue a tlie poor woman imagined, would go fa. to depopulate st me parts of the city. A". V. lhiilj Advtrihrr. A few years since, when Mr. lligclow, w ho was eminent as a lawyer, was Speak-, er of the Hotise of Representatives, of Mas":,. Mr. h,"'rr!, who kept a public house, represented the town D h, and was ahvaj s particularly jealous of lawyer. !" 1 nm opposed" "y he, 14 Mr. Spcakef, ! to this act of incorporation ; (a certain act !ol incoij oration then pending before tho ! House,) by r.rtl by ccttain smtltmen w'hl jptiitioti to he incoiporated very arr.bi I tiousrnrf wen ; you know, Mr. Speaker, w horn 1 meun " " es, yes," answered the Speaker, instantaneously, "tavern keepets, 1 presume, sir." I)r. s wrote a very small hand, end crowded a great deal into his pages; he did it to save the expense of paper. Ho put one of his manuscripts into a friend's h.mds to peruse; he returned it to him with thisiompliment " If ru rcon W closely as you ttti.'r, you are invincible "

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